Why is chimes prescribed during pregnancy? Curantyl during pregnancy: a useful "vitamin" for the expectant mother

During pregnancy, especially in its early stages, women are prescribed the drug Curantil, which many mistakenly take for a vitamin complex, but in fact, this is a medicine that starts many processes in a woman's body. It is worth taking such a drug only as directed by a doctor, then it will not harm either the unborn baby or the health of the mother. The negative and positive properties of Curantyl will be described later.

Is Curantyl necessary during pregnancy and why is it prescribed

Taking medications during pregnancy or not has always caused a lot of controversy, but the main thing in making a decision will be the amount of information studied about the drug. A good doctor will always reassure the patient, tell you why this or that drug is used, but why is Curantyl prescribed?

Curantil (in other words, its analogue Dipyridamole) is a drug that is often prescribed by doctors during pregnancy, but expectant mothers confuse it with vitamins for pregnant women. This drug has a very complex effect on the body of the expectant mother, and it is prescribed only in case of circulatory disorders. The composition of Curantyl includes its analogue Dipyridamole, a biologically active substance that saturates cells with oxygen.

According to doctors, unlike many drugs, Curantyl has a beneficial effect on the placenta, in addition, it reliably protects the health of a pregnant woman and prevents the appearance of edema, pressure, migraines, and viral diseases.

Often, Curantyl is prescribed in courses, or during pregnancy. Curantil significantly reduces the risk of thrombus formation by regulating blood outflow, has a positive effect on the immune system, reduces the congestion of internal organs, thins the blood, helps strengthen blood vessels, despite the many advantages, the instructions for its use are very simple: take the drug on an empty stomach an hour before meals and the dosage is 1 tablet.

Like any medicine, Curantyl has side effects on the body:

  • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • Tachycardia;
  • dizziness, migraine;
  • Allergy expressed on the skin;
  • Arthralgia.

Contraindications for taking Curantyl:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • Diseases that expose the body to bleeding;
  • Unstable heartbeat;
  • severe arrhythmia;
  • Heart failure.

Instructions for use Curantyl during pregnancy

The medicine Curantil has a large list of side effects on the body. The likelihood of an allergy is huge, so it is important to be extremely careful and take the drug according to the prescribed dosage.

In the early stages, that is, during the first trimester, Curantyl is prescribed quite often. Sometimes it is recommended to drink it in the last trimester, or before the planned pregnancy.

Pregnant women are very much concerned about the issue of prescribing medications by a doctor. Curantil (aka Dipyridamole) quickly thins the blood, but this drug is best taken under medical supervision and only if there are indications for its use.

Before taking Curantil, you need to carefully study the instructions for taking it. In this regard, you need to be very careful, since there have been very few tests of Curantyl and it is prescribed as rarely as possible abroad. That is why, when prescribing Curantyl by a doctor, it would be reasonable to require clear explanations of this decision so as not to cause harm, since, despite the positive reviews, each organism is individual, and, accordingly, the reactions to the reception are different.

Often Curantyl is prescribed by doctors for premature aging of the placenta, but this is not always the case, in many cases doctors recommend taking it to prevent various acute complications, since the female body is very heavily loaded during pregnancy.

  • Prevention of the appearance of plaques;
  • Strengthening blood vessels;
  • Blood thinning;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Improvement of blood circulation;
  • Eliminates the appearance of hemorrhoids;
  • Improves kidney function;
  • Prevention of seizures;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Prevention of SARS;
  • Toxicosis in the later stages;
  • puffiness;
  • Strengthening the placenta.

In many cases, Curantyl is prescribed by a doctor for prevention, but you should make sure that taking it without taking the drug will certainly begin to develop any disease. The instructions for use describe the dosage of taking Curantyl, but often the doctor himself prescribes the amount of medication taken.

The purpose of the dosage depends on the following indicators:

  • The results of the tests carried out;
  • Indications for the use of this drug;
  • Terms of pregnancy.

Taking the drug on your own without a doctor's prescription is not recommended, even if it was previously prescribed, as this can harm the health of the mother and child.

Curantil during pregnancy: drug reviews

The question of whether taking the drug Curantil really helps to thin the blood, strengthen the immune system, migraine, swelling to this day remains relevant. In the later stages (in the third trimester), Curantyl is prescribed quite rarely.

With individual intolerance, Curantyl can be replaced by taking the drug Actovegin, in which the indications for use are very similar, in addition, it can be prescribed in the form of a dropper, but it has quite different effects.

