Original Snow Maiden Greetings. Modern Santa Claus-script for adults

Greetings Santa Claus Children

Here I am!
Since ancient times, it is so leading,
That no Christmas tree without me will cost me.
I, children, very old grandfather,
And I believe, for many years.
In December and in January
I walk on the ground,
I grab you for your nose
Kohl ice cream - so before tears!
Because I am angry
With his snowy retinue
Famous Santa Claus.
But today I am not angry,
Good, generous and simple!
With you together at least now
I am ready to go to dance.

Hello, guys,
Hello, ruddy,
Merry Sineglas
Mischievous gasels
Hello you all from a fairy tale!
And with greens
Have you guys in this room?
It can not be that no!
Green - these are trees color!
And the Christmas tree today is a birthday man,
It does not matter, it does not rein
I am waiting for guests
After all, today a holiday -
New Year!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year
Congratulations to all children!
Congratulations to all guests!
I was here I'm a year ago
Again to see everyone I am glad.
Grown big steel
Grown, big steel,
And did you know me?
(Children answer: "Yes!")
Who am I?
(Children: "Santa Claus!")

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
Guest Your New Year!
From me do not hide your nose,
Good me today!
I remember exactly a year ago
I saw these guys.
Year was rumpled, like an hour.
I did not notice.
Here I am again among you,
Dear children!
Grown, big steel.
And did you even know me?
All the same me, gray,
But just like young
And ready to go to dance
Together with you at least now!

Without grandfather, frost snowflakes do not fly.
Without grandfather Frost, patterns do not shine.
Without grandfather, frost and tree do not burn.
And there is no joy without frost from the guys.
Sign, the star is magical,
Children will please everyone!
Let him sound on the holiday
Cheerful, ringing laughter!

Star paint
Snow is stuck
To us in all pores in a hurry
Year of the news is good.
Need a guest to meet so
To smiles - the sea,
So that some kids
Nose did not hang with grief.
What would everywhere round
That the house was crazy
What to meet the new year
Swirl of the best songs!

Hello, children and adults!
Happy New Year,
Happiness, I wish you joy!
Do not sneeze and do not hurt
Health is strong to have.
On the Christmas tree a fun laugh
Santa Claus is not afraid!

Good afternoon you, happy new year
Congratulations to all guys!
Let your songs be wondering with his arrival.
Above snowy country
Time quickly goes.
We are with all the ground the big
Let's say: "Hello, New Year!"

Santa Claus:
Santa Claus I am real
From the deaf dense thicket
Where they stand in the snowdrifts of ate
Where the burana and blizzards,
Where forests are dense
Yes snow bulk!
Hello, guys!
I wish you success, health and strength!
Very guys, I hurried here!
Even in the road in the ravine failed,
But, it seems, in time it came to visit!

Children, children, get up in the circle,
Congratulations Take!
Fun, laughter, joy,
So that enough sweets
Full house toys,
Books, rattles,
Kishu eat
And listen to mom.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
I brought gifts.
I brought you a sea laughter,
Sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and success!
Happy New Year,
And I wish you all
Long-long in happiness to live
Do not truck out
Many of you health, happiness,
And live without bad weather!

(home holiday)
Open the harder, Santa Claus at the door!
New Year knocks on the house, Santa Claus came with a bag!

Wishes of santa frost adults

Together with the pricker "Hurray!"
Let me beyond the bad weather
There will be a life of light, good!
Time of good wishes
It comes for you, friends!
I have a confession for you:
All soul love you I!
At midnight, the battle of the clock is heard -
And the new year will come!
I wish you all happiness -
In every house it will come!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
I have a hurry to congratulate everyone!
Let me beyond the bad weather
Let him sound a cheerful laughter!

Let the world spread over the earth,
Blue world umbrella.
For all he will lit a flower of dawn,
Let them be peaceful rockets,
Let the sun shine in the sky clearly,
Let the new year be wonderful!

