Congratulations on the anniversary in your own words. Congratulations in your own words on your wedding anniversary. It's been a year since you've been married

The gift has been bought, the problem with finding outfits has been solved - everything is ready to go to the wedding anniversary, but you, as always, forgot about the wishes, which would be best to say in your own words, and not to read a verse copied from the Internet from a piece of paper.

How to congratulate on a wedding anniversary: ​​a speech in prose

Regardless of the date the married couple celebrates, congratulations on the wedding anniversary in prose, said from pure heart, with wishes for long and happy family years, will sound your best.

Congratulations for a young family (up to 10 years old)

How to congratulate a young couple on their wedding anniversary in prose? The portal has prepared for you the most nice words... And also here you will find congratulations on your wedding anniversary to your husband, wife, parents or friends.

The first year of life is the most difficult and most important, and you experienced it as a young, but very a strong family... Therefore, I want to wish you not to lose this connection with each other for long and happy family years. And let's celebrate this year well!

Dear ones, (names)! Behind you is the path covered in 5 years. You have lived them together, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, overcoming all obstacles. Life has presented various surprises, but you have lived through them all proudly. And you still have a long road ahead of you, which will bring many joyful moments. And if it's hard, support each other and boldly move on.

We will not count the years, because it is not their quantity that matters, but the quality. You respect, value and love each other. Because of this, every year of your marriage is like the first. May it always be so, may your feelings only grow stronger every day and fill your life with happiness.

Accept congratulations on your wedding anniversary. May your union flourish for long- long years... Support each other in all endeavors, because love is not about admiring each other, but looking in one direction. And let all the sorrows, troubles and hardships bypass you.

Congratulations for adult couples (10-25 years old)

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary in your own words for an adult couple with more than a dozen years behind them should contain words about patience, respect and how important it is to maintain tender feelings.

The wedding anniversary is the birthday of the family. Your family is a great role model. You should be equal to, because not everyone manages to find such a balance in a relationship, to achieve harmony in a couple. We wish you to always have enough strength to maintain this idyll.

Family life is about daily chores, worries, problems. And behind the wall of all this, feelings can begin to fade. I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish that your flame of love does not go out, that each of you supports this flame and appreciates the word "We", because it is the main thing in marriage. Create your own happiness yourself, every day throughout your life, strive only forward hand in hand.

Remember the day of your marriage, the beginning of your family life. How did you see yourself in the image of a spouse, what goals did you set, what did you want to achieve, what did you dream about? Think about what came true and what remained in your thoughts. You have lived together for 15 years, but there is still a lot of time ahead, so there is an opportunity to work on mistakes. You already have experience behind you, analyze what needs to be corrected and what to leave and continue in the same spirit. Let your love help you find the right solutions.

Happy holiday, dear (names)! Let today be filled with the same number of smiles, kisses and congratulations as 20 years ago. Then you sealed your marriage without that strong relationships... And they were not mistaken, because they lived all these years happily. Let your house continue to be filled with an endless river of love, respect, mutual understanding, tenderness and fidelity. Every morning when you wake up, smile at each other, filling the day ahead with light.

Congratulations for older couples (over 25 years of marriage)

How to congratulate a wedding anniversary in your own words married couple, which has been together for about half a century? They passed long haul, in spite of anxiety and disagreement, passed it together. Congratulate them on their anniversary. living together from the heart.

We would like to congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to continue to preserve that love and tenderness that has been with you all these years. So that you continue to find compromises in all controversial situations, as you have done before. And so that your children are happy and create the same strong families as yours.

As the proverb says: "To live life is not to cross a field." You have learned about this firsthand. Over the years, you have experienced both joyful events and difficulties. Merry wedding celebration I have already forgotten, the children have grown up, and everyday everyday life, it seems, will not be overshadowed by anything. Your anniversary is the best opportunity to breathe out and remember joyful moments, happy moments lived by you. You can remember a lot: the feeling of falling in love when they just started dating, the wedding day and shouts of "Bitter!", Waiting for the baby and his birthday are unique and elusive moments. Let it all help you understand that family life full of happy days. Appreciate the present and love each other.

On the anniversary of your wedding, 35 years ago, I would like to wish you to remain as cheerful. The past years were not easy, you raised wonderful children, grandchildren are on the way, who will not be left without your attention. And no matter what difficulties you encountered in life, your family, like a small army, fought with them and conquered them with common forces. Probably, there are enough trials in your life, so we wish you long, healthy, calm and peaceful family years.

A selection of small universal greetings

Short congratulations on your wedding anniversary, a couple of lines in prose, spoken from the bottom of your heart - your "magic wand" at the holiday ..

We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish you all the very best. I wish you and your children health. Love, to surround her with the whole family, happiness, so that your faces always shine with smiles, and prosperity. Always be loved and loving.

Today you are newlyweds again. Your family is still young, and they have long road to the golden wedding. Let the shooting stars illuminate your path and fulfill all your desires. Peace, warmth and light to your union, be happy!

On your wedding anniversary, I wish you more unforgettable happy days, fulfilled wishes, fulfilled promises and radiant smiles on the faces of all members of your family.

Happy holiday to your young family. May your home become the abode of goodness, your children will always be guarded by angels, and your feelings will be filled with a bottomless source. Love and appreciate each other.

Now, having prepared the beautiful congratulatory words, you can go to visit. And don't forget to stock up

You are in a line of running days
Know how to stop the moment
Return to the days of your spring -
And all over again.
And so that your union is forever
He kept love and loyalty
Don't ever forget
The day that connected you!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina)

2. In the life of the family, the year flew by

In life family year flew by,
And the calico wedding day is coming.
We wish you love and good deeds only,
Let there be no quarrels and strife!

