Congratulations on your bride's wedding day. Congratulations on the wedding from the godmother to the bride. Congratulations in verse to the bride

Congratulations to the bride
Congratulations in the form of a scene [ , , ]

Congratulations to the bride on her wedding day

Ah, the young bride -
Such a beauty!
Accept congratulations
WITH with a pure heart, no offense.

I wish you happiness
To bloom even in adversity.
Full yard of children and the world,
To have your own apartment!

So that everything in your hands burns -
Any business was arguable.
Years! Live together!
And love your husband heartily!

On this fabulous, warm, sunny day
You are beautiful, like a princess from a fairy tale.
You became a bride, you will soon become a wife,
I congratulate you, let the day sound in A sharp.

Let this day be the most wonderful
May your life be filled with bright light.
On this day, this festive moment, I wish
Your hearts will beat all your life in the rhythm of summer!

Yesterday I was a girl
Today you are a wife.
And under a thin veil,
Your love is strong.
Shine on as a bright ray
Keep your family.
And gold, not silver,
You value the role of a wife.

The long-awaited wedding day has come,
Accept, bride, congratulations:
Let the husband love forever, tirelessly,
Enjoy your marriage!

Always be the happiest one,
Keep warm, keep love!
Passion is an integral program
May it reign all nights and all days!

You have become an adult. Wedding is an indicator
The fact that childhood somewhere in the past remains.
Marriage is like a common denominator
With which your life will be emphasized today.

And we congratulate you now, bride!
May only the best happen in your life
We always wish you to be beautiful
And let your future husband be proud of you!

Among the guests you sparkle like a diamond,
Outshine your friends with beauty.
Go around a hundred weddings - you will not find anywhere
Such a beautiful newlywed.
wedding day - new fairy tale Start,
Full of tenderness, passion, love.
My dear, let them come true
All dreams and desires are yours!

My words now sound so awkward!
I don't know if I'm upset or happy:
Not only does the situation suddenly change -
The habitual way of the world collapsed!
It was hard for me to imagine you in a veil,
But still, I'm ready to throw out my feelings:
Let me congratulate you on your wedding day!
Let's forget the past! May you live happily ever after!

Well, that's all: wearing a white dress,
A magical veil descended in waves ...
You are so excited and from that, timid,
You can't believe that your dream has come true.
Happy wedding day, honey, let it be a good fairy tale
The rest of your life is yours without a shadow of evil!
Let the husband not skimp on money and affection,
And your home - comfort and warmth!

Charming, wonderful!
On the the whole world- we have one!
To be better is a waste of time.
Our bride is just class!
We wish, dear, joy,
Love and happiness without borders!
We are happy for you today!
Hurry, the prince is waiting!

From friends in verse [ , ], in prose [ , ]
From the parents of the bride or groom

My son and my daughter!
On your wedding day, I sincerely wish
So that you have a friendly family,
So that you live, without knowing worries and troubles.
God forbid you grow old in soul,
Keep your love like a talisman
And "In good hour!”: a straight road
Hand to hand all your life go!

Children! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Live in peace, happiness and kindness.
I wish you good health
Especially, bride, you!
To keep her husband from troubles,
To give birth to strong grandchildren.
And to make you so beautiful
Like this day, always has been!

Our golden children
"Bitterly" today we will tell you
So that everything in the world
You split in half.

And it doesn't matter, sorrow, joy
Maybe a quarrel or peace.
Together, it will be sweet.
Your union is unique.

Give in in quarrels
You each other sometimes.
You give victory -
Happiness will be yours then.

And then the grandchildren will be born
And everything will go right.
Son, take your wife by the hand
Bring her to our house.

Dear children! I wish you happiness.
And accept your mother's blessing.
And today I congratulate you on your wedding,
Happy wonderful day. Live happily!
May love build your union forever.
Let wonderful feeling hearts are full
And good meets in the morning at dawn
With new best power, more than yesterday.

