Status pregnancy waiting for a miracle. Statuses about pregnancy for social networks

You know, there is no one more beautiful than a pregnant woman. In the eyes - happiness. In the heart - love. On the cheeks - blush. And inside - a small life.

He made her the situation from which she could not refuse.

I want happiness. Little such happiness. With tiny handles and legs. And with his eyes.

Under the moon and the sun, the trouble will be passed by, our house by buying the house. We will look at the sparks by the fireplace. You will become my mother, and I will become my father.

Happiness is when your weight increases not from unnecessary calories, but from the fact that your little miracle lives inside you.

Pregnancy for a woman is God's fishery, a pregnancy for a man is a test of feelings sincerity.

The most incredible extreme feels - waiting for the test of pregnancy test!

And today, today, all night kicks and jumped. What an interesting feeling when someone lives inside you.

Decide to give birth to a child - it means to agree that from now on and forever your heart will run separately from you.

Where to buy happiness? - You can not buy happiness, you can give birth.

Best Hairstyle - Clean Hair, Best Makeup - Healthy Sleep, Best Figure - Pregnancy.

Nine months give a new life at least three lives immediately.

"Leonid S. Sukhorukov"

That day when we are three, it will be the happiest day in my life.

Woman is unique! Only two hearts can fight.

I know one thing that happiness grows in my stomach. The most expensive thing that can be.

I thought my head was spinning from love, but it turned out - from pregnancy.

God gave me an unraded to miracle - I will become wiser, I will be Mamuy. Your heart in my butterfly beats - I wake up, smile, and it will smile. It will not betray, it will be anterorant, a particle of me, the gold starfall.

With my taste preferences, I am generally afraid to have a habit. Perhaps the world wants wool or Maistra Mac. Or you have a bolgery.

First pregnancy - to the wedding. Second - to money. The third - wanted a girl. Fourth, fifth and subsequent - let them run, sorry or something.

Not all men understand the value of human life, which only originated in a woman, do not shove her, like a crystal vessel with clean water, do not understand that this is the gift of God, for which the Lord will ask them ... will definitely ask.

Pregnancy is the result of a bodily holiday with all the consequences of it.

"Igor Subbotin"

What a strange bliss is to be aware that there is inside, growing and ripening perfection, our angel, the fruit of our love.

Inside me now two hearts ... From happiness, I have been going to go ... Yes, I don't want to go ... I will enjoy it!

Nothing can be better than keeping a piece of yourself in your hands.

Money earn! Love will conquer! Success will achieve! Happiness ... And happiness - Right!

At 9 am, the pregnancy test showed that the wife was pregnant, and at 10 we were already crowded, arguing to what institute to do the child.

Love is when you are under your heart you wear his child, and he comes from work gently hugs you and kisses the tummy.

Why don't you want to sleep
Draw all night?
I love you, son ...
Or maybe daughter?

Truly happy, the girl who bears under the heart of a child, designed from his beloved man.

So clasically wake up with calmness in the soul, with love in the heart, with light music in my head and with a tiny life inside.

Who said that miracles are only in fairy tales? Maybe you just do not notice them? It is only worth looking back, and you will understand that there are many miracles around. Look at the flowers on the trees, isn't it a miracle of nature?

Everyone understands a miracle in its own way. But everyone will agree that children are a real miracle. It seems that they came to this world in the role of wizards, because they give happiness and fill life with this meaning. Woman begins to believe in magic when she gets the baby. Pregnancy is the time when you live in anticipation of a miracle. Have you been convinced that miracles exist?! They do not need to look, they are around you, and sometimes inside you.

Most of all believe in miracles in the winter. Snow-covered trees, New Year holidays, gifts, meetings with relatives ... In winter, everything is reminded of a fairy tale. What is just a new year! This holiday makes desires and dream not only children, but also adults. And let them know that Santa Claus does not exist, but they are waiting that their favorite will fulfill all the desires. Heat, understanding and love is a real miracle, and to give it, it is not necessary to be a wizard. You just need to love and be loved!

Waiting for a miracle, a selection of quotes and aphorisms

Waiting for a miracle do good deeds. Then the miracle will come to you not with empty hands.

Create good, and it will come back to you.

There are two ways to live life: the first - as if miracles do not exist, the second - as if around some miracles. If you want to dream, then you can not deny yourself, right?

It is better to be a dreamer than a pessimist.

Well, the miracle did not happen, what now ... wizards do not believe?

Or maybe you yourself try to become a wizard?!

If a miracle must happen - it happens, regardless of whether you believe in it or not.

If fate wants you to give a gift, she will definitely do it.

Everyone has their own representation of the "miracle." But only one "miracle" can call you dad and mom ...

Children are a real miracle.

A miracle comes when he is not waiting at all.

I'm not waiting, I'm not waiting at all ... And why doesn't it come?))

While I am waiting for a miracle, it is already learning to walk and say the first words.

If you have a child, then consider that you have the biggest miracle on Earth.

Miracles still occur. Either with you or without you.

