Human signature designation. Accent on the capital letter. What does Putin's signature say

Description of signature

We start a detailed description of the signature.

I. Signature
I. Form of Washchack

Description of signature
I.11. The line passes throughout the signature, as if torn it.

In other words, this is the one who signs and jumps out its signature or part of it. Sometimes such a signal is overlooking one of the letters.

At one time we had to work in one of the narcological centers, which was trying to help drug addicts, alcoholics and toxicomes in overcoming their thrust and dependence on drugs, alcohol and volatile toxic substances, such as glue, which often inhale children. We used these psychodiagnostic techniques like San (well-being, activity, mood), Test Iizenka (temperament), Lucher's test (Test of the color election, both abbreviated and full), sometimes the Patavocharacteric questionnaire personnel (accentuation of character), the questionnaire Leongard - Smishek ( Character accentuation), Test Rosenzweiga (overcoming various life situations), Test Libe-protection of geometric shapes (Tiger - ideographic test). Before or during testing, we asked patients to sign several times. In one of the studies it turned out that in 6 months of the last year, 48 percent of the surveyed stressed their signature completely or partially. We interpreted it as self-denial or reduced self-preservation instinct.

Watch for those people who cross their signature. They or sick or with them there are special various troubles that complicate their lives, and therefore the life of their loved ones. Those stiffs of poets at the end of each newsletter on love for themselves are proof of how such a category of people does not like themselves and brings their loved ones with their loved ones with drugs, alcohol and volatile toxic substances. In other words, dislike can be expressed when crossing the signature, and therefore dislike for their loved ones. How to measure love for yourself. It turns out love and attitude towards your family and loved ones. That's what poets say.

Of course, if we intervene and tell such a person that it is better not to cross the signature, nothing will change in his self-perception. However, the practice shows that long-term correctional work often helps to avoid crossing the signature, and therefore behavior changes, as the behavior of ours is expressed in the handwriting and signature. Features of the nervous system are reflected in behavior.

Why does such information be confidential?

In medicine, there is such a concept as non-yatrogenation (Greek. Iatros - a doctor + Genes - generated, occurring). This is harmful to the health of the patient as a result of certain erroneous actions of medical workers. More often under yatrogenia, unwanted changes in the patient's psyche are implied. In the formation of mental (psycho-coherent) iatrogenia, in addition to careless, the patient's statements of the doctor about his state of health play the role of also certain features of the patient's character (uncertainty, a tendency to disturbing concerns, increased attention to the slightest changes in well-being, emotional vanity, etc.) predetermining the extremely nervous attitude towards any medical information they receive.

Some experts believe that in such cases it is necessary to talk about pseudo-theater, since it arises not by the fault of the doctor, but rather due to the characteristics of the patient's character, which contribute to the formation of obsessive fears (see "phobia") for their health without serious reason. An incorrect medical education, a publication of controversial, not scientific substantiation of concepts and data that is not appropriate reality may also be a source of mental iathemost.

... Information for a psychologist:

In this case, it is necessary to be attentive - it is a dangerous and self-destructive sign 18.

He whatever want to strike itself (the unconscious often "thinks" literally) to zero its existence.

This may mean a certain tendency to thoughts on suicide 18a, it is premonishing that it is not entitled to live, fears for his existence. Help him is obviously difficult. Especially if he will "resist" since he seems to force himself from life.

Description of signature
I.12. Signature rises up with its right side

Such a signature is not parallel to the edges of the sheet, but a few scene and up. Usually, the leaders of different levels are signed. You just need to look carefully. Meet among managers often.

Ambolism: 19 The desire to achieve something significant - honorable position, for example, fame, fame, power; Subuse your will all surrounds him.

Energy, self-confidence and successful activity 20, which lead to the satisfaction of ambition.

The tendency is set in extensive plans.

Ambitiosity - aggravated self-esteem, an overly exaggerated sense of self-esteem (21), authority, syradiability.

Trying to persistently climb the success of the success of 22 and love.

Such a positive self-perception supports the element of success in his life, although often random and sometimes undeserved.

II. Streaming.

Description of signature
II.13. Lack of strokes in signature.

This is such a signature when there are no strokes in it. For example, when the signature is assumed simply written in the surname, or simply part of it, but without strokes.

The desire to base only on the fact that the actual verification is available.
Tract for specific manifestations of life.

Description of signature
II.14. Strokes preceding signatures.

Stroke shape before signature can be any. Before the first letter of signature, sometimes some put a touch, which is usually merged with the first letter or its likeness. It is often found.

The habit of acting by inner conviction, when there is a solid confidence 23, its opinion 24, its views.

Description of signature
II.15. With exaggerated long straight strokes before signing.

Stroke shape before signature can be any. Before the first letter of signature, sometimes some put a touch, which is usually merged with the first letter or its likeness. But immediately striking that such a bar is too long for such a signature.

