When a man tells about. Eyes - soul mirror. My little or baby

The initiative in relations has always been a male privilege. However, times are changed, and some are afraid to show their feelings. This leads to the appearance of a girl of a natural question: how to understand that the guy loves you? In fact, to hide your attitude towards a fair sex rarely anyone. Knowing the basics of psychology and possessing some kind of observation, it can be removed on clean water even the most restrained guy.

In contact with

The language of the human body works at the level of instincts. When one person sympathizes another gestures and behavior change noticeably. In search of a response to the question of how to understand whether you love the guy, you can use the "Mirror Effect". His manifestations are connected with the desire to like the lady. It has been scientifically proven that when the guy loves truly, it unconsciously copies the behavior. Sometimes a man "Mirror" is only some manners, in other cases repeats the movement completely.

In order to understand that the guy loves truly and you need you, you should study it in the company. A sympathetic man takes an open pose, unfolds shoes socks towards the ladies of the heart. After a successful joke, the in love laughs, looking into the eyes of the object of feelings. He actively supports the conversation, trying to turn out once again and as if the girl is accidentally touched.

The guy in love will try to take care

The manifestation of care is another trait of a man in love. If you need him, he seeks to give his jacket in a cold evening, to ride or carry out to the house, bring fruit in case of illness. There are other notable signs.

How to understand that the guy loves you:

  1. He tries to spend a lot of time with you. A man is ready to postpone any cases, just to go with her beloved in a movie or just stroll through the park, if he loves truly and you need you.
  2. He often calls. Calls without reason are characteristic not only to girls, but also guys.
  3. If not calling, it writes. In how to understand that the guy loves you, and social networks will help. If your phone constantly signals about the messages received, it means that you need you.

The guy in love constantly wants to touch, acquire or even just touch the sleeve. He craves any contact, his look is easy enough to catch.

If, after studying all the tips on how to understand that the guy loves you and you need you, signs of feelings did not show up, you can change the strategy. Taking advantage of women's tricks, fall in love with itself quite real.

What is needed for that:

  1. Be a girl. Yes, it seems that this is an absurd advice, but the guys love to truly "girls girls". Delicate image, feminine dresses, thin heels and a riddle in the eyes - these are the secrets of success. Cigarettes, alcohol and strong lords - taboo.
  2. Be interesting. Hobbies make a person special. "Warm" reading books or impeccable knowledge of the history of the ancient Maya will be able to allocate you against the rest of the rest.
  3. Be yourself. It is not only about behavior, but also about appearance. No artificial eyelashes, plastic nails and cosmetics carts.

With a man, it is important to act carefully. Let everyone of your thoughtful move be noticeable for a guy. The highest pilot cattle is to make it confident that the first began these relationships and you need you.

The largest social networks allow access to a personal page. Often there is a quick glance enough to understand a lot about the guy's personality. Finding out its hobbies, musical preferences and communication circle can be processed.

There are some at first glance primitive, but effective options:

  1. We find the community to signed a guy. The wave is suitable music topics or groups about movies. We write something from the category "How our tastes look like" and tie a conversation. It is better to actually get acquainted with the topic, otherwise it will be awkward.
  2. If he regularly communicates on forums or groups, you can join the dialogue there, and then go to private messages.
  3. Another option is the Shareherzade method. Tell him interesting stories, but always keep the conversation unfinished, so that there was a reason to come back to conversations constantly. The guy gets used to regular contact, and this is already half an end.

It should be noted that it is not always possible to fall in love with a man. The best psychologists, experienced girlfriends and even the tips of the mother are not capable of becoming components for a universal informative recipe. If efforts remain unnoticed, it is better not to waste time and look at other guys around.