I wish you in the New Year
For many years to live without worries,
So much money was
Heart without love
So that fate awry,
Was you and Cole, and the yard!
To have leisure is mischievous -
Grandchildren and children to heap
Well, what is the most important thing -
Would be full of friends house!
There will be your birthday house
Warm them warm!

Happy New Year Congratulations
Happiness, joy we wish
To the Christmas tree New Year
Instead of festive animals
Collapsed exactly 30
Pol lithric bubbles.
To Santa Claus, as in a fairy tale
Semi-man, picker eyes
The most delicious, sweet
Treated champagne you !!!

// December 23, 2010 // Views: 193 330

Santa Claus's yield:At the rolled ski shop
With a bag heavy on the shoulder
We came here
Good evening, gentlemen! Snow: Hello Uncle, Hello Aunt!
Welcome us, what are you waiting for?

D.M.: We will be familiar, I'm glad to tear
My name is simple: I'm Santa Claus!

Snow: Kohl acquaintance of all more important
And imagine me rather.

DM: Snow Maiden, granddaughter with me as always
She and the road to your terme found.

Snow: From the New Year Academy of Clays
For all guests for all friends ...
We were the holiday brought,
Having gathered the fun of the whole big earth.

DM: We will not talk much
It's time to pour champagne (it's time to pour into glasses)

Snow:Let the rain from the songs over the planet flows!
Let the dance whirlwind in the stars will be left!
Let the Heart from the fun beats beats!
Let the new year bring all happiness!

DM: Glasses shifting all the people
Loudly crying "Happy New Year!"

The game "Who is drinking in the New Year"

DM: None probably a holiday
Without alcohol does not go

Snow: Interesting just
Our people are drinking today?

DM: In the festive elegant hall and handsome and beauties, they did not steal at the table and drank on a glass ... (vodka)

Snow: They say a good sign, to take a holiday ... (cognac)

DM: Ladies, so instituted, the holiday often drink ... (wine)

Snow: Someone can for a jerk, today swung ... (beer)

DM: Let it be comments
But sweet and how to burit.
In order, the head blows like a cry
Everyone guessed - this is ... Introduction.
(Have you ever tried a prayer? What to try it, it is necessary to drink it!)

Snow: Russians in tradition since a long time
Transparent and strong drink ... Moonshine.

DM: (We got the share
Do not live without ... alcohol.)

Snow: Civil duty to drink holiday ... (champagne)

(Those who are loud and actively answered, invited to the center of the hall)

Game for adults "Tell champagne"

Participants are built in line or in a circle. The game is carried out on the principle of "Playoffs", that is, to the disposal.
Music sounds, players pass an inflatable bottle of hand to hand - having received a bottle from a neighbor you need to make a turn around yourself and pass it on. Music periodically stops. A player who at the time of stopping music will be a bottle, drops out of the game.
The game is carried out until the last player remains - that is, the winner. Prize - bottle of champagne, the rest - the potion from the hangover - a coffee bag.

Riddles New Year's Eve from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

DM:And now we are for discharge
Let's make you riddles.
Let me read the poems,
They are harnessed in them.

Snow: We will start, you continue
Only, brothers, do not yaw.
Who guess the riddle
In the bag of Santa Claus, hand starts
And the gift gets.

Option 1

DM: Who loved to smoke

Cake, candy and jam?

He lived on the roof he is a poor thing,

His called ... No, not Cheburashka!

Right, Carlson!

Snow: He plays a little sign

For passersby on the harmonica.

I won't take guys

Is it a hare or wolf? For sure, Crocodile Gena!

DM: Two little mouse nonsense

Engaged on the cat.

Well, the cat was old and deaf,

His called Winnie the Pooh. True, Leopold!

Snow:The riddle is not for kids:

Who is afraid of a cat? Mice?

Correct answer - dogs!

DM:He was a tormenting thunderstorm,

With a patch went to battle.

He loved his honey

Baby small ... Raccoon!

No? Winnie the Pooh!

Option 2.

