How to properly narrow women's trousers. How to sew wide trousers? How to sew wide trousers in the waist and sides

Contents: Highlights We sew in trousers in the belt We sew in trousers on the sides We sew in flared trousers Redrawing pants General reminder Not every woman thinks about altering her things on her own. Most often, this problem arises with the purchase of trousers, which, as a rule, rarely fit perfectly in length. Therefore, they need to be hemmed so that they look beautiful. But there is another problem when the trousers are a little too wide, and the sides need to be slightly sutured. Most of the fair sex watch their figure and are fighting overweight. However, having achieved good results, they face the problem of changing the wardrobe due to the fact that the clothes “hang” on the hostess. Naturally, not everyone can afford to buy new things. Besides, there are other ways. For example, take things to the studio, but here you can also leave a lot of money, not to mention how much time you need to spend on it, making endless fittings when it is enough to know basic tailoring skills. There are many ways to properly sew trousers, they are all different and require a special approach and patience. Fuss is useless here. Everything must be carefully measured so as not to spoil the product. First of all, you need to choose things that you can redo yourself without violating the overall harmony. If there is no experience in this, it is better to take simple trousers for a start, which will be easier to take in and shorten if necessary. Basic moments

There are some nuances that should not be missed, although at first glance it seems that everything is very simple. First, you need to know that the product can only be sutured up to 2 sizes. If the trousers are too large, then this will already be a complete redrawing, that is, they need to be completely ripped and re-sewn according to new patterns. This will require the skills of building patterns, obtaining accurate data, as well as the ability to draw correctly. The slightest inaccuracy is fraught with damage to trousers. Only complete self-confidence should push the needlewoman to fruitful work. If there is no such confidence, then you should think about a professional seamstress who can do this job better. Secondly, trouser legs are sutured at all seams, that is, they completely reduce the size of the entire product from all sides. It happens that the size seems to fit, but the trousers are a bit wide on the hips. If it is necessary to remove excess tissue only in these places, then in this case the side seams are slightly sutured. Before cutting off anything, the trousers must be put on inside out and chopped off with special pins, noting the excess fabric along the legs. It is necessary to take off carefully so as not to prick, and then carefully sweep away so that it is possible to try on trousers, putting them on with the right side up. You need to carefully examine yourself in the mirror from all sides and make sure that everything is done correctly and the result is quite satisfactory. In order not to damage the basting, you need to carefully remove the trousers, and then sew on a typewriter, picking up the threads by color. We must not forget about allowances for a free fit, so that the trousers are not tight and you can sit down freely. But if, when examining yourself in the mirror, something is embarrassing, you should not rush to sit down at the typewriter, but carefully check everything, perhaps the seam is “skewed” somewhere, then you need to immediately fix it and try it on again. You should also pay attention to such a nuance as the same / unequal legs. It happens that in a hurry, the width of the trousers of the two halves is slightly different. In this case, you need to make them the same, but first figure out which one is correct. The main thing is not to rush to cut anything, but to gradually do stitch after stitch with a basting seam. Only after the final fitting and a satisfactory result can you scribble on a typewriter, and then cut off the excess with complete confidence. We sew trousers in the belt

If you notice that the thing is too big for you in the belt, you need to know how to sew in trousers in this place without affecting the legs themselves. In this case, you can use several methods: Take in only on the sides; Make trousers already due to undercuts; Stitch the seam in the middle. In order to sew in trousers in the belt (no more than 2 sizes), it is necessary: ​​Undo the loop and belt, cutting it in the middle; Open the back seam on the trousers according to your size, stitch it and the belt; Resume the finishing stitch and belt loop. Sewing trousers on the sides

To make the trousers look beautiful, the product must ideally “sit” on the figure. You can fit the product along the hips in the manner described above, that is, put it on inside out and walk along the marked lines with a running seam. After turning the trousers, you need to try them on. After high-quality work, you can scribble, paying attention to the various nuances described above. It should be remembered that the better the inspection, the better the tailoring will be, so do not be lazy, once again trying on the product to make sure everything is done correctly. All seams are processed. The final touch is to iron. As a result, the product is ready to wear. Sewing flared trousers

