Jerins N. History of bodily punishment in Russia Download free full electronic version. Wildness of the past: the harsh methods of antiquity of antiquity, which at the time were considered the norm

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states - "the dignity of the person is protected by the state. Nothing can be the basis for his diminution. " It is tough and concise, it is still a comparison with the famous "chased Latin" of the Ancient Roman laws. As in fact, things are concluded with the execution of the fundamental law of the state, will not be difficult to learn from news issues. Like a little daily, then somewhere the official there was a hand, then in the nearest swarming they were faced to someone for the kidneys. If you go to the household level, you can also recall the pages of school diaries with adhesive twins, ruthlessly eliminated, in order to avoid contact with their own fifth point with the father's belt. But all this, so to speak, modern realities.

How was worried about the preservation of the dignity of the personality of the Middle Ages Rus, and later the Imperial Russia, right up to the 1917 coup? This question was especially interested in me after last year's.

Surprisingly, in the opinion of some bodily punishment researchers in Russia, there was no up to the 11th century at all! And after all, certain foundations for such conclusions are available. The fact is that in the arrangement of the laws of the time - the Russian truth of Yaroslav Wise is not spelled out such punishments. The choice was not great - or redemption, or death. True, death threatened only in special, exceptional cases. For example: for murder, without a princess on that, the representative of the privileged estate was relying a virgin (ransom) 80 hryvnia, for others 40. A serious amount for those times.

Accordingly, for the banal mordeoba had to pay a lot less.

Of course, medieval Rusic followed the traditions and standards of behavior that existed at that time in an incomparable greater extent than the modern Russian man follows the rules and laws. Nevertheless, somehow weakly believe that for the Slavic, who lived in 11-12 centuries., "Rusted" to throw up a colleague to a colleague, leaning from work or to hover the hot parents, despite all sorts of princely decrees.

But will continue.

Children of Yaroslav Wise Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod modified the Code of Laws, compiled by the Father (Russian truth) by entering him beating with whites and baotogs. Some of the scientists believe that they did this following the example of Mongol-Tatars. Only after all, the words "Knut" and "Batog" are mentioned in Russian texts even before the arrival of the horde. In addition, the word "KNUT" itself came to our language apparently completely from the other side, from Scandinavia. Their "Knutr" meaning "node", "nodular beach", turned into Russian in the whip.

Already from the 13th century, corporal punishments are increasingly penetrating into the Russian judicial system, introduced into the Russian law and life. Also in Russia begin to apply besides whipping also brand. And quite often, just punishing with baotogs or whip, for any misconduct was accompanied by branding.

Tool for branding.

In this sense, the draft agreement of the Volnoye Novgorod with the German city of Gotland compiled in 1270 - "The thief of the price is higher than half a year is punishable by rugs and migration in the cheek."

The brand has taken place in Russia and was widely used for several centuries. Even at the end of the "gallant" 18th century, the Empress of Empress Catherine 2 thoughts did not rarely burn out the whole word on the forehead - "Thief", and the bunt of the letter - "b".

I suppose, everyone is known to the phrase - "It is written on his forehead ... ..", well, it is thanks to the markings that expression and entered the source.

In general, by themselves, corporal punishments in Russia did not differ in particular diversity, but torture, which most often ended with the death of the attempt, were very common. Gradually, in the arsenal of domestic mutual business masters, torture and executions used to be especially used, if so can be expressed, popular in Europe. Diff, wheelchair, cut off the limbs and many others, in general, missed in the dungeons it was not accounted for.

But if the provinity was not great or the criminal himself belonged to a very noble family, then all the same bautogs went into the course. This is already in a later period in order to clearly demonstrate the Samorams and the ruthlessness of some Russian rulers, the courtiores were formed by the courtesy of representatives of the most ancient and noble childbirth puffed. At the very case, the execution of a person from the highest layers of society was rare.

But to try on the own skin of the whip was easier to lightly, and that the scenery that Boharian is born.

to be continued...

Vladimir Putin, during the traditional large press conference, said that he opposes the "distortion" in the juvenile justice, noting that "interference in the family is unacceptable." However, according to the president, "children are better not to slap and not refer to some traditions." Life talks about the harsh measures to raise children in Russia of the XVII-XIX centuries.

The tradition of harsh punishments of children existed in Russia for a long millennium. According to Boris Mironov in the book "The Social History of Russia of the Period of the Empire: XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century," the peasants believed that parental love was strict attitude towards children, so the punishment in any case goes to the child. And, of course, they did not miss the case to punish their chad.

I gave birth to you, I'll kill you!

Strict attitude towards children were characteristic not only to peasants, but also to representatives of the highest estates. The construction of the patriarchal peasant family was built on strict subordination of the younger senior. Yes, and women were obliged to obey men. But most often parents demonstrated their power precisely on children who had to be absolutely obedient under the fear of punishment.

