How to make a soap from girlfriend at home. From what makes soap handmade. Rose Bath Balls

First of all, your desire and fantasy needed. If you have not decided yet, you like the Ward Soap or No, purchase an inexpensive set for the manufacture of soap. It is quite a few components, approximately one set you can make 100-500 g of detergent.

Ingredients for soaping at home

Consider which ingredients for soaping at home:

  1. The foundation. It can be solid or liquid. Beginner soaps are often resorted to the use of baby soap without fragrances and dyes. But the preparation of such a basis will have to spend some time. To begin with, soap rolls on the grater, and then melts. Professionals can purchase a soap base. Choose a consistency depending on whether you want to prepare liquid or solid soap. If you want "from scratch" to make soap, purchase alkali and oil. The basis of a few hours is preparing. The difficulty lies in the correct calculation of the number of alkalis and oil to obtain a high-quality basis.
  2. Butter. This is one of the basic components that feeds and moisturizes the epidermis. Oils can be both mineral and vegetable. Please note that mineral fatty substances create a film on the surface of the skin, preventing it from drying out. But they do not feed the epidermis and do not moisturize it. Therefore, prefer natural substances.
  3. Pigment. It can be a food dye, a decoction of spicy herbs or bright oil. Usually soaps are used food pigments, as they are completely safe.
  4. Flavor. It is usually essential oils from herbs and fruits. True, their price is rather big, but the bottle is enough for a long time. Some experienced soaps acquire cosmetic fragrances, their price is an order lower.
  5. Additional ingredients. This is a substance for taking skin, such as lufa, coffee beans or ordinary oatmeal.

Cookware for boiling soap at home

To give the soap of certain contours, you will need molds from plastic or silicone. If for the first time you are going to cook soap, use silicone forms, the finished agent is easily separated from the soft surface and does not break. It is not desirable to apply aluminum products, soap components can enter into a reaction with a metal, causing it corrosion. From glass is problematic to extract ready-made shelters.

Prepare such dishes and tanks: measuring cups, melting containers and auxiliary. Please note in a saucepan in which you will cook soap, it is impossible to cook anymore.

In addition, you will need auxiliary materials and chemical components. This is indicator paper, rubber mittens, stirring sticks, knives, plastic wrappers. But you can do by conventional cheap rubber mittens.

What to choose the basis for soaping at home

It can be liquid or solid. Liquid mass is used for the production of creamy soap in bottles. She does not harden. Solid may be transparent or white.

Manufacturers of soap production:

  • England. This country produces Crystal basics. The basics for soap of this brand can be transparent or creamy color. The company manufactures base with glycerin and oils. Many soaps consider it one of the best for professional use. It does not crumble during separation into pieces, mixed well with oil and dyes. Among the disadvantages are a high price and formation of a large number of bubbles when melting on a water bath. When frozen soap may not completely repeat the outline of the shape and crumble. The finished product is well foaming and does not dry the skin. In England, the creamy base of OSR is produced, it is suitable for the manufacture of scrub and cream soap. Externally, it differs from all other databases with cream texture and consistency.
  • China. The base from the subnet first fell on domestic counters. Almost all the craftsmen began their work from these funds. Now the quality of the base from China has deteriorated, but the price is the lowest on the market, so it is still buying it. As part of a lot of sodium lauryl sulfate. It is this component that is responsible for the ability of the foundation to be washed. But at the same time he dries the skin. Therefore, the less surfactant, the worse the soap foams and dries the epidermis. The Chinese base is mixed well with dyes and oils, even with their large quantities. If you want to make a soap of an interesting form with a lot of small parts, you should not purchase this database. After extracting from the form, the product can crumble, and the corners and minor parts are barely. Not so long ago, the basics of the premium class appeared, they are good - not bad, but inferior to bases from Germany and England.
  • Germany. The basics of the German production Zetesap are only transparent, and this property is preserved after soap frozen. This allows you to create an "aquarium" by adding the branches of herbs, coffee beans and flowers. The database melting point is lower than that of Chinese and English, so carefully follow the process of converting the bar into the liquid. The main advantage of this foundation is the absence of bubbles in the finished product. At the same time, the price of means is lower than English. The finished soap foams well, but slightly dries the skin. It does not very well take oils in large quantities. Very liquid, so when frozen can flow out of the form.
  • Russia. The foundations of Russian production appeared on the market quite recently. Two brands of Russia are represented - Brilliant and Pralab. The main advantage is low price. In addition, when pouring into the form, bubbles are practically not formed. In the molten form of the base - liquid, so fine recesses are perfectly filled. This is an excellent basis for creating demonstrative figures and master classes. But the finished soap dries the skin, there may be an outsider smell, which is difficult to kill with essential oils.

Set for soaping at home for beginners

Now in many stores Hand Maid can be found separately the basis for soap, dyes and oils. But all this is sold in large bottles and is not at all cheap. Therefore, if you decide to try yourself as a soap, acquire a set. Its composition may differ depending on your requirements for the finished product.