Everyone remembers that flared trousers were in fashion until recently. However, this style is somewhat outdated. If the top of the trousers fits perfectly in size, then the “flare” can be removed by turning the trousers into classic ones. It happens that ordinary trousers also need to be narrowed a little, this is also easy to do, the main thing is to do everything in stages. In this case, the sewing process will be as follows: 1. Trying on the pants inside out, chipping off the excess to the desired width, first on one leg, then on the other leg, making them the same. 2. Having laid out the trousers on a flat surface, draw a straight line with chalk from the intended top point to the bottom. 3. Trying on a sour cream product and a thorough examination. 4. If everything is done correctly, the excess is cut off and a machine stitch is made. 5. Ironing the seams and processing the edges with an overlock. Pants recut

If you need to reduce the trousers by more than two sizes, you have to completely rip them open and cut them again. Here you will need not just skills, but also some knowledge of sewing skills. First of all, a reliable pattern is needed, which is then applied to the ripped and ironed parts, outlined, and all the details are swept away. Next comes the sample. If everything is exactly as planned, you can cut off the excess and sit down at the typewriter and overlock. If something is wrong, then everything is redone again. It is very important to ensure that the pants not only fit nicely, but also make it convenient to bend over, sit down, etc. It is equally important that the two halves of the legs are the same, and that the back seam is in the middle, and all the rest are on their places. If necessary, remove the length of the trousers, you can simply shorten them by cutting off the excess, tuck and stitch. If the fabric is too dense, you can use a special self-adhesive tape. In this case, you need to iron or sweep the bottom so that it is even. After the braid is glued under a hot iron, it is necessary to stitch for reliability.

General reminder When sewing, they use the mandatory rules when they have to sew in trousers according to their size: alteration of trousers is not suitable for every model; when drawing lines on fabric, use chalk or a thin bar of soap; for basting parts, only white threads are used (since they do not shed); you can overlay the edges with a “zigzag” or manually; trousers are always sewn in from top to bottom; all lines should "adjust" to the decorative and finishing seams; at the end, the product is always ironed. As you can see, sewing trousers on your own is easy and simple. There is nothing complicated in this process, especially if you need to sew in the legs only from below. If everything is done following all these recommendations, then everything will work out in the best possible way, and you can enjoy not only the new thing, but also enjoy the work done.

Today, the world is promoting the fight against excess weight and healthy eating. Many women really began to think about it: they began to lead an active lifestyle, adhere to various diets and proper nutrition systems. Centimeters and kilograms go away, but instead of them new problems appear - clothes that hang on the body and look like "from someone else's shoulder."

Of course, you can regularly arrange shopping and update your wardrobe, but, unfortunately, not everyone can often buy and wear new things. Therefore, one of the options for solving this problem is to sew clothes on your own with your own hands. It is quite possible to do this at home, having the initial skills of working with a sewing machine. Let's take a look at the nuances.

If “by eye” it is difficult to determine how many sizes of trousers have become large at the waist, you can use size grids, which are plentiful on the World Wide Web. All you need is to take a measurement of the waist circumference from yourself and from the product with a centimeter tape and see what sizes the measurements correspond to. If you get a difference of one or two sizes, it is possible to do without redrawing by sewing in some places.

Do they need to be modified and how?

If you need to reduce the pants by 3 or more sizes, you will have to cut them again. Before you start, you should soberly assess your strengths so as not to spoil the thing. At the slightest doubt, you can’t take risks, it’s more expedient to trust the professionals and take the panties to the atelier.

Reducing by 3 sizes is carried out at the waist, hips and groin. First of all, you need to carefully open the product using a ripper, nail scissors or a blade. First, the lining of the belt is torn off in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seam of the seat, the seam of the seat itself and stepping seams to the level of the hips. Clean the edges of the threads and iron. Mark points:

  • the end of the belt, in accordance with the measurement of the waist circumference;
  • the width of the back along the step line;
  • the width of the back along the line of the girth of the hips;
  • connect the points obtained with one line using chalk. It will duplicate the cut line. Lay basting stitches along the chalk line. Try on. If it sits well, then stitch along all the cuts. Iron well;
  • straighten the lining of the belt and hem it to the edge in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seam of the seat;
  • iron everything.

When you need to take in a product for 4 or more sizes, then the trousers are completely redrawn. That is, they completely rip all the seams, get rid of the threads, iron them, redraw them, cut off the excess and grind them down in the same way as during the initial sewing.

Is it possible to reduce the waist of trousers with your own hands?

