How many weeks the sex of the child is determined. At what week you can find out the sex of the child on the ultrasound: the optimal time to accurately determine. Definition of the child by the date of conception

Almost all parents look forward to the moment when the floor of their future child can already be found. Pregnancy with a large share of probability can establish who will appear. It was by this time that the difference between the boy and the girl is already clearly visible. As the term of pregnancy increases, the signs become more obvious. As for the early definition of sex, then everything is more complicated than it seems.

On what time can I define the gender?

The first question, which is asked pregnant, first visiting the gynecologist, is: "How many months know the sex of the child?". This is understandable, because every mother wants to know as soon as possible, whom she wears in the tummy.

The definition of the floor takes place in the so-called sexual tuberculus, which is available in all embryos. It develops gradually, and by 12-13 weeks it is already possible to assume whom the mother in his tummy is shears. Sexuals to this period are as follows. In male kids, this tubercle is located at an angle of less than 30 degrees in relation to the line for which the spine passes. Girls have this angle, respectively, more than 30 degrees, which is confirmed by the ultrasound image.

In addition, to correctly install the gender floor, a variety of conditions are necessary. In particular, the kid lay on his back. Therefore, quite often, especially when, it is impossible to install the field of the fetus with 100% confidence. In such a situation, there is nothing to wait for the future mother, how to wait for the moment when the child will turn over, and his floor will become known.

What fraction of the probability can I install the infant floor?

When parents recognize the sex of the child - they are infinitely happy. However, as mentioned above, to establish it, not so easy at an early term. Therefore, often when conducting an ultrasound for the first time, doctors are mistaken. At the same time, there is the following statistics: Proper sex of the child for a period of 11 weeks is determined only in 70% of cases, and already at 13 weeks - in 9 out of 10 cases, doctors make a proper assumption. Therefore, the likelihood that you will learn half of your baby on the first ultrasound, Mala.

Most of the ultrasound units existing in medical institutions are not so high-tech. In addition, when conducting a study, the doctor will not wait for the moment until the fetus becomes the necessary position. Therefore, most pregnant women have to wait for the moment when the term will be 12-14 weeks - then the sex of the child becomes known.

However, even on this period, there is a possibility of error. Therefore, it is best to wait for the pregnancy to reach 2 trimesters. There is already a doctor with complete confidence can tell you the floor of your crumbs.

But even when mom becomes known, the child of what gender she drives, you should not hurry with the acquisition of children's things. There are cases when due to the special position of the fetus in the womb, the feet of the legs took the penis. As a result, instead of the expected boy, the woman gave birth to a girl, and was in complete bewilderment.

Thus, it is possible to learn the gender of the baby when the pregnancy reaches 13-14 weeks. At the same time, the timing can be slightly shifted in the most side. It all depends on the location of the fetus. Quite often, the grooves are covered with umbilical cord, from which the task of the floor determination is complicated. That is why moms are looking forward to the moment when the kid will begin to paint in the oily water, and will change its position. It usually happens to 14 weeks of pregnancy. Then mom receives an answer to his long-awaited question about who settled in her tummy.

After the results of the positive test for pregnancy, many parents, grandparents "breaks" curiosity - who will be born, a boy or a girl? But sometimes parents categorically refuse to recognize the sex of the child and are preparing for a surprise, but this happens extremely rarely.

There are several reasons for which parents wish to learn the floor of the future kid: someone wants a boy or a girl, someone wants to prepare a children's room in advance, to buy a stroller, children's things, but most parents are just wondering, and wait nine months for them too long. To determine who will be born, can be several unconventional ways that are not always reliable and often mistaken.

One of the informative, secure methods for determining the genital signs of the fetus is considered an ultrasound examination, which is considered the necessary method of diagnosis and allows you to determine not only the sex of the child, but also its structure, development, course of pregnancy, the presence or absence of pathologies or violations.