Approximate composition of soap set:

  1. Base or soap. Instead, you can use baby soap. Choose a tool without flavors and fragrances. So you can give the finished product the necessary color and smell. True, there will be no transparent soap from such an improvised basis.
  2. Main oil. It is necessary to mitigate and moisture. Usually it is added in a small amount. Moreover, the volume of oil used directly depends on the desired properties of the soap and its purpose. Most often apply almond oil or grape bones. It is they who have proven themselves well, and the price of them is not very high.
  3. Dye. As part of sets sell food dyes.
  4. Aromatic base. This is a fragrance or essential oils.
  5. Forms of silicone or plastics. We are necessary for the manufacture of soap bars.
The composition of the set may vary depending on the recipe. Together with all the ingredients there is a detailed instruction for preparing a specific type of soap. Manufacturers often include dry herbs for decorating products.

Recipes for soaps at home

Recipes manufacturing soap a lot. Of course, it is not initially not to deal with the creation of complex multi-layer bridges. For the first few times, make a simple soap of one color. Experiment with the amount of base oil, since some soap bases are well mixed with the ingredients, and in the cooking process, the fatty part can be detached from the bulk. Preparing soap for the first time, take a small amount of products so as not to be sorry to spoil.

Homemade soap soap soap

As a basis, a baby soap or a jelly-like base can be used. Keep in mind that the tool from the children's soap will be opaque, and if you become a jelly-like base, then all particles for the scraping will not fall on the bottom. Consider the economical recipe that implies the use of womb.

Instructions for the manufacture of liquid soap:

  • Take 100 g bases. It can be the usual baby soap without smell or kneading, which experienced hostesses often collect. Sweep the foundation in a warm place and soda on the grater. You get a glass of shavings from one bar. On 100 g of the base you need 4 glasses of water. Instead of water you can use herbal decoction.
  • Fill the chips with water and put a saucepan on the fire. All the time stir the composition. The resulting foam should be removed. Boil the mixture until the chip is completely dissolved.
  • After that, turn off the heating and pour 25 ml of glycerol or base oil. It can be oil from grape bones. Drip 2-3 kali essential oil lemon. Add a yellow dye.
  • As a result, you will have a lemon soap with your own hands. Pour it into a bottle with the dispenser, and you can safely use it for your needs.

Coffee soap scrub do it yourself

Excellent soap for leather taking. Easily removes emerged pollution.

Instructions for the rapid production of soap scrub:

  1. Take 100 g of the base and grind it on the grater. Pour the chips into the blender cup and pour the glass of boiling water.
  2. Wake up in a blender before receiving a homogeneous mass. Pour 30 ml of almond oil and 30 g of natural honey. Add a tablespoon of black ground coffee.
  3. Drip honey flavoring and add yellow dye. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Add another glass of cold water. Turn on the blender and beat 1-2 minutes.
  5. Pour the scrub soap into the bottle with the dispenser. This means you can wash your face. It is ideal for people who constantly work with fuel oil, coal or mud. Pieces of coffee beans carefully exude off the remnants of contaminants, and honey moisturizes the skin.

Soaping for beginners: solid soap with lavender

This is soap, thanks to beautiful appearance, you can use as a gift. For the preparation of the product uses the German base ZetesAP. It is transparent, so we will do it white with milk.

Instructions for the manufacture of soap with lavender at home:

  • Take 80 g of the finished base and divide it into two parts. From this quantity will be 100 g of the finished product.
  • Cut the base to pieces and leave melting on a water bath. Constantly mix. When the pieces turn into a liquid, divide the composition in half. One add milk powder, and do not add anything to the second.
  • In different saucers, continue cooking soap. Add to each container of 15 ml of almond oil and 3 drops of lavender essential oil, pour the purple dye into the transparent mixture. Do not add pigment in a mixture with milk.
  • On the bottom of the form, lay out the branch of the lavender and pour into a small amount of transparent base. When the soap gets up, add a white coating layer. Alternate layers.
  • Before the fill of each new layer, the already frozen surface must be sprinkled with alcohol and scratch the toothpick. This will improve the clutch and will prevent the formation of bubbles.
  • After finding all the layers to separate the soap from the form. You will get a beautiful product that resembles aquarium.

Gift detergent-soap with cinnamon

Great option for a gift. The finished detergent pleasantly smells like a lavender and has a beautiful shade.

Lavender soap manufacturing instructions:

  1. Melt in a saucepan of 80 g of white base. Suitable English matte crystal.
  2. Add 30 g of grape seed oil into the liquid.
  3. Pour a few drops of cinnamon essential oil.
  4. Practice 10 g powder with a ground cinnamon. You do not need to add dye.
  5. Skaw the shape of alcohol and pour it in it yet the liquid base.
  6. After 10 minutes, stir the base and sprinkle with alcohol again. It is necessary so that the lavender particles do not darken on the bottom and evenly distributed over the volume of the bar.

