New and interesting topics about children. Interesting online

Nothing looks more fragile and defenseless than the newborn, which you first took on the hands. But in fact it turns out that in some kind of babies are very hardy and capable. Your newborn baby is able to clean the interesting things that you can only dream of. But we managed to figure out this only because of the crazy scientific experiments - in no case do not spend them on your child.

Interesting fact: newborn can swim

Once a group of scientists decided that it would be fun to dip 36 babies head into cold water and check out what would come of it. Surprisingly, but instead of massive children, they saw that the kids instinctively detained their breath. They did not just survived, but even laughed and smiled when they were taken out of the water.

Kids are capable of more than just to delay their breath. Another experiment: Parents put the children in the water with belly down and they began to ball and move the feet of "doggy", which kept them afloat.

The studies have proven that babies can dive and swim, but it is instinctively, and the kids lose this ability to 6 months.

Little children can grow reinstall fingertips

Do not worry if suddenly your baby will lose part of the limb. Dr. Christoph Allan believes that the children's body can re-grow the fingertip if it does not interfere with the process.

This discovery, Dr. Allan, made him with his little patient (the baby was eight at that time). The girl accidentally cut off her tip of his finger with a bicycle needle and Dr. Allan could not sew it, so he told his parents so that they would simply put the tip to the finger and may happen a miracle.

A few weeks later, the girl came again on the reception to Dr. Allan. She ignored the doctor's request, but the finger tip is rebuilt. Further research only confirmed the fact that this is not a single case. The children's body is able to independently regenerate part of the phalanx if the damage did not reach the end of the nail plate.

The capture of the infant is equal to monkey

When a newborn baby wars his handle to her mother's finger or dad, none of the parents at this touching moment is not asked - how high I can raise it while it does not fall danced?

Fortunately, scientists think in this direction, and they learned the answer. It turned out that if you allow newborns to grasp for your index fingers, the capture force will be so strong that it does not fall when the air is in the air.

But do not try to repeat this trick at home, sometimes children let go of their hands in the air. Just accept this already proven fact as a given.

Children's fingerprints quickly disappear

The technology of removing fingerprint allowed the fight against crime to step far forward. Daily thanks to the fingerprints left at the crime scene, many cases are revealed. This problem would be solved if it was possible to train the group of kids and send them "on business". As it turned out, children's fingerprints disappear pretty quickly.

Children at the age of 17 participated in the experiment. The subjects needed to shake a bottle with alcohol, holding it index and thumb, after which they filmed prints.

Scientists have found that children's prints quickly disappeared, while adults remained. Researchers suggest that this is because there is more fatty acids on the surface of the skin of small children, so they quickly disappear.

Children can use sugar in unlimited quantities

Sugar in children is absorbed differently than in adults. The body of the child constantly requires sugar, which positively affects development and can even be anesthetic.

They were created to love sweets, and may have them without restrictions. A product containing more sugar than Coca-Cola Bank will be too sweet for an adult, but there are no such restrictions for children.

The experiment was as follows: the children were given a glass with sweet water and asked to say when it was too sweet. At the end of the experiment, the smallest was given a glass with so sweet water that the sugar was no longer stirred, but even it was not the limit for them.

Newborn can crawl until the breasts find

Usually, children begin to crawl in 7-110 months. It turned out, this is because they have no incentive. If the baby is correctly motivated, it can crawl until it is left out of the uterus.

The experiment was held over the crumbs, which were just born. The child was wiped, put the mother on the stomach and did not feed. The first 15 minutes, the children simply lay, then began to put a suction air, and then crawled to the mother's chest and suck it.

So, you can force a newborn crawling if we give it to myself about an hour.

Infants act on mother as a drug

If you have ever seen a mother holding your child on your arms, then you saw a woman in the most happy and peaceful state. And this is an explanation - the presence of a kid causes special chemical reactions in its brain.

From the first days of pregnancy, the woman's body produces oxytocin. This substance we get into the happiest moments (when you fall in love, we have sex), and it gives us peace of mind and well-being.

Mothers have a huge amount of oxytocin, when they take care of the baby or simply touch it. Therefore, if your mother has a bad mood, she is enough to hold the child in his arms and everything will work out.

Newborn can eat how much they want and not fat

You do not need to worry about the weight of the child. Newborn has a lot of brown fat (about 5% of the total body weight), which burns calories at the speed of light.

It is this fat that helps the child not to die from supercooling. When the temperature drops, the brown fat begins to actively burn calories and produce heat. 85 grams of this substance can burn 400-500 calories per day.

