Why does a guy defiantly ignore a girl. Why does a guy ignore a girl on purpose. Male strategy to attract a girl by ignoring


You communicate with a person for a while, realizing that this is the one you have been looking for for so long, whom you have been dreaming about. Finally, the “prince on a white horse” has come into your life, and you paint the future only in pink. But in this world, everything is not as simple as it seems. It's too rare that events develop according to the planned pattern that you have drawn in your head. A terrible thing happens - the young man, whose image you live every second, begins to ignore not only you, but also your presence. Endowed with intuition by nature, women immediately understand a change in attitude towards themselves. One thought begins to beat furiously in my head - what to do?

The guy began to ignore: reasons

For starters, don't try to sort things out by making a big scene. This will not help to establish contact, and will ruin the relationship completely. Therefore, find out the reasons that pushed the young man to such behavior. Among them may be the following:

He has another girlfriend.

How could you forget that before he met you, he had his own personal life? He simply has a girlfriend whom he loves for a long time, they meet. And you took the sociability and easy character of a young man for. At that moment, when the guy realized that you were striving to become not just a friend for him, but to move to the level of a love relationship, he stepped aside. This characterizes the young man as a decent one.

He is a hardened bachelor.

Men who live with the attitude that he is the navel of the earth, and no beauty can “put a collar on him”. Their motto is freedom! If such a person begins to ignore you, this only means that he treats you with respect. Otherwise, you would have been crying into your pillow for a long time because you were used and abandoned. In order not to explain to you that what you thought up there for yourself is your fantasies, you will not succeed, and so on, he stops communicating with you.

It is worth saying thanks to him for the nobility, and in solitude. Next time you will be more critical in choosing an object for sighing.

However, if you could not force yourself to abandon the guy, try "tame a lone wolf." Patience and time will do their part - as a result, you will get this man who has become homely and affectionate.


You see a real Apollo in front of you, looking at which your knees give way with delight. No one knows why the girl's boyfriend's external data is projected onto his inner world. With such a beautiful body, an ideal style of dress, and a great perfume, a young man, at the sight of a woman, turns into a "cowardly gray bunny."

Most men are afraid to hear the word "no" from their chosen one. Maybe this is an old complex, preserved from the time when he was still a pimply youth, at which all the girls in the class laughed. There is another option - an overly caring mother, who literally did not give the boy a pass, protecting him from friends (especially from girlfriends). But this . But cowardice is more difficult to overcome in oneself.

He doesn't like you.

He does not have a girlfriend, he is not a coward, and not notorious. The simple answer is that he doesn't like you. No, as a person - you are wonderful, you have something to talk about, and you can become for him. But there is not that same "chemistry of love" or "sparkle" that should appear at the moment when he sees you. Therefore, do not insist, then this person is not yours. If you manage to marry him, it can be considered not a victory, but a failure. At first, you will be happy from the consciousness of what you love. But, after two or three years, you will understand that a one-sided feeling is not enough for a full-fledged relationship. If your man is annoyed by the comb you left on the bathroom table, then what can we say about everything that can cause him in relation to you.

There are men who go in love relationships from the opposite. That is, he chose such tactics in order to. He plays with you like a cat with a mouse: first he brings you closer, then he lets go. Your feelings, flaring up from his closeness, simply do not have time to cool down before his next manifestation of attention in your direction. Finally, having reached the climax, you decide to confess your love to him yourself. That is what he is waiting for.

In this situation, you need to understand that. Calm down, and play your game, which is no less tricky than his. Show interest in the young man, but not so much that he understands that you are in love with him. Just don't reciprocate his attitude towards you. Now you know exactly how hurtful it is when you are ignored for no good reason.

Therefore, continue to communicate with the person as if nothing is happening. , and wait until he throws himself into your arms. After all, to love and know that you are loved means to strive to be close to a person. Therefore, try not to take rash steps so as not to push the man away from you.


There are men who “re-educate” a girl in this way. These, that the girl they "deign" to choose, must correspond to the ideas of "correctness" that are formed in their sick imagination. He, you see, did not like how you behaved in this or that situation. Or he does not like your manners, habits, etc. But, he sees what you like. Then, the guy decides that you are on his hook, and begins to twist the ropes out of you. At the moments of clarification of the relationship that he himself initiates, he expresses dissatisfaction with you, listing the reasons that prompted him to ignore your person.