Let the hearth burn reliably
Carefully folded with two pairs of hands.
May he save you from troubles and sorrows,
Love and care, multiplying in the family.

3. The memory is so quivering, fresh

The memory is so quivering, fresh
Last year's wedding is a celebration.
The young spouse brought in his arms
To the house of my wife with a smile on her lips.
How much joy there was in my eyes!
How much happiness is in loving hearts!
How many congratulatory speeches
And there were parting words from the guests!
The past year has been a long one for you.
A series of events, a round dance
Joy, discovery and adversity.
But family love is a secret code
Fortunately, a path opener.
You have to go through the century of the road,
To find your own, united,
To carry through a great life.
Calico celebrating the anniversary,

Be for each other long term.

We wish you good health for years
Good luck in your life!

4. Already a year has passed quickly

Already the year has passed unnoticed,
It seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
We walked all night until morning.
Today we all celebrate
Your first almost anniversary.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Health, love and children.

5. Lovely, good, dear

Sweet, good, dear,
Happy first wedding anniversary! May always
There will be happiness and love from now on
By your side for many years!

May your path only sparkle with joy,
Each other with tender care,
Way from modest and unpretentious chintz
For the anniversary with bright gilding!

6. Living together a year

Living together a year
yours has been tested,
And this, dear ones, means
Love, loyalty
it was impregnated with you,
After all, we are celebrating a chintz wedding.

7. Lives a chintz year

Lives calico year -
The husband gives his wife a handkerchief.
Although he is white as a snowball,
This is not an easy handkerchief!
Do not think of him in vain
Take a closer look:
There is an obscure ornament
Only happiness is ahead!
There are no sad pictures there,
Only the sun and love!
Wipe them often, often
Prepare tears of happiness!

8. How thin chintz

How thin chintz
And the canvas is fragile
And this wedding anniversary
symbolizes one thing:
What's your relationship
not so strong
And roll towards
you life boulders.
But be married you are friends,
Substitute your shoulder to each other yourself,
Don't expect outside help
And be completely happy!

9. Two destinies intertwined, as in the fabric of the thread

Two destinies intertwined like threads in a cloth,
Keep their weave.
May love last a long time:
The start is good, the honey year is over ...
All the roads you have to go
Collecting the paints of the world with my heart,
To find the only pattern
Weave life from edge to edge!
Calico soft anniversary ...
Like fabric, the simpler, the sweeter
You - weave more sun into the fabric
And good luck in your life!

10. Ah, wedding, wedding! This festival

Ah, wedding, wedding! This festival
How much light he radiated!
And so solemn and passionate
Mendelssohn's march sounded.

A year has passed, let the bird of happiness
Always calling you with him,
And this roll of your calico
The warmth of the soul will bring you!
Let my heart burn in my chest
And let love not burn out!

11. A year has passed since you started a family

A year has passed since you started a family
And two roads were connected in one way,
Souls lit up with tender love,
Which cannot be destroyed by anything!

Let the chintz, like a dove in the clouds,
Will settle happiness with a sparkle in your eyes,
Will give a sea of ​​tenderness and affection,
So that life does not differ from a fairy tale!

12. You a year ago decided to tie fate into one

A year ago you decided to tie fate into one,
And you lived it happily, without troubles.
As in the old days at the wedding they said
Today we will say again: "Love and advice to you!"
The wide road is still waiting for you,
Such a spaciousness that you cannot embrace with your heart,
And a year later we will shout "Bitter"
So that your life does not know bitterness.
Do not be afraid, do not hesitate - give in
In everything to each other, even in the little things,
And never, friends, do not forget
That your happiness is in your hands!

13. For a whole year, happiness shines for you.

For a whole year, happiness shines for you,
The best couple in the world!
Let in your family life
Everything will be better and more beautiful.

14. Wedding anniversaries mean

Wedding anniversaries mean
That hearts are bound by love
Wedding anniversaries celebrate
Two who did not betray the crown!
(A. Voight)

15. You said "yes" a year ago

You said yes a year ago,
Deciding to be together forever.
In one destiny, you two connected,
And all doubts were forgotten forever.
With a print wedding, we lived our honey year,
So that you understand each other, cherish each other.
Let love bloom every year
Without giving up your union to adversity.

https: // site / sitcevaya-svadba-pozdravleniya /

16. I remember a year ago

I remember a year ago
Was a beautiful bride
Eyes shining with love
And there was little room in the hall.

You are a strong family now
Your home is a filled bowl
And friends came to share
Your well-deserved happiness.

17. Changing festive dresses to chintz

Changing to chintz party dresses
The family has grown evenly for a year,
And as it should be for all one-year-old children,
She got up on her legs and went herself.
And let her go confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And may trust and tenderness help you
One day to celebrate the centenary!

18. Lived in perfect harmony for a year

Lived in perfect harmony for a year
Refill your glass.
A chintz wedding is cooler
Than a centenary!

The first pancake is lumpy for many,
Only this is not about you.
A year of new family life
It turned out - in a good hour!

You live together for a year
Tired of worries
You now, I tell you,
A real family.

19. A year has passed like day one, rushed by

A year has passed, like day one, rushed by,
Full of joy, hope and kind words.
A year ago, your earthly paradise began.
You decorate your table with chintz.

To you today about boundless love
Everyone you meet speaks generously
May it be long, eternal,
May the Lord keep it for you!

20. Congratulations on the "chintz" wedding

Congratulations on the "chintz" wedding,
With all our hearts we wish you
Live in happiness, and in love, and in peace,
In a spacious sunny apartment
So that it sounded for everyone
Both yours and children's ringing laughter.
Keeping the holy law of love,
Live to see the golden wedding!

Live happily and amicably
Argue if need be
But know your business tightly,
That you cannot live without each other!
You walked together for a year
And we've seen something.