If you start to envy children, then you are not alone. Some scientists are so jealous of the fat burning capabilities of the children's body, which are trying to achieve the same results in adults, but so far unsuccessfully.

Children know how to speak in dog

Maybe your baby does not understand everything you say, but he will definitely understand some kind of dog. Studies of six-month children showed that they can understand the dog Lai - even if never seen this animal before.

In the process of research, children included entries with fun and evil dogs of dogs and parallel showed pictures with an image of an embittered or happy animal. Surprisingly, when writing with joyful lames, the children looked at the picture with a happy dog, and with aggressive - chose an angry image, since instinctively understood the mood of the creature.

The fact that children could properly compare the tone and the picture, saying that they knew how to react correctly. The subjects continued to smile at the sounds of aggressive flaw, so do not rely on their instinct of self-preservation.

The organism of the newborn is able to grow a heart

Scientists took a newborn mouse of seven days from the genus and cut off his piece of heart. As practice shows, the government sponsors scientists for such purposes. Incredibly, but in just three weeks the heart mouse completely restored and operated absolutely normal.

Scientists believe that such a function is applicable to all mammals, but so far it is not proven. The luminais of science, of course, much is allowed, but it is hardly anyone who will allow them to cut off part of the heart of a newborn baby.

Nature creates truly amazing protective mechanisms. Who would have thought that an ordinary baby was able to make almost impossible. And this is most likely not the limit. Let's see how scientists will delight us in the coming years.

We bring to your attention a selection of interesting facts about children and their parents.

· In European countries, the average age of parents is 29 years old, in India - 19 years old, in Russia - 20 years;

· Children in China in 1910 were the most young parents: Mom and Pape was 9 and 8 years old, respectively;

· Recently, there has been a strange tendency to give children unusual names. For several years in a row, the most original US citizens call their offspring in honor of famous brands: so, girls get the name Tiffany, Chanel, Armani, Gucci, boys - Lexus, Nike, Adidas and others. As it affects the fate of Chad, it remains only to guess;

· The most famous company of children's designers "Lego" over the years of its existence has released them so much that for each resident of the planet accounts for 30 elements. Recently, cases of swallowing with small details ingestion, therefore, a special substance was added to the plastic, which glows on X-rays;

· The most large father is Sultan Ismail from Morocco. He has 340 daughters and 548 sons;

· Interestingly, a newborn child can distinguish red and green, but he does not see blue;

· According to statistics, children of 3-4 years old every day set 900 questions and pronounce more than 12 thousand words;

· Parents sought to entertain their offspring many more hundred years ago. On the territory of the ancient Persia during excavations, they found a children's toy, now it is stored in the Louvre and dates back to 1 millennium BC.

· Nigeria - the country of twins, for every 11 genera, one case is certainly twins or twins.

But in the country of the Rising Sun, this phenomenon is rare - twins appear only in one case by 250 genera;

· Someone considers himself a young grandmother? - In fact, the youngest grandmother in history is a 23-year-old Romanian rhyme staised. Her daughter at the age of 11 fled from the house and gave birth to the Son;

· According to Russian regulations, a catalog of the most unusual names is drawn up: this is a bath, triska, poses, banana, dirt - for girls, as well as scarf, bluetooth, radiant, zhiromir, donor - for boys;

· There were frequent cases when parents call their babies in honor of cartoon or book characters - Harry Potter, Anakina Skywalker, Casper and others;

· Interestingly, those 9 months that they spent in the womb are also made in the metrics of children born in Korea, so technically they are older than their peers, although they were born in one year;

· In Australia, more than in any other country of the world are born "children from test tubes";

· A 11-year-old resident of Egypt Mahmoud Vaill is recognized as one of the most famous children in the world. He has a phenomenal intelligence, the child is able to share and multiply nine-digit numbers with a computer speed. The child has two senior sisters, but they are not listed for them;

· Scientists came to the conclusion that the seizure of his hands in a newborn baby is much stronger than a monthly baby;

· Denmark is a country where "homework" is very common; approximately 80% of women agree;

· Scientists confirmed that the kids who were actively crawled in childhood, it is easier to study, than those who immediately began to walk;

· In many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, the words "dad", "Mom" sound very similar, and here it's not about semantics of languages, but in the fact that those who mischievous children pronounce very similar sounds;

· We all know that on June 1 - the day of protection of children, but in the Seychelles, this holiday continues for a whole month;

