What plants you can feed aquarium fish. Nutrition of aquarium fish and types of feed

How to feed aquarium fish - the question is quite simple and beaten. However, many novice aquarists ask them, and most importantly allow fatal errors by implementing this procedure.

Let's figure out in the intricacies of feeding our aquarium pets!

It is necessary to start with the deposit of the successful existence of any living organism is balanced nutrition, that is, the admission to the body of a full-fledged, diverse and necessary composition of the elements: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other components.

Probably, many of you have seen the transfer, when within the framework of the experiment, the group of people was planted exclusively on meat or solely on food with vegetable products. The results were not forced to wait a long time, after a week, the respondents began terrible disorders of the body, the further experiment would lead to pathological irreversible processes in the body.

So, all of this fully applies to the fish. Monotonous, monotonous nutrition leads to problems, primarily a gastrointestinal tract, the development of pathogenic organisms and pathology.

By asking the question - how to feed fish, it is also necessary to take into account the gastronomic preferences of one or another type of fish, which is usually due to the habitat and biotope of the species. Some fish prefer protein nutrition, others require accents on plant ingredients. That is, feeding the predatory cichlid should be in the root differ, say from food vegetable row fish: Lorikarya cats, goldfish, cichlide of the MBUN group, etc.

And the third important point is the frequency of feeding. The aquarists have developed a tight rule, which says that undercurrent is better than the overgrown. However, this can argue with it, as both, in fact, extremes. Balanced feeding frequency in a priori will be the best scheme, the pledge of the health and longevity of our pets.

Now let's analyze the above-mentioned aspects of fish feeding.

In our arsenal there are the following varieties of fish feed:

Dry: dried gammarus, artemia, long standing, etc.

Sublimated feed consisting of a mixture of ingredients.

Frozen Feed: Moth, Artemia, Streptcephal, Daphnya, etc.

Live feed: Moth, Artemy, Grindale, etc.

A group of products that can be called "food from our table": seafood (fish fillet, shrimp, low-fat beef - bullish heart ... Salad, spinach, zucchini, zucchini, cucumber, etc.).

Agree, magnificent arsenal! It is important only to use it correctly. All you need is to purchase food and make a subsidiary of the diet for a week, according to the individual preferences of hydrobionts.

How to feed herbivorous fish: Anchistrus, L-Soma, Labidochromis, Pseudotrofuses, Goldfish? The diet of their nutrition should be ~ 70% vegetable food, ~ 30% protein. Take for them sublimated feed with vegetable ingredients, for example:

Lorikarya Soma is perfectly eating slice of cucumber, zucchini, salads. Gold fish adore. But at the same time do not be afraid to use protein food - freezing and high-quality live food.

How to feed predatory fish? Actually, the opposite, we are focused on proteins, but do not forget about the plant ingredients.

Now let's look at the temporary fake feeding frames. This question depends on the lifestyle of fish. Fish that lead an active daily lifestyle is fed accordingly during the day, fish leading a gloomy lifestyle (many somo-like fish) is preferably feeding in the evening.

You should also take into account the method of nutrition, some fish take food from the surface of the water - they are better to give flakes, others prefer to take food in the thickness of the water - it is advisable for them to give slowly sinking granules, chips. It is desirable to give the bottomfish to give a tableted sinking feed.

It is desirable to feed fish twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, little by little, so that the feed is eating them in 1-2 minutes. Do not allow any feed residues in the aquarium, it will lead to high concentrations of poisons.

As for the "unloading day", i.e. When fish do not feed the whole day. This method is often recommended aquarium. Nevertheless, we will grab the opinion of Vladimir Kovalev - Ithyopathologist, a man who has devoted to our hobby for many years of life. Of course, unloading is needed, for example, many people seeking to lose weight: sit on a diet, and even arrange starvation. But think, the fish do not follow the figure, they are not important to the waist))) Nature always gives them as much as you need. We do not agree with the opinion that fish in nature there are fasting seasons, it is not quite so, "seasonality" is connected only with cycles of the life of the ecosystem. During, floods in tropical forests, life blooms, there is an abundance of food, which is an incentive for spawning and reproducing offspring. Further, dry periods are possible, in which there is always meals, but in smaller quantities. It can be said that nature is a unique autocorphus that knows everything regulates and doses. So we should strive not to extremes, but to balance! This is the secret of our hobby!

Feed fish consciously, with love and everything will be fine!

How to feed fish video review

Food for Aquarium Fish:
dry fish food, frozen food for fish, live food for fish, homemade food for fish

