Crafts from the onion bow for kindergarten. Crafts from Luka. Very beautiful autumn composition in a basket of vegetables and fruits

At the autumn time in kindergartens and schools, exhibitions of crafts from vegetables, bouquets of flowers are very popular. Most often, parents have to invent, how to help their events in the manufacture of crafts. We bring to your attention a bright selection of 40 crafts into a kindergarten of vegetables, with description and pictures. The process of creating a craft will become an exciting occupation for both children and parents.


For a ram from vegetables, a minimum of material is necessary. The body of the ram itself is a very branched cauliflower kochan. The horns can be both attached in the form of separate twisted pieces of cabbage, and cut into a knife (not coming to the end) from the very taper of the ram. Eyes can be taken special purchased or make from well-made materials (buttons, plasticine, beads). Details secure on glue or toothpicks.

Alarm clock


  • round pumpkin;
  • eggplant;
  • toothpick;
  • plasticine.

Cut off the side of a pumpkin 2-3 centimeters (not coming to pulp and seeds). Cut eggplant tail. Cut from the nose of eggplant 5-6 centimeters and so exactly from the tail. Eggplant skin cut Roman numbers. Arrow shape out of plasticine. Creare all the details of the alarm clock with toothpicks.



  • 2 medium zucchini;
  • 2 small zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • toothpicks or spanks.

One zucchini medium size is the main body of the helicopter. The second zucchini is cut and make the wings of the helicopter, as shown in the picture. From a small zucchini form the tail of the helicopter, and from the thin plate of the zucchini and carrot rings attach a propeller.

Mushroom Polyanka


  • base under the glade (boxes, board, cardboard);
  • leaves or greens for grass;
  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • potatoes;
  • toothpicks.

Based on shape grass or fallen leaves. From carrots to make legs with mushrooms, and from apple and potatoes caps. All parts to bore with toothpicks. You can decorate the composition at will.



  • apples;
  • carrot;
  • greens;
  • base stand;
  • olives;
  • toothpicks.

Connect apples in a caterpillar with toothpicks. Shape horns from olives (riding a toothpick). Eye and nose can be made of girlfriend materials (buttons, plasticine, beads). The legs attach from carrot rings. Squeeze the caterpillar. Decorate at will.

Lady of cabbage


  • head of cabbage;
  • red sweet pepper;
  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • hat;
  • toothpicks.

Shape the composition of cabbage, parsley and hats. Squeeze on a steady basis. Attach the nose from carrots, mouth from pepper and eyes from plasticine or olives.



  • base (cardboard or board);
  • pumpkin oblong;
  • carrot;
  • grapes or olives;
  • potatoes;
  • apples;
  • mushrooms;
  • toothpicks.

Based on to form a clearing. Make a hedgehog from carrots, pumpkins and potatoes, as shown in the picture. Attach eyes, nose and spines. On the barbs putting leaves, mushrooms, apples. You can decorate at will.

Hare "Krosh"


  • kochan Middle Cabbage;
  • 2 cabbage sheets;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • parsley.

Of the two rings of the zucchini make the legs of the hare. Put on the leg cabbage legs. Cut ears from the cabbage sheets and insert them into the cuts in the head of the hare. Attach knobs from zucchini pieces. In the hand of the hare attaching a small carrot. Make from parsley hair hare and carrot tops. Eyes can be attached purchased or draw. Nose and teeth are made from a suitable girlfriend.



  • big potato or sweet pepper;
  • cucumber;
  • toothpicks.

Potatoes visually divide into three parts and cut off ⅔. Remove the withdrawal in potatoes and decorate the edge of carved cloths. You can also do with sweet pepper. Pot ready. Insert cucumber into the recess. Make a cactus barrels from the toothpicks. You can paint spines. Arrange the cactus with the help of girlfriend.



  • big round pumpkin;
  • 4 small patissons;
  • toothpick;
  • decorative material (flowers, ribbons, beads, rhinestones).

The thread method needs to be separated by pumpkin, form the windows and doors of the carriage. From the patissons make the wheels (can be replaced with thick rings of zucchini). Decorate the carriage at will. You can sit down a course and add horses.



  • oblong watermelon;
  • 2 pineapple rings;
  • 2 rolls of zucchini or orange;
  • 4 olives.
  • toothpicks.

Extract the flesh from the watermelon, while retaining the integrity of the peel in the shape of the stroller, as indicated in the picture. From the residues of the peel to make a handle. From an orange or zucchini make the wheels. In the middle of the wheels insert the berry or olive. Decorate the roof of the stroller with flowers from pineapple and the meat of watermelon. All parts to be attached to toothpicks.

Cantle pig


  • oblong watermelon;
  • pink felt;
  • buttons;
  • toothpicks.

Make an incision in watermelon and extract the flesh, saving the integrity of the peel as indicated in the picture. With the help of buttons, arrange the muzzle on the pork. Ears and tail make from felt. Hurruska's legs make a piece of watermelon peel.



  • zucchini zucchini or big eggplant;
  • red sweet pepper;
  • 4 cabbage sheets;
  • long spanks;
  • toothpicks.

Cut a knife from a vegetable shape of a ship, as in the picture. From the speakers and cabbage leaves to make sails. From sweet pepper make the flag.


From one big round pumpkin cut a basket, choose seeds and flesh. You can arrange a basket at your own wisdom of carvings or infirous decorative materials. You can put fruits, vegetables in the basket.


Very carefully clean the bulb, leaving the mustache. Put it on the onion ring. Little cuts make a sile ears. Cut eyes and mouth. From the primary materials to make the tail.

Crocodile in helicopter


  • zucchini zucchini;
  • many small cucumbers;
  • toothpick;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

From the zucchini form the basis of the helicopter (cut the cab). Make a tail and wings helicopter from pieces of cucumbers. Make a propeller from beet. Wheels and steering wheel shape from carrots. From the cucumbers to collect crocodile and put in the cabin. You can make a protective glass from plastic. Eye and crocodile hat attach from the girlfriend.


2 long zucchini need to trim the laptia form, as shown in the picture. Select all the zucchini content. Napti can be painted or scratched pattern.


Medium-sized zucchini should be seated on the clearing. Polyanka make leaves, colors and branches. Make clothes a lovik at your own request. Draw a face, pinch hair, wear a hat.



  • 1 green apple;
  • 1 Dark Grape or Olive;
  • small cucumber;
  • 5 light grapes;
  • toothpicks.

