How to extend hair at home. Self-hair extension - options and care after. How to build up - a step-by-step process

Do you have thin, sparse and brittle hair that lacks volume? Do you want silky, thick and long curls, but cannot achieve the desired result in any way? You do not have to put up with the current state of your hair, in almost every hairdresser you can have artificial hair extensions. You will find information on the varieties of this procedure, their features, technique of execution and general contraindications in our article.

Hair extension methods and technologies

Extension of artificial curls has several methods and technologies. We will talk about them below.

Experts are used to highlighting 2 ways to build up donor strands: hot and cold.

  1. The hot extension technique involves the use of a melted adhesive composition, with the help of which the artificial curl is connected to the native hair. Thanks to the latest developments, the attachments of donor strands are able to melt at low temperatures or under the influence of ultrasound, which cannot harm natural curls. At the same time, the mounts do not require additional protection, so you can not worry about their integrity while visiting the sauna, sea, pool or bath.
  2. The cold extension technique is considered safer for hair and epidermis. When using it, natural strands are not subject to thermal action, artificial elements are attached to the skin / hair using braids, glue, clips, etc.

Artificial hair extension technologies are regularly improved. It is possible that in a few years, improved techniques will allow women to independently use the most complex and long-term extension techniques without leaving their own apartment.

There are many more technologies for increasing donor elements. You will learn about them below.

This type of procedure refers to the cold method. For its implementation, adhesive tape with artificial strands is used, which is attached to the roots of native curls, and stays on them until the adhesion site is treated with a special solution (i.e., during the correction or removal of the enlarged elements). The adhesive used for tape build-up does not leave marks, is harmless to the dermis and strands and allows you to perform the procedure as quickly as possible. The result of the build-up can last from 2 months to a year, but only with timely corrections and careful care of the hair. This type of extension allows you to freely visit the pool, solarium, sauna, steam bath, swim in salt sea water, etc. The tape technique is suitable for improving the appearance of thin, bulky hairs. This procedure will take approximately 90 minutes.

On a note: after the tape extension, you need to carefully approach the choice of hairstyle, because areas with attached donor curls can catch the eye and give out your little "secret". When visiting the gym and while sleeping, it is recommended to braid your curls in a braid to prevent them from tangling.

Another name is tress build-up. The named procedure is also cold build-up. In addition, the tress method is recognized as the safest for hair, because during its implementation, neither the skin nor the hair is treated with adhesives and is not subject to thermal action. To carry out the afron extension, the master braids horizontal braids from your hair, to which donor curls are attached using a special hook (hairdressers call them tress). For each part of the head, different wefts are used: they are narrow at the temples, and wide at the back of the head.

Tress extension will take you about 3 hours, while the duration of wearing artificial elements depends on the growth rate of native curls. On average, you will need to correct once or twice a month.

On a note: after tress extension, you cannot collect curls in a high tail, because braided pigtails will be highly visible to people around.

This type of procedure is one of the easiest to carry out and affordable. Clip technology is a cold way of building up, which any girl can do. With its help, a woman can lengthen her hair anywhere and anytime, make her hairstyle voluminous, add colored curls, creating the effect of colored or highlighted hair. The essence of clip-on extensions is simple to disgrace: a strip of artificial strand at the end has clips - special clips that are attached to the roots of natural hair. After a few workouts, you can quickly put on your hair extensions and style them into your desired hairstyle. Clip-on extensions cannot be attributed to long-term techniques: if you go to bed with donor strands, then in the morning your hairstyle will resemble a "haystack" of tangled curls and artificial elements that have moved in different directions.

On a note: after clip-on extensions, you cannot create tall, tight hairstyles and weaves: the clips will not withstand such a load and will look sloppy out of your own hair.

This technique is the youngest of all. This method of extension is carried out in a cold way using metal-ceramic beads, the color of which is selected for each woman individually. The technique for carrying out this procedure is as follows: a bead is attached to your own lock together with a donor lock at a distance of 5 mm from the roots. Extension with beads helps to acquire long strands even with very short native hair. Also, in this way, you can increase the bangs. Despite the amazing result, this technology has one serious drawback - the mechanical effect on the strands. The friction of the beads against the curls leads to injury to the hair, making it brittle, weak and damaged.

Hair extensions with beads can be worn from 2.5 to 6 months. The first correction is best done a month after the first extension.

On a note: when choosing this technology, be careful when combing your hair: the comb should not touch the metal beads.

This technique is also a cold extension method in which the donor strands are glued to the scalp. When it is carried out, the master conditionally divides the head into several sections, removes the hair into partings and glues strips of finished strands to the epidermis. Bonding allows you to quickly grow hair, however, the glue with which artificial elements are attached can negatively affect the condition of the dermis and native hair. On average, the described type of extension will delight you for about a month, at the slightest signs of unsticking of artificial elements, you will need to visit your hairdresser and carry out an early correction.

On a note: after bonding, it is necessary to approach the choice of hairstyles more carefully, because many of them can cause the donor strands to peel off and spoil the appearance of the updated hair. Also, be careful when brushing and washing your hair.

The second name is South Korean. Another kind of cold strand extension method. It can be classified as non-standard techniques. To implement the South Korean type of extension, the master puts a small ring on his own strand (half a centimeter from the roots of his own hair), into which an artificial curl is threaded. To secure the ring, the hairdresser clamps it with tongs. This method is only suitable for those women who are used to sleeping in curlers. The rings attached to your hair will be quite noticeable, especially when you sleep. The extension procedure itself lasts about 2 hours, the first correction can be carried out after 3-5 months.