Previously, in Soviet times, fake feeding was quite problematic. Avoid aquarists can be said how the grits on the field hunted on the rain worms, they collected the larvae of mosquitoes and were looking for other evil spirits. Nowadays, in any pet store there is a wide variety of high-quality dry, frozen and live feeds for various types of aquarium fish.
Dry for fish food.
Flakes, granules and pills. They are characterized by a low moisture content, which makes it possible to prevent their damage, the dry condition of these feed guarantees a long shelf life. Aquarium fish with ease adapt to these dry foods.
The composition of high-quality dry feeds for aquarium fish is selected in accordance with the needs of the nutrition of a variety of fish. It is suitable for feeding the majority of fish contained in the overall aquarium. In addition, there are specialized products in the market, the composition of which are specially selected for fish specific species or groups.
Sublimated fish feed are dried at low temperatures of organisms serving for fish living food (Daphnia, cyclops, gammarus, moth, tube). With this method of cooking feeds, excessive moisture is removed from them, and this does not affect the maintenance of nutrients in them.
Storage of dry food - Dry food for fish should be packaged into hermetically closed containers to prevent their damage during the storage process. Keeping food is needed in a cool dry place, and the packaging should be a light-tight and have tightly closing covers.
Frozen fish feed.
Almost all aquarium fish can be powered only with dry foods, but a diverse diet will only benefit them. A variety of food is a guarantee of health and beauty not only people. Moreover, the right and abundant food is an incentive for the spawning of some fish. Therefore, from time to time it is worth alternating dry feed with fresh or frozen food. Frozen fish feed is also popular with many aquarists and it is easy to buy them in any pet store. But such food needs to be stored only in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.
Manufacturers of frozen aquarium feeds tend to care about the quality of their products - freezed food is subjected to irradiation of gamma rays that kill most pathogenic microorganisms affecting fish. Therefore, freezing is much safer than feed in a living form.

Regarding the feeding issue in alive and dry food.
Let's, for a start, take a look at what we now eat. After all, bread does not grow on trees, like bottles with sunflower oil, they are created by a person! Naturally, from raw materials, which is grown in the fields - wheat and sunflower.

But can we call these products "artificial"? The same with food feeds - good companies make them from natural ingredients using both larvae, and crustaceans and vegetable components, adding missing vitamins and improving the digestion additives.

Now let's imagine how a large city resident "worms, personal and other living creatures"? If there is a car, gasoline and heaps of free time in summer - yes, this is possible, but with a very small fraction of the probability will occur. Or go to the market and buy. But where is the guarantee that these personalities are not caught from a chemically polluted reservoir, or disadvantaged diseases? Where is the guarantee that they will remain fresh at your home more than a day? Where is the guarantee that vitamins remained in them, after a long stay in the store freezer, or storage on the roof of the refrigerator in a living form?

No one will provide such guarantees to you, as well as chemical analysis of these feeds. I am no longer talking about a bacterial dissemination that opens the sores of the road. Unlike major firms producing dry food, because they have to have hundreds of certificates and pass a bunch of checks before the feed is allowed to sell. For living feed, as a rule, in our country, none of the supervision organs observes.

For all these reasons more than 60 years ago, the first cade-shaped food was invented, consisting of 4 components, which called the tetra, which translated from Latin four. Now in the feed of the tetra components in tens of times more, as well as the composition and the form for different groups of fish differs.

Fish behavior associated with food
1. What to do if the fish eats his neighbors by aquarium

This is a widespread problem that arises when representatives of fishing species are placed in one aquarium with other fish, enough small, so that they can be eaten, so that there is something that should be expected. Unimest fish, too, sometimes eat their smaller neighbors around the aquarium, and again, this is completely natural behavior. Most fish eats fry, including their own. People are usually inclined to consider it as a manifestation of cannibalism, but in fact such fish simply exploit available food sources in the interests of their own survival.

Sometimes it happens that this problem is initially not manifested, for example, when a young predator is placed in one aquarium with smaller adult fish of other species. Then the predator grows and in the end becomes large enough to eat his neighbors. Much more unexpected cases when a large fish, usually omnivorous, and not a 100% interest, still does not eat their comrades, whom she has already turned. It is believed that this is happening because she recognizes his neighbors and does not perceive them as food. In addition, it is already accustomed to food always appears from somewhere on top when aquarium is approaching aquarium. Smaller fish usually live as long as large, and when her neighbors die and they are replaced by other fish of the same species, she immediately eats them! They are unfamiliar to her, and in addition, they appear in the aquarium from somewhere on top, that is, in the same way how food appears. This version of the development of events is usually characteristic of the PTterophyllum Scalare scalar, hunting on fish such as Neon Paracheirodon Innesi, and many other small representatives of Haracinov and Karp's families.

To avoid the problems of this type, the circumstances that can lead to them should be avoided.

2. What if the fish is biting fins of other fish

This is a rather common problem, especially where they hold fish with long or weathered fins. Favorite targets - long fins of Betta Splendens and Skalaries, tails of some forms of Guppie Poecilia Reticulata, as well as long, reminding abdominal fins gourass and some representatives of the slider. On damaged fins, such a disease can develop such as fin rot. But usually it does not cause special problems if the fish is healthy and the quality of water is excellent.

The intruder fish can instinctively grab moving objects, perceiving them as possible food. This problem has no real solution, except to keep fish with long fins separately, as the bite of fins - a purely reflex action. Except in cases where damage is serious or victim is stress because of the incessant attacks, it is better to simply consider it as an inevitable life fact.

Some Barbus, for example, Sumatran Barbus Tetrazona, are often constantly biting fins from other fish if you keep only one or two barbuses in aquarium. However, if you keep them in a group, as intended by nature, they usually do not exert similarly their neighbors on aquarium. The causes of such behavior and means against it are still unknown.

Some species, such as cichlid from Lake Malawi Genyochromis Mento, specialize in such a food, because in natural conditions of their diet consists of pieces of fins. Such fish should not be kept together with other fish.

Finns can be shoved during the attack of one fish to another, when they argue due to the territory (see paragraphs 19, 14 and 15).

