Ready-made clay face masks. Homemade face masks with cosmetic clay. How to make clay masks

When caring for the skin of the face and neck, girls often use a variety of masks. These can be masks made from vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, milk, and also based on cosmetic clay.

Such clay is one of a large number of rock types. It effectively absorbs and retains fluids, which is not common in other breeds. Due to this, its properties include cleansing the skin, which is carried out by absorbing all the fat and impurities on the face. After that, the clay itself can be easily and quickly washed off. The main functions of such a mask include the function of peeling, because it is washed off along with the keratinized cells of the integument. In addition, the mixture is completely composed of minerals, and they occupy a very important place in the metabolic process at the cellular level.

You can buy natural clay, which is planned to be used for cosmetic purposes in the future, both in pharmacies and in stores.

Clay types

Clay used for cosmetic purposes is different. It can be either blue, or white, or red, or green, or yellow, or gray, or black, or pink. Each of these types has characteristic properties and functions depending on the type of skin. But, despite this, any cosmetic clay is rich in trace elements, as well as mineral salts. This kind of mixtures fight well with excess oily face, its excessive dryness or other imperfections.

The white clay contains the mineral kaolinite. Thanks to it, the skin cells produce lecithin, which helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, and also allows the cells to regenerate. White clay masks, in addition to cleansing, also cope with such a function as getting rid of acne. Such mixtures are endowed with anti-inflammatory properties. They can be done for people with high skin sensitivity.

The blue clay contains silver ions, which are endowed with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is used to combat acne on the face. Also, cosmetic clay of this color helps to soften the skin, tone it up, shrink pores, get rid of fine wrinkles, and whiten. This mask is well suited for owners of combination and normal skin.

The green clay contains a huge amount of iron oxide, due to which it has such a color. Along with this, it also consists of minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and zinc, which play a particularly significant role in life. They are able to protect the skin from microbes, as well as dry it. Masks of this type have a positive effect on the surface of the face with an increased level of fat. They help cleanse and disinfect pores and increase sebum production. In the case of acne, green clay is not recommended for use.

The red clay contains copper and iron. Thanks to this composition, she received such a color. These components have a good effect on tissue blood supply. They are able to increase their tone and elasticity. Such masks have a positive effect on the condition of the face as a whole, as well as on the blood vessels close to it. This type of mask is recommended for people who have insufficient iron in their body. Red clay is ideal for those with sensitive or irritated skin.

As a result of mixing white and red clay, pink clay appeared, which combined the good and useful properties of these two types at once. These masks are perfect for sensitive skin care with increased sensitivity or irritability.

The composition of yellow clay contains a significant amount of potassium and iron. The mixtures prepared on its basis help to remove toxins and also nourish the skin with oxygen. They are recommended for skin that is aging in order to reduce the number of wrinkles.

Gray clay performs tonic and moisturizing functions. Actually, therefore, masks prepared on its basis have anti-aging properties, which means that they are well suited for aged people and can be used for mature skin.

Black clay is able to enrich the skin with minerals, as well as trace elements, which are very useful in nature. It helps well in restoring metabolism. Masks prepared on the basis of black clay are well-known anti-cellulite agents. For the purpose of preparing a face mask, this type of clay is used very rarely.

How are clay face masks made

Regardless of the type of clay you prefer, it is important to do all the steps of applying the mask correctly:

  1. Clean and dry well beforehand.
  2. The layer of clay applied to the skin of the face should be of medium density.
  3. Clay masks should not be applied to the skin around the eyes, as this area is deprived of sebaceous glands, as a result of which this area is characterized by an increased level of dryness.
  4. Clay is diluted exclusively with running and room temperature water.
  5. Stir the clay-based mask until the lumps disappear completely.
  6. The time for applying the mask for dry skin should not exceed 7 minutes, if the skin is normal and of medium sensitivity, then the action time doubles, if the skin is oily, then the time for applying the mixture should not exceed 20 minutes, as it will dry out and absorb the excess moisture and fats.
  7. When removing, you need to sprinkle the face with cool water and wait until the mask begins to soak, and then remove it.
  8. After the mixture is removed, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing cream to the face.