From the apple to make the body of a frog, cutting out the mouth. Attach the handles, legs, eyes from grapes. Cut from cucumber and attach the crown.



  • 1 Cucumber;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 small and 1 big grape;
  • ring zucchka;
  • toothpicks.

The cucumber will act as the car itself. From carrot rings make wheels. From the purified semiring zucchini make the cabin. Grapes secure as headlights.



  • 3 large oval potatoes;
  • 1 average potato;
  • 1 small potato;
  • toothpicks.

Of the two large potatoes, make the body and head bear. From the third large potato make hands and ears. Middle sized potatoes cut and make legs. From a little potato make a pot with honey and put in the hands of the bear. Draw eyes and nose.



  • green zucchini;
  • pumpkin oblong;
  • plasticine;
  • colored paper and glue;
  • toothpicks.

Cut the spout from a pumpkin leaving about 8-10 centimeters, it will be a mushroom hat. From the zucchini to form a cylinder who serves as a leg of the mushroom. Creap the details of the toothpick. Mushroom hat can be painted and put white dots. From colored paper and plasticine to make a face fungus.



  • watermelon with white crust;
  • 2 dark grapes or olives;
  • little Melon;
  • toothpicks.

To carve a knife by carving on the watermelon of eyes, mouth and teeth, scratch the mustache. As pupils to attach halves of grapes or olives. From the whole olive make your nose. Of the two halves of melon to attach the ears.

A monkey


  • a pineapple;
  • orange big;
  • orange small;
  • 2 olives;
  • little white watermelon;
  • toothpicks.

Cut pineapple direct from two ends. Creare pineapple with watermelon. On the watermelon make small thin sections, where there will be eyes. Attach at half the olive as pupils. From the big orange to cut the mouth and attach the face to the head. Attach the nose-nose. Cut in half a small orange and attach as ears.


To create this composition, you need to find two, branched on the end, carrots. From the girlfriend makes the finished octopus-carrots of eyes and mouths. Decorate at your own request.



  • 1 Sweet green pepper;
  • 1 sweet red pepper;
  • 1 orange;
  • green onions;
  • olives (black and green);
  • sucks.

Orange cut in half. Insert half orange skewers and put on them, along the entire length, olives. From the peppers cut the tops of the palm trees, as in the picture. One palm to make with a bow. On the tops of the trees to wear olives.



  • oblong yellow pumpkin or zucchini;
  • round flat green pumpkin;
  • 12 small identical carrots;
  • polyanka base;
  • leaves;
  • toothpicks.

End the pumpkin to climb and paste into the green (pre-take a hole). From carrots to form legs, as in the picture. Squeeze a spider on the clearing. From plasticine or other girlfriends to make eye and mouth.


Take the required number of eggplants and cut them into the cart penguins, as in the picture. From the carrot to make foot and nose-beaks.


From young little zucchini make wagons. From rings of zucchini make the wheels. Embed with finishing chopsticks, as in the picture. From the carrot to make a pipe and spout.


Take the required number of oblong potatoes (preferably pink). Pink plasticine cut out ears, tails and pyataks and attach pigs. From black plasticine to make eyes. It is possible to make a stroke on the cleaner or in an imaginary convergence.


Take the oblong, but not very long, zucchini. Attach the wheels to it. You can make wheels from golden or silver cardboard (you can use discs). From black cardboard you need to cut and glue the roof and the cab and connect with the zucchild. You can make a small steering wheel from the wire.


Take a suitable long zucchini with a wrapped tail. With the help of cardboard, plasticine and colors to create a fish. Protect tail, arrange a face. It is possible to decorate the fish at your own request.



  • 1 big round pumpkin;
  • 2 small round pumpkins;
  • slices of bent thin hose.

From the pumping to cut the caps and remove seeds and flesh. Big tea make a handle and spout from the hose. The lid is suitable cut previously. Take two knobs on the sacker. Cup to make one handle, and a saucer will serve a cut cover. You can decorate the service.



  • round potato;
  • round apple;
  • round onions;
  • pear;
  • plasticine;
  • zucchini zucchini;
  • toothpicks.

Make a car from zucchini. Car wheels make a roll of zucchini. Plasticine headlamps. Each vegetable with plasticine to make a face as in the photo.

  • 1 carrot;
  • plasticine;
  • the base of cardboard.
  • Place the basis as a glade or road. From one zucchini to make the basis of the tractor. From the second zucchini cut the cab. Rings zucchini attach as wheels. From carrots to make a pipe. From the carrot rings to make the steering wheel and headlights. You can put a plasticine chaof in the cabin.

    Pumpkin House

    On the cardboard base, decorated with leaves and grass, put a round pumpkin. In the pumpkin cut windows and doors. Roof decorate herbs. You can decorate the house at your own desire, any suitable girlfriend (cloth, sticks, flowers, toy residents).


    Crop the zucchini and pumpkin, as shown in the picture. On a cardboard basis to combine snail details. From beads and buttons to make eyes, spout, mouth and horns snail. Decorate rhinestones, sequins, fabric, artificial butterflies and flowers.


    The thread in a thin and sharp knife, cut from the watermelon the details of the Filin, as in the picture. From the primary materials to make eyes and eyelids bird. From carrot to make a beak.



    • 3 cucumber;
    • head of cabbage;
    • wire;
    • toothpick;
    • cardboard basis.

    Cut cabbage so that it sustainably lay on the basis. From the same cuffs of cucumber shape the turtle shell. From a third cucumber to make the head turtle. At the head to attach the peaks of beads and put on the glasses from the wire. You can sew a small hat.

    Greetings you, my dear! We fully plunged into autumn care: they made conservation for the winter (compote, jam, pickles). But from September 1, in all houses where children have, new concerns came. They are associated with a kindergarten and school. And I myself know not at all, how to unexpectedly always hear from the educator or teacher that you need to bring the autumn craft from vegetables or fruits. Because you need to participate in the exhibition on the topic "Autumn". And the care of moms and dads begins. They think it would be to do to be quick, beautiful and simple. From the cabinets get vegetables and fruits. Each fruit takes place attentive selection, and the head of the family goes along the neighbors or just looking for a suitable idea on the Internet. In general, it is not necessary to bored.

    I want to facilitate this task for my parents and made a large selection of photos of different ideas and crafts from fruits. There are options easier, but there are more complex. When you need to collect all your accuracy to make it beautiful. But immediately grows a chance to get some nomination.

