What to wear Legins black in summer. What to wear Legins in winter? Important features of the perfect image. What to wear colored leggings

Today, perhaps, leggings are one of the necessary elements of the wardrobe of every girl. They are not only very comfortable in the sock, but also able to fully emphasize the beauty of your feet. True, perhaps this is only if you are able to correctly and harmoniously pick up a whole set of clothes. Useful tips, how to do it, read further.

Properly chosen with leggings top is the key to the perfect image. You can divide the options for selecting tops on the principle of the case for which you create your own onions. And to be in the trend, do not forget to get acquainted with fresh fashion trends through photos of models on the Internet.

Black leggings models will help adjust the shape of the leg, demonstrating advantages, and bright and colored - will show possible flaws. Therefore, it is important to be careful when choosing a particular model. If you doubt whether the model is suitable, then take a photo in the fitting room, assessing yourself from the side.

Perfect shoes

Talking about what to wear leggings should not be mentioned shoes. It is easy to choose it in this case, but still it is important to take into account several important rules:

In the photo shoes on the heel visually lengthens and slightly attach your legs. Therefore, this combination will profitably decorate and thin, and full legs. Shoe models at a low heel will suit both business images and everyday, this option can be considered universal.

We select accessories

For the image it is very important to choose accessories that would most harmoniously complemented it. In this case, they can be completely diverse, we will consider the most important of them:

  1. Bijouterie. There are no special requirements for jewelry. But remember, for classic onions, it is better to give preference to gold or silver variants, and for everyday you can choose bright, unusual, large decorations. Choose an accented location, for example, neck, wrists or ears and only in this place use the most massive accessory. In this way, you will be able to avoid bustling or beamless in the appearance. You can make a photo and make sure about it.
  2. Other accessories. Leather leggings with an elongated blouse will additionally complement the strap on the waist in the tone of the bottom of the bow. In order to create a harmonious image, you can also add rim in the tone of losine, hairpin or handkerchief.

Boldly add various accessories to your image, make a photo and share with friends to rate your appearance from the side!

Convenient clothing of the times of the eighties, leggings, are worried about the second birth. The ladies rated the advantages of tight pants, like a hybrid of dense pantyhose and losine, cropped by ankle.

Various length and colors provided an amazing variety of options for creating images with skirts, overalls and a variety of wells. But leggings are not universal, it means that competent combinations require compliance with the rules.

Buy a faced copy without fitting is very unreasonable. After all, only by simplying, you can understand, a couple is suitable or not. All spacious, freely hanging, attractiveness is lost right away. But they should not be too tight: unwanted folds appear.

How to pick up leggings

Leggings - the clothing is controversial. They are maximally tightening the figure, and the surrounding can see possible flaws. But it is with incorrect combination. But the competent layout of the color accents and the selection of other things ensures the most vigorous parts of the body, and the most unattractive, on the contrary, remain in the shade.

Models differ in both colors and materials. But still varies the length of the products. There is to the middle of the ankle, and there are covering stop. The last option is more practical, as it will not freeze in the cold. You can wear such leggings with boots or other similar warm shoes. Fabrics for the manufacture of pants use warm.

Leggings before the sedition of the ICR can only wear a slim lady with proportional addition. But excessively long tunics and sweaters are not needed. Mini skirts, shorts either as an ensemble top.

Modern variants of leggings are made from natural materials. They provide skin breathing, soft and comfortable fabrics. But they still underline problem spaces. So, only a lady with slender legs can afford to wear such clothes. But the absence of waist is not a barrier: the top for leggings is needed free.

Leggings to the knee should not choose: the legs seem to be shorter, but the hips are much wider. In the role of the stuff of basic will confidently perform leggings of monophonic, dark colors. For the evening - an option with a print or ornament.

The main requirement - with leggings are only the top, longer than the buttocks. Still, similar pants are not considered in full sense, it means that the short top will have to leave for fitness rooms.

