Tale "Wild Swans. Andersen "Wild Swans

Tale of G. H. Andersen - "Wild Swans" tells about the amazingly clean and selfless love. The main events occur in the life of the royal family among the lawful children of the king and their new "mother." As long as the family did not have an evil stepmother, which began to reproach Chad, everything was fine.

But one day she decided to get rid of children and took advantage of the help of dark forces and witchcraft, namely, turned eleven brothers in silent swans, and their sister Elza put out repulsive outdoor, because of which everyone began to tear her down and didn't even know her. From this point on, the main events are described in the light of children's attempts to destroy evil spells that stepmother climbed.

This work teaches sacrificial love to expensive people and cohesion, for the sake of achieving common goals that are to be happiness.

Read Summary Andersen Wild Swans

In the royal family there were twelve children - eleven sons and one sister. Their life was easy and rainbow, until there was a stepmother, who sent Elza to live in distant edges, and her brothers enveloped in the swans that had the opportunity to gain human appearance only after sunset. With each day in the village in the village, the beautiful Elsa was becoming more beautiful and more beautiful, but sadness in his brothers overshadowed.

Returning to the castle of the Father, she tried to find out something about the fate of the brothers, but all such attempts were taken by an evil stepmother. One morning, she tried to disperse a girl with the help of a secret spell, however, the plans were not crowned with success - three toads that were used for this donounced, barely touched an innocent beauty. Seeing this, the stepmother was whisching and stained a stepdaughter in marsh dirt to such an extent that no one wanted to talk to her, and his native father, having not recognized, ordered to expel disfigured.

The next night, Elsa spends in the forest, where she is shot by the past when they were all happy and not separated by machemia. In the morning, barely waking up, exhausted from thirst and all the evaporated, she finds a clean pond, in which he quenched thirst and sink, reapproed to beauty.

Looking for a way out of the forest, the girl throws on a good old woman who swells to her handful of berries and indicates the path from the forest. Then the girl begins to ask her questions about eleven wonderful swans, which should be found in these places. Hearing about them, the old woman immediately recalls birds with golden crowns, who recently saw in the nearest reservoir, which Elsa says. Having learned this, the girl throws all the forces to get to the reservoir described by the old woman as soon as possible. At sunset, she discovers the big river and the swans splashed in it, who begin to turn into her brothers. In the morning, they all leave with a reservoir, and Elza is carried in the JV basket. The whole flight girl admires the expanses of the native land and sees cloud castles.

Setting over the night in a dark cave, she sees a new dream in which the forest old woman tells how you can save the brothers: for this you need to rush up nettle and tie out of her shirt for each of the eleven brothers, and it is impossible to break silence with your voice, and Otherwise, the brothers will suffer death.

Brothers returned in the morning in the cave discover their sister for knitting and notice that she is silent, without interrupting knitting neither word or song. They take it for the next step of stepmother, but seeing that the sister diligently knits and moves to the next shirt, they understand what's the matter. After some time, the king notes, who hunts in these parts. He takes the girl to his kingdom and makes her his wife. Seeing her classes, he assigns her separate room and brings nettle, from which he knits new shirts.

Once, when the nettle ran out, it is chosen outside the castle and wander to the cemetery, where it finds nettle and thoring it, goes back to the castle. Seeing this Counselor of the king, takes a girl for a wagon and reports to all his ruler who woined everything, wants to wait. When, once again, the girl goes to the cemetery, she sees the inhabitants of the kingdom, who bind, as it seemed to them, the sorceress and awarded her to be burned at the fire. The king agrees, but leaves her the opportunity to finish his work.

Left alone in imprisonment, Elsa never ceases to weave the shirt. Having learned about this, the brothers are squeezed and trying to explain everything to the king, but do not have time and turn into swans again.

In the morning, while the girl is taken to the confusion, the distraught and shooting crowd flies from all sides, trying to snatch her products from the "sorduny". When the executioner, grabbing her, drags to the fire, unexpectedly appear eleven swans and protect it from the fire, and the girl, having completed the work on the last shirt, throws them on the brothers, Rusha spell. After that, it falls into fainting, and people are observed by the young men who tell the king to the case. Hearing explanations, the king breaks off and runs to the lost consciousness. The fire in front of them goes out and turns into a bush of scarlet roses surrounding the sole white rose. Having thorn her, the king puts the flower to the girl on the chest, and Elsa wakes up, having fun and peace.