    Thank you in advance of all parents, grandparents, as well as brothers and sisters who share their creativity in social networks and on the Internet as a whole. Thanks to your desire to show joint creativity in one of the sleepless nights, other parents receive many new ideas for their crafts.

    Let's look at the options for crafts by type of vegetables. Ideas are very many and often besides the fetus itself you need to take a wire, toothpick, paper or tissue. You can create a separate character of the fairy tale, and you can make a whole composition.

    Crafts from pumpkins

    The easiest way to make the recognizable character of cartoons and fairy tales. And often for this you only need paints. You can also print some elements on the printer and stick to the character.

    To your attention a cute minion. On the top of the toothpicks, and instead of the handle, the lace.

    The Musov family also looks very memorable. The ears are made of colored cardboard. And stuck in the pumpkin using skewers for kebabs. They are sold in most economic stores. You can use any thick paint. But if your craft is pleased with the babies on the street. Then cover her varnish.

    Boys come to make such a ninja turtle. I think that Dad will not refuse to help your son in this check.

    Simple cute faces that for some reason remind me of horror from a fairy tale about the Emerald City.

    The creators of the cartoon "Smeshariki" helped us very much, parents. After all, there are whole ten round characters. All of them can be made of vegetables: potatoes, pumpkins or cabbage.

    Before you, Copatic in a hat with autumn leaves.

    More cute face with sad eyes. All additional details can be made of plasticine or paper. And you can glue them on bilateral tape. For the decoration of hats go flower of sunflower, artificial and live grass.

    By the way, you can use felt for sides of hats, eyes and nose.

    I also seemed interesting to this wise Filin. Instead of eyes, you can use small patissons or garlic heads.

    In order for the fake longer overlooking it remove the pulp with seeds.

    More features of characters. I think that their manufacture will take up no more than the hour of parental time.

    The unusual ideas of black cats, mice and hares also accelerate the imagination. It doesn't need additional tools at all, even the knife is not always needed.

    These are excellent examples for the development of children's imagination. How to look at the usual product and see the animal in it.

    If you have a little longer try, then you can extend the Cheshire Cat from Alice in the Wonderland.

    Now we will take away from the heroes, but we turn to the compositions. So from pumpkins are very beautiful houses.

    These crafts do longer, but you can make a fabulous Nero Hobbit.

    And in this house there are creatures from the bulbs.

    For happy parents, daughters have an idea that does not depend on time - this is a carriage for Cinderella.

    For decoration, you can take absolutely everything: beads, leaves, berries and ribbons.

    Another version of the composition is to make a basket or a vase for other fruits and colors. In the fall, a lot of different buds: Astra, Georgina, gladiolus, September and others. Let's make an autumn bouquet and put it in a pumpkin vase.

    Use Ranetki, Rowan and Different Colors of Leaves. So beautiful will look a bouquet of red, yellow, green and orange leaves.

    I could not pass by this fan of honey. I think he is very similar to Winnie the Pooh.

    Well, and with a reservoir you can make a turtle tortilet from the fairy tale about Pinocchio. You can use assorted vegetables: carrots and potatoes. Moreover, they are attracting that all environments are covered, which means that a darkened pulp will not be visible and the exercise will remain bright and beautiful for a long time.

    You can still make a cetake. Sometimes the form of vegetable is reminded to us. The main thing is to understand what exactly))

    Look, because Nature did everything for us. The main thing is to give the right features and before you already beautiful goose with beads from Ryabina berries.

    Ideas from Kabachkov

    You can combine vegetables. Suppose, take a zucchini and a small tick. And from these vegetables, parents were able to come up with such snails.

    You make the shape, and let the child decorate the "sink", makes horns and eyes. So, work will be found for everyone.

    And how is such a simple, but very interesting pig?

    Or here is still dad-pig. The main thing is that he will resist on his short legs.

    Another piglet with ears and tail of paper. And instead of the nose, we fell half from the kinder eggs.

    Found a couple of whale ideas from Zucchini. See how simple and without unnecessary details. Feds and a tail of pea pods, and instead of a fountain of water you can attach stem parsley or dill.

    And you can cut it all from the cardboard, as the authors of this pintage did.

    For boys there are ideas of airplanes and ships. By the way, such an airplane can be made of cucumber.

    And to the place of the pilot to sat down a crocodile gene. This handicraft was a little washed with his red beet star. Oh, and inventors these parents!

    Here is a zucchini gene, and not from cucumber. And near the pumpkin Cheburashka and the zucchinch tree. And the plot of tangerines is completed. How without them, if we recreate a fairy tale?

    And how do you ship? I think that the child does not want to attach him to the garden, but will begin to play Corsars at home. Cabbage sails always catch the wind, and carrot steering wheel never gets off the course.

    Another idea with Smeshariki, who went on a journey to Tsukini cars.

    At the exhibition you can send such a donkey. It takes a full basket with autumn fruits.

    My daughter loves a nonsense Snowman Olaf. Apparently, he won the hearts of many girls, since his parents screamed from the zucchini. And how it looks like the original, just a look.

    Earlier in the kindergarten we made a penguin. But you can repeat it from vegetables.

    You can make simple things that will be similar to fabulous. For example, such shoes or sandals.

    Oh, and here it clearly tried my mother and reproduced those happy days when her baby was still in bed.

    Idea with cabbage bundle. With the right approach, it turned out.

    We now turn to the shiny, from which you can do all the ideas that were shown above.

    Ideas from eggplant

    The color of the eggplant immediately gives a certain direction of fantasy. And I met a lot of whale options, penguins from this vegetable.

    Look, as it looks like real birds. Just correctly passed the habits of these creatures.

    Friends from eggplant and potatoes.

    Another idea of \u200b\u200ba penguin from the cartoon "Madagascar". The same fearless eye and disorder of fate.

    If you own the art of the carving (carving in vegetables), then be safely able to extend such a zebra. An important condition here will be the presence of special tools that easily cut the skin and have narrow sharp blades.

    King whale floats on the sea. And he will love your baby very much.

    And the poodle you do weak? With a bow of Bulgarian pepper and a cauliflower face.

    Another simple handicraft in kindergarten or elementary school in the form of a helicopter. The propeller is made of carrots, and everything is being held due to toothpicks.

    Let's go to the following vegetables.

    Several carrot variations

    From carrots more often make items for other crafts. But it can both represent interesting forms. How do you like a giraffe with horn from matches? Very cute.

    Or a horse with a onion mane. All items are held on the toothpicks.

    Another unusual idea in the form of a goldfish.