As a rule, up to seven years, children spent more with her mother, but then the boys gradually moved to their parents. Children were vaccinated not only vital skills, but also humility to parents. They had a huge power over children. In the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century, as at earlier, the father could easily sell children or to give to Kabal, wanting to pay off his debts.

People's pedagogy admitted coercion and violence with normal and important forms of impact on naughty. Children were infused physically, especially small; But the ridge did not cost adult children. The peasants believed that parental love is strictly attributed to the children that the punishment always goes to the child's benefit, and therefore did not miss the case to punish it, sincerely believing that they cost themselves gentlemanly and indulging them

Boris Mironov, "Social history of Russia of the period of the Empire: XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century"

Rates for punishment could be the most different. For example, as stated in the deployment of 1649, if children have told rude words at any age, raised their hands on them, they were punished with whip. Children were forbidden to complain about parents, as well as sue them.

At the same time, parents could only punish if they killed their children in a lacaround in the education process. For the killing of the child, they were sentenced to the year of prison and church repentance. But for any other murder without softening circumstances, the death penalty was relying at that time. According to the historian Richard Haley, such a soft punishment of parents for their actions contributed to the development of pleatebey.

At the end of the XVIII century, the law allowed parents to conclude naughty and leading the wrong way of life of children in special strait houses. In the "deposition of criminal punishments", 1845 was spelled out that children could be sent to this correctional institution for a period of three to six months. However, parents at their discretion could reduce this period.

The education of children was also told in the document "Charter of the Defenseless or Policeman" of 1782, signed by Catherine II. Later, these decrees entered the Code of Laws of 1832 and 1857.

Parents essence the lord of their children, the natural love of children prescribes them a debt to give food to children, clothes and upbringing are kind and honest as a state; Children have to provide parents from the frequent respect, obedience, humility and love and serve themselves, in words and speeches to respond about them the greatest revelation, demolish parental corrections and guarantees patiently, without ropot, and will continue to respect and on the death of parents

"Charter of a degree or policeman"

Ries - branches with a tree tree

Body punishment applied to children most often in schools. As Boris Mironov writes, starting from the XVII century and until the 1860s, corporal punishments were considered the main educational agent. As an example, he cites the memories of the Decembrist Vladimir Stteyingale.

The correction method consisted in true triuracy. The captains seemed to have boasted each other, which of them is inhimate and ruthlessly seen the cadet. Every Saturday was given lazy hundred, and in the duty room all day did not stop the cry. One reception of punishment brought the hearts of unfortunate children in the thrill. A bench was served for which two dohabers stretched the guilty of the guilty and kept behind their hands, and two from the sides beat the rods from all his strength, so blood flowed with strengths and the body was swung in pieces. Often they counted to 600 shots and more, before the fact that the unfortunate martyr was attributed directly to Lazare

Vladimir Stteyingale

According to the preserved statistics, in 1858, in 11 gymnasiums of the Kiev educational district, 551 of them were subjected to corporal punishment from 4109 of them, which is 13% of the total. In some gymnasiums, the percentage of puddled students reached 48%.

The famous poet Satir XIX century Vasily Kurochkin even wrote a poem, chanting the educational function of a wretched rogue.

Other punishments were also used, including strikes and standing on her knees on the pea.

Enlightenment education

In the XVIII century, the law did not establish the limits of punishment of children, still excluding the possibility of their murder. Punishment was interpreted as an educational measure. True, since 1845, parents, resetting with the scroll and hurt injury or wound a child, were punished.

Physical punishments were not bent both peasant and meshchansky, merchant and noble families. It was justified by the fact that children's nature essentially evil, because of what the strengthened struggle with the defects embraced in the child's shower are necessary. And children brought up in rigor will be more prone to good.

At the same time, Ekaterina II in his work "instruction to the upbringing of grandchildren" called for abandoning violence.

No punishment can not be useful for children, you can not be connected with shame that they learned badly; In colamp of more than children, in the souls of which shame to the bad universe from infancy, and in order to be prescribed: to firm pupils and give them to feel with any convenient case that those who are adjacent and joy are fulfilled from them the required, all people win love and praise ; And for non-necriste and the neraction will contemplate contempt, dislike, and no one will praise them.

Catherine II, "instruction to upbringing grandchildren"

Catherine II ahead of time, because only in the second quarter of the XIX century, the views on the education of children began to change seriously. The child stopped perceived as a creature, filled with evil feelings and thoughts, so the upbringing no longer boils down to the dying of the defects.

Families relate to the abolition of physical punishment in different ways. Some parents still applied punishment to children, especially to the boys, believing that if they did not beat them with the mind, "the smear will grow.