3. What if the fish is embarrassed to another fish

Fish-offender and her sacrifice (or victims) should be isolated from each other.

4. What to do if the fish eats plants

This is quite normal behavior if the herbivore fish. Famous herbivan fish are usually listed in the literature on aquarium, so if you first search for information, it will help to prevent this problem. If as an alternative you will feed these fish with greens, for example, leaves of lettuce and spinach lettuce (see chapter 7), it will help distract them from living plants. Some plants, such as the Thai fern of MicroSorium Pteropus, have hard leaves with bitter taste. Such plants are more racks with respect to herbivorous fish than more gentle vegetation. Another possible alternative is artificial plants.

Some fish feed on algae, attached to the leaves of plants, and this should not be confused with the eating the leaves themselves.

5. What if the fish eats excrement and corpses

Most of the fish eat the corpses in which they see only food, but not at all of the friends. In addition, they usually bite their dying comrades. Dying fish should be placed in a separate reservoir with water, where it will have the opportunity to die calmly, or send to that light by some humane way. Eating excrement (Coprophagia) - Another habit that may seem aquarium disgusting, but for some species of fish is completely normal. It is important to remember that in natural conditions the operation of such resources is simply necessary that the fish can get enough food and survive. This behavior does not mean that the fish is not well fed well, just in this case it follows to their instincts.

6. What if the fish is eating equipment and aquarium design items

It is known that some large fish swallow small objects of the aquarium equipment (valves, plastic pistons, etc.). One can only assume that according to the fish it is all edible. Of course, such items should not be available to fish.

Some fish, for example, representatives of the Lorikarya family and the genus Yapy Uaru from the Cichlov family, build roots. It is believed that the cellulose contained in the wood is part of their natural diet.

7. What to do if the fish does not let other fish for food

The offender fish usually belongs to the form whose representatives always protect the territory on which they feed, or the spawning territory. This problem can usually be resolved if you change the place of feeding, scattering food throughout the aquarium, or use feed, scattering throughout the surface of the aquarium, for example flakes.

One of the first questions that people ask the sellers of aquarium fish - and how to feed them correctly? You may think that this is a simple question, but it is not so. Of course, if you do not want to bother yourself, you can just throw a few flakes in the aquarium, but if you want your fish to be healthy, played with all the colors of the rainbow and please you, then we will tell you how to feed aquarium fish.

How much fed fish?

I would say that the bulk of aquarists feeds its fish correctly, but too often you have to see how excessive feeding turns the jar into a fettered swamp or so languishing fish that they forget how to swim.

And it's easy to understand why this happens. There is no definite standard, and feeding fish can be a simple task for a beginner. The fact is that with fish, we most interact during feeding. And so I want to feed them a little bit.

And the novice aquarist feeds the fish, every time he sees that they lonely asking feed from the front glass. And most of the fish will ask the feed even when they are about to burst (this applies to cichlids), and it is not easy to understand that enough.

And yet - how often do you need and how many times to feed aquarium fish? Fish needs to be fed 1-2 times a day (for adult fish, fry and teenagers need to be fed much more often), and so much feed that they eat in 2-3 minutes. Ideally - no food fell on the bottom (but do not forget to feed one separately). We agree immediately that we are not talking about herbivores - for example, anchistricts or brocade somas. These feed on almost around the clock, scraping algae. And do not worry, you shouldn't carefully watch if they, they just look after a week a week.

And why is it so important not to overflow fish? The fact is that overcharging negatively affects the state of the aquarium. Food falls on the bottom, falls into the ground, boils and starts spoiling water, serving the nutrient basis for harmful algae.
At the same time, nitrates and ammonia are accumulated in water, which poison fish and plants.
Dirty, coated with algae aquariums with sick fish - often the result of overproing and dirty water.

Aquarium secrets: how often feed fish

The first, and, perhaps, the main question that novice aquarists ask - how and how to feed fish. At the initial stage, this question causes big doubts. Watching how the fish silently swim around the feeder collecting food, you can raise the novices, so the newcomers can throw the pets, throwing the handful of food all day. But do not forget that the aquarium inhabitants can also move, which will not affect the state of health and water.

At the beginning of the conversation it may seem that this issue is easy and unequivocally, in fact, everything is much more difficult. If you want to become a real aquarium, not a master-owner, which once a day will throw the pets of flakes, then you will have to carefully examine the issue of nutrition of aquarium inhabitants and find your individual approach to them. Proper feeding is the key to healthy fish that behave actively and blurred with the best colors.

How many times it is necessary to feed fish

Practice shows that most fisher lovers choose the right feeding tactics. But sometimes you have to deal with the launched cases, when the owners are enjoyable and overwhelming fish so much that they suffer from excess weight and physically cannot swim. At the same time, the excess feed is starting to rot, forming a real swamp in green with all the consequences that arise. And it is not surprising. After all, there is no one universal algorithm for feeding all kinds of fish, so the question is how and how much to feed the fish becomes critical.

The novice aquarist is misleading the fish themselves. They begin to swim by the feeders and look lonely in the front glass, as if, asking for some more feed. However, it is worth aware that most of the fish will continue to be resolved by food even at the moments of overeating, such is their nature. This is especially true of cyclide.

