Functions and modes of washing in an automatic machine. What the bad smell says. Fabric care

It would seem that machines in almost every home are automatic, powders are used - from world manufacturers, and washed linen is not always happy with its whiteness and freshness, colored fabrics fade, and sometimes stains remain. And complaints are heard: the machine does not wash well, the powder does not wash well. Few people realize that the blame for poor-quality washing lies not with the machine, not with the powder, but with the inability of the housewives to use it all correctly!

Text: Elena MAKAROVA.


There is such a thing: the culture of washing. So, according to European standards, Russians are not a particularly cultured nation in this regard: we do not wash so often, as is customary, we spend more water and electricity, and we save on household chemicals.

!!! Dirty laundry should not be stored before washing - it is better to wash it right away. According to statistics, Russian housewives on average wash 1-2 times a week. There are only 108 washes per household per year. (For comparison - in the Netherlands - this number is - 235 washes, that is, they wash almost every day.) We accumulate laundry for washing. At this time, the dirt is well absorbed into the fibers of the fabric, is fixed in them and it becomes more difficult to wash it. If you make it a rule to wash lightly soiled things and immediately, then the dirt will not have time to eat in, and the stains will get old - for a good result, washing in a short program at 40 ° C without boiling and bleaching will be enough.

If this is not possible, then the laundry should lie in baskets with holes for good ventilation.


Any housewife knows that clothes need to be sorted before washing. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows that for different types of fabrics you need to use different powders, as polls conducted by various companies show. So special detergents for washing (especially for wool, for black, for delicate washing, etc.) are used in only 10 million homes.

!!! Use powder and liquid detergents for the types of fabrics for which they are intended! We are sure that the regular readers of “Consumer. Household Appliances ”have long been known, but for beginners we will repeat once again - powder for white fabrics should be washed white, powder for colored fabrics - colored, for delicate fabrics it is recommended to use special products. This is not a whim of manufacturers: different powders have different compositions, they are aimed at solving their problems. For example: if you wash jeans with white powder, they will become whitish. The fact is that these powders contain oxygen-containing and optical brighteners, which allow white fabrics to shine, but they are not needed for colored products. Detergents for black laundry help keep them black longer, rather than turning dark gray or dark blue. Powders for colored laundry help to preserve bright colors of clothes. Therefore, in the arsenal of a modern housewife there should be several types of washing powders and liquid products.


How much powder you put in when washing is also very important. If your washing machine itself does not know how to measure the right amount of detergent based on the weight of the laundry, then you should learn this. There is a recommendation for the amount of powder on each package. It is interesting that Russian housewives usually want to save money and put less powder. This is evidenced by the numbers: until recently, the consumption of powder per person was four kilograms per year, with a rate of six to seven kilograms. In 2007-2008 the figure was growing, we hope this year the situation will not change.

The correct dosage is important because if there is a lack of powder, the laundry is not washed and becomes gray and hard, in addition, fat particles remain on it, and limescale forms on the heating element. It is a large amount of limescale that can lead to damage to the washing machine and to costly repairs in the future!

!!! Measure out the correct amount of powder, following the recommendations on the packaging and taking into account the degree of soiling of the laundry. The fact is that in almost all powders, water softeners are added, which reduce the formation of scale. Less powder - less product - resulting in limescale. This is well known to both manufacturers of household chemicals and manufacturers of washing machines.

In the testing laboratory of the Vestel plant, we were told that when disassembling the washing machines after the wash cycle, scale was observed on the heating elements of appliances in which a smaller amount of powder was used for washing. But scale is formed not only on the heating element of the machine, but also on the fibers of cotton fabric, which leads to dullness of colors and faster wear of things. The stingy man, as you know, pays twice, so do not try to reduce the amount of powder when washing.

It is important not to overdo it with the powder! With its excess, foaming increases, as a result, the mechanical effect on the fabric during washing decreases, the efficiency of washing, rinsing and spinning decreases, more water is consumed due to an additional rinse cycle (for machines in which additional rinsing is automatically turned on). Do not forget that with an excess amount of powder, damage to the environment is caused.


