The purpose of the event to the day of the water. Educational event - a holiday "Water is a source of life!". Host: Cognitive journey begins! Good luck! The word is provided with speakers with information about water)

Olga Smirnova
"Holiday Wizard Water." Reporting Event on the Project "Secrets of Water"

« Water wizard holiday»

purpose: To sum up project« Secrets of water» .


Secure the ideas of children about water as a necessary condition for the lives of people, animals, plants. Improve knowledge of properties and conditions water Through various types of musical and theatrical activity.

Continue to learn to learn and call the Water objects of Crimea (r. Salgir, Simferopol reservoir, Jur-Jur waterfalls, student-su, r. Black). Learning the formulation of small musical performances with the transfer with the help of voice, facial expressions and gestures of the characters.

Exercise in the selection of relative adjectives, related words, verbs.

Contribute to improving the body by learning the elementary skills of self-massage.

To form a conscious attitude towards nature and behavior in it. Develop diction, intonation expressiveness, emotional-shaped execution of musical and gaming exercises.

Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

Correctional goals: Develop an eye function ...

Dictionary: flood, whirlpool, reservoir.

Material: video, audio material, suits for dramatization characters, « magic wand » , ice cube on a tray, napkins, soap bubbles in a basket-gift from Magicians of the Wola.

Preliminary work: According to perspective Plan project« Secrets of water» (January March).

OD: For fun music, children enter the hall. Become a semicircle in front of the screen.

Overall gymnastics "Droplet".

From the sky, the cap fell cap-cap,

And the second ran cap-cap,

We looked at the right

Droplets cappass

We looked at the leaps and the droplets were all rangs,

In a circle, the drops ran and tired little.

Noise is heard water(Audi Track).

There is a slide show on the screen. Leading reads poem:

What is water - interesting to the guys

This is, without which we, friends, do not live.

Humanity is sent for good,

And we, of course, should be treated with water.

What is water? These are rivers and the sea,

This is the ice of Antarctica, it is snow or hail.

This is a blue lake there, on the square,

And beautiful and loud river waterfall.

And spring stream, and autumn puddle,

What is water? - I will answer easily.

This is what is indisputable, we are vital

That the fate of the person entered deeply.


- Who saw the edge where the luxury of nature,

The dubble and meadows were revived,

Where fun noisy and shuffle water,

And peaceful cares ...

So A. S. Pushkin described our amazing Crimea.

Educator: What kind of familiar reservoirs did you see on the screen? (children's responses)

Where else can you meet the water? (under the ground, in the swamp, in the crane, in the well);

What can be said about water, what is she? (fluid, tasteless, odorless, transparent, does not have a form);

DI "Related Words" (transfer from hand to hand "Droplet"

Educator: Water, and affectionate? (Voddy, Voddy.);

Vehicle moving on water? (water);

And under water? (underwater);

Fabulous hero (Water);

When Vienna River leaves the shores, it (flood).

How to say in one word water turns? (whirlpool);

Water falls, it ... (waterfall);

In the water climbs, it ... (diver);

Water spent ... (water pipes);

Water takes ... (water);

Water stores ... (reservoir);

Water measures ... (water meter);

Water treat ... (hydrotherapy).

Educator: Today we have holiday wizard water, But her droplets.

"Dance of droplets" (Muses and Sl. E. Gomonovskaya) Girls performed dance, the rest of the children sing a song.

Droplets: We all sing and jump,

We do not cry at all,

Because, like tears,

Ourselves, droplets.

We run on the puddle

Cheerful and crychim:

"Anytime and anywhere

Good than Slava magic water

Routeel runs on the platform.

Ruclees: Hello, sister droplets!

Droplets (ringing): Hello, rods!

Ruclees: You all have fun yes play?

Droplets: Yes! We can invite you! Let's play together!

Ruclees: I would be happy, but now I can not!

Droplets: Why?

Ruclees (Seriously): me Magic Water to himself causes, and you would not bother with me to hurry to her, suddenly somewhere our help is needed! Well, droplets, go with me?

Droplets (friendly): of course! Let's hurry quickly towards Wizard water!

Droplets and streams.

We are helpful

Suddenly she is needed by others.

Call us soon

The case will be fun!

Rhythmic music sounds in the record. Droplets and streams, holding hands leave the scene.

Flowers appear on the site.

Flowers (complaints): We die as you want to drink! We have no life without water ... Help.

Children: What do we do, how to be?

Where do we get water?

Where wizard water,

Without it, we have nowhere!

To us faster, water, run

And the flowers help!

Water appears (under the sounds water)

Wizard water: Hello mine dear friends! - I wizard water.

I live in the seas and oceans,

Lakes, rivers and ponds.

And without me can not do to you

Not in villages, and in no cities.

I see that the poor flowers did not remain at all vitality. But my helpers - droplets and streams are already hurrying to me.

Droplets and streams appear to the music.

Droplets and streams: (chorus) what happened?

Wizard water: Flowers need to help. Pretty pour them!

Droplets: Now we will call the rain, only together we can save the flowers.

All the name is the rain. A rain appears. All heroes do around flower big circle. Wizard Water Reads Magic Spell. Everyone goes in a circle and repeat over it.

Wizard water(waving magic stick) .

Going in a circle,

We will save the flower!

Silver driver

You are a mindful flower firing.

There is noise pouring water. Flowers gradually come to life and stand on the legs. They pull out the hands up and substitute palm water. Children and other heroes imitate the pouring water by cutting out foil.

Flowers: Thank you friends, you saved us! Magic Water is a symbol of life on Earth!

All: long live magic and kind water!

Wizard water: A, you guys are not afraid of rain?

Educator: Our guys love to play with a rain.

P / I.: "Sun and rain."

Wizard water: Guys, the except for the rain, maybe water?

Guess my riddles: (on the screen a slide demonstration)

He is fluffy, silver, but his hand is not a trick, it will be a drip clean, as you catch on the palm. (Snow)

Educator: What can snowflake? (fall, spin, go to bed, melt);

Climbed into the cornice,

The nose swept down

At night, tears hides,

In the afternoon crying. (Icicle)

Educator: What kind of icicle? (Cold, slippery, transparent);

Grandfather gray near the gate to all the eyes of the challenges. (Fog)

Drops in the grass sparkle

Grass in the morning decorates.

With overflows of the beauty.

What is her name?. (Dew)

It is a winter glass, spring water flowed. (Ice)

Wizard water: I prepared a surprise for you. (puts out the pieces of ice)

Attraction: "Give the ice in a circle." (Children are transferred to fun to each other.)

Wizard water: Where did the ice go? Why did the hands become wet? (Children do findings) Ice melts, turns into water. Now raise your hands up. Put them. And the water from your palms disappears. What happens to her? (evaporates).

Educator: See the guys to us a video message. (on the screen excerpt from m / f "Moydodyr".

Educator: and even water is health


From the driver, from the water stroke of the cheek.

All smiles sparkles!

From the driver, from the water movement with hands depict a flower and a bird.

Cheerful flowers and birds!

The children wash the face rubbed their palms.

The sun smiles

We will wash the sponge to be deftly stroke with light massaging movements

Pens, legs and head, arms, legs and head.

Pole, if, water. Torn moving movements

Let's always clean! Hands from below to the top.

Wizard water: Yes, I am water, important and need everything.

But there are people who offend me

My water is polluted.

Banks throw in me

Dirty all shores!

Educator: No our guys are not like that, they know that pure water is wealth. How can we protect the water?

On the poster demonstration of the picture.

Child 1.: You can not litter on the shore.

Child 2.: You need to protect Rodnik.

Child 3.: Bear water in the house.

Child 4.: Yes, water is important for everyone,

Let her run everywhere.

For people and for animals,

For colors, forests, fields.

And I will say, I guys are you

We, of course we are glad!

Baby 5.: This should everyone know-water needs to be respected!

