Kindergarten compensation benefits. Should I pay tax? Kindergarten tax deduction

The compensation for kindergarten is legalized by the government of the state. According to the Federal Law on Education, parents whose children go to kindergarten can exercise their right and apply to the kindergarten management with an application for a refund.

The amount of compensation payment is determined taking into account the individual situation in the applicant's family and the amount paid by the parents for the child's visit to the kindergarten. The article is devoted to how compensation is calculated, who is entitled to payment in 2019 and how to issue a benefit.

There are separate groups of citizens whose children can go to kindergarten without waiting in line and further benefit from the right to compensation.

Additionally, they can get help related to the lack of free places in the kindergarten. The list of such babies includes:

  • minors from a large family;
  • children with health limitations and a group of disabilities;
  • orphans with an official guardian;
  • children of citizens working in budgetary and power structures;
  • babies raised only by mom or only dad;
  • a child whose brother or sister is already attending a particular kindergarten.
Such groups of children and parents receive the right to be enrolled in a kindergarten without waiting in line, and only after they are enrolled in the kindergarten can children of other citizens enter the kindergarten.

Features of the calculation of compensation

The amount of compensation is determined taking into account the following rules:

  • 20% of the fee is reimbursed for 1 baby;
  • 50% of the paid amount is refunded for 2 children;
  • 70% of the fee is compensated for 3 and other children.

In other words, the compensation is a part of the amount paid by the parents for the kindergarten. Arithmetically, calculations are performed as follows:

  1. The total cost of keeping a child in kindergarten is divided by the number of working days in a month, resulting in the cost of one day of visiting kindergarten for minors.
  2. The resulting indicator is multiplied by the actual number of days the kid visited the kindergarten.
  3. The bottom line is the kindergarten fee that parents have to pay.
  4. After payment of the deposited amount, the percentage that is due to the family is taken, and a compensation payment is obtained.
For a complete understanding of the procedure for calculating compensation, we will give an example.

Andrey attended a kindergarten in April for 16 days. The payment for a child's attendance at a kindergarten is 1600 rubles per month. Let's take the necessary steps.

  1. 1600/19 = 84.21 rubles - the price of one day of Andrei's visit to the kindergarten. The number of working days in April is 19 days.
  2. 84.21 * 16 = 1347.36 rubles - the amount of parental pay for April.
  3. 1347.36 * 20% = 269.47 rubles - compensation for April, provided that Andrey is the first child to attend kindergarten.

The amount received is transferred to the details specified by the child's parents during the application, after the transfer of the accrued amount has been made. Previously, receipts were transferred to parents immediately, taking into account the reimbursement, but today the compensation is transferred after the funds are fully transferred to the personal account.

Mandatory documents

In order to receive compensation, parents are required to prepare and provide the kindergarten management with the necessary documents. The list of such securities includes:

  • an application of the established form, filled in personally by one of the spouses;
  • applicant's passport;
  • baby birth certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • bank data for transferring funds.
The package of documentation is transferred to the head of the kindergarten where the child goes, and the head is obliged to record the fact of receipt of the application.

Payment procedure

The law establishes a certain procedure for processing compensation.

After submitting the mandatory papers to the kindergarten, the management of the institution performs the following actions:

  • the submitted copies of the papers are certified with the seal of the kindergarten, and then the originals are handed back to the parent;
  • a certain list is formed from the submitted appeals, which is subsequently transferred to the city education and social protection authorities;
  • each quarter, these lists are updated taking into account the actual payment made and the changed circumstances;
  • on the basis of the available information, the payment of funds to the parents of the baby is carried out according to the specified details.

All payments are strictly checked and controlled by employees of the executive organizations.

What payments are due for the lack of places in kindergarten

In some regions, situations are often encountered when a child does not go to kindergarten due to the fact that there are no free places. In this regard, the parents of the baby can contact the social security authorities and issue a compensation allowance. To do this, you will need to have the following documents with you:

  • the passport of the parent who is the applicant;
  • marriage certificate;
  • an extract on the composition of the family;
  • the act of the birth of a child (children);
  • an extract on the child's presence in the queue for kindergarten;
  • refusal to enroll in kindergarten;
  • bank details for transferring funds.
The adopted decision is valid for one year, after which it will be necessary to submit a new application.


Parents of children attending kindergarten have the right to apply for parental payment compensation. To do this, you will need to submit the necessary documents to the head of preschool institutions and bank details for crediting payments. The amount of compensation depends on a number of individual parameters.

Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ

"On education in the Russian Federation"


Article 65. Fee collected from parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care of children who master educational programs of preschool education in organizations carrying out educational activities

1. Preschool educational organizations provide supervision and care for children. Other organizations that carry out educational activities for the implementation of educational programs for preschool education have the right to supervise and care for children.

2. For the supervision and care of the child, the founder of the organization carrying out educational activities, has the right to set a fee, charged from parents (legal representatives) (hereinafter - parental fee), and its amount, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law. The founder has the right to reduce the size of the parental fee or not to charge it from certain categories of parents (legal representatives) in the cases and procedure determined by him (* preferential categories).

3. For looking after and caring for disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as for children with tuberculosis intoxication studying in state and municipal educational organizations implementing an educational program of preschool education, parental fee is not charged.

4. It is not allowed to include expenses for the implementation of the educational program of preschool education, as well as expenses for the maintenance of real estate of state and municipal educational organizations that implement the educational program of preschool education, in parental fees for looking after and caring for a child in such organizations.

5. In order to provide material support for the upbringing and education of children attending educational organizations that implement the educational program of preschool education, parents (legal representatives) compensation paid in the amount established by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but at least twenty percent of the average parental pay for the supervision and care of children in state and municipal educational organizations located on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, for the first child, at least fifty percent of the amount of such payment for the second child, at least seventy percent of the amount of such payment for the third child and subsequent children. Average parental fees for childcare and supervision in state and municipal educational organizations established by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (* Resolution of the Moscow Government dated November 7, 2012 No. 634)... One of the parents (legal representatives) who have paid parental fees for looking after and caring for children in the relevant educational organization has the right to receive compensation.

6. The procedure for applying for the compensation specified in part 5 of this article and the procedure for its payment shall be established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

7. Financial support of expenses related to the payment of compensation specified in part 5 of this article is an expenditure obligation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Resolution of the Moscow Government

"On measures for the development of preschool education in Moscow"

"On Amendments to the Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 6, 2005 N 973-PP and dated July 27, 2010 N 590-PP"


2.2. Clause 2 of the resolution shall be supplemented with the words "calculated from the fee actually paid by the parents (legal representatives) charged for the maintenance of the child (supervision and care of the child) and set from January 1 of each year by the indicated sectoral executive bodies of the city of Moscow on the basis of the educational organization submitted by their subordinate implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education, the calculation of this fee, determined in agreement with the self-governing body of the educational organization, based on the actual cost of maintaining the child (supervision and care of the child) for the previous year. "

2.3. In clause 3.1 of the resolution, the words "for the maintenance of a child in educational organizations that implement the main general educational program of preschool education" shall be replaced by the words "for the maintenance of a child (supervision and care of a child) in educational organizations that implement the basic general educational program of preschool education (hereinafter - compensation of part of the parental fee for the maintenance of a child in educational institutions implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education) ".



2. Establish that the appointment and transfer of compensation is carried out by the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, The Moscow City Health Department, the Moscow City Department of Social Protection and the District Education Departments of the Moscow City Department of Education, calculated from the fees actually paid by the parents (legal representatives) charged for the maintenance of the child (childcare and supervision) and established from January 1 every year and the indicated sectoral executive bodies of the city of Moscow on the basis of the educational organization represented by their subordinate implementing the basic general education program of preschool education, calculating this fee defined by agreement with the self-governing body of the educational organization, proceeding from the actual amount of costs to ensure the maintenance of the child (supervision and care of the child) for the previous year.

3. To the Department of Education of the city of Moscow:

3.1. To shape united contingent database recipients of compensation part of the parental payment for the maintenance of the child (supervision and care of the child) in educational organizations that implement the basic general education program of preschool education (hereinafter compensation for part of the parental payment for the maintenance of the child in educational organizations that implement the basic general education program of preschool education) in the city of Moscow.

3.2. Realize methodological guidelines for the appointment and payment of compensation part of the parental payment for the maintenance of the child in educational organizations that implement the basic general educational program of preschool education.


Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", article 65. p. 3

3. For the supervision and care

* disabled children;

* orphans

* children left without parental care,

* for children with tuberculous intoxication,

those studying in state and municipal educational organizations implementing an educational program of preschool education are not charged parental fees.

* Based on clause 2 of Art. 65 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012, No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Governing Council of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 1998 "Lukomorye" benefit for parents of large families who are socially unprotected,in the amount of 100%, when they provide a certificate from the department of social protection of the population (USZN or SOBES).