Stubbornness: 25 disadvantage, inconsistency, the desire to flow in its own way, insists on its own, contrary to necessity and common sense. Does not love to confess in his mistakes and wrauls, even yourself.

Strings: authority, does not like objections. Persistence, perseverance, but may be dirty.

... Information for a psychologist:

Despotic: Self-absorption, Pouring other people's wishes and will, tyranny, the need for unlimited power. The ability to admit arbitrariness, not believing with the desire and opinion of others.

Description of signature
II.16. Long horizontal strokes, especially before or after signature.

Stroke shape before signature can be any. Before the first letter of signature, sometimes some put a touch, which is usually merged with the first letter or its likeness. After the signature, a long horizontal barcode is also immediately striking, as such strokes are too long for such a signature.

Caution: 26 holds back its thoughts, is extremely causing in their actions and actions. He will stop, think and only then can do, having accepted the necessary precautions so as not to attract special attention, Negrib, carefully, without causing anyone harm. Also carefully he does different offers.

Slisteness: 27 suspicious attitude towards someone and hides their understanding of the intentions of others. In this regard, people may be hostile, with irritation, but it is often difficult to notice it.

Description of signature
II.17. Highly supplied, elongated strokes.

Such touches may be set, for example, over capital letters P, T or just over the entire signature. It is rare.

Protead: A sense of self-esteem is developed, combined with a jealous attitude to the opinion of themselves. Pride, which allows you to often stand up for yourself. Difficulty in reconciliation. Not recognized if something does not know. It has a mind with a philosophical color. Trying to expand the worldview, it does not know how to irons over yourself and maybe more than others, offended by jokes. From nature, it is inclined to the table, too cares about his authority and often seeks to a senior position.

Perseverance: resolutely achieves its goal. . Persistence, perseverance and demanding is the key to the fact that he will achieve as much as anything.

Pulse: 28 wants to dispose, command, manage. But often does not want to be content with what is. It is able to subjugate, to conquer, including continuous logic.

Description of signature
II.18. Bending down to the left barcode (against the direction of movement).

In the signature after the last letter, the touch goes under the signature backwards, to the beginning, against the direction of movement. And even if this touch is not completely under signature back, but only outlined that he can go, it corresponds to interpretation.

Careful caution: deterrencering your thoughts, extreme prudence in their actions and actions. Time is spent on thinking, and only then actions begin with the adoption of the necessary caution, so as not to attract special attention, without rudeness, carefully, without causing anyone harm. A variety of proposals will also be made carefully. Such a calculating caution can lead to fake aids and statements, hypocrisy, which will not correspond to true feelings, beliefs, intentions. ...

... Information for a psychologist:
Egoistic: behavior is constructed in such a way that the whole is determined by the idea of \u200b\u200bits own benefits, benefit, preference to the interests of other people.

Assistant: can keep himself proudly and impregnable, with cold politeness, in which there is a condescending contempt of the service dashboard and the involvement of self-esteem with care only about himself. Anger, as a rule, is absent, but perhaps selfly, spoil. There may be no understanding of how much strength has someone to work. The danger of the zazna, which will lead to the most important, swelling, disregard for the affairs of others. At the same time, politeness is combined with fearlessness, liveliness and understanding.

With other signs may indicate the dishonestness and dishonesty of nature.

Description of signature
II.19. Bending up the signature of the barcode (against the direction of movement).

Such a bar is bend at the end of the signature up and left, above the signature, when writing the last letter, or its likeness, and without breaking away from it, at the end of the signature. It is rare.

Expectancy: Easy and vividly impressive, very susceptible. The slightest little thing can be alarmed. In his mind, the surrounding leaves a deep mark and experience.

Curience: the desire to acquire new knowledge, inquisitiveness. As a rule, external meekness, curiosity, I want to see everything, sometimes touch with your hands. Curiosity (29) is one of the most beautiful traits. It often retained the lives to many people, when everything else was no longer suitable.

The tendency to improvisation, fantasy, the ability to invent, represent anything, dream 30. His imagination may be inexhaustible, and suggestions for improving something may seem to appear, at first glance, fantastic. Fantasy is a special case of imagination, and imagination is a mental process consisting of creating new images based on the processing of past perceptions. No artist could do without relying on fantasy. It helps to imagine what is not direct perception. He feels the pleasure of which invents, composes something, improvises. Specific sentences associate it, and then it is difficult for him to "ignite" to the creativity of both others and himself. The imaginary fantasy created by him can support the courage desperately. Sometimes he is characterized by a whim and quirks (31), and then he finds himself in a difficult situation due to the fact that it would be done now, but it is proposed to be untouched, ahead of events.

Description of signature
II.20. Strokes and the end of the signature are directed to the right.

The end of the signature in the form of strokes is directed to the right. Occurs with an average frequency

Extraverting (Extra - Out, Verto - turn, turning): facing outside, aimed at the outside world and activities in it, which is prevailing interest in external objects. More interested in what happens around, and not what happens to him.

Ecavitability: the ability to quickly come to the state of excitement.