Completely ne. the secret - without water we have no life!

Wizard water: You are all my friends, real lovers and connoisseurs of nature. But I have time to go and continue my work: Water fields, meadows, gardens. I want to give you a memory of these funny toys, because they are also there in them. Goodbye my friends.

Educator: thank you Wizard water. Goodbye. Guys, you wonder what I gave us wizard water? Then we go to the group and see what's in the basket.

Event Theme: World Water Day

Purpose: Attract the attention of children to a unique natural resource

Water; The development of environmental education of students. Tasks:


1. Sewing the horizons and the acquisition of new knowledge about natural object-water. 2. Formation of the guys of skills to analyze, arguing logically using search situations.


1. Development of logical thinking of students, the ability to compare, find the main thing. 2. Contribute to the development of creativity, emotional student sphere.


  1. Awareness of the need for a careful attitude towards water.
  2. Promoting the education of the ecological culture of children.
  3. Development of work skills and the team, creative activity of the guys.

Form of carrying out: cognitive-game program.

Event flow:

1. Entry.

Leading: Hello guys! We gathered here on a very significant

event. And what kind of event you will learn to guess the riddle.

Very good-natured

Soft, obedient

But when I want,

Even stone source

Slide 1.

True is water. So, our event is called "Queen - Voditsa",

Slide 2.

March 22 marks World Water Day. He was first decorated in 1992 at the proposal of the International Water User Association. Since then, on this day, mass shares are carried out on the protection of water bodies, excursions, conferences, seminars, forums, exhibitions dedicated to the most unusual substance on our planet.

Slide 3.

Great french writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, turning to the water: "You are life yourself, you are the most important wealth in the world .." The most ordinary water, which we use every day, and unusual, without it, we just could not live.

Did you hear about the water?

She says everywhere!

In the pool, in the sea, in the ocean.

And in the water tap.

We are accustomed that water

Our companion is always!

Without it, we do not wash

Do not get up, do not get drunk!

I dare you to report

Without water, we can not live!

Guys to us today came her majesty water. (Record: Sea Noise)

WATER: I, my friends, tried

From afar getting

Hurried to you here

Are you glad to me?

I wanted to view

How are you friends with water?

Do not threaten me trouble?

How do you respect me?

How do you know my possessions?

Slide 4.

Guess my riddles, do not tell the choir, lift your hand, for the correct answer I will give you a droplet. Who will have more droplets, he will receive a prize.

Circle water, and drinking trouble (sea)

Flows, flowing is not subject to

Runs, runs - does not run out (river)

Not the sea, not the earth,

Ships do not swim,

And you can not walk. . (swamp)

On her boats are allowed,

When the cold leaves,

It is a pity, moms let go

There is not always run there (puddle)

From the height is big breaking

Grozno he roars and, about stone

Crashing, foaming up (waterfall)

Not gemstone, and glows. (ice)

In the middle of the field there is a mirror,

Glass blue, and green frame (lake)

It is poured into it, it is poured out of it, and she woves on the ground .. (river)

Yes, my possessions are the oceans, the sea, rivers, lakes, and even small puddles. You know me well, clever!

Slide 5.

Guys, and tell me, what are these words? What do they have a common ... how do you understand this word: "Rod"? Why do our homeland say?

Started ..., a place where it all started ...

Leading: - These are single words. The root of the plant means the beginning, the beginning of life.

Clean, ringing springs -

As a sip of fray

As the beginning of all started,

As the beginning of life.

Slide 6.

Guess the riddle :

He lives in the ground

And runs and beats

Pure and fresh

And no one will keep it. (spring)

Meet my assistant.

Spring runs:

I run, like on the ladder,

On pebbles link

And you on this song

Recognize me.

Hello guys! Glad you learned me. Do you know that water is "dead"?

Leading: Spring, did you decide to tell us a fairy tale?

Spring: no not a fairy tale, but true history. Listen to:

  1. Slide 7. Photos of the river Kura.
  2. River came to me - Kura, so exhausted, so tired-it is alive, not dead. What happened to you?
  3. Oh, Spring, I do not know what to do. Non-nights began to live. Autsights straight on the shore wash, dirt interspersed with gasoline in me merge, garbage, old things in the water are thrown, just yesterday the old refrigerator and the sofa was thrown away. My "live" water becomes "dead", no one will soon be able to drink my water, the whole fish will translate. I can immediately destroy people. What will happen to me and my inhabitants?

Leading: Guys urgently need to save the river - Kuru and Spring. Let's come up with prohibiting rules that will help save our springs and rivers.

1 Answers Guys.

  1. Queen-Voditsa: Every year the quality of water is becoming worse and worse because of our people, because of their nonsense. Therefore, I prepared a decree that everyone should perform.

Slide 8. (Deploacing Decree)


In the glorious city of Novopavlovsk, a river-chickens flows. Majikhava and beautiful was she, until Neezhe and Lyarka climbed it and did not destroy all her inhabitants. Therefore I command:

1. Do not throw in the river and on their shores a broken glass and garbage.

  1. Clean the springs, feed rivers, from garbage, sludge, corping.
  2. To strengthen the shores to plant trees and shrubs on them.
  3. In winter, to drive the holes in ice so that the fish make it easier to breathe.
  1. Queen Voditsa: Decree hang on a prominent place and strictly follow him.

Spring: Guys, look at these words: Motherland, Rod, Spring, Parents. What's the common?

Leading: - These are single words. The root of the plant means the beginning, the beginning of life. Spring: Clean, ringing springs - as a sip of fragile,

As the beginning of all began, as the beginning of life.

Leading: - Indeed, love the spring, it means to love their homeland. Protect the spring is, it means to protect nature. And nature is a piece of us with you. In Bulgaria there is a wonderful tradition: on own funds Crane roadside springs, and then all come from grandfather to his grandchildly care about the preservation of this spring. We also have our own tradition in the Eco-Biological Center: every year in the spring our guys hold a campaign "Live Spring". Near our city, many springs, and we care about them, cleanse from garbage. Let the springs do not die on Earth, let the side bypass their trouble let them remain clean in them forever student and delicious water. Spring: And you see good guys, your good souls. Come to me I have my own fortress.

Slide 9.

Queen Voditsa: And I prepared the task, remember the proverbs and sayings about the water:Under lying and water does not flow (stone)

  1. True on fire does not burn and (in water is not sinking)
  2. April with water, and May C (grass)
  3. Spring rain, autumn pushing (raising)
  4. In quiet water, deep (waters)
  5. Wet is not afraid (rain)
  6. Fish in the river - not in (hand)
  7. Much water since then (leaked)
  8. To learn to climb into the water (swim)
  9. Where there was no water, there. (dry)

Slide 10.

  1. Leading: - Guys, do you know:
  1. River, underground, lake, glacial-progress waters, make up only 1% of the water shell.

Slide 11.

The human body is 80% consists of water and 80% of their diseases person acquires due to bad quality Drinking water.

Slide 12.

  1. Water consumption, for household needs, is an average of 150 liters per day per person.

Leading: - Today, we learned a lot, remembered. Summing up I want to contact you: Take care of the water! Carefully treat it! After all, without water on the planet there will be no life.

  1. Tsarina Vodnyz, Spring: Goodbye, See you our friends!

"Mother of the Vote - all of the queen"


1. Fastening the knowledge of children about the meaning of water in the life of all living things:

2. Fastening knowledge about drinking water sources.

3. Develop attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking.

4. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, support each other, take into account the opinion of the partner.


    instant water spending skills at home;

    show how expensive natural resources are (water);

    expand the knowledge of children about the animal and vegetable world of the seas and rivers.

(Against the background of musical video clips about nature sounds opening speech Teacher)

Did you hear about the water?
She says everywhere!
In the pool, in the sea, in the ocean
And in the water tap.
How icicle freezes,
In the house fog to us crashes
On the plate we boil,
Ferry kettle hits

Dissolves sugar in tea
We do not notice her
We are accustomed to water -
Our companion is always!
Without her we do not wash.
Do not get up, do not get drunk!
I dare you to report -
Without water, we can not live.