As shown by research carried out by Henkel, the average temperature for washing white linen in Russia is still 90-95 ° C. It is at this temperature that 43% of the population is erased. 46% wash at 60 ° C. In Europe, washing at a temperature of 95 ° C is practically not used, since they do not accumulate laundry and wash it more often. In addition, powders with enzymes are used, for which high temperatures are categorically unsuitable!

!!! Wash at lower temperatures, modern powders wash even at 30 ° C. Only switch on boiling when washing heavily soiled white laundry. Enzymes designed to fight a number of stains die in very hot water and do not fulfill their task. And protein contaminants (for example, blood stains) at such temperatures are most often firmly fixed on fabrics and become practically not washable. By the way, it is better to wash chocolate stains at 40 ° C, not at 60 ° C.

Another important aspect for the average European is energy and water consumption. Using a wash program at 60 ° C instead of 90 ° C or 40 ° C instead of 60 ° C saves up to 50% of energy.


At first, manufacturers of washing machines increased the number of washing programs, now the emphasis is on the availability of special programs: children's clothes, sports clothes, silk. The presence of a short program has become mandatory, allowing you to "refresh" the thing, wash it after one putting on.

!!! Select programs that are suitable for the type of fabric and the degree of soiling. And such programs should not and cannot wash socks that are soiled to hardness or a sheet that has not been washed for a long time. If a woolen thing is washed with cotton powder and even in an intensive wash program, then the thing will be hopelessly damaged.


The standard load of a washing machine is five kilograms of laundry, although recently machines with a large drum volume have become increasingly popular, and new machines can wash seven or more kilograms at a time. But the manufacturers took this step not so that the hostesses saved up a huge amount of dirty clothes, but for washing large blankets, jackets - down jackets, blankets and pillows at home.

For better washing of things, the following advice is relevant: do not overload the machine! So, when washing silk, the permissible norm is 1-1.5 kg (if the standard load is 5 kg), wool - 1.5-2 kg; it is recommended to load no more than 5-7 white shirts at a time.

Do not overload the machine. For a better wash, reduce the load.

The term “big wash” is becoming obsolete, it is being replaced by “always clean”. After all, a bath once a week has long been replaced by a daily shower. “Put on, took off, washed” - such is the need of a modern person. And the latest technology in combination with household chemicals give everyone this opportunity.

In preparing the article, research materials and data from Henkel were used.

Try to solve a couple of problems from the school chemistry course:

1. Two housewives were getting ready for the wash. The first one heated the water to 60 ° and soaked the laundry in it, the second heated the water to a boil, boiled it for 5 minutes, cooled it to 60 ° and only after that started washing. Who can wash the laundry better? What simple experience can this be proved and how can it be explained? (Soap and other detergents are much more effective in soft water. Water hardness is due to the presence of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates in it, which precipitate as carbonates when boiled:

Ca (HCO 3) 2 p CaCO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2

Mg (HCO 3) 2 p MgCO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2

When water is heated only to 60 degrees, these reactions do not occur, and the water remains hard. So the laundry is better washed by the housewife who boiled water.This is easy to prove by simple experience: dip a piece of soap into heated water and water of the same temperature, but boiled. In boiled water, soap dissolves almost without sediment, and in raw water, a precipitate is formed in the form of flakes).

For those with very hard water in the region, it is recommended to use powders that contain water softeners or special products suitable for automatic machines.

2. Why stains from vegetable oil, especially hot ones, after a few days it is no longer possible to remove from clothes with the help of a solvent, and at the same time, a stain from melted lard or butter can be easily removed with the help of the same solvent, even after a rather long period of time ?

(Vegetable fats are unsaturated fats, their molecules have double bonds, and they can polymerize, like all compounds with double bonds. Due to these processes, for example, oil paints dry out with the formation of a durable coating, since all drying oils are made on the basis of vegetable oil, especially in light and at elevated temperatures, not only strong polymer molecules are formed, but also due to double bonds, the interaction of fat molecules with polymer molecules of tissue occurs.