You can't wait for your mother-in-law
To boredom of boring instructions.
I catch you, dear, at the word,
What will life be like an adventure!
She's so incredible
And life in love is even more wonderful.
And happiness will be many times
To please you with a spring song!

My sweet daughter-in-law!
Your husband is with you! Gone from childhood.
I want to be the mistress of the house.
Do not take care of your feelings, but plenty
Give yourself only to your husband and children.
And the sun will light up your house!
Me, daughter-in-law, do not measles,
Who knows what lies ahead?
The time will come, you will become a mother-in-law,
And you will know the pain of separation.
Therefore, take the command:
If you love your son, love us too!

I want to wish you children
All the best that is in the world!
Love is big, like a globe of the earth,
Live under a lucky star

Strong, smart, glorious kids,
And relations warm, equal.
Good, real friends
And never let down.

Prosperity in the house, prosperity,
And only wishes come true.
To be with people always in high esteem,
And respect at work.

To find time to rest
And they could see the whole world.
Rediscover each other!
Advice to you children, yes love!

Live in peace, in kindness,
Live in love, harmony
And remember always, everywhere,

Give birth to grandchildren to me soon
Keep your hearth together
Love your own children
And be together forever!

Let love for you enter the house,
Not just a sonorous word.
May she live among you
Like salt, like daily bread.
Let your feelings not be cooled
No storm, no bad weather,
And let, having entered the family, reign
Health, peace and happiness.
Let the children come for you
Love is a mutual sign.
Let your marriage be - the highest class!
Although it is called marriage.

I raised my son in love
But still dreamed of a daughter,
And now the dream has come true
And my daughter was found.

And she is pretty, and sweet,
And talented, and kind,
Both beautiful and hardworking
May they live happily with their son!

I will love my daughter-in-law
Help and praise
So that love reigns in the house,
Understanding, peace and tranquility.

Today you entered our family
And we are incredibly happy about this.
your care and your love
Mother and I will take it as a reward.
And we will love you like a daughter
And if a storm breaks out in life
Trust us, we'll try to help.
And save you from troubles and grief.

Congratulations, husband, wife!
Let the family be strong.
May love be strong!
Sincerely, mother-in-law.

Strong happiness, tenderness and passion,
Loyalty in friendship, life, love.
Kiss more, fight less
Century you go through life together.
Be beautiful, be happy
And mother-in-law, mother-in-law will be happy.
Be healthy, always happy,
May Advice and Love be with you!

Thanks and blessings
Dear children, I wish you.
And health, strength and patience.
Congratulations on your combination.
Be happy! Prosperity and success.
Let the eyes look, do not look enough;
Life will be joy and fun for you,
And the grandchildren will be born soon.

Well, son, this day has come -
You brought a dove into the house!
Take care of her, cherish
This is the mother of your children.

I'm looking at you guys
pigeons, swans,
Joy confuses words
From such magic!

How beautiful you are now
Young. Everything is under your control!
Much to go
you on the path of life

There will be everything - both laughter and tears,
And fate thorns and roses,
There will be ups and downs
Chances, searches, decisions.

Everything will be easy for you
Kohl to go hand in hand.
With all my heart I wish:
May your family be heaven!

You connected two destinies
And this day is the beginning
Parents married children
How quickly time has flown by.
Son, you grew up with our hope,
In you our hearts are warm,
Always let them be in your cup
Love, hope and kindness!

Hold on, children, firmly for each other:
When not apart, when always together,
Then the wind, and frost, and blizzard,
Both evil and hail will be nothing to you!

I let go to free swimming
Your joy, your blood,
Favorable let it become a harbor
For him, his half.

In front of our eyes is born
The family is new and young.
Unite into one
Our children are kindred.

Be happy, live peacefully
Let your income be stable,
May there always be happiness in the house,
Side bypasses bad weather.

Son, your life friend
The girls in the world are the most wonderful!
How long have you been looking for this
Your couple is the prettiest.
I kiss you both tightly
Happiness to you, prosperity in the family,
Live life soul to soul
Sharing love without a trace!