Better, of course, when with you.

To live in a stream of miracles is more interesting than to miss, ironize and collect disappointment.

Never despair, you just need to believe!

She is a small miracle. Let we not together, but every new year I will make a desire to always be happy.

Favorite man, isn't it a miracle?!

Children's love is able to work wonders.

In addition, it is the cleanest and disinterested one.

Miracle waiting? You woke up, you are alive, you breathe. Isn't it a miracle?

Appreciate what you have, for you this is a familiar thing, and for someone a miracle ...

Miracles where they believe in them, and, the more believe, the more often they happen.

Believe and all happen!

We live in hell, and every long MiG is a miracle.

Appreciate and love life!

What is a strange creature person. All his life is a solid miracle, but just in miracles, he does not believe.

This is the main problem of man.

Statuses about miracles

Amazing holiday New Year! Even adults begin to make desires and believe in miracles.

Everyone wants wonders, and adults are no exception.

The eighth miracle of the world has its own.

Do you have it, perhaps you just do not notice it?

Any miracle is the response of the medium at the limiting concentration of will. The very coherence, which creates history, and returns the essence of him to capitalism.

Status for scientists))

It is easier to repeat a miracle than explaining it.

And what, suddenly and truth will turn out?!)

Miracles are not necessarily ambitious, a miracle can happen in an unexpected place; The most amazing miracles occur in the most ordinary setting.

Just need to learn to notice them.

Never interfere with the one who sincerely believes in a miracle.

You do not believe myself, do not break the dreams of others.

The opportunity is given to those who dream ... A miracle is given to those who believe.

Believe, dream, and you will be fine.

If you do not believe in a miracle, it will not be.

Vera is a great deal.

Dreams are forced to create man wonders.

Dreams exist to fulfill them.

Sometimes in order to happen a miracle, you need to accept the fact that miracles do not happen.

At the time of disappointment, the miracle happens as a reward for suffering.

Miracles always happen contrary to everything. The more contrary to, the wonderful miracle.

What is not in the fairy tale we live?!

And they say that miracles do not happen! Then why so often looming on the horizon of jeans, a fashionable handbag or boots so often turn into a fashionable jacket or a new toy?))

I went to buy new things, the whole salary went to children's things, say this is not a miracle?))

Daddy, do not sleep? Says a kid with you. I'm here near, in the dark, in Mamuli in the stomach. I have your nose and eyes, I feel yours I caress, my laughter will fuse soon, crying, rather, but not from grief. In the meantime, I'll grow up, you protect your mother. I already love you all. Wait, soon come to you!

How well to know that in your one else heart is beating, from your beloved man.

The best cargo in the world is in the bubbling karapuz!

And you know what to put a hand on the belly of a pregnant girl ... It's how to touch the universe ... to the future little peace ... that's fine! It is incomparably anything ... It's how to touch the universe ... Touch the beautiful ... to an unknown ...

He so turned his head that I was sick of 9 months ...

I am so funny ... navel with a sticking ... slowly walk and afraid in the hospital ... so interesting - there she or he, I am not alone I am 2 in 1 ...

If you are pregnant, this is temporary. If not pregnant - it is also temporary.

Captures about pregnancy - Pregnancy - this is a unique time in the life of a woman, which is worth living with royal scope!

Bunny, you know what I thought ... And let me be born, I call Ksyusha, and if the boy, then Vlad. - WHAT? - And I completely forgot to tell you! In short, I take a test for pregnancy yesterday ...

Cat - love drugs, and the tummy grows from it. There is a little man, such a paw, open eyes and say "dad"!

The most powerful emission of adrenaline is not American slides, but waiting for the result of a pregnancy test !!!

God gave me an unraded to miracle - I will become wiser, I will be Mamuy. Your heart in my butterfly beats - I wake up, smile, and it will smile. It will not betray, it will be anterorant, a particle of me, the gold starfall.

What a strange bliss, to realize that there, inside, grows and ripens perfection, my angel, the fruit of my love.

You know, there is no one more beautiful than a pregnant woman ... In the eyes - happiness ... In the heart - love ... On the cheeks - a blush ... And inside - a small life ...

Pregnancy test is like children's tights: if 2 bands mean ass!

Dear, tell me 3 magnificent words that are forever connected your loved ones? - Dear, I am pregnant!

You know, according to the results of one test, it turns out that you will have to live with me all my life! - What is the test? - for pregnancy ...

In the seventh month of happiness!

Sex and pregnancy is like ice cream and angina.

Capricious pregnant woman can only be a pregnant man.

A man never happens to space. A pregnant woman in the second half of pregnancy, at least, is a closed space for another human being.

Best Hairstyle - Clean Hair, Best Makeup - Healthy Sleep, Best Figure - Pregnancy.

Under the moon and the sun, the trouble will be passed by, our house with you, bypassing. We will look at the sparks by the fireplace. You will be my mother, and I will become a father ...

Many girls want to marry love only, but they go exclusively on pregnancy.