Reviews about taking Curantyl:

  • Olga: I took Curantil on an empty stomach, over time I found that my head was spinning. The doctor said to take it with food.
  • Galina: I passed blood tests, it turned out that the blood density was increased, I took Curantil, everything is fine, I feel great.
  • Sveta: I don't know how much others drink it, but I drank up to 12 weeks! And he had a very bad headache from him, after taking it he passed.
  • Ira: Pila Curantil from the 20th week gave birth to an excellent healthy baby.
  • Anna: I have been drinking since 34 weeks, everything is fine, no edema was found on ultrasound.
  • Olegovna: The doctor prescribed Curantyl, but I practically did not take it, because I take a pill and the weakness is sharp, a large fetus was found by ultrasound and Curantyl was canceled.
  • Jeanne: Curantyl was prescribed for indications of impaired blood flow in the placenta, three days after taking it, everything returned to normal.
  • Gita: They prescribed Curantyl for a cold, it helped a lot, after 5 days all the signs of a viral disease disappeared, now the children are sick, but I am not.
  • Amalia: Who did not drink Curantyl with cystitis? I want to tell you a great thing, I drink it once a year and forget about inflammation for a long time.
  • Evgenia: I took Curantil, everything is fine, they prescribed it to prevent fetal hypoxia.
  • Elizabeth: I took Curantyl both in the first and in the second pregnancy, everything is fine, the children grow to the delight of their mother.
  • Ulya: They found a suspicion of detachment of the chorion, prescribed Curantil, I feel great, the main thing is not to suggest anything to myself.
  • Natalie: Usually, Curantyl is used in combination with any means, I was prescribed to prevent fetal hypoxia, now everything is fine, there were no side effects, which was the result that was achieved.
  • Elya: The doctor prescribed Curantil during the first trimester, but I felt so bad that I had to stop taking it myself, fortunately, the tests were excellent, but I shouldn’t have done this on my own, this was my first pregnancy, I didn’t understand how I was risking.

Existing analogues of Curantyl

Curantyl has about 15 analogues, among which not all are on sale. Pentoxifylline is one of the analogues of Curansil, is available in the form of a tablet or ointment, a drug very similar in mechanism of action, which is prescribed to be used until childbirth. It has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus and reduces the risk of its loss, increases the tone of the uterus, but does not particularly affect the pressure, therefore, it practically does not affect the development of hypoxia in the child. In general, Pentoxifylline treats rapidly occurring acute conditions in pregnant women. Despite all its positive qualities, Pentoxifylline has almost the same side effects as Curantil.

Other analogues of Curantyl:

  • Trombone;
  • Dipyridamole - Ferein;
  • Parsedyl;
  • Sanomil - Sanovel;
  • Vero - Dipyridamole.

Before taking an analog of Curantyl, you need to make sure that the analogs are allowed to be taken during pregnancy and only with the permission of the attending physician.

Side effects of Curantyl

Curantil is significantly different from its counterparts. Despite its positive effect on the course of pregnancy, the side effects of the drug can be harmful to health. Sometimes you have to take Curantyl for a long time, in several courses, especially with high pressure. Improvements in well-being with Curantyl are observed for 3-5 days, since its benefits are mainly to improve the rate of blood circulation. When Curantyl or its analogues are prescribed, a special approach to the body of a pregnant woman is needed: test results, well-being, possibly ultrasound indications or screening.

In case of overdose, individual intolerance or simple intake of Curantyl, the following side effects are likely to occur:

  • Muscle pain;
  • bradycardia;
  • joint pain;
  • Redness of the skin of the face;
  • There is also noise in the auricles;
  • Runny nose;
  • Stomach ache;
  • General weakness;
  • Violation of the stool;
  • Low blood pressure.

Curantil tablets: facts about taking

Curantil tablets are prescribed to improve blood flow, as well as to raise the placenta. The duration of admission depends both on the prescription of the doctor and on the well-being of the woman. In second place after Curantyl is its analogue Dipyridamole. Dipyridamole and aspirin in the complex are primarily drugs that prevent heart attacks and strokes. Complaints of some women after some time while taking Curantyl say that one of its side effects is bleeding, which can provoke an overdose.

A few facts about taking chimes:

  • If your stomach hurts during the week of taking Curantyl, you should consult a doctor and most likely stop taking it;
  • Curantyl is a very effective medicine for hemorrhoids;
  • Curantyl and boron uterus contribute to the good treatment of hyperplasia;
  • To maintain pregnancy, Curantil and Iodomarin are prescribed;

The pregnancy hormone progesterone thickens the blood, and Curantyl thins it.