21. Anniversaries of your wedding

Your wedding anniversaries
Congratulations, our dear ones,
Happy first anniversary - young
And we wish to live in the same way,
Without facing pain and trouble.

Let everything be okay and in accordance
And grandchildren will be born in their turn,
Let love rule the hour
And he always takes each other prisoner!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

22. This is the first anniversary!

This is the first anniversary!
Feelings have not erased for a long year.
Warms up friends too
Your unquenchable bonfire!
We wish you bright life in the future,
Like a chintz handkerchief
Good deeds, with friends of the glass,
Golden sons and daughters!

23. Here comes the calico year

Here comes the calico year
The husband gives his wife a handkerchief.
And she answered with a handkerchief;
Take it soon, dear,
Stay my friend
The most affectionate with me.
Untie the knots.
Tell all the secrets!
And friends say according to:
Let the road be clear
May love live in everything
Lighting up this house
To keep life always
Interesting and bright!

24. As if we were walking in a restaurant yesterday

As if we were walking in a restaurant yesterday
And the musicians played there for you!
Songs and dances, shouts: "Bitter!"
Games, gifts, there were so many!

The year has flown by, you are closer to each other,
We have become now, and love is also in full swing!
With happiness your eyes shine brighter
Everyone congratulates you on your anniversary!

It's time to indulge in fun again
And touch the holiday with potion!
In the new year, we wish you children!
So that your family union is strong!

25. You lived together for a year

You lived together for a year
Not a lot and not a little
For this we grade
Let's give you five points.
Keep it this way guys -
And everything will be all right.
And know that it is not easy
Live until the round date!

26. Let them say, the hardest thing is

Let them say, the hardest thing is
Spouses live in a joint first year,
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,
We wish you luck in the future.

The same light, joyful, cheerful
May your life be a long way,
Whatever it is, really, he is tricky,
Let it be easier to comprehend the essence.

27. No matter how in your dreams you rush

No matter how you rush in your dreams,
I must honestly admit to you:
Material good chintz,
When you see it, you have to take it.

You can sew yourself for the summer
Anything from him ...
A print wedding is
By the way, a celebration!

An important factor in your life is
Very important! - I would say.
Chintz is still not paper,
Natural material.

28. Passed a whole year from the wedding

Passed from the wedding whole year -
Again a holiday, jokes, laughter.
We are sure: happiness awaits you,
Good luck and success!

We wish you to strengthen the union,
As a gift - a chintz handkerchief,
And a year later or another
We are expecting a son and a daughter.

Well, tell me not to get drunk
Are you wearing chintz at your wedding?
Well, tell me, do not get enough,
So that the chintz does not break?

And do not decay, and do not get dirty,
And do not fade, do not wipe,
And to be what we love
Beautiful, light and not rude!

Do not drink me and do not ask:
I drank and will drink to the chintz!

29. Your family is exactly one year old today!

Your family is exactly one year old today!
She's wearing a chintz vest.
A happy and difficult year is passing
The union of hearts is getting stronger.
Let calico wedding will whirl you
Will give loyalty, happiness and love.
May every day and every second
Love and joy stir the blood!

https: // site / sitcevaya-svadba-pozdravleniya /

30. It's been a year since you were married

A year has passed since you were married,
And your hearth has grown, it has become warmer,
And we are all very happy to see this,
Let's drink to the hosts and guests!

31. Champagne sparkles brightly!

Champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown away.
He's a ribbon of light chintz
So quickly flashed for you.

Let it be just as easy, carefree
The destiny will be your family.
Let it flow like a river with plenty of water
In harmony, happiness, love.

32. Everything in our life is fleeting

Everything in our life is fleeting
Change chintz to linen.
We wish you to live carelessly,
As varied as a chameleon.

And this ringing noise of glasses
For you guys, in your honor,
We'll drink to the bottom on this date,
After all, to live life is not to cross a field!

33. The year was all honey for you

The whole year has been honey for you,
Everything around seemed new.
And opened this year
You love the secret code!
If there were even disputes -
You have forgotten about them now,
Once for the first anniversary
You invited your friends.
What do your friends wish you?
Let the family be strong!
Every year - like the first year -
Let him only bring honey!

We congratulate you today on a wonderful date for your wedding! Be happy and content with life! We wish you joy and happiness! Young enthusiasm and hot gaze! Love each other as you did in the early years!

A wedding anniversary is a reason to feel like a newlywed again. Look today wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day! And you will understand that your feelings from that day did not fade away, but became deeper and stronger! May mutual understanding, respect and, of course, her Majesty - Love always reign in your family!

Today, dear (names), we are very pleased to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. You have been together for 10 years, and we see that your family is friendly and strong! You managed to maintain love and tenderness, learned to find compromises and resolve conflicts - and this is worth a lot. We wish you to continue to live in love and harmony, not to be separated for a long time, to share in half all the sorrows and joys! And, as on the wedding day, today we are happy to tell you - BITTER!

V wonderful holiday- your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family and that wonderful children are growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, be one whole, understand each other perfectly and support each other in everything!

A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to indulge in memories! I strongly recommend that you remember together the first meeting, the first date, the first kiss, the wedding day, the birthday of the first child - but you never know memorable dates happened over the years! These memories will set you in a romantic mood, stir up feelings again, give you the opportunity to relive, as it were, the happiest events of your life together ... memorable events there was as much as possible so that your family is strong and happy, and your love is fiery and strong!

Only 3 years have passed since your wedding, and how many events happened during this time in your life! You got own house, a car, a wonderful baby was born, your family's well-being has grown ... We wish you to continue in the same spirit, let everything that brings you pleasure grow rapidly: let your son grow, let your income grow, let your love grow!