    From cabbage

    From white cabbage you can make cute rabbits or such an elephant. For head fits beets.

    Here is another cute animal of two kochanov.

    A bunny-joy with cucumber ears will accurately conquer the educator with his cute smile. Only he will be somewhat heavy for the child, still two kochana cabbage.

    Here are even rabbits with paws from potatoes. The nose is made of tomato, and the eyes of boiled eggs. They can be replaced with a bulb.

    Cute federal ideas from branches of cauliflower.

    The inflorescences themselves are very similar to the wool lamb. So let's reproduce it.

    This is such a sheep standing on green clearing.

    The muzzle can be made of potatoes, peppers or carrots.

    Even mushrooms champignons can serve as a face for a cute animal.

    It is a pity that we have already buried all your cauliflower, prepared.

    From corn

    Corn Corps in September we have 20 rubles. I think that of it can get a very budgetary carriage. What can I do this? Well, for example, a rocket.

    Or a horse that graze onions.

    Cute bunny. I forgive forgiveness for the quality of the photo, but I really liked the idea.

    And how do you have minion in denim sundresses?. In my opinion, it turned out very funny.

    And such a beast? It is very similar to the protein.

    Only here you need to follow the corn to be fresh, otherwise the grains can fall out and the craft will become not so neat.

    From potato

    Pigs from tubers and plasticine are very similar to real pigs.

    And if there is no time, but there is a healthy sense of humor. Make such a family. After all, the main idea and feed, it is freshness and the unusual of the crafts and fascinates.

    Fancy tubers can be very reminded for some animal. For example, if you connect two potatoes, you can get such a dog.

    Or a boat horse.

    I also found such a fun hippo.

    From cucumbers

    Just above, we saw crocodile from cucumber, but you can make a shark.

    Continuing the sea theme, I'll show you a beautiful king.

    Or funny priced frogs.

    Well, exactly all will conquer the cucumber turtle in glasses and sepper. She will right now: "Three hundred and a year ago ..."

    Crafts from Luke and Other Vegetables

    Now I will show you many more options for interesting crafts. They are made of onions, pepper, sunflower seeds.

    See what fun Luntik is obtained.

    If you grow chestnuts, you can safely do the hedgehog.

    From the patisson and the toothpicks can also be a beautiful hedgehog.

    And how do you need a needle on the back of the animal in the form of sunflower.

    Or so.

    Funny parrot from Bulgarian pepper.

    Beautiful tulips are obtained from Bulgarian pepper.

    When only some chestnuts are at hand, see how they can be beat. It turned out an oak from the autumn leaves, the roots of which are "acorns".

    Palm trees from olives and peppers will also subduct many hearts at the exhibition.

    Sedok from chestnuts and cones are very similar to Leshgo.

    The plot from the fairy tale about Chipollino with Countess Cherry.

    I also liked a set of different vegetables. Quite quickly, but very interesting and varied.

    Eye cut out of paper.

    There are also many ideas here.

    Topiaria, Magic Mugs

    How to make Topiaria I wrote. This idea can also be taken as the basis and make it from garlic and acute peppers.

    Or chestnuts and rockan berries.

    By the way, such crafts can be sent not only to the exhibition, but also leave for home decor.

    Another idea with a magic bowl. Photos are shown artificial fruits, but you can also use fresh analogues.

    Agree, such a craft deserve attention.

    Tsaritsa Autumn

    I think that when quite a little time, you can take the usual doll as the basis and decorate it on the autumn topic. Add berries and leaves, fruits and colors.

    Make a whole composition after all, the doll will personify the autumn itself.

    A funny idea of \u200b\u200bthe queens with crowns of leaves and dresses from watermelon.

    And now come close to small crafts from fruit.

    Beautiful and rapid crafts do it yourself from fruits

    Fruits most often have small sizes, the exception is the melon and watermelon berries. Here we will start our delicious selection.

    Mighton is very easy to do, so they are sculpting from different types of vegetables and even from watermelon.

    A meline bunny is also very cute.

    Sweet boat.

    Very interesting ideas can be found from the apple. It is dense and keeps well. That's just the pulp it quickly darkens. So that this does not happen, the crawler can be lowered into a solution of citric acid.

    The caterpillage family looks very worthy.

    Funny little frog. And what if you make a whole pond with them.

    More ideas of ladybugs.

    Funny apple elephant.

    From the halves of the apple and banana, the craftsmen came up with such a phone.

    Seasonal apples have joined the wise caterpillar.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bsnake from apple peel.

    Yes, a cute caterpillar with carrot legs.

    What can be done from Banana? I liked the idea with dolphins.

    Or still such a handsome man.

    Original lopokh puppy dachshunds. Maybe someone he inspires to repeat this idea.

    Make funny parrots from pears.

    Or hedgehogs.

    Here is a detailed master class of their creation. You will need a pear, toothpicks, grapes of any color and the inflorescence of the carnations.

    From pumpkin and sunflower seeds, you can make a panel. What is not autumn handicraft?

    Fish from lemon turned out very bright.

    Well, Kiwi from Kiwi just conquered me. Kiwi need to take solid and sour. Otherwise, the whole pulp will follow out.

    My dear, but that's not all. Indeed, the fantasies of parents can just be envied.

    Master class mouse from lemon in kindergarten

    For little kids, it is difficult to invent compositions with a lot of jewelry and details. I want to offer you to do with a little yellow yellow mouse from Lemon.

    Only mom works acute objects. And insert the details in the slot can also be a three-year kid.

    We need:

    • lemon,
    • 2 inflorescences Carnations,
    • wire or thick thread.

    To begin with, we cut a quarter of lemon along. So we made the foundation so that the mouse should not fall. With a small part, we cut the zest so that we are enough for small ears and tail.

    From one edge of Lemon, where we have a sharp tip sticking the carnation. She appears in our role.

    We make a slot in the peel and insert the ears. Tail attach to torso to the toothpick.

    A mustache can be done with a wire, just pushing the muzzle. Or you can make them out of the thread, stitching the fruit with a needle.

    That's all the exercise. Quick and interesting.

    Videos for making crafts from vegetables

    For joint creativity, I picked up two videos. See how the crocodile is made of cucumber.

    And cute lambs from potatoes.

    I thank you for your attention. And I will be glad if you find the right one here and save your time.

    Autumn - golden time for collecting fruits and vegetables. This is a scope for child fantasy. Therefore, autumn crafts from vegetables are colorful and unusual. Get ready to create with children. Interesting ideas will help.