Ultrasound examination does not have contraindications, and depending on the experience and qualifications of the doctor, the quality of ultrasound technique, allows you to determine the genital signs of the fetus with an accuracy of 80 to 99%. The accuracy of the data depends on what time a survey is carried out and whether the fruit can reveal its gender.

The sex of the child is laid immediately after conception, but, in the early periods of pregnancy or the first, it is impossible to determine it, since the embryo does not have pronounced external signs. As the fetus develops, on the period of 7 weeks, the embryo is formed by a sexual tubercle, which under the influence of testosterone contributes to the development of the scrotum and penis, and in the activity of estrogen and progesterone, female genitals are molded.

Features of the genital signs can only be found when the term of pregnancy exceeds 12 weeks, but the definition of the child's sex on the ultrasound in the early deadlines can often be erroneous. The cause of the error in the diagnosis of sex of the child up to 12 may become amniotic fluid or fat deposits on the abdominal wall of the mother, also often the pupil loop is taken for the male beginning. Therefore, it is possible to identify sexual signs in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

The second planned ultrasound, which is held in 22-25 weeks will help the doctor get a detailed picture of the growth and development of the baby, clarify the preservation of the placenta in the uterus, to identify violations or possible pathologies, also during this period. In the second trimester, the fetal is already fully developed by genitals, it is quite active and often shows the future mother who he is!

The third planned survey is carried out on 35 - 37 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the fruit is fully formed and is already preparing for birth. During this period, the floor is simple enough, only when the child is in such a position. The activity of the fetus at the end of pregnancy is reduced, it is associated with its large growth and weight.

Floor definition errors using ultrasound

Ultrasound examination in independence from the period of pregnancy cannot with an accuracy of 100%, who will be born in a few months or weeks. But, nevertheless, ultrasound is considered one of the exact methods of examination and determines the characteristics of the body of the fetus, the course of pregnancy and the floor of the child with an accuracy of 98%. The smaller the term of pregnancy, the greater the chances of obtaining untruth results on sexual signs of the fetus.

The main errors of the survey ultrasound are considered:

  • Lack of high-quality equipment;
  • Insufficient work experience or low qualifications;

Sometimes the fruit with planned inspections does not allow to see their genitals and is in such a position that it is impossible to determine who it is a boy or a girl? With ultrasound examination, doctors quite often note that during the period when the procedure is carried out, the child begins to actively move and the definition of the floor may cause difficulties.

Often, girls during the period of intrauterine development occurs swelling of the sexual lips, which is not pathology, but when diagnosing sex, resembles a scrotum. Boys can compress limbs and become similar to the girl, hiding their genitals. Such minor movements of the fetus can introduce parents and a misleading physician.

Ultrasound in 3D, 4D image

You can get more accurate results if ultrasound is carried out in 3D or 4D image. Such equipment is more often found in private medical centers and can be likely to determine the sexual signs, as well as get a clear photo of the fetus. When using 3D / 4D surveys, the sexual bodies of the child can be clear enough, so much that parents without third-party specialist help on the monitor screen can set the floor of the future kid.

With such a diagnosis, the error is practically excluded, but it should be carried out no earlier than 12 to 15 weeks of pregnancy, this will allow you to get more chances for the informativeness and reliability of the procedure in the ratio with the fetal floor. When the fetus lies in an inconvenient position, and the doctor with accuracy cannot determine his sex signs, then he must warn parents and report that he is not sure of the field of the future kid. It will help parents not buy in advance children's things and other accessories for the children's room. Also, if pregnancy multiple and parents expect twins or twins, then the error in determining the genital signs creates several times even in late terms.

In the past century, parents recognized the sex of their children after childbirth, today, future mothers can know about it even before their baby, when there is almost never visible belly. Ultrasound allows it if the child takes the right position. So, when you can find out: a boy or a girl?