To decorate your home soap, you can use the glytter (glitter), dried calendula flowers, milk, honey and even laminaria.

How to make soap with your own hands - Look at the video:

The recipes of cooking soap with their own hands is a lot, while practicing a little, you can implement all your ideas and even organize a profitable business.

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Fragrant and fragrant soap can be purchased not only in stores, this cosmetic product will be able to create yourself. We will share with you simple techniques how to make soap do it yourself. To make sure how simple and fascinating the process of soaps, it is necessary to just participate in it. Let's create together, we propose to master a few master classes for the manufacture of soap.

Simple homemade recipes for beginners

Soaping for beginners is a very exciting occupation, attract the fascinating process of relatives and you will not only make a useful cosmetic product, but also get a lot of positive emotions. So, let's start the manufacture of soap at home.

Remember that bubbles are not formed on the surface of the soap, you need at the end of cooking (when you already plunde the mixture in forms), top to the soap sprinkled with alcohol from the sprayer (use not vodka, namely alcohol!), And before the beginning of all manipulations you need Square forms where you will pour soap.

Recipe number 1 - fragrant chocolate soap


  • Soap base (preferably transparent) - 80 gr.;
  • Peach oil - 1 h. Spoon;
  • WIT. A and e - 3 cap.;
  • Mint's essential oil - 15 cap.;
  • Gorky chocolate - 1 square.

Step-by-step cooking:

Recipe # 2 - Coffee Soap Scrub


  • Children's soap without fragrances - 100 gr.;
  • Water - 210 ml;
  • Olive oil - 5 ml;
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 17 ml;
  • Essential oil Patchouli - 6 cap.
  • Ground coffee beans - 3 h. Spoons.
Cooking technology:

It is worth noting that other abrasive components will be alike, for example, oatmeal, chopped walnut shell, and poppy seeds.

Soaping at home for beginners is to fully comply with all stages of creating a cosmetic product, only in this case it will be possible to preserve the useful qualities and cleaning properties of the manufactured hygiene. Now you know how to make a comprehensive soap at home.

Recipe number 3 - Anti-cellulite oil with sea salt and algae

  • Soap base organic - 100 gr.;
  • Salt marine middle grinding - 1 h. Spoon;
  • Algae Askofillaum - 7 gr.;
  • Mixture of oils (basic + ethereal) - 1 h. Spoon.
Step-by-step preparation instructions:
This handmade soap at home is not inferior to shop analogues. This option is the simplest of the recipes of anti-cellulite home soap, as it is preparing very quickly.
  1. So, melt the foundation, this can be done both in the microwave and water bath.
  2. Add algae with salt to it. Gently mix these ingredients.
  3. Pour the oil mixture (essential and base oils. Choose your taste: orange, lemon, but no less effectively with cellulite struggle oil, geranium, juniper, cinnamon, cypress, cypress, continue mixing components.
  4. If none of your seven earlier did cleansing cosmetics earlier, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the mold for handmade soap will be required pre-lubricate alcohol for better extract finished product.
  5. Pour the soap mixture from the base, let it be frozen. When adding olive oil, get olive soap with your own hands.

Important: In the manufacture of an anti-cellulite cosmetic agent, you can do without a soap base, and use soap from scratch, the recipes of its preparation are accurately lower. Based on the child's soap, it is better not to do soap with salt, otherwise the mass can be fed on flakes and water.

Recipe No. 4 - Solid Aromashampunge from scratch with hot way

You can easily master all the subtleties of soap, the master class on the manufacture of a solid shampoo will help you in this, is all easier than simple. Let's get on business.


  • Coconut oil - 935 gr.;
  • Alkali - 155 gr.;
  • Water - 355 gr.;
  • Essential oils - 25 gr. (any, on your choice).
Step-by-step cooking:

You can adjust the soap recipes on your own request, adding new ingredients (see photo-memo about useful additives just below), do not be afraid to experiment, because soaping for beginners is a creative process!

Recipe number 5 - Liquid soap from pasting

  • Number -120 gr.;
  • Hot water;
  • Glycerin - 7 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • Essential oil 5-10 cap.
If you do not know how to make liquid soap At home, we will tell me how simply prepares a homemade cleansing agent, on its production you will spend the minimum of time. Soap from the wraths with their own hands will be your favorite cosmetic product, a step-by-step master class will help create a fragrant and very gentle means for washing of hands and body.

  1. Before cooking soaps from the wraths at home, you will need to prepare the basis, the names themselves. Sattail them with the help of fine gravity.
  2. Now it will be necessary to melt soap, add hot water in the amount so that the homogeneous mass is obtained after the molding on the water bath.
  3. In order for the cooked liquid soap with their own hands with their favorite flavors, add a few droplets of essential oils. Thus, it will be possible to make a new soap. By the way, it is possible to engage in the creation of soap with honey.
  4. The next step will be the addition of lemon juice and glycerol.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle with a dispenser. With my own hands, it turned out not very liquid, and no different from purchased. The detergent component in this product has retained all its properties, now it remains to test the product - wash your hands. Now you know how to make a liquid soap from the wraths.