The first and basic rule - limit feeding up to 1-2 times a day. This rule refers to adult fish. Frozen and teenagers are fed much more often. The ideal is considered to be a portion, which is eaten in the first 3-4 minutes. The norm is complied with if no feed has time to touch the bottom. The exceptions make up catches and fish that feed from the bottom. It is better to use special feed for them. Of course, there are plants and algae to be banned and other herbivores, but this is a natural process that will not be worse. If you are afraid that the fish do not get enough feed, then follow their status for a week.

It is very important to comply with the portions and not to overflow the pets. In a competently launched aquarium, its microclimate, so excess foods can cause an imbalance. The remains of the feed fall on the bottom and launch the process of rotting, which spoils the aqua and causes the formation of malicious algae. In addition, in water increases ammonium and nitrates, which adversely affect all residents.

If you periodically suffer from dirty water, the presence of algae and fish disease, think about how often you feed fish and how much feed you give them.

The main types of Kormov

If everything became clear with the frequency, then with what to give them, not at all. Aquarists use four types of feed:

  1. Live food;
  2. Branded;
  3. Vegetable;
  4. Frozen.

Ideal if you combine all kinds of feed. In this case, your fish will be healthy and will give you aesthetic pleasure to the game of your colors. Options are not excluded that the fish will eat only vegetable or only protein food, it all depends on the breed of aquarium inhabitants. In natural nature, someone chooses a vegetarian lifestyle, and someone does not mind to enjoy themselves like. But if you disassemble most of the fish, it is better to use a mix of several feed. Careful corporate feeds can be used as the main food, regularly please fish with live food and sometimes give vegetable food.

If you decide to go according to this scheme, then pay great attention to the choice of branded feed. It is better to give preference to famous brands that are in the market for more than one year and tested by experienced aquaries. This feed fit almost for all fish. It is balanced, it contains the necessary vitamins and trace elements. You can find it in any pet store. Do not confuse branded feed with dry. Food consisting of dried daphny, cyclops or gammarus is not the best food for the daily diet of your fish. It is not desirable to feed in such a food, because it has a shortage of nutrient elements, it is poorly absorbed and, to all, is an allergen for a person.

Powered by living food is the most preferred option. Fish must be regularly given it as an additional feeding every other day. Like a person, aquarium residents love diverse food, so as far as possible, try to alternate food. The most common is the pipeline, moth and coretra. The only one, but very significant minus lies in the fact that this type of feed is most often mined in a natural environment, and therefore, there is a chance to make an infection in its reservoir. Best before feeding fish - freeze it. This method kills a number of malicious bacteria.

Distinguished alternative to living stern - frozen. Agree, not everyone can measure with the settlement in the refrigerator of living worms. For such an alternative version - Frozen worms. They are easy to dose, they are stored for a long time, contain a complete set of vitamins. If you carefully study pet stores, you can find the mixed species where all three popular types of worms will be found in one pack.

Herbal feed are an integral part of the life of fish in a natural environment. For most fish, you will have to try and cook green food. Of course, feed predators of grass is stupid, but the rest are happy to enjoy the greens suitable for them. It is difficult to give general recommendations here, since different fish prefer different feeds. There are several vegetable food options:

  • Pills;
  • Flakes;
  • Branded;
  • Natural.

You can relate to the natural cucumber, zucchini or cabbage. Such feeding will allow you to enjoy your pure aquarium with healthy and beautiful fish. With proper feeding, the life expectancy of the fish increases.

How and how much fed fish

Diverse Fish Feeding - Successful Success

How many times and how often feed fish?

Based on the fact that fish feeding should be balanced and diverse, you can derive an exemplary component of the feed of the feed required for fish.
If we talk about one-time feeding, then any feed (dry or alive) should be eaten by fish for 3-5 minutes. After this time, the feed should not be in the aquarium, and even more so it should not fall for hours at the bottom.
On a day you can feed fish 1-2 times. I personally feed once, because I think that there is a better infever than the overgrown. Feeding is preferably carried out either in the morning, after 15 minutes. After turning on the aquarium backlight and in the evening 3-4 hours before sleep. If there is a "night inhabitants" in the aquarium, as a rule, this is a bottom soma (interchangeable, agamixes, etc.), then for them the feed is thrown "in dusk", i.e. When the light is turned off and all the "daytime" fish have already moved to sleep.
How much fake fish per week? Here, too, everything is conditional and individually. I propose an example, your feeding scheme:
Monday - Dry food 1, once a day;
Tuesday - dry food 2, once a day;
Wednesday - live food, or a moth or Artemy;
Thursday, dry food 1, twice a day;
Friday - dry food 2, twice a day;
Saturday - Living Food + Rock;
Sunday - unloading day;
As you can see, fish feeding is quite diverse. First, various mixtures of dry feed are used, secondly, dry food, alternates with living, and also times the week is given vegetable food.
And necessarily, once a week is arranged a unloading day, i.e. When the fish do not feed at all. Such a day must be arranged necessarily, it is harmless and even very useful for the health of fish and aquarium as a whole.
I hope the article was useful for you! Of course, all questions will not be immediately lit in one article, so we will be glad to communicate with you on the forums

Chips, Flakes, Granules or Tablets - Choose Dry Fish Feed

Dry food for aquarium fish are substitutes for living and vegetable feed if you do not have time and opportunities for cooking. Modern dry feed are represented in various forms, and each of them is suitable for a certain kind of fish. Dry food for aquarium fish are sold in this form: in the form of tablets, flakes, chips, sticks, granules, microcorms, liquid feed. What is better to choose food so that the fish remains full and healthy?