Good pills Curantil: from what

Curantil tablets as a reliable way to prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases of a pregnant woman. Curantyl lowers blood pressure, helps prevent placental insufficiency. However, there is a very good analogue of it, which does not dilate the vessels of the heart - this is Trental. Analogues are cheaper, and oddly enough they have fewer contraindications, but often manufacturers put a ban on them for pregnant women. A feature of Curantil treatment is that it relieves a pregnant woman of toxicosis in a few days.

Factors of a positive impact on taking the drug Curantil:

  • Fulfillment of all recommendations of the obstetrician;
  • Right way of life;
  • Proper nutrition.

Why is chimes prescribed during pregnancy (video)

Curantyl, according to its indications and reviews, is not a bad drug, but you should not self-medicate, but rather turn to a specialist who is interested and will help a successful pregnancy.

An ideal pregnancy, during which a woman does not take any medications, is quite rare today. Even if all tests are normal, the doctor may prescribe vitamin complexes to fully provide the body of the expectant mother and baby with all the necessary substances. Of course, a woman may be skeptical about some appointments of a gynecologist: the fear that medications can negatively affect the development of the fetus makes itself felt. But in some cases, the refusal of drugs causes more harm. Recently, in the recipe, you can increasingly see the name of the drug Curantil. Let's take a closer look at why a gynecologist may recommend taking this remedy.

In pharmacies, Curantil is presented in the form of tablets of 25 mg and 75 mg, as well as in pills of 25 mg. The active ingredient of Curantyl is dipyridamole, whose properties are aimed at strengthening and restoring blood vessels, as well as improving blood circulation. The drug is allowed to be used during gestation after consulting a doctor.

Curantyl affects the circulatory system and helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Curantyl has been used in obstetric practice for a long time. In some cases, it is prescribed not only to expectant mothers, but also to women who are just planning a pregnancy. However, it is not recommended to start taking pills or dragees on your own. It is necessary to undergo an examination, take blood tests, and based on the results obtained, the gynecologist will decide on the advisability of prescribing the medication.

After entering the gastrointestinal tract, dipyridamole is absorbed into the blood and binds to plasma proteins after sixty minutes. The active substance accumulates in red blood cells, as well as in the heart. Excreted from the body of a woman with bile. Curantyl has the following actions:

  • immunomodulatory - helps healthy cells mobilize defenses and resist foreign microorganisms;
  • anti-aggregation - does not allow platelets to stick together, which contributes to blood thinning and reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • angioprotective - the vessels expand, blood flow normalizes. Due to this action of dipyridamole, microcirculation improves, the blood is saturated with oxygen.
  • Indications for use

    With the birth of a new life in a woman's body, the work of organs and systems is restructured to be able to bear a child. The circulatory system takes on a huge load, because the saturation of cells with oxygen is required not only for the mother, but also for the baby.

    In some cases, Curantyl is prescribed to prevent possible health problems. During pregnancy planning, the drug may be recommended to reduce blood clotting, because this may be the reason that a woman cannot become pregnant. Also, the drug is effectively used if varicose veins are diagnosed: dipyridamole will help strengthen blood vessels and prevent thrombosis, and increased production of interferon will protect the body of the expectant mother.

    Curantyl is prescribed not only to expectant mothers, but also at the stage of pregnancy planning

    According to the instructions for pregnant women, Curantyl is prescribed in the following situations:

  • for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections or influenza: Curantyl is especially relevant during the cold season, when in crowded places the expectant mother can easily catch the virus. The active substance contributes to the production of interferon, which helps to strengthen the body's defenses;
  • in violation of blood microcirculation: most often prescribed as part of complex therapy with other pharmacological agents, depending on the diagnosis;
  • with thrombophilia - a serious condition in which blood clotting is impaired, which can lead to the formation of blood clots;
  • with edema: this condition is familiar to many women, Curantil helps to cope with them due to the positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and the normalization of blood circulation;

    Curantyl also has a positive effect on inflamed hemorrhoids: by improving microcirculation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, edema subsides and blood outflow is restored.

  • for the prevention of placental insufficiency - a situation where there is a violation of the functions of the placenta, which can lead to serious complications in the development of the fetus;
  • in violation of cerebral circulation and coronary heart disease.

    While taking pills or dragees, normal blood pressure is restored. The woman feels much better: headaches and fatigue disappear, the work of many organs returns to normal. First of all, this concerns the kidneys, which perform a double load during pregnancy.

  • But most often obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe Curantil in case of violation of the supply of oxygen from the blood to the fetus. The lungs of a baby are not yet functioning, but without oxygen, the body cannot develop normally. This condition leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus. If the placental circulation is not quickly restored, then the lack of oxygen can lead to the intrauterine death of the unborn baby.