On a note: Comb the strands carefully: if you do the wrong thing, you can rip off the rings and worsen the appearance of the hairstyle.

This type of procedure has a lot of options. The essence of the capsule method consists in gluing an artificial strand and native hairs using a small capsule, which is heated and attached to the roots of the curls with special glue or keratin. The substance melts under the action of high temperatures and connects both strands. This technique can be carried out both hot and cold (depending on the type of this procedure). Due to the wide variety in the choice of building up by the capsule method, each lady will be able to choose exactly the way that suits her in all respects.

This technique can be attributed to hot methods, but in this case, the hair is not exposed to the thermal effects we are accustomed to. This type of extension involves gluing the native strand with the donor element using a capsule that is heated with an ultrasonic gun. One such manipulation takes no more than 2 seconds. The disadvantages of this method include the composition of the capsule, which contains substances harmful to the hair (including keratin). This type of extension will take about 3 hours, the first correction will be needed in 2 months.

On a note: Ultrasonic extension allows you to experiment with any hairstyle and styling.

Italian technology

Another hot extension technique. To connect the donor element and native curls, special forceps are used, while the junction can be both convex and flat. Before use, the capsule is treated with a resinous composition, which makes it possible to increase the duration of wearing the extended elements. Hair extension according to the Italians' technique will take from 2 to 4 hours, the first correction is carried out after 2 months.

On a note: Like ultrasonic extensions, the Italian technique allows you to create different hairstyles. But when implementing it, you will have to forget about the sea, sauna, pool and steam bath.

This technique of performing the procedure is similar to that of the Italians, however, instead of forceps, a thermo gun and glue are used here. Therefore, the term of wearing, the implementation of correction and other features are absolutely identical to the previous extension technology.

It is carried out in a cold way. Donor elements are attached to natural strands using fixer and glue. After drying, the glue turns white, so this extension can only be carried out by fair-haired beauties. Extension in the described way will take from 3 to 5 hours, after 4 months the first correction will be required.

On a note: the features of building up donor elements by the Spanish method are the same as those of the ultrasound and Italian: a ban on visiting the pool, sauna, bath and swimming in the sea, as well as the absence of restrictions in creating any hairstyle.

French technology

It acts as an analogue of the Spanish technology with the only difference: the master adds a coloring agent to the glue, which is selected individually for the color of his client's hair. All the features of the French method of strand extension are similar to the previous technology.

You can also hear about the Brazilian extension technology: this method involves straightening curls with keratin, which makes curly strands straight, and as a result, longer.


All of the listed types of strand extension have a list of general contraindications, which we have given below:

  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Alopecia or partial loss of curls;
  • Hormonal disruptions;
  • Recovery periods after suffering a nervous breakdown, depression or stress;
  • The first 2-4 months after childbirth.

The choice of extension technologies is quite large, before starting the procedure, find out from the hairdresser all the information you are interested in, inquire about the durability of the future hairstyle, the nuances of the correction, the dangers of the hair fixative, etc. article: "Extension hair care".

Karina Ulnitskaya

Makeup stylist

Articles written

Long, thick curls flowing over the shoulders are the dream of almost every girl and the guarantee of her attractiveness. And what about those who have short and sparse hair, and also grow slowly? For such women, hairdressing professionals have come up with a special procedure - hair extensions. Now this service is offered in almost all salons. Is it possible to extend hair yourself at home? It turns out that this is quite real. But for this, of course, you need to get acquainted with the technology itself and the types of building.

All hair extension techniques are divided into two main areas: hot and cold. The second type is considered softer, since the procedure is performed without exposure to high temperatures on the hair.

Hot way

This extension method involves attaching thin, false strands to your hair using capsules. These capsules are made of keratin, under the action of high temperature they melt and attach to natural hair, a few millimeters from the roots. Extension is carried out using special forceps.

The whole process is quite lengthy, it takes several hours, but the result is wonderful - false curls are practically indistinguishable from natural ones. However, the hot temperature harms the native hair.

When correcting, the keratin capsules are simply moved closer to the roots of the hair, and to remove the enlarged strands, it is necessary, using the same forceps and a special composition, to remove the capsules.

Cold way

Cold build-up injures the hair less. With this method, metal rings are most often used to attach false hair, through which natural curls are also threaded, and then they are fixed in a special way. The process is also quite lengthy - it takes about 3 hours on average. Subsequently, in order to remove the hair extensions, the rings are removed using metal tongs. It is undesirable to extend hair with this method with a short hairstyle.

Tape extension

This type of hair extension can be considered one of the subtypes of the cold method. This method is very simple and does not require special skills and special skills. Tape extension is made by attaching artificial strands to relatives using adhesive tape.

The whole process takes much less time than in the two previous versions, and the binder does no harm to the hair. Correction must be carried out once a month - one and a half. The "downside" is that when creating a high hairstyle, ribbons will be visible, in addition, natural strands suffer from the severity of the overhead.

Which way to choose for building at home?

What is the best way to extend hair at home? You can perform the procedure yourself using hot (Italian) and tape methods, all other options should be trusted only by professional craftsmen.

Let's start with the easiest way to build up - tape.

Tape building at home

In order to extend hair by this method at home, you need to purchase only special strands on an adhesive tape, it is advisable to go to a specialized hairdressing store for them. They look like strips several centimeters wide, with an adhesive base running along their upper edge.