Tablets and tablet forms are feed, which gradually drown in water and fall on the bottom. They are better to give bottom fish that live in the lower layers of water and other hydrobionts (shrimps, snails). When the tablets fall into aquarium water, they do not remain on the surface, but immediately go to the bottom, so other fish will not take it. Consequently, the bottom pets will not remain hungry.

Tableted types of feed are a large and dense substance, because of which the fish is not able to swallow such food completely. She will have to bite the grains, or tool. Tablets consist of natural components and vitamin complexes. If you leave the house for a few days, several large pills will make up the basic diet for fish. Food sticks to the wall of the aquarium, the fish will gather around it, and will bite off on a piece as often as they need.

It is believed that dry foods spoil aquarium water, these opinions apply to tablets. The only minus is such food - it will not be able to enjoy fish that float in the upper layers of water. If you have a species aquarium with exclusively bottom fish, then such feeding is always useful. Another point - the pills are strongly seeping into the ground of a large fraction, so it cannot be achieved even with a siphon.

Look at how to feed aquarium soms feed in the form of tablets.

Food in the form of flakes and chips

Feeding in the form of sticks, granules and microcorma

What eating aquarium fishes Petushki

One of the actual questions of the aquarists who are going to buy a pet Betta Splendens, this is what firing a rooster. Many newcomers do not know which food it will be suitable, what should be the portions. Malnutrition for fish is not as scary as overeating. Petushki in the wild - omnivorous fish that prefer to catch insects from the surface of the water, there are bentos and small crustaceans. They do not mind pouring aquatic plants, such as Javanese moss. Traditionally, they are fed with flakes and granules, which produce feed producers. But is such feeding right? This should be understood.

  1. How much feed to give a rooster?

Let's the cock so much food, how much he to eat in 2 minutes. Pour 4-6 feed grains on the surface of water, and see how quickly he will cope with them. If the fish will not take this food, or it starts to spit it, it is a bad sign. Either the feed did not fit, or the fish is not used to it, or got sick. If it does not eat food, it will fall into the lower part of the reservoir, where it will begin to decompose, highlighting ammonia. This substance will provoke a deterioration in the well-being of the fish, will create an extremely unhealthy biological environment. With untimely cleansing aquarium, improper water replacement, it will be difficult to maintain a pet health.

In addition, if your cocks go beyond meals for 2 minutes, it will get used to such feeding. It turns out, the fish will begin to overeat. After examining the belly, and noticing a substantial bulge (in the field of abdominal fins), know, the fish is overweight.

  1. How often feed Betta Fish Cockerel?

Young cocks, which are purchased in stores, need to be fed by small portions 1-2 times a day. Aquarium fish do not need to feed often, it is better to feed a little, and add food, if they themselves ask. During the spawning period, the fish are fed 2 times a day, fry of Betta Petushkov also, 2 times a day.

For these fish it is useful to arrange unloading days, skipping meals. The digestive system will have a "break" for restoration, which will allow the body to get rid of accumulated toxins. Skip one day of food. You can choose Sunday, when many will be at home, doing their affairs. On weekdays, feeding must be resumed.

What to feed the cockerel?

Despite the fact that Betta Cockerels are omnivorous creatures, but they lead a predatory lifestyle. Remember their nickname "Siamese fighting fish"? They will attack, bite, and there is another fish, which is a potential threat to them. This means that protein food for them is the advantage.

Look at the feeding of the cockerel with worms (Grindal Worms).

Food, which should be in the ration of a combat cockerel alternately:

  1. Flakes for fish - you can give a rooster not very often, they are inexpensive. If the rooster refuses him - continue to give him a moth.
  2. Petushkov granules - specially designed feed for Betta Splendens. They are sold in pet stores, and are almost a daily feed for Petushkov. But some granules are too large for petty fish, they are drown too fast, and perceived as waste.
  3. Dry foods - in most pet stores they are, it can be treated moth and artemy. Petushki appreciate such food!

  1. Frozen foods - if you have the opportunity to catch or buy from the supplier of living moth, Artemia, a pipe with small batches, you can freeze them yourself in the freezer. This is not such an expensive pleasure, and what is important, "freezing" they love very much. It is important not to defrost, and again freeze food, otherwise it will lose its quality, and will be unsuitable.
  2. Live feed - as mentioned earlier, if you have the opportunity to buy or catch a living moth or Artemia, then they are suitable as feed. But there is a remark about such feeding: worms Moth can be infected into an aquarium directly from the reservoir. If you have a question why the fish fell ill - maybe the reason in the contaminated stern? Do not risk with it, better make freezing worms.

Look like a fish rooster eats boiled cabbage.

Summarizing the specified, feeding fish Fight Cockerel is possible with feeding such feeds:

Frozen foods can not be given simultaneously with dry, and combine all kinds of feed. Dry food in large portions can cause problems with digestion, which can lead to more serious health issues.

Currently, pet stores present a huge range of feeds for our pets, cats, birds and aquarium fish. It is often difficult to understand this diversity. Let's understand a little in the feed and begin with their main species.