    Curantil helps to improve blood circulation and normalize the supply of oxygen to the fetus

    During the period of bearing a baby, the work of the circulatory system changes slightly, in particular, this applies to blood clotting: it increases, and this is a variant of the norm. But in some cases, because of this, blood clots can form in the vessels of the placenta itself, which affect the blood flow between the body of the mother and the child: it slows down or stops. Therefore, it is very important to listen to the doctor's recommendations and undergo a course of treatment when prescribing.

    Video: Elena Berezovskaya about thrombophlybia and pregnancy

    Features of taking Curantyl in different trimesters of pregnancy

    All pregnant women undergo many tests, one of them is a coagulogram. If the expectant mother has reduced blood clotting, taking this drug can cause severe bleeding. Therefore, doctors always monitor indicators during all nine months of pregnancy.

    In the first trimester, a drug is most often prescribed to thin the blood and improve placental circulation, as well as to increase the woman's immunity, because the embryo is very vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. In the second and third trimesters, the drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of edema, thrombosis, and in case of detection of fetal hypoxia. The baby is already fully formed, the placenta protects it from many pathogenic microorganisms, but the unborn child needs a lot of nutrients and oxygen. This is what the main action of Curantyl is aimed at, starting from the second trimester.

    Rules for taking tablets or dragees

  • The form of taking Curantyl, the dosage and duration of the course of treatment is determined only by the doctor.
  • According to the instructions, take one tablet three times a day at a dosage of 25 mg. At the discretion of the gynecologist, a single dose of the drug per day at a dosage of 75 mg can be prescribed.
  • It is recommended to drink tablets one hour before or two hours after a meal. It is advisable to do this at the same time every day.
  • Do not crush or chew tablets or dragees.
  • A woman should know that you can not drink tea or coffee with the drug, so as not to reduce its effectiveness.
  • In some cases, doctors recommend gradually reducing the intake of pills. Most often, such a scheme is prescribed to women who drank the medicine in a higher dosage. For example, if the expectant mother drinks 1-2 tablets of 25 mg per day, then doctors can simply complete the course without gradually reducing the dose.

    When should Curantyl be abandoned?

    Curantyl has a fairly large list of contraindications, so you should be careful during the course of treatment. The drug should not be taken if the woman has a history of:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • heart diseases: myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, heart failure, atherosclerosis, collapse;
  • hypotension and hypertension: a strong increase or decrease in blood pressure are direct contraindications for taking Curantyl;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;
  • liver or kidney failure: serious disturbances in the work of these organs;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis: a decrease in blood clotting can lead to severe bleeding.
  • A strong increase or decrease in blood pressure are direct contraindications for taking Curantyl

    The experience of women taking Curantil during the period of gestation shows that the drug is well tolerated. However, some future mothers felt changes in their well-being, which manifested themselves in the form of the following side effects:

  • increase in heart rate;
  • sensations of heat that appear periodically;
  • bradycardia - violation of sinus rhythm;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • bleeding;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • feeling of nausea, vomiting;
  • indigestion, accompanied by diarrhea;

    In most cases, the side effects that appear in the gastrointestinal tract disappear on their own some time after the start of the course of treatment with Curantil.

  • general weakness of the body, dizziness;
  • headache;
  • allergic reactions: redness, rash, itchy skin.
  • If, after taking the drug, the expectant mother felt a deterioration in well-being or other unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to stop treatment with Curantil and contact a gynecologist as soon as possible for a detailed consultation.

    Simultaneous use with other drugs

    It is not recommended to combine Curantil with antacids, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of dipyridamole. According to the instructions, you can not take the drug simultaneously with aspirin and other anticoagulant drugs. This can lead to severe bleeding.

    If a pregnant woman drives a car, driving should be abandoned at the beginning of the course of treatment. This is due to the ability of Curantyl to lower blood pressure.

    Curantyl is often prescribed as part of complex therapy. For example, it can be used with Actovegin to improve blood circulation, antiviral drugs to support the body's defenses. If a woman suffers from severe edema, hemorrhoids, the gynecologist may prescribe a treatment regimen with Curantil in combination with Phlebodia 600. However, with the development of bleeding or small spotting, doctors most often cancel Curantil and recommend that the woman take hemostatic drugs, for example, Tranexam. It should be remembered that only a specialist can prescribe a treatment regimen and the simultaneous use of various drugs.

