How to make a big snowman out of snow. How to make a snowman or snow woman out of snow

Svetlana Artemieva

Many snow doesn’t happen, especially in winter! When you want to sculpt snowmen, play snowballs, sledding, cheesecakes, ice skating, build snow fortresses. And what if, not having had time to fall out and please us a lot, he melted almost immediately. The weather upset everyone in the Leningrad region, both children and adults!

How many ideas were there for buildings on the site to make the kids happy! And all this is in vain! What a pity!

Then I got the idea to do artificial snow! In the vastness of the Internet, I found many recipes for its manufacture. I chose two. First way I did the "Sun" in the older group, and the second way proposed in the preparatory group "Buratino".

First way:

We need potato starch and vegetable oil.

First pour the starch onto a tray, and then gradually pour in the oil.

Stir, look, if it crumbles, then you still need to add oil.

And we start to fantasize. Who built the pyramids and who snowmen and bunnies.

The kids were happy snow that didn't melt. And on the balcony we collected the last snow, which had not yet melted and was brought to the group. I invited the children to blind the little one merry snowman until it melted. They liked this idea, in my opinion, even more!

That's how handsome my "Suns" turned out!

That's just at the end of the day snowman made of real snow melted, and from artificial snow stayed on the tray and didn't go anywhere. Children played with snow all week and nothing was done to him (does not spoil).

Second way:

I need baking soda and shaving foam. Squeeze the foam onto a tray.

Pour soda, mix everything.

You can sprinkle with glitter to our snow sparkled.

Like these ones my snowmen turned out"Buratinok"!

Conclusions that we made with children.

Snow made of starch and butter was very similar to dough, it was very good to sculpt from it, nothing fell apart or crumbled.

And here snow from soda and shaving foam crumbled a little, not very well molded. It creaked and felt as cold as real snow.

Experiment and play with children liked the snow!

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PURPOSE OF THE MASTER CLASS: to promote the improvement of teachers' skills through the implementation of active forms of work. OBJECTIVES: to acquaint teachers with.

For work you will need: fleece of white and two other colors (I took orange and blue, synthetic winterizer, a jar from "rastishka", persimmon seeds (you can.

So winter has come to the middle, the New Year holidays have passed. My children and I worked on the "Snowman" project. They learned a lot of poetry, read stories ,.

Happy New Year colleagues! Everyone loves to give and receive gifts for the holidays, especially in the New Year! After all, the New Year is the time for magic and goodness.

Master class "Sweet Snowman". I would like to invite you to make a wonderful New Year's gift from a simple chocolate bar. A wonderful snowman.

New Year is just around the corner - it's time to think about how to decorate your group for the holiday. To make this holiday unforgettable.

    The whole beauty of creating a snowman and other figures, for example, a bunny, consists, in my opinion, precisely in the fact that sticky snow... The child is interested that, having taken a small, just from the cam, a lump of snow, he suddenly and quickly it turns out a huge lump of snow, and then the second and third, Putting them on top of each other, the swarm becomes a real sculptor and sees quite quickly the creation of his own hands. The joy of this is great, which is why children love winter so much.

    And if the snow is not sticky, you can, of course, fiddle with buckets of water, wetting the snow with it. But, you must admit, what a torment it is! There will be no enthusiasm and fuse that immediately arises if the snow is sticky.

    Let's wait for a little thaw, and then go straight to the yard!

    When you can't make a snow woman or a snowman because the snow is dry and crumbly, then you can not drag the snow into the warmth home, but, on the contrary, take a bucket of hot water outside.

    My husband did this when the children wanted to stick figures on in winter, but it did not work, because there was no thaw.

    He put on thick gloves, pulled on rubber gloves for fishing on top of them, dipped his hands in a bucket of water and then sculpted a snowball. From the heated gloves, the snow began to melt and the lump did not disintegrate.

    But it was still impossible to roll a snowball through the snowdrifts, he just, like a sculptor, added snow to the snow, glued them together, and then smoothed them down with heated gloves. When a lump of decent size was typed, he began to shave off the excess from it, giving the desired shape.

    Water will help you.

    First, shovel 3 piles of snow (these piles will then turn into three snowballs).

    Then pour over them abundantly with water, wait 10 minutes. Let the water absorb a little.

    Then start forming lumps out of this snow. Do this with a shovel. First slap the pile into a square, then start rounding. Rinse with water again if necessary.

    When the lumps are ready, start making the snowman.

    Happy New Year!))

    It often happens that the snow does not want to form at all into lumps necessary for the sculpture. It disintegrates right in the hands.

    In these cases, water will act as an assistant to us. It will only get very cold on your hands when you try to shape the balls.

