Coral which stone. To whom the coral fit. Color palette of red corals with photo

The coral is, in essence, not even a stone, but skeleton-like petrified remains of the smallest marine organisms. Especially richly corals, the Caribbean Sea, also a lot of them is found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are very beautiful, so I want to call them gems, but it will be the wrong name.

The history of corals is rooted as far away in the past, that to track the first mention of these maritime formations is simply impossible. For example, they were known in the Civilization of the Sumerians, which existed in three thousand years before the Nativity of Christ.

In Indians, Maya decorations from corals were very popular

People who lived the millennium ago were well known for hidden supernatural properties of corals. For example, the Indians of the South American Maja tribe always wore beads from these minerals. They believed that this decoration protects from the dark forces. In the east of these stones, they made a china, decorations on the bindings of religious volumes and inlays on weapons. In European countries, as well as in India, they were estimated on a par with a natural pearl and, accordingly, to allow themselves to have products from these stones could only wealthy people.

Nowadays, corals are mainly bought by tourists as souvenirs. The export of independently produced natural stones in many countries is prohibited.

Coral shapes and colors

Corals exist in a huge variety of forms and colors

The formation of corals is characterized by a huge variety of forms - they are in the form of balls, mushrooms, branches of trees. Sometimes in clean transparent water of the southern seas and oceans, we can observe whole overgrudies of mineral, resembling real virgin forests. Over time, they can form a reef and even a small island, but this process takes several hundred years.

Color range of corals is not inferior in a variety of their forms. There are stones of almost all shades of rainbow - red, from pale pink to purple and brown, blue, orange, even white and black.

Jewelers prefer the stones of red shades, in medicine are usually used white. Minerals of blue tones are less common, so they are more expensive than corals of any other color.

Coral and magic

Coral has long been considered a protector of travelers. People believed that mineral could protect on the way from any natural cataclysms and protect the life of their owner. But this is not the only magical property of coral. It is believed that he protects against magic damage, from ill-wishers, failures and quarrels between spouses.

Blue coral decorations were very valued in Greece

In ancient Greece, people sought to always have a small blue coral with them, believing that he would save them from a sudden danger and make life easy and happy. The Spaniards and the French up to the XIX century considered this stone with a symbol of humility and a worthy adoption of their fate.

Since ancient times, people endowed corals not only magical, but also therapeutic properties. They believed that these stones were able to cure the most serious diseases. According to beliefs, this mineral has affected the children and the elderly.

Nowadays, psychologists believe that the corals are very beneficial to the mental and emotional state, strengthen the ability to the logical thinking and intuitive human abilities. The strongest abilities, as is customary, have red stones. It is considered, beads from this red mineral protect against various diseases in the throat area. The red coral ring promotes the purification of the body from toxins.

Talisman with this mineral, regardless of the color of the stone, protects its owner from married quarrels, natural storms and cataclysms, as well as from any kind of violence.

Corals and their medicinal properties

In medicine, corals are used, as a rule, as powders

As already mentioned, corals have long been used to cure various ailments. However, in the modern world, doctors confirm the useful impact of these stones on the human body due to the presence of biologically active substances in this mineral. The beneficial effect of mineral is noted for diseases of endocrine and cardiovascular systems, blood, musculoskeletal, leather and some others. Usually corals are used as powders or solutions, but sometimes this stone is used in the manufacture of bone and dental implants. There is a lot of calcium in it, which is well absorbed by the human body, in contrast to calcium, mined, for example, from egg shell.

There are confirmed facts that decorations with corals have a property to strengthen the overall health of health, has a beneficial effect on the emotional background, normalize metabolic processes, accelerate wound healing and strengthen memory.

Red stones, as in magic, possess the greatest potential in the treatment of diseases.

Magic properties of stone Coral for zodiac signs

Devies coral benefit will not bring

According to astrologers, the coral belongs to those minerals whose choice should be done, especially carefully paying attention to the correspondence of the stone to its zodiac sign.

The stone coral is born and exists in water, so in its entirety its magical properties reveals representatives of the signs of the zodiac relating to the element of water. For it is ideal, especially red and purple shades.

For the signs of Earth's Earth, the mineral will not bring much benefit, the astrologists categorically not recommended.