Teacher. March 22 declared an international day of water. And this day is noted because the water increasingly requires protection. Is there a lot of water on our planet, will it all grab it? (Shows the children's globe, reminds that water is shown blue, the water is depicted on it). And every water is suitable for our needs. After all, its large part is the sea and oceans - this salty water. If you imagine that all the water of our planet fit in a three-liter bank, then the Fresh is only half a cup. With a pipette three drops from this cup, you will get water rivers and lakes. (A teacher accompanies his words by showing experience).

You will travel as a streams, carrying precious water in cups. In quiet rates you are waiting for questions, tasks, riddles of water. For each correct answer or completed task, the team will receive 1 cap of clean water as a reward. By the number of collected and saved (take care of each drop!) Water will be held the results of the game. Waiting for you, "experienced", "tasting", "song", etc. So, in the path of "streams"! Fast water to you.

Creek "Mysterious" (warm up)

(The team is set to 1 riddle. For the correct answer, the team receives 1 point.)

    What runs without a run? (Water)

    Weighs the clarity of the ice
    He is full of droplets and smells in the spring. (Icicle)

    Without wings - flies,
    Without legs - runs,
    Without sail - floats. (Cloud)

    In a white velvet trees,
    And fences and houses,
    And how the wind attacks -
    This velvet is popped. (Frost)

    Owl in blue sky
    Wings molten
    Sun stuck. (Cloud)

    White blanket,
    Not hands done
    Not tortured and did not get it -
    From the sky fell on the ground. (Snow)

Creek "Rivers, Lakes, Sea and Oceans"

Teacher.(Demonstrating the Globe) Oceans and the Sea are the greatest reservoirs, water storage on Earth. On our planet 4 ocean and about 90 seas. Rivers feed on water glaciers, swamps and lakes. Any river begins with a stream flowing from the mountain or from the lake or from the keys and springs driving out of the ground.

    How much is our ocean plan? (four)

    What ocean is the biggest, and what is the smallest? (Pacific Ocean and Northern Arctic Ocean)

    White, red, black, yellow - what is it? (Seas name)

    What kind of sea is the most silent on our planet? (The Dead Sea)

    What is the beginning and end of the river? (Source, mouth)

    What reservoir has sleeves? (River)

    What river is the longest on Earth? (Nile)

    What lake is 80% of all the fresh water of our country and the fifth of the fresh water of the entire planet? (Baikal)

    Through the river flows 1/5 of the entire river water of the world? (Amazon)

    How many percent of the earth's surface is covered with water? (Approximately 70%)

Did you know?"

    Who has both eyes on one side? (Flounder)

    Who has one leg of the house transports? (Mollusk)

    Who is the same nostrils breathe? (Walrus)

    Who can plow the bottom? (Walrus)

    What kind of the sea went off to fly? (Penguin)

    What sea cabbage? (Seaweed)

    What span bird promises snow? (Flock of geese)

    Who drinks water? (Frog)

    These mammals perform some orders in war timeThey accompany ships, play with children near the beaches, in the marine environment they move easily and can save a person? (Dolphins)

    The largest fish. It exists 350 million years. This fish always excited the imagination of a person, but also admired. In the Solomon Islands, they worship as deities, in the West they symbolize death, suddenly appearing from the sea depths. (Sharks)

    These mammals sing and can be heard at a distance of 9 km. One of them can weigh as much as 8 elephants (50 tons), they are ruthlessly exterminated for fat and meat. (Whale)

    This animal refers to the class of charts, the most developed mollusks. He has a reactive movement, there is a ink bag, it can move both forward and forth. (Octopus)

Fizkultminutka The game "Water is not water"

Rules of the game.A) if the name name denotes what water contains (puddle) - stand up. B) if objects or phenomenon have an indirect attitude to water (fish) - raise hands. C) if the subject and whether the phenomenon does not have any connection with water (stone) - clap in your hands.

The words. Cloud, boat, puddle, wind, stone, dolphin, fire, sea, sand, compote, cancer, TV, sun, lake, volcano, book, influx, lava, tea, ocean, handle, snow.

Guess "What does it sound?".

The relay "Save the fish"

2 teams participate. Purpose: Who is faster and more fill the bucket with fish. The relay will last 5 minutes.Fish can not live without water. It is necessary to help her, fill with a bucket with water, overcoming obstacles. Water can be chosen by a large wooden spoon, pouring it into a small bucket, then run to a bucket with a fish, overcoming obstacles.

Sweet "Lake"

Which water does not happen in the world!
There is water sea and river.
Lake and key,
Dead and lively
Carbonated and mineral,
Drinking and industrial
Well and plumbing,
Rain and swamp

There is even heavy water,
And there is water and fun,
Solar, wonderful,
Imported and local
Magic, Tala,
Big and small
Waste, running,
Pure and dirty ...
Well, in general, very different.

Do you know:

1. What is the taste of taste? 2. What is the smell? (View, sniff) 3. Will a spoon be visible in a glass with milk 4. What happens to sugar if it is stirred in water? 5. What happens if water boost? 6. What happens if the water takes place on the cold? Record your answers on leaves that I give you.

Merry streams "

    1. Go through a glass, full of water, on the head on a specific route, without splashing water.

      Drink water: a) When the glass is clamped between the little finger and the index finger of one hand.
      B) when the glass rises up and from the height elongated hands Water poured right in the mouth.

  1. Water and man "

    1. The human body consists of water on:

A) 20%
B) 50%
C) 70%

    1. What are the folk rites associated with water?

      What are the methods of treatment with water?

      Name the main reasons for lack of fresh water on Earth

      a) its absence;
      b) its pollution;

  1. Security "

There is nothing more precious than the wonderful, most ordinary clean water. " Water is more expensive than gold"," Said Bedouins, all their lives nomaded in the sands. "Water! Water, you have no taste, no smell, nor colors; You cannot describe you; You enjoy, without knowing what you are! It is impossible to say that you need for life: you are life itself. You fill us with the joy, which is not explained by our feelings ... You are the biggest wealth in the world, "Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote about the water. Indeed, water is the greatest wealth, without which no one can live more than 3 - 5 days. But sometimes people forget about this wealth and squinting her in trifles.

Tasting "plant

    Determine the taste of water.

    To tell what it is useful to a person. (honey, garlic, lemon, mineral)

Song "Creek

Water is both rain, fog, and snow, and frost, and hail, and ice. That's about it all together we will now sing. In 5 minutes, the team should remember as many songs as possible about water, river, lake, sea, rain, fog, rainbow ...

Sound "Creek. Collecting" What does it sound? ".

Children listen to audio recording: rain sounds, ocean, fountain, stream. For the right guess, the team gets a droplet.

Environmental experiments.

The teacher conducts experiments with water, clearly demonstrating the need to protect the water.

    In a container with transparent water, the tutor pipette pours black mascara, gradually all the water is painted in black dirty color.

Output: The consequences of water pollution in one place will definitely affect the state of water in the entire ocean.

    Add vegetable oil into a container with transparent water - it will float on the surface, if you shake the container of the liquid mix, but then it will be cut off again. If you add a dishwashing agent, then a mixture of dairy color will be.

Output:Soap does not allow droplets of oil to merge and form a dense layer, a visual demonstration of water purification methods from oil spills.

    Cleaning water from pollution and impurities using different degree of bandwidth filters. As a result, polluted water becomes clean.

Output:Water can and need to be purified before use in everyday life, and after use in production. Water must be protected! It must remember everyone! Come up with access to resting in the water to people, to fishermen, tourists (arrange them in the form of leaflets). Water is a source of life for all living things. Water must be preserved, not to pollute the reservoirs!