Therefore, stains from vegetable oils should be washed immediately, while they are fresh.

There are no washing machines in 5 million houses in Russia. They still do hand washing there.

In total, 24 million washes are carried out in Russia per day!

Synthetic detergents





Features of the


with reduced foaming, in the composition of surfactants, phosphates, zeolites, citric acid.

mountain spring

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg

for washing colored items

450 g, 2.1 kg, 4 kg

with concentrating ingredients, gives extra softness

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

with enzymes that work at low temperatures

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

with reduced foaming, with anti-scale components

alpine freshness

450 g, 2.4 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg, 12 kg

White clouds

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg


2.4 kg, 6 kg

450 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg

for washing colored items

450 g, 2.4 kg

with natural chamomile and aloe extract

400 g, 3.6 kg

with reduced foaming, in the composition of enzymes

sea ​​freshness

400 g, 1.5 kg, 2.4 kg, 3.6 kg, 4.5 kg, 9 kg

e surfactants, silicates, enzymes, bleaches

freshness of meadows

400 g, 3.6 kg

(optical and photo)

French flavor

400 g, 2.4 kg

fresh color

400 g, 2.4 kg 4.5 kg

for washing colored items

400 g, 2.4 kg

with conditioning ingredients

400 g, 2.4 kg

with the addition of natural soap

concentrated with bleach

Color Aloe Vera

concentrate for colored linen

with stain remover and bleach

Gold Plus Freshness by Vernel

with the scent of vernel conditioner

450 g. 1.5 kg, 3 kg. 4.5 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

with stain remover, prevents pilling

Color Plus Fresh from Vernel

450 g, 3 kg, 4.5 kg, 6 kg

Vernel Conditioner Fragrance

450 g, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

without dyes and intense fragrance, with aloe vera extract

Lemon flower

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg.

with bleaches, prevents lime settling on fabrics.

The freshness of the snowy peaks

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3 kg

Spring Flower

400 g, 3 kg, 6 kg

Long Lasting Spring Blossom

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg.

washes, washes, refreshes

Almond Milk

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3 kg

with flower scent and almond milk


Lemon Freshness

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

for washing white, cotton, linen, synthetic fabrics

Snowy heights

450 g, 3 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

Mountain Lake

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

For washing colored items

Color Mountain lake

450 g, 3 kg, 6 kg

For washing colored items

Flower machine

350 g, 2.4 kg

Penetrates deep into tissue fibers

350 g, 2.4 kg

350 g, 2.4 kg

350 g, 2.4 kg

The magic of balm

For delicate fabrics

The magic of color

For delicate fabrics

Eared nanny

Nevskaya cosmetics

400 g, 800 g, 2400 g, 4500 g

for washing children's clothes

Neva cosmetics

Color Automatic

for washing colored items


Neva cosmetics

for washing woolen and semi-woolen fabrics


Nevskaya cosmetics

Lemon Automatic

with optical brightener

Nevskaya cosmetics

with the effect of removing saprophytes (linen mites)

With cotton extract

with bleach working at 60 gr.

Active Color

for washing colored items

Spring valley

450 g, 2.4 kg, 5 kg

With air conditioning

450 g, 2.4 kg, 5 kg

with conditioning ingredients


450 g, 2.4 kg

Flowers of love

450 g, 2.4 kg, 3 kg

Soda Effect

450 g, 2.4 kg

450 g, 2.4 kg, 3 kg

for washing colored items

Reckitt benckiser

Alpine freshness

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3.7 kg, 6 kg. 9 Kg

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3.7 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

White clouds

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3.7 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3.7 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