If nothing binds you yet, and he allows himself to criticize you, what will happen when you become his wife (and from his point of view, his thing)?

Move on, you have nothing to lose

There are many reasons why a man ignores you. However, is it worth getting hung up on the one who behaved the way he did, no matter what excuses he came up with? Life is full of surprises and alternatives. Having let go of someone who did not appreciate you, you will definitely meet someone who will not hesitate to take you by the hand, who will not educate or dissuade that he already has a girlfriend.

There are four options for how you survive this “trouble”:

To grieve and torment oneself with empty experiences;
Be philosophical and forget;
Find out the relationship;
Do not give up, and continue to insist on a love relationship.

Each option is good in its own way. In the first case, you will waste your time and fall into. Is it worth it for a person who rejected you, and you don’t even know him properly? In the second case, save and you can quickly forget the offender. By the way, seeing the attitude towards him, the guy can change dramatically. In the third case, humiliate yourself with unjustified claims.

Try to be happy. Looking at a self-sufficient, well-groomed and charming lady, rarely any of the men will be able to deny themselves the pleasure of being next to her. Get yourself a fan with whom you will be calm and fun. Love life and the people around you who don't think you can be manipulated. Treat life positively, and you will find a sense of complete satisfaction and harmony with the world.

You will definitely meet the one who will love you disinterestedly and make you happy.

March 1, 2014

For modern youth, a fairly common situation is when a woman is attractive to a man, and he carefully ignores her, hiding his feelings towards her. The representative of the stronger sex tries to avoid meeting his beloved and does not want to communicate with her. The behavior is rather strange, but still, why does a man ignore a woman he likes?

Can a man love and ignore?

Is it possible that a strong personality simultaneously feels sympathy for a girl and avoids her? Yes, many people can do it. From a psychological point of view, there are several reasons for this special behavior:

  1. Fear. The same feeling that can make a person unhappy. Maybe the man had already once loved and was happy in a relationship with a girl who later hurt him. Such an unsuccessful life experience made him reconsider his attitude towards all women and now, he is afraid to fall in love again;
  2. Diffidence. Every person who has been rejected at least once is afraid that it will happen again. A man can be in love with a girl, but at the same time ignore him, because he does not know if she will reciprocate;
  3. Reluctance to start a new relationship. The young man has warm feelings for a person of the opposite sex, but does not take the first steps, because he believes that he is not yet ready for a serious relationship.

Exists several categories of men who can ignore the girl they like:

If a young man does not show signs of attention to a pretty girl, then this is not a reason to look for flaws in himself. Most likely he has there are reasons for this.

The man is offended and ignores

How is a man different from a woman? First of all, he strong rod, a cold-blooded nature who does not show her emotions and just a strong man. But, even he has such a feeling as resentment. It can hurt him greatly that the woman he likes openly flirts in front of his eyes with male representatives, even she does it on purpose, in order to cause another stream of jealousy. He may get upset because the girl does not give him enough attention, communicates with him in a rude manner and other such things.

How to understand that a young man is offended? Just look at his behavior. He can be silent for a long time, reluctantly answer questions put to him, stop answering phone calls and avoid meetings in every possible way. In some cases, a young person may stop going to work and console himself with alcohol.

At this time, almost every person has the idea that a man wants to leave, stop communicating, or he has another object of sympathy. But no, he was just offended. It is much more difficult to make amends with a young man than with a girl, but it must be done and the sooner the better, until his resentment turned into indifference .

What to do if a man is offended?

  • If a man is offended, then the first few hours it is better not to touch it. It is necessary to give him time to be alone and think. It is better to leave the house altogether for a few hours and not pester him. You need to put up with your beloved man only when he is in a good mood, otherwise you can cause a new wave of scandal.
  • Before talking, it is recommended to tidy up mine appearance , do natural make-up and put on nice clothes. This must be done even if the man and woman live together.
  • The young man should only be approached with a charming smile on a face that he would certainly not be able to resist.
  • Next, it is necessary ask him to apologize for your oversight and try to speak sensitively and sincerely.

You need to restrain your emotions as much as possible, even if your loved one is wrong, otherwise he may be offended again. If financial opportunities allow, then as a sign of reconciliation, you can call him to the cinema, make a romantic dinner at home, or give a small present.