Secrets of soaps

  1. In order to make soap with swirls with their own hands, you will need to use a special basis for a swirl, various dyes and fragrances. Mysterious zigzags and patterns can easily create with a toothpick or bamboo sticks. Look at the video:

  2. Before you make a useful cosmetic product from the washed, carefully think about it. Besides oils and dyes can use dry therapeutic herbs, cosmetic clay. Not everyone knows how to make soap from the washing so that it is gentle and moistened to the skin of the hands. It is enough to add several secret components: with honey and propolisit will become really very nutritious.
  3. Instead of synthetic coloring agents, natural dyes can be used:
    - yellow: Sea buckthorn butter, turmeric;
    - pink: Beet juice;
    - white: Dry milk, white clay;
    - brown: cocoa, cinnamon, rosehip;
    - green: Fresh spinach, henna, dry dill, dry seaweed, parsley).
  4. If you make baby soap, then essential oils are desirable not to add not to cause allergies or irritation.
  5. Instead of water you can add infusions of medicinal herbs!

Successes in your endeavors, master new soap recipes and create! For beginners, we recommend watching video with a step-by-step master class.

Among the Hand-Made Hobbies, home soap is the same popular occupation as embroidery. In order to learn how to boil soap with your own hands, special skills are not required, bulky equipment or expensive components. Some are fond of soaping "for themselves", presenting creation to friends and close, the other for the sake of interest are experimenting with recipes, and someone already walked the master in this business and successfully implements its products.

Benefits. Homemade soap is distinguished from "Shop":

  • At the exit, a natural and environmentally friendly product is obtained, which does not contain harmful "chemistry": artificial dyes, perfumed fragrances and other dubious ingredients.
  • The basic recipe is the basis using which you can weld the economic, moisturizing, children's, antiseptic soap.
  • The cost of the homemade bar is lower than the purchase, especially if you do not get ready-made raw materials, but to collect herbs and cooking brazers yourself.
  • And finally, soap is a creative and exciting process, to participate in which the whole family can.

What will take for work

Tools and equipment: Kitchen scales, cooking capacity (Best of all - from a stainless steel, but not aluminum), a spoon or blade, if possible - a mixer or blender, molds for bars or bottles with dispensers.

The main components: homemade or purchased soap base (you can find a ready-made glycerin or baby soap, kneading, basic and essential oils, food (!) Dyes, diluent, leaving additives, medical alcohol or vodka, and vodka.

How to make soap at home

Methods of cooking soap a lot. Experienced masters themselves prepare the basis for alkalis, to the tenth grams measure the amount of each ingredient to obtain the desired viscosity of the mass and "transparency". Beginners we advise you to adhere to the proposed cooking technology to understand the essence of the process.

Selection of components

The universal soap recipe allows you to safely experiment with "additives" and proportions. There are popular soap varieties as a "strawberry with cream", "honey and coffee", "herbs and green tea", "orange and cinnamon."

  • If you cook soap for oily skin, use aircraft essential oil, tea tree, eucalyptus. For dim or mature - orange and ylang-ylang (5-6 drops for every 100 grams of soap base).
  • Antiseptic properties give calendula brands, pharmaceutical chamomile, cleanliness, field chest. Cream or milk as a diluent make the skin velvety (2 tablespoons per 100 grams of the base).
  • Glycerin (2 hours of spoons per 100 grams of the foundation) perfectly softens the skin, and the powder clay equalizes the complexion and dry inflammation (enough 1-2 h. Spoons per 100 grams of soap).
  • Honey (40 grams per 100 grams of foundations) nourishes, and coffee thick, oatmeal shredded in a coffee grinder fruit bones, and dried algae are considered good exfoliants - means to remove dead cells.
  • As dyes and flavors, use cocoa powder, fused chocolate, juices of berries or parsley (the greater the dye - the riches color of the soap servochka).

Universal soap recipe


  • the soap base is 100 grams.
  • basic oil (olive, lanoline, almond, jasmine, peach, lavender or castor) - 4 teaspoons;
  • diluent (cream, milk, infusion of green tea, lean herbal decoction) - the volume varies from the desired product consistency;
  • any essential oil - 5-6 drops;
  • filler (coffee thick, crushed algae, dry herbs) - no more than 30 grams;
  • vodka (ethyl alcohol) - 5-10 ml.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare the foundation. If she is in the bar - cut into cubes (approximately 1x1 cm), wash the kneads on a shallow grater. Thanks to the grinding, the soap will turn into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Melt the raw materials in the water bath: put the "working" container into a deeper pan, on 1/3 filled with water, heat on medium heat, constantly stirring.
  3. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, without lumps, add the base oil.
  4. Pour diluent. There is no exact proportions: it all depends on which thickness should be the final product (for personal discretion). For baro soap, tighten the diluent until the mass accepts the consistency of sour cream. The more fluid - the smallest soap, the more gel-shaped soap.
  5. Remove the mass from the fire, in turn, stirring, add the remaining ingredients: essential oil, flavors, dyes, fillers.
  6. Pour the liquid soap into the molds (the best suicular or thermoplastic is suitable), the future gel is in a bottle with a pulverizer.
  7. Spray the surface with medical alcohol or vodka so that ugly bubbles do not appear.
  8. Put the molds into a cool place (you can in the refrigerator). After a couple of days, homemade soap will be ready.

