What day may the first signs of pregnancy may appear. After how many days, the first signs of pregnancy appear. Signs of pathological pregnancy

Pregnancy - a special period for a woman. Many of the weak floor representatives passionately want to have children and are waiting for the appearance of the first symptoms, testifying to the presence of life within them. Many begin to think about the pregnancy only in the event of a latency of menstruation, but there are facts that testify a little earlier.

When are the first pregnancy symptoms and how to recognize them?

It is impossible to say exact time, because the body of each woman is unique and sometimes can live "their own life." Health factor also should not be excluded. Depending on the individual indicators, the symptoms of pregnancy can be noticeable for a woman for 8-10 days after the fertilization of the egg.

There were cases when a woman quickly understood that she was pregnant. It happened for 2-3 days after ovulation. Such cases arise due to the clear response of the self-pressure mechanism. Especially this happens with girls who have a strong desire to become a mother. Knowing the symptoms accompanying pregnant women, a woman can inspire this state on the subconscious level.

Such cases do not exclude pregnancy, but until it is confirmed. If the conception still happened, it will become clear with time. It often happens that symptoms of pregnancy clearly appear only a week after sex in the "ideal" to conceive the day.

Symptoms of pregnancy, noticeable a week after conception

Not all cases are the same, and someone may not even notice the following signs:

  • Bleeding from vagina - The phenomenon with which a pregnant woman will face, first of all. It should not be thought that the allocation in this case is a disturbance of the menstrual cycle. Bleeding of this nature is called "implantation". They indicate the fastening of the embryo on the wall of the uterus. The selection with a characteristic pinkish shade does not have a large amount and accompanied by painful sensations. Lost implantation bleeding for several hours, day or a little longer. Sometimes this process passes without vaginal bleeding, so the lack of discharge during the period of the week after ovulation does not indicate the absence of pregnancy.
  • Painfulness in the chest area can be attributed to factors testifying to pregnancy during the first week. Already after 7-10 days, women feel elevated sensitivity and elasticity of the chest. Sensitive becomes nipples, they darken, sometimes a drop of colosure.
  • Nausea and vomiting - symptoms of pregnancy, manifested over most of the period of fetal to wear. There are cases confirming that already a week after the fertilization of the egg, these features can be clearly manifested.

How to make sure in the early stages that pregnancy has come?

If a woman noticed the atypical behavior of the body during a week or a little more after ovulation, then for confidence it can take certain measures. You can hand over the blood test on the HCG a week after sexual intercourse. In the urine, the presence of hCG is observed a few days later than in the blood. The test should be purchased between 10-12 days after the intended point of conception. It is better to use it in the morning, since in this period of time the concentration of hCG as part of urine is maximal. Ultrasonic scanning on early pregnancy will not help, because it is held two weeks after the menstruation delay.

When are the first signs of pregnancy?
It is possible to talk about pregnancy with complete confidence only after the menstruation delay. This is the first sign of conception, which manifests itself from every woman without exception and encourages it to make a pregnancy test. Among the first reliable signs that show that the girl will soon become a mother, there are symptoms that are manifested, starting with the fifth week of pregnancy, that is, after the delay.

Among them:

  • Toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting in the morning will not allow me to doubt that pregnancy has come;
  • Emotional instability. Improving the mood or, on the contrary, is a plasticity. Such "swings" only confirm the status of "pregnant";
  • Student urination;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Painted pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Due to the cuts of the uterus, unpleasant spasms may occur from time to time, they are a natural process that is not related to miscarriage. It is worth thinking about his danger in the case when spasms are enhanced and accompanied by bleeding;
  • Change appetite. The composition of saliva varies even taste preferences. A pregnant woman sometimes begins to love what he loved before. This confirms the fact of pregnancy.

Although the first signs of fetal conception appear a week after ovulation, some women may simply not notice, especially if the pregnancy is not expected. When a girl really wants to become a mother, then the opposite can happen - any change in the body, not even related to conception, can be interpreted as a symptom of pregnancy.

But the first signs of pregnancy, which can really be oriented, manifest after the latency of menstruation.