The most important thing to consider when using a clay mask is how often you can do it. Cosmetologists advise that it should be applied to the skin no more than once every 7 days. And if the skin is dry, then such a procedure should be performed even less often. If it becomes necessary to use such a mask, then you can do it not on the entire area of ​​the skin of the face, but apply only to the problem area.

While applying the prepared mixture to your face, you must lie down. Being in a supine position is the rule for applying all types of clay masks. After all, cosmetic clay weighs quite a lot, and if, when applied to your face, you stand or sit, it will pull the skin down, and during drying it will fix in such a saggy form. And if you apply and hold the mask in the supine position, the skin tightens and straightens well, which will provide an effective result.

Contraindications to the use of clay masks

Since clay is a natural and natural material that does not cause allergic reactions, there are no contraindications to the use of this type of masks for the skin of the face. But in order for the application of the mask to be more effective, it is necessary to take into account such nuances as:

  • individual tolerance of the components that make up the clay mask;
  • applying a mask based on cosmetic clay should be done exclusively on a face cleansed of dirt and cosmetics;
  • clay cosmetic mask is not applied to the face area around the eyes.

Summing up, we can say that clay-based masks are absorbent agents that absorb dirt and grease that collects on the skin of a person. They perform well the functions of cleansing, they are also able to exfoliate dead skin particles. Due to this, it will begin to breathe, and metabolic processes will be restored in the cells.

Hello dear readers! In the article we discuss clay masks, what they are, their properties and effects on the epidermis. You will learn about the benefits of the product, learn how to use the product correctly.

Clay is a natural component. Quite often it is used in the cosmetic industry when creating masks for the face and hair.

The remedy has various healing properties. Thanks to which it is possible to use it for any type of dermis.

Cosmetic clay is a sedimentary rock with a viscous structure, tiny particles. Such a composition delicately acts on the epidermis without the risk of scratching.

The main feature of the product is the absence of pronounced acidic and alkaline properties.

Clay masks are good for several reasons:

  • Preparation and use is possible at home.
  • Affordable price and choice.
  • No difficulty in applying.
  • Elimination of epidermal imperfections is noticeable through several cosmetic procedures.
  • Various types of clay applied to each type of dermis, hair.
  • Saving time - you can put your appearance in order in 10-20 minutes, there is no need to visit a beauty parlor.
  • Cost effective - one sachet is enough for several procedures.

Below we provide effective recipes for face and hair masks. Using them, you can make the skin silky and radiant, eliminate pigmentation, acne, and improve the condition of the hair.

The main components of the facility:

  • Silicon - affects the vessels, as a result of which they become flexible, promotes lipid metabolism, the formation of collagen.
  • Manganese - dries up the dermis.
  • Aluminum - has an astringent effect.

The most common types: white, blue, black, green clay.

Cosmetic properties of clay

Before using the product for the first time, you should pay attention to the properties:

  1. Drying, during which the secretions produced by the sweat glands are absorbed.
  2. Pore ​​cleansing.
  3. Eliminates contaminants that a cleaning agent cannot deal with.
  4. Elimination of acne, flaking, redness.
  5. Reducing wrinkles, skin aging.
  6. Normalization of fat metabolism.
  7. Activation of keratin synthesis.
  8. Elimination of pigmentation.
  9. Increased elasticity.
  10. Giving a healthy complexion to the face.
  11. Whitening.

This natural remedy has a rejuvenating effect; its properties are suitable even for a sensitive type of epidermis.

The absence of medical contraindications for cosmetic clay makes it possible for everyone to use it. When to refrain from using:

  • if you are allergic to the components that make up the product;
  • when using the composition in the area around the eyes.