This morning we received a letter from the once big, raging and full-water river. ("Complaints of the River" (passage) Robert Burns)

1Dracted, man!
Only IL remained in me.
Heavenly angry cruel
Streams to the bottom Peresya

Stopped streams.

2 Quick Fast Trout
In rapid flight
Doomed to make a stranded

3, I can't
Help your trout
She lies on the shore
And breathes barely.

4 Divinely from the Terrible Cliffs
Burlil and Revel
And my waterfall was raging,
Boiling white foam.

5 Iply, turning to your legs,
In the name of the former glory.
You put on the shores
Bushes, trees, herbs.

6When come to the village of branches
Pretty playing fish
And noble nightingale
Thank you.

7 Paid Olha
Manits her coolness
And the oak will tighten the shepherd
From the shower and from the hail.

8Pall trees pull to me
His toothed shadow
And see in a clear depth
Tops reflections.

9Pill birch foliage rings
On stone clutches
And my hawthorn stores
Singers ringing.

Creek "Mysterious

1. In quiet weather
We are not anywhere,
How the wind fits -
Batting water (waves)

2. Wide wide,
Deep deep
Day and night
About the shore beating.

11. The water is not drinking it,
Because not tasty -
And Gorky and Solon (sea)

12 .. from the height is big breaking down,
Grozno he roars
And, about the stones broken,
Penoa gets up . (waterfall)

3. What kind of stars through
On the coat and on the scarf?
All through, cut,
And take - water in hand?

4. Sun: Stop,
Seven-color bridge cool!
Tuchka hid the sun light -
Bridge collapsed, and there is no pinch.

5. Bell, yes not sugar, not spiny, light blue (IIA)

6.Nog no, and goes? The bushes are sprayed ... (Fang)

7.Reracted like glass,
And do not insert the window ...

8Kyki sat on the cornice
And grow down all the time.

9.There trembles on the breeze
Ribbon on the square.
Narrow tip - in the spring,
And wide - in the sea.

10. In quiet weather
We are not anywhere,
And the wind fits -
We run through water.
13 days and night shouts and the voice does not get tired?

14 Krug
And drinking trouble.

15bgua I like a ladder,
On the pebbles of the link,
From afar on the song
You will learn me.

16th of the beads spurry,
All the grass is scribble
And went to look for them day,
We are looking for, we will not find it.

17. Humit it in the field and in the garden,
And the house will not fall.
And I do not go anywhere
As long as he goes.

18. In the new wall,
In the circular window
Day glass is broken,
Per night inserted.

19 Late passed, and I stayed
On the path in the yard.
Sparrows in me bathed
On fun, the defector.
But until tomorrow
The sun dries me.

20 not water and not dry -
On the boat you will not float
And you won't pass the legs.

21Pushy Vata.
Sails somewhere
Than wool below
That rain closer.

22. Heavens Oravyu
Brass bags leaning.
And happens - sometimes
From the bags flowing water.
Hidden better
From a hole ...

    . "Water and Health"

If you do not want to sneeze and blow it out,
Medicine to swallow and the medicine,
You must drain cold water.
Long live water treatments.
If you want to be dirty, chumazim, unwashed,
So that the hairstyle was like a seedling bed,
Then the bath, sauna, swimming pool and shower should be forgotten,
And procedures are especially water, it is not necessary.
If you want to be strong, healthy and brave,
Cheerful, beautiful, cheerful, skillful.
Must do you make friends with water,
And, of course, with me!
Because without water and nor there, and neither here

If our hands are in Vaks,
If the nose sat down the blots,
Who then is the first friend
Will remove dirt from face and hands?
Without which mom can't
Neither cook nor wash
Without what, we say straight,
Man to die?
To rain rain from the sky,
So that gross grinding bread,
To float ships -
You can not live without ... (Water)

Flows, flows - not follow,
Runs, runs - does not run out . (River)

Slightly trembling on the breeze
Ribbon on the square.
Narrow tip - in the spring,
And wide - in the sea. (River)

In a blue shirt
Runs on the bottom of the ravine. (Rouh)

Circle Water, and drinking trouble. (Sea).

Not the sea, not the earth,
Ships do not swim,
And you can not walk. (Swamp)

Kostya morning woke up,
Himself dressed, shoved himself
And rather
Left home to the courtyard.
Sees - many mirrors
Someone scattered everywhere.
In the mirrors a huge house
Reflected up the bottom.
Reflected Karagach
And on it sitting rag.
Looked around - and friends,
Suddenly he saw himself.
Interestingly, the coste became -
He became a boot.
And his shoe gathering
Suddenly dived. Where? Under water.
These are the things!
What kind of mirrors? (ice)

Hello, dear colleagues!
I join Olesya Kuznetsova's comment - I want to express the words of gratitude to Chern Svetlana Alexandrovna for a clear organization of the Internet conference. Very regretted that herself did not place a report ...
Svetlana Aleksandrovna! Tell me, please, do you plan to hold a conference on a similar topic in the near future? I really want to participate. Sincerely, Gritsai Alla Yurevna.


Thank you very much for the organization "Open Regional Internet Conference" Water and World Heritage "and, of course, authors of work and presentations. In my opinion, all the teachers are owned modern techniques and receiving, clearly speaking stages of classes, which, in turn, creates comfortable conditions for the active joint activities of children.

Gritsai Alla Yurevna

Dear colleagues! I got acquainted with the scenarios of events. I, as a teacher of chemistry and biology, I really liked the scenario: elements of the class "Water and food security" at the lesson of chemistry in grade 8 on the topic: "oxides". Author: Teacher of Chemistry and Biology Korepanov Alevtina Arkadyevna School of 97, Izhevsk.
The author reveals the basic concepts of the topic and leads specific examples Food security.
As a class teacher, I really liked the development:
Scenario Events for the holiday "World Water Day". Author: Teacher of Geography of Maniaeva Aminat Muzafarovna MKOU "Secondary school named after Chechenov Sh.Sh. G.P. Kashhatau" CBD, Cherkoe district, GP. Kashhatau.
Thanks to the authors, I definitely use these development data in your work. Thanks to the authors. Sincerely, Gritsai Alla Yurevna.

Petrova Ella Aleksandrovna

I got acquainted with all scenarios of classes. Many thanks to all educators for the presented developments that can be used in working with children of different school age To systematize the knowledge, the development of individual and collective creative abilities. Content of classes, use a variety of shapes and methods, application of ICT, and all this in combination with the active involvement of students to work and involve to cooperate. Interesting and informative material will help the teachers to embody new own ideas To work.
In the fascinating event "World Water Day" in gaming form A very interesting questions and answers are given.
A large preliminary work has been done to the Water and Food Security in Moscow "and a logical completion - a memo.
In the preparation of the class "Water resources of the Stavropol city", preliminary work was done in groups. The occupation itself was the result of a short-term project.
During the class "Water - a source of life on Earth!" The presentations of students and teachers, the inclusion of quiz, visibility and expressiveness help to learn and consolidate the material.
"The game - the journey" Queen - Voditsa "will be interesting and informative students of grade 5 using ICT, as well as some fabulousness of what is happening.
In the script "Oda Water", the teacher introduces information on the properties of water in the application to multiple sciencesAnd also uses an interesting technique to activate students, attracting them to discussing the topic and independent conclusions.


Thanks to all teachers for granted mothers. Happy children of those teachers who work creatively. Games on the topic Water were useful for the class hour "All about water." The teachers sometimes do not have time to develop material, and here we can help each other.


Good evening Dear colleagues!
I got acquainted with the scenarios of classes on the topic "Water and Food Security".
The content of classes correspond to the individual features of children, all parts of the material are logically connected with each other. The use of various forms, stimulate children in the possibility of self-realization, systematize the knowledge of children about the meaning of water in the life of everyone. Take a connection with life. Thanks for the excellent development. The obtained luggage must be implemented and then we will bring the younger generation with new environmental thinking.