Distinguish love from love sometimes not even the man's most. That is why tips can be almost identical. Additionally, it should be noted some moments about on how to understand that the guy really loves you:

  1. He introduces a girl with friends. If, despite the three years of your relationship, you have not seen his friend's child's friend, then the guy does not feed special feelings.
  2. The guy introduced the beloved family. This important and responsible step speaks many.
  3. He is always ready to help. Does the pipe and the real flood broke through the pipes? Do not worry, he is already in a hurry to save your cat and TV. Lowered the wheel at night in February? He did not sleep like that, and frost is a wonderful tool for hardening.

How to understand that the guy loves you truly?

Many men are not fools. They also know how to read women's forums and stitch tutorials on pickup. How to understand that the guy loves you truly, and not deceiving, looking into the eyes? If he manifests his feelings, defiantly kisses you in humans, and in private clouds videos and photos - things are bad.

The bell serve unfulfilled promises and refusal of responsibility. Does he regularly prefer gathering in the garage or sports bar to society beloved? Dear, it's time to take legs in the hands and throw this liar.

Loving guy is attentive, tacty, caring. However, to distinguish real love from a fleeting feel or imitation is sometimes possible only after time. It is it that allows you to test the sincerity of the intentions of a man.

11 signs of what you need him

There are enough simple techniques for getting a response. Assess your need for a check list, consisting of 11 signs of love guy. How to understand what he loves you:

  1. He is jealous. For a better friend, classmate, a colleague for work or even a metro driver. Of course, he can hide it, but sooner or later everything will become apparent.
  2. He first initiates a meeting if he loves truly. Invites directly or veiled. For example, asks to help choose a gift mom or a bowl for a cat.
  3. It turns out next. In a wonderful coincidence, he visits the same hairdresser, goes to the same supermarket behind milk and drives in the same bus. Even if he is a bald motorist with allergies to lactose.
  4. Worries. He cares, whether you are not hungry, did not frozen if it was not tired.
  5. He is attentive. One of the faithful ways to understand that your guy loves you to look at him during the conversation. If you catch every word, vividly reacts and comments - this is a sign of feelings.
  6. He is well maintained. At a meeting with you, he is dressed with a needle, tighten and tasty smells.
  7. Wants to know more if he loves truly. What chocolate you love where you drove that summer and what book I read the last. No, he does not collect a file, just wants to learn better.
  8. Strive to get acquainted with the environment. He will not avoid girlfriends and is not afraid of his parents.
  9. Does not hide your phone and does not hide your conversations.
  10. Tries to please. Gives favorite chamomile, brings adored candy or calls to watch the sunset.
  11. Listened. Do you love red? He will certainly buy himself by Aluu shirt. Do you admire the smell of jasmine? He will take into account this when choosing a perfume as a gift.

Tips on how to understand that the guy loves truly, you do not need to take too literally. Even the absence of some signs should not sow doubts about relationships.

Maybe he hides his feelings?

If a man is afraid that his feelings are not mutual or for other reasons, hides the true state of affairs, then the task is complicated. Some guys still give some signs, while others are able to show aggression and avoid the subject of adoration.

This is a paradox, but many behave this way. Remember how in childhood boys jerk for pigtails? It works with quite mature men. If you are constantly trying to hurt a man from your environment, look. Perhaps he sleeps and sees you together.

In how to understand that the guy loves you, but hides his feelings, you have to rely on intuition. Often it is the inner voice that tells the truth about a man better than anyone.

Perhaps just uses

Female naivety times gives men a chance to benefit from relationships. How to understand if he loves you or just uses? The easiest way to calculate Alphonse. Particularly arrogant copies are asking for money straight, those that stiffery complain about financial difficulties. Solidal girls break up with their blood, and the guy is successfully returned to the next victim. Do not take money to a man, regularly pay for its purchases and accounts in the restaurant.

Another reason for the mercenary attitude to the girl is sex. To get his guys are ready to sing serenades and hang noodles. If after sex a man has lost interest if he tells about the next victory to all families, then, alas. His feelings are likely to fiction. When the guy loves truly, he holds the tongue behind his teeth.