Ignoring due to excessive activity of a woman

Every girl knows from adolescence that a man is not prey, he is the most hunter who likes to create a plan, purposefully follow it and in the end achieve results.

But, today's girls are overly active, they are the first to get acquainted, make a date, ask for a phone number, and so on. At the meeting, most likely to be the initiator it's a woman rather than a young man.

Of course, under such circumstances, he can feel very constrained and uncomfortable, because of which he will in every way ignore the woman he likes, avoid communicating with the girl, even if she is attractive to him. If this has already happened, then he becomes a confident hunter.

Does a man love?

If a man behaves constrainedly and does not show signs of attention, then it is worth considering whether he feels sympathy or whether the girl simply invented it.

  • How does a man in love behave?
  • When meeting, he cannot take his eyes off the girl;
  • His behavior becomes constrained and uncertain;
  • He often looks stupid and embarrassed when talking;
  • He always looks good;
  • When meeting, he cannot relax, his hands are constantly fiddling with a dog from lightning, a ballpoint pen or another object. At the same time, the gaze seems to be directed into the void.

A man who does not have feelings for a woman, on the contrary, does not pay attention to her, behaves quite calmly and does not pay much attention to how he looks in front of her.

How to get him to meet?

It has already been said about why a man ignores a woman he likes. If it is caused by fear, fear of rejection or self-doubt, then it is necessary push to the first step:

  • You should pay attention to who the man communicates with, most likely he has a friend or buddy. You need to ask him to tell the man that his feelings are not unrequited;
  • You need to get to know him yourself, but in such a way that he is sure that he is the initiator. For example, you can sit down at his table and smile sweetly, he will have no choice, and he will be the first to start a conversation;
  • It is pleasant for a man to think that he is strong and smart, you need to remind him of this more often by asking him to carry a heavy bag, rearrange the house or fix a breakdown in the car.

When a man stopped ignoring a woman and began to show feelings, it is important don't relax Otherwise, he will lose interest again. Continue to interest a man and you will achieve the desired result!

Video: ignore or love?

In this video, psychologist and master of women's practices E. Kosheleva will tell you why sometimes a woman who likes gets completely ignored by a man, how to deal with this and what to do to correct the situation:

The reasons why a man ignores a woman he likes are different. They sometimes lie on the surface, and other times are deeply hidden. Psychologists consider and describe different variants of "strange" male behavior. Due to differences in upbringing, worldview, psychology of men and women, it is difficult for the latter to understand what drives a young man who seems to be in love with a girl, who nevertheless refuses to communicate.

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    Fake indifference because of love

    Often young men avoid meeting with the one they are madly in love with, in general companies they stay away from her, do not look in her direction. Psychologists explain this phenomenon of the behavior of a guy in love with a shy nature, self-doubt, fear of seeming ridiculous, funny or being rejected.

    They behave insecurely in relation to their beloved and men, in other aspects of life showing a strong-willed character, perseverance and courage. The age of the man also does not play a role, although the preponderance here is in the direction of young inexperienced guys.

    Girls interested in a relationship in this situation should not passively wait for the denouement. If a young man or adult man pretends not to notice, but his beloved is sure of his feelings, she can:

    • arrange special meetings;
    • involve a loved one in solving a common problem;
    • show interest in his hobby;
    • provoke him by creating an extreme situation;
    • make the first confession.

    Common cause

    Of the proposed options, the first two are based on common activities, provide an opportunity for close cooperation, communication, recognition. The easiest way to use this method is with respect to a colleague, classmate, classmate.

    Working together side by side creates a special sense of togetherness. It destroys the barriers of shyness, erases the boundaries of misunderstanding.

    Provocation of an extreme situation

    The girl is recommended to ask the young man for help, to tell him about her problems. The psychology of men is such that for the most part they are knights who dream of saving their beloved, of becoming a benefactor for her. This method is truly effective, although not entirely honest.

    Although asking for help that is really needed and which he, who loves but hides feelings, can provide, is no longer a deception, but a combination of circumstances. Here it is important for a girl to correctly formulate a request, to give the necessary arguments, so as not to be refused.

    If a man does not respond to requests, looking for an opportunity to refuse to help, then this is not always proof of his indifference to her. Perhaps he is simply afraid to open up to a girl, to become vulnerable.