Dry Artificial Food for Aquarium Fish

Assortment of dry artificial feeds for aquarium fish is diverse. Their quality also significantly improved: containing many essential substances and balanced in composition (three or four dozen animals and plant components are combined in some feeds), these feeds will satisfy the needs of almost all popular species of aquarium fish. When choosing feed should pay attention to the manufacturer of products, composition, shelf life, as well as for which group of fish it is suitable.

Take into account the fact that the information that is indicated by artificial feed manufacturers is not enough to compare them and evaluate. When choosing feed to today, the main criteria were the practice of using the manufacturer and the authority of the manufacturer.

Feed for different groups of fish differ in the form and size of particles, composition, they can swim long (chips and flakes, floating sticks) or sinking (granules and tablets) in the aquarium.

Consider the features of the nutrition of common groups of aquarium fish.

  • We will start with goldfish, which many aquarists love. In their diet, there must be less protein than in feeds intended for tropical fish. In addition, it is good if the feed for them includes natural substances that increase the brightness of the color. The Nutrafin Golgfish (Hagen), Animin Goldfish (Tetre), etc. are most important to these requirements.
  • For cold-blooded fish contained in the ponds (goldfish, koi carps, etc.) also produce special feed, for example, Tetrapond feed line.
  • Special feed are available for fish such as Malavian Cichlids (Nutrafin Cichlid, Tetracichlid), Red Parrots (Tetra Guppy), Guppie (Tetra Betta). The composition of such feeds is chosen taking into account the biological characteristics of various types of fish. For example, in the stern for red parrots there are special substances that support the brightness of the color of these fish.
  • Separately, it should be remembered about fish, in nature in the diet of which there are vegetable components, for example, some cichlids, Labo, Petzillias, swords, molensides. Especially for them there is food in which the content of plant fibers is increased, for example, Tetra Phyll. Such feeds may contain spinach, spirulina or other algae. Foods with vegetable additives will help you in cases if your fish are biting young leaves and the tops of aqueous plants. It is better to combine vegetable food with usual.
  • Tender and pending disks require feed, which not only strengthens the color, but also contains a lot of vitamins and an easily-friendly protein (for example, Tetra Discus).
  • Dinner fish (Battleships, various types of catches), crayfish and shrimp feed with feeds in the form of sinking tablets, which remaining aquarium inhabitants cannot spoke immediately. In such feed, the content of spiritulin and vegetable fibers is often increased, which corresponds to the taste of the bottom inhabitants (Wardley Spirulina Discs).
  • To strengthen the brightness of the color of yellow, orange and red fish (or those who have lanes or stains of such colors), for example, fiery and Sumatran Barbuses, Guppies, Pecillry, Middle Mares, Red Neon, etc., such food is recommended Tetrapro Color Crisps or Tetrarubin. They contain natural carotenoids that also affect the color.
  • If in your aquarium "Prefab Talvanka", then fish need to feed universal feed, for example, Nutrafin Basix Staple Food, Tetramin Pro or Tetramin.
  • For the younger, juvenile and fry, there are also special feeds that contain all the necessary substances for the growth (for example, Tetramin Mini, Tetramin Baby).

Most dry feeds are produced in the form of floating flakes or sinking granules. How to find out what can approach your fish? Take a look at their mouth!

  • Fish with the upper mouth love food that floats on the surface.
  • Fish with the final mouth is convenient to collect food in the thickness of water. They are suitable as sinking granules and floating flakes.
  • Fish with the bottom mouth love to collect feed from the bottom.

When buying feed, you need to remember that you need to store an open bank need no more than two to six months, other substances that are included in its composition, first of all - vitamins begin to collapse. Therefore, it is better to buy a jar of such sizes that fish will be able to "eat" during the specified time. If you still give fish outdoor food for a long time, then it is worth the vitamins on it: in any case, it will not be worse.

Natural feed for aquarium fish

Live feed must be used carefully. After all, in the pet store, respectively, and in your aquariums it comes from natural reservoirs. That is, the danger along with it to drive causative agents of fish diseases in, in addition, most of the bottom invertebrates (for example, a pipe and a moth) can accumulate different harmful substances if they live in places of waste industry. By purchasing such food, it is worth asking the seller where he is from. And before feeding it, you need to rinse several times !!!

When buying live food, some aquarists freeze it in the freezer, destroying diseases of diseases. It is more convenient to buy frozen food in the store.

Sometimes some are especially picky fish feed on only living food, to move them to frozen or dry food must be gradually. One of the most beloved and valuable types of live food for fish is a moth. Coretra is a little inferior to him in popularity, but it is absolutely indispensable for fish that do not take food from the bottom. A very valuable type of feed is a cyclop, which contains a lot of vitamins, especially a lot of carotene and vitamin A, which give the color of fish brightness. The tubener is very fat and calorie food, often leading to obesity, is able to accumulate many harmful substances, for example, heavy metals. Therefore, first of all, before feeding the living tube of your pets, it is worth reaping the worms of 4-7 days in cool water, rinse daily in flowing cold water (naturally, even better to arrange a "constant" flushing with a pipe). Daphnia contains a large number of ballast substance that improves digestion, especially to combine it with feeds, rich protein, such as a moth or tubener. Often in feeding the fry, artemia larvae, travelers and infusories are used.