What are leggings with

With properly chosen leggings, you can wear a dress-sweater. They will be replaced in warm tights, perfectly harmony with dress, skirt or shorts. The top is a tunic to the middle of the hip or an elongated shirt.

For a party, a successful complex will succeed in, shorts or skirt-mini with leggings. Interesting images gives a combination of bold, in contrast. For example, yellow leggings with blue shorts. ATTENTION guaranteed.

Short T-shirt and leggings are needed together? So, it is necessary to throw the extended, because the seam behind the leggings will not add attractiveness even perfect buttocks and thighs.

Hybrid leggings and jeans - Jeggins. Here they are worn with the usual length of jackets, and with t-shirts, and with tops without fears. It is desirable to choose a shoe shoes on the heel, moccasins or ballet shoes. For jogs or fitness classes - sneakers, and on the cold - either a fuzzie or.


Leather leggings so far even desperate fashion suites do not seem familiar things. And find successful combinations with other garments are not easy. Since it looks like a similar model aggressively, it causes prejudice to yourself.

But they are extremely extravagant even less leather trousers. They are allowed to wear for every day or put on parties. Often sew such leggings from knitwear, imitating skin. So the practicality is evident.

In practice, the thing is universal: slightly, emphasizes the presence of taste and style. But the legs with leggings of leather won only slim. Brilliant either matte, embossed under the skin of the reptile, with ornaments - leather leggings in fashion any. Black tones are relevant and all shades of brown. The shades of "metallic", "old bronze" and "aged silver" are very popular.

The glitter is desirable moderate. Abundance looks vulgar, especially during the day. Very successful leather inserts. The model does not look bold, and the image with it is stylish. It will be possible to choose the appropriate pair under any look, and the question is what to wear them, it will be solved by itself. Not small and skin selection. Artificial, natural, with the basis of either without it - it all depends on the time of year and the situation for which the trousers are used. For tunics, either skirts should pick up a thin pair, more reminiscent tights. For cardigan or jamper and jackets - warmer, dense.

What images are obtained with leggings

The traditional biker style remains. Therefore, with metal accessories and appropriate shoes - this is already a classic. Casual urban image - great softness and neutrality. Knitted or knitted top, chiffon blouse, or jacket.

Feminine and sensual look It turns out with high tightly fitting leg with boots, boats on a high and massive heel, shocks or one-photon neutral colors. The figure seems half a slimmer with a high heel or. And the secret works regardless of the age of the lady.

Nading legges with high heels or footwear on the platform, it is possible to make a figure slimmer at least twice. And this secret is successful will succeed at any age.

You can pick up a blouse on the contrast to thick leggings: light, monophonic. A neutral top of a textured material, knitted, to the touch, pleasant and soft is suitable for a brilliant pair. The leather gloss is quite enough, and too notable accessories - obvious bust.

If there is an ornament or an animal print on leggings, then its roll call with any subject of the ensemble is required, especially if there are several colors on leggins. Well, if the roll call will be with shoes or riding. Of course, shoes and top are monophonic.

There is a case when you can not pick up the covered buttocks elongated clothes: fragile girls without a pronounced relief in this zone can be shown without fears in shorter blouses and jackets: brilliant smooth skin and additional volumes will give, and the buttocks will win a winning, and vulgar will not add.

You can only fill the classic cloth blouses, thin fabrics, unnecessary. Excess fabric gives the effect of extra kilograms at the level of the hip. Adult ladies regardless of the set of clothing with extended top, cardigan, or sweater. Short flashes with blouses and shiny leather models - the choice of young girls.

The win-win option is an elongated sweater and leggings. Option and practical, and Elegance. It is appropriate for work, rest, study. The most important thing is convenience and comfort.

What are the leggings of different colors

With black, everything is simple: any shades are harmonized with it. It is possible and relevant - leopard print on the top or white top. The heel is desirable. Then the combination will be more spectacular. If the shoes are chosen in flat run, the style is desirable more sporty, youth: T-shirt, Hoodie or sports jacket.