    Autumn crafts from vegetables for children

    Want to prepare the most original craft in kindergarten or school? Then here is a list of ideas with step-by-step performance:

    • Chipmunk.

    To create a wonderful animal, you will need:

    • red bow - 2 pcs.;
    • green onions;
    • raisins or peas;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • toothpick;
    • threads;
    • plasticine.

    Learn how to make a children's craft from vegetables:

    1. Clean the red bulbs. A sharp knife or blade, let's get sickly onion to get white stripes.
    2. Cut the lower part of one bulb, so that a stable torso come out.
    3. Attach your head to the body with a toothpick.
    4. Bunch of onion feathers bend so that the tail came out. Tie a thread.
    5. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, tapping 3 tbsp. l. Sugar with 1 tsp. water.
    6. When the crystals dissolve, lubricate the syrup onion feathers, forming the bends of the tail.
    7. When the syrup is frozen, attach the tail to the torso to the toothpick.
    8. Make the paws by having caught the bottom of the body. Copper them by laying pieces of plasticine.
    9. Make ears from onion trimming. Insert them into the cuts on your head.
    10. Attach the raisins or pepper, forming eyes.

    This is such a wonderful beast it turns out. You can make a girlfriend for the company.

    • Pigs.

    Crafts from potatoes are easy to perform, but look very cute. To make a family of piglets, prepare:

    • potatoes (one big and three smaller);
    • plasticine.

    To lay out piglets, think over the basis in advance. It can be a piece of cardboard or plastic plate. Big potatoes will perform in the role of sows, the rest will be piglets.

    So, proceed to the assembly:

    1. Potatoes wash and dry.
    2. From black plasticine to form eye piglets, and from pink - ears, tails and pyataks.
    3. For pigs, use plasticine red.

    Install the family on the tablet and proudly derive to the exhibition.

    • Giraffe.

    Original crafts are obtained from carrots. What is just worth the figure of Giraffe. All you need to create it is:

    • carrots - 7 pcs.;
    • pepper pepper;
    • matches;
    • toothpicks.

    Here is how you can create an autumn craft with your own hands:

    1. Carrot Clean, wash, dry.
    2. Choose the two longest vegetables for the body and neck. Those that are smaller, suitable for legs and heads.
    3. Place the torso along.
    4. At the bottom to it, attach your feet on the toothpick. Prealt these carrots from below for stability.
    5. In the head stick two matches, forming horns.
    6. Make eye from pepper.

    To complete the image, you can draw a black marker to draw stains on the torso. Giraffe from carrot is ready.

    • Turtle.


    Unusual turtle will succeed in pumpkin fruits. It is difficult to find a more autumn vegetable, and its bright color will help create an original craft. That's what you need:

    • small round pumpkin;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • toothpicks.

    Learn how to make a craft from pumpkin:

    1. Pump a wash, cut in half, remove the seeds.
    2. Make a shell from one half. To do this, cut the knife on the peel to cut the pattern, which repeats the patterns of the present shell.
    3. On the sides, make two arches in the form of the arch. Also come with the front.
    4. From the remaining pumpkin cut four paws (in the form of slices) and head.
    5. Insert the blanks into the holes, secure the toothpicks.
    6. From the sunflower seeds, make eyes.
    7. Cut the toothpicks in half and decorate their paws. This barcode will make paws like flippers.

    Now put a turtle from pumpkin on the base. Crafts ready.

    Fruit crafts do it yourself

    Autumn crafts in kindergarten can be made not only from vegetables, but also from fruit. Want your creation to distinguish against the rest of the rest? Then boldly create crafts from vegetables and fruits. Here are ideas for exciting work:

    • Record player.

    It turns out that autumn fantasies are not limited to animals and flower vases. Make a tape recorder is also real. Prepare such components:

    • rectangular box;
    • green onions;
    • cucumber;
    • carrot;
    • lemon;
    • yellow and red sweet pepper;
    • grapefruit;
    • toothpick;
    • double-sided tape.

    So, the course of work:

    1. Two-sided scotch jump the box, then cover the entire surface of the feathers onion.
    2. Prepare details. Cucumber cut into thin strips, leave the tail from the pepper, and the remaining part lie rings and stripes. The rest of the vegetables and fruits also dance rings.
    3. Secure the details on the toothpick, as shown in the photo.

    An extraordinary work will definitely like children and adults.

    • Hedgehog.

    Take the oblong pear, grapes and toothpicks. Start assembly:

    1. Cut the pear in half.
    2. Place one part on the plate.
    3. Long toothpicks cut in half, stringing grapes on them.
    4. Stick spines in the back area, leaving a place for a face.
    5. Eyes and nose Hedgehog make peas from pepper.

    For the entourage, you can make a plate with lettuce leaves, and then install fruit hedgehog.

    • Caterpillar.

    The beauty of this craft from the fruit is that you can choose the variety and the color of the apples at your discretion.

    What will take:

    • apples - 5-6 pieces;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • rowan;
    • grapes;
    • toothpicks.
    1. Cut carrots rings (no more than 5 mm).
    2. At each apple, give two rings from below - these are legs.
    3. Now every apple is engaged with toothpicks between themselves - this is a torso.
    4. Install one apple from above is a head.
    5. Make your eyes from rowan, and nose - from grapes.
    6. Horns also perform from the rowan, having traveled the berries on the toothpicks.

    These are the colorful crafts allow you to create autumn fruits. Unusual creations will decorate any exhibition, and the child will be interested in leisure.

    In kindergartens and schools in the fall, about October-November, the autumn holiday is celebrated. On this day, children bring in kindergartens and schools on their own either with the help of parents.

    The autumn holiday hold exhibitions on which they show how the fantasy of children was embodied through the crafts from vegetables and fruits.

    Very small kids show simple children's vegetable products, school-age kids are already capable not only to show a brightest fantasy, but also make many autumn crafts from vegetables themselves.

    It is now, autumn sometimes, in September-October, the largest number of diverse gifts of nature such as fruits, vegetables, natural material, which helps to create beautiful and interesting cleans, create a new "image" and "beauty" vegetables and fruits and invent them different characters.

    Crafts from cucumbers

    For example, most often cucumbers are used to make a crocodile gene from the well-known Soviet cartoon. Chestnuts can help supplement the creation of Cheburashka.

    So, look at the work of parents together with their kids. For how many different cucumbers and potatoes are decorated as a crocodile and Cheburashka.