Hot temper 32: Ability to flash; Easy comes in irritation, anger.

Impulsiveness: a tendency to act under the influence of sudden motivation, according to the first impulse; Watchless behavior in some moment.

Testing often tensions - difficult, constrained state. In such cases, such a person spends more forces, attention and energy than is required. The constant tension imposes its imprint: seriousness, unnaturalness, concentration, even glooming appears. Stressful, nervous life "helps" diseases to destroy the body. Finding in a voltage requires a release: will be ready to break out anything, for example, an "explosion" of feelings. Therefore, the tension - the scourge of the development of new activities is always associated with uncertainty.

Introductibility: it is especially difficult to wait for such a person. It does not endure Multilia. Therefore, this nature of character generates many errors. But the opposite feature is a patientity of one of the manifestations of the volitional qualities of the person.

Description of signature
II.21. Strokes and the end of the signature are directed to the right, but in an angular handwriting with pressure.

In position II.20, it was about the same, but now the angular handwriting with pressure is added. It is rare.

Volitional character. The ability to seek the exercise of the goals.

Initiative: has defined enterprise, ability to independently active actions, endeavors, and the desire to command.

Description of signature
II.22. Long power touches, directed to the right up.

Such strokes most often put in the letters "b", "y" and others. It is rare.

Constantly experiencing inconsistency, i.e. A position in which one one excludes another incompatible with it.

Sometimes in the discussion manifests nontactivity.

... Information for a psychologist:
The tendency to self-affirmation - proves its value by all the truths and inconsistencies, significance, so often there is often no effort to work.

Description of signature
II.23. Catching in yourself preceding stroke signatures.

Usually, those wrapped in touches are most often depicted in capital letters and at their beginning "A", "B", "B", "D", "K", "L", "M", "P", "T" and others. This wrapping looks like some dogs - the "tail of the bagel" or the "crochet". It occurs with an average frequency.

Persistence 33: decisively, stubbornly, achieves its goal.

Disadvantage: always insists on his, non-care, does not want to bow and humiliate, to wait, which causes certain difficulties in relationships. Strict and hard in affairs, but ready to help many. Stropive character: Inherent power (see 28), does not like any objections; , stubborn silence, likes to act in advance to someone - what At the same time, despite its stroke temper, it may obey, especially the mother. Sometimes his inconsistency, self-harm and stubbornness acquire the nature of the pulp.

Description of signature
II.24. The final barcode ends with a horizontal stroke.

The signature contains a barcode of different lengths, which often many put at the end, in the separation, usually from the signature. It is often found.

Inclientness: suspicious attitude to whom -, something. He has its own opinion, which is not divided with anyone.

Caution: keeping your thoughts, extreme prudence in their actions and actions. Time is spent on thinking, and only then the actions begin with the adoption of the necessary caution so as not to attract special attention, without rudeness, carefully, without causing anyone harm. A variety of proposals will also be made carefully. In this regard, people can treat wary, and sometimes with irritation, but often it can not be noticed.

18 . My signexcellent snail landsl
She and you succeeded.
Luck here - a barren attempt
Here you immediately see everyone through.

The desire to always be right - sign of vulgarity. Cami

QUI TACET - CONSENTIRE VIDETUR - Silence sign of consent.

The first sign of the high mind is condescension. Chesterfield.

It means that if we condescertain to disadvantages and small mistakes of others that do not harm anyone, we show quite a high intelligence.


What is important to pay attention to
Each healthy person has a mood may change. Sometimes it covers and sadness - and this is normal. But if the state of depression does not pass more than two weeks in a row, it can go into a serious depression.

Depression is a fairly common disease. She can affect the physical human health, distorting his perception of the world around. In addition, people with depression are susceptible to high risk of suicide (suicide). Many of those who have suffered a strong depression are not insured against the next attack. But with appropriate treatment from 80 to 90 percent of people suffering from this state, feel better for the first month.

Those young people who in the past have made attempts to escape or often talk about it are subject to higher risk of suicide. Approximately two thirds of those who committed themselves before that, talked about suicide, and in third cases stated directly. Listen to the words: "I would like to die," "I no longer interfere with anyone" or "All this is not important and meaningless."

Young people immersed in suicide thoughts tend to feel lonely, helpless and rejected. They are particularly inclined to indulge in dying thoughts when they were offended or humiliated in the presence of friends or loved ones when they lost self-esteem after a failed exam, after a gap with a loved one, if their parents are abused by alcohol or drugs, if in the family detachable, parents are scandaling or bred. However, a teenager may be depressed or even attempted suicide if this kind of trouble did not touch him.

If there were already cases of suicide in the family, it increases the threat of re-suicide. Such a connection can be explained by the fact that teenagers tend to identify themselves with those who are close to them, and repeat their actions.

Teenagers who are abused by alcohol or drugs, not only more often attempts to leave life, but also more often cause the matter to the end. It is known that about 80% of people who have attempted suicide made it after taking alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant.