Now let's get down to the process itself:

  1. using a circular parting, separate the upper and middle strands, lift them up and fix them with clamps;
  2. glue artificial hair along the parting line and closer to the roots;
  3. we make another circular parting, but now a little higher than the first, we attach more strands;
  4. we repeat this procedure several times;
  5. we release the uppermost strands from the clamps and smooth them out;
  6. at the very end of the process, we give the hair the same length with a razor.

As a result, the hairstyle after hair extension looks quite natural. It can be laid in various ways, even using a hair dryer, since the adhesive base is not afraid of hot air. The only exception is high hairstyles, which will expose the attachment points of the strands.

To remove hair after tape extensions, use a special liquid that is sold in stores for hairdressers.

Italian extension

This hair extension technology is a little more complicated than in the first version. To implement it at home, we need:

  • set of false hair;
  • hair divider;
  • keratin capsules;
  • special pliers for attaching capsules.

Having prepared everything you need, we proceed to the building itself:

  1. we make an even parting along the entire circumference of the head, removing the middle and upper strands up;
  2. we separate a thin strand in the back of the head (no more than 8 mm wide) and attach an overhead strand to it near the very base, securing the capsule;
  3. we carry out at the junction with hot tongs, this is necessary so that the keratin capsule melts, tightly envelops the native hair, the connection becomes strong;
  4. we do the same with the rest of the hair, until all the artificial strands are distributed throughout the parting;
  5. at the end of the process, it is necessary to align the length of the entire head of hair, we do this with a razor.

When working with hot tongs, extreme care should be taken so as not to cause irreparable damage to the hair and not to burn it, and it will be very difficult to restore it in the future.

Having learned how to extend hair at home, and with a little patience and skill, you can easily cope with this task yourself, without resorting to the services of a master. However, along the way, you can meet a lot of difficulties and make a number of mistakes.

Hair extensions at home: what to watch out for

It is quite difficult to work with artificial hair at home and attach it to relatives, especially for the first time. As a result, it may turn out that the difference between overhead and natural strands will be clearly noticeable, the joints will be uneven.

In addition, there are several contraindications when the hair extension procedure cannot be performed at all. These include:

  • the period of taking antibiotics and chemotherapy;
  • a weakened condition of the hair and their strong loss (under the weight of artificial strands, the process of thinning the hair may increase even more);
  • the presence of allergic reactions to the drugs used and skin diseases;
  • developed seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

Follow-up care for extended curls

After building up, both overhead and natural strands require special attention and care. In this regard, several rules must be observed when caring for hair.

  1. Do not wash your hair for 3-4 days after the extension.
  2. Do not wash your hair with hot water.
  3. Before washing your hair, you need to comb it well.
  4. When washing, it is not necessary to rub shampoo into the skin and hair, it is better to first dilute it with water and apply it to the hair.
  5. Choose a shampoo that is mild and non-concentrated.
  6. After washing, it would be good to apply conditioner to the hair, which facilitates the combing process and gives a well-groomed look.
  7. It is forbidden to go to bed with wet hair.
  8. To dry wet hair, wrap a towel around your head and blot the strands with it, in no case pull them.
  9. At night, it is better to collect the hair in a loose tail or braid it into a braid.
  10. You need to comb the strands starting from the ends, and then gradually move to the middle and roots, especially tangled hair should first be carefully disassembled with your fingers.
  11. You cannot use mousses, sprays, lotions and other cosmetics containing alcohol to treat hair.
  12. If you need to dye your hair or carry out toning, it is better to perform these procedures before building.

With careful care of your extended hair, you will enjoy a luxurious and lush hairstyle for a long time, and false curls will last you long enough.

Hair extension at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Subject to all the rules and recommendations, using high-quality professional materials, the result will be no worse than after the hands of the master.

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Hair Extension Methods

1. Hot hair extension
2. Cold hair extension

One of these methods includes all the technologies listed below.

Hair Extension Technologies

There are many extension technologies. Most often, salons use Italian, Japanese, English, German and Spanish techniques. To understand how hair extension is done, we will consider in detail each extension technique, pros and cons, features and cost.

Italian SO.CAP methodology. or capsule hair extensions

Capsule hair extension: photo

This technology of hair extension with keratin capsules belongs to the hot methods and is recognized as the safest, most practical and reliable. Its essence lies in the fact that "foreign" strands are already coated with keratin resin at the factory. From the hairdresser, you only need to attach the extensions to your own hair and heat the bonding point to the required temperature of 150-180 degrees with the help of heat tongs. Thus, a transparent keratin capsule is formed. It is almost impossible to notice her with the naked eye, because she has an amazing ability to adapt to hair color. Italian hot hair extension is one of the most used technologies.

It is important to note that this capsule is strong enough to withstand various loads. Such as swimming in the sea, bathing procedures, perm, hair dyeing and others. The lifespan of such a safe hair extension is three to six months. Artificial strands are removed using a special gel that soaks the capsule. Reviews of capsule hair extensions are generally positive.

The advantages of the Italian method are clear, but it has few disadvantages:

Duration of the procedure (up to four hours)

Possibility of inconvenience during sleep

When correcting, a tool similar to acetone is used. This is bad for the subsequent condition of the strands. In addition, the adjustment is often quite painful as well.

If the capsule is in the form of a plate, it can cause inconvenience during regrowth

Italian hair extensions cost an average of 7 to 20 thousand rubles, depending on the length and type of hair. On average, from 100 to 150 strands go to the entire head.