It is important to take into account the combination of textures. The brilliant skin is harmonized with matte fabrics, and matte - with shiny silk. Leather leggings and leather top - unsuccessful combination. But the rocker style will succeed with embossed or matte models of brilliant trousers and opposite.

Underwear should be chosen in the same tone as leggings. Elastic clothes can easily demonstrate the color of the underwear. Unique size options do not exist. This rule is especially relevant for leggings. Maybe the model and stretches for several promised sizes, but the aesthetics explicitly will not benefit.

Dense tights and leggings are different things. So it is simply unreasonable to replace one other. Having used leggings as a sports form, of course, it is possible, but still preferably use the trousers by training. Whitening underwear, deforming body and leggings - forbidden reception. Thin pants must be located freely on the body, and not allocate its disadvantages.

White leggings - a delicate thing. And it is they who will greatly allocate all flaws. So it is better to leave dreams and put on a more practical option. After forty-five, problems with the figure begin. It is fair and objectively to appreciate yourself and decide whether the universal leggings are so universal. Favorite pants who served their time, do not need to be hooked up to the holes in the literal sense of the word. It is worth learn to part even with your favorite things whose service life has expired.

Leggings - non-adjusting underwear and no belt-tuck. They cannot simulate the figure and should not. Therefore, there are no need to raise the waist line: it looks ugly. Monophonic either with a print - leggings require a different relationship. At wide thighs are desired, monophonic, and the fragile and slim figure looks great and in color pair.

There are a lot of nuances, and all of them are not easy to remember immediately. But there is such a thing as logic and taste. So, if you wish to stay stylish and look like a parody of myself, everything will turn out.

The real excitement on leggings fell on the 90s then, at that time they were also called leggings. Brilliant and bright not that tights, not that ratings were worn by all ages. So, in essence, leggings and leggings are the same thing. Leggings can be worn at any time of the year, but in the autumn and spring - the very popular and necessary element of the clothing of fashionistas.

Nowadays, this is one of the universal types of clothing, which is in the wardrobe in most women, but not everyone understands how to wear and with what to combine leggings.

You can come up with a lot of combinations and create everyday stylish images, but there is one "but".
It is important to remember the main rule of leggings: these are not pants and not tights!That is, those combinations that are commonly used for these two things, will be inappropriate with leggings. With any combination, the clothes should cover your ass.

And yet, what to wear leggings to look fashionable?

Basic Rules:

  • do not wear too tight leggings - it will emphasize every smell on the legs
  • do not wear too loose leggings so that they are not going to fold
  • leather leggings are more than all others attract the attention of others
  • do not wear with a short jacket or top, there will be a feeling that you are dressed not to the end
  • leggings are well combined with ballet shoes, moccasins, short and high boots, sandals ... The main thing is that the shoes fit under the rest of the clothes
  • length of leggings is important! If after many styrics they "jumped", it is better to postpone such a thing for home use
  • do not confuse leggings with Jeggins. Jeggins are a cross between leggings and pants
  • if you want to wear leggings to work, you should make sure whether you allow the company's dress code
  • if you wear leggings in the office, it is better to choose a more dense fabric, for example, suede or denim fabric, and be sure to black
  • it is better to choose a one-photon model, as leggings with prints are pretty insidious, it is difficult to combine them with top, shoes, and the drawing will be full of legs or distort their shape
  • if the model is chosen with the pattern, everything else will be one-photon
  • underwear can be shouted through the fabric of leggings, do not choose bright and distinguished panties
  • make sure that everything is covered with a shirt or sweater, especially if you go to work in leggings.

Jubpelis offers options with what to wear leggings and what better to pick up. For you a photo with fashion images!