Teenagers, planning suicide, can engage in home cleaning: distribute or throw out their favorite things, cleaning their room. In addition, after a long period of depression, they can suddenly become very cheerful, because "found a way out of the situation", deciding to commit suicide.

If a few of the following statements apply to you or any of your friends from any of your friends, you should seek help from a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist), parents, or another adult to whom you trust.
I wake up later than usual, I sleep badly, my drowsiness overwhelms me all the time.

My appetite has changed, I'm rapidly losing weight or gain weight.
I feel constant anxiety.
I am moving away from friends and family.
I can not concentrate.
The fact that I used to really like, no longer interests and does not please me.
I am tormented by a sense of hopelessness or guilt.
I have dramatically changed the location of the Spirit and Behavior: I used to be very calm, and now - it is extremely excited; Previously, I loved to be in companies, now I avoid any communication.
It seems to me that it is not worth living.

What to do
For the most part, people who are experiencing depression or thinking about suicide do not speak and do not want to talk about their feelings. They feel no need. They have lost hope and do not express their emotions, believing that their experiences will fall on with a grave "cargo" on the shoulders of others. Some fear to be ridiculous.

This can be understood because self-talking about suicide is often not taken seriously or misses the earned past. Such a reaction can lead to irreparable. Therefore, if your friend or relative affects such a topic, treated this seriously and find time for a deep and sympathetic conversation.

Try to convince this person that he has someone to contact. What relatives, friends, school psychologist, a doctor or teacher are undoubtedly ready to listen to him. Often the opportunity to spoke facilitates mental pain, and, although it is difficult to start such a conversation, it is still necessary.

You should not talk and point to all the reasons why a person is obliged to live. Instead, listen more and try to convince him that depressed and suicidal tendencies are healing. Depressive states are well amenable to treat psychotherapy (a generalizing name of a set of irritable techniques, the purpose of which is correction of behavior) or appropriate drugs. Antidepressants (medicinal preparations for depression) are used in a complex with psychotherapy, and only by appointing a doctor. Almost 90% of all patients suffering from depression well react well to such treatment.

19. Nothing excites ambition like someone else's glory, which crushes envy and nourishes valor.

Changes are often wanted to conquer the whole world, they are usually smart and endowed with a rich imagination, seek to self-affirmation. From here, sometimes there is a desire to make it up, take a time, exaggerate your true achievements. But they like nobody can joke on themselves.

Thinking about the end of the case, take care of going to get out safely, and not about to fit beautifully. The usual misfortune battle is a loud beginning and bitter end. It's not that you welcomed you at the entrance to the crowd - it's nice to enter any one way, "but that I regret your care.

20. Imaging small acting, minor,
And the medium of large and grow himself ...
But the matter only applies to seriously
And looks at the root, in the essence of things, to the base.

21. The advantages acquire even greater value, flaws will be visible less, if ingur with art. Thus, helping beauty is carried out, since without such a helping can be a good deformity. Who has no culture, in that dignity half. Evil intent - poison for high dignity.

The sign of perfection is intolerable attitude towards its disadvantages. From flaws of spiritual or bodily rarely, who are free, but often few people pay attention to them, and sometimes even cherish and praise them when they get rid of them. Reasonable to see how an insignificant flaw sometimes spoils a magnificent combination dignity- Pretty and clouds to eclipse the sun. Roda stains on good glory Human malice will immediately notice - and stubbornly in them marks. Especially valuable art to hide their drawback, turning it in the advantage ( for any disadvantage - there is a continuation of our advantages). So, Caesar hid his Lycin laurel wreath.

It is especially important to know the main thing dignity, develop the best your abilities, not forgetting about the rest. Everyone could have achieved large heights in something if he knew his advantages. Determine the main gift ( "Everyone is capable of much, but not everyone knows what it is capable of") and make a diligence ( "You can easily pull out and fish from the pond"); Some prevails mind, others have a valor. Most people do not know their peculiarities and therefore cannot achieve success. Easy success with strangers, but time brings late disappointment. However, for universal admiration and especially love, some advantages are not enough - not only words are needed, but even more things.

In order to save and save a good name you need large dignitywhich are just as rare, how many are mediocre.

Want to paint - Cooked advantages, not luck; Even the king should be redeemed more for the dignity of personal than for external greatness.

At the same time rare dignity Another ignorant is unavailable, and he is comforting ordinary, but as well.

Other, relying on their dignity, does not seek to conquer love, which through the feeling penetrates the conviction. But devotional love awards not always for the advantages that it becomes more often - valorious, nobility, scholarship, even the mind; The shortcomings do not see, as it does not want to see.

"Everyone works in its own way, and there is no man who would be finished
villain. There are no people who combine all the advantages: beauty,
restraint, mind, taste and loyalty. Everyone is good in its own way, and it is difficult to say
who is really better. " Murassaki Sikibw.