How long will the signs of pregnancy be found if there were unprotected sexual contact? As a rule, in two weeks, we can talk about the appearance of the most common feature, the absence of menstruation. But during these two weeks the following signs may appear:

  1. Excessive discharge from the vagina. As a rule, if there are no pathologies and gynecological diseases, excretion without smell, and do not cause discomfort at all.
  2. Pain in lactic glands. This symptom is quite common when the chest with palpation hurts, and increases in size. So, the nipples of women become extremely sensitive, and acquire a brown color. It is also possible to release a colostrum, out of the nipples of a woman, but it is already on the second half of pregnancy. So it is impossible to diagnose this sign in the early stages of pregnancy.
  3. Toxicosis. Doctors say that the first signs of pregnancy can manifest themselves ten days after sexual intercourse. Then, the egg cell is implanted, or attached to the walls of the uterus, and only now you can talk about hormonal changes and rearrangements of the body. Toxicosis is manifested in the form of nausea, vomit urges, weakness, drowsiness, as well as in the form of reduced blood pressure. And often he makes itself felt during the second month of pregnancy.
  4. Pain in the abdomen. Spasms at the bottom of the abdomen often fall for the period when the menstrual cycle should begin. And pain often these pains are the same as during menstruation, so women do not always give the meaning to this symptom. But if you have such pains, while you are pregnant, it is no longer the norm, and it may be a sign of miscarriage.
  5. Increased body temperature. The body temperature rises to thirty-seven, in case there are no other diseases. The thermal regulation of the body is broken, from which the woman throws it into the cold, then in the heat. It is not necessary to treat this medication, because this sign takes place by itself. All that can advise doctors - to air the apartment, and install a constant temperature.
  6. Selection with blood. Allocations can be both abundant and rare, and they appear, as a rule, on the twentieth day after conception. But the reason for this may be the attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus, and its introduction and germination.
  7. Detection of emotional state. Women often change the mood, they begin to capricious. Slops of emotions are determined by hormonal changes in the body. It is also possible to change the taste preferences, smell. Everything that has recently caused a female woman during pregnancy can bring her unpleasant feeling.
  8. Increased basal temperature. The temperature is measured in the rear pass, early in the morning, lying in bed. And only in several cases, the basal temperature rises: during any diseases, when the temperature is increased, or during ovulation.
The above-mentioned signs may arise in the first days of pregnancy. But before making your own conclusions, consider the presence of several symptoms at once. After all, each separately, they can even mean the presence of any disease. Therefore, the recommended number of visits to the gynecologist is twice a year. At the same time, examining you, the doctor will be able to detect pathology in the early stages, and will do everything possible so that you do not know such a diagnosis as "infertility." The doctor will appoint an ultrasound, or direct for blood test, urine, hCG to obtain accurate test results.

Do not neglect a visit to the doctor, and do not self-medicate if you want healthy and cheerful offspring.

Many girls are waiting for a happy conception, dreaming about the long-awaited child, so they are constantly listening to their own feelings. In the first hours after conception, serious changes are already beginning in organic activity, which is noticeably reflected on the well-being of mommies. When is the first signs of pregnancy after conception, and how to recognize them?

Each female organism is individual, therefore, signs of pregnancy are manifested by unequal. Some moms are waiting for conceptions so long that they are diverted on pregnancy, in each dizziness and subtracting seeing a sign that has finally happened to pregnancy, even when it is not. There are also women who do not think about the continuation of the kind, staying in the ignorance until the delay of menstruation begin. And some, indeed, at the subconscious level feel the coming conception. When are the first signs of pregnancy after conception?

Fertilization occurs at the moment of connecting the sperm with a female egg. Signs of pregnancy in the first days is quite difficult to recognize. Such manifestations can be subjective, so they remain unnoticed. Every patient is distinguished by individual hormonal features, therefore, the corresponding changes have all different. Someone from the first day feels changes, and some live their usual life, not suggesting a happy motherhood before a two-month term.

If the woman is healthy and the development of pregnancy proceeds according to plan, then on the 1st or second week after conception, one or more signs arise. But it is necessary to take into account that the first symptoms can manifest itself only after egg-cell implantation. Therefore, to start recognizing the symptoms of possible pregnancy can be 6 days from the date of ovulation and fertilization.

The first manifestations of conception

As mentioned above, the first symptoms of conception arise about 6-7 days, i.e., in the first week after fertilization. If you carefully listen to your own body, you can learn about pregnancy. First, the female organism refers to a fertilized female cage, as an alien, foreign body, so trying to fight it. At the same time, the woman herself immediately after conception can experience all the delights of pregnancy like nausea and ailments, and may not feel anything until the onset of the delay. But the main part of the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception can be observed about the sixth week. Often the clinic is similar to the pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

The first days of pregnancy after conception a woman can watch:

  • Fatigue and irritability;
  • Increased temperature due to the fact that the body when pregnancy comes, perceives it for the virus until it rebels on a new way;
  • It may appear bleeding after conception after about 6 days after conception;
  • Bleeding is often accompanied by pulling pain in the uterus and spasms, which indicates cell impairment into an endometrial uterine layer;
  • Emotionality and excessive sentimentality, feeling of pity for oneself;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Sudden mood changes;
  • Floodiness and irritability;
  • Unjustified aggressiveness;
  • Apathetomy.