The coral is a product of the vital activity of miniature water creatures, whose colonies flooded warm seaside depths. Tiny polyps allocate special lime substances, of which the tree-like coral branches are formed. Often they reach half-meter length with a maximum thickness of 4 cm.

The color of the stone is not always red, although such a shade is typical. To date, it was open more than 2500 species of minerals, whose color palette exceeds 300 shades. The color spectrum of marine fossil is quite wide. There are stones of bright red and pale white. More easily, samples are samples of a brown and deep black shade.

Having loved the corals of the reddish color. In jewelry, fashionable and golden mineral is fashionable, and blue coral belongs to the very rare. The most expensive is the mineral of a pale pink shade, and the most common saturated red gem.

A small excursion in the history of coral

Corals are most common in the warm waters of the Caribbean. Also, the stone can be found in the quiet and Indian Ocean. The mineral is enveloped by secrets and legends set forth in the foreign legends. For the first time, the gem was mentioned in the ancient times of Sumerian civilization, the inhabitants of which inhabited our land more than the M Mollos back.

The ancient residents of the Earth very often used the magical properties of the mineral. For example, ancient people who inhabited South America - Maya Indians made bracelets and beads from the mineral. They believed that wearing such jewelry helped their owners to protect themselves from evil spirits and otherworldly forces.

In the east of corals loved to do khotkawhich are the main attribute used in religious rituals. Stones used in bookstarts and weapons inlays. In European countries and in India, in the medieval times, the coral was equated with pearls, so products from it were only wearing prosperous people.

To date, coral decorations have not lost their popularity, especially among tourists who have chosen the resorts of the South Seas. At the same time, many diving lovers can independently get a stone from the seabed, but they will not be able to take it with them. It is strictly forbidden to export coral gems in most seaside countries.

Mining and scope of use of mineral

Recently, to the largest coral providers include: Australia, Japan, Taiwan And most countries of the Caribbean coast. The biggest deposits hides the Mediterranean and Red Sea. The impressive volumes of fossils are mined in the west of the Mediterranean. However, Central America and Australia is engaged in the largest prey. The most valuable gems are mined in Italy.

Nowadays, the method of mining corals has not undergone special changes and remained the same as many centuries ago. As a lot of hundreds of years ago, crosses from the wood are used in gems, which are fixed with durable networks. From the boat, such a device descended into the sea and stretched along the bottom. Fragile coral prohapes are easily laid out and confused on the network. However, this method is considered to be barbaric, as it causes a tangible harm of the fauna seas.

For the inlair of jewelry, only noble corals of red tones are used. Such a type of material is considered the most popular and has a uniform distribution of color throughout the stone. Minerals are considered rare specimens with inclusions of pinkish or pure white colors. For medical purposes, the coral is used to clean blood and as an antidote.

Processing gems is performed cabochon or Bead. After high-quality grinding, gem acquires a pleasant shine. The branches of the coral, which are not entirely high-quality, before processing are impregnated with wax.

Magic qualities of mysterious coral

Ancient people believed that the magical properties of coral defend the departed on a long journey, from natural elements, soothing, sea storms and storms, saving their own owners. Also, the mineral is attributed to many other magic qualities: the ability defeat people from the evil, damage and attract good luck.

  1. Coral - mascot of people who constantly travel. This luxurious gemsman protects its owner from different dangers that can suck a person on the road, helping him to return, home alive and healthy.
  2. Also, coral products will be suitable for romantic agents. Holders of such marine decorations become elegant and susceptible in the intricacies of relations between people. They receive an infinite fantasy expressing in the creative and creative approach to ordinary things.
  3. It is believed that products from the mineral helps to avoid various dangers, misfortunes and troubles. The magical properties of the mineral believed the ancient soldiers who decorated their weapons with corals.
  4. Coral beads were protected by their owners from the evil eye and damage, inspired by ill-wishers and envious.

However, the stone has and negative magic propertieswho do not have a very pleasant influence on their owners. Wearing products from coral for a long time can develop passive qualities in humans, turning it into a capricious person.