22. Some people are born prudent and with this gift they reach the wisdom, which is half the way to success.

Others are more concerned not to deviate from once and for those who have taken, rather than they think about reaching the goal; However, the censure is failure Always drowning praise behind the diligence. Successful end to all scratch ( "Winners do not judge"), although the means of achieving the goal is not always good ( "end justifies the means"). "The rule" is reasonable - sometimes go against any "rules", otherwise the work started not to complete.

To submit a thought ... sometimes you need to remind, but others advise. People often do not make the necessary step because nothing comes to mind; In such cases, it is appropriate to give advice. One of the most valuable properties of the mind is to figure out on time, which is important. Who is deprived of this good luck often misses. Let a lifeline will give assistance, and inappropriate asks for it; One in this case will be more conscient, the other is more attentive, it seems to be served by hand. The art of sustaining thought is very valuable when it can benefit suppressed. It is recommended to do it benevolently, but if you need to take perseverance. "No" is always ready, "yes" have to look for - and with the mind. therefore success often do not reach, because it does not achieve it.

Not to cope with the case - a smaller trouble than indecision. No running water flutters, but standing ( "a rolling stone gathers no moss"). And they will not make a step until they are pushing them; And the reason is sometimes not in the flexibility of the mind - the mind can be insightful - but in its lethargy. Many mind need to foresee difficulties, but even more - to find a way out. People smart and decisive do not confuse difficulties, they are born for big cases. Their clarity of understanding generates speed of action and success; Everyone will manage to themselves ... One of them managed with his affairs, has time to do the other things.

Usually begin to act when there is no doubt. Doubts in the successful one who acts becomes confidence in the failure of the opponent. Act when you doubt success dangerous and better then refrain. Is it possible to wait for success when the act is barely conceived, and is it already condemned by the fear?

But the other extreme is complacency. It is always useful, even wisely, live with a prudent caution - for consuming zeal in achieving success And for consolation in case of failure. The cruelty of fate does not like the one who fears in advance.

Dedication often helps to achieve success and power.

Skillful calculation - pledge success In cases.

"I always noticed that for success In the light, you need to have a funeral look and be smart. " Sh. Montesquie

The only condition depends on success, There are patience. (L.N. Tolstoy)

"Wanted: I do not know anything, in all choose the middle. You will see the same successAs hard as hard. " Feognid.

23. Higher perfection in cases is achieved with complete confidence.

Confidence comes from knowledge, from ignorance and from physical strength. ( Boris Lesnik).

There is something that attaches a special charm of human thought: this is insecurity. Self-confident mind annoys and cattons boredom. ( A.Franz)

24. How many people are so many opinions. Any thing in oRDER Some are good, and others are bad, what is someone follow, then another pursues. A fool who is trying to align everything in his own way.

25. But he is a terrible Misanthrop, (person avoiding society of people, notice).

Grilling, stubborn and solid food.

He who stubborn often grumbled and convincing it is very difficult.

The difference between persistence and stubbornness is that the first has its source strong desire, and the second, on the contrary, strong reluctance. (Bitch)

I am completely indifferent if someone is stubborn; But if he is bold, then it has great importance for me. The first defends his views, and this is his heritage. The second attacks the opinions of others, and this is the ostims of general. (Montescience)

Stubbornness. If you are given a leaf paper, write across. (Juan Ramon Jimenez)

Truly soft can only be people with a solid character. Large vice of youth - stubbornness - sometimes leads in mature years to great dignity - resistance. (Abu-Faraj)

26. When the path is unclear, keep people wise and careful - sooner or later they find a good way out.

We arrived, I hope, in good time.
Caution always saved us

At the same time, excessive caution is a frequent satellite of various fears and phobias.

"True courage - caution." Euripid.

27. Everyone knows how much the circle of deception, so be alert, but do not show your distrust, so as not to cause mistrust to yourself, because It is dangerous - giving rise to hostility, may induce to revenge.

We know how often Druzhba doubt disbelief.

28. The government corrupts.
It is not confined.
She, like small children, innocent,
And I have no power over it.

Everything in the world is created for their persons.
There is nothing saint in life.
When the judge can not dare
With criminals, he is at the same time.

I described gloomily
But it's still grinding.
Many error! Lord
Can be content with power.

Let him own one
With all the secret of human happiness.
He orders only worth it
And in surprise the world comes.
And enjoy, stog

At the low stage, hesitates.
And this one, however, lived!
And when the collapse began

The country changed the original.
All began to share a host.
Brothers raged on the brothers
And cities on cities.
Craftsmen beat with a favor
And with the men of the Lord.

War priests went to the laity
And every counter - transverse
Rubil another crowd
With cruelty inhuman.
In the case I was leaving the merchant -
And found an end to the way.
Reached extreme scope
Rooted evil.

All lost a sense of fear
He lived the one who fought and went.

Walked, fell, flew, dragged,
Until it fell at all.

No one was to blame.
Everyone knows something.
I fed the second category
And the first it was only tolerant.
However, this Yelash

I did not like the best people.
They conceived: "Daily
Order. Our emperor
We are not a stronghold in the fight harsh.