Hair extensions on capsules

European and Asian hair:

45 cm - 50-70 rubles per strand
50 cm - 60-90 rubles per strand
60 cm - 80-110 rubles per strand
70 cm - 110-160 rubles per strand

Slavic hair:

45 cm - 80-100 rubles per strand
50 cm - 100-160 rubles per strand
60 cm - 140-180 rubles per strand
70 cm - 170-250 rubles per strand

Hair extension with microcapsules is a kind of hot capsule hair extension. Its peculiarity is the use of smaller forceps to clamp the capsules of about 3 mm instead of 6 mm as in the classic Italian method. In addition, capsules are made not only from keratin, but also from wax. Microcapsule hair extension gets more positive reviews in comparison with the usual capsule one. Due to the less noticeable capsules and convenience during sleep.

An analogue of hair extensions using Italian technology is also considered ultrasonic hair extension... During this procedure, the capsules melt when exposed to ultrasonic waves. The cost of such a build-up is slightly more expensive than the Italian method due to the use of an ultrasound machine. Ultrasound hair extension is a more modern technology.

English method

The English method is also considered the representative of hot technology. This technique requires extruding a refractory organic resin from a special pistol. In order to avoid various damage to the hair, the master must monitor the temperature of the capsule. English hair extensions are similar to Italian ones also in the methods of removing strands, but in comparison with it, the British technique is less practical and has a shorter duration. The capsules are two to three times the size of the capsules used in the technology of Italian specialists. Therefore, the fact that the hair is not your own becomes more noticeable. In addition, keep the strands extended according to the English method for a maximum of 2-3 months, which is almost two times less than with the Italian technology. The cost of hair extension of this method is from 10 thousand rubles.

The advantages of the procedure include the possibility of combining hair of different shades, even in one strand, and this is a fairly safe hair extension. According to clients who have tried this technology, the English method has enough disadvantages. Here they are:

Glow of capsules under neon lighting of the room
The inability to visit the sauna or bath (it is possible if the temperature does not exceed the melting temperature of the capsules - 80 degrees)
Visibility of capsules
Can't build up bangs
The length of the natural hair should be at least 6 cm.In addition, the natural strands should be more or less healthy
You can not wash your hair with shampoo during the first two days after building
Capsules can stick together
Hair loss that is about 20-30 percent per month
Inability to use masks or balms, as well as a hair dryer, due to the subsequent loss of keratin strength

Hair extension with a stove

This technology differs from hot methods in that keratin melts not on your hair, but in a special oven. The donor strand is dipped into heated keratin and then attached to the hair. The disadvantage of this method is that it uses keratin with a low melting point, due to which the capsules become sticky and can stick together. The extended hair is partially combed out. Baths and saunas are not allowed. When correcting, the capsules are difficult to remove.

German Hair Extension Technology (Bellargo)

The German Bellargo technique is also a hot method. When using it, the master uses factory-made strands. Hair is fastened with sleeves, which are sealed when exposed to an electrical appliance with two thermal clamps at a temperature of 120 degrees. Heating occurs locally, only the shrink sleeves themselves. The correction is carried out every three to four months. Removal of hair extensions occurs when the sleeves are loosened with the same electrical device and moved closer to the hair roots.

The disadvantages of German technology are considered to be excessive softening of the sleeves during normal hair washing (which leads to partial loss of hair extensions) and their excessive visibility. Moreover, it has been noticed that not all care products can be used and not all hairstyles can be done. For the use of the German technique, the master will have to pay from 15 thousand rubles.

Microbellargo technique

It should be noted that this technology is not similar to the previous one, although it is a "daughter" of Bellargo. The bottom line is that the used micro strands, tresses and onlays are attached with special micro-sleeves 3-4 mm in size using a special device "MicroBellargo" (temperature 120 degrees).

With microbellargo technology, you can easily hide problems in the parietal zone with a semi-wig called an oberkopf. It is attached using tiny sleeves that are completely invisible. This method can be used for partial hair extensions.

The indication for Microbellargo is alopecia (baldness) or partial hair loss, which is an absolute contraindication with other methods.

This technology has enough advantages, here they are:

Possibility to visit baths, saunas, swimming pools
No allergic reactions in clients
The skin is not exposed to chemical attack, no glue is used at all
Painlessness of the procedure
Artificial hair can be worn for up to three years
No hair shaving required for technology
Small sleeve sizes
The ability to "thicken" the parietal zone
Removal of hair extensions is painless and takes 10 to 20 minutes
You can combine the treatment of damaged hair and the wearing of artificial strands

There are not many disadvantages, one of them is high cost. Often the hair extension procedure costs from 20,000 rubles. Another "minus": the need to tighten the Oberkopf once a month, and corrections - once every three months. Such hair is worn for 6 months.

French technique

This method is referred to as cold hair extension methods. This capsule is formed due to the use of a special glue called Rueber. The main components of its composition are considered to be the glue itself, the dye and the activator. Depending on the shade of the hair extensions, a mixture of different colors is used: white or black. Correction of the procedure is done after two to three months of wearing "foreign" strands. Hair is usually removed using a special solvent. The term of the supposed wearing of hair extensions is 3-4 months.

French hair extensions cost on average 3-4 thousand rubles for installation and for Slavic hair: from 3000 to 6000 rubles up to 40 cm long and 5500 - 15000 rubles more than 45 cm.

The advantage of French technology is the invisibility of the mount.