To prevent this, astrologists are recommended to wear decorations with coral, only when the moon is in the growing stage. And with the onset of the full moon, clean the gem under running water and do not wear to the new moon. This will allow the mineral to relax and have a positive energy.

Red corals are able to neutralize the gusts of anger and anger in humans. Pink stones We bring happiness and longevity to your owners. In addition, the gems is attributed to other magic qualities.

  1. Coral products give their owners wisdom, logical thinking and intuition.
  2. The stone can attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex.
  3. Coral - women's mascot who got pregnant. He protects them from miscarriage.
  4. Corals - Indicators of various kinds of diseases and this is quite a logical explanation: the mineral is sensitive to changing the body temperature and sealing of the skin.

If a person is ready to wear coral jewelry and use their magic qualities, then it is necessary to monitor the stone, since the mineral loses its strength during damage.

Therapeutic quality of unique sea coral

In addition to the fact that the coral is a magic stone, it has powerful healing properties. Even in the older times, bleeding was stopped with stones and accelerated the healing process of wounds. Today, the coral properties that were not fully studied, still applied in the field of traditional medicine.

  • Coral decorations are beneficial to the function of metabolism and human skin.
  • Coral powder is used to heal burns.
  • Red coral beads deliver their owner from migraine, headaches and throat diseases.
  • Mineral products improve memory stabilize the work of the heart and mental state of the person.
  • Stone ornaments do not allow nervous disruptions, eliminating their owners from depression.
  • White mineral as in the photo is used in surgery to implant bone tissues.
  • It is the opinion that the corals help in fighting cancer.
  • The bracelet from the mineral laid under the pillow eliminates insomnia.
  • Coral products increase the tone and remove fatigue.
  • Coral powder in various solutions helps cure osteoporosis.

It is believed that corals are symbol of longevity. A huge amount of magical and therapeutic qualities of the mineral extends human life. Coral is a stone, both men and women, especially red. A person can wear any products with coral, but if you wear a stone, suitable in the opposite sex, then it will give his owner of masculinity or, on the contrary, femininity.

Stone connection with astrology

Astrologers are recommended to choose decorations. in accordance with the zodiac sign, under which a man was born. Incorrectly chosen decoration, according to astrologers, can adversely affect the fate and health of its owner. Corals belong to precious stones that are suitable for almost all zodiac signs. Except are except people belonging to the elements of the Earth - born under the sign of the Virgin.

Most of all decorations with a stone help people born under the sign of fish and this is not surprising, since the mineral is born in water. A man born under this zodiacal acquaintance must wear products from a red or purple-brown mineral as in the photo.

Also talismans from such a mineral suitable cancer and scorpions. Cracks must wear pink shades minerals encrusted in necklaces, earrings or rings. Scorpions are suitable stones of any shades inserted into any jewelry. If you follow the eastern horoscope, coral decorations will suit the people of water elements born, in the year of the tiger.

Mysterious stone coral

Gathering on holidays in Egypt, and maybe looking at the stone coral in the store, you probably lost the question: Corals - what is it? Stone, plant or animal?

Let's deal with.

Corals are an animal, plant or stone?

Those corals that can be observed when immersed in warm sea water is an animal. Thus, scientists of Piasonellel from France in 1827 it was proved, why corals cannot be attributed to plants. Its arguments are as follows:

  • these are polyps that are formed on reefs and have a lime skeleton;
  • polyps live with colonies and grow pretty slowly, and with the death of the colony members, a durable skeleton is formed, it is customary to call reef;
  • the coral is a cylindrik or a bush with tentacles at the "mouth", which they catch the nutrient particles;
  • for the life of corals, warm sea water is required and sunbeam penetrating into the water.

Why do we call corals? This is a common mistake, which is due to the fact that this natural material is very durable. In fact, this is not a stone, as we just found out, but an animal.

Thus, the coral is the petrified skeleton of the marine animal - the polyp.

Origin and History

"The Sons of the Sea Puchin" - this is so poetically translated from the ancient Greek the name of the corals. Many legends and myths are associated with them.

For example, the Poet of Ovid, describing the victory of Perseus over the jellyfish Gorgon, offered his version of the origin of the "stone": Perseus, flying over the sea, kept the head of the defeated Gorgon in his hand, from which blood drops were glad. They became corals.