Let's choose another
Which is ruled
We will be updated the sign,
To combine a happy marriage
And justice and peace.

Thus, skillful domineering The head can restore justice and order.

"Want to know a person give him power."

Only then take power into hand when you learn to obey. Solon

Imperare Sibi Maximum Imperium Est - You will command yourself - the greatest power.

29. He is curious than the fish.
What would this hetero
Neither embodied he was before us
It will appear to see a flame.

Commoner more inquisitive
It does not remain aside
And, watching strange arrays,
Attributes a miracle Satan.

When a person attracts something unusual, he will definitely come or will ask.

Simple people, as a rule, inquisitive and sweep the slightest inaccuracies. But if these inaccuracies do not find explanations, they attribute them to non-existent reasons.

30. The dream of Tanchevier secular abutment,
The fifth of their damage is fuss.

Dreams, dreams, where your sweetness is a famous expression.

S.E. Lenz:
He dreamed of knowing people from the inside. He was offered to do it from a black move.
The dream of slaves is the market where the owners could be bought.
Where the cruel law reigns, people dream of lawlessness.

31. The fraud is hated as temptation for prudence.

Yes, you yourself are an enemy of the Proud, who are not characteristic of the season,
And you love the table is simple, healthy, nomudine.

32. Hot-tempered often aggressive and in most cases it is not capable of blowing from behind the back, as you used to see the opponent face to face. The one who quickly flares, he as quickly and moves away. Hot-tempered all in sight, he will almost never "keep a stone for the sinus", so it is less dangerous than the secretive one. It's easier to look to the future, since behind the outbreak, we know quick calm. The hot-tempered can be in the family, and it is possible in the environment. Although a hot-tempered person also happens in the family and in the medium. As everyone knows, a person in the family is "Angel", but at the work "Beast" and vice versa. And this is not compensation, but an innate feature and correct it is almost impossible, and there is no need. It is enough to "forgive" such a person to "forgive" and teach him to apologize to those around him. If he is to hold back, it will harm your health. So let it be rude? At first - yes. Then the head of the corner needs to put love and respect for their loved ones or employees.

33. Perseverance softens fate. ( Flaubert)

Perseverance and perseverance is the key to the fact that he will achieve his own, by all means. Persistence is one of the manifestations of the volitional qualities of the person.

© V.V. Libin, 2004
© Published with the permission of the author.

05/29/2014 05/29/2014 by. Mnogoto4ka.

Each person has a definite painting, it can be said that it is difficult to find two people with the same autographs, since they will have no dislike in something: a clear clear signature or "light" slightly noticeable beaks. Each person comes up with his painting and here you can give the will of my fantasy, but it is precisely our "snorkel" it is possible to determine the main features of the character, knowing certain patterns.

Slope signature

Analyzing the handwriting, pay attention to the end direction:

  • Up. Such painting suggests that its owner is a purposeful, cheerful, energetic person. All falls, failures, disappointments, which are found in the life path, it is easily bypassing them, while being reborn with new ideas, forces and goals. Such a signature, people with creative kind, such as artists, writers, artists, are very often possessed. It is pleasant to communicate with such people, very often they stand out against the background of the rest, both appearance and the inner world.
  • Straight. A person has such painting, in whose character there are features of optimism and pessimism, and one of them can manifest themselves to a greater degree in the influence of external circumstances. With such personalities, communication is good when both traits are balanced.
  • Down. This person is pessimist. Such a trait is strongly acting on his creative personality, he cannot fully reveal in some sphere, which is why it suffers from time to time. This nature has no faith, or it is, but very weak. And it can manifest in any sphere, whether it is religion or its own strength. In such a person there is practically no power of will, as well as with some sympathy refers to alcohol.

Signature length.

  • Long. A person with such a signature is a thorough, leisurely, prettier and purposeful. He delves into the essence of the case, brings it to the end. In relations with people, he is somewhat joined and stubborn. But leading a business relationship with him, you can be calm, because he will bring their work to the end.
  • Short. Personality having a short painting has a good reaction, but catching the essence of what is happening, studies it very superficially. This person does not have enough perpetuity and patience, so he does not like some cases requiring monotony and definite attention. It can be concluded that the actions of its quick, sometimes not fully thoughtful. From this it follows his attitude towards others: it does not endure slow, tedious comrades, colleagues.

Size letters.

  • Are the capital letter much more lowercase? Such a man is capricious, requiring much attention from others. You can even say that a small egoist sits in it.
  • If the capital letter is almost no different from the line, then the owner of such a signature is a modest, satisfied with his life, knowing that his life completely depends on him himself.
  • All letters in the painting small. Economical personality, concrete, thinking that everything should spin around them. Very often it happens that these are people egoers.
  • All letters in painting are large. A man is dreaming, naive, impractical, but very kind. In business relationships can substitute you in something. But as a friend, he is just great. It happens that large letters speak of his desire for independence, freedom, rebellion for justice.