    Confession of feelings for a guy

    It is difficult for a woman to take the first step. Historically, a man should be the first to confess his love. But if there is no other way, the girl feels an irresistible attraction to the guy, she can:

    • write him a message on social networks (letter) with hints or confession;
    • invite him somewhere via SMS or in person (a veiled declaration of love);
    • call;
    • write poetry or a short, concise essay about feelings, from which he could understand in detail about her feelings, and post it on the wall in a joint social network.

    Male strategy to attract a girl by ignoring

    Although this strategy still implies the fact of a relationship at the initial stage, ignoring the girl in this case is aimed at making her interested, hurting her pride.

    This strategy works like this: a woman must understand that there is mutual sympathy between them, but the relationship does not develop. This surprises her, she begins to show interest in a man. Wounded pride provokes her to action.

    This is what a man does when he:

    • "fills his own worth", pushing the girl to the first step;
    • unsure of the love of the chosen one;
    • did not understand his feelings for her.

    Here, women need to carefully analyze their attitude towards the young man. If it is love, and not hurt pride, taking the first step is not a crime. But sometimes on the part of the man it is a strategic game for the sake of entertainment. Having achieved a manifestation of feelings from a woman, having accepted the proof of her love, a man breaks off the relationship or even makes fun of them.

    Cooling relations

    Often, until recently, a passionate lover suddenly becomes sharply cold at a meeting, and begins defiantly avoiding his beloved.

    Reasons for this situation:

    • decided to part with the girl he likes, because he is afraid of a serious relationship, believes that he is not ready for them;
    • feelings have cooled, but he does not tell her directly about this, choosing silence;
    • the behavior of the girl somehow strains the guy, he is not ready for a break, but he does not want to continue the relationship either;
    • the young man found out the unpleasant details of the relationship with his girlfriend's ex, he was disappointed in her;
    • the guy believes that it is time to move on to a deeper relationship, provoking a woman to act or make a responsible decision, since words no longer work.

    Alienation between husband and wife

    The wife painfully perceives the silence on the part of her husband, his inattention. More impressionable, emotional women immediately project poor health, troubles at work onto their relationships, believing that they have fallen out of love, they are neglected, they are cheating on them.

    The reasons for the onset of the right-of-way may be different:

    • The husband was offended by something, although there were no open quarrels: in a conversation with a friend, the wife allowed herself a joke that seemed offensive to a man.
    • The husband is angry with another person or even with himself. Afraid to break out on his wife, he "withdraws into himself", is silent.
    • Relationships have become so commonplace that a man simply forgets to show attention, thinks that nothing will change - there is no need to try, make efforts.
    • The man's libido decreased due to troubles at work, lack of sleep, illness. Experiencing this acutely, the spouse is embarrassed to voice the problem.

    If a similar situation arises in a family, you should not let it take its course, wait for the time when everything will normalize by itself. A woman needs to analyze her behavior and call a man to a frank conversation. Having understood his resentment or problem, together it is easier to find a way out: apologize to him, support him, express his wishes about signs of attention, consult a doctor for advice or treatment.

    Features of the zodiac signs

    From the point of view of astrology, the temperament, character of a person, his behavior in love relationships depend on the date of his birth.

    Zodiac signsReasons for ignoring a loved one

    These men, confident in their attractiveness, romantic, passionate, sensual, ignore the woman they like in order to intrigue, bind her more tightly to themselves. This usually happens at the beginning of a relationship. Aries' partner is expected to bow, to recognize himself as a leader. Otherwise, they part with their ex-lover without regret. And if such a man suddenly begins to ignore a woman already during a relationship, it is difficult to make him change his mind.


    Calm Taurus can take a long time to think about the first step towards love. Ignoring the woman you like during this period cannot be called self-doubt - this is the expectation of confirmation of feelings, the search for a solution. They do not need to be rushed or provoked - time will put everything in its place. But if Taurus, who is in a relationship with a lady, suddenly closed up, the reason is that he was offended. Here it’s not worth waiting for a turning point in the situation: such men themselves do not cool down and do not forget insults


    The inconstancy of this sign provokes him to break off relations in the hottest period, as soon as a woman hints at their seriousness. They are careful: it is difficult to catch them in family networks. But their innate love of looking noble often works against them. A woman who turns to them for help has every chance of winning not only her soul, but also getting a hand. Avid for praise and flattery, Gemini with a wise wife live happily ever after