Home soap can be given any form

How to prepare a soap base

To cook the base yourself, you will need not only components, dishes and kitchen scales, but also protective glasses, respirator, household gloves, apron.

When working with caustrial substances, observe precautions!

Ingredients for 150 grams of the base:

  • coconut oil - 30 grams;
  • palm oil - 20 grams;
  • olive oil - 50 grams;
  • water - 33% of the total oil volume.
  • caustic soda - 15 grams.

1. Melt the butters (solid coconut and palm oil) in the water bath, not forgetting to stir a mass with a wooden spatula.

2. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour liquid olive oil.

3. As soon as the oil temperature reaches 60 ° C - remove from the heat.

4. Stirring, pour caustic soda in pre-cold water (should be ice!).

It is necessary to mix alkali and water only when the hood is on or outdoors (for example, on the balcony). In order not to inhale harmful pairs, put on the respirator.

5. The composition should be transparent. If you can see the suspension - strain through the gauze.

6. Measure the temperature of the oil and alkaline solution. Optimal - 50-55 ° C.

7. Gently pour the alkali to the oils, thoroughly mixing the mass.

8. Whip a blender or mixer to thickening 3-5 minutes.

9. Send the soap packaged on the molds.

If you plan to explore something new in needlework, pay attention to soap and prepare a natural product at home, which, with properly selected ingredients, can be used in cosmetology. In addition, this is a great gift if it is additionally decorated with natural components: flower petals, fruit bones, glitter and pigments. In stores such soap is very expensive, much cheaper and easier to make it with your own hands. You can attract close to work - it will be a joint and fascinating creativity. Today in the review of the editors, the site of exciting master classes for beginners, in the course of which you will get acquainted with the main techniques of soap.

Newcomers need to start cooking soap at home from a soap base. You can buy a ready-made composition, use the kneadings or ordinary soap. The first copies are better to cook without any additives, and in time you can start experiments.

What you need to prepare for soaping at home

Before cooking soap at home, you will need the following components and tools:

  • vessel for the base;
  • beautiful molds;
  • cups, spatulas or spoons;
  • alcohol.

Tip!For soaps, plastic or enameled dishes are suitable, metal surfaces harm the essential additives.

We will also need the following ingredients:

  • finished soap base, buy which can be in granules, piece or in chips. For manual manufacture, it is sometimes used alkaline soap, which includes only oils;
  • oils affecting the fragrance and properties of the finished sample.

The following ingredients are often used as a supplement:

  • abrasive substances;
  • oil vitamins;
  • beekeeping products, such as honey;
  • culinary spices;
  • corn starch and sugar - they are necessary for better laundry and foaming;
  • fruit and vegetable juices and yogurt are needed to make a moisturizing effect.

How to cook soap at home: master class for beginners

We offer to familiarize yourself with the principle of independent soaps on the manufacture of a simple recipe.

Illustration Description of action
Cut the base, fold everything into the plastic jug and put in the microwave.

Pour into a measuring cup Warm base, add a dye and mix.
Add 12 drops of fragrances, mix.

Pour a silent glitter and mix thoroughly.
Pour to silicone shape. To prevent the appearance of bubbles, you need to immediately spray the surface with alcohol.

The finished soap is removed by 2-3 hours in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator, after which it can be removed from the form.

In more detail the master class on soaping at home for beginners can be viewed on the video:

Step-by-step soap-based soap-based recipes at home for beginners

Newbies can try their strength on completely simple recipes, and after that experiment with more complex compositions.

Recipe 1 - Surprise with rose petals

Before cooking 2 pieces of soap at home, we will need:

  • 150 g bases;
  • red dye;
  • jojoba and roses oils;
  • flower petals.

The work process is next.

  1. Cut and melt in a microwave base.
  2. Pour 3-4 drops of dye, 15 drops of jojoba and 2-3 rose oil drops.
  3. At the bottom of silicone shape put petals and pour the prepared basis. If necessary, you can distribute them evenly in shape.

Recipe 2 - Honey Soap

For the cooking of fragrant soap with honey we will need:

  • 150 g bases;
  • Saffron - he will act as a dye;
  • oils: Vanilla "Monoy de Tahiti";
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • molds resembling cells.

Production procedure.