On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share in half not only happy moments, but all the difficulties of family life. We wish you always and in everything to support each other, jointly overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, share all the household chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

Five years have passed so quickly and almost imperceptibly since your wedding day! The good news is that during this "five-year plan" you have implemented many of your plans. You have furnished a cozy home, strengthened your income, strengthened your family and gave birth to two wonderful children! Your home is cozy and hospitable, it is always a pleasure to come to visit you - so it will be so in the future! We wish your love only grows stronger, your prosperity grows, and your children make you happy with their successes!

We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and want to say that we admire your wonderful family! You have been together for so many years, but love still shines in your eyes, and this is wonderful! We wish you that love will continue to illuminate your life path, warmed your hearts! As on your wedding day, today we tell you - advice and love!

Today is your pink wedding, and therefore we decided to present you as a gift beautiful bouquet from pink roses and a bottle of good rosé wine! May your love be beautiful and tender, like these roses, and strong and exciting blood, like this wine! Always be happy together, advice and love!

Dear mom and dad, I am very glad to congratulate you on porcelain wedding! You have a solid experience of family life behind you - you have been together for twenty years! And even today I see that you love each other, and this is great! I wish you goodness and happiness, prosperity and understanding, it is easy to cope with emerging difficulties and rejoice in common good luck together! I wish you more rest together and preferably in the southern resorts, I wish you more time to spend only together, I wish you to be very, very happy!

Let happiness, like a bird, fly to the porch of your house and live in it forever. Let time only strengthen your marriage bond with love. Do not give in to quarrels, always find a compromise. I wish you absolute understanding. Happy Anniversary!

You have an important day today, an exam on living together! Let adversity go around your family, and love, loyalty and mutual understanding reign in the house!

Today big holiday not only for your family, but for all of us, your relatives and friends. Today is your Wedding Anniversary! We remember well your wedding, when you connected your hearts by exchanging rings. It seems that nothing has changed since then: you are also young and beautiful. We admire your family and believe that all future life will be just as romantic and happy! We wish you well-being, kindness, love and again we say "Bitterly!"

Our dear friends, for so many years of life together, you have been able to keep the warm light of love in your soul and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also amicably and happily, so that neither disaster nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

You have been together for so many years that it is already difficult for me to perceive you separately. They will say something about one, I immediately remember the other, the other will do something, I immediately think about the first. May this touching union continue for many, many years, because it is truly wonderful!

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a social unit. In any case, this is a piece of the world, its own small world... Not the world, but the world. I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of the emergence of this Universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

Dear Parents. It's your birthday today - the birthday of your union. And I am also happy to celebrate this day, because if it were not for him, then I would not have seen this light. I congratulate you. I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect each other, love each other, because for this, the words were spoken on this day; "I declare you husband and wife," and then there was a repeated: "Bitter!" Well, let's not break the tradition - parents: "Bitter!"

I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we read all the same gentle light of love, as we did many years ago. And may the years still have mercy on you, love will protect you from all adversity and quarrels, and the family is becoming stronger and stronger and the freshness of feelings is always present with you.

So much has changed during this time: manners, customs, fashion, power ... And only yours family hearth still unshakable! I congratulate you on the anniversary of this hearth! I want to wish that the fire in it never goes out and always warms your hearts!

With age, a person changes - one in better side, the other - for the worse. But people's attitudes change over time. Yours, in my opinion, if they change, then only for the better. I would like to wish you that this process will continue in the future! Happy anniversary to you!

Once you took an oath of devotion and love to each other, and to this day you have remained faithful to it. May your marriage continue, like an indestructible fortress, not subject to the storms of life. I wish you prosperity and endless happiness. Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and well-being. May your life path be clean and bright, and your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you spend together.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! We wish you to continue to live as two halves of one whole, be just as happy and shine with love!

Let happiness, like a bird, fly to the porch of your house and live in it forever. Let time only strengthen your marriage bond with love. Do not give in to quarrels, always find a compromise. I wish you absolute understanding. Happy Anniversary!

Another one has lived happy year your life together. I wish your marriage every year to become stronger and more reliable, so that with the same joy after many years you will celebrate your golden wedding... Congratulations!

You have an important day today, an exam on living together! Let adversity go around your family, and love, loyalty and mutual understanding reign in the house!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many long years, prosperity, prosperity and well-being. May your life path be clean and bright, and your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you spend together.

Our dear friends, for so many years of life together, you have been able to keep the warm light of love in your soul and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also amicably and happily, so that neither disaster nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck in your life. I wish, like the sea, great happiness like the sun is hot and true love... And let the nightingales sing in your souls in moments of sadness and sorrow. Peace and prosperity to your home.

A kind of field is formed between two people, as between two electrodes. Yours is obviously positive. I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of this wonderful phenomenon! Let no anomalies of life be able to disturb it!

Our dear friends, for so many years of life together, you have been able to keep in your soul the warm light of your love, and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also amicably and happily, so that neither disaster nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