Comments by the Swamp Elena Vladimirovna

Scenario Classes "Water resources of the city of Stavropol" Grade 6.
I got acquainted with this work. Clear statement of the goal, determination of the stages of work. According to N.V. with Nikitashina In the fact that the main condition of the careful relationship of water resources is the problem of all knowledge of the problems, the principle of operation of the city's water supply. Surprised and pleased that the 6th grade children are well oriented in the creation of clusters, use the Internet in the lesson. Honestly, I admit that there is no marketing board in our school with a copy device. I would like more more to read the results of this work. I liked the work, well done.

Got acquainted with the work " Water- source Life on Earth. "Clearly described goals, tasks of work. The results were summed up. On the occupation, a film about water, a presentation, experiments are used. Such work we conducted with children in the lessons of the surrounding world in 2 grade. I think that this work is needed, it is important, but For children 4 ... Classes are a bit simple. M.B. So I think only. I ask you not to be offended. Thank you very much.

Comments on the holiday "World Water Day".
I got acquainted with this work. I liked that the teacher clearly formulated the goal, the tasks, stages of work, the results. Reflection. I consider it a relevant performance of students with reports in sections, drawing up the rules of respect for water. I liked the work. But only I can not imagine this work as a holiday.

Comments on the "Water-World Heritage" Demin E.V.
I got acquainted with the work. Tasks, goals, stages of work, result, detailed description Work is everything. I liked that the 5th grade children can use interactive voting in their work, they can draw up a diagram for the data just received. I am not sure that the 5-graders of our school would have done independently with a similar task. Molders, excellent work.

Comments on Water-Our Wealth Vartanova S.A.
I got acquainted with this work. All stages of work are observed. The results are summarized. Conclusions are made. I thought that at the end of the occupation on this topic, the guys decided to make a booklet with their own works. The truth is not clear what will be printed in them. Thank you for work.

Comments on the work "Water in the life of a person" Athnyshina G.I.
The goal, tasks, stages of work, everything is described in detail and available. The end summed up. Everything is logical, I liked it. The purpose of watching a video is not clear. I would like to read a few questions from hydraulic system. Not familiar with this game. I believe that the teacher successfully used this type of work in the classroom. Thank. I liked the work.

Chernova Svetlana Alexandrovna

Comments from the Swamp Elena Vladimirovna:

I got acquainted with the work of the "Queen's Tour" game. Interesting, entertaining material. I guess I missed something. The script is more suitable for elementary school students. Our school did not know that such a group took part in the competition. And there would be a lot of people. Thanks for the work.

I got acquainted with the work of the carrier N.V., Pozdova O.S. "Water and Food Safety in Moscow". Surprised that work from WAO, as I work in Reutov. Problems of work authors are understandable and close experimental studies, social skins, questionnaires, disputes are evidence for me that this problem will not pass by the younger generation. I consider the work of successful, goals and objectives. Posted before the authors are achieved. Stages of work are described clearly and available. Especially liked a memo on ecology of food. I think that it can be placed on some environmental site. Look for such sites a lot. Well done. Botot E.V. MBOU "SOSH№ 6", M. Reutov, MO


Carefully looked at all scenarios and I want to immediately note how creatively all the teachers approached writing scenarios, showing the diversity of forms and methods of training, having considered the problem of fresh water with of different side. In each of the scenarios, you can find a lot of useful, interesting, sometimes amazing information. Especially I would like to note the following scenarios:
1. "Water and World Heritage" - all stages of classes with a description of the final result are clearly described; used bright interesting presentationcontaining a lot useful information; The beginning is accompanied by monitoring, but ends with testing, as a result of which students see their successes.
2. "Water and food security in the city of Moscow" - before the occupation, a large preliminary work was carried out (monitoring the quality of water and snow, the germination of bean seeds, a sociological survey, the survey of residents of country villages on water quality); It is described in detail about the meaning of water, about its properties, on the ways of pollution of water, conducted a study; The result of the whole event is a memo for the public ecology.
3. "Water resources of the city of Stavropol" - a preliminary work was carried out by students by groups, the result of which are presentations on water resources of Stavropol. I really liked the use of critical thinking techniques during the occupation - at the beginning, clusters about the inner waters and water resources of Stavropol are created, in the course of discussions, the clusters are complemented by information, at the end of the clamping is used by the reception of the issue of issues for further research.
4. "Oda about water" - like the beginning when the teacher raises the interest of students, without calling the themes, thereby encouraging them to action; The scenario contains many diverse information about water - historical moments, water properties from the point of view of chemistry, physics, biology, ecology; The teacher himself sends students to make the right conclusions.
Thanks to all teachers for the materials provided. On next year I plan to hold a separate event, but to devote this topic for a whole week as part of the subject week of natural sciences.


Looked scenario classes

Extracurricular event in chemistry: "Unusual by ordinary water »

purpose: expanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of water in a person's life, upbringing a careful attitude towards water and water resources.



Create conditions for the intensification of knowledge of water obtained in the study of chemistry, physics, biology, geography;

Promote the expansion of knowledge of pupils about the spread of water in nature, water properties, water and water protection.


Continue to develop the ability to apply knowledge and your own experience in various situations, including problematic: to promote the development of thinking, analyzing the knowledge gained, the allocation of the main, generalization and systematization;


Contribute to the formation of environmental culture through respect for water;

Promote the formation of humanity, kindness, tolerance, responsibility.

Equipment: computer, projector, audio recordings (Tchaikovsky).

chemical reagents (phenolphthalene, chloride barium, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid), chemical glasses, globe, presentation

"Unusual about ordinary water."

Class design:at cooking about water.

"Water drops more precious than gold" (D. Mendeleev)

"No drink on earth is better than a glass of cold clean water" (V. Tskov)

Handout: snowflakes and white droplets and blue flowers, K. articles with the task "Continue phrase" (quantity-15)

Expected results:


1 Organizing time

Opening word about water; (5 minutes)

2. Home Part(35 minutes)

Presentation "Unusual about ordinary water";

Staging "Birth of Water" (4 Uch-Xia)

Water pollution factors;

Staging with a demonstration of Chem. experiments (2 studying)

Solving the problem of water pollution;

Quiz "Water for Life".

3. Incusional part

Reflection (5 minutes)

Structure occupation

1. The organizational moment

Sightly quiet music sounds. Pupils go to the office. Each participant of the event at the entrance to the class gets a medal in the form of droplets and snowflakes. Having received medals, students pass, sit per desk.


We are not going together for the first time to relax, talk, learn something new, interesting. All of us are united by friendly, good relationships, which are so important for every person throughout his life.

Those who chose white snowflake awaits success at today's event. Those who chose a blue snowflake - wish to communicate with everyone in the classroom. White droplet - manifest activity. Blue droplet - will be persistent. Remember! It all depends on us, our aspirations and expectations.

Today at our lesson we will talk about an amazing and unique substance. This is the most ordinary water. Yes! There is nothing more precious in the world than this substance. Let's look at the globe. Our planet is named Earth for a clear misunderstanding: there are only 1 \\ 3 territories on land, and the rest is water. It would be more correct to call the Planet "Water"!

And now, we will see the presentation of the water.

2. Main part

Presentation"Unusual about ordinary water";

Slide №1"World Water Day"

The first of the natural wealth with whom a person meets in his life is water. Water becomes an inseparable satellite of a person for life from the moment of its appearance to the last day. "Water," said the great Leonardo da Vinci, "the magic power was given to become juice of life on earth."
A person will somehow cost without oil, diamonds, inventing new engines, but without water he will not be able to live. People have always deified water. There is not a single people whose water would not be considered the mother of all living, healing and purification force, a source of fertility.