Dark burgundy leggings

Leggings with a steep youth print

Haki Print Leggings

Brilliant golden leggings

Leather leggings

Black classic leggings

Casual image with black leggings

Another example with what wearing leather leggings

Leggings - tight pants without fasteners and pockets. For many years, they have not come out of fashion for many years, did not exception and 2017. However, before purchasing this trend thing, many women are asked about what to wear leggings with which items of their wardrobe can be combined to look stylish and modern. We help to figure it out.

As it was before and was now

However, there is one unshakable rule that needs to be strictly observed: a girl who needs a flawless figure, long legs and a thin waist, the outerwear should cover the buttocks. Otherwise, the image will not only be vulgar, but also ridiculous.

How to choose correctly

  • Properly chosen leggings emphasize the advantages of the figure and hide the imperfections of the physique.
  • Short (to the knee) models can afford only high slender women, full girls this option is not suitable. Cropped pants visually make legs even shorter.
  • Women with magnificent forms, it is better not to choose non-colored, and monophonic dark leggings long to the ankle.

Today manufacturers offer various models: thin with a shiny surface, knitted, knitted warmed, imitating jeans.

Color range is also diverse, black, brown, gray, beige, as well as colored, decorated with animal, vegetable or ethnic print are most popular.

What leggings choose is a matter of taste. More dense monophonic suitable for cold season, bright thin - for spring and summer. Products designed for winter socks are made of natural materials with small addition of synthetics for elasticity.

Fashion trends 2017

This year, leggings have a different stylist direction.

Major trends:

  1. For everyday socks, pants must be either long or shortened.
  2. For an office version (if the dress code allows), one-time discreet models are needed. Bright floral worn to work is not recommended.
  3. Shiny leggings of thick lycra, natural or artificial leather are suitable for accessing.

In trend - leggings with velvet, silky surface, lace.

Rhinestones, a variety of prints, openwork perforations are used as decor elements. The classic black leggings continue to be the most relevant, they will suit any style and image.

How to wear leggings in winter

Most girls are happy to wear tight pants in winter: they not only look stylish, but also protected from the cold.

What to wear leggings

These comfortable universal pants are suitable for all occasions. They can go to work and for a walk, shopping and to meet friends, in a movie and to a party, the main thing is to know with what and how to wear them.

  • With a long shirt.

Top Blooms the buttocks, which is the main rules of wearing leggings. From above, you can throw a leather or denim jacket, a long jacket. The belt on the waist will give the image a unique chic.

Shoes or shoes on a heel, a clutch on a thin chain - the image is obtained harmonious and completed.

  • With short dresses.

The shorter the dress, the more dense the leggings should be. If the dress is monophonic, then the pants can be with a variety of prints and, on the contrary, one-window bottom is selected to the color top. Such an ensemble is equally suitable for a long coat and a short jacket. From shoes - boots, ankle shoes, shoes on a heel.

  • With cardigan.

For a cold period, a perfect combination is a knitted cardigan or a warm tunic, dense leggings.

Footwear can be both on an elegant high heel, and on a comfortable flat sole.

  • With a fur vest.

Leggings should be monophonic and dense, no bright, cheerful colors are not the case. The vest should be elongated and covered with buttocks, shoes - on high heels. By emphasizing the waist with a wide strap, we get a stylish expressive bow.

  • With a short skirt.

The most advantageous combination is leggings and a short skirt, many girls prefer denim.

  • With a warm multicolored dress.

It looks implicitly ensemble consisting of bright dense dresses and monophonic dark leggies, boots, jacket, coat or fur vehicle. Wear a short dress and thin leggings - a bad tone.

What shoes can be worn with leggings

  1. In winter, high boots on heels or flat soles, uggs, boots, ankle boots are worn with leggings.
  2. In the spring and autumn they are put on with moccasins, loches, oxfords, heels and ballet shoes.
  3. Sports girls boldly wear sneakers or conversion leggins.

In the summer you can choose any shoes with a heel or without it, but you need to avoid too open shoes: it looks not too beautiful.

How to wear popular leggings models

  • Leather leggings.