Rules for applying masks

In order for the use of a cosmetic product to bring the desired result, some recommendations should be followed:

  • The mask must be made in a plastic, glass container, using a plastic spoon for stirring.
  • The state of the finished mask should resemble thick sour cream in consistency.
  • The composition must be applied to the previously cleaned, steamed dermis for a quarter of an hour. It is allowed to peel, but carefully, since the sensitive epidermis is likely to experience burning and redness if there are microtraumas. Then rinse it off with water.
  • Application should take place in a thick, even layer on the face, neck area, bypassing the area around the eyes and with light movements.
  • It is contraindicated to keep the composition on the skin for more than 15 minutes, otherwise the product begins to draw moisture from the epidermis.
  • It is forbidden to grimace during and after application. It is advisable to lie down, completely relax.
  • After removing the care product, you must use a nourishing cream.
  • Application of the product for dry dermis - 1 time in 7 days, for oily dermis - no more than 2.
  • To reduce the risk of clay pulling moisture from the dermis, moisturize your face before using the product.

An important condition is the addition of additional ingredients to the main composition of the product to achieve the best result for the best result. For dry type of epidermis - yolk, cream, sour cream. For oily - sour juice of natural origin.

White clay mask

White clay, also called kaolin, contains the following components:

  • Magnesium - stimulates collagen formation.
  • Calcium - gives elasticity to the epidermis.
  • Zinc - prevents the destruction and aging of cells, dries the skin.
  • Silica - stimulates the assimilation of important microelements by the body, restores the functioning of cells.

Indications for use:

  • black spots;
  • wrinkles, wilting of the epidermis;
  • problems in the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • skin inflammation.

Acne face mask


  1. Clay - 1 tbsp.
  2. Aloe - 1 leaf.
  3. Mineral water - 1 tsp

How to cook: Squeeze the juice out of the leaf with a gauze cloth. Add mineral water, add the main component, mix.

How to use: Apply the composition in a thin layer, wait 12 minutes. Then wash yourself with water at room temperature. Apply this mask every 6 days.

Result: Eliminating inflammation, pollution, harmful substances, fat, accelerating the maturation process of acne.

Anti-wrinkle face mask


  1. Linden inflorescences - 1 tbsp.
  2. Kaolin - 1 tablespoon
  3. Chamomile, lavender, sage flowers - 1 tbsp each.
  4. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour the inflorescences, flowers with a glass of boiling water, wait an hour. Add clay.

How to use: Apply the composition for 20 minutes. Wash your face, use a moisturizer.

Result: Well-groomed dermis without wrinkles.

Hair Mask

White clay is a lifesaver for damaged, dry hair. It unclogs the pores of the scalp, resulting in rapid hair growth. Kaolin strengthens hair follicles, reduces hair loss.

Prevention - it is advisable to apply a cosmetic mask no more than 3 times a month. On special occasions, every week.


  1. Clay - 3 tbsp.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Dissolve the kaolin in warm water. For oily scalp, add 1 tsp. lemon juice, with dry - any oil.

How to use: Spread the composition over your hair, then wrap it up with a film, a scarf for half an hour. Rinse it off.

Result: Hair looks silky and easier to comb.

Blue clay mask

Blue clay is an ideal choice for those with oily, problematic epidermis. It allows you to eliminate almost all external defects in a short period of time. When some components are added to the composition of the product, dry skin can receive the necessary nutrition.

This type of product contains a large number of useful elements, including kaolinite, calcium, copper, iron and others. The constant use of masks leads to hydration of the epidermis, elimination of age-related changes, and cleansing.


  • an acute lack of vitamins in the body;
  • manifestation of allergies;
  • acne, blackheads;
  • pigmentation.

Acne face mask


  1. Clay - 2 tablespoons
  2. Mineral water - 2 tbsp.
  3. Rose oil.

How to cook: Dilute the powder with water, add a few drops of oil, stir.

How to use: Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer, wait 15 minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Result: After use, the skin is clean, the number of rashes begins to decrease.

Anti-wrinkle face mask


  1. Clay - 1 tbsp.
  2. Sea buckthorn - 1 tsp
  3. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour a glass of boiling water over the dried sea buckthorn, let it brew for half an hour. Add clay to the broth. Take gauze, cut a round shape out of it, make slits for the mouth, eyes.