With conditioning ingredients

400 g, 1.8 kg, 3.7 kg, 6 kg, 9 kg

For washing colored items

Reckitt benckiser

450 g, 2.2 kg

Color machine

450 g, 2.2 kg

380 g, 2.4 kg

380 g 2.4 kg

Oxy granules

380 g, 2.4 kg

Nefis Cosmetics

Snow peak

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5, 4 kg

With whitening effect

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5, 4 kg

For washing colored items

450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

For people with sensitive skin

Nefis cosmetics

Lemon and snowdrop

Snow-white peaks

450 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

Freshness of the ocean

450 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

With bleach

450 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg

With stain remover

Nefis Cosmetics

Intentest machine

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

With a set of enzymes

Automatic Lemon

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

Automatic machine Arctic freshness

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

Machine White Flowers

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

Color vending machine

400 g, 900 g, 2.4 kg, 4.5 kg

for washing colored items

Nefis Cosmetics

Color automatic machine

400 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 2.4 kg

for washing colored items

Orange and Lemon Vending Machine

400 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 2.4 kg

for washing colored items

White Flowers Automatic

400 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg, 2.4 kg

Snow Freshness Automatic

400 g, 900 g, 1.5 kg

hypoallergenic, phosphate-free

For washing colored items

phosphate-free, for colored items

For all temperature conditions


chemical plant

Bio Active automat

Lipo system for stain removal, with enzymes

Arctic Ice automat

With double whitening system

Color mix automat

for washing colored items

Black night automat

for black and dark-colored fabrics

Soft Idea automat

For washing wool, with a mothproofing system and conditioner

For delicate fabrics

for denim with color enhancement system

Baby small automat

for baby linen based on soap with chamomile extract

granular, for all temperature conditions

With bleach and stain remover, effective at T - 40 °.

for washing colored items


With natural ingredients for washing children's clothes and for people with sensitive skin

Although washing things has become much easier in recent years, thanks to the advent of washing machines, nevertheless, new questions have arisen. One of these questions is at what temperature to wash certain things? If the temperature is chosen incorrectly, then this can lead to serious consequences. The quality of the wash will decrease and the fabric of the garment may deteriorate.

To find the right temperature, you first need to look at the label on your clothing. The instructions below indicate the optimum washing temperature. A separate temperature is used for white and colored items. Let's consider each temperature separately, and for which materials it is suitable.

If you are going to wash delicate fabrics at home, then cold water will help you with care. Water heating is no more than 30 ˚C. The fibers of the fabric do not deform under the influence of cold water, do not change color. Only the most expensive materials are washed in cold water, which require only gentle care. Items to be washed in cold water:

  1. Woolen things.
  2. Silk clothing.
  3. Lace products.

There are other materials that can only be cleaned in cold water.

Using warm water

The average water temperature is 35 ˚C. Water with this temperature is used for everyday washing of clothes and textiles. Warm water helps to clean small to medium-sized stains on clothing. However, removing contaminants involves pre-soaking.

Almost all types of fabrics can be washed in warm water.

Using hot water

The maximum water heating is 60 60C. Hot water removes the most difficult stains on clothing and other items. First, pre-treatment with detergent must be carried out, but soaking can be omitted.

Bed linen and children's clothes need intensive washing, because these products are often heavily soiled. These things include different towels, work clothes, because these products are constantly in use.

Using boiling water

Boiling water is used not only for cleaning, but also for disinfection. The use of boiling water is allowed only for certain types of fabrics:

  1. Things that are meant for newborns.
  2. Textile toys.
  3. Things that are meant for people with skin conditions.
  4. Medical stuff.

Ordinary clothes can be washed in boiling water, especially when very stubborn dirt needs to be removed. But boiling water can be used if other types of washing have not helped remove the stains. However, boiling is prohibited for cleaning delicate items, wool and knitwear.

At what temperature to wash? Before washing, you need to determine the type of fabric:

How to wash white items that are made of cotton or linen? They are resistant to heat. Therefore, the heating temperature can be made maximum, and the mode - intensive.

How to wash natural silk? Let's listen to the advice:

  1. A choice must be made in favor of the delicate treatment. Modern models of washing machines have a Silk program.
  2. Heating temperature should not exceed 30 ˚C. The spin must be completely turned off, otherwise the material will lose its shape.
  3. As soon as you remove the products from the machine, you need to wait until the water drains from them. Then just hang your things outside.