Often, other types of aquarium fish are often used for feeding predators: young goldfish ("navel"), Danio, Guppie. It is not recommended to use the fish that they independently catch in natural reservoirs, there may be causative agents of hazardous diseases.

In addition to frozen, you can give your pets and gelling food (Tetra FreshDelica), in which more useful substances are preserved.

Food from your table

It turns out that the fish is not against the diversion of human foods their diet. For example, the snails of ampuilory, shrimp, catches will be happy to pieces of cucumber and pumpkins, apples and carrots, corn grains from the can. They and other fish will be grateful to you for the scratched leaves of nettle, spinach, salad. Squid and shrimp meat, as well as the meat of oysters and mussels will be delighted by most marine fish and large cichlids. The attention of the majority will attract sticky turkey meat or chicken. And the beef meat is not very suitable for feeding fish, the fact is that the protein contained in it is absorbed by the fish only three percent, the rest - begins to decompose and spoil the water! Also, white bread is not very suitable, it is better to offer the fish making or oat flakes. For the fry, very good feed is boiled with an egg yolk. But you need to be careful: it is given by small portions, also this feed pollutes the water!

Zoostovarov trades often hear different stories of non-retainable buyers about how and what to feed aquarium fish. Below it will be about how to feed fish in aquarium.

  • feeding in accordance with the needs;
  • preventing crossing. The remaining feed adversely affects the purity of water, and the overeating causes obesity among the fish, they live less than a slightly "mishained" conifers;
  • feed several times a day with modest portions, especially if you use alive feed;
  • acquire different feeds;
  • select food depending on the size of those whom it is intended;
  • periodically arrange a short "hunger strike".

A short-term restriction in food has a beneficial effect on fish, restoring their sexual activity. The starving females and males are faster from the body of slags, get rid of fatty deposits, and the first is absorbed by caviar, which is not intruded in spiest.

What to feed aquarium fish?

The correct diet should consist of:

  • branded, real feed. They have the necessary vitamins and minerals. The choice is huge, because it is hardly difficult to find a suitable packaging of food for goldfish, marine fish, and so on;
  • dry feed. Usually they are made from Daphnia, cyclopa or gammarus. Modern dry foods consist of a dozen components, therefore, in quality and values, it is not inferior to other species;
  • live feed recommended for regular inclusion in the fish diet. It is noted that even such food is capable of "boring", because from time to time they will have to buy different "worms";
  • frozen feed;
  • vegetable feed.

In nature, many fish eat plants, and some kind of food is simply necessary. Naturally, the predators of the grass do not have to taste, because buying a new resident, it is worth asking his taste preferences. The vegetation feed looks like pills or flakes, although there are fish that do not refuse cabbage, cucumber or zucchini in a natural, but crushed form.

All kinds of fish eat frozen food. It can be done independently, or buy in the store. The shelf life is long, and the number of useful substances is similar to the living product. Mixtures of several species are found on sale, for example, from a moth and cores.

Experienced aquarists include self-cooked feed in the diet, consisting of dry or frozen, but shredded:

  • beef hearts;
  • squid;
  • shrimp.

You can cook a dry cake, drying homemade cottage cheese in the microwave oven, semolina porridge or green peas.

A little more about feed

Fish of any kind can be fed only with a dry product. But it has been proven that living food, for example, Daphnia, Moth, Coretra, a shrimp is more useful. They have a lot of vitamins, but they are absorbed easier and faster. Thanks to them, the color of the fish becomes rich, and growth is accelerated.

People who do not know how to save waterfowl from the ailments, you can use the pupils. Puplies are called racks recently appeared from eggs. They are suitable for small fish, for example, guppie or fry, but "breed" specific feed, creating favorable conditions for converting eggs in the future cancer, troublesome.

Dry feed is stored much longer than living, but when buying should be interested in the date of release. After opening the contents of the packaging, you need to use as quickly as possible, although in a tightly closed glass jar it can stand up to a year, completely retaining the properties. It is desirable to acquire small jars, regardless of what they are filled with - flakes or granules. Content will end in a couple of months, which will prevent the decline in the value of feed.

About feeding different types of fish

The owners of large aquariums are often wondering how many times a day should fake fish and what feed is better to use. For example, a fish, a rooster should treat protein food, because in wilderness it is a predator, although from time to time does not happen to Javanese moss.

In the diet, the cockerel includes:

  • flakes in small quantities;
  • granules designed for this species. They should be the main part of the diet;
  • dry Artemy and Moth;
  • live and frozen food in small quantities.

Similarly, feed the goldfish of the elonofru. From time to time this species is useful to pamper a shrimp, a daffron, a squid, a moth.

Fish Dollar, she also consumes vegetable food. Preference is given to Lubuka, cucumbers, spirulina, spinach and zuccholas. Raw vegetables quickly spoil the water, therefore it will have to get rid of their residues after each feeding. Protein feed is also useful and needed. It must be: Moth, Coretra, Artemy. Fish aquarium parrots with pleasure eating a dry product. Feeding parrots will not deliver trouble, and the need for storage and freezing worms will disappear.

Worth the question of how often and how many fish once a day are eating certain fish, they should be resorted to the help of special literature. The books describes in detail the care, content, digesion, water temperature, and even compatibility of different species.