Live in peace, in kindness,
Live in love, harmony
And remember always, everywhere,
Oh mother-in-law and come visit.
Give birth to grandchildren to me soon
Keep your hearth together
Love your own children
And be together forever!

Dear son and daughter!
We are now escorting you on the road
Away from ridiculous childishness,
From carelessness away barefoot.

Let fate line the carpets
Red-haired under legs exactly!
May luck send you gifts
So that life becomes a full cup!

May you walk softly
And the cobblestones will not hurt in the blood!
May grace reign in the family
Between you - advice and love!

Trembling weightless heart today -
Today, a son walks down the aisle ...
He will not come, alas, now he will warm up,
To his own mother - still not alone ...

And if it does come, it is very rare,
I won’t blame: life, family, business ...
I want, son, that you walked aptly in life,
And so that fate saves from troubles.

So that the road that I chose today
Led only to happiness and goodness.
Do not forget, you are chosen as a beauty -
Keep love at the feast of life.

Let the woman who is his wife
Today has become you forever
Lives as if behind a stone wall.
Love, family, always in your heart!

You have grown, dear son,
He has become big and strong.
But thank you before the wedding
He showed us the bride.

We are now calm for you
And we are ready to help everyone.
Let everything go smoothly in the family,
There will be a son and there will be a daughter.

Help your wife as much as you can
Take care of her, dear.
Buy her flowers more often
Do not spare good words.

Today is your celebration.
Wearing rings
Save them for years to come
Whatever fate promises you
Let there be joy and trouble -
Together you are strong
From storms, bad weather and love
A happy family is born!

Children are cute, dear,
Very dear to the heart
I congratulate you heartily
May love last forever!
I love my bride
And I give her a gift
Let you be a stranger in the family
You will become a daughter!
Happiness and understanding to you
Mutual attention!
Give us more grandchildren
Don't forget your dad and me!

Wish your beautiful daughter-in-law
With all my heart I want only happiness.
It is necessary to get up and fall asleep with him,
Like with a talisman bracelet on your wrist!
In your soul, let your relatives be golden,
Lilac blooms under the mischievous sun.
But the problems, sometimes difficult,
Let them turn into whitish light smoke!

Our dear children
You are getting married today!
Every hour, every day
Change your life.
Be happy always
Love life more
You respect each other
God bless forever!

The world is full of great love.
Congratulations, children!
Happiness, joy, health
I wish at this hour!

Wear gold rings
And the passport is stamped ...
Well, young guys
Wish today?

Live together, without sorrow,
So that happiness was - a full house!
So that music sounds in the house,
And it wasn't boring together.

We are very happy for you
And proud, because you are our son,
And the bride, what you need!
We wish the young
Understanding, happiness, affection,
And kids and friends
Miracle to everything, like in a fairy tale!
Lots of great ideas!

I want to throw flowers at your feet,
So that the road was paved with them.
So that secret dreams come true
You ask God for blessings.
I will shower my family with congratulations,
Who is a little more than an hour old,
I will sprinkle you with holy water,
I bless, yes so that with a margin.
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart,
After all, the marriage was a combination.
All congratulations in the world are good,
I give them to you with all my efforts.

I am your second mother
I wish you happiness and children.
And though fate is always stubborn,
Be stronger, don't be shy.
I wish you happiness and more
I will tell you joyfully, I am bitter.

I wish my children
Live problems and troubles without knowing.
After all, marriage is just the beginning.
In the family you have a lot to do.

I will give advice to my daughter-in-law and son,
To live together for many years.
Give kindness and love
To boil in the veins of blood.

Be honest with each other
Understand that love is priceless.
Keep your family like your right hand
Tip, I hope it helps.

My relatives and most beloved,
I will not get tired of wishing you at the wedding
Huge love with such a beautiful name
Like your union, ready to flourish.
Let the guests rejoice in wedding happiness,
They walk and dance until they drop.
And you decorate your holiday with yourself,
Your smile is my reward!

So you grew up, dear son,
Our pride, support, joy.
Hundreds of paths and roads are in front of you,
That you create a family - we are glad.