    The crocodile can be made from one whole and long cucumber, or can be made of several. You can decorate a thin piece of carrots figuranly cut as screaming and tongue. Cheburashka can be made of raw potatoes, cutting it on the circles.

    But what kind of cute frogs turned out. Like real! This "set" of a couple of frogs look like a fairy tale about the princess-frog. You can play with such beautiful toys and play, and then to eat with an appetite. Used cucumbers, carrots, pepper pea.

    Crafts from potato

    Potato - fertile material. Using this product as crafts, you can invent various images and figures. For example, you can pick up round potatoes and attach them from plasticine eyes, hands, ears, legs and will turn out - Smeshariki!

    Potatoes can be adapted also in the form of a horse, look at what a beautiful horse happened there.

    In the fall, such a rich holiday is made in order to show the kids as much nature and the earth gave us vegetables and fruits. Tell them about the benefits of these products and thus expand the horizons of the kids, to practice their fantasy and a small motorcy when creating masterpieces.

    When parents report that the feast of the autumn gifts, some parents are puzzled about how to make a craft from vegetables.

    To facilitate the parents of the notes what to create and what to use in this work, we picked up a few interesting ideas of what children did for the autumn holiday and demonstrated at exhibitions.


    Probably the simplest and interesting handicrafts are hedgehogs! How to do and what to do hedgehogs?! They can be made from almost any vegetable or fruit.

    We choose the foundation, such as Kiwi, an apple (cut in half), potatoes, a piece of zucchini, beet or radish. And the baby can rush neatly toothpicks, making the needles hedgehog.

    And on top of the needle, the hedgehog can be chopped and dry autumn leaves, and apple, and mushrooms and many different reserves that these animals pull to their mink.

    Of course, everything needs to be done under the supervision of mom or other adult. And such actions, such as cutting an apple makes an adult, not a child.

    In the process of creating an edible hedgehog, you can even think of some kind of fairy tale. Let the kid fantasies!

    Crafts from baked eggplant

    Zucchini will superbly serve the good service visiting cars or piglets. More craftswomen make slippers from zucchini or eggplant. And it looks particularly beautiful with a thread on the skin in the form of a pattern.

    Eggplants can be used to create very simple characters - penguins.

    Penguins are made very simple. It is simply cut and cuts off along the entire length of the eggplant of the skin, and the tail is not cut completely. We make eyes from what is, and if not from anything - then plasticine goes into the course.

    Here is a selection of photos of simple, but very pretty vegetable ideas for creating class characters.

    The snake was made of the cucumber of the long, pen and olives were used to create eyes and "scarf".

    One machine made made using zucchini, zucchini, radishes, carrots. All connected with toothpicks or matches (of course, pre-fermented sulfur).

    The second machine is based on eggplant. Here the wheels have a different diameter and small zucchops went on them.

    Another penguins on the island are zucchini and skillfully carved sledges, bows, a hat from carrots.

    Frog - cucumbers. And snowmen - apples, they can also be made using radish or redish. Hats in the form of a lemon piece and carrot bow and mittens.

    Apple crafts

    I really liked one idea that moms were embodied! Apples are taken, wash off dry.

    Then mom makes the glaze: whipped protein with sugar and a couple of lemon juice droplets are added.

    We take the usual medical syringe, naturally without using a needle. And fill the syringe to our white egg-protein mixture. And draw on the skin of the apples. You can draw anything: snowflakes, butterflies, just drawings, decorative curls, arrows, face, waves, dots, etc.

    Apples acquire a beautiful look and later you can just eat!

    You can still make a wonderful caterpillar, connecting the same apples with a toothpicks.

    To do this, we pump out our fruits on both sides of the toothpicks, make foot using carrots and make a mustache grapes! You can draw a face with plasticine or egg-protein icing (described above how to do it).

    Apples in polka dot! These fruits can be decorated so. Take red and rolling with skins mug or triangle. To do the same with an apple of green or yellow. And now, to attach the opposite of colored circles: green circles are attached to an apple of red color, and on a green apple - red.

    Crafts from pumpkins

    Queen of autumn - of course pumpkin. This product is wonderful both in its valuable vitaminic properties, and suitable for crafts from pumpkin for the autumn holiday and for the Halloween holiday, which is also celebrated in the fall!

    When creating figures using fruits or vegetables, it is very often necessary to fasten the parts with each other. For this, the toothpicks are best sufficient.

    If you use additionally to decorate plasticine or the more markers or markers, then this product is not worth it to eat.

    The wealth of nature is really so diverse! Autumn time is a magnificent time for the development of children using precisely natural material. Because it is safe, accessible and simple.

    Using autumn leaves of trees, cones and plasticine, twigs, all the grocery groceries of autumn can develop creative fantasy in children, stimulate their imagination and interest the world.

    Details made of vegetables and fruits are perfectly suitable as a developing tool with their own hands with the help of parents.

    Arms from Luke do it yourself

    What can you come up with how to make a hand for a holiday using a bow?! It turns out, you can make flowers!

    If the bulb is purified from the skin from top to bottom to go down for each layer is not renewable to the very end and uncover the onion petals, then it turns out the most real lotus! You can decorate greens.

    But what wonderful onion chamomiles! The middle - carrot mollar, which is waved along and across the knife so that a small "fringe" would be turned out. Decorate with greens or leaves of green trees or long leafs of onion.

    But what beautiful crafts from Luke did the children with their parents to the exhibition. It turned out a real parade of onion men.

    The bulbous piglets made ears and tails from the raisin, for the legs used matches. They appealed beautifully and put out show all the beauty of the fact that you can come up with the autumn harvest of vegetables.

    Here are some interesting crafts from vegetables were introduced by young masters! These are all the works of children.

    Here is a selection of photos of beautiful and very interesting vegetable creations. Gorgeous palm trees can be done like this: large olives are rolled onto the springs, the "palm leaves" dressed and all this creation is placed on the "island" of a melon or any other fruit or vegetable.

    Radish is represented in the form of a beautiful decoration in the technique of carving - cutting around vegetables. In the same technique created a gorgeous rose from the very real Red Buryak. And the bouquet of "roses" is created with the use of black radish or radish red. You can decorate with a branch with cherry leaves or other fruit tree.

    Mouse and mushrooms can make cut-out lovers in a matter of minutes. Very simple figures will turn out fast enough - mice and mushrooms. Mouses look particularly touching and make them quite simple. To do this, we take the radical clean and cut off with one piece, divide it in half and turns the ears of the mice. We make eyes and slots in which insert the ears. The tails of radishes serve as tails. And the mice look very really.

