How to put on a prenatal bandage. Prenatal and postpartum universal bandage. Prenatal brace - when to start wearing

A prenatal bandage is a special belt that is designed to keep the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs in the anatomically correct position during pregnancy. Doctors recommend wearing such a device starting from 5-6 months during the period of active development and growth of the fetus. When prescribing, the doctor takes into account the position of the fetus, the duration of pregnancy, the age of the mother, the number of births. You can wear a prenatal bandage until the last days, unless the doctor decides otherwise. But you should know how to put on a prenatal bandage correctly so that it does not create inconvenience, but also benefits the pregnant woman.

There are a number of indications for wearing this belt:

  • A scar on the uterus;
  • Change in fetal presentation;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Varicose veins;
  • The threat of termination of pregnancy (2-3 trimesters);
  • Repeated pregnancy;
  • Weakness of the muscles of the anterior wall of the peritoneum;
  • Scoliosis in the expectant mother, osteochondrosis, severe pain in the lumbar region, back;
  • Enlargement of the uterus.

There is a contraindication to wearing a bandage. This is an abnormal presentation of the fetus after 30 weeks. In such cases, it is recommended that you first cope with the problem with the help of special exercises, turn the child upside down, and then fix the correct position with a belt. How to put on your prenatal belt is described below.

Important! Healthy women, according to obstetricians, do not need to wear this product. Before purchasing it, you need to consult a doctor.

Now about choosing a belt, as well as how to put on a prenatal bandage for a pregnant woman.

There are three types of products of this type:

  • Bandage panties. Looks like underwear, which has a supportive insert in the front and under the belly. The model is comfortable for regular wear, but it will have to be washed constantly, which makes it difficult to constantly wear it. Taking it off in the toilet, you will have to take a horizontal position to put it on correctly.
  • Bandage belt. It is an elastic band that is worn over underwear. The side flaps adjust the degree of fit. The process is carried out without unfastening the product.
  • Combined bandage (universal). It can be used before and after childbirth. This is a fabric belt that fastens with Velcro. During the prenatal period, it helps to strengthen the back, distribute the load, support and fix the abdomen.
  • Tape is an elastic Velcro tape. Wears out quickly, especially where the velcro is located.
  • The corset is usually lacing, and at the back. This is the main disadvantage of the model. Plus, the one who will help to tighten it can overdo it and thereby harm the pregnant woman and the fetus.

When choosing a product, it must be borne in mind that they have different sizes. Either a doctor or a pharmacist will help you choose the right one. But if you decide to purchase a bandage yourself, then the size is determined based on the numbers before pregnancy.

Interesting: when choosing a bandage-panties, one more size is added to the figure before pregnancy. If a universal product is purchased, then it is better to measure the abdominal circumference with a centimeter. Fitting is carried out over the underwear. To the results obtained, add about 4-5 cm (for fetal growth).

How to properly wear and don a prenatal brace is a whole science.

When the bandage is put on, the following steps are performed:

  1. The woman lies on her back on a flat surface.
  2. Raise your hips slightly.
  3. The belt is pushed under the lower back, after which it is fixed in the desired position with Velcro.
  4. The girth is being adjusted.

If a woman puts on a bandage while standing, then the uterus sinks under the weight. In such cases, it is impossible to fix the correct position of the abdomen and fetus. Moreover, the wrong position can exacerbate the problems that caused the wear of the product. It should also be removed while lying down.

Excessive pressure should not be present. If the product is worn incorrectly, then the woman will experience obvious discomfort. A woman may experience inconvenience only in the first few days while she is wearing a prenatal bandage. In three days, an addiction to sensations develops, after which a state of comfort already sets in.

Interesting: the process of putting on can be facilitated by placing a pillow or roller under the buttocks. After that, the product is placed according to the above scheme. Thanks to this, the abdominal muscles relax, the bladder is not under strong pressure, the fetus moves freely to the desired position. If you put on the product lying down, then the weight is evenly distributed in a normal bed. A correctly positioned product should slightly cover the pubic part, the lower abdomen and cover the thighs.