Today, just like we used to
Step on a wedding towel
And the sound of a crystal glass
Fill every moment with happiness.

Let your family hearth burn
Warmth, love, joy and affection.
Good luck and wealth do not forget your house,
Let your whole life be a sweet fairy tale.

Let me congratulate you children
Words of the heart to say -
From the bottom of my heart, and from the heart,
Wish love and happiness.
You are my daughter, and he is my son -
And there is no other way,
I love you both very much
And so, I came to your wedding!

Dear and beloved son,
Without wasting words -
We wish you to be the happiest
Let the wedding will take place with a bang!
You are an adult and nice boy,
Your wife suits you so well
We know everything will be fine -
I believe in you son!

Your wedding is a joy for relatives,
And your wife is our own daughter!
Take care of it, love it, appreciate it.
Wishing you happiness and good luck
We ask you to remember
That together any difficulty is easier!
Hurry up to please us granddaughter!
Then, son-in-law, you will become a son-in-law!

On your wedding day, our beloved son,
With a smile, we will say, but honestly,
What is the best of all men
Your bride found.

You, hand in hand, will begin your journey -
May it be long and bright.
And most importantly: be happy in marriage -
And the troubles around then are imperceptible.

Happy birsday, my dear!
You are like a daughter to us.
All kinder, sweeter and more beautiful,
You are for us, our daughter-in-law!

May dreams and dreams come true
Let friends be respectful.
And only tears of happiness
I want you to spill!

Let the soul be filled with goodness
And let the heart sing on your birthday!
Always be young and good
I wish you eternal bloom!

Be loved and desired
And for the husband - the most important.
Be happy and cheerful
Be a good wife, mom.

I wish you health from the bottom of my heart,
Smiles and without a reason flowers,
And happiness without beginning and without end,
And many, many colorful days!

To always succeed
Never got tired.
And our son to love
And he appreciated his wife!

So that happy children's laughter
Ringing from morning to evening
To quarrels in your house
There was nothing to do.

To be with my son
Lived, soul to soul,
Every year your life
Became better.

Accept congratulations soon
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Great happiness on this birthday
To always shine like an asterisk!

Let your love warms the heart
And every moment will be filled with warmth,
May all wishes come true soon
And success awaits you on a great journey!

Daughter-in-law, dear, golden,
Happy birthday, my dear.
I wish you such a special day
Tolerance, warmth to you, kindness.

We wish you
Only bright in fate
For the house to be a full bowl,
To be satisfied with everything.

Don't be shy, speak up
If we can help.
You're not our daughter-in-law -
You are our own daughter!

You were a bride, but you became a daughter-in-law.
Why is this harsh word?
You are the son of love, and family, and wife.
And to me, like a daughter, dear and dear!

On your birthday, you are young and beautiful.
May everything that I asked God come true,
So that the heart beats easily and freely,
So that the beginning of every business is argued.

May there be good luck in the most important things,
To give birth to healthy and glorious children,
To be happy in marriage and loved,
Fate from problems and falls is stored.

So that everyday life is joyful, like holidays,
It was not difficult for you to reach the peaks.
So that life gets a delicious slice,
And age only rejuvenated you!

Happy Birthday dear!
You are like a second daughter to us.
May you always be beautiful
Sweet, kind, fair.

On your birthday I wish
Health, happiness and love.
The smile shines with joy
May every day and every moment!

To never feel sad
So that prosperity does not leave the house,
So that you live in love with my son,
So that everything in life is not somersault!

My sweet daughter-in-law
Happy birthday.
Colorful, happy life,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Stay beautiful
Such a gentle girl.
Be a wonderful, kind mother,
And a caring wife!

My daughter-in-law, let me congratulate
You with this bright and joyful day.
You are a blessing to my son. Well, what can I add.
I want you two to be happy.
I will help you if you need
I will come to you with advice or deed.
Let's live together very friendly.
I hope that I can find understanding.