    Bulgarian pepper can serve as an excellent material when creating flowers from fruit. Look, it is enough to clean the pepper from the core and seeds and cut into a small "fringe". And the asters or peonies can be obtained. If you take three different colors of pepper, then you will get a beautiful vegetable, not only a handicraft, but a beautiful dish decoration.

    A bouquet of radishes and carrots is impossible not to show, because it looks natural and beautiful that I just want to admire them. Such a bouquet may well make parents alone.

    Vegetable crafts can be not only delicious, but also beautiful, attractive and even fun!

    And here is a huge hare of radish, eggplants, cucumbers, tomato Cherry and added fruit. Looks just gorgeous!

    Here is another bouquet, but already fruit. A whole set of vitamins. Here and watermelon, oranges, bananas, pineapple, and from vegetables this beautiful bouquet decorate eggplants.

    Such chic and useful bouquets can be partially eating and just admire the abundance of vegetables and fruits and decorate banquet tables in restaurants or houses on holidays.

    If you have ideas how to make autumn crafts from vegetables with your own hands - share in the comments or send a photo to us through. And we will definitely publish and share your ideas.

    If you ask the needlewoman, when they first tried to create something with their own hands, for sure, many will answer that this happened in childhood. Many kids are happy to crawl crafts from clay, draw a gouache, make beautiful coloring, cut out snowflakes of paper. Older kids embroider, knit, sew from felt and other fabrics are a variety of and funny things.

    But for all these lessons, special materials or tools are needed. Of course, they can be found in various shops in needlework, but there is one direction in creativity, which does not require additional costs. Ingredients for creating crafts can be vegetables. They are in every home. Bright eggplants, pumpkin, zucchini, onions, potatoes and carrots can not only be useful. Of these, funny and charming products are obtained not only in the form of funny little animals, for example, from pumpkins you can cut crafts with abstract and bright patterns. Curving in cooking is a very popular and demanded skill on many famous kitchens in the world. This word can be translated like a "carved ornament". There are even special tools for creating amazingly beautiful threads on vegetables and fruits.

    Art cut from vegetables and fruits Openwork crafts arose for several centuries ago in the southeastern part of Asia. Such an uncompherd and affordable way, poor segments of the population tried to diversify their table. Over time, each of the countries have their own features in the carwing. For China or Japan, dragons are characterized by dragons, hieroglyphs or carving scenes. By the way, you can carving from English and translate - "cutting out". Thailand's cooks do not use stencils for their work, unlike Chinese or Japanese masters. In the creation of amazing openwork floral compositions, only sharp, narrow and thin knives help them.

    From the restaurants of the East, this art has spread to Europe. Now carved ornaments on vegetables appear on the tables of many well-known establishments.

    In addition to its main function - Decor dishes on the table, crafts using equipment Carving can help mommies in feeding kids. Any kid bustles the nasty and unloved porridge if it is to decorate a beautiful or funny craft from a bright vegetable or fruit.

    In this article we offer you a few master classes with step-by-step photos to create crafts from vegetables in the technique of carving. These simple and affordable lessons will help create stunning decor items, and any table will be festive.

    Flowers made of onion in the technique of carving

    Luka lotus

    Each house there finds a bow. For the first flower - the lotus will need:

    • White Salad Bulbs;
    • Small lips of white cabbage (you can take Peking);
    • 1 medium-sized carrot;
    • Small knife;
    • Big flat dish with sides.

    Important! All ingredients for crafts must be dry and clean, and the knives are always sharpened.

    Cabbage divide on the leaves. One is needed alone and flat. It will play the role of a lotus leaf lying on the water stroit. It is better to leave a piece of paper without change, but if there are some too outstanding irregularities, then you can cut them carefully.

    For one - two flowers, you will need half a bulWhi cut across. Now it is necessary to cut triangular segments in a circle without affecting the lower part. Cut the sewing so that the remaining part has narrow triangles along the edges (see photo).

    Now you can split the workpiece on the layers and arrange with a displacement relative to each other. We got a white lotus flower, but without the heart. For one flower there will be enough 2 - 4 layers.

    For this we need carrots. Cut it on rings with a thickness of about 3.5 mm. Choose the most beautiful circles. Cut out octagons from them. Now, with the help of fine longitudinal and transverse cuts on the flat side, we draw a "grid". The angle of crossing lines is straight.

    Flowers cores should turn out a little larger diameter than a hole in the onion lotuses.

    Now in a flat container pour some water, put the leaves and from above the flowers. 2 pieces will be quite enough.

    This handicraft will definitely decorate the table, but it is not intended for food.

    Chrysanthemum from Luka.

    It will take:

    • Lukovka small size round shape;
    • Water;
    • Beet or carrot for painting;

    Such chrysanthemums are perfect for decorating meat dishes.

    The smaller the lows, the more beautiful the flower will work.

    The color of the bulwing values \u200b\u200bdoes not have. Just if you choose a red bow, then in further painting it will not need. The best option will be thin-walled vegetables.

    Lukovka clean and cut from above and from below about 5 mm.

    We deploy the top to the top from which the pen grows. And begin to make cuts, not reaching the end of about 5 mm. First we cut in half, then on 4 parts, etc. The more parts will be, the magnificent gets chrysanthemum. Cuts should be deep enough, but do not damage the lower part, in this case the flower will simply fall apart.

    We put our workpiece into the water temperature. It will take from 40 minutes to 2 hours, so that the flower "dismissed", everything will depend on the grade of bulwing.

    If you make chrysanthemums from white bowls, you can continue to paint them. For this suitable carrot or beet juice, squeezed from fresh vegetables. Just plunge the ends of the petals. Any bright food dye can act as a dye: red wine, saffron solution or turmeric, etc.

    For the next flower, you will need not ordinary onions, but leek.


    • Leek;
    • Acute knife;
    • Toothpicks.

    One wide sheet fold in half along and cut a hundred sides of the fold line. Cuts do frequent.

    Now it is necessary to turn the tube, reach the coil a little on the helix (see photo).

    The remaining wide sheets fold in half across. It will be the petals of the future flower.

    It remains only to be leafy and core toothpicks.

    Crafts in the technique of carving from carrots

    From vegetables you can make not only beautiful flowers.

    Fir bumps from carrots

    It will take:

    • Carrot fruits with a diameter of at least 3 cm;
    • Acute knife;
    • Ice water.