    Pour the required amount of snow with water and gradually add new layers of snow.

    If the snow is not sticky, which is common in cold weather, making a snowman is very difficult and it is better to just wait for the thaw. But if time is running out, then you have to make do with the snow that you have. You can water the snow with water and thereby create artificial stickiness, but this method is very laborious and it is hardly possible to blind a large snowman - I can't even imagine how much water it takes, even though the hose is set up. It is easier to make a box, it can be made of boards, or it can even be made of large cardboard boxes, for example, from under the refrigerator. Snow is packed into this box and left for a couple of days. During this time, the snow cakes and becomes dense, we remove the box and cut the resulting parallelepiped in the shape of a snowman. We give him a broom and a carrot and it's done.

    You make a box, the size of the future snowman, fill it with snow, tamp it tightly and leave it for several days. When the snow is compressed, you disassemble the box and give the snow the shape of a snowman, grinding, cutting it with something sharp (you can use a trowel, spatula, hacksaw and shovel) until ready. And when the figure is ready, pour water over it for strength. We did something like that in the yard.

    We sculpted, however, the snowman turned out to be small, because then the snow crumbled when trying to roll it to the place or hoist a second lump on the first.

    Find sticky snow and make a small snowball, and then roll in one place where the snow is not sticky and in the place where the snow is a little wet, because you poured water on it. But all the same, it will not work out big.

    Only with water. But this is only in theory. Practically impossible in practice.

    If the snow is not sticky, then making a snowman out of it is sheer torment. You can spend the whole winter on this, but it will still fall apart under your hands. It will turn out to be short-lived. Therefore, it is necessary to slightly change the whole process. There are several options:

    1. Choose a sunny location and a thin layer of snow. At this point, the snow will be sticky.

    2 .Place a bucket of warm water outside. Water the snow, roll it right there and then sculpt it.

    3 . Bring snow into the house, put it in a warm place, and after 5-10 minutes take it out.

    Snow is sticky at freezing temperatures. So, you can't do without additional heat in the bitter frost.

    At the same time, the volume of the snowman will have to be reduced. And then you don't apply water.

    With water. But you can do it differently if you have a lot of time. Take the snow (how much to fit in your hands) in your hands without gloves, and drown it with your hands a little, then sculpt it onto the main ball.

    My child has already understood when it is convenient to make snowballs and snowmen, with what kind of snow, and when it is not convenient.

    He just picks up and checks. If the snow is dry and does not mold, interest in it is immediately lost.

    If, nevertheless, there is an urgent need to build a snowman from dry, not sticky snow, you need to collect snow in buckets, bring it into the house, when it melts a little, make one lump, then another lump.

    The higher you need a snowman, the more buckets of snow you need to bring home to thaw.

    You can decorate the snowman at your discretion: a scarf, a nose with carrots are required!

    It is difficult to blind a snowman made of loose snow, and if something looks like a snowman, it will not be for long, but it will be long and difficult to make it with such snow, you will have to wet it with water, it is better to wait for a warmer weather when the snow is loose.

    of course with water and patience. But if the snow is not sticky, then it's frosty outside. Consequently, it will quickly freeze the snow poured with water and get an ice sculpture.

New Year's holidays have their own attributes. In addition to Santa Claus and Snegurochka, who come with gifts on this significant day, children are also happy to have all the New Year's fun, including making a snowman. How to prepare your site for the New Year, how to give your child additional pleasure by fiddling around on a sunny day in the snow - the answer is simple: make a snowman. However, not all adults remember their childhood so well to explain to the younger generation how to make a snowman. We will remind you!

Are you ready to plunge into childhood, remember the times when you didn't want to leave the yard, when only soaking wet clothes drove you into the room ?! Refresh those unforgettable emotions in your memory, immerse yourself in the feeling of anticipation of a holiday - a time of miracles and fulfillment of desires! Your child is a forgotten route to the land of fairy tales, throw away all doubts - and go on a journey to childhood!

The first snow fell, it still lies unsteadily on the ground and melts from any temperature drop. It means that it is not yet time to take mittens and gloves, shovels and buckets. Wait for the weather to settle, wait for the snow cover, which will be wet but stable. This cannot be achieved in cold weather, but a solid plus on the street is not an assistant. Ideal weather conditions are around zero during the day. A plus or minus one degree won't hurt.