Picture or Drawing Wild Swans

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Stack of Andersen "Wild Swans"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Wild Swans" and their characteristics

  1. Eliza, Princess, who had 11 brothers. Very kind and responsible girl. I loved my brothers very much and was ready to go for death. In their search worked on God and on a miracle.
  2. Eleven brothers turned by an angry stepmother in swans. Also loved their sister
  3. The evil queen, stepmother of Eliza, was filled with envy Seeing the beauty of the girl and wanted to destroy her.
  4. Fairy Morgana, the Lord of the Air Castle, a powerful sorceress, which is the story of Eliz about how she can save their brothers.
  5. The king of an unknown country that was in love with Eliza, but believed evil naval and almost executed his beloved
  6. Archbishop, suspected a sorceress and witch in the Elise.

Plan for moving the fairy tale "Wild Swans"

  1. Death of mother Eliza
  2. Evil queen
  3. Eleven brothers are eleven swans.
  4. Toads in Kupalne
  5. Eliza leaves House
  6. Old woman in the forest
  7. Meeting with brothers
  8. Flight through the sea
  9. Fairy Morgana
  10. Shirts of nettle
  11. Meeting with the king
  12. Wedding
  13. Kozny archbishop
  14. Casman
  15. Wonderful salvation.

The shortest content of the fairy tales "Wild Swans" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences

  1. The king marries the secondary and stepmother turns the brothers of the Eliza in the swans
  2. Eliza goes to look for brothers and finds swans on the seashore
  3. Brothers suffer Eliza and Fairy Morgana tells how Elizes free brothers
  4. Eliza sews shirts from nettle and meets king
  5. Eliza becomes queen, but she is accused of witchcraft
  6. Eliza saves brothers.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Wild Swans"

Love and loyalty - these are real wonders that helped Elise return their brothers.

What does the fairy tale "Wild Swans"

This tale teaches us to be kind and responsive. She teaches to believe in the best and not to give up any difficulties. This tale teaches selflessness.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Wild Swans"

The fairy tale "Wild Swans" can not leave anyone indifferent. This is a beautiful story with magic transformations and a multitude of adventure. The main heroine of the fairy tale shows the wonders of dedication and faith, and defeats the spell of the evil queen. She will save their brothers. I really liked the fairy tale "Wild Swans" and I recommend it to read everything.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Wild Swans"

Who loves God - good will get a lot.
Patience and work will achieve everything.
Water and stone sharpening.

Summary of the fairy tales "Wild Swans" is read in 3 minutes.

One king had a daughter Eliza and eleven sons. The king's wife died and he married another, which was evil. She turned brothers in swans. When Elise turned 15 years old, the queen decided to deprive her beauty and threw into the swimming pool. But the toads turned into red poppies.

Then the queen emptied the face of Eliza and stopped learning it. Ediza left the palace and cried a lot.

She met the old woman who said he saw the swans and took Eliz to the cliff. There the girl found swan feathers.

The Elizi brothers flew and found out their sister. They suggested transferring Eliz across the sea, so as not to part with her.

During the flight, Eliza almost dies, but it turns out to have the castle of Morgana fairies. Fairy prompts the Elise how to save the brothers - she needs to tie 11 shirts from nettle and silent until the work is done.

Eliza begins to knit shirts. She is met by the king of the country and falls in love with the girl. He marries Elise.

Archbishop accuses Eliz that she is a witch, and the girl can not get acquitted without violating the vow of silence.

The king had eleven sons and one daughter. The royal children lived and carelessly, until there was a stepmother, who gave Eliz to raising in the village, and the brothers turned into swans - they flew away. Beautiful Eliza with every day everything is good, but the brothers remembered all the time. When she returned to the castle, stepmother decided to make her ugly with the help of three toads, but they swam on the water with red poppies, barely touched the innocent girl. The mixture of the witch disklissed the dirt fever; Even the king of his father did not recognize his native daughter and kicked it out.

The night girl spent in the forest, in a dream he saw himself and the brothers in the old days, and in the morning washed in the pond and again became beautiful. The next day, the counter old woman gave a handful of berries and pointed out the river where he saw eleven swans in golden crowns. Eliza reached a river delta - Swans flew to the sunset there, who turned into her brothers. In the morning they flew away, and every other day in a basket from the ventricular bark, Eliza was taken with them. Having spent on a little ledge, in the morning swans again flew. All day Eliza admired the cloudy castle of Fata Morgana, and the night spent in a cave, overgrown with green plants. She dreamed that the fairy of the castle, similar to the old woman from the forest, told about how you can save the brothers: you need to put the nettle from the cave or in the cemetery and weave eleven shirts for the brothers, but at the same time not to pronounce the words, otherwise the brothers will die.