Paul defines ultrasound

At 20, the pregnancy is clearly visible the difference between the boy and the girl in the womb. As the kid grow and develops, such a difference becomes more clearly and on 3 trimester pregnancy clearly can be clearly seen: the son or daughter is born. But provided that at the time of ultrasound research around the baby will be the right amount of arrogant water, which he will not cross his legs. And this happens quite often!

If we talk about the results of the ultrasound on earlier deadlines of the baby, the definition of the floor has its own characteristics.

The floor of the future child is formed when conceived. In the early stages of embryos, there are no genual differences. Just all of them have sex bumps, which is approximately for a period of seven weeks begin to change. The boy under the influence of the male testosterone hormone this tubercle grows and turns into a scrotum with a penis. In girls, this tubercle turns into the clitoris and sexual lips.

The transformation process occurs in stages, and sexual differences will be noticeable only to the eleventh week of pregnancy. On this period, the boys in the female bumps is located at an angle of more than 30 ° to the spinal line. In girls, this angle is less than 30 °. However, to determine this corner, a doctor must be at the time of study on the back.

Medical statistics show that there is always. The study of the accuracy of the definition of the floor showed that even with the correct pose of the child at the time of the ultrasound, experienced doctors and modern equipment determine the gender on the period of eleven weeks up to 70%. When the term increases to twelve weeks, the accuracy is nine cases out of ten.

The most recent research suggests that on the period of 12 weeks the accuracy of sex diagnostics on ultrasound is 46%, on a period of 13 weeks - 80%.

To find out to know the floor of the future kid on the first ultrasound, it is hardly possible. Today, ultrasound research devices are not so highly technologically, in order to make sure that the sexual signs of the fetus could be seen. And to all this, the doctor will not wait long until the baby wants to turn over and take a convenient pose for a doctor. By the way, at week 13, the child's time is already spinning in the village of the future mother, that the corner of the desired doctor is very difficult.

And if the doctor's future mother and father will inform the floor of the future child, and subsequently it will be a mistake, then you should not be upset about this. Ultrasound in the second trimester, which is usually considered to be accurate, can also be mistaken. The most important thing is that the child is born healthy and mom well suffered childbirth.

Important moment! Do ultrasound in early pregnancy is not recommended. This is justified only when there is a threat of genetic inheritance diseases. After all, until today, the influence of ultrasonic research on the fruit is not studied thoroughly.

Folk signs about the field of the future child

Future moms after the first planned ultrasound often compare its results with folk signs on the definition of the floor of the child. So, for example, the appearance of pimples, pigmentation on the face of a pregnant woman is evidence of the girl's heating. It is said that she takes her mother's beauty. If, on the contrary, a woman blooms, the appearance of the skin is improved, then her son will have a born.

Determine the floor and in the taste to the preferences of the future mother. Pulls on sweet - by the birth of a daughter, pulls on the salty, meat - by the birth of a boy. Toxicosis in the early periods is more often observed in women wearing girls.

Sometimes pregnant test, referring to a request to show hands. If it demonstrates the brushes with palms up - it means a girl will be born, if just pulls his hands with the back side, then a boy will be born.

Yes, it is nothing more than signs, but sometimes it happens that they all testify to the same thing. And ultrasound confirms it. And how not to believe after that signs?

Especially for Elena Thochec

Reading time: 5 minutes

Almost all future parents are interested in the gender of their future baby, in order to have time to purchase everything the most necessary in the correct color scheme. The surest way is to determine the sex of the child on an ultrasound or screening, which is possible in the early and middle time of pregnancy. Some are trying to program the floor of the future kid even before its conception, but it does not always succeed and not everyone.

Why do I need to determine the floor by ultrasound

The first ultrasound study of the pregnant woman should be done about the 12th week. At this time, the baby is still visible badly, so it is impossible to determine the sexual personality, because all the necessary bodies have not yet been formed. The main essence of the study on the first trimester is to find out how fruit develops whether there are any pathologies. In the second trimester, the doctor is already often with high accuracy can say who will be born.