The mother-in-law will give parting words to her daughter-in-law
To be a good hostess and wife.
Come on with you, we won't let you right away
To become a relationship of enmity.
Let there be solidarity between us
I will teach you to be wiser.
I hope for your gratitude.
Let's be friends with you, daughter-in-law.

Let, dear daughter-in-law,
The Lord always keeps you.
Fate will cover the curtain
You from grief and adversity.

Traditionally, the parents of the bride and groom accept Active participation in organizing and holding a wedding. In the pre-holiday chores, do not forget to prepare the right words congratulations on the wedding from the mother-in-law.

Son and daughter, dear,
You accept congratulations!
You are so happy
I wish you patience.
And in family life happiness,
Nowhere to despair
So that true love
We could keep each other warm!

Dear son, congratulations
I want you with the beginning of a new life.
I am glad to accept my daughter-in-law into my house,
And my parting words will not be superfluous:

Treat each other with care
Don't offend anyone
Maybe soon you will please your grandson?
Remember me more often.

To you in all mutual understanding, -
It means a lot to a family.
In fidelity you made a promise.
V good luck! Love you and good luck!

I want to wish you children
All the best that is in the world!
Love is big, like a globe of the earth,
Live under a lucky star!

Strong, smart, nice kids
And relations warm, equal.
Good, real friends
And never let down.

Prosperity in the house, prosperity
And only wishes come true.
Always be respected by people
And respect at work.

To find time to rest
And they could see the whole world.
Rediscover each other!
Advice to you children, yes love!

The relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law has become a subject funny stories and anecdotes. But no matter how you feel about your son's companion, congratulations to your daughter-in-law on your wedding day should sound warm and sincere.

It is important for your son to know that you approve of his choice. And his companion will be pleased to hear such wedding congratulations from her mother-in-law, which will sound not formally, but sincerely, from the bottom of her heart.

I will congratulate you
Our dear daughter-in-law!
You managed to become our own,
And on my wedding day I wish

For your dreams to come true
And for you to be happy!
My son is ready for you all his life
To love and make the world beautiful

For you. So be it,
How do you want it!
You took a step towards each other
And live happily ever after!

You are the daughter-in-law, I am the mother-in-law!
And I wish you
To not drink each other's blood,
Live understanding each other!

And of course day by day
To live in harmony with your husband!
To have a cozy home
And for life - all that is needed.

And let the eyes shine
And dreams will come true!
From the bottom of my heart I want to say -
I wish you much happiness!

In order for the performance of the mother-in-law at the wedding to go flawlessly, it is better to memorize them. Try not to worry so as not to confuse anything. Prepare a sheet of text wedding congratulations for the daughter-in-law in case you forget some words.

I always dreamed of a daughter -
And today the dream comes true.
You became my son's wife,
So, she became my daughter!

Happy wedding day, I congratulate you!
Today we are one family.
I wish you happiness and all the best,
I love you folks with all my heart!

I can't believe in a miracle
How did this happen all of a sudden?
Only yesterday was the son of a boy,
And now a husband!

You, dear daughter-in-law,
Be wise, forgive him.
You, son, your wife
Take care and protect.

Stick together in hard times
Rejoice in fate!
Well, I will say without flattery:
I got lucky with my fiancee!

Per festive table say soulful toast for the young. If such a wedding performance of the mother-in-law sounds in verse, then your son, his companion and everyone present at the wedding will remember it for a long time.

Congratulations dear!
A wedding is the crown of love
You are a son, if you chose
Then appreciate your wife

Help always in the household,
Provide for the family
And then the wife will decorate
Your happy life.

Since you have decided in your heart
It's time for you to get married
Be patient with each other
Doesn't stop you from learning

Trust in everything and believe
That love conquers all
And the problems and disagreements
Sometimes everyone has.

I want not to know
You are neither idleness nor boredom.
I want, of course,
So that grandchildren are born soon.

May this marriage last
Optimism and kindness
Settle the rest
You can use an umbrella.

Clink, crystal of filled glasses,
Burley, sparkle, champagne wine
So that laughter and joy illuminate the soul
And happiness was one for two!