    Video: Dr. Komarovsky on medications during pregnancy

    Substitutes for Curantyl are presented on the pharmacological market, which also contain dipyridamole. These drugs are produced by different manufacturers and differ in price category. Analogues of Curantyl are Dipyridamole, Parsedil and Persantin. The question of replacing one drug with another is decided only by the doctor.

    Not all drugs are suitable for every pregnant woman. In some cases, the body of the expectant mother reacts to Curantyl with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Then the doctor will select a remedy with a different active substance, but similar therapeutic properties. Which medication to prescribe for treatment depends on the diagnosis of the woman:

  • Riboxin is a drug that normalizes metabolism and promotes oxygenation of tissue cells;
  • Thrombo ASS is a drug that is effectively used for blood thinning, as well as the treatment and prevention of fetal oxygen starvation;
  • Detralex - is prescribed in case of varicose veins, inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, the appearance of edema and the prevention of thrombosis in pregnant women.
  • Table: characteristics of medicines

    Name Release form Active substance Contraindications Use during pregnancy
    • Pills,
    • injection
    • Individual hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug;
    • gout;
    • kidney failure;
    • hyperuricemia (increased amount of uric acid in the blood)
    During pregnancy, the question of the use of the drug is decided only by the doctor.
    Pills Acetylsalicylic acid
    • Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy;
    • bronchial asthma, which is caused by the use of salicylates and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • a combination of bronchial asthma, reducing polyposis of the nose and paranasal sinuses, intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid;
    • gastrointestinal bleeding;
    • hemorrhagic diathesis;
    • pregnancy: first and third trimesters
    It is forbidden to use the drug in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy due to the risk of developing fetal pathologies. In the second trimester, the drug is used with caution after being prescribed by a doctor.
    Pills Diosmin Intolerance to the components of the drug Use with caution after consulting a doctor

    Photo gallery: drugs that a doctor can replace Curantil

    Riboxin is often prescribed to pregnant women. Thrombo ASS should be used with great care and only after a doctor's recommendation.
    Detralex is effective in inflammation of the blood vessels, which can cause thrombosis

    Curantil belongs to antiplatelet agents (prevent blood clotting), is a myotropic vasodilator (expands blood vessels by acting on the muscle wall). The drug inhibits platelet adhesion, reduces blood viscosity, improves microcirculation, dilates blood vessels (mainly arterioles). It also increases the body's nonspecific antiviral defenses.

    Information In obstetric practice, Curantil improves blood flow in the placenta, reduces hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus, and prevents dystrophic changes in the placenta.

    Given all of the above properties, Curantyl is very often used in obstetrics. There are schemes in which this drug is used as a prophylactic for such conditions as preeclampsia (late toxicosis), fetoplacental insufficiency (disturbances in the mother-placenta-fetus system) and others. However, for such use, there must be risk factors indicating the possible development of these complications of pregnancy. An absolutely healthy woman with a normal pregnancy does not need any prophylactic drugs.

    General indications

    • Violations of cerebral circulation;
    • Prevention and treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
    • Microcirculation disorders as a complex therapy;
    • Prevention and treatment of respiratory viral infections (as an immunomodulator).

    Indications for use during pregnancy

    • Treatment and prevention, fetal malnutrition (developmental delay);
    • Prevention of thrombosis in the presence of varicose veins;
    • Hypercoagulability (increased blood clotting);
    • Presence of arterial hypertension in a pregnant woman.


    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (CVS) (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, heart failure, arterial hypotension and others);
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
    • Diseases with a tendency to bleeding;
    • Renal and liver failure;
    • Individual intolerance.

    Side effects

    • From the side of the CCC (palpitations, decrease in pressure, slowing of the pulse);
    • From the digestive system (nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea);
    • On the part of the blood and coagulation system (increased bleeding, decreased platelet levels, etc.);
    • Allergic reactions and more.

    Side effects in standard dosages are not expressed, they pass quickly.

    Dosage of Curantyl during pregnancy

    Usually the doctor prescribes Curantyl 25 mg three times a day in courses (2-4 weeks) or constantly, but each case is individual.

    Reception during lactation

    Perhaps, but it is necessary to weigh the benefit to the mother and the risk to the child.


    Analogues of Curantyl are dipyridamole, persanthin. The composition of these drugs includes the same active ingredient (dipyridamole), so the properties are similar.

    A common practice is to prescribe the drug "Kurantil" to expectant mothers, as well as to women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future. So don't be surprised if your doctor writes you a prescription. How to take it, why is it required and is it dangerous to use it? All these questions appear in a woman, and not always the district doctor, due to her workload, can answer them. Many mothers are surprised by the appointment of an “extra” drug, since it is believed that the fewer pills, the healthier the baby will be. However, doctors of a different opinion, the side effects of "Kurantil" are too insignificant and in most cases do not compare with the intended benefits for the mother and child.