There are many disadvantages, in turn:
Soreness correction
Strong combing of hair
Emergency withdrawal is possible only after one to two weeks
Often there are counterfeits for the removal composition, which entails the impossibility of a safe adjustment
When removing hair extensions, the tangled mass of hair sometimes has to be cut
short hair extensions are not possible (from 20 cm)
you can not visit baths and saunas, swim in the pool and the sea.

Spanish technique

Spanish hair extensions are an earlier version of the French technique. It has only one difference: the glue used in this technique does not have a tinting agent, therefore it is suitable only for owners of light hair.

Japanese technique

This technology also applies to cold methods. She is significantly different from her fellows. In this case, no glue or resin is used. Artificial hair using this technique is attached near its own roots with clips, beads and clips. Pliers are also used to enhance the hold. Both your own hair and hair extensions are inserted into the holes of the clips. It is almost impossible to notice the junction of the strands, since the hairdresser must choose clips and beads that are as similar in color to natural hair as possible. Clips or beads 2-3 mm in size are attached at a distance of 5 mm from the scalp.

You can show off hair extended in this way for about one and a half to two months.

The correction is quick and completely painless. The advantage of Japanese technology is the ability to extend hair for short hair, as well as the ability to extend bangs. The disadvantages of Japanese technology are the subsequent fragility of the hair and contraindications for people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia or migraines. In addition, the color range of beads is rather scarce, which limits the flight of imagination of the client and the master. Use 150-200 strands for the entire head. Japanese hair extensions cost from 13 to 20 thousand rubles on average.

This technology belongs to cold hair extension methods. Small metal rings are used, which are covered with a very thick layer of paint, which does not allow chafing the hair, and a silicone layer is inserted in the middle. The ring is compressed to a flat state. Correction of hair extensions on rings is carried out after 3-4 months and includes opening the ring, pulling the strand to the hair roots and clamping the same capsule (no more than 2 times).

The building process takes 3-6 hours, depending on the desired volume.

Advantages of the technique:
- very easy removal of hair extensions (by pressing on the edge of the ring)
- no chemicals
- look natural
- you can visit saunas, baths, lighten and dye your hair, do perm.

With the help of hair extension technology, Ring Star rings can be used to grow artificial colored strands that will look very natural. Slavic hair up to 50 cm (100 strands) will cost approximately 12-18 thousand rubles. Longer strands will cost in the region of 20-35 thousand.

Brazilian Hair Extensions or Pigtail Hair Extensions

Brazilian hair extensions are touted as the newest and safest method available today. The advantages of this method are in the absence of hot hair treatment; the procedure does not require any chemicals or devices. The essence of the method is to weave overhead strands into your hair. Small braids of 3 strands are braided, one of which is a strand of your own hair, and the other two are false. The pigtail is braided to a distance of 1/8 of the entire length of the hair. Correction is carried out in 3-4 months. The cost of Brazilian hair extensions is on average 7000-10000 rubles.

Tape hair extension

Hair Talk hair extension technology belongs to cold glue methods.
Hair Talk tape hair extension consists in attaching the extended strands using adhesive tape. The technique consists in joining together two ribbons that hold hair and strands together in a "lock". This technique has many advantages over others: uniform load on all strands; softness and pleasantness of the tapes to the touch; the speed of the procedure; using hair that is very similar to natural hair.

In addition, you can remove hair extensions on tapes just by spraying a special product. Therefore, tape hair extension correction is very simple. Hair can be used for the procedure several times, you just need to change the tape.

The cost of a tape extension is from 7 thousand rubles for hair 40-50 cm long and from 9 thousand rubles for a length of 55-70 cm. For the whole head, you may need from one to two sets of hair, depending on the volume of your own hair. Tape hair extensions receive different reviews from customers, the main plus is the speed of the procedure and ease of removal.

Cons of tape hair extensions

Too short time compared to other methods: only one to two months
Light sheen of the ribbons making them visible
Impossibility of laying, since the tapes are placed in a special way
Need special care for hair extensions on ribbons
The quality of European hair that is commonly used is not always ideal.

The leading companies in the production of tape hair extensions are: Hair Talk, Angelo Hair and One Touch.

Tape hair extension: photo

Nano-extension Le Cristal de Paris

Le Cristal de Paris technology is cold and hardware-free. Nano-building Le Cristal de Paris is carried out using a special hypoallergenic gel. The size of the capsules obtained does not exceed the size of a grain of rice. Hair extended by this technique can be subjected to various loads: masks, dyeing, toning, bathing procedures, and more. The procedure can take from two to twelve hours, which is an unpleasant disadvantage. As a plus, you can also call the possibility of extension even for hair from three cm in length.

The cost of nano-extensions is from 15 thousand rubles for hair 50 cm long.

Micro-extensions are perfect for women with weakened hair, as this technique is absolutely harmless. During the procedure, very thin strands of hair are used, which are attached using barely noticeable capsules. They are very light and invisible, as the amount of wax is not taken by hand, but by means of the Extend Magic apparatus at a temperature of 90 degrees. Micro build-up also allows you to purchase bangs or build up strands in the temporal zone. Capsules are made from transparent wax without the addition of keratin.

The undoubted advantage of the technique is the naturalness of the hair and the invisibility of the capsules. The frequency of correction is three to four months. The disadvantage of this technique is combing out the hair extensions and the impossibility of visiting the sauna and bath.

True, such a "pleasure" is quite expensive: from 13 thousand rubles for a strand of 50 cm.

African hair extensions in some salons are offered under the name "Hollywood Hair Extensions", this is exactly the same technology that involves the use of stitched weft.

The technology of hair extension on tress refers to cold methods. "Tress" is hair sewn in a special way. The master weaves an African braid, to which he sews the hair woven into the tress using ordinary threads. African braids are woven at the back of the head. Correction of hair extensions by sewing on a tress is carried out in 1-2 months. It passes quite easily: the tress is removed, the braid is braided again and the same tress is again attached to it. The cost of the entire procedure starts from 10,000 rubles, depending on the quality and length of the hair. The whole head will need 100-120 strands. Work for tress hair extensions will cost 40-80 rubles for 1 strand.

The price of Slavic hair for 100 strands is approximately:

45 cm - from 5000 rubles
50 cm - from 6000 rubles
60 cm - from 7000 rubles
70 cm - from 8000 rubles

This technology has recently become more and more in demand among clients of hairdressing salons. The course of the procedure consists of "dressing" your own strands in special sleeves, where artificial strands are inserted. After that, the joint should only be "soldered" with heat tongs.

Many masters claim that CRE CAP has no "minuses" at all.
The technology has many advantages, which undoubtedly attracts:

No chemical or physical effects on native hair
The master can calmly build up frequently colored or even too weak strands
There are no contraindications for age
Tiny mounts
Possibility of permanent wear
It doesn't take long to build up
Extended hair does not require special care
Painlessness of the procedure
Removing the strands takes only 10 minutes, without any chemistry.
There are no restrictions on visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, hair dryer, etc.
Non-toxic materials

The cost of the procedure ranges from 20,000 rubles (100 strands of Slavic hair 40 cm long) to 30,000 rubles (100 strands of the same hair, but only 60 cm). Correction will cost 85 rubles per strand, it needs to be done every three to four months. Of course, it all depends on the salon.

Hair extensions on barrettes

Everything is simple here, hair on hairpins is made up of false strands of artificial or natural hair that are attached to hairpins in the form of crabs or invisible hairpins. With the help of these hairpieces, you can carry out hair extensions at home on your own, as they are very easy to attach and remove. The disadvantage of hair extensions on hairpins is that they cannot be worn for a long time, but only as a hairstyle for one evening. But a plus in a huge selection of colors, lengths, quality and cost.

Hair Extensions Care

The care requirements for artificial hair vary greatly depending on the technique chosen by the client. But there is a list of "laws" that must be followed regardless of technology:

1. To nourish and moisturize hair extensions, use only products with a neutral Ph.

2. Avoid contact of curlers, iron and curling iron with capsules (if these styling is permitted).

3. Shampoo should be diluted with water. The head should be washed only according to the growth of the hair, throwing the hair forward when washing is prohibited, just like sleeping with dry hair. It is better to purchase a special shampoo for hair extensions.

4. It is best to comb with brushes with sparse teeth, on which there are no balls at the ends. The ideal comb for hair extensions is a wooden comb.

5. Long hair is best to braid at night in a loose braid.

6. If you are allowed bath procedures, take a special hair cap with you to the bath or sauna. This will somehow protect them from the effects of high temperatures.

7. It is best to refuse masks and balms. Give your preference to natural infusions, such as chamomile.

8. It is best to use products designed specifically for hair extensions. These drugs can be found in specialized stores. The cost of purchasing one drug can range from 400 to 800 rubles.

If you want to grow your hair quickly, then the best option in this case would be to use overhead strands. They are sold in specialized stores and salons. Such strands can be easily fixed with special hairpins on your own hair.

The main disadvantage of this method is that paper clips and hairpins are often noticeable even with careful masking with your own hair. In addition, the fastening method in this case is not reliable and, it is likely, the appearance of a feeling of discomfort.

A more convenient method of using overhead strands is the Japanese technique. In this case, instead of pins, small metal beads with a clip mechanism are used. Artificial strands and your own hair are simultaneously threaded into the ball. After that, the clip is firmly squeezed with a special clip. The beads are absolutely invisible and are distinguished by their secure attachment.

Hot and cold build-up

Hot and cold techniques are considered more complex methods of building. In this case, in addition to artificial strands, you will need special equipment, additional materials and some knowledge. Beforehand, it is better to observe the procedure of such a build-up performed by a professional.

Cold extensions are a relatively safe way to get long hair. The strands are glued to the roots of their own hair using special solutions. Most often, in this case, liquid carotene, special glue or adhesive gel are used. Substances freeze quickly and remain invisible. Please note that artificial hair attached in this way can only be removed with a pair of tongs. To improve the quality of the procedure, it is recommended to use extension ultrasound devices.

Hot build-up is one of the most effective and at the same time harmful ways of attaching artificial strands. It is rather difficult to carry out such a procedure on your own. You cannot do without outside help. The essence of the method consists in gluing artificial hair with wax, resin or keratin capsules. Substances are preheated, and when cooled, they lose their effectiveness. Hot compounds are instantly "soldered" to the hair, so if the strand is not correctly positioned, it will be problematic to remove it.

The main feature of hot and cold hair extensions is the even distribution of artificial strands. Otherwise, when combing, the curls will constantly get tangled.