On what time you can define the sex of the child

The doctor can correctly determine the sex of the child on the ultrasound only in the situation if the fetus lies in the correct position in the stomach. Kids can be closed with hand, umbilical cord, pushing legs. The earliest time when the probability of finding the floor - 14 weeks appears. It should be remembered that in this case the probability of the error is more than 50%. Basically, exactly the floor of the crumbs will be reported to you on the second ultrasound study, which is carried out on 20-23 weeks. This time is associated with the development and manifestation of genital signs of the fetus. The probability of error is 10%.

Helps 3D ultrasound to know accurately

Modern technologies are constantly moving forward, and medicine does not stand still. In this regard, in addition to the standard 2D method, the popularity is gaining a generation of 3D - screening ultrasound, where the child is visible in a three-dimensional image. Future parents can see the photo of the baby, in addition to information about the field to learn to whom it looks like - clearly visible the outlines of the face and malformations. This procedure has limitations: the term of pregnancy must exceed 10 weeks. During carrying out, free radicals can be formed, which adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Signs of sex when conducting ultrasound diagnostics

Uzi shows the sex of the child using a special sensor, which determines the presence of sexual lips from a girl or scrotum and a penis in a boy. The inspection is determined by the position of the embryo in the uterus, the wall thickness, the amount of intrauterine fluid. From the 6th week, the genitals of the fetus begin to form the genitals, germ bumps appear, with time transformed into genitals. By 20-21 weeks, the organs are formed that can be seen on the study.

Why ultrasound research results can be inaccurate

It has been proven that the ultrasound method, as the method of determining the gender of the baby, is accurate by a maximum of 90%. Inaccuracies are found, and the causes of errors can be:

  • Little time pregnancy. Pregnant is always so interesting to know who she will be born that she asks to find out the sex of the child on the first ultrasound. It should be understood that the fruit is still not formed to the end, so it's easy to make a mistake.
  • Last screening before childbirth. During this period, the most difficult to learn the floor of the baby, because it is already big, so it turns around, hiding all its own organs.
  • Human factor. The sex of the child is already visible on ultrasound, but the doctor, due to certain circumstances, can be mistaken. This may be associated with its inexperience, outdated technique, faults in the equipment sensor, etc.
  • Ethics. Some psychologists argue that a mistake in the definition of sex entails the strengthening of postpartum depression.

How the ultrasound is determined by floor of a child with multiple pregnancy

Twin can be determined already during the first ultrasound, but at such a small time the amount of embryos is questionable, because sometimes the second fruit can be dissolved harmlessly. From the 8th week, conducting a study, you can determine how much heard heart patents. With multiple pregnancy, the sex of the child on ultrasound is determined in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, and it is carried out more often than 3 times in 9 months.

Alternative Floor Definition Methods

If future parents do not want to recognize the sex of the child on the ultrasound, then you can navigate and analyze other mother health indicators. So, strong toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy testifies to the girl, and his absence is about the boy. This is proven by research by many scientists. Nausea arises due to the increase in hormone, which is called chorionic gonadotropin. However, it is impossible to focus solely on this feature.

Invasive methods

The essence of these methods is to penetrate the female body to determine the floor. They are carried out only on medical testimony, because they are dangerous. This is rarely found, but sometimes it is inevitable, for example, if the mother or father has genetic diseases, the birth of a boy or girl is undesirable to avoid possible pathologies. There are three invasive methods based on a study by chromosomes in DNA:

  1. chorion's biopsy (spend on the period of 8-10 weeks, the essence is in the analysis of the placenta part);
  2. amniocense (carry out an analysis of the arrogant fluid on a period of 17-18 weeks);
  3. cordsenthesis (analyzes blood from the fetal umbilical).

