Chinese calendar of conception to calculate boy. How to determine the gender of the child by the shape of the abdomen and the gait of the mother. Open questions and disputes

Conception and childbirth is an important stage in the life of any person. Many parents have clear preferences regarding the gender of the unborn baby. Some rely on chance, believing that it is impossible to predetermine whether a boy is born or a girl. Others use a variety of ways to plan the sex of the child.

Positive factors for conceiving a boy

The future gender of the baby directly depends on which sign of the zodiacal circle is the satellite of the Earth at the time of conception. A male child can be born if at the time of conception the Moon is in signs with masculinity. These are signs such as Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra.

It is still not a little important for the conception of a boy, in what phase the moon is. The full moon is a period when the birth of a male baby can turn out to be a failure. Astrologers advise not to resort to conceiving a child at all at the time of the new moon. The waxing moon is the most suitable time for the birth of a new life. This circumstance will give the baby in the future, whatever gender he may be, good health. In addition, scientists argue that if, before conception, a married couple was in a romantic mood, then the babies born are beautiful and good weight.

Also, a woman can increase the chance of giving birth to a future male by introducing more salty food into the diet a month before the expected pregnancy. In a woman's body, the level of calcium and sodium will increase, which gives a chance to conceive a boy. A man, on the other hand, should pay attention to protein and plant foods. The protein will strengthen the sperm cells, which will positively affect the possibilities of future pregnancy. And fiber from organic food will cleanse a man's body of toxins and toxic substances. Together, these two factors increase the ability to produce a boy specifically.

How to conceive a boy

To ensure the maximum chances of conceiving a boy, it is necessary to create such conditions for the XY sperm to enter the egg. By their nature, "boy" sperm are more active. Therefore, they rush to the meeting with the egg with much more enthusiasm than the "girl" XX-spermatozoa. It turns out that in order to provide a head start to "boys" XY-sperm, sexual intercourse should take place just on the day of ovulation - when the egg has already left the follicle and is ready for fertilization. To increase the chances of conceiving a boy, it is advisable to repeat intercourse the next day. It is also important for the conception of a boy to abstain from sex for a while, for the accumulation of sperm.

There are several rules for the successful conception of a boy:

  1. After intercourse, a woman is not recommended to get up, it is recommended to sleep or lie in bed for a while;
  2. The female orgasm should pass much earlier than the male, then the female body will be able to destroy a significant part of Χ chromosomes;
  3. To create a favorable environment for conceiving a boy, it is necessary to douche with a solution of tea soda before intercourse;
  4. It is not recommended for both partners to take a hot bath before intercourse.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation

Trying to determine when it is best to conceive a boy's child, they turn to this scientific method. The main basis of the method is the proven statement that Y-spermatozoa, characterized by high activity, are less tenacious than X-spermatozoa. Each type of chromosome has its own comfortable environment. In order for the Y chromosomes to survive, an alkaline environment in the female genital organs is necessary, since under such conditions their lifespan increases. Accordingly, the chances of conceiving a boy are very high on the day of ovulation or 10-20 hours before it. It remains only to determine the right day in order to understand when it is better to conceive a boy.

There are five methods for determining ovulation:

  1. Signs of ovulation. These can be: aching pain in the lower abdomen, increased flatulence, mood changes, acute sexual desire. In addition, during ovulation, vaginal discharge changes its consistency - it becomes more viscous, similar to egg white, and their number increases markedly.
  2. By basal temperature. In the morning, weekly, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum for five minutes with the same mercury thermometer. Writing down the readings and building a graph from them, you can see that one day the flat line will decrease, and the next day it will rise sharply. This decline is the day the egg leaves the follicle. The method is ∼70% reliable.
  3. Calendar way. Menstruation after ovulation occurs on day 14. Thus, with a regular cycle of 28 days, the release of the egg from the follicle will occur on day 13-14.
  4. Ultrasound. Observations using an ultrasound machine are considered to be the most accurate. With its help, you can track the growth, development of the follicle and the moment of its rupture. Observations are carried out daily from the end of menstruation.
  5. Test strips. They are made on the principle of pregnancy tests. They measure the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. The tests are carried out 5-6 days before the possible ovulation, strictly following the instructions. This is the easiest, most affordable and accurate way to determine ovulation.