Shrimps like feed

The statement that fish living in aquarium love shrimps is often surprising. The shrimp contains 50% protein and up to twenty percent of fats. They are considered useful, but calorie food, because it may be infrequent in the diet. Two or once a week is quite enough.

What shrimp feed fish? Of course, fresh and high quality, not salty and not welded by the manufacturer. Only Atlantic shrimps should be chosen, in which there is no taste of chlorine, because only they grow without using antibiotics.

Giving fish shrimp in cheese and boiled form. In the first embodiment, the frozen meat is rubbed on the grater, or is very crushed with a knife, in the second it is boiled off without salt and is very finely cut. If the fish get such food for the first time, spend the experiment: offer a little frozen, and after - boiled meat. The feed rate will show which option more failed. The more fish, the larger the shrimp is cut.

What to do during vacation?

People often refuse aquariums, not knowing what to do with them being on vacation. The reason is simple: failure in feeding mode even in the case of departure for a couple of days, it seems a disaster, and a long-lasting trip is considered a mandatory precursor of the death of pets.

In fact, the fish is better than other animals feel in the absence of the owner. Teens and adults are able to endure hunger to three weeks, and large breeds are kept even longer. The main thing is at home to observe the feeding regime, the purity of the habitat and follow the health of the wards.

In particularly difficult situations, Fish-Vegetarians will thorough hunger by algae.

Poor tolerate forced hunger strike fry and young fish. The deficit of utility substances negatively affects them in the future. Therefore, planning a trip, do not buy a young man. It is impossible to pour food "about the supply" and consider slowly soluble options by solving the problem. Let it be better than fish that will suffer from excessive owner's care.

Fish care in the aquarium can be pleasant and simple, if you provide the right physiological approach to feeding them, ensuring the necessary nutritional elements for healthy life.

What are the main approaches to feeding?

So it works any biological organism, including the fish that he needs food. Its destination are:

  • replenish the energy
  • cell and fabric updates,
  • growth and development,
  • preserving such natural instincts as reproduction.

Composite parts of the diet in the aquarium are designed to provide the body with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, microelements. With a deficit at least one of them comes:

  1. hypotrophy and dystrophy;
  2. hypoxia;
  3. avitaminosis;
  4. increasing susceptibility to diseases;
  5. depression;
  6. reduced vitality.

That is why the question is: "How many times fake fish?" It becomes particularly relevant, so that it does not accomplish an unschedule to clean the aquarium or disembark the fallen individuals.

Is the principle true: the more, the better?

So the nervous system of many fish is arranged that the type of food constantly excites me appetite and the desire to eat everything, without a balance. In other words, fish eat as many times as they get food in the aquarium. However, is it good? It is bad with several positions:

  1. The unseasoned products are settled on the bottom and cannot be selected by individuals from the upper and medium water layers. Their abnormalness leads to decomposition and booting, which adversely affects. It needs to be often cleaned and change water.
  2. Overeating leads to reinforced digestive processes in the body and overflowing the chemical composition of water with a large number of organic nature substances. It is impossible to clean it then simply physical ways.
  3. The axial food residues pollute the soil and interferes with the free root respiration of plants.

Therefore, it is necessary to feed strictly as much as the aquarium is eaten no longer than in 15 minutes.

How to build rational feeding?

Feed aquarium fish need differentiated. If among them only adult individuals, just once, preferably in the morning. After feeding, the residues need to be assembled with a special saccha from the surface and remove outwards. It is important that such feedings are regular, fully combed and consisted of all physiologically necessary components. You can make a schedule (a kind of menu) for what days there is vegetable food, when the animal is, and when - with a balanced content of vitamins and trace elements. In the "Nursing Policy", it is reasonable to include mixed feed containing several components at once.

Frying and adult fish during a spawning period should be fed twice a day. In this case, during the day, the individual will receive a mixed diet and make their increased physiological needs.

If they fed them correctly, they are cheerful, cheerful, healthy, lead an active lifestyle and grow well. This is immediately noticeable, especially in well-kept, neat and tastefully decorated aquarium.

What time of day it is better to organize feeding?

Morning clock is best suited for feeding. If there is a need to re-give food, it is better to carry out equal intervals, allowing you to digest and worry.

Definitely, you should not give food before bedtime, because organs and systems of water individuals also need rest and sleep. The exception is a team of fish leading the night lifestyle.

By organizing the power mode, you should pay attention to the aquarium floral world. Fish- "Vegetarians" love to emblorict young shoots of plants, leaves and even leaving the surface of the root. In this case, you need to release the aquarium from the scraps of plants or overgrown twigs. They will take place back, they are unlikely, and the task of clogging of water will be coppled.

In this case, when drafting the power mode, it is necessary to take into account the presence of inner feed.

With the right nutrition organization, it is necessary to consider:

  • decomposition of food is faster in warm standing water;
  • food must be crushed in accordance with the anatomy of fish;
  • live feed quickly deteriorates and it is important not to put microbes with him;
  • dry food is more convenient when stored, but it does not contain a full-fledged set of nutrient elements;
  • to ensure a qualitative process of self-cleaning of water, you need to follow the rigidity, acidity and microclimate parameters.

Feed fish - it's stiff. It is much more difficult to rationally organize the mode and the fullness of nutrition. And then a positive result will not make himself wait long: water pets will delight health, bright coloring and active behavior.

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