How to use: Moisten gauze in the resulting composition, apply on face for 5-10 minutes, then repeat the procedure several more times. Then wash with warm water.

Result: The epidermis is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed.

Hair Mask

Blue clay strengthens hair follicles, prevents hair loss and fragility. Preventive use - 4-8 times a month.


  1. Clay - 1 tsp
  2. Yolk -1 pc.
  3. Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  4. Butter - 1 tsp
  5. Honey - 1 tsp
  6. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Dissolve the main component in warm water. Add the rest of the ingredients to the composition. Stir.

How to use: Apply the mixture to the hair roots, distribute along the length. Rinse it off.

Result: Hair begins to grow faster.

Black clay mask

Black clay has anti-inflammatory, anti-aging properties. Ideal for all types of epidermis. The product contains calcium and iron.

With constant use, the dermis is moistened, the pores are cleansed.

Acne face mask


  1. Clay - 2 tablespoons
  2. A series - 3 tbsp.
  3. Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  4. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour a glass of boiling water over the succession, wait until the broth cools completely. Add clay, citrus juice. Stir.

How to use: Apply the composition in a thin layer, leave for 15 minutes. Wash, wipe the dermis with the infusion of the series.

Result: The pores are narrowed, acne dries up, redness disappears.

Anti-wrinkle face mask


  1. Clay - 2 tablespoons
  2. Yolk - 1 piece.
  3. Sour cream - 2 tablespoons

How to cook: Add sour cream, yolk to the main product, mix.

How to use: Apply the composition for a quarter of an hour, then wash off with cold water.

Result: Dry skin is nourished, wrinkles disappear.

Green clay mask

Green clay eliminates age-related changes, tones, eliminates toxins. It contains potassium, selenium.

Mask for the face


  1. Clay - 4 tsp
  2. Cucumber - 1 pc.
  3. Yeast in a pack - 2 tsp

How to cook: Pass the cucumber through a blender, mix it with the rest of the food to get a homogeneous substance.

How to use: Spread on face, leave on for 20 minutes. Wash yourself.

Result: Acne, redness disappears.

Essential oils with clay masks

The addition of essential oils to the composition of the masks makes it possible to moisturize the dermis, cleanse the pores, and eliminate inflammation.

Lifting mask


  1. Yolk - 1 pc.
  2. White clay - 3 tablespoons
  3. Fennel oil - a few drops.
  4. Rose oil - 2 ml.
  5. Lime oil - 4 drops.
  6. Neroli oil - 1 drop.

How to cook: Mix the main ingredient with the yolk, add the rest of the ingredients. Get in the way.

How to use: Spread on face for a quarter of an hour, wash.

Result: Regular use gives elasticity to the epidermis, eliminates shallow crow's feet.

Acne mask


  1. Green clay - 2 tbsp
  2. Water - 2 tablespoons
  3. Lemongrass oil, a few drops.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients, with the exception of the main product, in a container. Pour the mixture into the main component, stir. Try to avoid the presence of insoluble substances.

How to use: Spread the composition over your face, wait 15 minutes, wash yourself.

Result: Gradual elimination of acne.

Mask with honey and clay - recipe

The simultaneous use of clay and honey in cosmetology helps to cleanse, moisturize, and rejuvenate the dermis.


  1. Clay - 20 gr.
  2. Honey - 15 ml.
  3. Lemon juice - 10 ml.

How to cook: Stir all the food.

How to use: Spread the prepared composition on your face, wait 20 minutes. Rinse it off.

Result: Deep crow's feet disappear after a few treatments.

Charcoal and clay mask - recipe

A care product with activated carbon allows you to cleanse the epidermis well, eliminate acne without injuring the dermis.


  1. Activated carbon - 1 tablet.
  2. Black clay - 1 tsp
  3. Gelatin - 1 tsp
  4. Milk - 1 tablespoon

How to cook: Stir all ingredients, add milk. Warm up the composition so that the gelatin takes a liquid form.

How to use: Spread on your face, wait a quarter of an hour, wash.

Result: Uniform color of the dermis, clean pores.