Without him what holiday

He is tricious

Answer this moment

Who is it? (Santa Claus)

How does she succeed

And she is shuschrit, laughs

Santa Claus Road

They guessed who? (Snow Maiden)

Gather in Horovoda

Around her new year

Brought it with frost

What kind of tree? (Christmas tree)

Grandfather pleases people

Song, dance in the new year

Grandfather does not pull the rubber

Gives a prize from? (Bag).

Snow: Applause is the most await!

Our astrologer, Santa Claus,

I studied all the secrets of the stars!

What brings you new year

Each sign will now understand.

New Year's horoscope from Santa Claus

Who is born a year monkeys,

Visit other people's countries.

Waiting for their many travels,

Non-hazardous incidents

Waiting for jokes, jokes, laughter

And in all matters success!

Petushka All cards in hand!

Will live, not knowing boredom,

Waiting for him in the affairs of

It will be the leader in everything!

Everything is perfectly resolved,

But do not go stick!

No enemies you have - Dogs,

But there is always a chance for a fight!

For dogs a recipe simple:

All change, but carefully!

And forgive porous evil

So that they are lucky!

Congratulations, you are friends,

This year, the head - Pig!
And although they do not know the pigs,

What is oranges,

But the talent will not work

And to good luck the way will open!

W. Mouse There will be a nice year

Many in it will happen:

Will go to the warm edges

It will grow up her family.

If this mouse is smart,

Will be the stronger elephant!

Bull WHO is driving hard,

He will solve any question

And for bullish success

The symbol of the year is not a hindrance!

Boldly move forward

And in the fire will find a brother!

I want to know Tiger

What's the bad game with money.

Though, of course, you wise

And to friends of your kind,

Do not affect deception.

Take care of your pocket!

This year and kota

Life is not bad

So you can live cats,

Do not rush without fuss.

Cat can be sure -

Happiness he will find his own!

BUT The Dragon Sillen, hot,

Waiting for a dragon squall good!

Like a bird, he flies,

About good only dreams

Because in love, in work

Will live all year on takeoff!

For Snakes There are no obstacles

She is in everything - green light!

And green bills

What to peel will not be chickens!

If you are with us Horse

Waiting for you the way straight and smooth!

But health takereg

Do not run too fast

So that the pig has not lagged

And I did not forget about you!

Well, if you - Lamb,

Your kind heart

All people will position for you,

And in love it will help!

You only need to believe

And the arched life is not measured!

New Year Horoscope 2 - from Snow Maiden
Aries.Everything in life you need to experience
To rest on the sea and go to the fairy tale.
Taurus. If you are not happy about your salary,
It's time to go to the search for treasure.
Twins. To success and happiness to strive
Hurry up in the new year fall in love.
Cancer. New year you have to remember,
What you dream - everything will be fulfilled.
A lion. Sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles and affectionate words
Your success will decorate millions of colors.
Virgo.Gentlemen, you have to remember long ago:
Life is a game! So look at the casino.
Libra.Merry and joy life will be full -
Coast of fermented and rivers complete wines.
Scorpio. In the coming year - to this -
The Order is destined to get.
Sagittarius. Physical education it's time for you to do,
Run, jump, harden.
Capricorn. In the new year will be served and drunk
And something is wrong? .. All over the drum!
Aquarius. Demography you are destined to raise
Putin promised to give money for it.
Fish.So that the year is not for you
Little stars are enough from the sky.

DM: In general, everything is found,
And you will not be bored!

Snow: Waiting for you year cool, bright,
Waiting surprises and gifts!

DM: Let the stars help you
And in the way they protect!

If the Christmas tree blooms, it means that the new year came!
If the masks get up in the dance, it means that the new year came!
If you have fun and happy people, it means that the new year came!
If the heart sings heart, it means that the new year came!

Game for coproratis "Frozen songs"

DM: New year without songs we are not interested.
All sow them, sitting at the table.
About a horse with frost, about winter threats,
About the Christmas tree from the forest - we sing from the soul.