2. Payment procedure.

The recalculation of the paid receipt for the days on which the child does not attend the preschool educational institution is made the next month.

Parents are required to report the payment to the teacher within three days by submitting a paid receipt, in case of illness or absence of the child in the preschool educational institution, parents are required to come for a receipt, pay within the specified time frame and report it.

In accordance with the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", parents are provided with compensation for part of the payment for kindergarten.


1. Fill out an application (sample);

2. A copy of the parent's passport for which the compensation is being drawn up;

3. A copy of the parent's personal account on which the compensation is being drawn up (the first page of the Savings Book or card);

4. A copy of the child's birth certificate (if the child is the only one in the family), or copies of the birth certificates of all children, if there are several of them in the family.

5. Copies of other documents confirming relationship (if necessary), benefits.

A child's kindergarten stay can be a significant cost for parents. But part of the costs can be reimbursed at the expense of the state. How is compensation for kindergarten issued in 2019?

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Not every parent can afford to raise their children independently before school. As a rule, the mother needs to go to work when the baby reaches 1.5-3 years old.

The child is enrolled in a kindergarten. But the payment for staying in a preschool educational institution can be very significant for the family budget.

Given this fact, the state is ready to reimburse part of the costs. How is compensation for kindergarten issued in 2019?

General points

Due to this, the cost differs. Article 65 of the Federal Law No. 273 predetermines the amount of compensation for the payment of the preschool educational institution, the size of the payment for the kindergarten is also spelled out here.

Maximum amount of payment for kindergarten stay:

Regional authorities have the right to approve their own fees for preschool educational institutions, but not more than the maximum amount under federal law.

At the same time, throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, the parents of the baby can receive a certain reimbursement of the monthly costs of paying for the kindergarten.

Federal law sets the limit for such compensation, but it says that the regions have the right to increase the amount of compensation at their own expense.

For example, children who are paid for disability or a child from a poor family can attend a home school free of charge if it is ratified by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that at the state level, a bill was considered to compensate for the lack of a place in a preschool educational institution. But such a law was not adopted.

But the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were able to prescribe compensations at their own level if the mother, due to the lack of a place in the home, is forced to stay at home with a child 1.5-6 years old.

So from the moment of birth, the child must be registered with the Education Department at the place of residence, for the purpose of subsequent distribution to kindergartens.

Moreover, the children are first only registered. Upon reaching a certain age of the child, on the basis of an application from the parents, a referral is issued to a preschool educational institution with a free place at the place of residence of the family.

How is it calculated correctly

  • the number of children in the family who attend kindergarten;
  • average pay for visiting a preschool educational institution.

It is important to understand that the total number of children in a family can be anything, compensation is due only for those who attend a day / s:

To determine the average amount of fees for visiting a preschool educational institution, the following calculation procedure is applied:

  1. The total amount of payment for the month is established.
  2. The number of working days in a month is determined.
  3. The total monthly payment is divided by the number of working days.
  4. The amount received is multiplied by the number of days actually spent by the child in the d / s.
  5. The percentage of compensation is calculated from the amount of the actual payment made by the parents.
  6. The resulting value becomes the size of the compensation payment transferred to the applicant's personal account.

When they list

Compensation for payment for the services of a preschool educational institution is provided on an application basis. Therefore, if the parent did not apply in the prescribed manner, then one should not expect a refund.

At the same time, the provision of compensation payments does not mean exemption from payments. Payment must be made according to the payment schedule and in full.

Video: how to get compensation for kindergarten

If the compensation for the kindergarten has already been accrued, how is the amount paid when the refund comes?

Compensation is paid in the next month after payment, provided that the necessary documents have been submitted. All parents whose children attend kindergartens are entitled to compensation.

But compensation may be refused. For example, the reasons may be as follows:

  • an incomplete package of documents is presented;
  • documents were not provided to the Department of Education by the preschool educational institution in a timely manner;
  • parents are exempted from paying d / s;
  • the childcare facility does not have a proper license.

The nuances of registration through State services

It is possible to issue compensation for parental fees for kindergarten not only with a personal appeal to the management of the preschool educational institution. Parents have the right to send an application through the State Services portal.

To do this, you need to register on the regional portal and be a registered user of the portal of the State Services of the Russian Federation.

Here the online application form is filled in, to which scans of the necessary documents are attached. The application is sent directly to the Department of Education of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Verification of documents is carried out in the order of interdepartmental interaction with other structures.