The famous French writer is the pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery, whose plane suffered an accident in the Sahara desert, "wrote:

"Water! .. You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot describe you, you enjoy, without knowing what you are! It is impossible to say that you need for life: You yourself life. You fill us with joy that you will not explain our feelings. You come back to us with the strength that we have already said. According to your mercy, our hearts of our heart begin to brighten into us again. You are the biggest wealth in the world ... "

"A drop of water is more precious than gold" - so said the great Russian scientist D.Melteleev.

The UN General Assembly in 1993 announced on March 22 World Wide Water Resources Day, and 2010 was declared the year of "pure water for a healthy world."

Slide number 2."Spring is a small miracle of nature"

Spring is a small miracle of nature ... and the sip of this student crystal clear miracle. Rodnikov became a symbol of the most expensive things for us - why at home, the edges where they grew up, their homeland. No wonder the words "Motherland" and "Spring" are a common root. Rodnikov is called diamond beads, magical fairy tales of nature ...

Slide number 3. "Amazing Planet"

In the solar system, the land is the only planet where water is in a liquid state. It is believed that this fact is and contributed to the birth of life on Earth about 4 billion years ago. What could be more important for a person than water? We need water to maintain all vital important processes in the body. All living plant and animal beings consist of water.

None of the living organisms on Earth can exist without water and several days. It is thanks to the water that the Earth received its second name - a blue planet when she was seen from space. From all of us and each separately depends, whether the color of the planet remains blue, or it will be painted in the tone of the wastewater.

Slide number 4."Water - healer"

In the 21st century, healthy water is considered a find for the people of the planet. According to statistics world Organization Health care 80% of diseases and 52% of children's deaths are associated with poor quality water. Water takes 70% of the human body and updated every 18 days.

No food, a person can live for several months, and without water can not live and more than three days. An adult man in the day should be 2 liter of water, by the way, yoga recommend it! It is estimated that an adult for 70 years consumes 60 tons of water. With a loss of water to 2%, the weight of the body (1-1.5 liter) appears the thirst, with a loss of 6-8%, a semi-resistant state occurs, with a loss of 10% there appears hallucinations, swallowing, with water loss in the amount of 12% of body weight, person dies).

When bathing, water has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves blood circulation. The ancient Greeks portrayed the goddess of health of the hygieus with a water bowl in hand.

Staging Ecological fairy tale of the birth of water

Leading: « Ovened one day the hydrogen with oxygen met. "

Hydrogen: « Let's connect with you, it will be easier. "

Oxygen: « No, I will not connect with you. I am so big, and you are so small. "

Leading: « Oxygen proud, active, rich. It has large possessions - 21% by volume from the air atmosphere. "

Hydrogen: « Let's connect, I will give two atoms, and you alone and see what a wonderful substance will get. "

Oxygen: « Well, let's try. "

george: « And I went to rummate,

Substances to disturb everything.

The queen appeared here,

And the nickname to her - the driver!

Marching like a queen

Gondo, it is important, very bold.

Strong it is always.

Remember, call her water. "

Leading: « They knew the salt that the beautiful, wonderful substance appeared,

worried, especially cooking. Salt considered himself the first beauty. "

Salt: « My light, the mirror, say

Yes, all the truth will report.

I am in the light of all Mile,

All beautiful and whiter "?

Leading: « And her mirror in response. "

Mirror: « You are beautiful, no dispute,

But the driver is all Mileu,

All transparent and more important. "

Salt: « Well, what is good in it? And without color she, and odorless and even without taste. "

Water: « You know the salt, if I am clean, then my color will not repeat in nature, he is just an extraordinary. I form a form of river, lakes, sea, oceans, glaciers, and you are offended by salt, pollute my possessions. "

Slide number 5."Water and Health"

For billions of years, inconspicable "treasures" accumulated in the World Ocean. Every year more than 10 million tons of oil poured into the ocean. 20% of the surface of the world's ocean is covered with oil film.

In the Great Mother's Pool - Volga annually gets 800 thousand tons

pollutants. Especially contaminated by small rivers: giving up, big

Irgiz. The dirtiest rivers of the region: Chapaevka and Padovka. Only we take the water clean, but give dirty. In rivers and lakes are reset industrial waste and sewage drain, pesticides with fields. Millions of fish are dying in fat from fuel oil, dirt, sewage.

Scientists calculated that every year all over the world in the reservoirs falls so much harmful substancesThey could fill out 10 thousand trade trains. Even in the pure waters of the Arctic traces found washing powder. In the Volga Rivers, Danube, the Rhine can not be bathed. The Volga is polluted so much that it is important to make mineral mining. In Siberian rivers, microorganisms appeared due to the sunken forest, very harmful to human health and animals. Baikal loses the ability to self-clean. Omul is a fish that dwells only in clean water, it becomes barely. The whole world had shielded snapshots of the crying nerve. In the Amur River, so many mineral fertilizers that children are covered with rash after swimming. Mutations occur in the body of fish: increases in the size of the liver, fish are born with two tails.

"Our physical and spiritual well-being depends on what food we use" - so said E. White. But it seems to me that these words can be rephrased: our physical and spiritual well-being depends on what water we use.

Stagingwith a demonstration of Chem. experiments

TB when working with acids and alkalis
1. It is necessary to work carefully, strictly observing the order of work, work only above the table.
2. Be especially careful with acid solutions and alkalis.
3. Take substances for experience in the minimum-needed quantities and only in clean dishes.
4. On all spills of chemical liquids, as well as the scattered solids, you need to inform the teacher. Alone to remove any chemical substances It is impossible.
5. Sections of the skin or clothing, which hit the reagent, first rinse with plenty of water, then treat the neutralizing substance.
Ivanushka: "Alyonushka, I want to drink."

Alyonushka: "Be patient, Ivanushka, come home, then you will get home.

We have a filter at home there is water purifies water, but it is impossible to drink natural water. "

Ivanushka: "And why it is impossible, she seems to be clean?"

Alyonushka: "Look what water like blood. This land is our bloody tears crying from the insult to humanity. "

Demonstration of experience (pitch + phenolphthalein - raspberry color)

Ivanushka: "Alyonushka, how to drink I want. See here's another lake

maybe there is a clean water? "

Alyonushka: "It only seems to be not on the ground of pure water.

Demonstration of experience (sulfuric acid + chloride barium - white precipitate)

Here you see and here solid dirt. No in the nature of pure water. "

"Man remembering forever:

Symbol of life on earth - water

Economy her and take care!

We are not alone on the planet. "

Slide number 6.« Pure water».

Guys, did you think how we spend water?

With the abundance of water bodies on our planet, freshwater reserves suitable for drinking are limited. Today, the world need for water already exceeds half the average annual flow of all Earth rivers. The lack of water is experiencing more than 2.5 billion people. With the growth and development of cities and industries, the deficit will increase. And one day we can also be in a situation where the thirst will become our usual state.