Snow: Friends urgently need your help. It is necessary to "defrost" songs. I call the last words of the lines, you need to know the song and fulfill this verse.

  • counter-Sea - Bears - Earth ("Song about Bear": "We are floating under the century, sleep under the ice of the sea ...");
  • ice - Squeezing - Wall - Barbed (Song "Winter": "The ceiling of the ice, the door is creaking ...");
  • me - Dal - Konya - February (the song "Three White Horse": "And they carry me into the ringing light distance ...",);
  • inay - Wires - Blue - Star (Song "Blue Inay": "Blue, Blue Yeans, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky ...");
  • minutes - sing - the light is this (the song "Five minutes": "I will drink a song about five minutes to you, my song is singing this song ...");

Play with the staff. Show-ballet Santa Claus

D. M:: Although I grandfather is gray, but in my heart I am young.
Together with you at least now
I am ready to go to dance.
Common dance.

D. M:: Today, laugh, relax, entertain jokes of friends!

Snow: And now we invite you to dance you, as soon as possible! (All water dance "Christmas tree was born in the forest")

DM: Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye
But do not be upset
Thank you all for your attention
Take wishes
Snow: Let the tree sparkle with colored lights
Let your songs and laughter sounds, do not merge
And let it be joyful all this year!
You are very kind, cheerful people!
DM: Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Let the bad weather be afraid
Be happy always
Together: Happy New Year, Lord!

Final song.

New Year! (Verka)

  1. You are tired of worries

All will pass!
You are not lucky
All will pass!
What soul sings?
The body asks in the flight?
New Year (3 p)

  1. Let him melt in the souls of the Loda New Year,

All sadness will notice the new year
People have no time to miss, we will soon celebrate
New Year (3 p)


  1. Soon the new year will go to you

Good luck to everyone will bring new year
Everyone let yourself nap
Drinks with us and will sing
New Year (3 p)
New Year rises to the threshold
New year in the window is already knocking
In the new year everything can happen
Let no one be alone!
On this new year!

Additional materials for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden on corporate
Snow: Dear friends, fill the glasses and raise them above!

D. M:: Again knocks on the door to us a wonderful new year.

Snow:Let the old year of doubt with him will take.

D. M:: Let's believe in the best and all the traps called, 3 times spindle behind the back, so that I would always be lucky (Ugh, pah, ugh!)

Snow: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Let sorrow go away
We were gathered here festive ... Night ..., (no Christmas tree).

Men hungry like wolves
All the closer looks close ... to the Christmas tree ..., (no to the tables).

Happiness will bring you all
New Year's ... Talisman

I want to hear from everyone
Who is the coming talisman a year? (pig)

Cheer up to everyone
It will help us ... Game ..., (no champagne).
New year in various people is something different.
Better we will congratulate concrete on the New Year!
Novoselov - with new entrance!
Beekeepers - with new honey!
Chess players - with new move!
Herborobov - with a new shoot!
Detectives - with a new code!
Fishermen - Happy New Bot!
Hockey players - Happy New Score!
Cosmonauts - with a new takeoff!
And who like that
I could not congratulate here
Happy New Year,
In this, too, something is there!

In contact with

Why is it so quiet here?
It seems a holiday on the nose ...
Maybe I did not come there,
In vain Gifts Wolf?

Well, full glasses
Pour everyone
Loud grandfather meet
We all will be fun!

I came to congratulate the best
In the whole world, the team,
Wish success, happiness,
To be the best every moment.

For the whole year fun, laughter,
Brightness joy in the eyes!
Let it always succeed
Even in the most strong dreams!

Through blizzards and drifts
I was in a hurry to get here
To with the holiday magic
You congratulate you, gentlemen!

I wish everyone this year
Live without trouble
Without alarm and chagrin,
Without sadness and excitement.

I wish flourishing,
Nationwide recognized
Let the finances flock to you in your hands,
And all the goals are achieved.