Step into life confidently and boldly,
So that there is no separation,
We will shout the wedding "bitterly" to you!
And we do not want another bitterness!

Let us be "bitter" today,
May your life be sweet!
We wish you so much health
To last for ages.
Let your house be a full bowl!
We will fill the glasses again.
May your wishes come true.
Advice to you children, yes love!

The most beautiful bride in the world
Congratulations on your wedding day!
So be happy, rejoice together,
So that it was only like this every day, every hour!

Flowers, congratulations and a sea of ​​​​smiles -
Today it's all just for you!
Advise without making mistakes
Radiate love, pleasing to the eye!

You are the happiest bride
Already as without 5 minutes wife!
And love and joy are woven together,
A new family will be born soon!

I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day!
Let your two souls become one!
to you all family values wish,
Become the best wife on the planet!

You are the most beautiful today
Like a dream come true.
You have become a bride now
And the door to happiness opened.

Happy holiday to you
Finally, you found a family.
May she be strong
May good fortune keep you!

Today you became a bride
And soon you will be a wife.
V beautiful dress wedding
You will go to someone else's house today.

I wish harmony in the family,
To understand each other with the husband.
Let happiness cover your head
And it won't make you wait long!

Wedding dress for the bride to face
And flowers pave the way to the crown,
But flowers and clothes are more beautiful than a hundred times
An amazing, radiant look.

May he never be clouded by sadness,
May the love and reliability of the male shoulder
Protect from trouble, protect from loss,
So that the eyes shine, as they shine now!

Good young bride!
And eyes shine with joy
I wish you great happiness
So that only a tear flows from happiness,

May your husband protect you
You try to protect him
I wish the best for the young!
And always help each other!

We are a beautiful bride
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
In its place of honor
You are like a rose in the center of the garden!

Wedding day, like a moment of happiness!
Yes match you groom!
Like a ringing nightingale
In that garden among the branches!

The bride in a white dress is the most beautiful of all,
She overshadowed everyone with beauty.
And now it's absolutely clear to everyone -
The bride will be the best wife.

I wish you love and happiness
And do not suffer, do not cry ever.
It is wonderful to give birth and raise children,
Always give a smile to everyone!

Put on your wedding ring
And you will become a wife today.
And your face will shine with joy
Anything will come true today.

I wish the bride now
Great love, it is the most precious thing.
Appreciate with your husband every day and hour,
And let nothing disturb you in marriage.

Like a white rose, as a symbol of purity,
The bride is so modest and majestic.
Always stay the same
For the beauty of this bride - glory!

Be an angel who protects
Family hearth, respects her husband,
Creates wonderful comfort in the house,
I wish you the best in life!

Getting married is such a blessing
To be the queen of the wedding
At the ball to be in a magnificent white dress,
Throw a wedding bouquet into the crowd.

Let these colors not fade
In everyday work and borscht,
Let the dawns remain magical
Let your children laugh!

I want to congratulate the bride
And celebrate her beauty.
Like a white swan, beautiful
Eyes are burning like stars, it's clear!

I want to wish you
Wife to honor and respect
But don't forget yourself
The family deserves to prosper!

Don't rush, don't worry - you're so good!
The groom does not take his eyes off you, not breathing.
Even the sun, admiring from heavenly heights
Your beauty, a little slowed down!

Your house will be full of cloudless happiness,
It will be sonorous from the laughter ringing in it,
And trouble will not be able to approach him!
And love will never leave you!

You are incredibly beautiful!
Bride - wedding decoration!
And the groom is pleased to look -
You are his passion and temptation!

I want a bride I'm wonderful
Wish you great happiness
To be always interesting to her husband,
And in the life of sorrows do not know!

You are the queen of the wedding ball
Sounds for you with your spouse Mendelssohn
From joy you do not feel tired,
You will notice the buzzing of the legs later.

Will save the calculation of the donated currency:
"Result" will remove fatigue as if by hand.
Pleasant moments are waiting ahead:
Go shopping with a fat wallet!