IV. Fizkultminutka.

« {!LANG-29a8784918fa54fffef680e1bbb0cb13!}

















{!LANG-3a970cad74a4eb9afc20064a21f988f9!} {!LANG-198c7e66219acb0105eadcb4e0da137c!}{!LANG-785a700b53f837f8dfaa12d59bca8ff4!}


3. Incusional part















{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-653a01729f7aa347bcd37cc0581b5034!}{!LANG-8f2ef0e95871f3414809538bbd217b1c!}














{!LANG-127254d785eb856305efb098bad09486!}{!LANG-dd8bc83c68a6d8c449ebbd3e33b5165e!} {!LANG-731a864a163d56a680ee1c9fd8c42d5f!}

{!LANG-5cb45da1b6058d6acd09551ca95d55cd!} {!LANG-f266c75728da027b51edd3c264f7f3bd!} {!LANG-e92b44fb1e5ce77051d7ab1e9be207e1!}{!LANG-d6fb77366f37b090a604d327c5b5523b!} {!LANG-890cd071b28978ae9a2218c6fd40a477!}{!LANG-95170f1b20226460f355ca9301f26e20!}













- {!LANG-98dac80271970cc88056a79e2dca3eb7!}
















{!LANG-e17bea590ef643eda203a681632a2b11!} {!LANG-b219a45556c8182bcc472c15e79c4992!}


{!LANG-c9fe5f553a4d074cace54e032fbad7f7!} {!LANG-55f6bfa10a9895e0af0d648f8997f681!}{!LANG-bac6601ab261c46c84cac1f25275fc66!}






{!LANG-5d20a0f3c0fc677866de3e9a45942fb7!} {!LANG-9caaa214fc0822d54a2fb24b81d18d12!}








« {!LANG-377249e056fc01634d21b367675efb9f!}{!LANG-faa112e5d5ea66d219d735973fda221e!}







1. {!LANG-da895a6cb7634cc8fd99e5c6f709a741!} :{!LANG-15015ab6fe73e8aae630b11dbc9a3e10!}




2 {!LANG-c3d78b09ee47c4cba7d8f9231c30b732!} {!LANG-b82ede0876c9737f39824d5cf3fe79d8!}{!LANG-3c4af442dec46dc85b15219092927748!}

3) {!LANG-f98eb329e19efa17731d8482ab67987c!} {!LANG-30b86d4d5a5271f7ea09dc7ec6b5109c!}

4) {!LANG-20b91ba69fe258c25b219f8994733682!} - {!LANG-40d598de36378915728e2c90c6c50c38!}





5) {!LANG-3654ef14254aad3b405c5ffcf5a1b257!} {!LANG-f880a6fbba23e7977109f29f22fc275b!}

6) {!LANG-1ec2d52c045fbd007f1da23d4bccf3b8!} {!LANG-eb58159f9a3302b7b8f0abf987ad7607!}. {!LANG-4563fc18da0f79b0bd7c1190d0070609!}

7) {!LANG-93e0799a6cf7f6923a5ee1078dfa1e80!} .

8) {!LANG-86dac4dc89425c8e3a11ce70b86e8235!} {!LANG-9f9c5ab91e637af626f0f0e6f98d71b9!} {!LANG-c1f200f90e427232db6985983784c4e0!}

9) {!LANG-f67dda38c97643e438ac92b71f80d11e!} {!LANG-d38e22a4cf75730f668d1ab2de0705d0!}



{!LANG-4ed0f660f291d40c8b8c747d1150c330!}– 4 {!LANG-a4701e60a0a0318d0c91d662c5d608cb!}{!LANG-5b9abc8bf1d88953b839be4e89b7752d!}


10) {!LANG-a944130094db3620561577c334a9c970!} :









    • {!LANG-c87af00f096313f0adaba9e88b381d2a!}


11) {!LANG-c4e0a2f08de69a36327e1ac4199b4519!}

12) {!LANG-01b681e3d44555ad7032fdb4f5d85b60!}{!LANG-3c746d736ccfc531e977a7d361f4b2e2!}







14) {!LANG-9ed3931bad3f0e2f25526a1a086c205e!}










{!LANG-7ef17e0df8b7732a8213c1b92469c99a!} {!LANG-900e55b7dec105021acd8922d3dc568c!}{!LANG-fb893a544673febe10329f092cf5e696!}

{!LANG-b31078c2bc9cdffd29c1181e117811d8!} {!LANG-8bf9bfdc262d016f1a59082115969a7d!}{!LANG-26720f62e166c3de26ab3a41d8142c39!}




15) {!LANG-a22fe2ab5d71fd4370c4de2f70f356bf!} {!LANG-e3d3c6b124fd2dcd739910b07899ad7d!}







16) {!LANG-f74e68b5340cf88f8515af24fd7b851c!} , {!LANG-98f5f0b13c4ae4cab7aed76586b02b2c!}{!LANG-d9367edd1b4ce42b17d4eafb490cab4f!} {!LANG-ccbc696da6e285545b4b9d4f29ccba86!}

{!LANG-a2b6fef984a5a088fab81902f7b0b66e!} {!LANG-d0b1fccc35f9c84e17bcc81ee1bafa32!}{!LANG-bdc27266d4004d82df920acc7dec9743!}









{!LANG-354093972837987dc6d315706d79f6cd!} {!LANG-e28a25526aa763e67bd67e58ea356582!}{!LANG-39de6abd9e1532e357b8feb592813a82!}
















{!LANG-824fc7c97071d801360cc58765dff6d7!} 1. {!LANG-f1c6d9a33df8736def41f195745b2271!}

{!LANG-3dd0ebadc38a6149f7899ef24900f9cc!}{!LANG-c9346762cc4adb322825218c691746b1!} {!LANG-0197c195ddf294f30b01c968f9e4444e!}{!LANG-c262f8e42f9912c8162a7728bfa83cc4!}








{!LANG-15037beb703ac4d4c5d8aa80f0789433!}{!LANG-9d254808dd03c76ac0051d58b3da5da1!} {!LANG-ac04e221e3347f24433ef5ef93f56646!}{!LANG-c6b5efba7b625489b57cb24aeea66891!}



Teacher.{!LANG-99b67652adcf9c69c0aaf91fa21a806d!} {!LANG-f398187470eb307ebff38e5ce61d959b!}{!LANG-61cb113474bd41e1b7168008d4151660!}
{!LANG-6783b0e4bbf12c3de086cd11828cf901!} {!LANG-2fd6058415358aaa5e3b4f2c8d237a3e!}{!LANG-7992525923fa56ce518539dcbafe3429!}






{!LANG-648194216d244af2a0ca3af3b4b990b4!} !





























{!LANG-4351335c8397175573e6c7f6db598bc1!} (Dew)




{!LANG-f61606d3405c27ce190e673a5e50f99c!} (River)




{!LANG-b7cf5208c7370c68af36b74a6a271467!} {!LANG-ffba0654e91b38e0455c0aa342d4def8!}


{!LANG-1e10f6aab4195297cb4fbffc369f780f!} {!LANG-d1d57e6920f451a3f6e8871490e84e35!}


{!LANG-d21e3e297a33a13d36b0796538504831!} {!LANG-8ead6d0ab3a54b23e4bc388d84c24589!}

Teacher.{!LANG-b2b5cde387505cc62f4869dfa1f0220d!} {!LANG-41a97904b709dbc0aff5934e3936a99c!}{!LANG-43458e4f24a3d537fa570745d5fe428f!}


{!LANG-656f5c2327da00fb326abaf7971028ab!}{!LANG-447a8555441e292fa8e616948efbc9df!} {!LANG-6bffb23611ea17d5c6c052e15942587e!}{!LANG-f0414db551b2f438a28f87ba4167018a!}

Teacher.{!LANG-4652012def103e4947ff157b072039a4!} {!LANG-36a4a6a862b7ecdd502d9fb7d21c1721!}{!LANG-97e3bdd82c3c81dbb765116eec297494!}





























Symbol of life on earth - water

Economy her and take care!