Returning in the morning and noticing the little sister, the brothers first accepted this for the next witchcraft of the stepmother, but then everyone understood. As soon as Eliza took up the second shirt, she found a king, who hunted in those edges. He took a forest beauty in his wife and carried into his castle, and even overweight to a special room of her nettle. But the archbishop whispered the king that his wife is a sorcerer, and once I saw the queen of ripples on the cemetery. All this Archbish reported to the king; That with his own eyes was convinced that this is true. When Eliza once again went to the cemetery, she was treated for hot; People awarded the "sorcerer" to be burned at the fire.

In the imprisonment, the girl was overlooked the last shirt. The brothers came to the king, trying to interfere with the sister, but did not have time - with dawn again turned into swans. In the morning, while the old Klyach was lucky with Eliz to the fire, the crowd wanted to break his shirts, but brothers flew. The executioner has already grabbed the girl by the hand, but she managed to paint the shirts on the brothers, which means that she could say: "I'm innocent!" - And fainted. The brothers told everything, and the logs for the fire turned into a bush of scarlet roses with a single white rose, which the king put the Elise on his chest, and she woke up, and "in her heart there were peace and happiness."

Product name: Wild Swans
Andersen Hans Christians
Year of writing: 1838
Genre: story
Main characters: Eliza - beautiful girl, stepmother, king, 11 wild swans

The magical world of stunning stories has absorbed a summary of the fairy tale "Wild Swans" for the reader's diary, awakening nostalgia by childhood and good cartoons.


Wanting to get rid of her husband's children, stepmother turned steps in wild swans. Eliza was distinguished by unprecedented beauty. The stepmother smeared her face with mud, father did not recognize her daughter and drove from the courtyard. Eliza was sent to the forest, where she met a good old woman. The old woman told the beauty, where 11 swans with crowns were inhabited. Eliza found brothers. The old woman explained that to remove the spell, she needs to tie the shirt from nettle for each of the brothers. She notices the king and marry. The king's adviser and common see how Eliza walks on a cemetery to nail nettle, and take her witch. On the way to the bonfire of Eliza knits the last shirt and throws clothes on swans, flew to protect her. They turn into state boys.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Resistance and patience of Eliza saved her and brothers. She overcame difficulties, not allowing her heart to harm, and stubbornly knitted shirts from Zhugey nettle. Selflessness for loved ones pays off with happiness and spiritual peace. She did everything that could help her beloved brothers, like they were ready to stand in a fire instead. Such actions admire and towers a person.

The king had 11 sons and 1 daughter. The royal children lived and carelessly, until there was a stepmother, who gave Eliz to raising in the village, and the brothers turned into swans - they flew away. Beauty Eliza every day all good, but all the time brothers recalled. When she returned to the castle, stepmother decided to make her ugly with the help of 3 toads, but they swam on the water with red poppies, barely touched the innocent girl. The mixture of the witch disklissed the dirt fever; Even the king of his father did not recognize his native daughter and kicked it out.

The night girl spent in the forest, in a dream he saw himself and the brothers in the old days, and in the morning washed in the pond and again became beautiful. The next day, the counter old woman gave a handful of berries and pointed out the river where she saw 11 swans in golden crowns. Eliza went to the Delta of the River - 11 swans flew to the sunset there, who turned into her brothers. In the morning they flew away, and every other day in a basket from the ventricular bark, Eliza was taken with them. Having spent on a little ledge, in the morning swans again flew. All day Eliza admired Fata Morgana, and spent the night in the cave, overgrown with green plants. She dreamed that Fata Morgan's fairy, similar to the old woman from the forest, told about how you can save the brothers: you need to pass the nettle from the cave or in the cemetery and weave 11 shirts for the brothers, but at the same time not to say a word, otherwise the brothers will die .

Returning in the morning and noticing the little sister, the brothers first accepted this for the next witchcraft of the stepmother, but then everyone understood. As soon as Eliza took up 2 shirt, she found a king who hunted in those edges. He took a forest beauty in his wife and drove into his castle, and even transported her nettle to a special room. But the archbishop whispered the king that his wife is a sorcerer, and once I saw the queen of ripples on the cemetery. All this Archbish reported to the king; That with his own eyes was convinced that this is true. When Eliza once again went to the cemetery, she was treated for hot; People awarded the "sorcerer" to be burned at the fire.

In the imprisonment, the girl was overlooked the last shirt. The brothers came to the king, trying to interfere with the sister, but did not have time - with dawn again turned into swans. In the morning, while the old Klyach was lucky with Eliz to the fire, the crowd wanted to break his shirts, but brothers flew. The executioner has already grabbed the girl by the hand, but she managed to paint the shirts on the brothers, which means that she could say: "I'm innocent!" - And fainted. The brothers told everything, and the logs for the fire turned into a bush of scarlet roses with a single white rose, which the king put the Elise on his chest, and she woke up, and "in her heart there were peace and happiness."