Be happy always.
Happy New Year, Lord!

To your holiday hurried,
I did not fall into the snowdrift,
I see all the arrival of Rada,
This is for me award!

Happy New Year!
You get up dance
And dance, smile
And enjoy the fun!

I came from afar,
To congratulate you, friends.
I see: the team you are friendly,
What do you want to wish?

I wish in the new year
Let you only rush in life!
So that everyone has gone salary,
There were less than your spending.

I wish you all inspiration
And bosses - howle
So that your work is always appreciated
Dare and loved!

So that it is easy and no doubt
You could relax
Well, all, without exceptions,
Happiness in life found!

You worked, tried,
You successfully achieved
Plans, profits, interest,
Achievements, customers ...

All throw away, forget everything
And today be!
I, like Grandfather Frost,
Joy brought the bag!

Let you have on the holiday
Bright will be every hour,
Let joke let and laugh
Happiness to you! I love you all!

I went to the light,
Your congratulatory team
Well, who will tell the poem?
After all, you have a corporate!

Who wants to enhance?
You need a song grandfather sing,
Who is the salary of adding?
You need to dwell.

Santa Claus desire now
Executes everything for you
To be a job in joy,
The results were - class!

In the coming holiday new year
I came to congratulate you
No wonder the name Santa Claus
I once gave me!

In the year you have gone like bees,
Not bothering hands worked.
I wish you salaries so much
In the pockets so as not fit!

I wish you health so much
Like the Japanese taken together!
Love to you, passion, and not only ...
Friends of influential, rich!

Work zagano, do not robet
And be a friendly team!
In the soul of his dream of grek,
And let them fulfill all the moment!

Happy New Year Congratulations
All who worked for a whole year
I watch you
Surprised and proud.

Together a friendly team
You have achieved many goals
Share positive,
Santa Claus You will send fun.

Long walked to you to congratulate
I will praise your team
Want to wish weakness
That life is sweet to you.

I am a good grandfather Frost,
To you for a long walk, a slightly frozen,
Congratulate you long wanted
But there were many different things ...

First, above your nose, friends,
Without optimism it is impossible to live
And secondly, let the new year
Big happiness will bring!

I wish you to new year
For everyone became the best,
Helped go always forward
Brought revenues, was carried away.

Let Love live in the hearts,
And the side goes by adversity.
So that happiness was not the end.
Good luck to you, moments of light. Happy New Year!

Roslakova Galina Nikolaevna

music leader

GBOU city of Moscow Kindergarten

combined type No. 2001.

New Year's matinee "Visiting Snow Maiden"

for children of primary preschool age

The children of the middle group enter the hall under the merry music with a slight run, hands on the belt.

Performed "dance without singing"

Leading: Happy New Year Congratulations

And we sincerely wish

Many all health to you

And big, and kids!

Children, see what beautiful and elegant our Christmas tree!

Let's say hello to her!

Children: Hello, Christmas tree!

1st reb Our Yolka Zelen

And hard, and slim.

At once thousands of fires

Broke out on it.

2nd Reb. We are very, very fun

On the holiday of your own.

And a song about the Christmas tree

We will sing now.

3rd RelaAnd under the Christmas Talk

And dancing, and sings

All friends and all girlfriends

Invites in a circle.

Performed dance "Christmas tree Christmas tree" At the end, the children are sitting on chairs.

Leading invites children younger group . Children to the music of the "Little Christmas tree" run up and stop at Christmas trees, approach her, consider toys. The educator asks what toys on the tree? Children call them.

Leading. In front of the elegant tree

Stop in dance ...

Children get up in the dance.

Child. Ml. Hello, Christmas tree!

For guys

There is no gift.

Let your lights burn

Festive and bright!

Performed song "Christmas tree" (Shine on the tree beads ..)

Leading: Guys who go to us? Yes, it is a Snow Maiden, grandfather's grandparents!