Tilt letters.

  • In the signature letters are reprehensive. For their nature, these are realists. Different with restraint, specific sequence in actions, but stubbornness in some cases takes its own.
  • With inclination to the right. This direction indicates the balance of the character of a person who understands and ready to always make a compromise.
  • With a slope to the left. The owner of such painting is stubborn, invested, incredulous, hidden and insincere.
  • In the signature letters "dance". Such a person is capricious, the gust and dedication is almost absent.

All that can be found in the signature of a person. Basics of graphology and cigraphy for beginners.
Below are the basic characteristics of the person who can be calculated based on its handwriting and signature.
1. Size of the signature (what can be found in the size of the signature):

  • a) sweeping - global systemic thinking;
  • b) Compact - concrete thinking.

2. The length of the signature (which is talking about the length of the signature):

  • a) the long - the ability to deeply delve into the essence of the problems; Purity, excessive probability and bore;
  • b) Short - the ability to quickly grab the essence of events. Inability to monotonous work.

3. Signature type (how to determine the type of character of the handwriting):

  • a) rounded - softness, kindness, equilibrium;
  • b) angular - intolerance, irritability, sharpness, independence, ambition, stubbornness.

4. Distance between letters (specify character that can be determined based on the signature):

  • a) significant - generosity, transit;
  • b) "dense" signature - economy, stale (especially if the letters are small).

5. The presence in the signature of various elements (here is how to determine the character of a person by its handwriting):

  • a) a circle - looping on issues and ideas;
  • b) loops - caution, stubbornness;

  • c) drawings - creative thinking;
  • d) combining elements - the desire to optimize their activities.

6. Sign of signature (which means tilt):

  • a) to the left - coordinating, pronounced individualism;
  • b) to the right - balance of character, the ability to understand;

  • c) direct slope - restraint, straightness, mind;
  • d) a diversified tilt - secrecy, insincerity;
  • e) "lying" letters - the presence of serious psychological problems.

7. The direction of the final stroke (which else can be found in writing):

  • a) up - optimism;
  • b) down - a tendency to pessimism;

  • c) directly balanced character;
  • 8. Signature "tail" length.
The longer the "tail", especially the person Intramit to someone else's opinion. It is also a sign of diligence and caution. Than "tail" in short, the man is more careless.

9. Stressing the signature (which means if the signature is emphasized):

  • a) from the bottom - pride, the syntitude, dependence on the opinions of others;
  • b) from above - pride, vanity;

  • c) crossed signature - self-criticism, discontent with himself, doubt.

10. Signs of symmetry (how to interpret the signature of a person):

  • a) symmetric - reliability;
  • b) Asymmetric - an unstable character, mood swings.

  • c) hoppy - emotionality, impassableness

11. Difficulty and simplicity (which can be seen from a person's signature):

  • a) simple - a person lives according to the principle of "no problems";
  • b) "loaded" - often inclined to "make an elephant flies";

  • c) Original - great creative potential.

12. Election (if the signature is readable and not read)

  • The more understandable signature, the more the person is open.

13. Press (which means the degree of push to the handle when writing):

  • a) excessive - aggressiveness;
  • b) weak - secrecy;

  • c) strong - confidence
Knowing these simple features you can easily create a psychological portrait of a person only on the basis of his signature on the contract.

Each of us invents himself a signature, thereby revealing its true essence for others. It would seem that maybe hiding behind the usual stroke? It turns out that in the signature you can learn a lot of useful information about the nature of a person, its preferences and lifestyle. We are not particularly thinking when we leave our "autograph" on paper. But this is the confirmation of our personality in all senses. Let's try to reveal the secrets of graphology and find out how the signature determines our character.

There is a whole algorithm for which a personal psychological portrait of a person in signature is compiled. We will not be strongly delved into the graphology and we will only touch on the most important aspects of writing the signature, according to which the features are determined.

In size signatures You can judge about the thinking of a person. If the signature is swallowed - this is a sign of a flexible mind. The owner of such a signature always thinks largely, considers the situation from different angles and tries to always come to objective conclusion. If the signature is compact enough, this means that its owner thinks specifically and often does not try to delve into the essence of events.

Long signature He indicates the depth of thinking, patience and even a bore. Such a person loves to dig in detail. Short signature - a sign of rapid thinking and intelligence. Such people assimilate only the information they need and do not like to delve into the essence itself.

Type of writing letters Also can tell a lot of interesting things about the essence of a person. If the letters in the signature are round - this is a sign of open nature, sociability, kindness and peace of mind. Corner letters - a sign of irritable nature, stubbornness and lack of tacty.

Distance between letters It may tell about the attitude towards money. Large distance points to waste. If all the letters are tight pressed against each other, it can mean greeding, thrift, economy.