Estimated methods

The advantage of these methods is their complete security, the possibility of counting on their own, at home. The most popular are such ways to determine the floor of the crumbs without an ultrasound:

  • Calculation of Chinese and Japanese tables. They can easily find them on the Internet. They are based on the month of conception, the age of mothers, the years of birth of each of the parents.
  • Definition on the renewal of the blood of parents. Whose blood has been updated later - such a gender will be the kid. In women, this process takes place every 3 years, in men for 4 years.
  • Calculation of blood group.
  • Calculation on the difference between the date of conception and the date of ovulation. It is proved that if sex was during or after ovulation - a son will be born, if the opposite is a daughter.

"Babushkina" methods

From ancient times, there are a lot of various folk admission, according to which they try to find out who will be born, without using the fact that you can now find out the sex of the child on the ultrasound. The following are popular:

  • the bald men have a higher probability of conception of sons;
  • a large strong man should count on the girl's appearance;
  • if a man is used to wearing close underwear - there will be a boy;
  • definition in the form of a pregnant woman's abdomen: oblong - son, round - daughter;
  • an analysis of the angle to which the stomach (right is to the boy);
  • an old sign claims that the girl picks her mother's beauty, can change the features of the face;
  • if the breast increases towards the end of pregnancy - there will be a girl;
  • when the girl is calm and balanced throughout the period of pregnancy - you should expect the appearance of a son.


The modern possibilities of ultrasound diagnostics allow for more and earlier deadlines to study the development and condition of the child in the mother's womb, to see it. Maybe when screening during the second planned ultrasound study, which must be held on the twentieth - twenty-fourth weeks of gestational period. Ultrasound examination is optimal in prenatal diagnosis, including the definition of the floor of the child, and is widely used in gynecological and obstetric practice.

The key to the response to the sexuality of the future child becomes the moment of fusion of the egg with a defined spermatozoa (conception). It is from the chromosomal set of a male genital cell depends on the further development of male (y-chromosome) or on the female (X-chromosome) type. However, in the early periods of pregnancy, it is only the potential, and it cannot be determined.


What time does the female or male sex of the child determine? In the development of Chorion, it is possible to make a biopic examination of its vice and by their karyotype to determine the development of the embryo, respectively, and the set of its genital chromosomes. Such a study can be carried out by 7-10 weeks of intrauterine development, but this method is quite dangerous due to its invasiveness.

Biopsy Vorsin Chorion is spent only on strict medical testimony when there is a chance that the child will be born with rude innocent disorders associated with the floor (hemophilia, Sherechevsky-Turnner syndrome), with hereditary diseases that can significantly reduce the quality of life or be incompatible with it.
There is also a diagnosis of the floor of the child for blood and urine analyzes to find out the result from about 6 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasound opportunities

Determine the sex of the child? The possibilities of ultrasound diagnostics as a method of visualization do not allow so early to give an answer to the issue of the floor of the future kid. However, this method is safe, does not cause discomfort and rather rather. For these reasons, ultrasound are used in the quality of the screening method in each trimester. In the first trimester (usually in 11-14 weeks), you can show using ultrasound genitals, but the likelihood that the doctor can be wrong, high (up to 50%) so that you can talk about the exact definition of the floor.

From 15 weeks (105 days), the floor can already be determined, but it is optimal to be the term of 23-25 \u200b\u200bweeks, when the second screening ultrasound study is carried out. Again, 100% guarantees are not even at this time, because visualization depends on many factors: the qualification of the researcher, the individual development of external genital organs of the embryo, the position of the child in the womb (although at this time it is just enough to develop in size and still moved), Material equipment of the diagnostic separation.

During the third screening, the complexity of the definition of sex is already appearing due to the fact that the fruit may not turn in such a way that its external genitals can be visualized.

If there is a need, an ultrasound study in order to determine the floor of the child can be passed to the second screening, but you need to recognize the price and sign up in advance. Harm for a child will not bring it. Video and photos can be saved.

Snapshot of the genital organs of the child at the 20th week of pregnancy


There are various folk, home how to determine whether the parents will have a boy or a girl, including prediction before pregnancy.