Girls feel the slightest changes from the man at an intuitive level. Therefore, to distinguish the period when the guy loves truly from the stage when he cooled, it is rarely difficult. Regular delays at work, stupid reasons for the transfer of the meeting, constant gatherings with friends or hidden mobile signs - alarming signs. There is a chance that this is a crisis in a relationship, but if the situation has been delayed, it remains only to accept.

Useful video

All listed features need to be interpreted freely. Trust your heart - and you will definitely understand whether the guy fell in love or not:


  1. When, he is ready to put the whole world to her legs. He changes not only behavior, but also the perception of reality.
  2. Sincere feelings are felt at a distance. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to understand that the guy loves you, according to the correspondence or in real life, is quite simple. It is enough to listen to your inner sensations, to observe the behavior and referring the situation.

We can guess how much of the true relationship of a man to us. No matter how long you are together. We, girls, there are different situations and circumstances that are forced to doubt his love. These doubts disperse us from the inside, destroying ourselves and our relations themselves, boring such feelings as jealousy, insecurity, the fear of losses.
We can ask a man as you like: "Do you love me?" "But you hardly like to ask him about it at all." And whatever the answer, it is not always able to dispel your doubts.
In general, ask about love, when doubts live in the soul, somehow awkwardly, you feel some kind of begging. You can imagine at least for a minute, as a beautiful Jolie runs around the house behind his husband, delirium Pitt and promises: "Cute, and you love me?" Somehow stupid, agree?
And if the jolie does not do that, then you should not. First, if your man really loves you, it does not mean that he should tell you about it every half an hour. He will not do this at least because his, male, love is rooted from female. Women's love withstands the test of time, logic and circumstances. If we chose your man, let's go to fire and water. Even if girlfriends tell you that he is worthless and regardless of how many times he put the cross on your relationship, you will devote all of yourself. And you expect such a relationship from him. But it is unreal. Men love differently. And whatever it is - men's love is also love. And if you understand how you love the man, you will find out whether he really gives you all myself. Is it possible to find out if he loves you? - Yes. Usually a loving man makes three things.


Pay attention to how your favorite presents you with other people: To your friends, business partners or relatives. If he says, for example: "This is my girl / baby / beloved" - in one word gives you a title that goes beyond the notorious Friends, which means that he loves you. If a man calls you "his own", then he really thinks and informs everyone about it, because his intentions are serious and clean.
If he represents you as a girlfriend or simply calls, be sure: it is - you're just his girlfriend. In the depths of the soul, you yourself know about it, right?
But it is worth it to give you any title - you immediately understand that the man makes a statement. He declares his intentions regarding you.


As soon as a man declares his rights to you, he immediately begins to earn exclusively for you. After all, now you are your family. The primary purpose of the man is to be a breadwinner and a getter. A man who tries to impose you an idea of \u200b\u200bequality and financial independence, just fooling your head. A man who is able to provide his woman and children always feels meaning than the one who lives for himself. If you feel that he is doing less for your relationship than could - this is not a man, more precisely is your man. Of course, today it is often necessary to hear from some men that modern women have any mercenary, almost extortioned. And often we have to prove all the sincerity of our senses without claiming anything. And in fact, this is such a trick created by men without serious intentions: so they can save their money and get everything they need from a woman. And if your man has no money? Anyway, he will do everything to satisfy your needs. He will help everything and try for you.


If a man loves you, he will erase in a powder of anyone who will only dare to think about you badly and somehow touch you. If you offended, a loving man will go and come for you and your honor. Any self-respecting man will defend what belongs to him. If, on a terrible story about how someone insulted you, he only shifts his head or even get angry, but will not take any action - there is something wrong. When a man loves, most likely, you don't even want to spread that someone offended you, because he will deal with, and we all understand that it can end badly.
Of course, protection is not only the use of rough physical strength. A man who really loves, protects both in other ways: he can give a valuable advice or cause something to do something that, in his opinion, is unsafe for you. He will never send you late in the evening to the store or walking a dog, he will do everything himself, even if he has not slept for more than two days.