· Many parents are literally preserved on the safety of their children. Romanians are not an exception, even a kindergarten was created in this country, where not only caregivers, but also the guards are watching the kids. Each child even has a mobile phone for emergency calls "ancestors";

· The most "advanced" from the point of view of computerization and modern technologies are German children. On average, every nine-year-old child in the country during his life has time to change at least two mobile phones and owns a computer;

· The most popular day of the week for the birth of children is Tuesday. But in the weekends, little born is born;

· This record holder according to childbirth is the Russian peasant, who lived in the 18th century. It produced 21 triples, 32 twins and 16 twins. This family couple had 69 children, and only two died in infancy. And you are still talking about the oddities of physiology;

· In Europe, pretty harsh requirements are presented to mild toys: For example, the head of a teddy bear for children from 3 years should withstand an effort of no less than 10 kg;

· Interestingly, but a fact, in one of the schools of Wales, a teacher of junior classes was fired, who told 6-year-old children that Santa Claus did not exist;

· Ganesh Sitam-Palam is considered the smartest child of the planet. At the age of 7, he has already become a university student and successfully assimilates training courses by planning a degree to 13 years;

· In many major cities of the world, there are closed clubs of Indigo children. Closed not because they want to isolate kids from the world, and since on the background of peers they look like white corners. There are children who are already talked in 4 foreign languages \u200b\u200bin 5 years or write poems. Previously, such people were considered either a genius, or obsessed, enough to remember Mozart, and Vinci and other famous personalities.

They are the same as we, adults? Sometimes it seems that they are special creatures from another planet. Amazing discoveries associated with the kids, scientists do so often that soon the number of the most incredible facts will achieve seven digits. In the meantime - 40 are the most bright of them.

  1. 206 against 207.
    No, this is not the result of a football mast, but the number of bones in a newborn and, accordingly, an adult. Just then the child will grow bones of the skull and spine.
  2. Little and Eyes
    The child grows quickly, and only his eyes change not so noticeable. Because the size of the eye in the baby is 75% of the adult size.
  3. Pope is a bristle 2 mm, and the uncle Serge has almost 3 mm
    The sensitivity of the infants is so high, which is already in the first days of life they can distinguish the noncuses of varying degrees.
  4. Time of the first smile
    Not less than a month will have to wait before the child will give his first smile by mom. But more expensive there is nothing in the world.
  5. Your breast is closer
    Incredibly, but newborn children can be distinguished by the smell (perhaps, for any signs) the chest of their mother from all the others that they most often ignore.
  6. Funny pictures
    If you hang a picture of the baby with a picture of a smiling face, then the mood and condition of the crumbs will be positive.
  7. You - I, I - You
    The sense of justice visits children for 12-15 months. Kids are ready to share their toys and the same waiting from others.

  8. "All Violet"
    In the first months, all the kids do not distinguish between the colors, besides, shortcuts - distinguish people and objects only at close range.
  9. In native language
    Scientists have made an amazing discovery: the knowledge of the child of intonation and speech begins in the intrauterine state. The kids of each particular country are even crying in their own way.
  10. Each in Coral
    In many European countries, children still give, as well as many centuries ago, rattles from natural coral. On the one hand, people believe that such an item is the best walked from the evil eye, on the other, it is an excellent teeth.
  11. What's in a name?
    As a crumb you will call, and ... will live a child life. Studies have shown that the girl with a male name is distinguished by more hard features of character and the plump knife.
  12. I remember here, I do not remember ...
    Infantile amnesia, with rare exception, is present in all children. Up to 3 years old, they do not remember their early experiences.
  13. Major Maternity Device - diapers
    Just imagine that on average, about 3000 are spent on one child every year.
  14. Melomanany from birth
    Babies up to six months are able to distinguish melodious music from more rhythmic, showing different emotions. Good from bad they learn to distinguish later.
  15. "About the trauma"
    According to statistics, children under 6 years old have the greatest number of injuries.
  16. Shagay Sam
    Canadian children learn to make the first steps without walkers. This invention for which many parents of other countries will be used, prohibited there. It is believed that they cause strong harm to still weak children's bones.
  17. Born with gadget
    Where are the most advanced children under 10 years old? No, not in Japan, but in Germany. There, kids from birth use modern smartphones and tablets.