Gradually, bodily punishment began to prohibit in schools. In 1864 adopted the "Charter of Gymnasiums and Protoginzius", in which bodily punishment was canceled.

elezna punishment appeared in Russia still in the deep
Rocia antiquity, along with the elevation of power
Kiev princes1). True, many prove,
that cruel punishable measures of criminal law
Subsequent times are borrowed by us from
Tatars and that to Mongolskago Norevia Telecom
The punishment did not exist in Russia. Carame
Zin, Maksimovich, Depp and others argue
that the legislative collection of the XII - XIII century. Russian truth knows only the bloody revenge and the cash system of the redemption. The only punishment imposed by the prince instead of a fine was "stream or

1) It is possible that before the Slavs in the VI-IX century. There were bodies of execution. Byzantine and German historians of that time repeatedly mentioning the extraordinary atrocities of Slavs in the war. It is easy to assume that in the home everyday life-sacks-chiefs brutally punish naughty parents. Unfortunately, we have no more accurate information about it.

Robble ", which means expulsion, return to slavery, issuing to people. Russian True, finally, directly forbids body punishment: "If someone has hit whom without a princess, for that flour 80 hryvnia" 1). Knut, root, baute and other instruments of torture came to us from Asian peoples. Russians in general in those days were completely alien to bodies of punishment. No wonder, at the conclusion of a trade agreement of a Lubeck with Novgorod in the XIII century. These latter refused to slow down the thieves of rogging and brand them on the cheek.

But now there are few supporters of such a look. Sergevsky, Vladimir Budanov, Sergeevich and a number of other scientists have proven with an undoubted clarity, our bodily punishment is still to Mongols. Russian truth forbids to beat without a princess; not implied Lie Under this, that beatings were made only by order of Prince 2)? The words "stream or looting" did not mean exclusively by returning to slavery, exile; This name was also called bodies of punishment, since in some lists of the Russian truth "on flow" was replaced by the words "on the fight". A similar value is determined by a similar decree of the judiciary of Casimir 1368. (19 Art.): Burning for the first Tatabu is sentenced to beatings (pro-bati) 3).

Next, let's see the rulings of the Russian truth about purchases (semi-free) and holopas. "Osche-Lee Mr. Fast, Purchase about the case, then there is no guilt"; 4) "There is anger in it, the cooler is free to her husband, but will run away in the choir, and Mr. will not give it to him, then pay the Mr. 12 hryvnia," and if he does not pay, Yaroslav established him to kill him, "But his son is left to Kuna any beat and unleashing, anyone take hryvnia kun for Sorrow "5); i.e., the sons of Yaroslav decided not to kill the hat, and take a fine or beat unleashing, that is, stretching. In the teaching of Daniel Sharpetika (XIII century) the same expression comes across: "And the muddy of the borders of the Bija losses to Sanah 6;), not eliminating his madness." At that time, it means

1) Russian truth. Karamzinoi joint venture § 135. 1888

2) Vladimir Budanov Pushes this article as the first mention of torture. Unfortunately, it is unknown on which data it is based on his position.

3) Vladimir Budanov: "Against the Stupina" University of Izvestia

4) Karamz. List. § 73.

5) Karamz. sp. § 76.

6) Consequently in the XIII century. There was a custom beat on the sleigh. Later, during the heyday of corporal punishments, in the XVI-XVIII century. This method is not found; But in the XIX century. Beyond again on the tilted sleigh. The front part (tidy) rose significantly higher than the rear; The body of the criminal attached to the sleigh was, so. About Br., In an oblique position.

There was a certain order of punishment: the criminal was tied to Sanya, and therefore in this article can not see traces of private revenge.

So the sons of Yaroslav for the first time installed with us public bodily punishment.

Exactly Knut and baute borrowed by Tatar? These words are found in Russian truth. In one of the paragraphs of this monument, we read: "Incident, who will hit someone with a battle", etc. The word "whip", as we have seen above, was also used. "On the Muslim East there is no punishment (i.e. Knuta) and it almost existed there," says one author. - It seems to us that the whip is the native instrument of torment. At the very least, all foreign writers consider Knut penalty, which existed only in Russia 1).

We now turn to the chronicles.

Voivode Velikago Prince Svyatoslav, Jan Pulling, ordered to beat the Magi and pull him the beard. In 1068, Mstislav Iziaslavich, return to Kiev, 70 people, and the others blinded and broke without testing. In 1144, Vladimirko Issues of many residents of Galich for intercourse with his nephew. In 1210, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, broken by Novgorod, returning to his fiction, told all the Novgorod merchants to throw in the cellar and to create in close sinks; . So he strangled 150 people.2), etc., etc.