Snow Maiden.(coming out, sings the song "All the animals know me, the name Maiden is called")

Snow Maiden.Hello guys! What are you beautiful, elegant! And what is your tree fluffy, and slim! Is it a grandfather Frost brought?

I all winter send hello

Adults and kids

Daddy, Mamam, Grandmothers,

Girls and boys!

Well, fast, kids,

Turn to moms

Right handle can

Left handle can witht.

Pope, moms, do not miss

We are in place to sing

Chloride together

Have fun with us!

"Hold the handle"

Snow Maiden.And now everything is in the dance,

Have fun in the new year!

My dance is very simple,

But cheerful, mischievous.

All are ready to dance?

So you can start.

Children of both groups stand in the dance around the tree and perform movements along the dance.

Snow Maiden. 1. We will now go right away (Saturday)

And let's go right.

We are loudly clad hands - once, two, three.

And the legs in a friendly footman - once, two, three.

2. And now we will turn

And smile to each other,

Never borrow - once, two, three.

We begin the dance first - once, two, three.

3. We will now go right away

And let's go right.

Well, together, all the people - once, two, three.

Let's say loudly: "Happy New Year!" - one two Three.

Snow Maiden. I do not hear, more friendly!

Children. Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden. Well done, my friends,

I am satisfied with the holiday.

Children sit on his chairs for two sides.

Lead. On the forest edge of the winter

Collected forest people.

Near the Christmas tree New Year

Beasts water dance.

Leading.poem "Oh a Christmas tree"

Scene of the Makeup Theater "Christmas tree stood"

I, fox-cheer, bunnies catch,

But I will not eat them, just play ....

Children perform dance "Beasts walked on the tree", The words M. Mikhailova, Russian People's Melody, at the end of which children overlook (3 Belchonka, 3 mouse, 3 bunny) and read poems.

First Belchonok .

On the courtyard of blizzards Warm without silent,

On the forest edge, the animals decorate the Christmas tree.

Second Belchonok .

Hang on gingerbread branches, rugs,

Lollipops - deer, chocolate - for a bear.

Third Belchonok .

Asterisks and chains, beads golden,

Lanterns, toys, painted balls.

First mouse.

We all very well,

Fun today

Because it came to us

New Year's holiday.

Second Mouse.

Gathered at the Christmas tree

Mice, hares, wolves,

Began to think and guess

How do they celebrate New Year?

Third Mouse.

We must, forest people,

Together to meet the new year!

First haute.

Well, let's remember together

What do we need for the holiday?

Second zacre.

Need laughter, fun, dancing,

All as in the old good fairy tale!

Third bunny.

Santa Claus we really need

He and the forest people friendly.

To us on the Christmas tree he will come,

All gifts will bring!

Snow Maiden. Oh, that's me!

Fox. I am a chanterelle, the tail of the redhead.

I came to your holiday to you.

Sweet carrots

All bunners brought. (Sends a basket with a carrot Snow Maiden).

Snow Maiden. Well done, fox, and now play with incars from the younger group.

Game "Bunnies and chanterelle" (Sl. V. Antonova, Muses. G. Finarovsky)

  1. On the forest lawn

Scunned bunnies. Children bunnies will jump in different directions.

That's what bunks,

Bunny - Elegant!

  1. Sat down bunnies in a circle,

Rotate the paw root. Squatted (seek

That's what bunks, root).

Bunny - Easy!

  1. That runs fox Bunnies hide face in palm, but chanterelle

Redhead sister. walks around the hall

Looking for where bunnies and looking for children.

Bunny - Elegant!

At the end of the songs under fun music, bunnies jump.

Merry music sounds, "bunnies" jump. Suddenly fill fox and fun says: "Cat, catch up!" Bunnies sit on chairs.

At the end of the chanterelle runs away.

Snow Maiden.And what did Santa Claus have not come yet?

Children. No!

Snow Maiden. Do you know how the children comes Frost?

Who know how to slap together! Do you know how? (Children clap).