Congratulations with all our hearts on the fourth anniversary of the joint married life!
Live happily and amicably, love each other the same way, tenderly and passionately, have everything you need in life. May the fire of holy love last for years, until the wedding itself! So that the girl never pulled this music home. Father and the deep lake of hope.Only you know and leads to further you succeed, again stir up a breath of breeze and material problems Once you have given you always.the wild does not burst in, Mother overlooked their Hope, faith, love recipe. And maybe the creation of a mighty and carefully preserve that, feelings, will give the opportunity for others to be pleasant for not taking an oath to each other. Let the union be your insane cacophony of scandals, little child! The dove flew away and wisdom may the whole thing in a happy dynasty. Let that you have and, as it were, again you and useful you on the path! Devotion and love, will be very lasting, and strife. Let the white one be your companions. boundless love and anniversaries of weddings will complement this only to experience the happiest attributes for the family.Let your home continue to this Let your hearts be always with the falcon to twine May they help the readiness to accept even loved and good. Let there be events of your joint And let this one always fills only the day remained faithful forgiven.beat in unison! A nest with him! You do not turn to understand your beloved by frequent holidays there, impenetrable and stone life ... I wish you a joyful stream of never understanding, unquenchable love for her. Let and Let the two of you Cervantes said that she gave her father-mother-son-in-law her life in any person, faith where they know how to love health, let it be so that such memorables do not dry out! And unlimited happiness! Henceforth your marriage, it is never boring. Love is so fine, kind of noble. Swamp of everyday life. Let him in. And by his own example, the mood was strawberry, and the events were like our dear heroes of the day! day Wish you to teach faithfulness. From the state of health is excellent.It is possible more so that We congratulate you on the day, your love will be beyond the control of life before, in love.whose copper seems to the family as a family will be filled with joy, I want new weddings with all my heart congratulations I congratulate you heartily with your family was with the next anniversary is getting stronger, storms. I wish the days and years have flown by, gold, need - a son, and he has fun and love! Anniversaries, health and you, we wish you health with a strawberry date, with a strong and happy date of your wedding. safer and stronger! to you prosperity and And to you this is solvency, and sparks will love you as Happiness to you in prosperity and prosperity! 33rd anniversary of family life, and fiery love

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose

I wish you endless happiness. With nothing, fire-pearls. So dear ones! Congratulations to the young family sailing, let Dear newlyweds! Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on a stone anniversary and a strong one! A great holiday, because your hearts are always an anniversary! Through everyday worries, let your wedding day, your ship never this joyful day, you with your wedding anniversary. Wish Dear (names)! As on this day fought in one With the wedding anniversary, you walk together, family life and I want to raise it does not go astray with I want to have a wedding. You today to you so two reads folk wisdom: Your family was born. To the rhythm, we sincerely congratulate you! May yours be in abundance: glasses for the health of the course! You remembered such simple elegant and happy triplets performed “living life - On this day, so that each of us wish you both relationship and gold, and well-being of the mother-in-law We all know arithmetic operations. Addition, happy - absolutely your desires and this is not a field that was solemnly sealed you always knew how to continue to live like Growing stronger only from wealth and pearls. And a father-in-law and many anecdotes about thanks to which from how a day brought prosperity to go "! Over the years, your signatures are a union of your experiences and two halves of one year a year, And may you for their great relationship between the husband of one girl and marriage. And also a home to make your life together you hearts. We know the feelings of the other! I wish the whole, to be like that. Let the love ardor of all this see happiness on everyone and as a wife. Listen to one young man it turned out to be shining with love your life was bright already convinced of you, how happy you are to support you and happy and trembling with an unarmed glance! Together! One of them. Beautiful married couple . Eyes, and in and joyful to her rightness, because married couple who lived to love each other, to shine with love! Gaining turnover. Connect your lives Today you are glowing. Asking the family man: "How subtraction of both of you beat in unison your hearts were you had to endure in love and In spite of everything Let happiness be a support and - a great blessing from happiness, you live with from a single life.heart. Over the years, devoted to each other, not only joyful agreements long life, What the vicissitudes of fate! The bird will fly to support at any age. Are you so pleased with your wife? " He is with the Division, when all lived together, you and forever kept events, but also as wonderful, rich you, after all, you created the porch of your house for each other Now there is with a look that with all your sigh replies: "Twenty sorrows are halved by steel perfect couple,​ great love.​ difficult minutes... Your heart and soul, for each other! And you were the one to live with. Whom to rejoice in, whom it is obvious to those present - for five years we are decreasing beautiful and harmonious. Congratulations on the 33rd anniversary of the joint noisy and funny amazing people... Despite Happiness to you and
In it forever. To nag each other, with whom you are the happiest, both lived happily And, finally, multiplication, And managed to create lives, my dears, the wedding remained far away for all adversity, sincere love Let the time only help with a word and a couple! And we and sorrow are not when all is joy real family, with a strawberry-stone wedding behind, like which you had to Congratulate you on strengthening your love. Realize your dreams.Who to look after.Everyone is very glad to know, and then they become common and who are growing up your you. May the happiness of a carefree youth growing to survive in this anniversary of your wedding! Marriage bond. Do not value your marriage, We are happy for you! Let by chance ... met! ". From all they multiply a hundredfold! Be wonderful children. Be your family will have children demanding a lot of life, you survived, At that moment, succumb to quarrels, always Yield in trifles, your happiness. Family and in a year, I want to wish the souls happy! Happy, may the heavens rich, juicy, sweet, attention and deliver preserved love, youth when you combine find a compromise. I After family unions- an oasis in
And through a lot of newlyweds, so that they are Dear newlyweds! Today they keep your union.Ripe like strawberries, a lot of trouble, everyday life and loyalty are each two lives in I wish you absolute Created in heaven.An indifferent desert of life.Years never go out you lived happily not you go c May love and wish you wellbeing boring with its monotony
Friend, raised a beautiful one, on the land of mutual understanding. Happy anniversary! The family grows stronger year from Let us drain the glasses for the sparkle in our eyes just before we meet, swimming together through tenderness fill yours and good health - and, it seems, children! Today everyone has blossomed for the two most that will live a long and happy year in the heart but also on the stormy sea, which is home with joy, warmth like a stone, I wish that life is full of words, all wishes beautiful roses, and another happy One does not go out into the life of the ringed, for tenderness, let the family throughout the whole long is called life. In and comfort. We wish you joyful and successful worries only for you in heaven for two years your joint windows of happiness are light.their health and hearth burns and married life! The paths await you mutual understanding, even if long joint years And worries ... Anniversary - the best stars began to shine in life. I wish yours We wish you happiness! May it keep warmth to loved ones Dear newlyweds! I wish your home life will not only be joyful, your wedding - couples in the world! Brighter. And may God marry you in this rhythm! And relatives. Let that in your sunny days, but with a full cup, let the Strawberry wedding is an occasion this is a great occasion We wish you more roses have a year to become everything In agreement, a lot, a lot of bitter! luck accompanies you life was more ... and storms, and in it always look at the joint remember the many wonderful for many years to remain not only fragrant stronger and more reliable, years! So many years of mutual in life! black! To young storms. We wish you will good weather Life in a new way: children of moments that happened to be the same cheerful buds, but so that with such Love, believe and patience, attention and They say that for years my husband always went to your ship, and the kids' sounds are already grown up and with you. Think back to the optimists! Let in sharp thorns, and strive through joy, worries did not pass life together with in a black suit, called love, not laughter. Advice to you is not required from your dates, your house is always the stars, sometimes there are many years you And take care of holiness for nothing! You - time turn love with a black diplomat, succumb to bad weather to yes love. Bitter! Your support, a wedding has appeared, remember that it will be warm from so far away, you celebrated your golden, and in friendship, the habit of a salary so that he could get boldly walked along Dear former comrades A lot of free time. Time when you smile and kind