With the adoption of Christianity the spread of corporal punishment in Russia began to promote the Greek clergy, which brought us together with the religion of the harsh laws of Byzantine Nomocanon. A milder crime was susso in antiquity of church ships. According to the church charter of Yaroslav, they were subject to: adultery from her husband, violent kidnapping, insulting the work of a woman, arson, a healing with a sister, an insult to the Wife's word Velikago Boyar, the beatings deposited by the son of the Father, the chief of the head and beard. These crimes were punished with spiritual and secular power. The articles of the Charter often added: "And the prince of execution", or "yes execute his hair offices." There is reason to think that the princely authority executed these tight crimes in Byzantine laws, i.e., bodily punishment was applied to criminals 3).

1) Russian torture. Russian Archive 1867

2) Pogodin. "Ancient Russian history."

3) Even M. Stupin (the history of bodily punishment in Russia), believing that Russia did not know the corporal punishment before Tatars, allow them to use and in tale of the times in church courts.

The clergy, the cruelty of Greek laws applied entirely to Russian life. So, the Novgorod bishop of Luka is housing in the XI century. Sliced \u200b\u200bthe Halop of Dudika nose and both struck for the fact that he built the charge 1). Bishop Theodore in the XII century. Metropolitan ordered "Cut the tongue of Yako villain and heretic and hand right ducklings and the eyes of Lying him, Zhulu Izmoll on with in. Virginia "2). About this fenceman, the chronicler says that when he was a bishop in Vladimir, "the unfortunate was tormented, one head

Spraul Mr.
Snapshot with carpet (old. Rs. Embroidery, from the collection of a school Naedi. Arts).

ducklings, another eye lied and tongue cut out, other painted on the wall and tormented a long time, wanting to deprive the estate. "

Starting from the XIII century. Our legislative monuments are increasingly and more often for corporal punishment. In the project of Novgorod's contract with the German city Gotland in 1270, it was decided: the thief

1) Karamzin: "East. state Russian "t. II, approx. 144.

2) Lavrentian chronicle. Karamzin T. III approx. 63-66.

Things price above half-year is punished with rogs and sticking on the cheek. One article of the Dvinsky diploma of 1327 is reading: "And Tathia is completely stained." In the Pskov vessel diplot 1397 -1407, it is indicated: for a certain crime to attach VinovNago in Pus 1) and take a fine. So, it is clear that the bodies of punishment existed in Russia to Mongols. In all likelihood, the region of their applications, with the domination in our right of the cash system of the ransom, was insignificant. Free people were punished so very rarely, in the most important crimes, or in case of insolvency pay penalty. Pere -

From Rovinskago: "Russian People's Pictures". in the foreigners. No wonder Novgorod residents refused to introduce an article about the section.

But gradually the vital conditions took their own, and under the auspices of the clergy of the bodies of punishment were all wider and wider. Although it should be noted that the influence of Byzantine laws in

1) It should be noted that here the word "dust" has a different meaning than in subsequent legislative monuments when the "dust" was prescribed with a consequence as a torture instrument. Here is the "Dyx" to the gun of punishment. This is a block of two plates, which had a recess in the middle, and at the ends of the loop.

Those times were still little sensitive, since it concerned only the narrow region of church ships.

Further, the bodies of punishment in Kievan Rus were a robust punishment. In Russian Pravda Hop - the thing, the full property of the Mr. who does everything that wants with him. The church, though, sought to resolve these relationships and curb the self-defense of the slave owners. So Kirill Tourovsky (XII century) inspires the gentlemen not to catch their horses. In the ancient nuts of the end of the XIII century. In the teaching of the bishop, the Novopostanoye priest is prohibited to accept offering from cruel gentlemen, incorrect, heretics and robbers. An unknown author in one church teaching writes: "If slaves or slaves do not obey, they do not go to your will, then the vines do not regret six wounds and to twelve; And if the wines are great, then to twenty wounds; If it is very great wine, then up to thirty Ran of Roma, and more than thirty wounds are not charged "1).

The era of the heyday of corporal punishment.

Causes of flourishing. From the XV century, we begin with the quick flourishing of corporal punishment. All kinds of torture and ugly acquired from this pore in Russian right the predominant value. And in the Kiev Rus, body punishment was known. But then the overall lifestyle has a little favored their prosperity. In the Moscow, a lot has changed much. "Russia at that time has already developed to the state - says Stupin - and therefore a look at the crime, as for an evil action, harmful not only to private or childbirth interests, but also a whole society; Therefore, if in the preceding era, when a criminal act was understood mainly from the point of view of private harm, it was possible to repay him with reconciliation through cash payment, now, when it was watched on him, as an international evil, it was not allowed to pay it through a repurchase and a crime could be Redempted only by punishment, established by the state. But what kind of punishment seems to be the most respectful state and society, mental, moral and economic level of Kotorago stands on a low stage? Obviously, which is most cautious, the most simple and at the same time, and so itself is bodily, - and indeed, what can be easier, cheaper and more

1) Solovyov: "History of Russia from ancient times", vol. Iii p. 769.