Indeed, there is an external similarity with fossil blood jets.

The maximum size that corals can reach - 40 cm in length and 4 cm in width. Their growth occurs so slowly that they are now "collecting" those grew up hundreds and thousands of years.

In ancient Russia from marine gifts, the balls "Rabbles" were cut out. They were found in the burials, and why they were laid - it remained a mystery. Perhaps ancient people believed that thereby defend the deceased from the unclean in the afterlife. In the burial of Boris Godunov, 15 red "Kolkov" was found.

Physical properties

The petrified stone of animal origin in the chemical composition consists of calcium carbonate. 85% from calcite and 15% - magnesium carbonate, iron and manganese oxide.

  • it has a brilliant matte, like wax;
  • opaque;
  • amorphous form;
  • hardness 3-4 MMOS score;
  • the kind of ished - snoze.

The mining is still carried out by a handicraft way, with a significant part of the colonies harm. Sut off the twigs, some of them breaks, disappears, and only part assemble and raise.

Types of corals and habitats

First of all, the division is carried out in the color of the precious sea gift.

To date, there are about 300 color shades of marine minerals - from white to black. Typical color, which is called coral - reddish. In addition, they can be yellow shades, and green, and the most rare is the blue coral.

"Sons of the Sea" live in the Mediterranean Sea, southern Pacific, near Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Africa. Colonies grow at a depth of 10 to 300 meters, and in the caves - from 5 to 35 meters. Previously, yes, sometimes at present, they are also called "the gardens of the sea", it went since they were ranked to plants, and not to animals.

Many countries are engaged in the production and manufacture of jewelry products: Tunisia, India, Algeria, as well as France, Spain, Italy.

The peculiarity of red corals is their strength and brightness of the color.

An interesting fact is that according to the ancient scientists, Mars consisted of coral.

White coral is found only off the shores of Japan. It grows at a depth of 100 to 200 meters, reaches small sizes. Jewelers especially appreciate the tops of the twigs.

Scientists have developed a classification of valuable marine mineral.

Highlight 3 types of groups: noble, root and foam.

Noble corals - those that have jewelry value. They, in turn, are classified depending on the color and shade on the subgroups: Bianco (snow-white); AccaBar (black); The leather of the guardian angel - Pelle Dr. Anglo (pale pink); Rose Palido (gentle pink); Selando Coloro (orange-pink); Rosso (bright red); Rosso-Skoro (Dark Red); Arkiskro Carbonetto (cherry or blood bull color).

The most expensive due to its rarity are the "Sea Gardens" of all blue and blue shades.

Magic properties of coral

This is a strong magic stone than always, for a long time, a person enjoys.

Both ancient Greeks and the ancient Indians Mexico and the inhabitants of the ancient India considered corals no less valuable than pearls. They believed that the coral was the sacred gift, he is able to extend life, save from fever, violence and natural disasters. It is not by chance that the red mineral travelers were especially valued.

Coral - traditionally refers to "male stones." The magical help of the red mineral was previously used only rich veelmes.

In India it was used as bringing prosperity and respect for others.

In Eastern countries, it was believed that the decoration of the sword or knife gives their owner of power. And placing a red mineral on the book - will provide protection against evil spirits and ill-wishers.

The advantage of this color "Sea Gardens" is their ability to improve self-confidence. They are recommended for wearing people such professions as: military, politicians, managers, i.e. Everyone who is somehow connected with the management. In addition, the Red Jewel helps to be more purposeful and persistent, and still gives happiness in his personal life.

In general, the magical properties of the Red Stone can be listed, such:

  • reassure the raging nature (storm or hurricane);
  • protection against the troubles of their owner;
  • washer from evil eyes and evil spirits;
  • attracting good luck.

White corals - "Women's stones".

white coral branch

Their magical power:

  • wanted from ill-wishers;
  • protection against the evil eye;
  • charm home hearth and comfort.

The fact that the stone was done by chambers and church-house, as well as rosary, confirms his magical power. Not in vain, he was considered a stone of oracles and predictors at all times.

Therapeutic properties of coral

Red - with antiquity was used in the treatment of poisonous snakes from the bites, with skin diseases.