For such manifestations, after conception, you can determine pregnancy. There is such symptoms against the background of the activity of progesterone production. This hormone is needed to maintain and normal development of pregnancy. The coma of that, to know what fertilization occurred is possible to increase the rectal temperature, which is normal to decline before the arrival of menstruation. If you managed to get pregnant, then the temperature indicators remain elevated.

Additional signs

Also during pregnancy there is an increase in the milk-selling structures, the nipples become painful and sensitive, which is caused by the preparation of the chest to the upcoming lactation. The chest increases rapidly, it becomes hot to the touch, the color of the arole is changed to the darker, brown. How many days can you notice such symptoms? According to experts, such signs can appear from the fifth day, after the occurrence of pregnancy occurred. Such metamorphoses are required to hormonal restructuring of the body.

As pregnancy flows, a colostrum begins, which is incredibly useful to the baby immediately after delivery. According to such signs, a woman can establish that the pregnant period of her life began. In parallel with the above-described symptoms of girls, migraine pain often bother, also caused by hormonal perestroika. It seems that complex manifestations, similar to colds, food poisoning, problems with the work of the bladder can begin.

I missed

Quite often, pregnant women immediately begin to appear symptoms that resemble colds or influenza. Such signs of the patient is experiencing a week later after the days of conception passed. The restructuring of organic activity and hormonal background often leads to sudden dizziness and fainting. The hypophies begins to produce hormones hardly, and the beginning of the pituitary activity has begun leads to pressure drops and hyperthermia. If, before conception, the woman has already suffered from pressure, then in the position it will accurately encounter similar problems. If strong migraine headaches are concerned, it is recommended to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist regarding ways to relieve them.

In general, the coming period of pregnancy can declare themselves as "colds" symptoms as:

  1. Hyperthermia;
  2. Fear of the heat, replacing with chills;
  3. Common malaise and dizziness;
  4. Damage in the eyes;
  5. Signs of shortness of breath;
  6. Strong headaches;
  7. Cough and rhinitis, sore throat;
  8. Pressure jumps;
  9. Excessive drowsiness.

Rubber and lethargy are associated with immune perestroika, because the egg cell is only in endometrial, but for the body has not yet become native, so the immunity is trying to "overcome." Walled manifestations are the very first signs of pregnancy, since many patients face them in the second week after fertilization. If, when you occur such symptoms to immediately turn to a specialist, then it will help it to warn it, which will save mommy from the manifestations of gestosis and reduce the likely risks of complication when carrying the baby.

Digestive disorders

When the embryo grows into the uterine wall, large-scale rearrangements of the hormonal sphere occur, which has already been repeatedly mentioned above. The changed hormonal system provokes violations in the work of a set of organs, including in the structures of the gastrointestinal tract. The manifestation of such violations is often accompanied by nausea-vomit attacks. At the same time, the girl literally turns from the flavors, which were previously among the favorites. Nausea can trigger even from the thought of some products. Against the background of all this, taste priorities are clearly shown. If such a state is complemented by vomiting, then such a condition is easily accepted for banal food poisoning.

No threat from such states does not proceed, if they have a weakly pronounced character, because protective intraganic reactions are manifested. If early toxicosis leads to a deterioration of the state, then it is dangerous for the fetus, therefore, pronounced long pronounced vomiting requires medical participation. But there is a completely reverse picture when a woman wakes up a brutal appetite, which can even be frightened. Moreover, the characteristic sign of such an unbridled appetite is a sharp desire to eat a certain dish or products, often with each other, not combined, for example, strawberries with herring, etc.

Changes with bladder

Also, when after conception, pregnancy comes, the characteristic sign becomes rapid campaigns to the toilet. Usually, such a sign declares itself about a couple of weeks after what has happened. A similar feature has a dual position, since it starts to put on the urinary uterus only at the third stage of the to wear. And the presence of such a sign in early pregnancy is explained by the restructuring of the body's hormonal areas for a new way. Sometimes to run in the toilet room Pregnant is capable of more than a dozen times.