Frequently, how to cause theft or other misconduct a serious pain cross section or take away and hurt that member of the body, through which a crime was committed? " one).

After the Tatarskago pogrom, the center of life of our homeland from Kiev moved to the north. In the XII-XIII century, the country was ruled by the princes with their warriors. There was no special difference between the Lord and his comrades. The prince stood between the servants only as the first between equal; They supported him and he should have been constantly considered. After the invasion of Tatars, the man was razoring and lost all the meaning. After moving back to the new places, the princes tried to get a job otherwise and manage a single autocracy. Soon the Moscow Vladyka was allocated between them. Tatars themselves contributed to this. Han made Moscow princes with his governors, instructed them to dial tribute. Mind by Moscow was subordinated by other diets. Rus gathered in a single state, with a firm and

Mighty authority led. In the XVI century, it was reset,
Finally hated Tatar Igo and Moscow
Vladyka crowned kings.

Based on the clergy, the sovereigns immeasuratedly raised over their subjects, their hills, whom they considered almost full of their property and were painted with them as they wanted. The slightest equation of itself to the bright, inaccessible, the lady was cruelly punishable.

In the XVI century, we divorced a special type of state crimes under the name "Words and Cases of Survae". Each hearing the impolite word about the king or his neighbors, was obliged to convey under the fear of death. He shouted the "Word and Case"; He was immediately conducted in the duct to interrogation; They grabbed and tortured to whom he pointed out. When these terrible words were distributed on the streets, squares or other public places, everyone immediately ran. Who heard, however, "the Word and Case" did not bother about it, received baute or whip.

It is curious to see, because of which these state crimes arose, sometimes rushing so cruelly.

Dragun Evtyushka somehow said: "There would be a healthy Sovereign King Great, Prince Alexey Mikhailovich, yes I, Evtyushka, another."

1) M. Stupin: "The history of corporal punishment in Russia", p. 11-12.

From the same thing he is like the simplicity of the soul, without evil intent. But he was confronted by the "Word and Case", and for the fact that he was able to equate himself to the king, cruelly beaten by baotogs 1).

Punishment by baotogs in the XVI century.
(From the book Abbat Chappe d'autoroche "Voyage EN Siberie").

One woman, Agafier, dreamed of sleep: she was the martyr of Christ Nikita and said that the adopted father of Agafia, Stepan, rebuilt the hut, put his horses with Seine, she was sitting, Agafya, and Stepan to be in the kingdom. Man boasts good

1) "The Word and Case of Sovereign" § 142.

shim a little neighbor; That comes, unhappy Stepana mercilessly broke through Bat's, letting him go with the instruction: "Do not believe in sleep" 1).

There are many such examples.

With H. VII-century, Alexei Mikhailovich's crime, "Word and Case" crime, existed earlier only in the custom, received legalization 2).

With the changed conditions of life in Moscow Rus, the influence of the clergy and Byzantine laws has greatly increased. The princes themselves constantly looking for support from the Church in the fight against enemies and thus strengthened power. The Greco Roman laws, which was headed by our church, could only contribute to the development of corporal punishment. "But you need to keep in mind," Timofeev notes, "that the Byzantine laws made by the clergy, in their views on corporal punishment condensed with Russian judicial practice. The church did not so much introduced a new system of punishments as herself, using corporal punishments, as it would have covered them with the use of feeds, attached them to them the greater strength and stability "3).

In addition to the Greco-Roman laws, on our right in the XVI-XVII centuries, the influence of the Lithuanian Statute is noticeable. Articles adding the statutory book of the order of the order, the entirely taken from it. Russian punitive system, sometimes very cruel, was still simplicity; - The West brought us his sophistication: I decided the fatherlyheads not just to execute, and to break them the body with ticks at a trade, then take the dog, smoking and cat and all together to flood 4). Footprints of the Statute are noticeable and in taking 1649. But it should be noted that, as in Byzantine laws, the Russians borrowed only that they did not contradict the spirit of Moscow law. Neither Greco-Roman laws, nor the Lithuanian Statute can not be attributed to the abundance of corporal punishment, which was appointed for the deposition of Alexei Mikhailovich.

Laws. Eye of the bloody revenge and cash redemptions have learned. "In the judicicity, the idea of \u200b\u200bpunishment is taking the character of her inherent, the nature of the evil community and personalago for the criminal" 5). The judiciary of 1555 announced the law the only source of law.