Anna Base

Science has proven that women more emotionally express their feelings than men. Whether anger or resentment, love or jealousy - she does not hold it in himself. The surrounding see that a woman is experiencing strong emotions.

Men are stingy on the manifestation of emotions. It is rarely found a man who significantly demonstrates joy, fear or dislike. The same rule concerns love.

However, if the heart of the representative of the strong half of humanity was not resistant to this eternal feeling, it is immediately visible.

Love man ready:

make an impression;
make romantic (and insane!) Acts;
change lifestyle.

Women's and men's love - what are the differences?

Women's love earth and pragmatic. A woman gives the heart to a man who looks like in her representation:

breadthor - he is able to feed the future offspring, to equip life;
strong and reliable, solves the vital problems;
ready for family life. Lightweight lovelaes of the waters of windy and stupid specials. A clever woman thinks in advance: is it worthy of this man to become her husband and father?

Male love is not as pragmatic and thoughtful. A man does not care about the social status of the chosen, material wealth. He draws attention to the appearance of the elect, hard work, the ability to conduct a house.

What are they, signs of a loved man?

Sign number 1. Thirst for communication

A man in love says a lot. He tells about his work, friends and relatives, sharing memories, emphasizes life achievements.

The man in love wants to look in the eyes of the chosen successful and strong.

In addition, a representative of a strong half of humanity is interested in the life of a woman liked. He is ready to listen to you by hours. He is interested in where you were born, as I studied at school, your favorite dish and hobbies.

A man in love during communication:

galanten, polite;
looks in the eyes of the interlocutor and hesitates every word;
located next to the parent;
feels awkwardness, embarrassment;
constantly worshiped (straightens hair, clothing).

Sign number 2. A man in love cares about his woman

He is interested, whether you have a cap and gloves on a cold winter day, do you want to have a coffee or a snack. Before bedtime, he will call to wish good night, and in the morning it will definitely instruct how to take a car carefully.

A man in love helps the case, not a word.

Feelings of the in love men are not so expressed and bright, like a woman. Stormy emotions and clarification of relationships in the character of a woman. A man, if he loves, acts.

Do you have a crane in the kitchen or you need to take a cat to the veterinarian - a man takes difficulties to his strong shoulders.

Gifts one more care indicator. A man gives flowers, pays the bill in the cafe.

Sign number 3. There is always time for you.

Even if the man is president of an international corporation for the protection of animal rights or in demand, he will definitely have a minute to communicate with his beloved woman. He finds time on dating, no matter how dense was not his work schedule. Meetings with you - in priority.

Often calls, writes funny messages. Most often it is a conversation about anything - how are you, mood, plans for the evening.

Sign No. 4. non-verbal contact, jealousy and ownership

Its touch is light, perhaps even unconscious. Going off the bus, he gives you a hand. On the street, his hand unobtrusively lies with your waist. When talking to the body, the man is completely turned into your direction. What has serious plans for you.

He frowns when you are cute smiling passing by a man or with warmth talk about a familiar who helped you in a difficult life situation.

Sign number 5. Acquaintance with parents, friends

Classic and bright figures of male interest. A man in love will introduce you to his circle of communication. He will invite a family Sunday dinner, will introduce his friends. For this you do not need a reason. If he says: "Let's go to friends, drink coffee" - So you are not easy for him.

If during your friends with friends you see their evaluating views, it means that they are already formally familiar with you - a man told you about you.

He also wants to meet your family and friends. During the meeting, a man is polite and Galanden, especially this applies to your parents.

Sign No. 6. He controls your behavior and circle of communication.

A man in love is interested, where you are what you are doing and when you return home. He worries, to whom you go for your birthday, what are planning to do on Monday evening and why at midnight still do not sleep.

This does not mean that you are forbidden to go with girlfriends to a disco or stroll with an old buddy in the park. However, a man, if he is experiencing tender feelings to you, eager to be in the center of your life.