What to remember

  1. A cosmetic product of natural origin suitable for all types of epidermis.
  2. Cosmetic clay removes imperfections in the dermis and improves the condition of the hair.
  3. Cosmetic clay effectively copes with age-related changes.

See you in the next article!

Many women are interested in how often to make a clay mask?
Clay masks can be applied once a week. This is quite enough to nourish the skin of the face and neck with the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, after applying the clay mask, the skin will restore its usual balance within a week. The rest of the time, you can use masks made from natural ingredients - vegetable and fruit. This article takes a closer look at each type of clay and clarifies its benefits for skin health.
Let's start with blue clay. Regular application of blue clay masks helps relieve inflammation, fights acne, heals skin wounds, rejuvenates it, smoothes wrinkles, fights pigmentation and freckles.

, called kaolin, is commonly used for oily to combination skin. It perfectly dries the skin, cleanses it from various impurities, tightens the skin, removes excess oil and perfectly tightens pores. White clay has a whitening effect, due to which it brightens the skin, and it is also able to tighten the face contour. Kaolin is a good antiseptic.

The mask perfectly cleanses the pores of the face, removes oily shine, dries and tightens the skin, maintains the fluid balance of the skin, making it youthful and beautiful.
Red clay is great for skin prone to allergic reactions, it relieves irritation and inflammation on the face, eliminates itching and flaking. Allows the skin to breathe by saturating it with oxygen.

Is a mixture of red and white clay... This clay is universal, as it is suitable for every skin type. It helps to smooth out the first wrinkles, smooth out the contour of the face, make the skin younger and more beautiful. Also, pink clay nourishes and cleanses the skin, giving it a velvety and elastic look.

ideal for combination to oily skin as well as for aging, pale skin. Yellow clay nourishes the skin with oxygen, and also helps in the fight against hated acne and other inflammations. It has a toning effect, which gives the face a magnificent look.

Finally, . Having in its composition strontium, iron, quartz, magnesium, calcium, thanks to which it perfectly cleanses the skin of the face and neck. Also, black clay is able to absorb harmful toxins accumulated in the skin, and effectively narrow the pores of the face. Black clay is suitable for many skin types. Much depends on what products the black clay is mixed with. For example, a mixture of clay and milk is suitable for dry skin, clay and egg white or lemon juice for oily skin.
Regular use of clay allows you to make the skin velvety, firm, beautiful and healthy!

Clay is a natural gift for face and body care. Its low cost and stunning effect make it a favorite skincare product. A clay face mask can be made at home with or without the addition of various ingredients.

Benefits for the face

Any clay face masks have no contraindications and will only be beneficial. How are they useful?

  1. They deeply cleanse the skin and remove dead cells;
  2. will make the skin even and fresh;
  3. the oval of the face is tightened.

Plus, it is easy to apply and rinse off.

How to make a monomask

How to make a mask out of clay alone? There are some cooking rules. Check them out:

  • Do not use metal utensils for cooking in order to avoid the occurrence of a chemical reaction of the clay with the metal. Such face clay is no longer suitable for cosmetic purposes.
  • Dilute the clay powder with cool boiled water, stirring constantly. The mask is ready when its consistency resembles thick sour cream. Too liquid mass will simply drain from the face, and thick mass will tighten the skin.

How to apply the mixture correctly

It is necessary to apply the clay mask correctly, only then you will get the expected result. Therefore, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face from makeup and impurities. It will not be superfluous to steam the pores.
  • You can apply the composition with your fingers or a brush; the layer should not be very thin.
  • The composition is not applied to the lips and the area around the eyes.
  • Lie down after application. The clay mask is heavy and can stretch the skin if not in a horizontal position.
  • The answer to the question of how much to keep a clay mask depends on the type of skin. On dry it is better to keep it for no more than 5 minutes, on normal - 10, and owners of oily skin can apply a mask for 15 minutes.
  • How often can masks be done? For dry dermis, it will be enough to use clay once a week, and for oily dermis - twice.
  • To prevent excessive skin tightness, the mask must be moisturized with a spray bottle filled with clean water.
  • Rinse off the composition with cool water. But in no case should you rip off in layers, so you will only damage the skin.
  • It is better to make clay masks in the evening, as they can cause a slight reddening of the face.