The result of the provision of the service is the provision of a payment or a decrease in payment by the amount of compensation.

For the second child

All parents are entitled to compensation for kindergarten fees. When assigning a payment, the material condition of the family does not matter.

But the applicants partly misunderstand the calculation procedure. So, in their opinion, for the second child in the family attending kindergarten, 50% of the compensation should be paid, and for the third - 70%.

In reality, the amount of compensation depends on the number of children attending the kindergarten. If a child care institution is attended by two children from the same family, then the payment is half compensated.

But if only one child goes to the preschool educational institution, then compensation is assigned for one child in the amount of 20% of the payment.

The total number of children in a family is not taken into account. A larger amount of compensation is allowed only if the corresponding norm is established at the regional level.

In accordance with part 5 of Art. 65, Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", parents whose children attend educational organizations that implement the basic general education program of preschool education are entitled to receive compensation for part of the parental fee.

One of the parents (legal representatives) who has entered into an agreement with a kindergarten and paid a fee for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution has the right to compensation.

In Moscow, parents (citizens of the Russian Federation), whose children attend educational organizations that implement the main general education program of preschool education, located in the city of Moscow ( Resolution of the Moscow Government dated July 27, 2010 N 590-PP).

The amount of compensation for children attending state educational institutions

state educational institutions

  • 20 per cent the amount of the payment made by them for the maintenance of the child in the corresponding educational institution - for the first child.
  • 50 percent the amount of the fee paid - for the second child.
  • 70 percent the amount of the payment made - for the third and subsequent children.

The amount of compensation is calculated in proportion to the actually paid fee, determined taking into account those established by federal regulatory legal acts for federal state educational institutions and legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for state educational institutions.

The amount of compensation for children attending other educational organizations

Parents (legal representatives) of children attending other educational organizations implementing the basic general education program of preschool education, compensation is paid in the amount of:

  • 20 per cent the average parental payment for the maintenance of a child in state, municipal educational institutions located on the territory of the same constituent entity of the Russian Federation as the corresponding educational organizations - for the first child.
  • 50 percent average parental pay - for the second child.
  • 70 percent average parental pay - for the third and subsequent children.

The average size of parental pay for child support in state, municipal educational institutions implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education is determined by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (in Moscow, it is determined by the Moscow Department of Education annually as of January 1 of each year).

As of as of January 1, 2010 average size parental payment for the maintenance of a child in state educational organizations implementing the basic general educational program of preschool education is 625 rubles per month (Order of the Moscow Department of Education of 18.08.2010 N 1278 "On the implementation of the Decree of the Government of Moscow of July 27, 2010 N 590-PP").

When assigning compensation for the second, third and subsequent children in the family, children under the age of 18 are taken into account, as well as adult children studying full-time in an educational organization of any type and type, regardless of its organizational and legal form (with the exception of an educational organization additional education), until the end of such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23 years.

In the event that the recipient of compensation loses the right to provide compensation, the payment of compensation is terminated from the first day of the month following the month in which the relevant circumstances occurred.

The compensation is transferred to a bank account opened in the name of the recipient of compensation in credit institutions of the Russian Federation.

How to get compensation for kindergarten

To receive compensation, you need to submit the following documents to the head of your kindergarten:

  • one of the parents (legal representatives);
  • parent's identity document - passport and its copy;
  • birth certificates of children belonging to the family, and their copies;
  • account number and details of the credit institution of the Russian Federation to which the compensation can be transferred (copy of the title page of the savings book).

The date of acceptance of the application is recorded in the register of applications of recipients of compensation in the educational organization that implements the basic general educational program of preschool education.

Procedure for Appointment and Payment of Compensation

The procedure for applying for compensation, as well as the procedure for its payment, are established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Below is the procedure approved by the Moscow Government.

After submitting all the necessary documents, the educational organization implementing the main general educational program of preschool education:

  • certifies copies of documents (originals of documents are returned to applicants).
  • forms and sends to the Moscow City Education Department, the Moscow City Social Protection Department, the Moscow City Healthcare Department and the Moscow City Education Department's district administrations lists of compensation recipients in the prescribed form.
  • Quarterly submits to the indicated authorities information on changes in the lists of recipients of compensation, indicating the actually paid payment for the accounting month, the accrued amounts of compensation in the prescribed form.
  • The Moscow City Department of Education, the Moscow City Social Protection Department, the Moscow City Healthcare Department and the Moscow City Education District Education Directorates pay compensation to the parents of children attending other educational organizations from January 1, 2010 at the expense and within the funds provided for in the budget of the city of Moscow for the specified purposes.