At the same time, the manifesting excessive diuresis seriously increases the burden on the renal structures, which begin to function in reinforced mode, which is dangerous in inflammatory renal lesions. If the girl noticed rapid urges without visible reasons, then you need to visit the urologist. To facilitate renal activity, you need to reduce the load on the body. To do this, it is better to abandon plenty of drink, especially before the night bed. Also to facilitate renal work it is worth removing the sharp and very saline dishes from the menu.

Emotional sphere

The process of conception is quite complicated until fertilization occurs until the egg is implanted into the endometrium - all this is necessary. Manifestations can start from the first hours after implantation. In addition to the symptoms described above, the first manifestations include emotional impassableness. A woman may experience unmotivated flashes of aggression, she feels irritated and even may react inadequately on, it would seem normal things. Such changes are forced to seriously think about a likely interesting position.

But it should be noted that emotional impassable should be complemented by other signs confirming the conception. As a separate feature, such a manifestation is untenable.

Reliable diagnosis

With the slightest delay, it is possible to determine the conception with the help of more reliable methods like pharmacy test or laboratory tests in women's consultation. How to determine pregnancy?

  • If the choice fell on pharmacy strips, it is better to immediately buy at least three tests, and ideally they must be from different manufacturers. Such tests have a special hormonal sensitivity to the components in the urine of a pregnant woman, namely to HCG - a hormone of pregnancy. This hormone appears about 10 days after conception, from such a term and it is advisable to conduct a similar study.
  • A more reliable technique is the ultrasound diagnostics conducted in the small-scale region. The pregnancy is determined by certain changes in the organic structures under consideration. Such diagnostics can identify pregnancy from the first week after conception.
  • Also, a great diagnostic method is considered a laboratory test of blood to a certain hormone - hCG. It is advisable to take such an analysis to approximately after a week and a half after conception.

Such techniques are considered the most reliable and practically unmistakable.

Why it is important to identify pregnancy

On the diagnosis of conception depends on the health of the future man. After all, if a woman does not know about the growing life in it, it leads the usual life that may include dangerous to nourish the state like overloading at work and frequent stress, antibiotic therapy or unhealthy food, alcohol or tobacco.

Such factors affect the health of the fetus and the flow of navigation is extremely negative. Therefore, the sooner the mother will know about the baby in the tummy, the sooner it will change the lifestyle and eradicate the habits dangerous for the crumbs. Therefore, for timely recognition of pregnancy, it is necessary to listen to the sensations and signals supplied by the organism.

Studying this topic, I remembered the anecdote:

"Girl in the bus - a sitting man:
- give way to a pregnant woman!
- And for you, girl, and you can't tell you that you are pregnant!
- What do you want, so that after half an hour, it was visible? "

And really, how much time passes from conception before the appearance? And what symptoms and phenomena flagel about the coming pregnancy even before the test will show 2 strips?

It is worth noting that everything in this matter is strictly individually and depends on many factors: the state of health, the individual characteristics of the body, in some extent of the sensitivity of a woman and even .... on the degree of its constancy. What are we talking about? Well, for example, a woman really wanted to get pregnant. They and her husband counted the most, tried in the "sweat of the face", and now after 2 days the woman is straight feeling with all such a pregnant-cleared: and there is no one in the head, and there is no strength, and it's just nauseous .... in For most cases, in such situations, the self-sustainment mechanism is triggered: a woman, very dreaming to be pregnant, misunderstands itself, without having a serious confirmation, but "feeling" everything that I read on the Internet and smart pregnancy books. If pregnancy is really coming, she shares his experience with friends, writes messages on the forums, and now the whole army of women is sure that yesterday's sex is exactly it. Other women may not suspect the coming pregnancy even two months after conception. But we will not now about extremes. At the end, a large number of women still belong to the so-called "objective group", which note the emergence of certain signs as they are manifested.

In fact, some signs really appear early: after one or two weeks after fertilization. This applies primarily by vaginal bleeding. Do not confuse them with menstruation, which, in theory, is still far away. In the case of which we speak now, we are talking about implantation bleeding, when a fertilized egg reached the uterus and tries to attach it to its wall. At the same time, minor may appear, which are not accompanied by painful sensations (well, except that voltage) and quickly pass. It happens on 6-12 days after conception. But, keep in mind that this sign is not at all pregnant. The implantation period in many women passes without any discharge.

At the same time, a woman can have drowsiness, fast fatigue, apathy, headache. The reason for this is a sudden increase in the level of hormones in the body.