Clay types

You already know how to properly apply clay masks. It's time to talk about the types of clay that exist in nature. Why is clay so colorful? The answer is simple: the color is given to it by the minerals and chemical elements of which it is composed.

  • The mineral kaolinite gives white and gray color;
  • blue - silver ions;
  • black clay owes its color to quartz, potassium and iron;
  • yellow becomes so due to the combination of iron and potassium;
  • red color is given by oxides of copper and iron, as well as manganese;
  • green clay due to iron oxide;
  • pink is obtained by mixing white and red.

Facial clay is a valuable natural component. But it's important to know which clay mask is right for your skin type.

White (kaolin)

Derma type: oily, sensitive. Problem: enlarged pores, acne. The effect:

  • absorbs excess fat;
  • evens out the complexion;
  • tightens and evens out the oval of the face;
  • narrows pores;
  • fights inflammation.


Derma type: dry. Problem: acne, fine wrinkles. The effect:

  • gives elasticity;
  • narrows pores, relieves inflammation;
  • smoothes small wrinkles;
  • moisturizes;
  • detoxifies the dermis.


Derma type: normal or combined, fading. Problem: pigmentation. The effect:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • fights wrinkles;
  • eliminates pigmentation and freckles;
  • improves blood circulation.

Black / h3>
Derma type: oily. Problem: increased fat content, acne. The effect:

  • tightens the contour of the face;
  • effectively cleans;
  • absorbs excess fat;
  • prevents and treats acne.

Yellow / h3>
Derma type: fading. Problem: acne. The effect:

  • removes toxins;
  • saturates the epithelium with oxygen;
  • allows you to preserve the youth of the dermis, reduces the number of wrinkles and their depth;
  • contributes to the prevention and treatment of acne;
  • activates metabolic processes.


Derma type: dry, sensitive. Problem: lack of iron, flaking. The effect:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • relieves redness and irritation;
  • saturates with oxygen;
  • tones up the epithelium;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • restores a clear contour of the face;
  • enriches the skin with iron.


Derma type: dry, withering. Problem: inflammation, sagging skin. The effect:

  • disinfects pores;
  • returns elasticity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • smoothes shallow wrinkles;
  • improves complexion.


Derma type: sensitive. Problem: irritation, flaking. The effect:

  • nourishes and softens the skin;
  • makes the skin firm and elastic;
  • smoothes and gives velvety;
  • produces delicate cleansing of the dermis.

Cooking healing masks

It's time to learn how to make a clay face mask. You are already aware that the consistency of the mask should resemble thick sour cream. The amount of clay powder for making the mask is two tablespoons. And water is about 80 ml.

However, masks with clay for the face and other ingredients are no less useful. It should be noted that all the rules on how to apply a clay mask also apply to these compositions.