Poses for conceiving a boy

The most successful positions for conceiving a boy are those in which the deepest penetration occurs. In addition to this, it must be remembered that sperm with male chromosomes are less tenacious than female ones, so the best option to place them where necessary is also to stimulate the uterus during lovemaking. Subject to these two conditions:

  • depth;
  • stimulation.

You have not a bad chance of conceiving a boy, sometimes such an effort can be crowned with the birth of twins. Poses for conceiving a boy primarily include doggystyle and generals. Doggy style is that the woman is on all fours, and the man is behind. General's pose, with her very simple female legs lie on men's shoulders (a kind of shoulder straps).

Blood renewal method for conceiving a boy

A common option that tells you what to do to conceive a boy is blood age planning. The basis is the statement that the younger blood of the future father contributes to the conception of a male child. Human blood is renewed every few years:

  • female every three years;
  • male every four years;
  • an exception is considered if there were abortions, miscarriages, operations and blood transfusions.

To calculate renewal, divide the mother's age by three and the future father's age by four. When comparing the results, it is concluded that if the father's blood is younger, then most likely the birth of a boy is likely. With a negative rhesus in the expectant mother, all meanings should be interpreted exactly the opposite.

Almost all parents ask themselves the question: who will be born - a boy or a girl? And some even try to conceive a child of a certain gender in advance. And what is most interesting is that it was relevant even in ancient times. In this article, we will analyze the centuries-old wisdom and dwell in more detail on recognizing the sex of a child before birth using various tables.

In China, such a table was invented in antiquity. Moreover, the Chinese consider it to be 100% accurate. But according to the reviews of mothers who gave birth to babies, this forecast is not always true. Perhaps because in the Celestial Empire it is customary to consider the age of a person from the moment of conception. Therefore, when determining the sex of the baby, add another 9 months to your real age.

It is easy to use the scheme, for this:

  • at first count how old you are by Chinese standards, add 7-9 months to your full years;
  • Then find the number vertically, the corresponding your full age, and horizontally - birth month;
  • Draw imaginary lines, intersecting them and indicate who you will have: D - girl, M - boy.

Child gender table by month of conception

It was in China that the moon phase was believed to have an impact on the sex of the unborn child. Therefore, scientists suggested that the table takes into account the lunar phases. Others believe that the chart is based on studies of the effect of a woman's age and date of birth on a baby's gender. As mentioned above, to determine who you will have a boy or a girl, you need to know not only the age of the mother, but also the month of conception of the baby.

IMPORTANT: However, it is a pity that the assumptions do not always come true. Predictions are 78.9% reliable out of 100% possible.

Video: Gender of the child by date of conception - table

How to determine the sex of a child using the Vanga table?

Most mothers use the table of the great blind soothsayer Vanga in order to recognize who will be born a boy or girl. The scheme bears only the name of the fortune teller Vanga, but in fact it was compiled by her follower and student - Lyudmila Kim.

Women's responses to this table vary. For some, what is written comes true, and for some, not. Mothers, using this prediction method, noticed a certain peculiarity that if a woman in labor has a negative Rh factor, then everything should be interpreted the other way around. More precisely, if you have the scheme that a boy will be born, then you will most likely have a girlie.

Gender of the child according to the Wangi table

Everyone will be able to deal with this scheme. Dark green means you will have a boy in a few months, and light green means a girl. To recognize gender, you will need:

  • at the top, select the month of conception of the baby
  • vertically find the number indicating mom's full age
  • find their intersection point - this color of the rectangle will indicate the gender of the crumb

Determining the sex of the child by age

Even according to the tables, they guess the gender of the crumbs by the age of the woman in labor, by the age of both parents or by the age of the dad. I must say that assumptions often come true, almost 96% out of 100 possible.