Last modified: January 2019

Kindergarten compensation- state reimbursement of part of the parental money spent on paying for the child's stay in kindergarten. Rosstat calculated that on average in the country, parents of a baby have to pay 97.67 rubles a day for kindergarten. For a month, this fee turns into a solid amount, especially if the family has modest incomes and brings up several children.

Payments are sought in regional budgets, since the federal government only established general rules, and transferred the obligation to reimburse the costs of a preschool institution to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

All parents were partially compensated for the costs of staying children in preschool institutions.

The amount of the payment depended only on which child in the family began to attend kindergarten.:

  • if the first - 20% of the total monthly cost of preschool educational institutions;
  • if the second - 50%;
  • if the third (or subsequent children) - 70%.

These rules are still valid today, but an important clarification has appeared in them:

the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were empowered to determine the amount of family income ("criteria of need") under which parents will be able to claim compensation. This means that the local authorities have the opportunity to vary the amount of the refunded amount based on the financial situation of the pupil's family.

Regional authorities have the right to expand the list of recipients of this benefit, if the budget allows paying for the care and supervision of special children at the expense of public funds. They also have the right only to increase the amount of compensation for the first, second and subsequent children. Local legislators are not allowed to reduce the established percentage of the payment to the total cost of services if the parents meet the established eligibility criteria.

These include:

  • children with disabilities;
  • orphans;
  • children who, for various reasons, were left without parental care (for example, if the father and mother were deprived of their rights to the child);
  • inmates infected with tuberculosis.

Legislative framework

The right to compensation for kindergarten expenses, as well as full exemption from this fee, is established by the law on education in the Russian Federation No. 263-FZ (Article 65). Another rule is fixed by the same normative act: the regions must determine the maximum cost of the preschool educational service for the supervision and care of young pupils, which cannot be exceeded. Judging by the statistics of average consumer prices for these services for the first three months of 2018, Russian subjects set them in a huge range:

  • St. Petersburg - 29.61 rubles / day;
  • Chechen Republic - 75.80 rubles / day;
  • Pskov region - 88.83 rubles / day;
  • Moscow - 142.11 rubles / day;
  • Saratov region - 152.44 rubles / day;
  • Kamchatka Territory - 201.14 rubles per day;
  • Magadan region - 224.30 rubles / day.
Recall that earlier in January 2015, the new version of Article 217 (clause 42) of the Tax Code included compensation payments for kindergarten in the list of incomes not subject to personal income tax. Previously, parents did not receive the full amount of compensation, but after deducting 13%.

Compensation from the Russian Ministry of Defense

Additional compensations for the kindergarten were provided by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. They are intended for certain categories of parents whose daughters and sons attend military preschools. Preferences for paying for kindergartens are established by Order of the Minister of Defense of Russia No. 862 dated November 24, 2014 (Appendix 2).

The recipients of compensation in the amount of 50%, regardless of the number of children in the family, are:

  • conscripts;
  • Chernobyl liquidators;
  • persons with disabilities who have a group I or II;
  • employees of subordinate kindergartens.

Parents (trustees, guardians) of three or more children receive the same compensation if one of their kids attends a "military" kindergarten. Legal representatives of a child with low incomes who have the status of low-income citizens are completely exempt from payment (confirmed by a certificate from the social security).

Payment processing procedure

Compensation for kindergarten is not calculated automatically, but has a declarative nature. That is, the parent must inform that he wants to receive this payment. To do this, he writes a statement addressed to the head of the kindergarten, in which he asks to compensate his expenses for the services of a preschool educational institution.

The paper is submitted to the accounting department of the preschool educational institution. If its employees refuse to accept an application for compensation, you should contact the social security authorities (compensation department).

What is indicated in the application

An application for monetary compensation must contain several mandatory points:

  • to whom it is addressed - full name of the head of the kindergarten with the name of the institution she heads;
  • by whom the paper was drawn up - the full name of the parent / guardian of the pupil, indicating the address of his residence;
  • a request for partial compensation for the costs of kindergarten for the 1st, 2nd or subsequent child (it is important to indicate which one, since the amount of compensation depends on this);
  • Name of daughter or son attending kindergarten;
  • the name of the preschool educational institution;
  • passport details of the applicant parent;
  • list of documents to be transferred;
  • date of writing and signature.