  • If you add lemon juice (1 tablespoon) to the mixture prepared from white clay, you get a wonderful clay mask for oily skin with a whitening effect.
  • And when using chamomile decoction instead of water to dilute kaolin powder, you can enhance the cleansing effect of white clay on your face.
  • Another remedy, which contains white clay for oily skin, differs from the previous ones in that a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil are added to the finished mask. This mixture cleans and refreshes the dermis, giving it a well-groomed look.
  • With excessive oily dermis, a cleansing mask will help. Yellow clay should be mixed with teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon juice. If the composition is too thick, you can dilute it with water.
  • A mask of green clay powder, peach oil and grape seed oil is useful for mattifying the skin. All ingredients must be taken in equal amounts, the mixture can be diluted with water.
  • Dry facial skin that needs to retain and add moisture can be moisturized by adding egg yolk or essential oils: rose, frankincense, orange or ylang-ylang to the clay mask.
  • With dry skin, such a face mask will help: red clay (1 tbsp. L.) Is mixed with fat sour cream (in the same amount), add a couple of drops of any vegetable oil to the resulting mixture and apply on the face.
  • Such a mask for dry skin is also suitable: pink clay is mixed with milk, sour cream, yogurt or kefir (your choice). Such a hand-made composition will moisturize the dermis very effectively.
  • You can make a red clay mask with milk and other ingredients. For example, with yolk and a little aloe juice and a teaspoon of glycerin.
  • If you add the protein of a chicken egg to the black clay mask, you get an effective remedy for combating acne and inflammation on the face. / li>
  • Another find for problem skin is blue clay. The mask is prepared as follows: half a tablespoon of sour cream and clay powder are added to the pulp of watermelon and grapes (you need to take one teaspoon of these components).
  • To remove pigmentation, use a black clay and bodyagi product. Mix a teaspoon of dry herb with two teaspoons of black clay powder, dilute with water until the desired consistency is obtained.
  • You can also dilute the natural remedy with cucumber juice, strawberry juice or parsley juice. Such a clay mask for the skin of the face will successfully get rid of age spots or freckles.
  • Green face clay and cabbage will help fading skin. Put the cabbage leaf on the bottom of the bowl and pour half a glass of hot milk on top. Grind the softened leaf into gruel, add protein and half a teaspoon of green clay. Mix.

Face masks at home are not difficult to make. You just need to set aside a little time for yourself, forgetting about everyday problems and affairs, and apply a useful product to the skin.

This clay healing mask will help to deal with many imperfections of the facial skin. The composition should be applied for a very short time, so you will not be distracted from family affairs for a long time. But then a beautiful and happy woman will delight her household with a good mood and beautiful appearance.


Skin care 22.02.2014

Dear readers, today I propose to talk about simple and very effective clay face masks. After all, in order for our skin to always remain fresh, tender, young and beautiful, it is necessary to fully and regularly take care of it.

I have already written on the blog how to use clay for my health. You will find everything about the beneficial properties of clay, recipes for health in the article But besides health, it is great to use it for our beauty. Simple, cheap and very effective self-care at home.

Since ancient times, women have actively used clay to care for their skin. It has been proven that clay has many different healing properties, it is a universal remedy for caring for any type of skin and makes it possible to eliminate almost all of its known flaws and shortcomings. My daughters and I often buy different types of clay, pamper ourselves. Such care takes a little time, and the skin is unrecognizable. Let's make ourselves some simple clay face masks.

What types of clay are used to make homemade face masks?

Various types of clay are used for cosmetic purposes:

White clay is intended for the care of problematic and oily skin, it improves complexion, dries the skin, tightens and narrows pores, removes excess fat and has an anti-inflammatory effect. For problem skin, it's really a godsend.

Blue clay relieves acne and acne, heals small and shallow wounds, perfectly tones and cleanses the skin, and also helps to eliminate expression wrinkles and lighten age spots and freckles.

Green clay ideal for dry skin types, it cleanses, nourishes, rejuvenates the skin and restores its hydrobalance. Perfect for combination skin types.

Red clay tightens the face contour, relieves any skin inflammation and soothes irritated and problem skin. An excellent remedy for combating acne, acne. Very gently cleanses the skin. Has an exfoliating effect.

Pink clay is a universal nourishing and moisturizing agent for the care of normal and sensitive skin.

Black clay is an excellent antitoxic agent, capable of removing harmful substances from the skin by deep cleansing.

Gray clay well moisturizes and nourishes the skin, it is suitable for aging, flabby and flaky skin.

Clay of any color is very beneficial for our skin. We can use it to create many unique and useful masks for our face, which can completely replace any newfangled cosmetics.