Gender of the child by the date of birth of the parents (table)

This method of determination has been known for a long time. And it is based on the readings of two tables. You need to work with diagrams as follows:

  1. Select the woman's month of birth
  2. Then select the month of birth of the man
  3. At the intersection of lines (horizontal and vertical) find the number
  4. Remember this number

Now let's move on to the second plate:

  1. We are looking for the number that fell to you in the first table
  2. Then we draw the line vertically down, until it intersects with the month of conception of the baby
  3. Now draw a strictly horizontal line to the intersection with the middle, where the crosses are
  4. If there are more crosses in the column - M, then a boy will appear, if on the contrary, then there will be - a girl

Table for determining the sex of the child by the age of the father

There are many cases when only girls or boys are born in one family. And parents dream of a baby or a baby. They say that this is a predisposition of the father's genetics. Scientists have compiled a table to determine the sex of the baby by the age of the dad. How to use the scheme, read on:

  1. Select father's age (vertical)
  2. Find the month of conception horizontally
  3. If there is no month for the conception of a baby, then there will be a girl, if there is a month in the column, there will be a boy

Child gender table by mother's age

There are several dozen such tables. However, they are based on an ancient Chinese scheme for recognizing the sex of babies even before they are born.

Pregnancy table: baby gender by mother's age

We have already considered above how to use such a scheme for such a determination of the sex of a baby. It is enough to find the mother's age and the date of conception itself (more precisely, the month). And at the intersection of the parameters, find the cherished: M or D.

Japanese table for determining the sex of the child

The Japanese scheme has long gained great popularity among mothers who want to find out who will be - a girl or a boy, not only in Japan, but all over the world. The most interesting thing is that 93% have a reliable result.

The schema consists of two tables. One by one, you determine the code number (we considered this table in the paragraph: Gender of the child by date of birth of parents). And on the other - already by codethe number, month of conception learn gender.

Child gender by parental blood renewal: table

According to the observations of specialists, the sex of the baby depends on the date of the last cyclical renewal of blood. Moreover, it is believed that for mothers it is updated once every three calendar years, and for fathers - once every four years. The only thing that needs to be borne in mind is that with large blood loss, a blood renewal cycle also occurs (for example, during operations, etc.). Then the table below will not be relevant.

How to calculate the gender of a child 100 percent?

  • You will need a piece of paper. Write your father's full name, your first name and maiden name on it
  • Write the month of conception of the crumbs
  • Translate all letters into numerical values
  • Add up the resulting numbers
  • Then divide the sum by seven
  • If you get an even number, then you have a girly, an odd number - a boy.

Child gender conception table one hundred percent

We looked at many options for guessing the sex of babies before birth. According to experimental research, the most accurate is the "Chinese Ancient Table". In it, you must indicate the age of the future mother, the exact month of conception. From this data, you can see what gender your child will be.

How to calculate the sex of a child by ovulation: a table of the child's gender in percent

Most often, women have a 28-month cycle. The period of ovulation can occur in this case between the 11th and 21st days of this cyclic system. If conception occurs before ovulation, then you need to expect a girl, if for 14-17 days, then you will have a boy.

Video: Test to determine the sex of the child

Thanks to parental curiosity, more than one technique has appeared, thanks to which it is possible to calculate when it is necessary to conceive a beloved baby, what methods to use and how to correctly make a child of the desired gender. The reasons why it is so important to know exactly who will be born are extremely different. Someone is pursuing the goal of giving birth to an heir, someone wants to avoid some hereditary diseases (unfortunately, according to statistics, many children are transmitted the most terrible hereditary diseases). In fact, the reasons are not that important. Today, parents-to-be have several ways to predict the gender of an unconceived baby. Using an ancient Chinese table to determine the sex of a child can significantly increase the chances of having a baby of the gender that mom and dad want. In this article, we will look at the Chinese calendar of conception and pregnancy, which allows you to calculate and determine the sex of the unborn child, how to use the table correctly.

Chinese tables for determining the sex of the child for 2017

Some consider them nothing more than superstitions, but there are also adherents who have tested their work for themselves. Yes, the work of these tables is not fully explained from the point of view of science and genetics, however, it is worth trying to figure out how to navigate by such tables.