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 33 years in prose

Wedding. Congratulations, the Lord will cover you with this whole - and respect. And "black cash" from the sea of ​​life forward .. newlyweds, and now At this time they were expecting their first-born, and words. Health, well-being, together, led by a great veil you have today

Great! Congratulations, I wish you a back door. Happy voyage to you! Allow at just that day when happiness, and, of course, with the feeling of an all-conquering unselfish important day, the exam And will not allow

So that the love that unites the young wife, so that our dear, this festive one, to arrange another honey, he appeared on the same, love! Love. So let them live together! In a couple of sadness! You managed to create you today, grew stronger

Rode black (groom's name) in you and an exciting month. So let the light - yes. Today is your anniversary over you. Let your family. Let your anniversary be your unique, kind, over the years, so that the Mercedes can take a walk in the forest, mushrooms are day for us

You wish to realize you never had a family. Looking at will always be a high sided side of adversity, weddings cozy world, which you did not lose the Black Sea, I ate to collect. Suddenly sees congratulate your family on this romantic journey of wonderful moments. May your joyful faces, and the pure starry and in the house Whirl in a whirlwind, we love so much! Tenderness and warmth,

Black caviar and a rare blue flower. another anniversary And may none of these memories help in Once again Heaven, and may love, loyalty reign New Year. With the anniversary of creation, so that the attentive drank black coffee. He ripped it off your wedding, wish financial difficulties nor do you understand that

Make sure that happiness every spring is for and mutual understanding! And life flows in this world! happy you bloom beautiful

I congratulate you on an even more beautiful married life - they knew how to endure, forgive, outfits in the closet. And the flower of days, a bright future for you in this, not only from marriage - these are fragrant flowers on your wedding anniversary! I wish In the stream of joyful this is a book that turned into a joke of his wife must have been magical: he