We congratulate the bride
With the arrangement, do not rush!
Bustle, chirp!
All good friends!

So many snacks on the table
Why walk us until the morning!
And now we will shout: "Bitter!"
To sweet life was!

And just expect good from me
I'm really happy for you both!

Let your husband love you, what is-
Love, we know, does not happen much.
Let him love you for your shortcomings,
And you can’t count them for their merits.

Let him love you submissive and obstinate,
A beauty to envy, a terrible witch,
He loves a coward, loves let fearless,
Trusting, naive and jealous.

Even if you quarrel more than once
He does not remember insults, he will protect in adversity,
Let your years circle in a waltz of happiness.
Just the way he is, let him love you.

I'm so sincerely happy today
What is my daughter-in-law?
For my son you are like a joy,
I congratulate you with all my heart!

And let the Wedding Day connect forever,
Your two pure fiery hearts,
To live beautifully and carelessly,
To fly like two white wings!

I also wish you more children
And I will help in educating them,
I'll buy them toys and sweets,
And I won't let them go!

Live dear in respect
It is always the most important thing
Behind him love is the most beautiful creation,
And there are caresses, like sweet wine!

And this wedding, let it spin you around,
In gifts, in big congratulations,
And the most important holiday will serve,
A wonderful date, for happiness for two!

I ask the father-in-law to accept all congratulations,
After all, the reason is grandiose and big,
It's your love's birthday today
Long-awaited wedding day, dear!

And to you as children, I wish you happiness,
So that your feelings fly through the years,
And let the sad bad weather pass,
Let it be sunny, summer time!

I will tell you, son, separately,
Take care of your dear bride
Love her so much, unconditionally
So that from the feeling in the eyes there were lights!

And you're the bride, don't worry, 0

0 0

She had been waiting for this day all her life. When a loved one comes for her with beautiful bouquet on a varnished car when it will be chic White dress and hair like a princess, and when everyone will tell her good words under the whisper of champagne and golden sparks of confetti. At this moment she feels real princess on her holiday, and only kind words can support her, dispel doubts, and maybe some fear of a new and unknown stage in her life. Unfortunately, many do not have enough words to express their feelings beautifully, but this is easy to fix. If you learn beautiful poem from the Internet, suitable for a young bride for a wedding, then the bride will be happy with him more than anything. After all, she already has everything that she dreamed of. And may all the kind words spoken on this holiday protect and support her happiness for many years to come.

Congratulations every moment!
Happiness, joy, warmth!
May there always be chic!
And so that your heart blooms!
May there always be only laughter around!
Let anxiety run away!
Loves so sweet friend!
Happy days attract!
Do not be sad, if suddenly!
Meet the day of insults!
Smile you, and around!
Immediately the joy will wrap!

Like a white rose, as a symbol of purity,
The bride is so modest and majestic.
Always stay the same
For the beauty of this bride - glory!
Be an angel who protects
Family hearth, respects her husband,
Creates wonderful comfort in the house,
I wish you the best in life!

We wish the young wife patience,
And drive away all doubts from yourself as soon as possible,
And the husband is not often dragged by the curls,
And yet, a little caress sometimes,
For all things to take on the morning dawn,
Although it is not sweet at times, but bitter!

We congratulate the bride on her wedding and wish
We wave our hands in happiness.
Be always beautiful and beautiful
Gentle, kind, light and affectionate.
Always feed your husband to the full and tasty,
So that the two of you are not sad.
Maintain cleanliness and order
May your husband always be with you.

Congratulations on your wedding and best wishes
So that you are happy and melt in love.
Speak the truth, be true
May life not be bad for you.
We wish you well and good luck,
To love you stronger and hotter.
So that you are always on top
Lived in tenderness and beauty.

On your wedding day, we want to wish
Be beautiful and not be sick.
Never be late, stay beautiful
In life, always be confident and smile.
We wish you health and strength,
So that your husband wears you in his arms every day.
To always love and respect
And even so as not to offend with a word.