  1. Melt the basis of any convenient way.
  2. Add a pinch of saffron and honey, move everything.
  3. After the saffron paints the composition, add 2 drops of vanilla oil, then a little "Mono de Taiti", mix, if necessary, increase the dosage.
  4. Pour into molds and cool.

Recipe 3 - soap "Strawberry with cream"

This is a more complex recipe, for him we will need:

  • the foundation;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of oils: olives and strawberry seeds;
  • red dye;
  • 40 g of cream;
  • fragrances of strawberries and cream.

The order of work is complicated by the inclusion of a natural product at the end of mixing, otherwise the course of action is similar.

Recipe 4 - Soap "Chocolate Aroma"

For fragrant chocolate soap, it will be necessary:

  • 40 g oil cocoa;
  • 150 g bases;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • chocolate fragrance;
  • molds resembling tile.

Prepare the basis, add all oils and flavoring, mix and pour into molds.

How to cook soap houses "from scratch" with a cold and hot way

Soap, welded with their own hands, is an eco-friendly product, which includes only natural components. It can be adapted to any type of skin and need, in addition, it is much cheaper and more useful to shop. For many, such a hobby goes into a discharge of earnings, it is important to understand the principle of soaping and study the impact of components on the body.

Safety in the cooking soap at home "from scratch"

Before your hands, it is necessary to make soil at home, it is necessary to clearly know and follow safety technique:

  • since all work is happening with a hot basis, children are better controlled;
  • to work it is necessary to allocate separate dishes;
  • when working with pitching, flavors and dyes, use the respirator, gloves, safety glasses, clothes must completely close the body;
  • before working, cover the tabletop with a film or newspapers;
  • in case of alkaline composition, it is necessary to rinse it thoroughly under running water with a 9% vinegar solution.

What is needed to produce soap at home "from scratch": prepare the main tools

For soap, it is necessary to prepare various rubber, silicone or plastic molds, which will attach an unusual kind of fragrant pieces. It can be:

  • culinary molds;
  • children's forms for sandbox;
  • special forms for cooking soap at home;
  • submersible degree blender.

Especially look at ready pieces in the form of fruits, animals or various geometric shapes. As additional components, dried inflorescences, ground coffee, salt, which give an absorbing effect are often used.

How to cook soap at home "from scratch" with a cold way

You can prepare soap at home in two ways: cold and hot, the starting master should try both and decide which suitable is better.

The feature of cold soaps is that the base is not heated, cloth and water are used as a reagent.

The order of work consists of the following steps.

  1. In a container with ice water, pour alkali. Even pieces of ice may be present in the liquid. In the cold method of cooking soap, deviations from the recipe are not allowed.
  2. After mixing parts, it is necessary to wait for the end of the reaction, then pigments, oils can be added to the viscous mass. Their temperature should not differ from the basis of more than 10 °, for this use a baking thermometer. If necessary, the components are heated in a water bath or in. At the very end, you can add flavors.
  3. Mix the blender before reaching the consistency of sour cream and fill in the form.
  4. For complete frost, it will take at least 24 hours, after which the workpiece must be wrapped in the food film.

How to cook soap "from scratch" at home with a hot way

The hot method of soaping "from scratch" at home is to mix the lifting and water, the procedure is similar to the cold. Next, the process is performed as follows.

  1. Capacity close the lid and put on a water bath on a very small fire, stirring every 30 minutes.
  2. After 3-4 hours, the gel mass is ready for further actions, it should not stick to hand.
  3. Add pigments and flavors, mix and pour over molds.
  4. After 24 hours, the soap is removed from the forms and leave for 1-2 weeks to full frost.

Master classes with recipes for beginners for cooking soap "from scratch"

Cold and hot methods are distinguished by the term of maturation, so if you plan to make a New Year's gift, you need to prepare in advance. We offer on our recipes to weld at home "from scratch" a few simple, but at the same time original soap pars.

Recipe 1 - invigorating mint soap

For the manufacture of 200 g of soap, the cold way will be needed:

  • electronic balance;
  • 17.5 g of pussy;
  • 14.01 k coconut oil;
  • 56.05 g of olive oil;
  • 70.06 g of palm oil;
  • 42.03 g of water.

Consider the whole process in more detail.

Illustration Description of action

Measure alkali in a separate container.
Pour itching into ice water and mix thoroughly.

Measure all the oils into the tank and heat them into the microwave.
Pour an alkaline solution into a mixture of oils, the temperature must be no more than 42 °.

Mix the composition of the blender, it is rapidly homogenizes the mixture. For a liquid trace of 30 seconds, it will take 10 minutes to obtain a sour cream mass.
Divide the composition into 2 parts, in one of them add titanium dioxide for discoloration.

Add mint oil in both parts and mix thoroughly.
In one part, which has a yellow tint, to give a green color to add a blue dye and mix.

On the sequel, add a blue dye and mix.
Share both parts of the composition in the form in random order and tamper.