    These are the most insecure men who are afraid of being rejected, ridiculed. They are hard going through the failures of the chosen ones. An unsuccessful experience makes him refrain from following relationships for a long time, even in cases where feelings are strong and mutual. In a relationship with a woman, Cancers are romantic, gentle, but rather vulnerable. It is easy to offend him, and Cancer himself will never be the first to talk about the reason for his alienation. Only an understanding woman will be able to guess about the offense inflicted on him and ask for forgiveness in time.

    a lion

    Powerful and strong natures, male hunters often use women's love for self-affirmation. Therefore, often after too easy "prey" they have a sharp cooling to the chosen one. A woman who decides to conquer Leo irrevocably must always maintain relationships in good shape: such men cannot stand boredom, monotony. If Leo suddenly began to ignore his beloved, he probably wanted to diversify relations with anything, even a scandal


    A scrupulous Virgo man takes the choice of a partner seriously. He doubts his feelings for a long time, does not immediately take the first step. The girl thinks that she is indifferent to him, and the man simply calculates the situation. Even if he is irresistibly drawn to the chosen one, he carefully peers into her character, behavior, manner of dressing. It's about Dev they say that they can ignore their beloved because of one habit that does not fit into his ideal


    This zodiac sign is indecisive. He will not immediately show his chosen one true feelings, but will test her patience for a long time, ignoring her. Libra has frequent mood swings: they can suddenly and for no apparent reason suddenly become depressed. And the companion during this period will be tormented by thoughts, what is wrong with her


    The sign, which is recognized as the sexiest in the world, ignores the beloved if she has features that he does not like. Scorpio will never reconcile, will not adapt, bend. It is easier for him to kill feelings in himself than to deviate from his principles. Accustomed to dominating, a man will never associate himself with a strong woman, even if he is madly in love with her. Feeling that his chosen one is somewhat higher than him, Scorpio immediately puts a barrier of alienation between himself and her, without explaining the reasons.


    The freedom-loving zodiac sign gets scared when a love relationship goes too far. Women who want to create a strong family with all the ensuing consequences repel them. Feeling the infringement of his interests, a man scandals or simply runs away. Therefore, the girl, who suddenly began to be ignored by the former, passionately in love with her, Sagittarius, needs to think about whether she was too persistent with dreams of a joint future.


    The old-fashioned romantic looks at the chosen one for a long time, calculates all the options before he decides to make a confession to his beloved. Loyalty and devotion are the hallmarks of the sign. Being in a relationship, Capricorn allows himself an easy flirtation in the service, in the company. But when he feels that things are going too far, he instantly turns into a strict conservative. Therefore, if Capricorn, who was still complimenting yesterday, suddenly became cold today, he remembered his obligations


    A passionate lover of easy relationships ties the knot late. Protecting his freedom, he breaks off relations quickly and easily, without clarification and excuses. If Aquarius began to ignore his former lover, it means that she began to demand more than he was ready to give her. Very touchy, this sign is able to break long-term relationships because of the little things. He will ignore his girlfriend until she herself obeys him and asks for forgiveness


    Men born under this sign are sensitive, vulnerable. They are afraid of being ridiculed, it is difficult for them to accept rejection. Therefore, Pisces never take the first step towards love, even if he really likes a woman. In a relationship, such men are complaisant, calm, patient, but painfully perceive ridicule, jokes addressed to them. Taking everything to heart, men can be offended, shut up for a long time. Pisces subtly feel their partner. They are very demanding of the second half, expecting her to reflect their feelings. If a woman does not give herself to her partner without a trace, the Pisces man is deeply worried, becomes depressed. At such moments, the partner withdraws into himself, ignores any manifestations of attention from his beloved, considering them hypocritical, insincere

    Trying to find out the reasons for the strange behavior of a man, you need to take into account these features of the signs of the zodiac.

A man is an interesting and mysterious creature, at first he showed interest and sympathy, and now he ignores and pretends not to notice. Or, it happens, the girl feels that the guy is not indifferent, but his behavior stubbornly suggests otherwise.

Why does a man ignore the woman he loves, and can he love and ignore at the same time? There may be several reasons, let's try to figure it out.