After 7-14 days, painful sensations in the chest area may appear, which becomes more sensitive and elastic. A woman notices that they swell and darken the nipples, of which in the first weeks of pregnancy there can be several drops of colosure.

If a woman has not diagnosed with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or food poisoning, and it periodically worries nausea, and sometimes vomiting, then, most likely, we are talking about another one. It is already manifested from the second week from conception.

14-20 days after the occurrence of pregnancy, a woman can manifest themselves to nonitive dietary addictions and / or complete intolerance to previously favorite products.

A few days before the start of the expected menstruation (as well as 3-4 days after its delay), a woman has noted. It is measured in the rectum in the morning, without getting out of bed, immediately after awakening.

And finally, menstruation delay is the most faithful early sign of pregnancy. But do not forget that in some women, when the first signs are manifested, there may be more menstrual allocations. True, they are less intense and lasting than usual.

If you have several symptoms at the moment, it is probably very soon, you can congratulate you with a new status! In the meantime, you do not know this yet, care yourself and be healthy!

Especially for - Olga Pavlova

The topic of pregnancy is always relevant for women of reproductive age.

In order to learn about a special position as soon as possible, they begin to listen to the unique changes in their own organism.

In order to determine what day after fertilization, an egg implantation occurred, an accurate ovulation date should be found.

This period will be taken over the beginning of the reference. Most often, the introduction of the embryo occurs on 9-10 days after fertilization.

But depending on the individual characteristics of the female organism, the timing can be shifted by 1-6 days to a smaller or most side. It turns out that implantation can occur on April 8-14 after fertilization of the egg.

When signs of pregnancy appear

For the first trimester of pregnancy, the manifestation of specific symptoms of such as:

They can manifest themselves through a certain number of days after the alleged conception.

  • Implant bleeding.

These are scant and abundant depending on the physiological characteristics of the female organism.

It is manifested in 8-10 days after fertilization when the embryo is attached to the uterus wall. This is one of the important signs of pregnancy.

  • Nonal uterine pain pain.

Pains are provoked by the process of fitting the embryo on the epithelium of the uterus.

For 8-10 days after the intended conception, light abdominal abdominal pain may occur.

This is a standard phenomenon, but in the case of amplification, you should consult a doctor to avoid abortion.

  • Selection.

The appearance may be associated with, or other infectious processes.

Observed 8-10 days after conception.

  • Increase basal temperature.

The basal temperature is measured in the morning rectally, immediately after awakening.

The basal temperature rises to 37.1-37.3 ° C per day before ovulation. At this level, it persists before the embryo substrate.

At the time of attaching an egg cell, the basal temperature is reduced to 36.8-36.9 ° C. This is associated with a sharp increase in estrogen in the body of a woman.

After the implantation of the fetal egg the basal temperature rises above 37.1 ° C is held at this level to 14-16 weeks of pregnancy.

The rectal temperature is then reduced to 36.8-36.9 ° C.

The increased sensitivity of the mammary glands may arise in the first or second week after the presumptive conception (7-14 days).

Similar manifestations leads to a change in the hormonal background.

In some pregnant women, swelling and chest pain arise only 20-30 days after fertilization of the egg.

  • Sharp mood swings.

Depression, replacing joy, is also due to a hormonal splash. Usually appear on 10-14 days after the occurrence of pregnancy.

The chorionic gonadotropin of a person in the blood is usually determined by 9-12 days after the child's conception took place.

  • Second strip on the test.

Many women use special tests to confirm their "interesting" position.

The test will show the second strip, that is, will give a positive result only on 12-14 days after the intended fetal conception.

It defines the number of hormone hgch, the level of which in the urine does not appear immediately, but only 11-14 days after the expected date of conception.

  • Diarrhea and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heartburn, bloating, meteorism, diarrhea is characteristic signs of pregnancy that may arise by 14-20 days after presumptive fertilization.

  • Toxicosis.

This is one of the main signs of the emergence of a child to light.

Usually occurs in 5-7 weeks after the fertilization of the egg.

  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness.

These are important signs of a special state of the female organism. The reason lies in a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

After 2-3 weeks after the alleged conception, some women can start periodically lose consciousness.

But this phenomenon is considered normal.

The conception is a complex physiological process that takes several stages. The result becomes the fertilization of the egg and the formation of an embryo, which continues to develop in the uterus until the start of childbirth.

It is possible to determine the pregnancy by numerous features manifested in the first trimester. But for each symptom, a certain period of manifestation is characteristic. All the features described above are quite specific and manifest themselves in 2-14 days after conception.