The spatula apply sea waves to the surface and leave soap for 24 hours to solidify.
Remove the soap from the form, cut in half and leave for solidification for 1 month.

Recipe 2 - baby soap without flavors with glycerin

With a cold way, you can cook baby soap, the recipe for which young moms will be taken to armared. For this we will need:

  • 300 g of olive oil;
  • 120 g of Lanolin and Glycerin;
  • at 175 g of chamomile beam and shea oil;
  • the surger on this recipe is no more than 10%;
  • 60 g sodium hydroxide.

The procedure for the next.

  1. Mix the oils, prepare a solution with a flush and pour it into a mixture of oils. The temperature of each composition should be 37-42 °.
  2. Blender bring a mixture to a thick trail.
  3. Dispatch by molds and leave for a day to frozen. After 24 hours, shifting pieces in polyethylene until the end of the reaction for another 1 month.

Recipe 3 - Jasmine Soap

The next soap we will prepare a hot way. Before welding soap from scratch, it is necessary to make a recipe in a special program on soap.

Step-by-step master class Consider in more detail.

Illustration Description of action

In the plastic container, measure 150 g of palm oil, 128 g of palmoman oil, 113 g of coconut, 23 g of stearic acid and put on a water bath or in microwave.

In the second tank mix liquid oils: 75 g of rapeseed, grape bones, almond and olive, 20 g of castor.
Take 263 g of purified water, separately measure and pour into water: 15 g of salts and citric acid, 5.4 g of lactic acid.

Measure 122 g of alkali, pour out a thin flowing into water with acids, constantly stirring. The window must be open.
Pour all the oils into the pan, through the sieve pour the acid-alkaline composition. The temperature of each composition should be within 38 ° -42 °.

Belender beat a mixture of 10-15 minutes before getting a thick trail and put on a water bath on the stove. If you use a frustration, the process will accelerate 2 times.
Every 30 minutes mix the gel mass.

Prepare a fond from 19 g of jasmine oil, melt 53 g of remorse from Shea oil. Remove the saucepan from the stove, add additional ingredients, 23 g sorbitol for softening and mix. After putting it into the form.

After 1-3 days, soap can be obtained from the form and cut.

In more detail master class on cooking soap "from scratch" can be viewed on the video:

Recipe 4 - Castilsk Soap

For the cooking of the classic Castilian soap "from scratch" we will need:

  • 200 g Olive oil;
  • 95.2 g of cold, practically icy water;
  • 23.7 g of pitch.

The cooking process is next.

  1. Pour itching to ice water, constantly stirring.
  2. After the end of the reaction and cooling to 42 °, the mixture of olive and mix.
  3. Stir the blender for 10-15 minutes.

After that heated on a small fire in the oven or on a water bath with constant stirring until the gel-like consistency is obtained, but not less than 4 hours.


Now you know how to prepare soap at home and how to calculate the recipe, and you can cook it "from scratch". Thanks to our master classes with a detailed description, you will find the manufacture of the most complex compositions. We hope that you will have exciting creativity, which can be an additional income. Experiment, turn on new components, making the creative process not only pleasant, but also useful

If you have any questions, ask us in the comments, our craftsmen will be happy to answer them.

In conclusion, we propose to see and implement another interesting recipe for Peacock soap:

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Handmade cosmetics fell in love with many women thanks to her naturalness, cheapness and ease of creation. Popularly make hygienic products with your own hands, especially soap. Such bars do not harm the skin, because they do not contain chemical dyes, parabens and preservatives, have a unique design and unique fragrance.

What is needed to prepare handmade soap?

There are 2 variants of cooking described cosmetics. The first is suitable for experienced masters, he assumes the creation of pieces of "from scratch" (without the basis). The second method is recommended for beginners. It is easier and faster, and according to the results, almost identical to the professional technique. What you need for the manufacture of soap:

  1. Base. Quality base is sold in cosmetic stores. It can be replaced by the remnants of bars or baby soap, but in this case it is difficult to get rid of a sharp specific smell. The base includes oils - vegetable and essential. They perform careful and flavoring functions. Sometimes a medical or cosmetic glycerin is added.
  2. Dyes. You can give the soap to the desired color with the help of natural products and industrial food pigments.
  3. Forms. The easiest option is to use single or reusable plastic containers. Forms for baking, including silicone, baby food cans, creams and other tanks. Some women make them with their own hands using a dense foil and cardboard.

Basis for home soap

The base may consist of glycerol or vegetable oils, it affects its transparency. Soaping the house is a creative process, the finished base is allowed to add other components that enhance its positive qualities. Well affect the skin vegetable oils:

  • coconut;
  • avocado;
  • cocoa;
  • olive;
  • almond;
  • grape bone and others.

Soap do with your own hands, it turns out an aroma and more useful if adding to it;

  • essential oils;
  • dry ground herbs or decoctions based on them;
  • freshly squeezed juices of vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • tea and other products.