{!LANG-52c5a0aa3c482e1f3a59db76fc347978!} {!LANG-effc0a3f8c927266fe84a757cb6429c1!}{!LANG-7e933ac8307e0a230342abeae333001a!}{!LANG-f56352a84dc89f9dead21eade585557c!} {!LANG-8ee4e122b77778ac6a6d2054b983262c!}

{!LANG-c1ce8b9818ca54a13b9a2cbacbaf8101!} {!LANG-853c127d21a93e224e04560db7248fb4!};









{!LANG-e0ac89b8a2ba6e2e6f247ca29bd4aeae!} {!LANG-53677ad30041eee89507de5c305306b9!}»;













Water pollution factors;


Expected results:





Class design:{!LANG-034e3105c1546fb35ba634bfe0797d95!} {!LANG-0286140c0b17e549709c93cba1216969!}{!LANG-35ecc32acced52d146843ce356efc14d!}
{!LANG-1e7b0201f133252ef89e3b70ee185d8a!} {!LANG-e8fe91497c44bba628d899aee4bfa9eb!}{!LANG-e8e8c10b336712f35dfc4aa8585a934b!}
{!LANG-1c560c995628baeb40a5d9e736ceb952!} {!LANG-77d0f8866b7b362d587f0602a7b8fb4c!}


- {!LANG-b9d459fde4cbaecb222770fc759c3fd1!}{!LANG-4ea18f802a515c500e39a808f1018815!}


Teacher.{!LANG-34c9e59c3cdb605f3a2f845bd21e918f!} {!LANG-aeacddb766e4257582a74a5693aef4d9!}{!LANG-3271d062fba9c87da0e6bd77bffbd841!} {!LANG-bc6242c7701a6f9a7d7a203254cbca5d!}{!LANG-a1b327be2d87d8e669d52419d2e5e70e!} {!LANG-907fe402df37741d271d8c6cc4efa1e4!}{!LANG-985147fdda933f8e4290c70781d78226!}
{!LANG-b99ce1ff296ee2fe658153affea7459e!} {!LANG-7edb2e23b8918af3da4ecd15938d7c88!} {!LANG-d5bf65fd6207eb1e6d39a89bd9b4cd2c!} {!LANG-d50b2fb75b3aebeb787307a96e84950e!} {!LANG-c12da24fcbf6368196f08cfa4b104ff1!} {!LANG-f5e4cf6c8a8d220852dcd20982168b1a!} {!LANG-9830df1982bf086e373ce77230d86406!} {!LANG-b8e90a7afabf93dba583b70b00418252!} {!LANG-3ad046ed9419da7e25b472f4b98d332e!}




{!LANG-01f1840a6b9b169e1d9246b34f78d2b6!} {!LANG-0d81a5388f34a5bfe8922eb5120abf51!}{!LANG-421c8f455c304fdfd21c5b27c9def5b7!} {!LANG-7803def6fcc8fa0e798ef3cb411140c5!}{!LANG-220e6047af8136ccfffc5299895190f6!}

{!LANG-f856a0db666ea24735edd5bfcd3537ba!} {!LANG-3fcbf4c2cd8bf66757deeacaeb46b1cc!}{!LANG-8db8ccfec54af6b2b00e3061316294ae!}
{!LANG-044fba39dda7fe48756a1d7094dac696!} {!LANG-fed4fa1ec2b165a108998248754c011b!}{!LANG-6ef0fbff73f43d1e09f2c95a65168a97!}







{!LANG-ade6800b9a3177b3f95090b4f5557d40!}{!LANG-ea91848ecc538a8a49109aad24c24aba!} {!LANG-00fef2c90296cdc15f0537fa02ad6f1d!}{!LANG-6d9f3381f188ee981373c6afff8c980a!}

{!LANG-b3c54b3a7af9ea7c8f4c0038a0c012e5!} {!LANG-0e62f44f64c30f824e8e95956f9c9f17!}{!LANG-fe836699193c2cf66a3de0293a4d72d1!}


Teacher.{!LANG-f4343005f0709105654d0b653f0997c7!} {!LANG-76ea5a71092595faedb608a31874cfa0!}{!LANG-5b5b54002f5c625004549f626e036c9f!}


{!LANG-52bde709c2b4a0218820999ef279a6cb!} {!LANG-76ea5a71092595faedb608a31874cfa0!}{!LANG-6f3b2aae24ae19178e08d639dc1abd6a!}

{!LANG-153a221388a5920b4f593e5b1bbb9fe1!} {!LANG-fb1a74c9e4f5271af46b172c1c73f9fa!}{!LANG-d13987a273b87c09525fcf136fc41e3e!}
Teacher.{!LANG-751b97cb0ba4822578e86c38b661c167!} {!LANG-38e488ac1d208e756ee8b229f73f0cb3!}{!LANG-280d6c285db8c1a7ee0a5e00a11d0c24!}


{!LANG-76ea5a71092595faedb608a31874cfa0!}{!LANG-d28bc193798799c164ef68afd274b23e!} {!LANG-dd341a5d1c66b2a28a4205afe3f07f96!}{!LANG-cdccc467bcaf8e3bede93ca305fb34df!}



Teacher.{!LANG-60570002f246fa09f97d24fbb1facec5!} {!LANG-76ea5a71092595faedb608a31874cfa0!}{!LANG-3e88fd7796b4fe5debba0ad9ce7ae433!}


{!LANG-3829b0bb9dab2d94e7031cb9219e443a!} {!LANG-f40c9e76bf378ceb6d8120e1edb29ab7!}{!LANG-87718b5f8a12c9fca35b70e56efcefbb!}
{!LANG-c46f08a627cd34c244296b83fe957a8c!} {!LANG-a847d019701978d135d17fe8aede4c18!} {!LANG-b92d0a21afdb22c89d8e0c7ed37f7247!}



{!LANG-affbc0f0206e1fce00237eeab05d8301!} {!LANG-f024e182b528fb9e8942168b3067037d!}{!LANG-c5c1ca652aaebc36d549a19ff9c757b6!}



{!LANG-fc6449611365014d1a7222b67b8205fe!} - {!LANG-65633bceae3210221cc12dcbcec37eef!}{!LANG-6da8c21da8551e27e7f6e130a9022deb!}


















{!LANG-c68a35225d93ace4bd3d4949a4ac0435!} {!LANG-b47eb93c76a26c570e39dd37f745222e!}{!LANG-8269a6a67dcb603fe6ba6dd6925b6ed9!}


{!LANG-91b4e51cae6489528fb32acafc96b1bc!} {!LANG-7f92e6d4e3a3408e01e9b724ff3da7cf!}{!LANG-fcbed28cb927188ac4c3f45ef98e3410!}







{!LANG-ef315439b6593e694e971cb226f14700!} {!LANG-876a9dad8a0a1f095fff8f92eb9fadda!}{!LANG-96c08caa8c07fb4de02c6f22c7323241!} {!LANG-af8b4d3b2e0b4b7a3a3e760b5b3140f0!}{!LANG-57f73388d88141ac3bf108a764c1e4d7!}











Teacher.{!LANG-32fc5953c618100a4323b72614f0097e!} {!LANG-23836f927130ff66eff1b6c748e80aa3!}{!LANG-5e770d9b734763e5314c2b026406afd7!}



{!LANG-1ffc90666068f489bb1b92a814ad81ae!} {!LANG-e9832188314641f1d1402eb744e205ea!}{!LANG-bf21428547d17b89999f3a1a0c361c96!} {!LANG-789cc49b6547b61f1b26920b11af6ede!}

{!LANG-e54402f94e7b7a3473f9b26b08eff1f9!} {!LANG-3342030d1094988451266b2b43d3f10d!}


























{!LANG-812143f5ea4527d9c5136357bcb4c2a5!} {!LANG-0fa2d225e59e072ec5ad44528e23d906!}.











































{!LANG-a5847df99fb4f5f5367aaba865648aa3!} {!LANG-7f23b8933456db9c4f891dc0aa1774cc!}{!LANG-95ba51fb12e8c72fc3549185fa23ea1d!}



{!LANG-4155860a72e57e368ae9255f11cef3e8!} {!LANG-7d51f7b84a3e8f861900a2757dd18230!}{!LANG-ffef29a0576351eb7907b0eb792d603c!} {!LANG-7b7229c47fb791c0dd8dca028c18bec8!}.

















































{!LANG-f7fbf801591cbccd51cb9fda05c6a6eb!} {!LANG-67d8ea2de96c48baecdf491d705ef321!}.





{!LANG-b749ecfa423947fde14eedd630be0a76!} {!LANG-61261a5fac6294b9bcb526983a43f558!}{!LANG-07d2fe90d255839fccb20ad7cf3cfe83!}