    When planning

    Not every woman is prescribed a drug at this stage. Most often, planning a pregnancy can be discussed when a woman has certain health problems. If there was a history of miscarriages or abortions, infertility therapy, all this leads to the fact that the woman receives treatment, and one of the components is Curantil. Side effects are minimal, so doctors sometimes prescribe it even "just in case." To understand why it is prescribed, let's look at the pharmacological properties of the drug.

    Effect on the body

    "Kurantil" is a drug that improves blood microcirculation. That is, we are not talking about large arteries and vessels, but about a network of small capillaries. It is they who approach every cell of our body, nourishing them and saturating them with oxygen. According to the mechanism of action, it is an antiplatelet agent that prevents cells from sticking together, resulting in the formation of blood clots.

    For a future mother, this effect is very important, especially if she has a tendency to thrombosis. Therefore, the doctor prescribes "Kurantil". This method in most cases avoids complications from the internal organs. It happens that blockage of blood vessels leads to temporary infertility. In this case, against the background of treatment, a long-awaited conception may occur. Side effects of "Kurantil" can occur if there is anemia in the anamnesis, that is, the blood is already liquid.


    This term is more understandable. So the drug restores immunity. This happens because the drug is able to excite the synthesis of interferon. This is a special blood protein. The side effects of "Kurantil" continue to be carefully studied today, because the mechanism of action of interferon has been clarified only in general terms. It is believed to be safe for mother and child. But let's not forget that immune suppression is a physiological process aimed at reducing the risk of fetal rejection.

    Creating favorable conditions for conception

    If a woman has already been on examinations with suspected infertility, then she knows well what is at stake. Side effects of "Kurantil" may not be taken into account, because it allows you to build up the endometrium in the uterine cavity. This is nothing more than an internal nutrient layer to which the fetal egg is attached. If a fertilized egg descends into the uterus, and the endometrium is too thin, it will not be able to gain a foothold and a miscarriage will occur. A woman may not feel anything other than normal menstruation. By the way, the latter is precisely the result of exfoliation of the endometrium. If pregnancy does not occur, then it becomes unnecessary. And after menstruation, a new cycle begins, and the nutrient layer of the endometrium inside the uterus grows again to accept the fetal egg.

    Slightly deviated from the topic. So, doctors prescribe "Kurantil" in order to build up a layer of the endometrium, considering it a good help for future conception. Alas, this fact has not yet been proven. Maybe it's just a matter of time. That is, perhaps the drug will not harm, but not the fact that it will provide the necessary assistance.

    Prevention and treatment of varicose veins

    This is another disease that should be kept under control if pregnancy is planned. "Kurantil" helps to avoid thrombosis, which can be a very significant help. During all nine months, it is the vessels that are subjected to a huge load. In some women, signs of varicose veins are observed for the first time, in others, existing problems are exacerbated. Therefore, it will be very useful to take preventive and therapeutic courses before the onset of pregnancy. But if for a healthy person this drug will be an excellent help, then in the presence of certain diseases it is best to refuse it. It can also cause side effects, which we'll talk about now.

    First trimester

    At this time, women usually come to register at the antenatal clinic. And they immediately receive a recommendation to drink "Kurantil". Side effects during pregnancy are rarely discussed with women, and now the doctor does not even have a complete picture of their state of health. Therefore, it is best to postpone taking the drug until the results of the tests are ready, and once again ask your doctor about its use.

    Indeed, this drug is not a vitamin, and it is not worth using it for prevention. In the first trimester, it is prescribed to improve uteroplacental blood flow, but the load on the vessels of these organs is still low. But if the coagulogram of a woman shows a strong increased blood clotting ability, then the appointment is justified.

    The second point is the support of immunity, which is very important during this period. However, the effectiveness of interferon is in question, so there are authoritative opinions that it is better to eat onions and garlic, fruits and vegetables, and also undergo hardening procedures. In many Western countries, doctors today refuse to prescribe Curantil to their patients. Side effects during pregnancy in the early stages depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, but in some cases the drug can cause bleeding.

    second part of pregnancy

    Starting from the 20th week, the mother's body changes a lot. The load on all organs and systems is increasing, right now, doctors most often prescribe "Kurantil". The instructions describe the side effects in some detail, now let's get to it. But can the benefit outweigh the perceived harm? During this period, you need to be very careful about the state of the vessels of the uterus and placenta. The baby is already almost formed, the mother's body is used to stress, but the vessels begin to feel an increased load from the fetus, which needs more nutrients and oxygen.