It is not recommended to buy synthetic underwear, since this material does not allow air to pass through well. Synthetics practically do not absorb moisture. But if this material is in the house, then it also needs to be looked after. Set the program "Synthetics", select a heating temperature of 40 ˚C. Don't forget the extra rinse. The number of turns during unscrewing should not exceed 600.

These tips will help you wash correctly for different types of fabric.

Modern housewives cannot imagine a day without the help of a washing machine. Now it is difficult to imagine that once, in order to wash things, you had to heat water and wash things with your hands. And if these were large things or bed linen, then the wash was delayed for the whole day. Over time, washing machines appeared, which manufacturers are still improving. Today, washing has become a simple and routine process. The most important thing is to set the appropriate program and determine the correct time for its execution. Keep in mind that the efficiency of the washing machine directly depends on these parameters. It depends on them how much water and electricity will be needed to complete the program. Remember, the longer and more intense the program, the more expense will be required.

In order for washing not to become a troublesome process, you need to prepare for it and adhere to certain rules:

  • Sort things into groups by material and color. You should not wash white clothes with colored ones, there is a chance that the white will stain. And also, do not wash cotton with silk, because these materials have completely different water heating temperatures.
  • Sort the laundry according to the degree of soiling. Heavily soiled laundry needs to be soaked prematurely.
  • If there are stubborn stains, try to remove them prematurely. After all, not every typewriter is able to cope with strong pollution. The easiest way to get rid of them is to rub them on your hands with regular laundry soap.
  • Check your pockets. Small things and parts can damage the drum or get caught in the machine mechanism.
  • Close the zippers and buttons. When unbuttoned, they can damage the drum and lose their shape during washing and spinning.
  • Carefully read the information on the labels of the clothes, and set the regimen by adhering to these recommendations.

Variety of programs in a modern washing machine

The main stages of automatic washing of linen are similar to manual ones: washing, rinsing, spinning. In advanced models, drying has also been added.

All cars, depending on the brand and model, have an individual set of programs, but their basic composition is the same. Keep in mind that the duration of the washing time is influenced not only by the mode and options, but also by the drum volume and the technical characteristics of the model.

  • Quick or daily wash. These programs have one thing - washing takes only 30 minutes. This mode is the most popular and demanded, it allows you to quickly wash things and is suitable for daily use. If you wash your clothes in a tumble dryer, this program will take about one hour, but your clothes will already be dry.
  • Economical wash. This program focuses on the economical use of water and electricity. The program runs in 90 minutes with minimum water heating.
  • Gentle or delicate wash. The program washes with the minimum water temperature and also with a low number of revolutions. The drum will slowly rotate and wiggle from side to side at all stages, but be prepared not to squeeze your clothes too hard. The duration of such a program will be approximately 90 minutes.
  • Cotton. This mode works at high temperatures (60-90 degrees), and, perhaps, this is the longest process in time, it can take 2.5 hours. Especially if you have selected “Cotton Soak” or “Cotton: Intensive Wash”.
  • Wool, silk, synthetics. It means heating water from 30 to 60 degrees, washing time is 1-1.5 hours.
  • Drying. Dries items after washing by circulating hot air in the drum. After this program, your clothes can be immediately ironed or put away in the closet. The duration will increase by 30-120 minutes, it depends on the drying mode.
  • Prewash. It is perfect for heavily soiled laundry. This means that it will first go through an additional stage of washing at a low water temperature of 40-60 degrees, and then the main program will turn on. The duration of this regime takes 1.5 hours.
  • Soak. This cycle is for heavily soiled clothing. When soaking, the washing machine leaves the laundry in water for 2 hours at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, and only after that it starts to wash it.