  18. Louder than all
    Three-year-old child is able to speak louder, 200 adults talking at the same time. Presumably, such a gift is needed to children so that Mom always heard. Controversy.
  19. "Bad, good, evil"
    In loyal to children, Japan is prohibited in relation to them the words "bad" and "bad". They turn to children only in a positive key.
  20. A little about geniuses
    The diagnosis of "prematurity" is not a sentence for future talents of the child. And the example of Albert Einstein (he did not speak until 9 years old), Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill and many other famous personalities of different years.
  21. Works 100%
    In the Indigo children, the right and left hemispheres of the brain operate autonomously.
  22. And again about the geniuses ...
    A toy truck with a folding body came up with one 6-year-old kid. He painted and offered the dad to make him such. And so-beloved by all children plasticine invented a schoolgirl girl, and originally it was a means for cleansing wallpaper from coal dust. But almond oil and dyes added to it. And there was a joy for children.
  23. In the corner ... or naked?
    Effective, but not quite a humane method of preventing disobedience of children invented in one Indonesian school. Juligans for several months shaved naked for fights and absenteeism. Soon the discipline became exemplary.
  24. Recommended laughing
    Laughter - Best Medicine or Home Immunity Protection. For health, children are recommended to laugh at least 300 times a day, which is on average every 3 minutes.

  25. Infants that are on breastfeeding are able to do a unique trick: they can swallow and breathe simultaneously. At 9 months, the magic ability disappears.
  26. Born in the car - Get a registration number
    In the US, every year about 300 children are born on the road. It is not the name of the terrain as a place of birth, namely the number of cars in which the stork "flew out."
  27. We grow above
    If a person grew up with the same speed and intensity as a child up to 4 years old, ultimately, his growth would be more than 7 meters.
  28. Without taste
    In the first 3 months, the child is not able to feel salty taste.
  29. Special boy
    Each hereditary prince in England, in the XV century, was the only friend and part-time boy for beating. And all because it was strictly prohibited to punish the status children. So the expression was born.
  30. "Bears" rush to the rescue
    Children in Miami are lucky more than the rest. In the police stations, Miami have "bearish patrols." Teddy bear accompany the guardians of order when patrolling and often come to the rescue when meeting with a crying baby.

Children make life funny, unpredictable and sometimes even crazy, but incredibly happy. They bribe their spontaneity, sincerity and confidence in the world. But is it famous for adults about the life of kids and older guys? This article contains the most unusual and interesting facts about children.

Amazing facts about the smallest

When a newborn appears in the house, it seems so fragile and defenseless ... incredibly, but this impression is in many ways deceptively. Kids have unusual abilities, thanks to which they are rushing than it seems. These interesting facts about the children in early age were proven by scientists, but not worth checking their "performance" at home the newly minted parents.

However, it is not necessary to experiment with this feature: despite the power of tiny palms, the kid can break his fingers at any time.

Uminifying features of kids

It is impossible to rejoice at:

  • cute features of kids;
  • their fun habits;
  • their first "AGU" and laughter.

The appearance of a child in the family is connected not only with troubles and lack of sleep, there are at least 3 charming reasons why people decide to become parents.

  • cares for his baby;
  • touching his skin;
  • kisses the top;
  • wears and shakes on hand;
  • feed him.

Children - owners of superconductors

Some and features are incredibly surprised. At first glance it may even seem that only Hollywood superheroes possess such capabilities. It is amazing that in fact these interesting facts about the children of each person until a certain age.

  1. The young organism has the ability to regenerate. If by negligence, the part of the finger is lost (within the nail plate), the likelihood is high, that the restoration of the damaged place will occur without medical intervention.
  2. At the very beginning of the life of a newborn brain demonstrates stunning high-speed height: 1% daily.
  3. Babies can sleep, not a shiny eyelid, with open eyes.
  4. While in the mother's womb, the future kid can cure her damaged organs, sending stem cells "to the rescue".

Children - "Transformers"

Newborn have almost 100 bones more than an adult man. Gradually, they are connected, transformed, and their number becomes less. Up to this point, the bones of kids are more flexible and spring, better adapted to shocks. This explains why children often fall, but rarely get serious fractures and injury.

Another difference in the structure of the skeleton is the lack of newborn knee gods. Their formation can delay up to 6 years.

Interesting facts about children from other countries

Cultural differences in different countries relate not only to food habits, philosophical views or accepted social norms. Approaches to the education of the younger generation outside the borders of the native state have their significant differences. Interesting facts about children from other countries make it possible to better understand the mentality of its inhabitants.