Modern lithotherapists recommend it with many diseases. Especially helps at risk not to preserve pregnancy, impotence, some types of infections. In Rahit, healers advise to wear beads. The darker red shade affects blood, and brighter, in pink - on the heart. It is recommended to carry for the treatment of depression and general weakness.

It should be noted, a unanimous opinion on the beneficial effect on the throat and the respiratory tract. That is why it is useful for singers and everyone who is experiencing problems with the throat.

White corals are endowed with special healing properties that are known from the time of the Senior Plane. In ancient Rome, white mineral was used to treat children and old people. Diseases under which it was used - weakness, weak immunity. The method of application was simple - the mineral was simply placed in the head of the person so that healing occurred during sleep.

Modern lithotherapeuts also recognize that the White Coral has a beneficial effect on the emotional and psychological background of man.

Since this is a fossil skeleton of polyps, it has a similar composition with human bones, and therefore coral powder is widely used in modern medicine. It is recommended to strengthen bones, and also used in the manufacture of teeth implants.

Artificial corals and fakes

Since it has a lot of shades, it can be confused with a carnelian, precasartin and rodonite.

The main method of fake is a compressed coral chip, with dyes and with an admixture of plastics, which is issued for a whole coral. Artificial, like other natural minerals, "accepted" to produce from glass or plastics, but it is easy to understand that you are easy to do glass and plastic.

The cost of natural stone and counterfeit may differ 7-10 times. It is almost impossible to distinguish the fake differently, as the difference in price.

Cheap red copies in the framing of silver can cost about 30 US dollars. More qualitative instances (for example, in the suspension) will have a price of 200 and above dollars.

Caring for stone

We found out that the coral has an animal, i.e. Organic origin, which means, has a porous and soft structure. Caring for products involves the use of soft tissue without chemicals. If you need to clear the product from contamination, then a mixture of chalk and dental powder can be used, any aggressive chemical compositions should be avoided. When wearing jewelry with coral, make sure that the cosmetics or spirits do not hit them.

In addition to the aggressive medium, the stone is also afraid of temperature drops and hot water.

Even if you just wash your hands, it is better to remove the ring with coral, otherwise it will lose shine. The same rule concerns other decorations - when bathing, you must remove them.

Coral jewelry

They are manufactured as independent - beads, rosary, as well as inserts in the precious metal, as a rule, in gold. Selection of wonderful jewelry Watch in video:

What signs of the zodiac fits the stone coral

This is a strong magic mineral having a romantic essence, and therefore suitable, first of all, romantic people, as well as creative parts.

Depending on the shade, it fits more men or women. White, pink - traditionally better to wear women and girls, especially as a talisman of love. Men astrologers advise paying attention to red and black stones.

According to astrologers of contraindications to the wearing of stone for any sign of the zodiac, it is suitable for everyone without exception, if you focus on horoscopes. Meanwhile, it is better to find your shade of mineral, as stated above.

Special energy relationship is observed with representatives of fish and caperpashers on the sign of the zodiac. It will help them to be more open, confident and strong, and at the same time remain romantic.

Sagittarians should pay attention to the red shades, and the shoulders on the pink and black coral. They especially, in the opinion of astrologers, energetically strong for these signs of the horoscope.

Can the stone have power? How can they affect the fate of a person and what do their action depends on? These questions can be left open or search for answers in the scientific sphere.

Astrology does not always explain how one or another natural stone has an impact, the main thing is that there is a result, and each type of stone has certain properties. You can consider a rock coral, magical properties which are very strong in various spheres of human life. Depending on the color of the natural stone, it further affects one or another side of the life of his carrier.

This stone has an amazing force that affects different directions of a person's life. For many people, they are the most important, and the peculiarity of this stone can be considered high compatibility with many zodiac signs.

The coral of different colors can be suitable for a large number of people, it will become an excellent guard, the keeper of a home hearth and health, an assistant in career growth. It cannot be limited, it affects everything as concerning his carrier, trying to make his life as much as possible.

Very beautiful stone of natural origin is white Coral, Magical Properties which will always be:

Protect your carrier from all unhappiness. This applies to random incidents that can bring trouble. Also avoiding dating and meetings with ill-wishers that can intentionally stick failure or ailment.