It is recommended for a beginner to sew on trousers on their own if they are made, for example, from denim or knitted fabric. You should not take on "complex" fabrics, too thin or dense, as there is a very high risk of spoiling the product. It is even easier to reduce the width of the pants at the waist by a couple of sizes without first cutting the entire product. This can be done in several ways:

  • adding a few new tucks, or altering existing ones, this method will be the most successful, with a slight decrease;
  • sewn in from the sides, used in the absence of side pockets;
  • sewing in the middle seam, a universal method, suitable for reducing the size of any type of trousers, including those with side pockets.

We sew in different places in trousers

The stages of work are usually identical, and differ only slightly:

  1. Before you sit down on the sewing machine, turn your pants inside out and put them on inside out.
  2. Then, depending on the chosen method of reduction, pin the places of reduction with pins on one leg.
  3. To decide how to sew in trousers, you can pin darts on one leg, and side or middle seams on the other, and see in which case the product fits better. It is important to control that there are no constrictions.
  4. Regardless of the method chosen, first we tear off the lower part of the girdle. Trousers are always sutured from top to bottom.

Features of suturing in the belt of trousers with an elastic band

To sew in elastic pants, use the same methods as for regular trousers, except for adding darts. On such pants they are practically not made. That is, you can either take in the sides, or the middle seam. Let's look at how the belt is sewn. If it is sewn in front and behind, then it is more expedient to sew along the middle seam, and if the belt is sewn on the side - along the side. To do this, you do not need to rip it off completely, just rip it in two places. To keep it whole and more elastic, you need to rip off the entire element. So…

Sewing up the side seams

We tear off the belt on the right and left sides, 2-3 cm from the side seams. We rip the side seams to the line of the hips from the outer and inner sides. We remove the threads, iron, turn inside out, try on, mark the decrease with pins. We lay a basting line, including along the belt, try on. If it fits well, we plan the same decrease on the second leg. We try on, cut off excess material, process cuts, grind with a machine seam in the direction from the edge of the belt to the bottom. We iron.

We tear off the belt in front and behind 2-3 cm from the middle seam. We turn inside out, try on, fix the excess with pins. We unpick the middle seam, remove the threads, lay the basting line again, including along the belt. Trying on. We copy the decrease on the second leg. We cut off the excess, process the allowances, grind. We iron.

Both in the first and in the second case, you can first completely unpick the belt, open the connecting seam on it. Cut the elastic band and sew it again according to new standards. Reduce the length of the belt itself, it should correspond to the waist circumference on the already sewn-in pants. Then sew in the side or middle seams and sew the belt back. Iron the seams.

We work with the "sides"

When reducing the size, both sides of the leg need to be sutured - both the inner (step) and the outer (side). Some side seams are sutured only if it is necessary to reduce the width at the hips, but at the same time the product sits well at the waist.

We perform preparatory operations: we cut off the lower part of the belt, turn it inside out and put on the trousers, pin the side, crotch seams and the belt with pins in those places that we want to reduce. This operation is first done on one leg. Lay out a basting line. Turn pants inside out. Before laying a machine seam, you should sit down, walk around, see how comfortable it is. If everything is fine, we make the same decrease on the second leg. Let's try again. So, the trousers fit well, so you can cut off the excess allowance, process it using an overlock or zigzag stitch, stitch the side and crotch seams. The last step is to iron the seams and sew on the belt.

We remove excess along the middle seam

We rip off the belt and cut it in half on the back, above the seam of the seat. We turn the trousers inside out, try them on and mark with pins how much to narrow the middle seam. We lay basting stitches along the resulting line, including along the belt itself, connecting its two halves. Then we turn the pants back and try on. If the product has sat down “according to the figure”, we cut off the excess fabric, process the allowances, grind the middle seam, moving from the trouser leg to the belt, iron the entire product.

How to sew the belt itself?

It happens that trousers or jeans sit well on the hips, and the belt itself on the back bristles. In this case, the following reduction technique is used:

On the back inner part of the belt at the same distance from the middle, with a ripper or a blade, two vertical holes 2-3 cm high are made. A wide elastic band is inserted into them using a regular pin. Its length should be a few centimeters less than the distance between the holes. The edges of the elastic are attached to the belt with a machine seam. Ready. Now the back of the belt is elastic, and large folds will not form on it.

It is safe to say that fashion changes almost daily. But not every person can keep up with her trends, because a rare wallet can withstand it. However, you can solve this problem simply by using your hands. This article will show you how to sew in trousers and turn them into trendy new panties.