Men are the same people as women, they tend to experience similar feelings. Put yourself in his place.

Suppose you have three male colleagues at work, one of whom you like a lot. You have tickets for a concert (football, theater, opera).

You can safely come up and invite a colleague who is indifferent to you to go to an event with you. Refused?

Well, it's okay, you easily offer to keep you company to another colleague for whom you do not have any feelings.

Now imagine that you need to approach a third person with whom you sympathize or are secretly in love with this proposal. You do not sleep at night, scroll through the phrases in your head, select the right words and, in the end, do not dare to approach. And why? You are afraid that you will be rejected.

That's guys are just as afraid of rejection, afraid to seem ridiculous. This is one of the reasons why a guy ignores a girl he likes, and she is called - timidity, fear of rejection, shyness.

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Deliberate ignorance

There is a psychological trick- alternating good with bad. This technique is very effective and can bring a girl in love to hysterics.

It actually looks like this: a person behaves like perfection itself for several days - calls, is interested in business, tells his news, asks for advice, plans joint walks, and then, for several days, “disappears”.

He just stops calling, and reluctantly answers your calls, pretends that he has no time or that he has been swallowed up by worries, but not completely repelled, just changes the attitude.

You do not understand, what's the matter, why does he sometimes show interest, then ignores, all such an affectionate, charming man turned into a silent man, get angry, offended, give yourself a word never to communicate with him again, or at least not to call first.

But in a few days there is a "return"- he again showers you with compliments and invites you on dates. That's all, you melted and became even more attached to him.

If some men do such things consciously - they deliberately ignore a woman (naturally, you), then others - unconsciously: what does this mean and how to behave in this situation? There is only one way out - not to succumb to provocation, not to call, but to answer with the same coin.

Other girl

Men are not always honest. A woman, after unambiguous hints of sympathy, maybe even a couple of dates, is waiting for the continuation of the relationship, and the ignoble gentleman simply disappears.

Often the reason for this is the presence in his life of a permanent partner.

And flirting is flirting, and not everyone decides to cheat on his wife, and when the relationship goes far, the man withdraws.

If you did not know in advance about the presence of a spouse, then it is impossible to avoid such a development of events.

After being ignored try to find out about the marital status of your boyfriend and, if the presence of a wife is confirmed, forget about it, like a terrible dream.


Men shun obsessive ladies, and those, in turn, love to control everything. If you constantly call, bombard with messages, try to fill all his time with yourself, then the person will most likely want to take a break in the relationship. The more you make contact, the more he will move away.

Remember, even if people love each other, they don't have to be around every minute. Women with no interests of their own get bored very quickly. Go about your business, plan your leisure time without the participation of a fan, and you will see that his ignore will be removed as if by magic.

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Have you fallen in love with a guy under the sign of Gemini? Then you will have how to attract his attention, and how Gemini men in love behave in a relationship.

freedom lover

All men are very sensitive to their freedom, and some even too much. If you come across one of them, and you see that talking about marriage, children, planting a tree and building a house plunges him into horror - do not rush things.

Do not tell that you have planned your life together for 45 years ahead and are already choosing names for your grandchildren. Such a prospect will frighten him, and he will try to disappear.

Present yourself as an independent, male-dominated lady who doesn't care if this random guy stays with her or not. Then this connoisseur of freedom he won't let you take a step without his accompaniment.

What to do if a guy ignores you - some useful tips in this video:

Victim of a previous love

Painful parting, failed relationships in the recent past encourage a man not to rush, not to rush, as if into a pool, into a new love. The raw wound, the fear of repeating such a situation, slows down his determination.

If you know this line from your fan's biography, then don't be offended by his pause, let's think it over carefully, weigh all the pros and cons, but, in the event of his return, do not let this happen again.

Sometimes the reason why a man starts to ignore the woman he likes lies on the surface, but she does not want to see her.

Compliments were a sign of politeness, smiles were a manifestation of good mood, admiring glances were caused by your beautiful appearance, and that’s all, nothing more.

He was not going to start a relationship with you, and the fact that he likes you - you came up with yourself.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  • First: sit down and think about the signs on which you decided that a man feels sympathy for you.
  • Second: play all-in and ask him if he has any feelings for you.

In some cases, the use of the second method makes a man look at a woman with different eyes, and even if before that he did not think about you, then after such a question he will definitely think.