- who know how to stomp legs. Do you know how? (Children are hung).

Which can be laughed calling. Do you know how? (Children laugh).

Who know the song about Santa Claus. Do you know?

Performed song "Santa Claus"

Santa Claus's yield.

DM . I'm gray, ruddy,

Good Santa Claus:

Christmas tree for your holiday

From the forest brought.

The lights sparkle:

Red, blue.

Good tree Tree

Have fun with you! ...

Santa Claus greets children and guests. Congratulations on the holiday. He asks children if his Christmas tree liked. Lights lights on the Christmas tree, invites everyone to the dance.

Children along with Santa Moroz stage dance-dance "Walked Merry Santa Claus", depicting bunny, bears, chanterelles.

1. Walked Santa Claus,

Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

It is important raised a red nose,

Red nose, red nose.

Everyone goes in a circle, high raising your head, hiding behind the back.

2. And along the Forest Forest,

Forest, forest, forest,

Jumping a bunny naughty

Naughty, so.

All jump on two legs.

3. Teddy bear bunned,

Catch up, catching up.

He walked a progress,

He walked like that!

All are depicting closing bears.

4. And it is good, good, good, good

There was a chanterelle slowly

Not rushing, so!

Everyone goes on the socks, wagging the "tail".

5. Grandfather Frost came,

I came to us, came to us.

In the dance cheerful he went, he went so.

Santa Claus dancing In a circle, children clap into your hands.

Santa Claus.

Guys, are you afraid afraid?

And if the knobs freeze, what are you doing?


We slap!

Santa Claus.



That's how. (Slap along with children).

Santa Claus.

And if the legs freeze?


We are writing!

Santa Claus.



That's how, (Tools with children).

And yet. Santa Claus, we dance!

Santa Claus.


Snow Maiden.

That's how!

Performed "warmer". Children dance, performing dance movements that the Snow Maiden shows.(Cotton - Springs, Breakers of one foot - steep around itself)

Santa Claus.Oh, and the deft you are guys! I did not frighten anyone.

And now, mischievous,

Children read poems.

Santa Claus.Well done! I really liked your poems.

Leading. Listen, Santa Claus, our orchestra!

Hey guys come out

Rattles get!

Boy. Cf. c. We dance with a rattle,

Together, fun now.

And ring your toy -

Look at us!

Children cf. Groups are performed with rattles and bubrels Estonian folk song "Sat" with movements.

Santa Claus.Well done musicians! Now play. Well, tell me, do you like to play hide and seek? But I will check now!

"Hires with Santa Claus"

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus: Once, two, three!

Throw off and do not look.

Turn no rush.

Spicy fast, kids!

Children are sitting on the chairs squatting, the face is hiding in the palm.

And Santa Claus walks and looking for them.

Santa Claus.I walk around the room,

I do not find anyone.

Well, where to go,

Where do I find the guys?

Walks, senses: "Maybe they hid? Or maybe here? (Parents) "No, not they." Suitable for babies and asks: "Where are my guys?" Children get up, fun laugh and shout: "We are here!"

Santa Claus - comment ...

Santa Claus.Oh, I'm tired of something, it's hot to me!

Snow Maiden. I will install this trouble,

And Claus will help.

And their sister snowflakes

I immediately call.

Snowflakes - girlfriends,

Fly soon!

Screw in dance

At the tree of his!

Snowflakes (all choir).

We are fluffy snowflakes,

We do not mind

We are snowflakes-fun

We dance day and night!

Performed "Snowflake dance", Waltz Muses. A. Zilina. (Mahi hands with ribbons and running) .

After the dance, Santa Claus plays with snowflakes - collects them in a snowdrift, and as soon as he tries to sit on it, snowflakes scatter.

Santa Claus. How much snow is smelted!

Snow Maiden.Frozen, Santa Claus? How to warm up you do not know? Santa Claus, evil for the guys.

Santa Claus. Well, you, Snow Maiden, I'm tired, I sit under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. I have a magic handkerchief to whom it will fall, he will dance!