If the manufacturer of the first in the life of the bar is planned, it is better not to spend money on the base. The maximum simple soap at home for beginners is boiled from existing residues or entire pieces with neutral smell. Such a base quickly acquires the desired consistency and is kept for a long time. Suitable as washcloths and cheap baby soap. It is desirable to pick up bars without artificial pigments and a sharp fragrance.

Give the beautiful color is easier for finished means. You can buy dry and liquid pigments, concentrates and glitter (sparkles). Many masters prefer to tint homemade soap with natural dyes:

  • beetted juice;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • tea;
  • herb beams and other means.

Forms for home soap

The easiest and most inexpensive option is one-time plastic containers for food. If the soap at home is brewing often, they can be reused. As a dishes, silicone forms for cookies and cupcakes are still used, stencils for cutting dough, deep bales. To get a unique result, some women make a soap with their own hands, until the mass froze. Such brusches can be given any form without limiting the flight of creative fantasy.

How to make soap?

Starting better with the most simple recipes with a small amount of ingredients. Soaping at home is an easy and pleasant process that does not take much time or effort.


Soap do it yourself from a soap base

The finished base is considered the most convenient option for the manufacture of hygienic cosmetics. From such a basis, high-quality and beautiful soaps are always obtained at home, having optimal density and structure. So that it does not resolve, and it was homogeneous, several rules should be followed. Tips, how to make handmade soap according to the above recipe:

  1. For proper melting, 100 g of it must be placed in the microwave for 30-35 seconds with a power of 750 W.
  2. For every 100 g, up to 7 drops of ethereal and 1 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil.
  3. When using dry pigment, 1/3 h. Powder spoons per 100 g bases. In the case of a liquid dye - 1-10 drops. Glitter will need to 1 h. Spoons, but it settles on the bottom of the form.

How to make a soap from the washers?

To prepare a new bar from old residues, you can use the above recipe. Before cooking soap at home from the washers, they should be finely grate. The resulting crumb will be the base. Melt it better on the steam bath, and not in the microwave oven. To speed up the heating, you can add water - 5 tbsp. Spoons for every 200 g crumbs. If rubbing the kneadings are large or cut into a knife, the new bar will acquire spectacular marble patterns on the surface.

Soap do it yourself with glycerin

The component in question is included in the cosmetics to mitigate the skin and its protection against drying. If you are using a recipe, how to make a soap with your own hands, the above, it is not necessary to add the glycerin separately. It is already present in a ready-made basis, especially a lot of this ingredient in a transparent base. When soap is cooked from the remnants, the glycerin should be included in the recipe. It is poured into the melted and slightly cooled mass in the amount of 50 ml per 200 g.

Soap do it yourself at home - recipes

There is a huge number of species described by hygienic cosmetics, each master constantly comes up with new combinations of components and flavors. Any domestic soap recipes are variations of basic manufacturing equipment. At the stage of adding flavors and dyes, additional ingredients are included. Even the beginner is able to invent a unique soap with their own hands - recipes can be changed in accordance with personal preferences and tastes. Similarly prepares cosmetics depending on the individual needs and type of epidermis.

The excessive activity of the sebaceous glands often provokes rashes and unpleasant shine on the face. To reduce the fatty skin, you can prepare soap with your own hands with herbs, essential oils (lavender, tea tree, lemon), but menthol has the most pronounced effect. This chemical substance for a long time refreshes the epidermis and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

Recipe of soap at home for fatty and combined skin


  • glycerin base - 80 g;
  • basic vegetable oil - 4 g;
  • menthol in powder - 2 g;
  • dye - 8-10 drops (optional).


Soap for dry skin with your own hands

Moisturize and mitigate the epidermis can be different products, most of the masters prefer to use honey and milk. Before making soap at home with nutritional properties, it is important to purchase good quality products. It is desirable to buy milk to buy dry, it does not deteriorate, and control its concentration and fatty is easier. Honey should be thick and absolutely natural.

Soap cream with your own hands for dry skin


  • white and glycerin base - 100 g;
  • sea buckthorn oil - 2 h. spoons;
  • honey - 1 h. spoon;
  • dry milk - 1-1.5 h. spoons;
  • shea oil - 1/3 h. spoons;


  1. Cut into a base with small cubes.

  2. Melt the glycerol base, mix it with sea buckthorn oil.

  3. Add honey.

  4. Pour the soap into shape, sprinkle the surface with alcohol.

  5. Similarly, melted a white base. Add dry milk to it.

  6. Dissolve in the mass of shea butter.

  7. When the honey layer thickens well, pour the dairy base from above.

  8. Give the composition to frozen, extract the finished product.

Problem Skin Soap

If there are rashes and comedones, you can prepare special cosmetics with exfoliating and soothing properties. Such a handmade soap at home is desirable to cook on a high-quality natural basis without comedy components. The composition of cosmetics will well fit the essential anti-inflammatory oils - tea tree, Ilang-Ilanga, Lavender.

Soap do it yourself with coffee