How additional functions affect program execution time

In addition to the main washing modes, all washing machines have a large set of additional options, each of which can change the program runtime in a larger direction. We tried to collect all the options that are present in the characteristics of automatic machines. Keep in mind that depending on the model, the device has an individual set of them:

  • Water heating temperature. In almost every washing machine, it can be set manually. Do not forget that the more you expose it, the longer the process will take. Everything is simple here: water simply needs to warm up to the desired temperature. Heating the water to 90 degrees adds about 20 minutes to the wash time.
  • Additional rinse. Turning on this function means that the laundry will be rinsed and spun again. This will take 20-30 minutes plus the main one.
  • Additional spin. Activates the repeated final spinning of the laundry. The time is 10-15 minutes.
  • Additional washing. This option can extend the wash by 20 minutes. This option is activated for heavily soiled laundry. Washing takes place in two stages: additional and main.
  • No spinning. If you enable this option, there is no final spin and the water is slowly pumped out of the rocking drum. He kind of shakes the water off his clothes. Will increase the execution time by about 10 minutes.
  • Boiling. The linen is boiled at a temperature of 90 degrees. To heat the water, the machine will need an additional time - 20-30 minutes.
  • Pollution degree sensor. Found in more expensive models. You indicate the desired level of soiling, and the sensor, depending on it, determines the water consumption, mode and time for washing. All information is shown on the display.
  • Intelligent weighing. The machine itself weighs the clothes and sets the wash time for the program you specified. The time is highlighted on the display and, as a rule, here the housewives have questions about why this particular time is determined, if the instructions indicate something else. Remember, the more laundry you load, the longer the wash will take.
  • Speed ​​of revolutions per minute. Usually, this adjustment is present in all devices. And she sets the speed of rotation of the drum during spinning. Depending on the material, the number of revolutions should be different: silk - 400, synthetics - 600, wool - 800, cotton - 1000-1200 revolutions per minute. The number of revolutions directly affects the duration: the more revolutions, the longer it will take to spin.
  • Water control. The machine will automatically calculate how much water is needed to complete the program, depending on the amount and weight of the laundry. The less water, the less time it takes to heat it.

So, we figured out how long this or that program takes. It turns out that both the material of the clothes and the additional options affect the duration of the wash. The longest programs are Cottons and Intensives. It can take over two hours. The longer the washing program, the more water and energy consumption. Therefore, try to adhere to the recommendations and rules when choosing a program. Each model has its own specifications, so the program time may vary depending on them.

Sooner or later, every housewife thinks about the correct washing of bed linen. The cleanliness and softness of sheets and pillows are the key to healthy sleep and well-being in the morning. But the white sheets turn gray and yellow, the fabric is covered with pellets, strongly electrified. All these problems can be avoided by choosing the correct washing cycle and a gentle detergent.

What mode to wash

The washing mode directly depends on the type of fabric from which the bedding set is sewn. Most often it is cotton (, satin, less often -), linen, bamboo, poplin and silk. For delicate fabrics, special modes with a gentle spin are provided, these include silk, silk and semi-silk satin, bamboo.

On a note
The mode according to the type of material is often tied to a certain temperature and the length of time that the laundry is in the machine.

At what temperature to wash

At what temperature to wash the laundry, sorting by type of textiles and degree of soiling:

  1. 90 degrees - for disinfection and cleaning of heavily soiled laundry. Only 100% cotton, predominantly white, is subjected to this test.
  2. 40-60 degrees - for regular washing of cotton and linen products, including coarse calico. It is important to read the manufacturer's recommendations: not all dyes can withstand temperatures of 50 degrees and above.
  3. 40 degrees - normal satin wash. Mode - "color" or "synthetic", depending on the quality of the material.
  4. 30-40 degrees in the same modes - most colored fabrics. With heavy pollution, a temperature of 40 degrees is allowed, if the fabrics are well-colored - 60.
  5. Without heating and up to 30 degrees on a delicate setting - bamboo and silk.
  6. But for sparing modes are not suitable, since the villi will not have time to cleanse. Also, unlike smooth fabrics, you should not fill the drum tightly with terry products. To wash the pile, it must be rinsed well with water. Therefore, the "Cotton" mode is selected. Temperature - 40-50 degrees.