How to use the Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child:

  • The Chinese table is based on the mother's day and year of birth. Taking the mother's date of birth as a basis, the table contains material on calculating when she should become pregnant in order for a baby of a pre-selected gender to be born later.
  • The Chinese table for determining the sex of the child in 2017 is a convenient visual system in which it is very easy to navigate. It is enough just to find the date of birth of the mother and trace in which month the pregnancy is most likely to be a boy or a girl. The best option would be to choose for yourself a month in which the option of interest is repeated more than once. For example, if the goal is pregnancy with a girl, and the mother is twenty-two years old, then November should be preferred.
  • It will never change, since the data for the calculation is used in the same way. However, the creators of the table took as a basis not the month of the mother's birth, but the month of conception. There are a lot of errors from there in terms of today's manners.
  • It is better to use the Chinese calendar to make the correct calculations for determining the sex of the unborn child, since it has a larger number of fans. It is considered more accurate and reliable. The fact is that it is based not only on the date of birth of the mother, but also of the father.

The Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child for 2017, maintaining a personal calendar, a tracker and an ovulation test will help you determine the time of your ovulation with an accuracy of the day. For what? The fact is that the sex of the baby depends only on which chromosome is carried by the sperm that reaches the egg first. It is believed that the spermatozoa that are responsible for boys (carry the game-chromosome) are faster and more mobile, which gives them an advantage if conception occurs directly on the day of the oocyte release. And if conception occurs a day or two before ovulation, then sperm with a male chromosome will not survive in the conditions of a female body, while less mobile and faster sperm with a female chromosome will calmly wait for their chance. From this scientific observation, it became easy to calculate the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar. The bottom line is that if the calculation is to become pregnant with a girl, then fertilization must be carried out a day or two before the day of ovulation, and if a boy - on the day of ovulation itself. It turns out that there are many ways to predict or even program your pregnancy. From the most ancient and based more on superstition, to the most innovative. Of course, according to the Chinese calendar of pregnancy, the sex of the child is approximately determined, and still, errors cannot be avoided and mistakes always happen. Nevertheless, many couples around the world trust these planning methods and the results confirm that determining the sex of the child according to the Chinese calendar is very often the correct result. In order to achieve the maximum effect, you can completely combine all planning methods. Thus, raising the odds is simply maximized. But, it is worth remembering that no matter what gender the baby is, he is a man. Using the Chinese pregnancy calendar and calculating the sex of the child, you should not be upset if, despite all possible measures, it did not work out to get pregnant with a baby of a specific gender. From the gender of the child, the essence does not change that this is your baby and your little happiness.

How to calculate the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar and not only

In fact, today it is possible to determine the gender of a child not only by taking this path into account. However, looking at a wide variety of options and methods for determining the sex of an unborn baby, you do not need to 100% trust the results. Each method can fail and in some cases the estimate may differ from the result. Also, for the greatest probability, it is better to conduct several tests at once, preferably 2 times. Ultrasound works very well, but the child does not always lie as it should. Sometimes it is turned around and it is simply impossible to see. As for folk methods, it is generally not advisable to rely on them, since each person is individual. It doesn't matter what kind of stomach you have, or whether you feel sick in the morning. In fact, only the health of the baby is visible, its correct development. After all, no matter who was born, a boy or a girl, you will love all children equally. Another popular wisdom says that severe toxicosis is a sign that the fetus is female. This unpleasant condition usually overtakes a woman almost from the first days after conception. A boy or girl will be born - you can also see it in a dream. There is also such a belief that asserts that if a man was most active at the moment of conception, then a girl will be born, and if a woman - there will be a boy. In general, such signs can be found in a huge number, but they do not carry any medical justification for themselves, but most likely have only an entertaining nature for future parents, because something will coincide with a sign.

  1. Enter your date of birth and date of planned conception. The date of conception is approximate. In the middle and at the end of the year, the day of conception is virtually irrelevant. The date determines whether it is before or after the Chinese Lunar New Year and to which month it belongs.
  2. Click the "Calculate Mom's Moon Age and Baby's Sex" button.
  3. The calculator will carry out all the necessary calculations, give you the lunar age, translate the entered date into a date according to the lunar calendar and tell you who, according to the Chinese, you are more likely to be born as a result of conception at this time.

To quickly estimate the forecasts for the next months, you can simply refer to the table below the calculator. There, find the line with the lunar age of the mother and the column with the lunar month of conception. At the intersection of these lines and columns - gender prediction ("M" (boy) or "D" (girl)).

According to Chinese statistics gender determination accuracy is 75-80%.

Remember that no lunar calendar can simultaneously take into account all the features of all women!

Moon calendar- not Gregorian, in the year and months the number of days may differ (insignificantly) from our usual calendar. All dates in it are tied to the phases of the moon.