White coral It is an excellent stimulant of the heart, respiratory tract, other internal organs. It supports their health and strengthens the results of treatment, perfectly affects the human nervous system, allowing you to always stay calm.

A strong family is important to almost every person, this stone stores homemade hearth, Wrapping spouses from mutual progress and lies. It is best that the White Coral wore a wife with faithfulness of her husband and the desire to live together all the long life in harmony and sincerity.

Most of the coral of natural origin and any colors suits representatives of the following signs of the zodiac: Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Virgo, Fish, Scales, Sagittarius.

Beautiful looks in the form of various jewelry pink coral, magic properties which is largely similar to white. This stone has a stronger impact on the love sphere of man's life. It is he who is chosen when you need to find my soul mate and build strong relationships with it on trust. This stone will protect his carrier all his life, as the strongest mascot attract luck and help in achieving all good goals.

If a red or pink coral dreamed, it predicts the recovery after the disease.

Stones of natural origin are always endowed with some magical power, which is able to influence the life of a person, he believes in it or not. Usually stones act as Oberegov, but their capabilities are not limited.

An important step is the choice of stone for a particular person in accordance with the attitude towards a certain sign of the zodiac, character traits and the magical properties of various stones.


Red coral or, as it is also called, noble, belongs to the type of coral polyps. Like the remaining species, this is a colonial animal, which after seizure of it from the water turns into an expensive mineral.

Red corals dwell at a depth of 10-200 m. As a rule, they are mined in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Algeria, Italy, Morocco, in the Red Sea, off the coast of Malaysia, Japan, Australia, as well as near the Hawaiian Islands. There are branched colonies that are firmly attached to the rocky soil. The mineral has the shape of small wildlife shrubs. In height they can be up to 1 m. If you look at the photo, the red corals well demonstrate their beauty and uniqueness. It should be noted that the value of the material will be the higher, the smaller the natural defects and greater coloring. Ideally, there should not be holes, cracks and spots.

The properties of red corals, such as the rest, they also have instability to acids and high temperatures.

Color palette of red corals with photo

Bright red and dark red corals are also called "fiery", "flower of blood" and "bloody foam". This is the most valuable variety. Although the color palette of this mineral can also be a gentle pink, light red, with gentle-red or white spots. And all this refers to red corals.

As for the jewelry material of red, they are mined, most often in the Mediterranean, between Tunisia and Sardinia. To properly determine the various shades of their color there are a great set of commercial names. It happens that only in the nomenclature of one company can be up to 16 items of red minerals. To exclude a similar, four main varieties of the color of the noble stone are distinguished:

Bull Blood - Dark Brown Red (Rare and Dear);

Sardinsky - scarlet, truly "coral";

Salmon - orange-red (salmon);

Angel skin - pale pink

Colors are arranged in order to reduce cost.

Stone red coral and its imitation

The high cost of the mineral led to a large number of fakes. There are no limits for fantasy: both plastic beads "under the coral", and natural mineral painted in a certain color, and pressed coral chips, and products from opaque colored glass. At the same time, glass is easier to distinguish everything, as it will be heavier than polyps. In jewelry, natural mineral is found in two types: pressed and sharpened. Most often beads are made from the "branches" of a large circle. While the stone is raw, it has a matte look. Glitter is obtained after polishing. High-quality red coral - stone without cracks and holes.

Given the limited reserves of jewelry polyps, which is due to their slow growth, often have to resort to different methods of aligning stones. So, for obtaining pink or expensive dark red, without getting a shade of orange, the blasting of the material of light tones is used.

There are several simple and affordable ways to determine the fake at home. If the product is omitted into a glass with milk, from the real red mineral milk will acquire a pinkish or reddish tint. None of other materials will give such an effect. If the color of milk has not changed, then a stone-fake.

In glass fakes, the processing or bubbles or bubbles are very often visible, and thin stripes are noticeable in plastic imitation.

You can also check by putting the mineral into a container with a weak solution of vinegar. If the stone is real, bubbles will appear in the water. But such bubbles may appear in the event that the product is made of coral chips, bones or shells.

Red coral on video: