How to make eyeliner with a pencil. Video about the method of drawing arrows. How to make eyeliner for different eye shapes

If you do not consider yourself a master in using eyeliner, then the best option for you would be an eyeliner pen or an eyeliner with a pointed brush. There is also an eyeliner with a soft brush. When using it, depending on the force of pressure, lines of different thicknesses are obtained.

After you decide on the type of eyeliner, you can start choosing a color. Cosmetologists recommend that first of all pay attention to the color of your hair and, in accordance with it, choose the color of the eyeliner. Also consider your color type and skin tone.

How to apply eyeliner correctly

Of course, many people want to draw a clear, straight line with one stroke of the "brush". However, this requires a wealth of experience. Therefore, for a start, you can simply draw with strokes - there is nothing wrong with that, the main thing is that in the end you get a straight line.

To make the eyeliner lie flat, you need to prepare your eyes for applying makeup - moisturize with cream and, if necessary, degrease the skin. Make sure that the posture is comfortable and the hand does not hang - this is the only way to ensure the perfect application of the eyeliner. Also, do not draw arrows if you do not have enough free time.

To keep the eyeliner line sharp and contrasting, you need to apply it after you have applied the shadows. Don't use eyeliner on your lower eyelid. If you want to emphasize the lower eyelid, then it is better to use a pencil or shadow.

When applying liquid eyeliner, make sure there is no excess liquid on the brush. Firstly, it will be inconvenient for you to draw the line, and secondly, the line will turn out to be ugly and the eyeliner may spread. When using liquid eyeliner, do not stretch the skin of the eyes - you can get an accordion.

Dry eyeliner (cake liner) is very often used by professionals. With it, you can create almost any effect. The principle of "work" of dry eyeliner is very simple - moisten the brush and roll it in the required amount of dry eyeliner. The shape of the brush can be any, the main thing is that it is convenient for you to use it.

Cosmetics can work wonders! The looks created by makeup artists are often true works of art. But if you know how to properly paint your eyes with a pencil, then you can easily make yourself a good make-up at home. Let's find out about the main rules.

How to learn to paint your eyes beautifully with a pencil

When using a pencil, try to keep them wide open and do not strain your eyelids. To do this, lower the mirror on the table and look down into it. If you find it difficult to draw a line of the same thickness, start drawing it from the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the bridge of the nose. And at the second stage - extend it to the outer edge of the eye. Feel free to rest your cheek on the palm of your hand and use the pinky finger of the same hand to pull the skin over your eyelids.

Black pencil - step-by-step photo instruction

Not every girl can beautifully draw the eye contour with a black pencil. But there is no need to despair if you are one of them. The following photo instruction will help you quickly learn this simple art:

  • First you need to apply a base on the eyelid. Depending on the style of makeup, neutral or, conversely, bright shadows are suitable.
  • Before drawing the eye contour with a pencil, you should slightly pull back the skin of the upper eyelid. This will smooth out any unevenness and small wrinkles that might interfere with your drawing.

  • To make the arrow straight, make-up artists advise you to first put several points at equal intervals.

  • With smooth movements, combine all the points into one line. You need to start drawing it from the inner corner of the eye.

  • Having reached the outer corner of the eye, bring the arrow a little further. Visually, it should resemble a small tail tapered towards the end. Try to draw thinly - you can make the arrow wider at any time, but narrowing it down is very problematic.

  • When applying the pencil to the lower lash line, you also need to slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers.

  • Paint over the lower eyelid, make a thin line and bring it up slightly. Feather the arrow on the lower eyelid for a softer look.

  • Apply the pencil a short distance from the inner corner of the eye, where the lacrimal glands are located. A few drops of liquid and the pencil will flow or smudge.

  • For an expressive make-up, professionals advise applying a line of small thickness to the inner eyelid from above and below.

  • Touch up your finished makeup. Small flaws can be corrected with a cotton swab.

With a white pencil at the bottom

A white pencil will help to visually enlarge the eye. On the inside of the lower eyelid, you need to carefully draw one thick line with them, and then shade it a little. Choosing a white pencil - look at the texture: it should be soft. To make your eye makeup last longer, choose waterproof pencils that can be washed off only with some cosmetic products.

Pencil kayal

Kayal is used specifically for eyeliner along the inner eyelid line. It holds well and does not flow. And the presence of antiseptic substances helps not to injure the sensitive mucous membrane during the eyeliner process. Kajal has a creamy texture and is very different from regular pencils.

  • A beige kajal allows you to visually make the eyes larger and the look fresher.
  • Black kayal is perfect for creating a smoky-eyes effect. It makes the look expressive, however, the eye from the side will look narrower.
  • Kayals in bright colors accentuate the make-up, but they need to be carefully selected for a specific tone. For example, turquoise kayal looks great against brown shadows.

How to paint your eyes to make them appear larger

It is known that women with big eyes are more attractive to men. But what if nature has not rewarded you with an enviable shape? Let's find out how to make the eyes bigger and "open up" them visually using a pencil:

  • The main secret is in the eyeliner. It should be done along the edge of the upper eyelid along the lash line. The closer to the outer edge, the thicker.
  • The eyeliner inside the eyelid with a blue, white or other light shade will visually make the eye cut larger. Dark eyeliner, on the contrary, will narrow it down.

Making graceful arrows

Video: How to enlarge eyes with a pencil

To draw arrows beautifully, you don't need to have any special skills. Practice and after a few days your make-up will look much better and your eyes will attract more attention. Finally, we suggest watching a video that clearly demonstrates the way to visually enlarge the eye using a white pencil.

Drawing beautiful arrows on the eyes is not an easy task. Initially, they come out crooked and sloppy. If one turned out to be successful, it is not yet a fact that the second will be the same. When the perfect lines start to appear, it turns out that the chosen type of arrows does not look at all. To avoid such surprises and learn how to quickly and efficiently draw arrows, you can use several secrets of beautifully drawn eyes.

Correctly chosen eyeliner

Cosmetic store windows are filled with an arsenal of different products. Each product has a number of advantages, but not all are suitable for beginners. Before you paint your eyes with eyeliner, you should understand the options and alternatives. The following tools for drawing arrows are available in stores today.

Eyeshadow or dry eyeliner

Best for beginners... You can always shade them without ruining your makeup. They are applied with a beveled brush in small strokes.


Suitable for practice for beginners... The pencil can be retouched and corrected. But the pencil has several drawbacks that make it impossible to use it all the time. It is often imprinted on the eyelid. Plus, it's not as long-lasting as a liner or eyeliner. Having understood how to draw arrows with a pencil, you can safely move on to an eyeliner-felt-tip pen or liner.

Eyeliner pen

It is easy to use and allows you to make quick and symmetrical eye makeup. But it will be difficult for beginners to work with this tool due to too large lines.

Liquid eyeliner, or liner

Suitable for those who already have a full hand... It is the arrows drawn with liquid eyeliner that look stylish, neat and last for a long time before our eyes. But beginners have many chances to draw a curved line with the liner. If the arrow fails, you will have to wash it off and paint it all over again. Therefore, before using the eyeliner, you need to practice well with a pencil or eyeshadow.

Stages of drawing arrows

Having decided for yourself how to make up your eyes with eyeliner, you can proceed to the actual eye makeup.

There are several rules for how to properly paint your eyes with eyeliner. They will help you learn how to quickly make beautiful and symmetrical lines that will not float away during the day.

Preparatory stage

The eyelid should be prepared. For this, the base shadows for the arrows are perfect. It is best to opt for beige eyeshadows - they will look great with any eyeliner or pencil. Moreover, with their help, make-up becomes more resistant, even in hot weather. Before you paint your eyes with eyeliner, you need to complete all the other stages of makeup, for example, even out the tone of your face and dye your eyebrows. But curling and dyeing your eyelashes is a must after the eyes have been drawn.

Draw the outline

Draw a good arrow right off the bat is a very difficult task. therefore it is better to first draw the outline of the arrow, and only then paint over it... This step will help insure against major shortcomings that cannot be corrected in any way. The outline is best done with small, sharp strokes. At the stage when we are learning how to draw arrows, the beveled brush will be indispensable. With its help, the line is smoother.

Arrow construction rules

There are a lot of types of arrows. Many people have to choose a unique shape for themselves. However, the tail of the arrow must always point up.... Otherwise, instead of a seductive "cat" look, you risk getting sad, dreary eyes.

Fixing the makeup

If a pencil was chosen as the tool, it is best to secure it with shadows or a liner. Then he will last longer, will not float or slide.

We remove the flaws

Nobody is immune from small mistakes. If the arrow comes out a little sloppy, you can touch up it with concealer. But you cannot overdo it with it, otherwise all the makeup will look dirty.

Arrow and eye shape

Before applying eyeliner, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the eyes, their shape, color, fit and cut. Shooters can hide some facial imperfections if you choose them wisely.

Small eyes a line that starts from the middle of the eye, expands and lengthens beyond the outer corner will do. It will visually enlarge the eyes and make the look brighter and more expressive.

Close-set eyes should be painted along the entire length of the eyelid, smoothly extending the line towards the outer corner.

When wide-set eyes the emphasis should be on the inner corner. It needs to be carefully drawn, but not overdone.

Overly round eyes will be decorated with a uniform long line extending beyond the eye. Thus, they will appear more elongated.

Narrow eyes a long line along the entire lash line will decorate, but it should become thicker in the area of ​​the pupil. Thanks to this nuance, the eye will look wider and more open.

The hardest part is to draw arrows on overhanging eyes... If the overhang is very pronounced, it is better to refuse them altogether. But sometimes the arrow can be a good piece of makeup. It is important to remember that such an arrow must be drawn on an open eye.

Having understood the system of how to properly line the eyes with eyeliner and what shape of the arrow suits your particular eyes, you can easily create a successful and beautiful makeup.

Video - How to make eyeliner

Beautiful eye makeup should emphasize the girl's natural beauty, make her eyes more expressive and charming, and hide imperfections. A neat eyeliner line can help create the perfect look.

How to choose liquid eyeliner

To learn how to use eyeliner, it is important not only to do your makeup correctly, but also to know the basic secrets of choosing this tool.

Eyeliners are available in liquid and gel form.

To choose a good cosmetic product, you need to pay special attention to its consistency - the eyeliner should not be too thick, but it is also undesirable for it to spread when applied

The brush should be fine enough to have a soft tip. Color matched to eye shade and makeup style, with black eyeliner as standard.

To make your makeup last longer and not smudge in bad weather, it is better to purchase a waterproof eyeliner. When buying, be sure to check the expiration date of the product.

How to use eyeliner correctly

It is quite difficult to learn how to draw a beautiful line with liquid eyeliner the first time, so it is better to conduct the first experiments on applying makeup not before an important event, but long before it. Before using the eyeliner directly in front of your eyes, you can practice on a sheet of plain paper.

To make the line beautiful and even, apply eyeliner in short strokes from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. It is convenient to cover the eyelid and stretch the skin a little to draw a line as close to the lash growth area as possible. To neatly highlight the inner corner of the eye, look straight ahead.

To visually enlarge the eye, the line must be made slightly curved.

If you notice slight irregularities after applying the liquid eyeliner, you can touch up the drawing with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover.

The eyeliner must be given time to dry so that it does not smear, and therefore the painted eyelid should be kept closed for a few seconds. To set the line, you can apply a little loose translucent powder or eyeshadow on top.

When using eyeliner, a line of the same thickness is usually made, however, depending on the shape of the eye, it can be thickened in certain places, added at the end of the arrow.

The lower eyelid is also painted with eyeliner. It is better if its tone is slightly lighter; in the absence of several shades of the product, the line can be made thinner and shaded with shadows. The lower eyelid is usually brought from the outer corner to the middle, this is where the line ends.

Despite the fact that most girls already use only liquid eyeliner, makeup artists recommend that we not forget about makeup pencils. We offer you to consider and learn how to draw your eyes with a pencil, with step-by-step photos and videos.

How to choose the right pencil

In order to know how to correctly draw your eyes with a pencil, you need to study selection principles of these cosmetics. Wide pencils are used for shading and creating a shadow effect. While thin ones are used to add drama to the look or create a natural make-up, they are used in the same way as eyeliner.

In addition, pencils can be distributed and by such criteria:

  • waterproof;
  • mechanical;
  • fatty.

Naturally, waterproof markers are used to keep makeup from smudging. Mechanical are the most practical because do not need regular sharpening, but at the same time they end the fastest. Bold pencils work great for blending makeup or enlarging your eyes.

Video: a master class on how to correctly draw your eyes with a pencil

Pencil makeup secrets

Photo - Drawing a pencil

The pencil makeup technique is quite difficult to perform, but for beginners it will be easier than eyeliner with liquid makeup. Depending on the purpose, we will show you how to draw your eyes with a black pencil step by step.

Like any makeup, it includes stages:

  • cleansing;
  • basic coverage;
  • directly, make-up.

First you need to degrease the surface of the eyes and apply a little powder on them. Now carefully draw a line from the corner of the eye. I must say that to enlarge the eyes, it is necessary to use the hatching technique, but to perform it, you need to work very well and practice in advance.

Now we bring the lower eyelid, connecting the lines at the outer corner of the eye. If necessary, we can bring the arrows or just stretch them a little towards the temple.

Photo - Eye makeup with different pencils

How to paint your eyes to make them appear larger?

Photo - Applying a pencil to the eyes

In order to enlarge green or blue eyes, we advise you to use not black, but brown pencil. It will work great with warm color types and will help create a more natural look than black.

Also, this color scheme is perfect for teenage girls. Light colors will not vulgarize the image, and will give the look a mystery and depth of look.

We paint big eyes

There is also a special technique for drawing large eyes with a pencil. For example, Christina Richie's makeup is shown very beautifully. The actress often uses pencil technique, and paints her eyelids with a thin line above and below (under the eyelashes). Quite often, it can also be seen with a make-up of only the upper eyelid, or only the lower one. Depending on this, a certain effect is created - the eyes are shaded (if painted from above) or slightly visually reduced (if painted only from below, and on the upper eyelashes, using volume-increasing mascara. We recommend watching our prepared video tutorial on makeup for big eyes (see above).

Photo - Different techniques for applying a pencil on the eyes

Jolie's eyeliner pencil always looks perfect. Angie is the proud owner of almond-shaped or cat-like eyes, which you don't need to emphasize at all. She simply paints over the area near the cilia on both eyelids and applies lengthening mascara. If necessary, the pencil in the outer corner of the eye is shaded.

If you need to quickly become more beautiful, then just lightly overstep the area of ​​the cilia near the upper eyelid with a pencil and gently smear the resulting line with your fingers. If you wish, you can lightly powder this area with shadows and apply light powder to the middle of the moving eyelid.

Please note that this is the only type of eye cut that can be painted using absolutely any technique and at the same time it will always look bright and beautiful. If you have your own additions on how to draw your eyes with a pencil - write your review.