Long, thick hair, flowing over the shoulders or falling down to the very waist, is the cherished dream of almost every woman. But, unfortunately, the desire to become a long-haired nymph for many women remains unrealizable - someone does not allow genetics to have luxurious hair, someone does not allow external factors, and someone simply does not have the patience to grow curls to the desired length ... You can, of course, use folk methods that give certain results, but in order to see them, you will have to spend a lot of effort and time. Or you can go a shorter way by extending your hair artificially.

This not too complicated cosmetic procedure, which is now included in the list of services of almost all beauty salons, will allow any lady to become the owner of a gorgeous head of hair in a few hours. True, professional hair extension is not a cheap pleasure, and therefore not everyone can afford it. However, you should not despair, because it is quite possible to increase the length of the curls without the help of a specialist, that is, on your own at home. To do this, you just need to familiarize yourself with the methods of building up strands and their features, as well as purchase all the necessary materials and tools.

Hair Extension Methods

Hair extension is a popular hairdressing procedure, the purpose of which is to add extra strands to natural (native) hair to increase the length and volume of the hairstyle. The duration of wearing extended curls, as a rule, is from 2 weeks to 3 months (depending on the technology used), after which it is necessary to make a correction. This is due to the fact that as the native hair grows, the places of their connection with the donor strands become noticeable. In addition, due to the natural loss of hair, inherent in nature, the fallen hairs remain pinched in the attachments, which is why tangles are formed and the hairstyle takes on an unkempt look. There are several techniques for increasing the length of the strands, which differ in the method of fixation.

Cold build-up (Japanese technology)

The principle of this technique is based on the fact that donor hair is attached to natural hair using small metal or plastic rings (clips), which are then removed with special forceps. This work is very painstaking, requires skill and time, so it is quite difficult to do it at home without having certain skills.

Advantages of Japanese build-up:

  • relative safety;
  • minimum of contraindications;
  • the ability to adjust the volume of the hairstyle (you can add additional strands at any time);
  • correctly fixed donor curls are difficult to distinguish from real ones;
  • after applying this technology, no special cosmetics for the care of the hair are required;
  • the strands extended by the cold method can be subjected to various hairdressing manipulations (styling, curling, braiding);
  • natural strands are not injured, and therefore do not need to be restored between procedures;
  • cold extensions and accessories can be purchased at any specialty store.

Disadvantages of Japanese build-up:

  • not suitable for short (less than 10 cm) hair;
  • if the hair is very thin and weakened, then their condition after the procedure may worsen significantly;
  • clips break natural hair, damaging its structure;
  • the fixing rings can be unclenched during wearing;
  • the extended strands cannot be combed up during styling;
  • with intensive combing, curls may fall out.

Hot build-up (Italian or English techniques)

This method is based on fixing donor strands at the base of the native hair by means of thermal action. As a fastener, either keratin (English technique) or polymer (Italian technique) capsules are used, which are soldered with special heat tongs. The hot extension procedure can take quite a long time (from 3 to 5 hours). You can remove the capsules only with the same forceps or a special composition. Correction is carried out by moving the capsules closer to the root zone at the moment when the curls have grown sufficiently.

Advantages of hot build-up:

  • can be used on short hair;
  • if the build-up is done correctly, the capsules are almost invisible;
  • after such a procedure, scalp irritation rarely occurs.

Disadvantages of hot build-up:

  • this technique is not suitable for owners of oily hair (sebum can melt the capsules);
  • if combed incorrectly, curls may fall out;
  • hot-extended strands should not be exposed to thermal or chemical action (curling or straightening with tongs);
  • after this procedure, only special detergents should be used (ordinary shampoos will not work);
  • after hot extension, it is difficult to make smooth hairstyles.

Tape extension

This is the simplest technique for increasing hair length. It is based on attaching donor strands to natural strands using an adhesive tape resembling double-sided tape. To carry out such a procedure, no special tools and devices are required, but the help of another person will be desirable, since the main part of the overhead strands is usually attached in the occipital zone, and it is rather difficult to cope with this task alone, especially for the first time. The correction is performed approximately once every 2 weeks (as soon as the native curls grow back, the adhesive tape with the false hair is moved higher to the root zone).

Advantages of tape build-up:

  • preparation of hair and the procedure itself usually take no more than an hour, which is an important factor in the conditions of the modern rhythm of life;
  • when fixing donor strands, the effect of high temperatures and chemicals on the native hair is excluded, that is, the tape extension can be considered completely safe for the health of the hair;
  • the cost of the materials required for this procedure is relatively low;
  • timely performed correction and competent care of extended curls allow the hairstyle to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time;
  • if necessary, the overhead strands are very easy to remove and then reattach.

Disadvantages of tape build-up:

  • after the procedure, there may be a feeling of tightness in the places where donor hair is attached (this phenomenon is often accompanied by headaches and increased blood pressure);
  • after the tape extension, you cannot collect the hair in a tight hairstyle or comb it back, otherwise glue strips will be visible at the attachment points of the strands;
  • the correction should be carried out not once every 2-3 months, as with other methods of building, but approximately every 2 weeks.