1) "The Word and Case of Sovereign" § 135.

2) Numerous abuse of the right to scream "Word and Case", denunciations on enemies and so on, made the same Code to appoint a false "Word and Case" of Knut and Batogi.

3) Timofeev: "The history of corporal punishment in Russian law", p.63.

4) Statute 1588 XI, 7. The Code of 1649 abolished this ruling.

5) Bogdanovsky: "Development of concepts of crimes and punishments in Russian law to Peter Velikago" p. 66.

N and really the law defined not all the crimes, for which the car was relied. Supplement it was provided Personal arbitrariness of the king and judicial practice. The Code of 1649 tries to correct this drawback; In it, the classification of crimes is much more accurate. But it is far from distinguished by the certainty of the sentences. Much depended on the will of the king and judges. In the articles of law, it is often worth "subjected to the VinovNago Opal", "Decree is to consider how the sovereign will indicate." Only or hazardous sense of punishment, or punishment for private-maternity crimes, not had a common state-to-state value. But also definite penalties mean one threat and not performed in practice. So, according to the law of 1670, the death penalty was assumed for escape from the service; In practice, it was not fulfilled. It turned out that the criminal never knew that he was expected for the guilt. Behind the feeding was relied on the whip, but how many blows give - the judge decided. In a result of a study or the Tatabu was led to torture, but the kind of torture, to pull the criminal to the pouch or fry on fire, did not indicate in the right. "All organization of the punitive system in the XVII century," Sergeyevsky notes 1), is aimed at serving the practical goals of state benefit, Ignoring the person and did not conclude any humane trends and did not imagine the guarantees for the personality of the criminal. " They flourished the cheapest punitive measures. The direct result of such a state of affairs was the severity of punishments: members of Ad Libitum, members, tied the barbaric knut, buttogs, etc.

Still in deep antiquity was in the custom of punishing criminals in the cross section of different members; Made in Kievan Rus and at the first Moscow princes. Lords for a long time, sequels of the Languages \u200b\u200bof unoccupied boyars and eretic bogulines. But only in the XVI century it was punished in the law. In addition to the diploma, the Kirillov Monastery of 1549 RECOMMENDED: Tathi, caught on the second Tattrib, beat the whip, and cut off his hand 2). The same is said in the statutory book of the robbing order; And in addition to it in the articles borrowed from the Lithuanian statute, it is indicated: cut off the hand of the servant, which raised it on his boyar, cut off the ears for the first Tatabu, execute the painful and shameful death of the father's father 3).

Over time, this punishment is increasingly used more often. In the deposition of Alexei Mikhailovich, they won already prominent

1) Sergeevsky: "Punishment in Russian law in the XVII century."

2) Vladimir Budanov: Readings on the history of Russian law.

3) See above.

The place was considered an excellent measure to neutralize criminals, to make them up to the "century," to pay them due to the kara: "And anyone who is not afraid of God and without fear of state opals and execution, will learn on someone to the painful), cut off his hand or leg, or The lip will doit, but it will be redeemed about it, and for such a nucleation of himself, he also teach "1). After deposition, in various molds and decrees constantly met the uglings of people. To the very military articula of Peter, it all rapidly and only there it reached Samago higher development.

Section of hands and fingers. In terms of depressing 1649, the hands were deprived of the one: who dared in the presence of the sovereign to turn into someone weapons 2). Who wounded the other on the sovereign yard 3), with a violent entrance to someone else's yard 4) or a judge in order 5). She was cut by the Warmer for theft of the horse in service 6), who stolen on the third time on the sovereign yard 7); Picking for the forgery (for incorrectly drawing up a list of the list) 8), an area of \u200b\u200blifting for writing in absentia 9).

According to the new items 10) and other grams, one finger was supposed to cut off for a light wound 11), two smaller fingers of the left hand for the Tatbus for the first time 12).All the left hand on the wrist for two Tattips, for applying the Great Wound, for the attempt on your master and for the third theft of fish from a sart and pond 13). Left hand and right leg - in one robbery, for the church Tatabu, for killing in a drunken form, if the robbery was committed at the same time) and for the second Tatabu 15).

In 1653, the death penalty was replaced by membership penalties for Tata and Robbers, and in the next year a number of decrees were published that established the accuracy of them in one way or another

Our ancestors had no problem with how to thorough naughty children. For each misconduct, this or that may be punished. Even for quite harmless for today's standards, the behavior was worth expecting a good bending.

On the pea

Not found was in an old child who would not stand on the pea. This punishment was one of the most common, and it could be obtained, for example, for the manifestation of the malice towards the family, failure to comply with duties on the house, disobedience.