Basic rules of wearing

Not every woman knows how to wear a prenatal bandage.

There are a number of rules that will ensure the correct and comfortable position of the product during use:

  • Discomfort should not be present when wearing a belt or underpants.
  • The product should be comfortable and light, which should be taken into account when buying.
  • It is necessary to carefully examine the product for defects and the quality of the materials used - the product must be breathable.
  • The product must have a wide and elastic waistband. This will prevent the appearance of stretch marks in the abdominal area.
  • You cannot wear the product all the time.
  • If it is necessary to go to the toilet, then a woman should lift her stomach, fix it with a belt, and then relieve herself.
  • If the child becomes restless during wearing or the mother feels excessive squeezing, the product is immediately removed.
  • Doctors believe that a woman needs to wear a belt or underpants for only three hours a day, but doctors see no contraindications for long-term wear.
  • Even with prolonged wear, it is still necessary to remove the bandage. Every three hours for just half an hour.
  • The duration of wearing is determined by the strength and duration of the back pain.
  • If it did not work out lying down, then you should try in a standing position in front of a mirror.
  • A weakly tightened prenatal bandage of the required effect of anatomically correct position and support of the abdomen will not be.
  • The prenatal brace can also be worn from a seated position. To do this, you should strongly tilt the body back, press your stomach slightly with your hand and fix this position with the product.
  • When the belt is on, it is necessary to check the correct position and comfort of the wear. To do this, you need to walk in it for about 5 minutes. If there are no negative feelings, then the procedure was performed correctly.
  • You can only wash such a product by hand, since the machine can ruin its shape and structure, as well as damage the fabric.
  • The universal band can be worn both before and after childbirth. But after childbirth, it must be deployed so that the element that was on the lower back lies correctly on the stomach.

Remember that while wearing a belt or panties, a pregnant woman should only experience comfort and convenience. Any negative impressions must be accounted for immediately. In such cases, the bandage is removed. If wearing does not work, then you should contact your doctor or obstetrician, who will either help you put it on correctly, or solve the problem by replacing the product.

It is not worth purchasing a bandage remotely via the Internet, since before buying you need to make sure that it suits you. Plus, you should choose models from high-quality materials that will ensure skin breathing, the strength of the product and the preservation of its shape for the entire period of wear. Ribbon and corset models are considered one of the most inconvenient, and therefore it is better to choose those options that will most comfortably serve you and will fulfill their intended purpose for a long time. Ideally, it is better to purchase a universal one that will help you after childbirth.... You need to be guided in the choice according to your own feelings, which will help you spend the remaining period in maximum comfort and safe for your health. It is better to coordinate the purchase of the product with the attending physician, who will indicate the correct model and dimensions, and also tell you how to wear the prenatal bandage correctly and with benefit not only for yourself, but also for the child.

A quarter of a century ago, a bandage was an unloved, albeit a necessary thing in the wardrobe of expectant mothers. In terms of the complexity of putting on, this product was often compared to a corset: lacing, hooks, eyelets ... Today, a modern-cut bandage is easy to pick up and comfortable to wear. True, you also need to know how to put on a prenatal bandage.

What is a bandage for?

Doctors recommend using the bandage from 20-22 weeks of pregnancy, that is, as soon as your tummy becomes noticeable. Of course, you can do just fine without a bandage, but only if you were actively involved in sports before pregnancy and strengthened your abdominal muscles. Otherwise, the bandage is simply necessary: ​​it relieves the load on the spine and abdominal muscles and allows the baby to take the correct position for childbirth.

In addition, the bandage helps with the threat of premature birth (it prevents the baby from dropping), is indispensable for carrying multiple pregnancies and can even prevent stretch marks.

Which bandage to choose?

