Love Ryzhkov. Magic scroll. Letter L. Lesson-project "Amazing Letter L"

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The letter "L" project performed a student of 1 "A" class of high school No. 49 Moscow Lapenko Evgeny

The letter "L" is the printed and written l l

There is no easier in the world than to make the letter "l". We will build our palms and build a house. On the stepladder "L" looks like, and on the roof of the house too.

Elk Frog Lion Lisa Onion Lemon Examples of words starting with the letter "L"

You and I will go to the park there we will find there, we will find, be l ka - a little animal, on the trees of jump, yes, schok ... Tuchka hides behind L EU, looks from L Nishko from heaven. And such a clean, kind, l learning. The letter "L" is found in a wide variety

In the fur coat in the summer. And in winter it is called. [Forest]

Fall from the branch Gold coins [Leaves] herself do not eat, but I feed people [Spoon]

IMPORTANT! | Lu-on Lo-shy letter l Thirteenth letter of the Russian alphabet. Letter L consonant letter. The letter l denotes the solid sound [l] and the soft sound [l ']. The solid sound [l] is highlighting in blue, and the soft sound [l '] is highlighted in green. In the words of the moon and the horse solid sound [l]

SA-MO-YEAR Lulle in the words cradle and airplane soft sound [l ']

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

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The project is one of the forms of a systemic approach. Project: "Merry Alphabet" makes it possible to make literacy learning lessons more interesting and more productive. Project - the joint work of parents and children ...

On the floor, just below the letters "K", there was a letter "L". It was the most kind and fun, the most affordable letter of the alphabet. Always, always she was in a good mood, no one ever seen her crying, or was upset, no! On the contrary, she always walked and sang some melody, like this:

- la-la la la la la la la la la la la la la-la-la-la-la-la-la.

And everyone who met her, became easily and fun too. After all, the word "love" begins with the letter "L"! And the letter "L" loved everyone, and other letters answered her reciprocity!

Once upon a time he came to the saddled letter "O". She was very offended because of something and cried, and sighed:

- Oh, oh, oh, I feel bad, it's a shame, oh!

- Do not cry, the letter "Oh", I now register you and I will send "love"!

The letter "L" stood in the closet in the kitchen of the pot with a liquid on which it was written: "Love". Everyone knew about it, and if someone was bad, went to the letter "L" for help. She poured patients with this drink, "love," because this is the best medicine, right? And all immediately recovered.

And the letter "l", as usual, opened its closet to get this pot, but alas, it was empty in the closet! The pot with love was not there!

- Oh, what should I do? - exclaimed the letter "L". - How can I help the letter "O"?

She ran to the letter "A", which was the most important and smartest in the alphabet and knew everything. She told the letter "A" about what happened, and she immediately convened all the letters to the meeting and asked:

- Where to find a pot with love?

Thought letters, thought, but could not come up with anything. Then suddenly the letter "I" said:

- Or maybe we ask for the earth?

- In the earth? - Everything was surprised.

- Well, yes, in the earth. It is full of love, she loves everyone! Won, what beautiful flowers, trees grow, and all she loves, feeds, and birds, and fish, and beasts, and us, and guys too.

- Well, well, "the letter" A "said," Then you, the letter "L" and the letter "I", go and ask, and I will go on business, I have a lot of things!

And she dismissed the Council and went on business.

And the letter "L" and the letter "I" went down to the very first, the lowest floor, where the letter "I," went into the garden, which she grown. They sat on the grass animal under the apple tree in the garden and let's ask the Mother's land:

- Land! Land! Listen to us, please! You will answer us for the question: "Where is the pot with love, where did he disappear from the letter" l "?

- Ah, stupid you are my letters! Look for a pot with love, and love is in that pot and was not at all!

- How was it not? - Our letters were surprised.

- And so! This love all the time was in the heart of the letter "L"! It's just a big-big and kind it! And there is a lot of love! And when she gave to other letters a liquid from the pot, then she, liquid, soaked with her love and cured other letters! And they also have, everyone has love in the heart.

Just those who are bad, forgot about it. They need to help her find it again.

- So what should I do with the letter "O", which is sitting there and crying? - asked the letter "L"?