Despite the seeming immediateness of punitive measure, it was very painful and symbolic. Multiple standing was to confirm the readiness for humility, and the pain from the solid grains scattered into their knees forced the irreversibility of his own act especially deeply.


Children were accustomed to rogs, because the flick could be obtained not only for misconduct, but also for prevention. It was believed that this punishment was "the mind of fault" and turns into a child with exceptional benefits. And even if during the week he was silk and did not commit a single blossy, on Saturday I had to lower the port. This day was recommended for regular spanking in "Domostroy". It is written in black on white: "Fear to save (children), punishing and fighting, and when to beat ... crushing ribs, beat iron."

And God forbid the child complain to the severity of the parent or teachers. In the deposition of the XVII century, there were clear instructions - adults were recommended for this "beat the children mercilessly." On fathers who did not raise her hand, neighbors watched Kosos. Most man does not engage in the education of the offspring!

Roga even won the honor to get to the cover of the first trap, printed in 1637 by Vasily Boretsev. At Forzac, the teacher mercilessly harms one of the pupils, while others diligently disassemble AZ Buki-lead.

How "skillfully" the parents owned the rods easily to remember the episode of the flick of Alyosha in the "childhood" of Gorky, when the grandfather of the boy is so that he lost consciousness, and then a few days "Rod".

Canceled corporal punishments in schools were only at the beginning of the XIX century, the belt came to replace the rogues, to meet with whom and today there are many children.

Moral humiliation

Many of the students in Starin would prefer rugs, just not tolerate mockery from classmates. For the unfulfilled lesson or bad behavior of the squad or lazy, they dressed in a suit, which was different in color from school uniform, or hung on a breast plate with a humiliating inscription.

The Tsarskostsky Lyceum was the only educational institution, where corporal punishments were officially prohibited by the Charter. Instead, those who guessed were locked in their own room for the awareness of guilt or put the last during the general meal for universal censure.

Pavlo I Educator I Fedor Bakhteev published his own newspaper, in which he told all the inhabitants of the palace about all the misconducts of Tsarevich, even the most minor. Especially surprisingly, for his son Paul invited Matthew Lamdarph, which among all the pedagogical techniques chose to beat the weapons with a weapon shome or heads of his head against the wall.

Spoon on the forehead

Get a wooden spoon on the forehead from the head of the family, anyone at the table could be in violation of the rules of behavior at the table. From the cast iron standing in the center of the table, everything was drawn according to seniority and position in the family: First, the sample took off the father (or grandfather), and then the rest. I got a spoon for ahead of the Batki - showed disrespect for the breadwinner.

Publishing a porridge or chowder should be accurately, thoughtfully and slowly. Did not put bread and drunk on the table under the table? Substitute forehead! Asked someone an innocent question! Get ready for impact again! Families were big, so some fathers had to often get a new cutlery.

Children's colony

At the end of the XVIII century, the laws allowed parents to send naughty children in special strait houses for up to 6 months. Adults themselves determined, for what period of the child will "correct", and also for which misdemeanor to send it there. The most frequent reasons were: "Stubborn disobedience", "depraved life" and "other obvious defects" (as a child showed debauchery, and what kind of "obvious vices" was not specified).

The only limitation was operating - only a child was turned into a criminal in the criminal. In deposition of punishments of 1845, it was criminalized from such age.

Three days of Sukhveniki

The ability to control their own emotions is the most valuable quality that was obliged to cultivate each of the youngsters. Of course, adults did not forbid children to have fun and play. I made things, run with the wheel in the courtyard at least before the formation. It took a little - to be able to stop in time. For example, laugh, but not so that the tears splashed out of the eyes. Delivered? Three days on water and bread.


"Something is too hot today," or "how this rain is tired of", "the child could pay for such phrases regardless of age. The daily prayer was added 25 terrestrial bows. And this is not at all the same thing that you worship your head or make a small waist bow. Slowly fall on your knees, and then rushing slowly, - and so 25 times.

Punishment symbolized the fall of a person in sin (lowering on his knees) and his forgiveness of the Lord (lifting and knees). It not only allowed to feel guilty, but also saved from laziness. Parents strictly followed that the Epitia did not turn into a certain set of gymnastic exercises, performed by Naskovo and thoughtlessly.

Deprivation sweet

Actually, they were deprived not only sweet. To be ready to withstand a 12-day strictest post with a hundred (!) Daily earthly bows followed who during the church service allowed himself at least whispening with a neighbor. For young joints, maybe not too harsh test, but on an empty stomach, it seems not too easy to perform.

Food restrictions were the most popular point of punishment in the imperial families. So, Alexander II children could deprive sweet or put into an angle for the cake eaten before dinner or questions about the menu.