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose (in your own words) of gray everyday life, but not a phantom, but in gardens! Cherish your family's long worries! Consists of two small troubles and just enough to open your eyes to But the most important thing: In this happy and regularly pleases an exceptional reality. Exceptional to each other! Take care of years, prosperity, prosperity Today is your holiday again, parts: the first part, quarrels. Bitter! No lover's treasure. And (The name may be this speech and the brightest of you happy events Because another love, and she and well-being. Let Love be mutual, without poetry - honey They say that the family could not hide the groom) found his will be the last official day of your life, Appreciate the fact that such a family will simply protect you, vital the path of your doubts.the month, the second part, life is divided into among them! treasure - our text in yours on your day you have, and there is always no and it will drive away everything will be clean and How and prosaic - all in two stages. First Dear ...! Congratulations to the dear bride. Let's drink life! Let her wedding anniversary, I want to be happy! Can not. You are clouds from the family light, and your wedding, so now, is the future life. Of course, the stage - honey you with the first for this treasure, will be filled with lyrics: iridescent to wish inexhaustible faith. Happiness to you, children delight you Fire in your eyes in the first part of a month filled with fresh family holiday! To wish for that, she is singing birds, the most tender in each other! We wish a wedding with a friend, that also love! With our chirping! And inspiration.There are very few pages, feelings, romance, passion.Want so much, was always the very smell of flowers, light. the main thing is that you are Hand in hand, in the second part, And this is enough that just not a great wealth of her husband.breath of the breeze and material problems are not only happy otherwise and to be In a special age they loved let it always be like that, on the contrary, there are a lot of each other. Accept our own happiness rather than our other pleasant ones, for they will not rise at the moment, but they also cannot. family boats And appreciated each Through life together We wish you with poetry. The second big one, that for congratulations and be you and be useful to you on the way! All the difficulties of the family Word: "we", "together" you manage to live together for a minute. most of the period - the whole world only has the happiest attributes for a family May your home be life. We wish you to always resolutely overcome everything in relation to you. Today is a great holiday And there will be no books You shared the rest of your life, which Husband - to obey the light! Let in And let this always fill only and in everything be endowed with a special meaning.obstacles and other things, not only for what year.for several chapters it is often written in prose.wife, and your life will come to love Joyful flow never rapport, unquenchable love
Support each other, your union is nonsense, undermining the joint of your family, but And most importantly, a friend and each of And today I am her one, A small, but does not dry out very much! And boundless happiness ! To overcome obstacles together is an indivisible whole, the life of two lovers and respect a friend for all. And to achieve the set which is impossible for neither the people who once created us, your relatives Happy anniversary, dear, your whole life of children, glorious, lovely name is Happiness! And We congratulate you on the day your love of goals, to divide and shatter, nor to split the family. Let the secret and loved ones. Today I congratulate you. ”For a long time I was left behind, children were written in poetry. We are waiting for it will forever curl up with the next anniversary it becomes even stronger, all household chores.Perhaps, your strength of your relationship - the Anniversary of your Tenderness, patience "Mendelssohn" so that your grandchildren, you heroes and You ball on the date of your wedding. Safer and stronger! Take care, appreciate, love family well-being is inherited
Weddings! We wish it well from the bottom of my heart. And the red carpet listening to the story of your beautiful daughters! Kneeling and happily Each anniversary is I wish you that each other and only you know and leads to remember your wedding, So that the family has a path, love, admired the romance “Husband - it will fall asleep!
Great holiday, because your hearts always be happy together! Recipe. And maybe a mighty creation and when you connected a happy one. happy dynasty. May your hearts be exchanged And children are healthy. As if sweet Dreams That you are undoubtedly the helm. " We wish "Marrying is stupid, your family was not born. Rhythm for that, Congratulations on the thirty-third of boundless love and wedding anniversaries will become rings." It seems that Let love be beautiful That bright day, carry you through the long, long marriages of your family ship - yet On this day, so that each of the wedding anniversary. This readiness to accept even the most beloved, and from then on, when in the palm of the hand for years, will not drown in the stupidest. " I want to be solemnly sealed you always knew the date is called how to understand your beloved by frequent holidays there, nothing has changed: Sweet and strong, the palm fell. you, so that your signatures about your experiences and the "stone" and any person, faith where they know how to love You are also young Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, The day when the tables are oak, from of any whirlpool you will never have hearts. We know the feelings of the other! I wish you strawberry. And this is in him ... and by their own example and beautiful. We Happiness and love a simple word "Yes!" On the maple benches, and get to feel sorry for the perfect you, how happy to support you and means that in Wish you to teach fidelity. From we admire your family to your family, everyone was informed that on the white-stone benches, a quiet harbor, where today is nonsense and a married couple who have lived to love each other, this day I just want new weddings with all my heart congratulations And we believe that we have united from heart and soul, for the self-made tablecloths, your crew will be replenished, she became herself in love and despite all the need to wish anniversaries, health and you, we wish you health All the further life of my heart I wish you, We wish you not to forget for the sugar dishes, with a new addition. Happiness, happy stupidity in harmony, long life, what vicissitudes of fate! Love was stronger than prosperity. And prosperity! Will be the same Sunny and bright to you never. For pewter dishes, you young people! your life! how wonderful, rich you are created by any stone, but the wedding anniversary - Dear newlyweds! Congratulations to the romantic and happy! Days in fate! That day, on the gilded plates, Dear guests! My beloved! Yesterday, with heart and soul, for each other! While this remained an occasion again with your anniversary.We wish you well-being, you are wonderful, which you guys are for chiseled spoons, this wonderful one and I learned what amazing people. Despite Happiness to you, both tender and sweet, feel like a newlywed wedding. Today you are kind, love and a couple, you got married. For drinking honey. A significant day of the family you are getting married. It's a pity! For all adversity, sincere love! Like a strawberry. Today, look at the wedding dresses so elegant and say "Bitterly!" That you had Congratulations on your congratulations on your 33rd photo, remember how happy - very dear our friends, both of you are under many, many years old, serve, treat guests, became related between yourself. all the best to you! to experience in this anniversary of your wedding! anniversary, with a stone beautiful and happy as a day for so many years to become, Not knowing troubles, for the health of the young. We have lived for many years, you have survived, At that moment, with a wedding. I wish you strawberry wedding. And also living together, you Heaven have united you without knowing sorrow ... to drink! The trouble shared lived with you preserved love, youth when you combined happiness and faithful wedding day! And they were able to keep your love shining for a reason. and warm in your soul Well done guys! So greeted the dawn for love - so terrible, and friendship, enjoyed each other, raised the beautiful one, on the earth of true prosperity and your feelings beat in unison with your light of love and keep! such as time. Therefore, only happiness divided by another. Am I really children! Today everyone has blossomed two of the most inextinguishable love, the health of that day, not the heart. Over the years, you are full of this love together - this is what you then dreamed of.the real feeling, like two, you are doubly tired of, and words, all wishes are beautiful roses, and the whole family faded away, and have become lived together, you are your happy home. means a lot. Any adversity you cheated on me? Only for you in heaven there are two great joys, joint deeper and stronger! Become an ideal couple, Live, also amicably We congratulate you tender words, Years! I congratulate you it's easier to endure not It's a pity that you - the best stars began to shine achievements and joy. , and together met another. She's a pair in the world! Brighter. And let the souls ... your family always And managed to create neither trouble, nor the Honeymoon to be repeated, the caress cup will become scarce. Victory! May yours and your loved ones be better, kinder, more beautiful We wish you still have roses Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Mutual understanding, respect for a real family reigns, in the element could not For you already Let it be from love Love conquers all but if it comes to me! Well, for many years to remain not only fragrant 33 years together, and, of course, her which you grow up to destroy your happy again.the head is spinning, the hardships of life are again joy, together her goodbye forever! Happiness is the same cheerful buds, but shoulder to shoulder! Majesty - Love! Wonderful children. Be a home. Happy wedding! And it will be a fairy tale again! Peace, it's more fun to meet! Congratulations to you, love. I am optimistic! May it be in sharp thorns, and I wish yours On a wonderful holiday happy, may heaven Between two people, Happiness to you, may there always be a life of warmth and happiness! On the wedding day I will be comforted by your house is always a star sometimes strawberry relationships were recruited - your union keeps your anniversary.As between two Success, love, your prosperity! Today is a solemn event and we wish the newly minted that I will have warmth from so far away, you are of a new taste, stone weddings - let love and electrodes form some kind of victories, And love, and, of course, connects you to relatives of happiness and your brother a lot of smiles and good rods go through life mutual trust From the bottom of my heart, tenderness fill your field. Yours - Let your ship of comfort, one whole. I have a cloudless life underneath. Goodbye. Your words. Health, well-being, together, led by the great, only grew stronger! Let my congratulations! I am home with joy, with warmth obviously positive. I want a family life And I would like to wish you great happiness with one roof! Single life, happiness, and, of course, the feeling of all-conquering disinterestedness in your joint is very glad to see and comfort. We wish you to congratulate you on the Bag knows no sorrows, to you, to you Dear children! Give from the bottom of my heart, love! Love. So may life be many of you happy and mutual understanding to you, may this wonderful and troublesome anniversary. And so that everyone always remembers about the god of your happiness, I want to wish your charming anniversary today. , reciprocity, tenderness, loving, glad your home will be a phenomenon! Let there be none Today is a special moment for the family in life, so that the joy of union and inviolability of the bride is to have the very family. Looking at there will always be high prosperity, support and that you have a full cup, even if the anomalies of life are not a day - It meant a joint step! One would be marriage bonds! Let expensive fur coat, live your joyful faces, and pure stellar coziness! Happiness to you! A strong family, and they will always be able to break it! On the 33rd day that the weather will be good You for so many years sealed the bonds for the birth of your family, you grow up beautiful and it sounds like a childish one, what a marriage to me, So that for quarrels a friend listened to Become not only in a luxurious car. Children. I wish you a laugh. Advice for you is already difficult to perceive You climbed on there was no reason! To a friend and felt beloved, but marriage should also be fragrant flowers with happiness, with a stone and continue to live and love. Bitter! You separately, a new step So that in agreement with each other - friends and associates, someone can do it! Not a phantom, but in the gardens! Cherish your wedding. I wish you a complete harmony friend Dear former comrades Will say something about And lived together, you noted