How to make a snowman out of snow? The technique is simple - we roll a small snowball and roll it over the snowy area here and there, where there is more snow. It is advisable to choose a snowy place where the wind did not bare the ground, but, on the contrary, covered the snow. The design of the snowman is simple - two or three snowballs. The bottom lump is the largest, it depends on what size you can make a snowman. Expect that the bottom lump carries all the load, so it should be the strongest and hardest. Choosing the location of the snowman is also very important. You should not settle a snow guest on the sunny side of the site, even if the sun is not as hot in winter as on summer days, but it will be able to cause significant damage to the structure by flooding it. Remember the safety measures - it is worth working with gloves or mittens, this is protection against hypothermia of the hands and its consequences - colds and other troubles.

The place for the snowman, as you already understood, should be in the shade, on a flat, well-snow-covered surface. Did you manage? Excellent! Moving on. Everyone knows perfectly well that a snowman consists of two or three snow globes, each one smaller than the previous one.

Grind the appearance of the snowman - remove all unnecessary humps, pits and bulges with your hands at once, or already connecting the structure - here you decide. The main thing is that you get even and neat, clear contours. Making a big snowman is more difficult. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to stay small. Small snowballs can be used to make arms and legs by placing them in the appropriate place.

In order to give the snowman stability, you can use the following tricks:

  • stick a stick into the bottom lump and attach subsequent lumps to it. The stick should reach the ground, but at the same time not stick out from the top of the head. If, nevertheless, a small piece rises above the top ball, hide it under a bucket, hat, hat (and it doesn't matter what it will be - either also snowy, or from your wardrobe);
  • use a metal structure made of reinforcement and wire - with the help of it you can mold any figures - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Babu Yaga, etc .;
  • pour cold water over the finished snowman at temperatures below zero. This must be done very slowly so that the structure does not "float".


Just like shape, appearance is important - try to embellish the snowman, that is, face, clothes, and maybe add shoes. Passers-by are unlikely to be delighted at the sight of a wobbly structure with a shriveled, sluggish carrot. Treat your work as a piece of art, a kind of brainchild. To make it exclusive, you need to make an effort:

If you are already raising school-age children, you can invite them to make an exhibition of snow and ice figures. Believe me, this moment will be marked in your and their memory for a long time, or maybe someday they will offer their children something similar, remembering your pleasant pastime.

If it's a sunny day, do not stop at one figure, fashion a couple or a whole family, where each snowman will look like someone from your family. Imagine, enjoy!

But what if the New Year is approaching and the weather is not right? How do you bring creativity to your pre-holiday setting? There are several ways how to do it without snow. From what, you ask - yes from anything. Below we will look at crafts with children from various materials on the topic "Snowman".

It all depends on the age of the younger generation. If you have a preschooler in your family, you can sculpt a snowman from plasticine, plastic, or make applications on a given theme.

Plasticine miracle

So, how to mold a snowman from plasticine.

You will need white plasticine to give it a shade of snow, you can pre-mix it with a small amount of blue and get a pale blue. Do not overdo it, white should be at least ¾ of the total amount of mass. In order to increase the structure and at the same time lighten it, you can make a blank, which then just stick around. It can be either papier-mâché or harvested chestnuts, walnuts (or their empty shells), large plastic beads, fabrics, cotton wool, etc. Plasticine does not adhere well to fabrics, so the layer of sticky mass should be larger than in other cases.

Preparing papier mache

How to make a papier-mâché blank:

  • roll a ball out of plasticine (any, it will not suffer in any way, and you can use it in the future);
  • with the help of water, stick it with thin paper, napkin, newspaper. Coat the layer with PVA glue. Apply the napkin again, smear again. Again a layer of paper and again glue. So up to 10 layers;
  • Dry with a hair dryer or on the battery (you can just leave it in a warm place for up to 10 days). After everything is dry, cut the ball in half with a clerical knife;
  • take out the plasticine. Connect the ball, again coat with glue, cover with paper. If this is a rough draft, you do not need to smooth out irregularities. If you came up with the idea to leave the snowman out of this material, carefully remove all the irregularities with the help of additional layers of glue and paper. Products made of papier-mâché are very easy to repaint and paint. The balls can be connected to each other at the assembly stage using a rod. It is necessary to attach a weight to the bottom of it so that the structure has stability in the future.

Plastic - a step to perfection

How to sculpt a snowman from plastic? This is the same plasticine, but it dries in the air and hardens, it is also called plastic porcelain. It is easy to make yourself or buy from any boutique that sells craft or art products. The actions are the same as with plasticine. You can sculpt a figure only from plastic or use blank forms. The effect will be unexpected. Instead of a fragile plasticine craft, you will receive a finished figurine that resembles a clay or porcelain work. It will be pleasant for you and your child to make one not only for your own Christmas tree, but also as a gift for your family and friends under the Christmas tree.