They look at spectacular and sexy. Can be made of soft matte or lacquered skin, attracting universal attention. Color range: black, burgundy, green, cherry tone.

They can be
Boldly combine with lace elongated tops, free tunics, silk and brocade blouses, velvet jackets, corsets and fur vessels. Of course, in this form you should not go to work. This is a purely evening, provocative image.

Learned leggings, stitched in the technique of patchwork made of squeezing skin of different colors, which are worn with long sweaters of large mating.

  • Lace leggings.

Also do not belong to everyday clothes, it is an evening style. They look great with a cocktail dress or an exquisite tunic that coincides with the shade with the trousers. Do not choose things of one texture, otherwise leggings, which are a highlight of the image, just lose their chic.

  • Jeggins.

These are trousers, stitched from an elastic material imitating denim. A real find for girls who adore jeans and seeking to emphasize the perfect figure.

The beautiful half of humanity looks in Jeggings very effectively and seductively.

The undoubted advantage of the model is its comfort and versatility. In addition, leggings with an overwhelmed waist emphasize the advantages of the figure and hide disadvantages, for example, discovering the tummy.

They wear them with free white blouses, t-shirts, motley tunics, checkered shirts.

  • Leggings with prints.

Models with predatory leopard or under the skin of reptile prints look defiantly and even somewhat aggressively. In no case cannot be chosen to them a similar top, it must be monophonic and restrained. Speecually with such pants will look free black chiffon or golden silk blouse.

Tight pants with a pea pattern continue to stay in trend. Large peas looks out of frowning and boldly, small - restrained and even to some extent touching. Popular shades - black and white.

The real furyor in the world of fashion produced leggings with a "Galaxy" print and "Cosmos". Pants with the image of stars, nebulae, constellations look unusually stylish and beautiful. Alas, they are suitable only for long-legged young ladies. We carry such leggings with monochrome black or combined over a shade with a pattern on trousers (blue, purple, lilac, pink) tops.

  • Leggings with a metal tint.

Presented in many designer collections. The most popular are golden and silver shades. So that the trousers looked flawlessly, it is advisable to wear the tights of the corresponding color under them. Similar models are also not intended for daily use, but for the evening they are the perfect option.

  • Classic

But still,
Despite the diversity of models, one-photographic leggings continue to be the most relevant. Girls prefer them for versatility and convenience.

Leggings are a universal object of wardrobe of any woman, but not every woman understands how to wear them properly. Leggings need to be in a layered outfit. It is impossible to look fashionable if you wear leggings as trousers, and not as tights with other clothes. Mixing and picking up different colors and shoes, leggings can be worn at any time of the year. Follow these advice to wear leggings stylishly.


Code of wearing leggings

  1. Do not wear too tight or free leggings. Leggings should cover the legs tight enough, but do not discover each smell on the legs. They also should not hang freely and gather in the folds.

    • You can wear leather leggings, but often they cause a large number of non-extended physique criticism.
  2. Leggings are not pants. You can safely get out of the house in pants and shirt, but you cannot do the same thing, putting leggings. You will look like a spread and too much exhibiting on display, no matter how good you think you look.

    • Do not wear leggings with a long top or jacket. Even if the shirt covers the ass, you will still look like, as if left home, not fully dressed.
    • Wear leggings with dress, skirt or even shorts.
  3. Do not wear leggings with unsuitable shoes. Leggings look great with boots to her knees, sandals, slippers, or even with short boots. If you wear leggings with heels or platforms, select a shirt for them so as not to look too vulgar.

    • Leggings also look good with ballet shoes or moccasins if shoes fit to the rest alongside.
  4. Make sure your leggings are suitable length. Perhaps a long time ago, you looked perfectly in those black leggings, but after multiple washing, they climbed a few centimeters above the ankle.

    • If it happened, then postpone leggings for socks as home clothing.
  5. Do not confuse Jeggings and leggings. Jeggings are denim leggings, which are among the average between the pants and leggings. These tight, smooth pants can revive the usual outfit, and you can wear them as a trouser.