The princess is married today
With a dowry came out sincerely
Joy was woven from the silk of roses
Sparkling laughter and that belief
So that the chosen one always believes
Once I entrusted my heart to a girl
After all, you, taking a magical bouquet
That positive was woven into his fate,
Which will respond with happiness
And from year to year it will be sewn with gold
On the canvas of the family carpet
To please my husband always!

Bride, our beauty!
Your wedding day has arrived!
Let life become a full cup!
I wish the groom to love!
Each other so that you understand!
And together they carried through life
The feelings that you experienced
When you find your happiness!

We congratulate you on your wedding.
You are friends to us not for nothing for so long.
We want more of those phrases
So that there is a lot of joy in them.
Congratulations on such a holiday!
He's beautiful and that's what matters.
It will soon be golden.
And you don't have to marry twice!
We wish that in life now
Only joy and happiness would be.
Let the door not close to them!
And let's not forget about us!

It's time for you to call us today!
After all, a wedding is only once in a lifetime.
We wish you sunny weather.
We wish you good eyes.
We wish you all-powerful friendship
After all, the grace of love has come!
We wish you lots of love!
We want it to bloom!
We wish that in every home
You have always made friends.
And let the family drown in happiness.
We wish - let life please!

We heartily congratulate you!
And we always give joy to the car!
We have lived so long and we know for sure!
What is the main thing in love to find the platform!
It doesn't matter that after so many years!
You will get used to each other!
And it is important that you cook dinner every day!
Always resist the enemy together!
And let the unbelievers repeat in happiness!
That we only live once!
Do not believe them, because every bad weather!
It only strengthens you in spirit!

Good young bride!
And eyes shine with joy
I wish you great happiness
So that only a tear flows from happiness,
May your husband protect you
You try to protect him
I wish the best for the young!
And always help each other!

The world of girlish sweet dreams -
To be in an airy white dress
Surrounded by hundreds of roses
With a look of timid and timid.
What was just a dream
It came true on a wonderful day.
Be a good wife
Faithful, kind and honest!

The bride is like the sun in the morning!
What brings joy to every window!
We will say for sure in life to be warm!
The bride gives quivering joy!
She is like the color of a beautiful rose!
That bloomed once on a clear day!
Unknown to us are different tears there!
An unknown laziness has left us!
We want everything to work out for you!
May all your dreams always come true!
To make the bride smile with happiness!
We have never seen such goddesses!

In a white dress and with flowers -
You are beautiful bride.
May this day be so significant
Your soul sings.
Let dreams come true
Children will be born to you -
You will not live with a "sucker",
And with a decent man.
May he always appreciate you
And will not replace another.
If you are smart -
You become valuable to him.

Wedding dress for the bride to face
And flowers pave the way to the crown,
But flowers and clothes are more beautiful than a hundred times
An amazing, radiant look.
May he never be clouded by sadness,
May the love and reliability of the male shoulder
Protect from trouble, protect from loss,
So that the eyes shine, as they shine now!

Bride! Life is given to you
With all my beauty,
Look - she is a priceless gift,
Feel free to use it.
Decorate it, the years fly by
It's time, enter into your halls
Handsome husband!

How beautiful you are in an airy dress,
And how happy eyes shine!
And look at you indifferently
Impossible, just impossible!
Be always, like a bride, charming,
Please your husband with your bloom!
You enter into marriage with a wonderful guy,
Be happy, dear, with him!
Let your boat, leaving the harbor,
The good will go on a journey now,
May good luck meet in swimming
On the sea of ​​life for you!

Glorious bride, remember one thing:
Will you live in the house
But for now, a stranger.
They have their own laws and their own rules,
Maybe it won't
Everything is smooth there.
Everything now depends on you.
How well can you control yourself.
You, without weighing the words, it is better to remain silent -
Do not look for quarrels and scandals there.
And let everything change every year -
The atmosphere in the house will improve.
Be a faithful wife for a faithful husband,
And the trouble of trouble cannot co-own with you.