For the little ones

If your baby is barely 2-3 years old, you can easily make a light application "Snowman" from cotton pads. To do this, you will need:

  1. colored paper for the background (light blue or blue);
  2. 2-3 cotton pads;
  3. PVA glue;
  4. felt-tip pens;
  5. cotton wool for the image of snowdrifts.

In the background, mark the position of the snowman. Apply glue to these areas. Have the child glue the cotton pads in a specific order - from bottom to top (or from top to bottom). Draw with felt-tip pens the snowman's face, his hat, twig pens. Glue small pieces of cotton wool at its foot - snowdrifts. If time and imagination permits - add millet to the sun, buckwheat - thawed patches. Imagine, and you will have not only a gorgeous craft, but also an excellent activity aimed at developing the fine motor skills of the baby.

Winter joys are not only happiness from the time spent together, but also benefits for the development of your child! Let them grow up happy!

Since ancient times, our ancestors sculpted snow women for the glory of heavenly air maidens. According to legends, these spirits controlled the winds, clouds and snow. The Slavs brought them gifts and asked for warmth and sun. And the snowman was called upon to protect the house and sweep away evil spirits with his broom.

Nowadays, statues made of snow, called snowmen in the old fashioned way, appear in the most unusual and creative forms. The only limit is the flight of fantasy. And since the longest path begins with the first step, first, let's learn to walk. Or, more precisely, sculpt.

And we will create classic snowman made of snow... By the way, a snowman is molded from exactly the same principle - you can practice with children at home.
The snowman consists of three balls, where each subsequent one is smaller than the previous one. Everything is very simple. Now we will consider in stages.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make a snowman out of snow

In order to no longer have the question of how to mold a snowman, I propose to follow the step-by-step instructions. However, you can only familiarize yourself with it, and sculpt it the way you like best.

1. Preparation
Choose comfortable clothes to start with. Keep in mind that you will have to move a lot, which means sweating. Mittens or gloves should be removable or waterproof. It is better to wear a hat with "ears". There will be no mercy not only from the wind, but also from relatives! After all, throwing a snowball at a loving person is no less important than sculpting a masterpiece.

2. Choice of location
Try to choose a place where neither your snowman nor the noisy (believe me, sometimes even very noisy!) Process of his birth will not interfere with anyone. For example, leaving the garage or parking lot is completely unsuitable. And the playground under the windows of neighbors who don't really like living people is not the best place. We also remember about the danger of a snowball falling into someone's window.

3. Distribution of roles
So, the costumes for the "sculptors" have been put on, a place with snow-white untouched snow has been chosen, which means let's get started! After an approving wave of the hand, everyone starts to run randomly, feed each other with snow and trample the building material ... This will not work. Therefore, we quickly and in a very organized way divide into groups. Depending on the number of personnel and their age categories, we divide the responsibilities into the following:
big ball rollers;
medium ball rollers;
small ball rollers;
those who distract everyone.

Or we sculpt everything together. But then be prepared for some kind of chaos while working.

4. Modeling a large ball
We always begin to sculpt a snowman from the bottom, largest ball. To do this, we create a small snowball and roll it over the snow, "winding" more and more "building material" on it. As it increases, we slap the ball with our palms. Neat, but strong. Otherwise, the ball will fall apart. But this is the basis of our snowman. It will hold the weight of the entire snow sculpture. Therefore, we try to make a lump as tightly as possible, and we trust this process only to the most conscious (preferably adult) members of the personnel.

5. Modeling a medium and small ball
We sculpt the second and third balls in the same way as the big one. Only there is no longer a need to strongly condense them. It is much more important here to make sure that the sizes of the second and third balls are proportionally reduced. Otherwise, in the heat of molding, you can "wind" excess snow on someone.

6. We build the structure
Now the most difficult and responsible job. After all, you have to collect a snowman. To do this, drag the middle ball onto the large one, and the small one onto the medium one. It turns out a "cone" of three snow balls. Be extremely careful. Otherwise, drop a ball of snow, and you will have to start creating it again.

7. Decorate the snowman
This stage is final, but the most interesting. Decorate the newly made snowman with any improvised items. The hat can be made from a bucket, half a pumpkin, or a regular old hat. It is easier to make eyes and lips from seeds, coals, pebbles or viburnum. The nose is a carrot, a bump, a twig, an ear of corn ...

If you wish, you can also roll up two balls of the same size and attach them to the central part of the snowman. These will be hands. Well, what should be given to him in these hands? That's right, broom! And may it protect your sleep from evil spirits! Now you have only one thing left - to capture the finished snowman in a photo and go home to dry and clean your clothes from snow. Good luck!

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