    Clean carrots. The length of the workpiece should be approximately 10 - 12 cm. Cut off excess from a broader base without affecting the sharp tip.

    Wide end cut out in the form of a rectangle or square. Its length will be approximately 3 - 4 cm. The rest of the carrot give the form of an elongated cone, like a real cone.

    A wide and thick end of the future cone must be rounded, cutting off a sharp edge.

    The same thick end is visually divided by six identical parts. Carefully cut on the lines of the 6 scales section. Slash to a depth of 2 - 3 mm. That part of the carrot, which is located between the scales cut. The cone-shaped triangles are obtained. Knife on scales deeper by 2 - 3 mm. They will turn out a bit out of the sharp edge.

    The next circle cut out in a chess order relative to the first. Cut the scales again so that they are easily revealed. So to the end.

    When all the bumps are ready, it is necessary to put them in ice water for about 15 minutes.

    Shishchki harden, and scales will get along.

    Carrot Fishing Network

    It will take:

    • Carrots of large sizes;
    • Water;
    • Wooden skeletal;
    • Acute knife;
    • Salt cook;
    • Several twigs of dill;
    • A piece of pumpkin or zucchini.

    Carrot clean. Now it is necessary to give it a cylindrical shape and pierce the center along a wooden skewer.

    Now it is necessary to soak carrots in a salt solution for two hours. On 1 tbsp. l. Salts will need 1 cup of water. It will make the vegetable soft and not brittle, because in the future it will be necessary to fine.

    The workpiece is removed from the water and divide visually on 4 parts along. Each of their parts have top and bottom. A knife in increments of 5 mm make cuts from above, then from the bottom on all 3 parts across. Before the skewers inside the carrot do not do.

    Now they cut the carrot with a slim continuous layer with a sharp knife, creating a tape. Start with no outdoor side. It turns out a tape similar to a network with oblique cells. Cutting with a shapecur cut off. Ribbon straighten.

    Cut out fish from other vegetables in your choice.

    It remains only to arrange the fish, algae from dill and abandoned in the sea network.

    Carrot Lily Flowers

    It will take:

    • Carrot;
    • Acute knife;
    • Scissors.

    We attach vegetable the shape of a pentagon in the context. One end should be thicker. He will be the top, we will start work from it.

    From each side we cut off one subtle layer.

    This is the first external circle of petals. Easy to give them scissors.

    Sut off the thin layer of the pentagon, making it thinner, and there are five more petals in checkelling.

    The third row is done similarly. Mode Make a short and give a knife cone-shaped edge up.

    Using the knife, cut this cone on the stamens, and Lily is ready.

    Charming chrysanthemums can be made not only from the bow. For these purposes, Beijing cabbage is perfect.

    Chrysanthemums and roses from cabbage.

    It will take:

    • Beijing cabbage (for one chrysanthemums will need 1 forks);
    • Red cabbage for roses;
    • A lid from the canning can (suitable from olives);
    • Several thick cucumbers for sewers roses;
    • A sharp knife.

    To begin with, we make chrysanthemums. From Kochan Peking Cabbage Cut the upper part to dense white leaves.

    For carving, special tools are very often used. To create such chrysanthemums you need carbobrot knives that have a groove shape.

    Such tools are not always available. Therefore, the fantasy of the needlewoman proposes to use sweater means, for example, a cap from a canning jar of olives or pineapples. Bend it in half and get a comfortable groove. It is necessary to work with such a tool, so as not to cut your fingers with sharp edges.

    Take an improvised tool as shown in the photo. And begin to cut the grooves, ranging from the cut edge to the base. Near the base, send the tool deeper than first. Before the base, it is not for approximately 2 cm. I pull out the grooves and in the same way cut the next petal on the same leaf. On average, on one cabbage sheet is placed from 3 to 5 petals. This will depend on the magnitude of the plug and the diameter of the groove. Cut in a circle.

    The remaining parts of the leaves gently cut off with scissors if they did not disappear in the process of creating petals.

    We are taken for the next layer of the leaves fork. We continue work until we do before the hearter. The first circle of petals should be the longest, the rest of the petals in the direction to the heart should become all shorter.

    We put the finished flower in cold water for 30 minutes. The flower must open. To speed up the process of fashionably add ice.

    Chrysanthemums can be made on the eve before serving on the table or even in a couple of days. They are beautiful in the water.

    Roses made of red cabbage.

    We divide the Kochan on separate sheets. Sut off the edge of such a thickness, which you have planned for rose petals. Scissors cut out, as shown in the photo. 3-4 petals can get from the large leaflet. If the kale's forks are small, you can connect 2 sheets.

    From the cucumbers make seashelistic for roses. To do this, cut off the ends and remove the flesh. Sharp knife cut the cloves along the edge of the workpiece.

    Now simply turn the petals into the roll and insert into the cup. Deploy a little petal. You do not need to insert roses in the water. The cabbage leaves will absorb cucumber juice and beautifully spin.

    If you want to make stem roses, take a wooden skeleton for a kebab, put on the onion feather, and then stuck in the cups. On the bow or the peel of green apples are suitable for creating leaves.

    Vegetables for crafts are usually choosing bright, and which will be more colorful than the sunny orange pumpkin.

    Tick \u200b\u200bin the technique of carving

    It will take:

    • Pumpkin with solid skin;
    • Drill;
    • Cutter;
    • Knife with an acute end;
    • Hammer and carnations;
    • A spoon with a sharp edge (you can specifically sharpen);
    • Paper;
    • Thin marker;
    • Scotch.

    It is necessary using a spoon and a knife to remove pumpkin flesh, leaving the wall with a thickness of about 2 cm.

    The pattern can be painted on paper with a thin marker or print ready. Gently attach it to the pumpkin.

    Now we take a thin carnation and a hammer and a pattern of a pattern on a pumpkin, as in the photo.

    We remove the paper milestone, and we see a point drawing on a pumpkin. On these tags, with the help of a cutter, remove the thin layer of the peel. The remaining layer should not get fat. Otherwise, the light from the candle that we will be inside will not be visible.

    Now it is necessary to cut a thin layer of pumpkin from the inside on the largest patterns of the ornament.

    Drill need to drill several through holes. They not only fulfill an additional decorative role, but also provide oxygen access needed for burning candles.

    Now it remains only to wait for the dark time of day, insert a candle in the craft, light it and enjoy an incredible spectacle. If you are going to do it indoors, take care of fire safety in advance.