Slap in the face

Adults did not tolerate objections from children and chose to "knock out Duri" for precastness, perhaps the most humiliating method of punishment - slap. We whipped on the cheeks more often girls. One for the memorization of the "lesson" was enough times, others went with burning cheeks every week. That is how, by the way, Mother Natalia Goncharov was brought up - Future wife Pushkin.

Modern surveys confirm that the desire to punish the Child "Knut" regularly arises from each third parent, although the most popular educational measures today, fortunately, the lightweight poddle forces and excommunication from the smartphone are considered.

Often you can hear from representatives of the older generation that modern youth need to burn in rogues. But children, and adults weakly imagine what it is for the way punishment and how he was carried out.

What does "burn in rugs" mean?

This concept is absolutely transparent and does not have a double meaning. Sew rugs - it means to strike a bunch of rods on a soft usually this method was used as a guide. This procedure had several goals. First, the physical pain was supposed to inspire fear to the punishment, which means to prevent the commission of new pranks. Secondly, the psychological factor is very important. Sew on rugs is not only painful, but also a shame. This was especially true when the punishment procedure was held in the presence of other children, for example, comrades for games or classmates. Leaving an indelible mark and painfully beat the child's pride.

It was very popular that was a way of upbringing in England. There are ridges, sequels both at home and school. This tradition is preserved and in our time, but only in certain communities.

For some reason, the opinion is very common that it is our country that has become the great-grandinant of this cruel and even in something barbaric punishment. However, this is rooted incorrectly. The studies of historians prove that roses were used in many states, including developed European.

This method has even its Latin name - "Flagly". If we consider the art of different countries, you can see such a French engraving. The picture shows a cozy living room. Before the fireplace, the head of the family reading the Bible is located in the couch. Nearby is his spouse who prepares roses in order to make her daughter. Ten year old girl nearby crying and

As semen rods in ancient

Historically, this method of punishment has developed a long time ago. Children seques are rugs not only for the commission of unalent actions, but also just like that, in order to prevent, or, simply speaking, "to be no strong."

If we consider more ancient times, then women were often delivered for various misconduct. So, in ancient Egypt, they often sequels for an adulter. With the onset of the European World of Christian Faith, the beating of women began to be regarded as an immoral act, and gradually it was applied less and less.

In the UK, sequels of fair sex representatives in prisons. It happened about as follows. A woman was led to a specially designated room for this type of punishment. It also installed a wide and long shop equipped with belts for binding hands and legs. A woman was read by the sentence, in which it was discussed in detail about what she would be beaten. After that, the guilty had to lie on the bench of the belly down. She touched her arms and legs tightly, because of what she almost could not move. Then the penalties behave itself. Distribution of heartbreaking cries and plenty of help. Sequels at that time brutally. After that, the woman was given to her camera, very often unfortunate delivered there unconsciously.

With the queen Elizabeth, English sequels are usually publicly. Flaglation took place in a prison court on specially equipped with a pace. The area did not allow to accommodate all those wishing to be present when punished.

What are rose?

The answer to this question can be given, having studied the historical works of teachers of the past centuries. Roga is a rod of various wood breeds. Most often, Overt, Iva, Krasnotal, Tarmarin are used. The rods are binding to the beams of three or five sprigs (if birch is used). If more solid trees are taken, one branch can be used. Each twig must have a length of at least 60 centimeters, and the thickness is no less than the woven. The tips of the ridge must have been split after soaking so that there was no screwdriver. In the old days, this option was called "velvet", as the traces on the body disappeared very quickly - from three to five days. Of course, if you needed to enter the rings of children for disobedience, the wildest wood species were used. They could not cause severe damage to tender skin.

Preparation of punishment guns

There is absolutely reliable information on how a selection of a high-quality tool for spanking was carried out. To do this, roses were pulled out for several hours (and better than two or three days) in ordinary running water. There are also information about that in order to deliver the victim much greater suffering, the rods were placed for some time in the salty solution.

Then the spanking caused the strongest pain, which could not pass for a long time. The birth of such sophisticated technology leaves its roots in ancient Greece. It was there that sequels were rods who guessed. The philosopher and historian Homer tells about such cases.

How did you need to go wrong right?

It turns out that the flaglallation is not such a simple matter, as it seems at first glance. There were certain rules for the preparation of the gun for her, as well as the technique of strikes. How to burn rugs? The basic rule was the need to measure their strength. The man should have experienced a strong physical pain, but not to remain mutilated. Scars should not have remained on the body forever. Therefore, the person who exercised the flare had to control the power of his impact.


Of course, the time of cruel punishments is irrevocably gone. In modern times, such a way, like beating rods, or flagwork, is practically not used. Although sometimes there are cases of indicative beating in order to proof their position.