When submitting an application, a parent should ensure that it is properly registered. It is better to make it in duplicate and ask for the date and the incoming number on the second (own) copy. Only such a document will confirm the fact that the mother or father applied for compensation in any instance, including the court.

You can download the kindergarten compensation claim form:

Set of documents

The right to compensation and the identity of the applicant are confirmed by the following documents:

  • a photocopy of the Russian passport of the parent or guardian;
  • a copy of the birth certificate of the child (if he is not the only one in the family, you must attach copies of certificates for all children);

If, in order to receive the payment, it is necessary to have income for the family not more than a certain level, the applicant will have to documentary evidence that it has not been exceeded. This will require certificates of salaries of family members, the amount of pensions and benefits, the amount of alimony, and other similar documents. Also, officials need to inform the bank details where the compensation money should be transferred.

It is impossible to specify a complete list of documents, since each region determines independently. It needs to be clarified either in the accounting department of the kindergarten, or in the social security authorities.

On the GOSUSLUG website, you can submit an application, track the payment. Go here .

How and when is paid

Start of payments

The submitted application together with the attached documents are checked first in the kindergarten - by the employee who accepts them. He needs to verify them with the originals, so applicants need to have them with them. It is also subject to verification whether the complete set of papers was provided by a parent or guardian, and whether they really indicate the citizen's right to compensation.

Then, the employees of the accounting department of the preschool educational institution independently transfer the application and documents to the social protection authorities and the education department. There they are checked again, after which a decision is made either to pay compensation or to refuse it. In the latter case, the applicant is required to notify in writing of the reasons for not providing a cash payment for the garden.

In case of a positive decision, the first compensation for the child's stay in a preschool institution is charged to parents as early as the next month. It goes to the bank or "card" account specified when submitting documents.

Attention! Parents do not lose their right to compensation if the child goes to a private day care center. It is paid in the same amounts and in the same manner as compensation amounts for a regular (state) kindergarten. With regard to a preschool educational institution, there is only one restriction: it must be licensed.

Not the entire amount paid for a commercial kindergarten will be reimbursed. Sometimes it can reach tens of thousands of rubles, and the state is not ready for such compensation. As a rule, they are not required by citizens who are able to pay such significant sums for the preschool education of a child. The compensation is calculated based on the average cost of such services in state kindergartens in the region.

Compensation for lack of a place in kindergarten

The Education Act (Article 5) guarantees its general availability at any level. Including preschool. But, despite the fact that many parents have to wait in line for kindergarten for years, the federal government did not take responsibility for failing to fulfill its own promises. Uniform all-Russian compensation for failure to provide a place in kindergarten has not yet been provided, although a bill on such payments has been wandering around the central authorities for many years. They could become a real support for families where one of the parents (and sometimes the only parent) cannot start work, since they have nowhere to leave the baby for this time.

To date, the decision on compensation for parents who have failed to attach a child to a preschool is made at the local level. And not all regions responded to this proposal, realizing how significant budgetary expenditures under this item can be. In particular, such compensations are not provided even for such a rich metropolis as Moscow.

But in many regions, parents do receive some payments for lack of a place in kindergarten. Their amounts are small, and, as a rule, range from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles. Although, for example, in Yaroslavl, the amount of compensation in 2017 until the 3rd birthday of the baby is only 591 rubles.

The age of the child is also being established, during which the regional authorities are ready to pay something. In some regions, it starts at one and a half years and expires when the "home pupil" reaches three years (Kirov, Krasnoyarsk, Samara). In others, on the contrary, they begin to pay compensation only when the child turns 3 years old (Lipetsk).

The main documents that need to be presented to officials of social security or the department of education:

  • referral for registration of a child in a preschool institution;
  • written refusal of the kindergarten to accept the baby due to the lack of a place in the preschool educational institution.

Regional compensation for kindergarten

Each region sets the amount of compensation payments and the conditions for their receipt in accordance with budgetary possibilities. Therefore, it is necessary to find out accurate information on this issue from the local social protection authorities.

For example, the legislators of St. Petersburg did not limit themselves to the minimum requirements of the law on education and established additional compensations for parents:

  • 40% of the payment - if the child is brought up by the only parent in a family with low income (less than 2 living wages for each family member);
  • 50% of the payment - if one of the parents has a disability (1st or 2nd group);
  • 70% of the payment - if the average per capita income in the family does not reach the subsistence level.

And in cities such as Togliatti and Samara, compensation for kindergarten is paid only to those families whose members have an income of less than 1.5 times the subsistence level (for each).

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