We sew in flared trousers: preparation

First of all, let's figure out which bottom is flared (after all, no one wears a similar style of pants), and make them classic. To do this, turn the product on the wrong side and lay it out on a flat surface. Next, you need to decide on the width of the trouser leg itself. This is important, because it is this width that will be the bottom of the trousers. The next step: you need to draw lines with sewing chalk (or a thin remnant) on the leg from the wrong side, which indicate the place of the seam. This must be done carefully, evenly and as accurately as possible. Further along this line, the legs are fastened with pins or simply swept away. The unnecessary edge of the trousers is cut off about a centimeter from the seam.

Working on a typewriter

Now about how to sew trousers on a sewing machine. First of all, you need to lay a line along the drawn line, while setting the stitch length as desired. Next, wrap the seam allowance. You can do this in different ways:

  1. The seams can be laid out and wrapped around each separately, or they can be folded and processed together, it depends on the style of the trousers and the thickness of the fabric.
  2. As for the overlock itself, if there is no such device, you can handle it with a conventional sewing machine. And here again there are two simple options for how to do this:
  • with the help of a special one that is in all new cars;
  • using the zigzag stitch, while setting the smallest step width.

The last, no less important stage is to iron the finished product. After steaming, the line drawn in chalk will disappear. Pants are ready!

Making tight pants

Today, pants that are narrower at the bottom are fashionable. Of course, you can buy them, but you can do it more cunningly - create such beauty with your own hands. Now we will talk about how to sew in trousers at the bottom and make them narrower. To turn everything right, you need to perform a few very simple steps, similar to the previous ones:

  1. First of all, you need to unpick the hem of the bottom in order to work with the entire length of the leg.
  2. At this stage, it is important to decide on how many centimeters the trousers will be sutured, because the method of suturing depends on this.
  3. If you need to narrow your pants quite a bit, you can do this only on one side - external or internal, depending on where it is easier to work with a seam (sometimes it is decorative on one side, and it is very difficult to imitate it at home).
  4. The principle of operation is the same as described above: you need to turn the product inside out, draw a seam line with soap (on one side), fasten the legs (with pins or basting), cut off excess fabric, stitch, wrap the edges.
  5. So that the trousers, narrowed down to a considerable width, are not distorted, it is necessary to sew in on both sides. The principle of operation is similar, however, the lines are outlined near both seams, internal and external, and always at an equal distance. This is important, because otherwise the pants will look ugly.
  6. Bottom hemming. You can lay a line or in the same place. However, somewhat cropped trousers (on the bone) are in fashion today, why not make your tight trousers just like that?
  7. The last stage is ironing the product.

Belt: method one

Information on how to sew trousers at the waist by a couple of centimeters will also be very useful. First of all, it is imperative to decide on how much you need to reduce the product. Then, on the sides, you need to unpick the belt so as to make small tucks (their size depends on how many cm the product will be reduced). The bottom of the darts will go into the side seams. The next step: we outline the tucks, sew them with a machine line. As for the belt, it needs to be cut along the sides, cut off the excess fabric, stitch along short sections and sew to the product along the old lines.

Belt: method two

Is it possible to repair trousers if the product needs to be sewn in a couple of sizes? Of course! To do this, you need to rip off the belt at the very beginning. They need to be sutured along the side seams along the entire length of the legs from the very top to the bottom (symmetrically on both sides). This is done as described above. If it is required to significantly reduce the waist of the trousers, then it is necessary to take them in along the back seam as well. As for the belt, excess fabric is cut off from it, and it is sewn along the upper cut of the trousers to the old place. The product is ready!

Simple Rules

And now that there are certain rules for any repair of trousers:

  1. It should be remembered that there are different styles of trousers, not all of them can be remade the way you want, and in the end, not all of them will look good.
  2. When cutting, you need to use the usual homemade remnant, so you will not need to wash the product, because the lines are easily removed by steaming with an iron.
  3. If you need to make a basting, it is better to do it exclusively with white threads, regardless of the color of the pants. They do not shed as they are not dyed.
  4. There is no need to despair if there is no overlock machine at home, for this you can use the overlock foot that comes with every sewing machine, or simply work with a zigzag.
  5. When hemming trousers (especially jeans), remember that the stitching should be sewn with the same stitch length as on other decorative seams.
  6. At the end, be sure to iron the product.