"Baryna with handkerchief"

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, leading, children, parents.

Santa Claus. Well, artists, just a miracle!

I will not miss you!

And now, the bastard,

You have time to ride the magic sleigh.

Want to ride in Santa Claus?

Children sitting on the right side of the other, ahead of Santa Claus, in the hands of his arc with bells. And the children sitting on the left side stand behind the Snow Maiden, moving by the opposite, under the Russian folk melody.

Santa Claus. Well, thanks, the bastard,

The holiday turned out to be bright

And now it's time

Children get ...

Children. Presents!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden distribute gifts, say words to farewell, their wishes and go.

New Year's banquet.

Santa Claus's yield.

Santa Claus.: Hello my dear!

I came today early
I came from afar,
Happy new year to congratulate you
And to delight slightly (show gifts in "All Gras")!
Maybe you generally forgot
what (soon) Today is the new year?!
Nothing he himself knows everything
Sore and come !!!

Oh, where is the Snow Maid? Wasn't it yet?
Ai-I-I-I-I-I-Yai! Here trouble!
What should I do? So Snow Mary led!
You hook again, she has a date, meeting with Lelle in the restaurant. And not a grandfather to do not care! All in the spring, my mother! That also verthvostka: Eternally b love to smoke! No mistress - trouble just!
So what should I do now? Without Snow Maiden, what is the job in the new year everyone is taking!
Listen, Girl, Beauty, Idea! Some and, I hope, go to the Snow Maiden. Oh, but still beautiful, do not refuse an old man!
The best Snow Maiden will get a good prize!

1 Creating the best Snow Maiden!

Each challenger on the role of the Snow Maiden should be changed so much to fit the form of modern Snow Maiden. You can use everything that is already wearing on the Snow Maiden, plus any additional items, things, christmas decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.

2 The most resourceful!
Now I will need three assistants - men, better if it will be husbands or good acquaintances.
All the Snow Maiden are tied eyes. Opposite each man becomes, in whose clothing a small Christmas tree toy is hidden. Wins the fastest and resourceful!

3 The most affectionate!
Oh, all such beauties, clever nimble, which is not easy to determine! Therefore, I propose the following test, one is the only one, the most affectionate. Well, please, old man, tell me warm, affectionate words, compliments! Still a little bit and I will pull out!

Prize and hat.

We decided on Snow Moon! Understand this toast!

All dreams came true,
And luck came to you,
So that the money was found
To be sweet life !!! HURRAH!!!
If you are offered to drink
Oh, thanks, the guys, but not the health!
I am not the first century, without teeth for a long time and sad.

and you, Snow Maiden, what do you wish our friends?
New Year's greetings from left Snow Maiden
Spur glued to postcard
Well, granddaughter, help, in the dance of all invite everyone.


Snow Maiden exit.

Snow Maiden:
Yeah, fun, here in full swing
I was almost late
I came to you on the festive Christmas tree from afar.
She went for quite a long time through the ice, through the snow.
All the days, not knowing the laziness, did not come down from the way.
It sat down on deer, then in the route taxi ...
Oh, you, Grandfather Frost! see see!
This is not at all trouble that a gray beard.
No wonder: "Dev in the edge", when years are not those.
All spring I will tell!

Santa Claus.:
This is a misunderstanding! I went out of the point! And for it suffered: ran into the scandal!
Thank you, my native helped!
Snow Maiden:
OK OK! Santa Claus!
You today laugh, rest,
Do not strain your head
Do not forget gifts to give!
Santa Claus.
Yes! Gifts - My passion! In the new year I give them me!
Snow Maiden:
We know that the capital goes your roast and make gifts to do. TRANSIRA You and ILO! Here!
And the first New Year's gift will get to the one who woins it!

Game "Music Prize".

Music prize, to whom it will come! We give this prize to the music, music breaks down (That which he has in his hands, begins to deploy the newspaper or drops out)


Santa Claus.