Sign of No. 7. True joint plans for the future

If a man in the process of conversation asks, wherever you want to ride in the summer - to Egypt or Turkey, be sure - his feelings are real. This man sees you next to me and tomorrow, and a year later.

Behavior of a loved man

To understand what a man is experiencing to you, it is enough to analyze his behavior.

The man in love is unpredictable, makes the unusual things. He is ready to choose your dress for hours, skating or learning to cook Palela. A man takes off your interests and hobbies.

However, something similar happens at the initial stage of the relationship, while the man is not sure that the woman meets reciprocity.

A man turns into a knight and a gentleman. It pools the elect with pleasant trifles (chocolate, flowers), prepares surprises, thinks out every date. A man in love is constantly surprised.
Men's love (at least at the initial stage of relationship) is incompatible with critical statements to the address of the elect. A man admires your taste (even if you are dressed in a grandmother's sweater), culinary talent (although you are confident that cooking is not your horse). He will not allow himself and surrounding negative statements, critical reviews for beloved. In addition, a man in love does not listen to other people's advice.

During the period of love, every representative of the strong half of humanity behaves in its own way. Nevertheless, signs of male love are universal. A smart woman necessarily analyzes the behavior of a man and draws conclusions.

December 21, 2013.

Do not forget that love is brighter than everything in our actions, but not at all in words.

If we are talking about serious, healthy relationships, then your feelings and emotions will become all stronger. The moment will come when you tell each other about your love and you will not be shy.

If you do not always be so frank, it is not scary. Relationship experts argue that it is absolutely normal. Relations between two loving people never stand still.

Do you still think that you have something to worry about? Your young man does not mean how much loved you? Do not worry, it does not mean that your satellite feelings completely cooled. There are other signs of strong feelings. By the way, some of them may mean that the partner loves you a little stronger than you.

1. Favorite person often apologizes in front of you.

One way to express your love for a person is the desire to maintain peace and harmony in relations. That is why you should pay attention to how often your second half apologizes in front of you.

If the partner does it regularly (and even when there is no special reason for this), it means that he loves you and does not want to lose.

"The desire and willingness to stretch you the olive branch and keep the world in relationships says that your partner you a little more than you"- says Wiki Zigler, expert on relationships and a lawyer specializing in broken-water processes.

2. The partner is always and in all agree with you.

This also includes cases when your second half agrees with you, even when you are wrong.

"This behavior speaks of devotion and, again, that your second half can be in love with you a little more than you in it. The partner is ready to bring a little to protect you, " - Notes Wiki Zigler.

If your favorite person, in spite of everything always stays on your side, it may be an obvious sign of its unconditional and limitless love for you.

3. He builds joint plans.

Does your second half always discuss your plans with you for the nearest or distant future? It is likely that he sincerely loves you. Teresa Herring, Family Psychologist, explains:

"The fact that your partner always discusses with you (personal) plans, suggests that he puts your relationship to first place. It also talks about His respect for you and that your time and opinion is important for him. "

You can be sure that the partner applies to you and your relationship seriously.

4. It wants to know you as much as possible.

This suggests that the partner is in love with you, and not in your appearance. You are sincerely interesting for him. He wants to know you better and become part of your life.

An interested person always asks questions about your life and family, sharing information with you about yourself and together with you what you like to do.

5. He introduced you to his parents.

Acquaintance with parents is another sign of serious intentions. Epril Davis, Professional Swach, notes:

"Your favorite person believes you need to get acquainted with his parents (the most important people in his life), because you are important for him. He is sure that your relationship has a future. "

You have not introduced your favorite person with your parents? It's time to think about doing this.