    If there is a risk of thrombosis of the placental and uterine arteries, then you need to regularly monitor the test results. Of great importance is the lumen of the vessels and the speed with which blood flows through the arteries from the placenta to the child. In any case, check with your doctor why he prescribes this drug and whether it will harm your baby.

    third trimester

    At later stages, the drug is recommended for placental insufficiency. This is especially true in complicated pregnancy. The drug helps to prevent aging of the placenta and greatly alleviates the condition. In addition, in the later stages, the use of the drug can prevent the development of hypoxia in the fetus, improve its cerebral circulation, and help in the formation of the respiratory system. At this stage, the blood supply plays a critical role for the fetus. And “Kurantil” helps to improve it significantly. He has quite a few contraindications, despite the good effect. Therefore, the doctor must carefully weigh the benefits and harms.

    Starting at 33 weeks, many women experience "hiccups" of the crumbs. This physiological action is considered to be a rhythmic twitching of the abdomen, caused by short-term, light contractions of the uterus. One version of this phenomenon is the lack of oxygen in the baby's body. If this is repeated over and over again, then "Kurantil" is assigned.

    Responsible for yourself

    Despite the fact that it is prescribed as a vitamin, this drug is not. Therefore, before you buy it in a pharmacy, you should study the side effects of "Kurantil" during pregnancy. Reviews suggest that many mothers experienced discomfort of varying degrees when taking it. This should be at least alarming.

    It should be understood that the doctor does not remember by heart the entire list of contraindications, as well as the history of each patient. If a woman was diagnosed with an acute heart attack or collapse, stenosis, then Curantil should not be included in the course of treatment.


    There are a number of diseases in which Curantil shows its contraindications. Side effects in this case will be much more pronounced, which must be taken into account. These ailments include angina, especially in an unstable state. Atherosclerosis and chronic heart failure, hypertension and arrhythmia, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, renal and hepatic insufficiency, any of these diseases is a reason to stop taking the drug and tell the doctor about your decision. Perhaps he can find an alternative. Do not forget about the possibility of individual intolerance.

    Side effects

    Very often, women note that while taking the drug they feel a severe headache. Someone decides to continue taking because the instructions say that gradually the symptoms will become weaker. Others immediately refuse further use of the drug. In fact, it would be right to stop taking it and tell the doctor about your feelings.

    In addition to a headache, a woman can feel severe dizziness and arterial hypertension, bouts of nausea and vomiting, tachycardia and angina pectoris. Quite often there are hot flashes, reminiscent of menopause. All this can cause a drug that is prescribed to expectant mothers even without a preliminary examination, and its name is "Kurantil". In the reviews, side effects are described in some detail, and they almost completely repeat the information provided in the instructions.

    In rare cases, increased bleeding has been noted. This is a serious side effect that makes surgical interventions of any complexity impossible. To avoid this, you must adhere to the prescribed dosage. Sometimes doctors recommend reducing a single dose, but they are in no hurry to refuse to take it. Meanwhile, more and more people are abandoning the practice of using "Kurantil", because if there is a need for surgical intervention, then the effect of the drug will complicate the work of the surgeon.

    Dosage of the drug

    It is determined individually, depending on the diagnosis and condition of the woman. Side effects of "Curantyl 25" are less pronounced, since they have less effect on the body. To check the body's response, the doctor may start with one tablet a day and gradually increase the dosage to three.

    If heart failure or cerebrovascular accident is considered in the expectant mother, then the dosage is increased. In this case, "Kurantil 75" is used three times a day. Side effects in this case should be monitored by the attending physician several times a week. At any time, doctors can stop treatment with this drug. The duration of the course will depend on a number of parameters, the motor activity of the fetus, its growth and the increase in the uterus.

    Other drugs during pregnancy

    There are other drugs that can be used during pregnancy. Most often, Actovegin is used, which improves the accelerating regenerative and metabolic processes. But it also has its side effects. A good and reliable remedy is Phlebodia. The medicine stimulates blood circulation, including in the placental circle. However, its use in pregnant women is limited because there are no reliable studies.

    Another good drug of a similar action is Cardiomagnyl. It thins the blood and is therefore prescribed for thrombosis. However, it does not affect the immune system, and therefore is most often used together with Curantil. If your doctor strongly recommends that you take one of these drugs, ask them to justify their decision and reiterate any chronic medical conditions you may have. Discuss the possible benefits and harms together and make a decision.