  1. In some Eastern countries, age is considered not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception, i.e., newborns appear on the light of the 9-month.
  2. In Japan, there is a ban on words that give an obvious negative assessment - bad, bad. For example, near school parking hangs a sign with a picture on which the bikes are smoothly set. And one more, where they are inaccurately thrown. On the first inscription reads: "So bicycles put good children," and on the second - "so good children do not put bicycles."
  3. Records of the birth of twins or twins in the world are recognized as women from Nigeria: as a result, more than 1 kid appears every 11 birthday. But in Japan, it happens much less often - 4 cases per 1000 pregnancies.

However, there is something in common that it combines all countries. Practically in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world "Mom" and "Dad" sounds very similar, because these are the first sounds that are able to pronounce the baby.

For each parent, happily collect interesting facts from the child's life for memory. The mothers are popular with a special album where you can write to achieve your baby:

  • day when the crumbs cut the tooth;
  • date of first steps and words;
  • weight and growth in months, sizes of palms and feet.

Children are the most inquisitive creatures on the planet. The average kid aged 3-4 years asks a daily 900 questions, and he himself begins to interest him very soon. Parents will be useful to keep the most interesting facts for children from their lives in the head. And when the child becomes an adult, such an album will forever preserve pleasant memories.

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Some parents say to the baby: "You are the light of my life." But do you know that if you were light, then we would fly around around the whole globe 7.5 times per second! If you were sound, we could fly around around the Earth for 4 hours! If we lived on Jupiter, our days would consist of only 9 hours. It is good that on earth a day lasts 24 hours, because we need so much to have time throughout the day! These are just a few entertaining scientific facts that may be interested in both an inquisitive child and an adult.

What is science?

Science is an organized and consistent study, which includes observation, collecting scientific facts, experiments, checking results and explanation of natural and human-created phenomena. This is an area that gives us the opportunity to better understand the world around us and create good things for the benefit of man and all living beings.

Ordinary scientific facts

Now that you know what we are talking about, we offer some entertaining scientific facts:

  • If you stretch the human DNA chain, its length will be the distance from Pluto to the Sun and back.
  • When a person sneezes, the speed of the air exhaled is about 160 km / h.
  • Bloch can jump to height, which exceeds its own growth of 130 times. If Blokh was a man with an increase of 1.80 m, it could jump at 230 m.
  • Electric eel produces electric current voltage of 650 volts. Touching it is the strongest shock that a person can experience.
  • Light particles photons take 40,000 years to pass the path from the sun nucleus to its surface, and only 8 minutes to reach the Earth.

Scientific facts about land

Earth is our home. To take care of her, we need to know about it important information:

  • The age of the Earth ranges from 5 to 6 billion years. Approximately the same year the moon and the sun.
  • Our planet consists mainly of iron, silicon and relatively small amounts of magnesium.
  • The Earth is the only planet in the solar system, on the surface of which water is located, and the atmosphere is 21% composed of oxygen.
  • The surface of the Earth is composed of tectonic plates placed on the mantle - a layer located between the core of the earth and the surface. Such structure of the earth's surface explains the earthquakes and eruption of volcanoes.
  • About 8.7 million species of living organisms live on Earth. Of these, 2.2 million species live in the ocean, and the rest are on land.
  • ¾ The surface of the earth is covered with water. When the cosmonauts first saw the land from space, they saw basically water. Hence the name "Blue Planet".

Environmental facts

Why are the seasons replacing? What happens to the garbage after we throw it? What did the weather be hot or cool? This and more children are taught in the lessons of environmental education. Consider some facts that convince us in what beautiful planet we live.

  • Plastic is completely decomposed in the ground for 450 years, and the glass is 4,000 years old.
  • Daily in the world of 27,000 trees takes only the manufacture of toilet paper.
  • 97% of all water that is on Earth, salt and not suitable for use. 2% of the water is in glaciers. Therefore, only 1% water is suitable.
  • The meat processing industry is most promoting global warming. In second place among global problems - deforestation. About 68% of existing plant species are likely to die in the near future.
  • The population of the Earth is more than 7 billion people. It is expected that by 2025, this figure will be 8 billion.
  • Unfortunately, 99% of the existing types of living organisms, according to the forecasts of scientists, will be cleaned.

Entertaining facts about animals

The kingdom of animals is beautiful and surprising. It has manual otters, powerful acne, singing whales, giggling rats, oysters, changing the floor, and many other, no less amazing representatives. We offer several facts about animals that will undoubtedly like your child:

  • Osming has three hearts. An even more strange fact: the lobster urinary paths are on the face, and the turtles breathe with the help of the rear pass.
  • At sea skates, the offspring gives males, and not females.
  • Parrot Cacapo has a strong sharp smell that attracts predators. That is why Cocapa is under threat of extinction.
  • Squirrel plant more trees than an average person during life. How can it be? The fact is that proteins hide under the ground of acorns and nuts, and then forget where they were hidden.
  • Lviv hunt mostly lioness. Lions intervene only if necessary.