Many representatives of the weaker sex watch their figure. And in pursuit of beautiful external data, they throw off, most succeed, but at the same time they have to think about how to change their wardrobe. After all, loved ones become big, and you want to wear them all the time. In this case, if you have certain skills and a sewing machine, you can sew your outfit on your own.

First you need to immediately note that you can reduce the trousers yourself only two sizes maximum; if a larger value is required, then you will have to rip and reshape the product. In this case, beginners do not need to overestimate their strengths and it is best to hand over the trousers for alteration in the atelier, otherwise there is a risk that the outfit may “skew” if sewn incorrectly.

What do you need to know?

In order for the product not to lose its original appearance, it must be sutured simultaneously from the side and from the inner (step) seam.

Sewing on only one side is possible only if when you need to remove a little matter on the sides.

As soon as it became noticeable that the legs have lost weight and only the hips need to be “cut off”, then you can sew the trousers only from the inside seam.

How to sew on trousers?

  • first you need to find out exactly where you need to take in the trousers (at the waist, on the hips or from below);
  • we unpick the bottom substrate, we do it carefully with a special tool - a ripper, if it is not there, then ordinary nail scissors or a blade will do;
  • turn the trousers inside out and put them on. Then we make markings with pieces of old soap or insert pins in the right places;
  • we draw a straight line (or a narrowing line) from the top point to the bottom, we do the same with the second leg, we manually sew the line along the lines along the inner seam;
  • we turn out the trousers and try them on, you can walk around the room, and also do squats. If the new one does not hinder movement, then cut off the excess fabric with a margin of 1 centimeter from the edge;
  • we pass the sewing machine along the line;
  • some jeans are decorated with a decorative seam, in this case we select the color of the thread and the length of the line so that there is no difference from the old seams;
  • the edges need to be sewn with an overlock, and if such a tool is not available, then you can sew the edges with a zigzag or use a special nozzle called the “overlock foot”;
  • after that, it is imperative to iron the new seam so that no traces of the old cut remain. During wet-heat treatment, in order not to leave traces of hem on the front side, you need to put a strip of drawing paper along the edges.

Sewing the top of the pants

When it comes to the waist, then here, too, you need to provide that there are no constrictions. You can try to remove the excess at the side seams and sew them into the middle seam. Either drag them into darts, or, alternatively, add separate darts.

It often happens that the waist and hips do not match the standard sizes. In this case, trousers that fit well on the hips may be somewhat wide at the waist.

When the difference is insignificant, you can correct it with small tucks or put it into separate tucks.

In order for the pants to look perfect after fitting, you need to do the following operations:

  • turn trousers inside out;
  • rip the lower part of the belt from the wrong side (this is necessary so that after the alteration there are no traces left on the belt after suturing);
  • sew in the belt and side seams;
  • add darts on the front and back of the trousers;
  • put on the product and, if there is discomfort, then make adjustments and re-sew the seams;
  • steam all seams on the ironing board;
  • carefully sew back the belt;
  • After you have finished sewing, iron the trousers again with a cotton cloth.

These tips apply to classic fabrics. Materials such as slippery silk, thin, bologna fabrics, as well as thick and naughty fabrics differ in tailoring and therefore it is better not to start making such products for a beginner. Once you have the skill, you can already move on to more complex products.

Not every woman is able to decide on altering her own clothes, because this process requires certain skills, experience, skills, even at the initial level. Basically, we face similar problems when buying trousers, when we cannot find the perfect length. They have to be hemmed so that they look more neat, stylish, beautiful. No less often, another problem arises related to the fact that the pants in the belt are too wide, so they have to be sutured. By the way, more often such troubles occur in women who are actively involved in their own figure, because even on an ideal figure things often look sagging. Sewing clothes to order is quite an expensive pleasure, so it would be more logical to learn how to sew in (narrow) trousers on the sides at home. There are many ways to reduce trousers in width and length, and they are all different and need a special approach.

The most popular trouser reduction options

How to alter trousers yourself? What difficulties may arise? Is it worth taking on the job yourself? Only at first glance, it seems that it is easy to sew in purchased pants in the waist or on the sides, since there are a lot of nuances here that need to be given due attention. But with a small supply of strength, patience, skills in working with sewing accessories, you can turn your plans into reality.