Despite the fact that hair extension is one of the most popular hairdressing procedures today, not everyone can resort to it. The fact is that it has certain contraindications, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance. These include:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia, recurrent headaches and migraines. Since the capsules put some pressure on the scalp, the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of these ailments may worsen after the build-up.
  • Increased sensitivity of the scalp. For some people, restraints can cause permanent discomfort.
  • Active hair loss. If the hair falls out a lot, it is impossible to carry out extensions, as this can aggravate the situation.
  • Allergy tendency. For people prone to allergic reactions, before building up, it is necessary to test the tolerance of the components used in this procedure.
  • Damage to the scalp. If the scalp has wounds, cuts, burns or scrapes, hair extensions should be discarded.
  • Dermatological diseases. The presence of diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea and dermatitis (including allergic ones) is an absolute contraindication to the growth of strands.
  • Taking certain medications. During drug therapy, carried out with the help of antibiotics, hormonal and chemotherapeutic agents, the condition of the hair can deteriorate significantly, and therefore it is undesirable to carry out the extension during this period.
  • Increased dryness, fragility and split hair. Extension can only be performed on healthy hair, therefore, if you have any problems with your hair, you must first carry out recovery therapy with masks and vitamin preparations.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. During the carrying of a child and breastfeeding, hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, which negatively affect the condition of the curls, therefore it is undesirable to expose the hair to additional stress.

Also, you should not resort to building donor strands if the length of the native hair is less than 5 cm: the new hairstyle in this case will not last very long. Even if some of the listed contraindications seem insignificant to you, you should not ignore them. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your hair, and then you will have to deal with their emergency restoration.

How to extend hair at home

Self-hair extension is a laborious process that requires some effort, patience and accuracy. Whichever technique you choose, first you will need to prepare your hair:

  • If you have split ends, trim them at the hairdresser. But keep in mind that extensions can only be done on hair that is at least 10 cm long, so if you cut your hair too short, you will have to postpone the procedure until the strands grow back a little. If you need to dye or tint curls, then do it before building.
  • 2–3 hours before the procedure, wash your hair with warm water and a mild shampoo, but without using additional products (balm, conditioner or mask). Then blot the hair with a towel and leave it to dry naturally (it is undesirable to use a hairdryer). After the curls are dry, you can start building.

How to Perform Tape Hair Extensions

In order to extend hair using this technique, you need to purchase only false strands on an adhesive tape, a vibrating shaver to align the boundaries of natural and extended curls and hairpins-clips. Do not buy donor hair in questionable places (for example, in the market), but go to a specialized hairdressing store for the necessary material. Choose false strands very carefully: they should match in color with your own hair and be of sufficient quality, because you may need to dye or curl the extended curls, and if they turn out to be unstable to various influences, then your new hairstyle will soon take on an unattractive look. Extension strands can be both artificial and natural. The former are much less sensitive to mechanical damage and are relatively inexpensive, while the latter, as a rule, have a high cost, but they look much more impressive. So, what the process of tape building looks like:

  • Make a circular parting just above the nape line, separate the top of the curls from the bottom and secure it with clips.
  • Glue the tape along the parting line at a distance of 1-2 cm from the roots and fix the overhead strands on it.
  • Part again in a circle, back a few centimeters from the first, and attach a new tape.
  • Stick the donor hair onto the tape and release the middle part of the curls from the clips.
  • Repeat the above steps several times, gradually releasing the fixed strands and smoothing them over the extended ones.
  • At the very end of the process, when all the strands are glued on, trim the hair with a razor to smooth out the boundaries between the natural and extended hair.

After hair extensions using the tape technique, the hairstyle looks quite natural. It can be styled in different ways (the only exception is high hairstyles, on which the junction of the native strands with the extended ones will be noticeable). To remove false hair, use a special liquid that can be purchased at any specialty store.

How to perform hot extension

The hot curl extension technique is a little more complicated than the tape technique. To do it at home, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • a set of overhead strands (natural or artificial);
  • special hair divider;
  • keratin capsules;
  • forceps for fixing capsules.

Having prepared everything you need, proceed to the procedure itself:

  • Part your hair evenly around the circumference of your head, lift the middle and top of your hair and secure with clips.
  • Separate a small strand (no more than 10 mm wide) in the back of the head and attach a false curl at its base, fixing the keratin capsule.
  • Swipe over the junction with hot tongs, which will melt the capsule and ensure a strong connection of the native hair with the donor hair.
  • Do the same with the rest of the strands from the bottom of the hair, distributing all the overhead curls along the parting.
  • Make another part above the first and attach the false strands along its entire length, fixing them with hot tongs.
  • At the end of the procedure, align the borders of the strands and overhead strands with a razor so that the hairstyle looks as natural as possible.

Be extremely careful when working with hot tongs so as not to cause irreparable damage to your hair, because it will be very difficult to repair damaged strands.

Hair Extensions Care Rules

After building up, you need to provide full care for both native and false curls. The following tips will help you with this:

  • after building-up, you cannot wash your hair for 2-3 days - this can lead to a weakening of the fixation of donor strands;
  • in the future, always wash your hair only with warm (not hot) water, trying not to tilt your head down;
  • do not use alcohol-containing products for the care of extended curls that can dissolve polymer glue or capsules;
  • use exceptionally mild shampoos for washing curls, previously diluted in equal proportions with water;
  • do not go to bed with a wet head;
  • do not allow tangled strands - before going to bed, braid your hair in a loose braid or put a mesh on your head;
  • use only natural brushes or combs for combing your hair so as not to injure your hair;
  • comb the curls, starting at the ends and gradually moving to the middle and roots (if the hair is tangled, you should first carefully disassemble it with your fingers);
  • timely correct hair extensions.

Hair extension at home is, of course, not an easy process, but if you follow all the recommendations and use high-quality materials, the result you get will be no worse than after the hands of the master. And competent and accurate care of extended curls will allow you to enjoy a beautiful, voluminous and lush hairstyle for a long time, which will surely become the subject of your special pride.