6. He remembers the important dates and events for you.

Does your favorite person remember important dates and events in your life? For example, the day when you met or first kissed. It can talk about several things. First, about the fact that your partner is a romantic nature. Secondly, your relationship is very important for him. Herring speaks about this:

"Partners are sincerely interested in maintaining and maintaining relationships, as a rule, remember everything regarding these very relations, including even the most minor details. They arrange small, but pleasant surprises in order to show that everything that happens between them is important. "

7. Your beloved person always has time for you.

Your favorite person always finds time for you, despite employment or fatigue? This is another sign of his love towards you. Such behavior clearly talks about his desire to spend time in your society and put your relationship in first place.

Feel free to do the same for your second half. Show him that you love it no less.

8. It can send you very long messages.

This sign is not always relevant, since all people are different. Nevertheless, long messages are usually suggested that the partner is crazy about you. Moreover, men are usually preferred in communicating short.

"Long messages are a sign that a person wants to communicate with you. You take all his thoughts, "says Family Psychologist David Bennett.

9. He supports you.

Your favorite person loves you so much that it is ready to do anything for that, if only you were happy. He tries to support you all the time.

"Suppose your beloved person knows that you have had a long and hard working day. He can prepare a delicious dinner by the time you return from work. He can call behind you to work and suggest to go to the restaurant, so as not to worry about dinner, "the writer reflects and an expert on the lifestyle of Jaya Mayra.

If your partner is able to such actions, it is fine. Try from time to time to do the same for him. Make it happy.

10. He is proud that you are part of his life.

Your partner does not hide your relationship from family, close friends and colleagues? This suggests that he really loves you and is proud that you are part of his life.

As the expert on relationships of Bethany Ricciardi relations:

"I would not evaluate the seriousness of relationships based on how often your favorite person lay out your joint photo in Facebook. Better pay attention to how he behaves when you are together surrounded by other people. Does he keeps you by the hand or tries not to advertise what you are together. "

In the behavior of your beloved person, to one degree or another, are the above items? High probability that he is just crazy about you. You do not observe any of the above signs? Do not worry. These signs are just a small part of all those methods that a person can exercise their love.

We should not forget that our love and affection for a person brighter is manifested in our actions, and not at all in words.

Transfer articles - Do not forget that love is brighter than everything in our actions, and not at all in wordsvia.Cubber

Women have a whole arsenal of phrases that we say when a man do not like. We use the body language, turning the eye to show the unwanted man that he is not happy about him.

But what about men? They will hear less talkative sex, although in fact they tell us enough enough, we are simply not always ready to hear what they really do not want to hear.

But there are several phrases that a man speaks only when a woman really like him:

1. "It reminded me of you."

He may not always say what he thinks about you to conceal his feelings and not be straightforward. But he will talk about what reminded him of you, because it actually wants you to know about it.

2. "I can help you with it."

Men like to feel necessary. He wants to be helpful to you. And if he offers help, then you are not indifferent to him. Men are ready to do something for those who care about whom they have their own special plans.

3. "You look great."

If a man tells you this, enough to think that he means. He really thinks you look great, and wants you to know it.

4. "I talked with my mother ..."

If he mentions his mother and tells you that she told, he or your best friend, or he likes you. Men rarely when sharing what is happening in their family, especially with mom. Because if he tells you about it, then you are at a special level of confidence.

5. "I am upset / I worry."

6. "Where have you been? How are you?"

It seems this is the easiest way to make a conversation, but does everyone make it with you? No. Only the one who really is interesting, and who wants to know you closer and show your interest.

7. "You are so sexy."

Well, this is an obvious compliment that do not make any girl, but only the one that is really attractive. Maybe he is configured and not serious, but obviously not exactly to you breathe.

8. "I noticed that you ..."

If a man says that I noticed something about what you are doing, you say, dress, eat, it means he really draws attention to you, what kind of man you are, what you are interested - and not because you want to be your best friend ...

9. "I miss you."

Men rarely say that, and if they say, they certainly mean many feelings that do not know how to express.

10. "I'll be there."

"If that - I'm near", "do you have, with whom to talk about it?", "I am always happy to listen," "Let's talk" - all this shows that he wants to be part of your life.

11. He calls you some kind of nickname.