    In the article, we will consider the purposes of prescribing Curantyl, how it affects the organs and well-being of the pregnant woman, how it can be useful for the health of the expectant mother, how it affects the course of pregnancy and its effect on the formation of the baby at each stage of pregnancy.

    Why is Curantyl prescribed?

    The most common reason Curantyl is prescribed is placental insufficiency. If the proper functioning of the placenta is disrupted, it becomes dangerous for the life of the embryo - it may experience hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen. Curantil contributes to the full saturation of the tissues of the embryo with oxygen, prevents the development of the embryo in the womb from stopping, and the risk of placental abruption is significantly reduced.

    The embryo, at the same time, is not negatively affected and does not feel the effect of the drug. The effect of the drug is focused on the blood vessels of the placenta, which, in turn, serves as a shield for the baby and does not allow infections and various drugs to penetrate to it.

    The positive effect of Curantyl:

    • due to blood thinning, the risk of blood clots is eliminated;
    • reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and varicose veins;
    • decrease in blood pressure;
    • improving kidney function;
    • strengthening of blood vessels;
    • strengthening immunity.

    Before you start taking the medicine, check with your doctor if there is an urgent need to take Curantyl and for what reason you were prescribed it. After all, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then it is quite possible to do without the use of the drug.

    Doctors prescribe Curantil individually: some women take it until the end of the pregnancy, some - from a certain trimester.

    The appointment of Curantyl in the early stages

    In addition to the above reasons, in the 1st trimester it may be prescribed by a doctor to reduce the risk of abortion or fetal fading. A good blood supply allows the fetus to receive sufficient nutrition and the amount of oxygen necessary for proper growth and development.

    In order to warn, the doctor, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the state of health and the body of a pregnant woman, prescribes the drug in a certain dosage.

    The drug will help a woman's immunity to fight viruses, avoid seasonal colds and diseases, which is especially important in early pregnancy.

    Appointment of Curantyl at a later date

    Quite often, in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, a pregnant woman begins toxicosis (gestosis). Due to thick blood, a pregnant woman has a violation in blood circulation and the internal organs stop functioning properly, as they do not receive oxygen and nutrients in sufficient quantities. Severe swelling appears due to excess fluid in the body, which is not excreted due to a failure.

    Preeclampsia is more common in the last weeks of pregnancy before childbirth and carries a very great danger and risk not only to the health of the woman, but also to her life.

    In such a difficult situation, Curantil perfectly helps, because it thins the blood, relieves spasm of the walls of blood vessels, and restores the tone of the capillaries.

    For the child, it will be no less important, because with its help the child will receive oxygen and nutrients. This will have a very positive effect on the formation of his lungs, subcutaneous fat layer and will contribute to the correct flow of important processes in the development of the brain.

    From 37-38 weeks, the drug is more necessary for the expectant mother - it relieves severe swelling and helps maintain good health.

    Approximately a couple of weeks before the end of the pregnancy, Curantyl should still be stopped so as not to provoke bleeding during childbirth.


    When prescribing the drug and its dosage, the doctor takes into account many factors: the duration of pregnancy, the characteristics of the state of health and well-being of the patient, the results of the tests.

    Curantyl take:

    • 1 tablet 3 times a day;
    • 1 hour before a meal or after 1 - 1.5 hours after a meal;
    • tablets can not be cracked and chewed;
    • drink enough water;
    • it is advisable to adhere to the exact hours of admission.

    In no case should you independently choose the dosage and start taking the drug without first consulting your doctor. This can adversely affect the health of the expectant mother and child.


    It is contraindicated to start taking Curantil in the following diseases:

    • low blood pressure - the drug contributes to an even greater decrease in pressure and dilates blood vessels;
    • violation of the liver (liver failure);
    • heart failure;
    • stomach ulcer, intestinal ulcer - thinning the blood, the drug increases the risk of bleeding;
    • chronic renal failure;
    • hypersensitivity to the constituent components of Curantyl.

    The main component of this drug is dipyridamole, which tends to accumulate in red blood cells. As a result, complications may arise when it enters weakened organs with blood.

    Side effects

    The instructions list the following side effects that Curantil can cause:

    • nausea;
    • headache;
    • diarrhea;
    • quickening or slowing of the heartbeat;
    • dizziness;
    • rash.

    At the beginning of the use of the drug, nausea, headaches and dizziness are considered normal. These symptoms soon disappear. The appearance of a rash indicates that the expectant mother has an allergic reaction, and the doctor will cancel the medication.

    Easy pregnancy!

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