How to determine age according to the Chinese lunar calendar?

The Chinese believe that when a baby is born, he is already 1 year old (this is 9 months of intrauterine development, rounded up to a year). After each new year according to the Chinese lunar calendar, 1 year is added to the lunar age, regardless of the month of birth.

An example of calculating the lunar age

If you were born, for example, on January 8 (before AMG), you are already 1 year old at the time of birth. And in March, after AMG, you are already 2 lunar years. And so on, each AMG adds 1 year to your age.

The table of conception of the sex of the child in 2018 is one of the interesting and rather informative information especially for future parents. Although, probably, any mothers and fathers will be happy with the birth of a daughter or son, but today it is very fashionable and relevant to plan the sex of the future baby, and many parents approach this issue rather, seriously.

Today, you can find a large variety of various tables and techniques, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics.

Moreover, each of these methods can rightfully be called effective, so if you decide to take the process of conception completely into your own hands, it's time to carefully and in detail study the features of each of them.

Gender by Date - Chinese Table

This bull method was invented relatively long ago by ancient sages. According to them, the sex of the unborn child depends directly on the mother herself. To be more precise, then, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the woman's age, at the time of conception, as well as the month. For example, if you want your daughter to be born and you are now 23 years old, then, based on the data in the table, it is best to do this in spring, because the winter months are considered the time of the male sex. In the event that the mother is 22 years old, then the situation is completely opposite.

What is the correct way to use this table?

  • 1.The age of the expectant mother is shown horizontally on the drawn table.
  • 2.The vertical indicates the month when you are planning the pregnancy itself.
  • 3. At the intersection of these values ​​is the gender of your unborn child.

Despite the fact that this method was invented in ancient China many years and centuries ago, but it is relevant and in demand at the present time, which means that it actually works.

Japanese Conception Table of Child Gender

Another rather interesting table that can make good and serious competition to the Chinese is the Japanese table. Today, representatives of the Land of the Rising Sun have their own specific methodology, thanks to which you can easily and simply, and, most importantly, very reliably determine the sex of the child and the right time of conception. What do you need for this? First of all, know the age of both parents and the time, that is, the month of the planned pregnancy. For example, if both parents were born in the month of November, then if they want a girl, then July is suitable for them, but if a boy, then November. How to use this table and graph correctly?

    1. 1. Initially, you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of both parents.
      2.Now we are looking for the resulting figure on the chart.
      3. The resulting figure will become the very time suitable for conception.

According to the available statistics, the accuracy of determining the sex of the unborn child by this method has already been established, which ranges from 55 to 80%. Agree, quite good results and indicators.

British Conception Chart

British scientists have found that in order to determine and establish the sex of the unborn child as accurately and effectively as possible, it is necessary to know a very simple but important pattern, which is the essence of this method. Everything is quite simple here, since men can count on the birth of a son if many men were born in his family before. At the same time, in order to confirm in reality the effective activity of this method, scientists had to carry out quite serious work, or, more precisely, to analyze the family tree of 900 families, whose ancestors lived as early as 1600. As a result, it was established and proved that if there are a lot of men in the family, then the probability of having a boy is very high. Another question arises - why? From the data presented by scientists, it is described that the sperm of such men contains a large number of Y chromosomes, which are the very gene responsible for the birth of a boy.

American theory of conception

American scientists also do not sit still, since quite recently they have established and revealed a completely sensational pattern. What is its essence? Men have no influence at all on the sex of the unborn child. According to their data and results, it is the female body that has the very unique properties to independently decide what gender the future baby will have.

For example, it was found that during food shortages, a girl is born, during a war and immediately after it, during a recovery period, boys are born. Scientists came to this conclusion after long studies of almost 300,000 women in China in the period from 1929 to 1982. How can this be explained? It's simple, since it is the female body that can survive and adapt completely to any conditions, while the male body is simply not able to do it. As a result, it turns out that the sex of the future baby directly depends only exclusively on external factors, and, therefore, no one from the outside can influence this process.

These are the most basic methods and ways of choosing the sex of a child even before conception. Agree, it is very difficult to choose one from all the variety, so parents actually have to work hard, and at the same time, in reality, check the effectiveness of the chosen method.