Before proceeding to the stage of preparing any clay mask, you need to familiarize yourself with a few simple but very useful recommendations from cosmetologists:

  • clay mask should be applied only to thoroughly cleansed skin;
  • clay must be diluted with clean and cool water, the resulting mass should be homogeneous (without lumps) and thick enough (like homemade sour cream);
  • you cannot use a metal container to make a clay mask;
  • it is best to rinse your face with water before applying the mask so that the mask fits better on the skin of the face;
  • the exposure time of the clay mask on the face depends on the type of skin (for dry skin - 10 minutes; for normal and combination skin - 15 minutes; for oily skin - 20 minutes);
  • try at this time to rest, lie down, relax, not talk, not laugh;
  • To remove a clay mask, you must first moisten it, and after it gets wet, remove all traces of it with a damp cloth, and then wash thoroughly and use any moisturizer.
  • Carefully read the recommendations for using the clay on the packaging. There you can also see recipes for clay masks for face and hair.

How often to use such clay masks at home?

We must remember that our wisdom is needed in everything. 1-2 times a week to make such masks is quite enough, not more often.

Clay face masks. Recipes.

White clay. Mask for the face.

Components of the mask:

  1. White clay - 10 gr.;
  2. Calendula - 5 gr.;
  3. Celandine - 5 gr.;
  4. Chamomile - 5 gr.

Pre-make a decoction of all of the above herbs (brew the herbs in a glass of hot water), then cool and strain. Mix it with white clay. The resulting mask should be thick and uniform.

White clay. Home mask for oily skin.

Components of the mask:

  1. White clay - 15 gr.;
  2. Talc - 15 g.;
  3. Water - 30 ml.

To prepare this mask, you need to thoroughly mix all the indicated ingredients. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Clay face mask for acne.

Try this mask. My daughters had the most beloved one.

2. tsp. clay (white, blue), 1 tsp. dry bodyagi (it is sold at the pharmacy), 3 tsp. warm water (if you like a thinner mask, add 4 teaspoons of water). Mix all this in a container, it is better to rinse the face with water before applying the mask, apply the mask on the face, hold it for 20 minutes, remove the mask with wet wipes, they can be rinsed several times. After that, wash your face with warm and then cool water. Apply moisturizer.

Green clay. Mask for the face.

Recipe for a nourishing clay mask.

Components of the mask:

  1. Green clay - 15 gr.;
  2. Oat flour - 10 gr.;
  3. Water - 25 ml.

First, mix green clay with oat flour, and then dilute the resulting powder mass with water.

Green clay mask for dry skin.

Components of the mask:

  1. Green clay - 20 gr.;
  2. Cucumber - ½ pc.;
  3. Water (as needed).

Grate half a cucumber. Add clay to the cucumber gruel and mix thoroughly. If the mask is too thick, you can add a little water.

Blue clay. Mask for the face.

Homemade whitening clay mask recipe.

Components of the mask:

  1. Blue clay - 25 g.;
  2. Tomato juice - 15 ml;
  3. Sour milk - 15 ml.

Mix tomato juice, blue clay, sour milk, and apply the resulting mass to the skin.

With this magic mask, you can lighten age spots and freckles on your face.

Mask with sea buckthorn oil and clay.

Recipe for a mask of yellow clay with a toning effect.

Components of the mask:

  1. Yellow clay - 15 g.;
  2. Egg yolk - 1 pc .;
  3. Sea buckthorn oil - 5 ml.

Prepare a homogeneous mixture of yellow clay, egg yolk and sea buckthorn oil, then apply it to your face and leave to act for 10 minutes.

Black clay. Mask for the face.

Clay face mask for cleansing.

Components of the mask:

  1. Black clay - 15 g.;
  2. Lemon juice - 5 ml;
  3. Tincture of calendula - 10 ml.

Squeeze the juice from a lemon wedge and add calendula tincture and black clay to it. Stir everything well and proceed to the stage of applying the mask to the skin.

Red clay. Mask for the face.

Recipe for a firming mask made from red clay.

Components of the mask:

  1. Red clay - 5-10 gr. (1.5 tsp);
  2. Milk - 20-30 ml (1.5 tablespoons);
  3. Honey - 5 gr. (1 -1.5 tsp).

A very simple clay face mask. You can recommend such a mask to everyone who has acne, skin rashes. You can remember a simple formula: take an equal amount of clay and honey and then dilute sour cream with milk until thick. Keep it on for about 20 minutes. It is best to wash off with a decoction of herbs. We love chamomile and streak.