Choosing a detergent

Despite the high cost, compared to granular powder, liquid detergent is preferable for washing both bedding and other things. It rinses out better, keeps fabrics soft, does not leave streaks, does not cause an allergic reaction, and at the same time takes care of the condition of the washing machine.

The use of the air conditioner should not be frequent. These products make the laundry soft and fragrant, but their regular use clogs the fibers.

If bleach is used, it is added in minimal amounts. Aggressive substances in the composition of the product destroy tissue fibers. Abuse of bleaching products leads to rapid deterioration of textiles.

Washing baby clothes

How and how to wash baby clothes:

  1. The product must be hypoallergenic. On sale there are special gels marked "for baby underwear."
  2. Overly odorous powders are not recommended.
  3. Children's clothes are washed separately from the rest.
  4. Soda-based powders are not recommended because it does not rinse well.

Advice! Expensive means will completely replace a solution or shavings of laundry soap. Pour it into the main compartment or into the cap, which you place with the laundry in the drum.

Washing bed linen will no longer cause difficulties if you heed these recommendations:

  1. Don't ignore the labels on the labels. Manufacturers recommend such conditions of care that will allow you to enjoy the good condition and appearance of the kit for a long time.
  2. If there are buttons and locks on the linen, they must be fastened before immersion in the machine.
  3. Duvet covers and pillowcases are turned inside out.
  4. The basic rule: white is erased with white, color - with color.
  5. Bleach is not used on colored fabrics. For this, there are stain removers with a corresponding mark.
  6. If the laundry is heavily soiled, it is pre-soaked in the basin. This shortens the washing time, saves energy, and the product retains the state of a new thing longer.
  7. Don't overload the drum. An incomplete load of the washer will rinse your garments more thoroughly. The approximate weight of one set is 2 kg.
  8. The safety of the laundry depends not only on the method of washing in the washing machine, but also on drying, ironing and storage. Many types of fabrics are dried and stored in the dark. The cotton should be slightly damp before ironing.
  9. The kit is replaced once a week. So the laundry will not have time to get too dirty, and it will not need a long wash at high temperatures. Pillowcases can be changed more often as they get dirty faster. Duvet covers - a little less often, once a week and a half, because they stay clean longer than sheets.
  10. The laundry is loaded into the wash immediately after removal. It will be much more difficult to restore its freshness if it is left in the dirty basket for a long time.

Washing your bedding properly is not difficult at all. The first step is to purchase a quality kit with detailed instructions on the label. Modern washing machines and detergents provide the most gentle and effective washing for any materials, including baby clothes.

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Wash at 30 OR 60 degrees?

Recent "green" campaigns have convinced people to wash clothes at 30 degrees instead of 40 degrees to save both energy and money. But what about health and hygiene issues for both you and your washing machine? If you suffer from allergies or asthma, or are infected with pinworms, it is recommended to wash bedding, towels, handkerchiefs and underwear at 60 degrees to kill bacteria, dust mites and their eggs. Dust mites love humid, warm conditions, but sunlight kills them, so after washing, hang your clothes outside to dry. A study of hospital pillows by the British National Health System found that a third of their weight consisted of dust mites and their excrement, bacteria, dead skin and saliva from patients. While the study did not find that sharing pillows contributed to the spread of infections, it found that synthetic pillows, contrary to popular belief, are not healthier than down pillows. Perhaps because the fabric used in the latter is woven denser to prevent feathers from coming out and provides a more effective barrier. Wash and replace pillows (not just pillowcases) often. Although you probably don't want to go as far as the Ritz-Carlton in New York, which, according to The Times, uses large goose down pillows to replace them once a month.

Occasional washing at 70 degrees helps to keep the washing machine clean and free of deposits. Continuous washing at low temperatures encourages the growth of mold and bacteria in the rubber door gasket. From time to time it should be wiped down with a mild detergent or white vinegar solution. The door should always be left open to reduce the buildup of mold. A low temperature is good for everyday washing, but to protect your health and the interior of the machine, you need to wash it in hot water from time to time.

ANSWER:? 60 degrees (from time to time)