Some of the will probably are based on changing the level of hormones in the blood of a woman under the influence of developing sex glands. This is associated with changes in the gastronomic preferences of the pregnant woman, the presence and severity of toxicosis, changes in the heartbeat, the degree of body weight increase due to the development of fatty tissue by virtue of the operation of estrogen, increased fragmentation due to androgen.

There are also ways to determine the floor of the future kid through the level of the content of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of pregnant. However, this method is quite dubious, since the hormone levels of the HCG are individual and vary not only from the sexuality of the embryo.

As accurately determined by the floor of the embryo on ultrasound

The accuracy of determination depends on the period of pregnancy. From the term of 15 weeks, when the urinary apparatus is visible, the floor can already be determined, but it is not necessary to hurry to hurry once again. Moreover, the second screening is required, and then you can say half a child with the greatest accuracy.

The problem of the definition accuracy is that up to about 11 weeks of pregnancy, the external genital signs of the future boy or the girls are not different. This is due to the fact that they are developing from the same adventures (sex hill and lip-scrutinating tubercles).

With the eleventh week of pregnancy, the girls begin to form large sexual lips, and the boys gip-scrutinating tubercles give rise to the scrotum. Also at this time, the sexual member starts to masklyinize, increasing in size. Girls in the same sex bumps gives the beginning of clutter.

This is due to the fact that two identical muscle pairs are involved in the formation of both anatomical structures: sedlication-caverning and bulbous-spongy, as well as the cavernous and spongy body. This explains one source of the development of genital structures. However, the boys are stronger than these muscles, and the cavernies with the spongy body, which causes the large size of the penis over the clitoris.

Comparing the pictures of the genital organs of the fruit of female and male

Obviously, the possibility of determining the sexuality of the fetus is associated with the difference in these structures in a developing female or male organism, therefore, in the most accurate way possible with the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby.

In order to optimize the course of the study, it is better to prepare for it in advance: to exclude for 2 days of gas-forming products, such as bakery products, carbonated drinks, legumes, fermented milk products. You can use in front of the procedure enterosorbent (activated carbon, espeamizan, etc.).

Signs in different gender

The development of the girl and the boy in the womb is happening in different ways from the same adventures. Girls are characterized by the development of large and small sexy lips from the lifting-scrotal tuberca, as well as the development of the clitoris from the sexiprage. The boy has been developing in this way: the scrotum develops from lifting-scrutinating tubercles, in which the seed glands will be devouted in the scrotum on 8-9 months, and a penis is formed from the sex tubercle. For these differences, differentiation features are formed, which can be detected from the fifteenth week of pregnancy, but the possibility of their mistakes is allowed.

Boys are distinguished by scrotum, which is somewhat larger than the big sex lips in girls for this week of pregnancy. In the girls in the perianal region, two pairs of stripes are determined - these are big and small sex lips. If they swell a little, they can be like a scrotum.

On the contrary, the boys can squeeze their genitals during the study during the study, thereby decreasing their size, and they become similar to women. Therefore, it is possible to error for determining the floor of the future kid.

The angle of deviation of the derivative of the sex tubercle and the back. If the angle of deviation is more than 30 degrees, then it develops a penis, if less than 30 degrees, then the clitoris. Here the complexity is that it is necessary to find a suitable position of the fetus. Doctors note that when conducting an ultrasound, the activity of the fetus increases, complicating conditions. Sometimes it is necessary to achieve a lot of time to achieve the desired position of the fetus, because the kid itself does not always turn comfortable for examination. This feature is very reliable.

Methods for determining the sex of the child in a snapshot of the survey

3. Also, the derivative of the sexual tubercle in a developing male body is larger for this week of pregnancy than the girl. This feature can not be shown so clearly.


The determination of the gender can be very important for each pregnant mommy not only from curiosity, but also in connection with family planning, with the possible risk of the occurrence of hereditary pathologies, congenital defects. Modern opportunities for ultrasound diagnostics, as you can see, allow you to show the greatest opportunity to show enough early time, will be a boy or a girl with the parents.