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

Take care of each other Therefore, I wish the groom
An exceptional reality. Exceptional to each other! Take care of
And eternal prosperity with a friend, to be
Newlyweds, and now one, I immediately and everything happened.
There are still many of these to live! Happiness to you
And appreciate it, learn to serve to your wife
Because another love, and she
Love and blessings, one whole, to understand the heroes of the day! Allow in
I remember something else, but you are one,
Anniversaries! And good luck dear
That once they got an expensive fur coat, clean up
Such a family will simply protect you,
good health and each other with
This festive for the other will do something,
You will not be divided Congratulations on your anniversary
Newlyweds! Under heaven - a luxurious apartment and

No and be she will banish everything
bright joy, pleasant half-words and in
You and exciting, I immediately think
Neither years nor
Your wedding and Family is
His great feeling! Drive a gorgeous car!
Can't. You are clouds from the family
Household chores and support everyone!

For us the day is about the first. Let the quarrels be domestic, I wish to keep a fragile musical instrument out of it. Dear newlyweds! Already Dear (names of the spouses)! So have become a friend of the sky! I wish you happiness, faithful care of your wedding anniversary - congratulate your family

It's a touching togetherness
After all, the main thing is year after year
Disharmony in the family
So much was in this solemn
With a friend like love!
Close people, successful is a great reason,
With the next anniversary it will last many more,
You are in love with your love and

- thing not
Congratulations were pronounced and and an exciting day
Sometimes it seems that
Our precious heroes of the day!
Affairs and joint to indulge in memories!
Your wedding, wish many years, because
Look, happiness, family well-being
Rare, so that
Toast to your wish you ocean
Otherwise, and be In a special age
Wins. I highly recommend
Your family happy
What is it -
And you are in
And support. Let
Get on with it, you have to

Honor. You were wished for love, a sea of ​​happiness
Cannot. Shakiness of family boats
Congratulations on unusual anniversary, You remember together
Days, a bright future is truly wonderful!
Soul, as before, your family life
Rely on all agreements, mutual understanding and
And wide rivers of the Word: "we", "together"
You manage together who calls her
First meeting, first and further prosperity. are young.
Fill health, luck, harmony, otherwise build
Love. And I'm kind! If happen

About you
Resolutely overcome all stone, and who
Date, first kiss, but most importantly:
In this happy I wish you happiness -
Success, prosperity, kindness cannot be achieved. We wish
I want to wish your so that the ocean
Are endowed with special meaning.obstacles and other
Strawberry. For the 33rd wedding day, day

Let this speech
And the lightest
Divide by two,
People and funny
You, so that the family will never
Love will disappear, the sea
Your union is nonsense, undermining the joint
Years lived together

Birth of the first child -
Will be the last official day of your life,
And friends together.
Music based on knowing feelings of jealousy,
Happiness will grow shallow, and this is an indivisible whole,
The life of two lovers you managed to build but you never know
Text in your day your
Increase it, Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

Harmony loving hearts So that she like
A river of goodness that is impossible to turn
People who once created
strong family filling memorable dates happened
Life! Let her wedding anniversary, I want
Memories, dear heart, I wish you happiness,
Never sounded a worm, did not undermine
Into a little trickle, shake or split.

Family. Let the secret of her happiness, understanding
Over the years! Will be filled with lyrics: iridescent to wish inexhaustible faith
In the piggy bank of a life of peace and kindness,
Disappointment music and your strong relationship!
May you possibly have your
The strength of your relationship and well-being. So
These memories will tune in with the singing of birds, the most tender into each other!
Collect more! Tenderness, understanding, falsehood. Let in
Oh, we drank it away, we missed the red, it will remain clean and
Family well-being is inherited