In particular, they concern the following:

  1. Pants can be sewn in no more than two sizes, otherwise, the legs will simply warp or the model itself will deteriorate.
  2. If you really see that you will have to suture the product thoroughly, then cutting cannot be avoided here. You will have to rip it apart at the seams, apply completely new patterns, make a pattern specially for them. Therefore, evaluate your strength soberly, otherwise the clothes will be completely ruined.
  3. In the case of a reduction in the legs, you will have to work completely with all the seams - side, back and inner. If it is necessary to remove a little fabric only from the hips, then they can be sutured along the outer seam.
  4. Do not rush to grab a needle, thread, scissors, because first you should turn the product inside out and put it on yourself. With pins, mark the places where the pants do not sit well, sweep them away by hand, try them on the front side again. If you like what you see, then only then you can take up the sewing machine.
  5. When the model is quite a bit large, most likely, it will be possible to manage with small sacrifices - to take in only the side seam. First, they try on the trousers, pin the outer seam, move slightly or squat to understand where exactly it pulls.
  6. In any case, fitting takes place first, only then all excess is removed.

Below are all possible options for reducing trousers, which differ from each other only in the place where stitching or hemming will take place.

How to reduce trousers on the sides and in the waist?

There are three methods that are used to reduce pants in the belt and waist, you need to choose one of them:

  • Sew them in the area of ​​​​the side folds.
  • Reduce with darts.
  • Eliminate excess fabric by reducing the middle seam.

Method 1

Now let's look at an example of how to properly sew in women's trousers in a belt for a couple of sizes, using the method of processing the middle seam:

  1. First, undo the loop, then the belt and cut it in half at the back.
  2. This is followed by the spacer of the finishing line on the middle seam, after which the seam itself is sutured.
  3. Then everything superfluous is removed from the belt, it is sewn together, the belt loop and the decorative stitching on the belt are restored.

Everything is ready, panties will sit on you like a glove!

Method 2

The next example will concern the reduction of the product on the sides. There is nothing difficult in this, if you strictly follow the instructions:

  1. It is necessary to put on the trousers with the wrong side, stand in front of the mirror, measure all the excess on the buttocks, hips, legs.
  2. Make temporary stitches on only one leg, try on the product again, then compare the legs.
  3. If all the outlines are made correctly, then the pants are removed again, the already unnecessary lines are ripped apart, everything is sewn along the marked lines. To save the model, you will have to sew in all the seams in the same way - external and internal.
  4. Next, the fitting takes place again. If everything is fine, then you can iron the trousers, cut off the allowances, overcast the edges.

How to sew flared trousers on your own?

In many cases, the top of the pants sit just perfect, but the bottom of the legs look a little ridiculous. Therefore, it would also be appropriate to learn how to narrow trousers to the bottom at home. How to turn classic flared trousers into skinny ones?

Important! You can follow this scheme not only in the case of the flared model, but also in the usual straight line.

The process looks like this:

  1. Everything, as always, begins with a fitting. The product is put on inside out, the excess is pinned with tailor's pins. We do it all on one leg. It is on it that the same distance should be measured from the side of the side seams.
  2. We take off our pants, draw a straight line or a tapering line down with a piece of soap, starting from the very first pinned point in height.
  3. Both legs are combined, the lines of new lines are moved to the second leg.
  4. We sew everything by hand, we try again. If the line of the new line completely suits you, then the excess fabric can be safely cut off, retreating one centimeter from the seam.
  5. The legs are stitched, ironed, the edges are processed with an overlock.

How to hem pants at the bottom?

A real magic wand will help you with this - adhesive lingering tape:

  1. First, the bend line is determined, excess fabric is cut off, the line after bending is fixed with an iron.
  2. Then a tape is laid right into this line and ironed from the wrong side.
  3. Once the tape is fixed, you can start sewing around the bottom of the leg. If this is not done, then during washing it may come off.

Rules for reducing trousers by several sizes

Are you wondering how to alter your trousers down a size or even two? In principle, this process does not cause any particular difficulties, although it requires compliance with the basic rules. It doesn't matter which pants you choose here:

  1. Remember that not all styles of pants are subject to alteration.
  2. Cutting is better to produce at home with an ordinary remnant.
  3. The basting should be done only with white threads, since it does not shed.
  4. In the absence of an overlock, you can use a zigzag seam or a special nozzle on a sewing machine.
  5. It is recommended to sew on trousers, starting from the top.
  6. If there are decorative seams on the fabric, even the inside stitches must be sewn with a stitch of the same length as the decorative stitch.
  7. Be sure to iron the product after completion of all work.