    • Legungs can not be worn with a short top, and with Jaggins you can wear a short shirt.
    • Make sure the Jeggings go to you. They are very tight and fit not all.

    Wearing leggings to work

    1. Make sure you really allowed Wear leggings to work. Even very beautiful leggings can be too everyday wardrobe item for work. Before putting your new leggings to work, check your working dress code and make sure that it will be acceptable.

      • Look, whether other women are worn at the work of leggings or skirts that can be worn with leggings.
    2. Wear leggings from expensive material. There is nothing bad in the leggings of cotton, but it is worthwhile to put on leggings from suede, skin or even dark denim tissue. A large selection of various leggings will help you come up with and pick up the most fantastic outfits.

      • Do not forget about the rule not to wear leggings as a pants. If you wear leather leggings with a shirt, you will look unprofessional.
      • If you are not able to abandon cotton leggings, put on the work of black leggings.
    3. Avoid leggings with a pattern. Try to wear mainly black or at least one-photon leggings. If you wear patterned or lace leggings to work, it will look like vulgar. You can wear such leggings outside the office.

      • If you have leggings in small polka dots on a dark background, which is almost not visible, then such leggings can be an exception.
    4. Select the appropriate top to leggins. If you have a beautiful, combined with leggings, top, then such an outfit will look more suitable for work. Here is how you can dress with leggings:

      • Jacket, simple dress and suitable leggings of cotton.
      • Free top and monophonic skirt with leggings. The skirt should not be much higher than the knee, so as not to look too provocative. Free top must associate all outfit.
    5. Put on leggings with a long sweater. If you have a tight long sweater, you can wear it with leggings. You also wear a belt and suitable boots.

      • In order not to attract unwanted looks at work, it should be really a beautiful sweater.
    6. Wear shoes complementing leggings. Sandals look great with leggings, but not acceptable for most jobs. Avoid sandals at work, especially with leggings, as it will look too every day.

      • Combine leggings with low or high black shoes.
      • Put them with shoes with a closed toe and a small heel.
    7. Switch to denim leggings on Fridays, when it is allowed to come to work in everyday clothes. You can put on them to the tunic and ballet shoes. To more match the work style, add long beads or decorative scarf. You will look like fashionable and everyday at the same time.

      • Do not wear leggings with shorts to work. It may look good when you relax with friends, but absolutely not suitable for work, even if it is Friday in a free style.

      Casual wearing leggings

      1. Put on leggings with a cute dress. Put the short, summer or spring dress with cotton leggings suitable for a color dress. Dress and leggings should not be one color, but they must be combined. For example, if there are five or six colors on a dress, then leggings should be at least one of them.

        • If the dress is complex drawing, put on one-photo leggings.
        • Or do on the contrary - pick up patterned leggings to a monophonic dress and complete the outfit with a monochrome scarf.
      2. Put on leggings with a skirt. Select the skirt well-combined with leggings. Make sure that the color and material of the skirt do not conflict with leggings. If you are a wide skirt on you, put on the tight shirt so that you do not have too much flowing tissue.

        • If the skirt is patterned, put on simple leggings. If the skirt is one-photon, put on leggings with a pattern that will not merge with the skirt.
      3. Pick up leggings for shorts. It can create a very cute, everyday image. Jump monochrome leggings with denim, white or black shorts. Shorts should not be too tight in order not to merge with leggings.

        • Casual shoes without heels are suitable for this image: low boots, sandals and sneakers.
        • Near this along with a long jacket and a dense shirt or t-shirt.
        • Make sure your shirt covers the ass, especially if you wear leggings to work.
        • Make sure you have not entered your favorite leggings to gray. If so, then just wear them around the house.
        • For teenagers, the most suitable outfit for school is leggings, a long top covering the ass, cute scarf and neutral boots. If you go for a walk, just replace the scarf with long beads.