Interesting facts about plants

Plants landslide our planet, produce oxygen, make the land suitable for habitat. Trees and plants are probably the most beneficial among the living inhabitants of the Earth. We offer some interesting facts about plants:

  • Like people, plants recognize other plants of their species.
  • In total, there are more than 80,000 edible plants on Earth. Of these, we eat about 30.
  • Humanity rapidly destroys forest arrays. About 80% of all forests have already been destroyed.
  • The oldest tree in the world (sequoia) is located in the USA, in California. His age is 4,843 years old.
  • The height of the highest tree in the world is 113 m. It is also in California.
  • The biggest tree in the world is an aspen growing in the USA, in Utah. Its weight is 6,000 tons.

Facts about space

The sun, stars, planets, the Milky Way, the constellation and everything that is located in the universe is located in the vacuum space. We call it space. We offer some entertaining facts about it:

  • Earth is tiny compared to the Sun, whose size is 300,000 times more.
  • The whole space is absolutely silent, because in vacuum the sound does not apply.
  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The temperature on the surface of Venus is 450 ° C.
  • The force of attraction changes the weight of a person on different planets. For example, the force of attraction on Mars is lower than on earth, therefore a person weighing 80 kg on Mars will weigh only 31 kg.
  • Since there is no atmosphere, no water on the moon, nothing can erase the traces of astronauts that set forth on its surface. Therefore, traces are likely to be preserved here for another one hundred million years.
  • The temperature of the Sun - the nearest star to the ground is 15 million degrees Celsius.

Facts about famous scientists

For a long time, people thought that the land was flat that the change of time depends on the mood of the gods, and the disease causes an unclean force. So it lasted before the great scientists proved the opposite. Without them, we still lived in ignorance.

  • Albert Einstein was a genius, but his talents revealed quite late. After the death of the scientist, his brain was the object of numerous studies.
  • Nikolay Copernicus denied the theory that the land is the center of the Universe. He developed a model of the solar system, in the center of which is the sun.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was not only an artist. He was also an outstanding mathematician, a scientist, a writer and even a musician.
  • Archimedes invented the law of displacement of fluid when he took a bath. It's funny that, according to legend, he jumped out of the bath with a cry of "Eureka!" He was so excited that she forgot that there were no clothes on it.
  • Maria Curie, a chemist woman, which opened radium, was the first person in the world, twice received the Nobel Prize.

Scientific facts from the world of technology

Technique - Progress Engine. We are so dependent on the technique in everyday life that it even scares. We offer several entertaining facts about the technical devices that we face daily:

  • The first computer game appeared in 1967. She called "Brown Box" (translated from the English - "brown box"), because it was exactly what it looked.
  • The first computer in the world of Enica weighed more than 27 tons and occupied a whole room.
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web is not the same thing.
  • Robotics - one of the relevant scientific spheres today. However, in 1495, Leonardo da Vinci drew the world's first scheme in the world.
  • "Chamber of Obscrew" - the prototype of the camera, which influenced the development of photography. It was used in ancient Greece and China in order to design images on the screen.
  • There is an interesting technology in which plant waste is used to generate methane, which, in turn, can be used to generate electricity.

Scientific facts from the engineering industry

Engineering helps to create wonderful things - from houses and machines to electronic gadgets.

  • The highest bridge in the world - Viaduct Miyo in France. It is located at an altitude of 245 m, supported by beams suspended on cables.
  • The islands of Palm in Dubai can be called a modern miracle of the world. This is the man-made islands floating on the water.
  • The world's largest accelerator of charged particles is located in Geneva. It was built to help in studies of more than 10,000 scientists, and is located in an underground tunnel.
  • Candra Space Observatory is the world's largest X-ray telescope. It is also the largest satellite launched into space.
  • Today, the most ambitious project in the world is a new valley in Egypt. Engineers are trying to turn millions of desert hectares into agricultural land. Imagine that it would be if we could also warm the land! Our planet would return to itself the original purity!

Science is a wonderful area of \u200b\u200boccupation, inspiring many people. All you need is to interest the child she. And who knows, perhaps your child will grow by the second Einstein.

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