- And you take my leaves from raspberry, currants, cherries, chamomile flowers you will be sorrive, and all this in the tea! And letting "O" drink! Just do everything with love, as before. Remember, she is in you, not in that pot!

- Thanks! Thanks! - the letters shouted cheerfully, narrowing the leaves and ran upstairs, in the apartment of the letter "L", where she sat and crying offended letter "O".

And the letter "L" brewed fragrant tea with love and with love he gave him the letter "Oh". And she wished her from all his hearts to recover and never cry!

And the letter "O" drank this wonderful tea, which was all soaked with love - the best medicine, and she immediately became better. She listened to himself: "Oh! I already became good! Heart beats inside me, and it was filled with love! "

They all became immediately fun, it became good. And they sang songs with the letter "L":

- La-la-la! Lo-Lo!

They danced, tumbled, played. And then the evening and the letters "O" and "I" went into our housekeepers, and the letter "L" lay down.

And she dreamed of a wonderful dream: that all-all letters, and all-all people on earth, all boys and girls heart filled with love, caress, kindness! That everyone sang and having fun, and no one ever sick again! Everyone lived in love and affection.

And now you, my friend, close the eyes and fall asleep. I love you!

Listen, is there love in your heart? Tuk-Tuk, Tuk-Tuk ... Feel how it beats, how is warm in the chest? So there is love there!

Hello, my dear readers!

Thank you for visiting my blog again!

Today I come back to the heading, learn lettersbecause I want to introduce your baby with the next letter of the Russian alphabet - it Letter "L".

Words: Love, Favorite, Nappa, gentle begin on this letter. And these are beautiful words, they raise the mood, bring us joy. And I want you to surround only love, favorite people, favorite things, and most importantly, so that you yourself love and have been loved.

I give you today again practical material: This is I. artistic word, I. games, I. Crosswords, I. rebuses.

Your baby has already loved to solve Rebuses and crosswords? Few people remain indifferent to these classes.

Letter "L"

Merry poems

Forests of coniferous beauty -

Redhead fox.

Leo Komarika caught

Lard forehead smashed.

* * *

Shower, shower pours everywhere.

Rada chicks in the nest:

- Mom will sit at home,

Will not fly away.


Boats on the sea float

People weighs row.

S. Marshak

Swallow over the lake

Flies in the fog pink.

* * *

Speakers fly white,

Fly from under the saw.

This carpenter does

Windows and floors.

In the summer, we walked through the forest

L. - Shalas Forest found,

And in the slas, just for us,

Led by L. Lases.

V. Stepanov

Tongue Twisters

1. We were found at Meli.

2. Lenya Les on the ladder, broke the leather of peaches.

3. People bread in the fields are cherished, the forces for bread do not regret.

4. Lara has played on the piano.


And rk and "Challenge Sloves".

The game "Magic chain".

1. Change only one letter in words, but so that new words start with the letter "L": Liver ( leader), a boat ( a spoon), lotto ( summer), lepta ( tape), LIK ( onion, hatch, varnish).

2. Change the first letter in words and get new words: lei - Pei - Bay; Improke - Repka - Sliver; Lom - Tom - the house - som - com; Luck - Mac - Cancer - Tank.

Game "Make a Word".

Answer: lose, shovel, moose.

And r and "Lestenka".


Answer: fox


Next to the janitor Stepay

Unreaving the snow around.

And guys help

Make a mountain building a house.


I led the sun

For his turns,

To the ceiling joined,

It became fun at home.

(Light bulb.)

Sits children at a hundred fur coats dressed.

Who undresses him,

That tears sheds.


Fall from the branch of gold coins.


Two strips on the snow

Leave on the run.

I fly from them an arrow,

And they again for me.


Threw off from the neighbor

Golden Pits -

Forced Jeruska

Cry and without a fuelist.

(Bow.) I. Demyanov

Sits - green,

Falls yellow

Lies - blacks.


White peas on a green leg.

(Lily of the valley.)

In the garden from the ground

Arrows to the sun sprouted.


V. Nesterenko

Green bird

The Egg demolished into the ground.



Well, how are my dear? Does your baby coped with all the tasks? I see how you quive your head as a sign of consent. I'm happy for you!