Slope signature - This is one of the most important criteria for human characteristics. The slope to the left gives waywardness in man, the desire for independence. The slope is right - a sign of equilibrium and adequate perception of oneself and the surrounding world. If all letters in the signature are written directly, that is, they do not have an inclination, then this is a sign of self-control, high intelligence and straightness. If all letters in the signature have a different slope, then this is a sign of insincerity and deceit. If letters have a very strong slope, it doesn't matter in which direction, then its owner has serious psychological problems.

Some signatures are also characterized by decorating her elements. If there are loops in it, then this is a sign of caution. Circle - anxiety and looping on problems. Curls and other non-standard elements in the signature indicate creative nature.

Finishing touch In the signature indicates the worldview and mood of its owner. If the bar is directed up is a sign of optimism. Down - a sign of pessimistic nature. If the touch goes straight, then the owner of the signature is a balanced person who can and sink and have fun.

By the nature of the underscore Signatures You can determine the attitude of a person to yourself. If the signature is underlined from above - this is a sign of ambition and vanity. From the bottom - elevated pride, egocentrism and dependence on someone else's point of view. If the signature is crossed in the middle, then this indicates an understated self-esteem.

The last thing you can pay attention to is difficulty of signature and its intelligibility. The more clearer the signature, the more it is open to communicate. If the signature is too simple, it gives out excessive carelessness in man. If it consists of a variety of complex elements and it is difficult to decipher, then its owner is a restless person, stressful and suspicious. The original signature indicates a man creative.

Signature of man, like his handwriting, is the key to his essence. No wonder, many American personnel services introduced a new test into the system of interviews, as a result of which the character and personal quality of a person based on its signature and hand writing. This is a great way to learn more about yourself and surrounding people. If this information was useful for you, press and

24.08.2013 13:00

It's no secret that the zodiac sign imposes his own imprint on a person. People belonging to ...

Each person has a definite painting, it can be said that it is difficult to find two people with the same autographs, since they will have no dislike in something: a clear clear signature or "light" slightly noticeable beaks. Each person comes up with his painting and here you can give the will of my fantasy, but it is precisely our "snorkel" it is possible to determine the main features of the character, knowing certain patterns.

Slope signature
Analyzing the underline, pay attention to the end of the signature direction:

  • Up. Such painting suggests that its owner is a purposeful, cheerful, energetic person. All falls, failures, disappointments, which are found in the life path, it is easily bypassing them, while being reborn with new ideas, forces and goals. Such a signature, people with creative kind, such as artists, writers, artists, are very often possessed. It is pleasant to communicate with such people, very often they stand out against the background of the rest, both appearance and the inner world.
  • Straight. A person has such painting, in whose character there are features of optimism and pessimism, and one of them can manifest themselves to a greater degree in the influence of external circumstances. With such personalities, communication is good when both traits are balanced.
  • Down. This person is pessimist. Such a trait is strongly acting on his creative personality, he cannot fully reveal in some sphere, which is why it suffers from time to time. This nature has no faith, or it is, but very weak. And it can manifest in any sphere, whether it is religion or its own strength. In such a person there is practically no power of will, as well as with some sympathy refers to alcohol.

2. Signature length
. Long. A person with such a signature is a thorough, leisurely, prettier and purposeful. He delves into the essence of the case, brings it to the end. In relations with people, he is somewhat joined and stubborn. But leading a business relationship with him, you can be calm, because he will bring their work to the end.
. Short. Personality having a short painting has a good reaction, but catching the essence of what is happening, studies it very superficially. This person does not have enough perpetuity and patience, so he does not like some cases requiring monotony and definite attention. It can be concluded that the actions of its quick, sometimes not fully thoughtful. From this it follows his attitude towards others: it does not endure slow, tedious comrades, colleagues.

3. Size letters
. Are the capital letter much more lowercase? Such a man is capricious, requiring much attention from others. You can even say that a small egoist sits in it.
. If the capital letter is almost no different from the line, then the owner of such a signature is a modest, satisfied with his life, knowing that his life completely depends on him himself.
. All letters in the painting small. Economical personality, concrete, thinking that everything should spin around them. Very often it happens that these are people egoers.
. All letters in painting are large. A man is dreaming, naive, impractical, but very kind. In business relationships can substitute you in something. But as a friend, he is just great.
It happens that large letters speak of his desire for independence, freedom, rebellion for justice.

4. Tilt letters
. In the signature letters are reprehensive. For their nature, these are realists. Different with restraint, specific sequence in actions, but stubbornness in some cases takes its own.
. With inclination to the right. This direction indicates the balance of the character of a person who understands and ready to always make a compromise.
. With a slope to the left. The owner of such painting is stubborn, invested, incredulous, hidden and insincere.
. In the signature letters "dance". Such a person is capricious, the gust and dedication is almost absent.

Before making findings about a person on his signature, remember some of the Soviets:
. For a start, practice painting your loved ones, compare what the signature of your relative and about his character says.
. Conclusions Do separate items, and then collect everything together as a mosaic.
. If the signature points to a specific trait of character, and in life is completely different, which is not visible in painting, then with the conclusion, consider the parties of character.