Distinguish between prenatal, postpartum and universal bandages:

If you picked up a bandage in a specialized store, then sales consultants probably told and showed you how to put on a prenatal bandage correctly. Perhaps you have already been consulted by a gynecologist or are just going to ask him about how to put on a maternity bandage. You yourself can master this simple matter using the following algorithm:

  1. Lie on your back with a pillow under your buttocks.
  2. Relax and lie down for a couple of minutes. Your baby will move to the upper abdomen (feeling of heaviness and pressure on the bladder will disappear).
  3. Put on and fasten the bandage tightly.
  4. Roll over on your side and gently, without rushing, rise.

Check yourself: a properly worn brace goes under the abdomen, grasping the pubic bone, and rests on the thighs. The bandage should never squeeze the stomach! Do not tighten it too tightly, at the same time, wearing a loosely tightened bandage does not make sense.

You can wear the bandage for up to 5 hours a day, but if you or your baby feel uncomfortable, it is best to keep this time to a minimum.

Take your time to put yourself in a bandage immediately after giving birth. Doctors recommend wearing a bandage 7-10 days after the baby is born. You should not wear the bandage all the time: every 3 hours, take a break for 30 minutes. At night, the bandage must be removed.

A postpartum bandage is put on in the same way as a prenatal bandage - lying on your back, when the abdominal muscles relax and take the correct position.

How to put on the universal bandage correctly?

The rules for wearing a universal brace are exactly the same as for prenatal and postnatal. Put it on while lying down, lifting your hips:

  1. Spread out the bandage on the couch or bed. Lie down so that the widest part of the brace is under your lower back.
  2. Fix the ends of the brace under the abdomen, choosing a comfortable degree of "tension".
  3. Standing up, correct the amount of pressure on the lower abdomen.

Types of bandages

There are three types of bandages most common. The prenatal bandage is intended for use by pregnant women, the postpartum bandage is intended for the first weeks after childbirth. The combined bandage can be used before and after childbirth - just turn it over the other side. It is cost effective.

The bandage can be made of cotton, elastane, microfiber, or mixtures thereof.

Among the bandages, two types of models are most often found.

1. Bandage-briefs with elastic supportive insert in front under the abdomen

The bandage is reminiscent of high-top maternity panties, with a sewn-in elastic band on the side of the abdomen. The model is suitable for those for whom it is more important to fix the baby's head from drooping, but the support of the lumbar is not so fundamental, it is often not adjustable in size, and only some models have adjustment only from the side due to fasteners. Some manufacturers have a fabric insert over the bandage made of a special "breathable" material.

The disadvantage of this type of model is that usually such a bandage is used instead of panties (although it can be worn over panties), i.e. you will have to purchase several of these panty bandages and wash them regularly. In cold weather, you can wear such a bandage over your underwear, which makes it easier to care for the bandage. It is better for a pregnant woman to wear this model, like others, lying down. A bandage worn in this position will fix the uterus well and support the abdomen.

2. Bandage belt

The existing varieties are: simple tape (only for pregnant women), a tape with an elastic part that covers the abdomen, and a combined prenatal and postnatal bandage.

A very popular model of a bandage in the form of an elastic band. Used both before and after childbirth. During the prenatal period, the wider part of the belt strengthens the back, distributing the load, and the narrower part is fixed under the belly. After childbirth, the belt is turned upside down: the wide part holds the stomach, the narrow part holds the back. Such bandages have 3 joints (one in front and two on the side), the length of each is changed with the help of velcro. Lateral joints are reinforced with elastic band. If during wearing it turns out that the bandage began to put more pressure on the abdomen or, conversely, stretched out, then the side valves allow you to adjust the diameter without unbuttoning the bandage. This model is preferable for back problems, especially if support is not needed throughout the day.

The support belt is worn over your underwear. Some manufacturers have perforated tape - thanks to the holes, the material "breathes" and it is not so hot in the bandage. Some belt models have an elastic part that covers the belly. Manufacturers argue that this option is not subject to "sliding", it is better fixed in the desired position, but this is controversial.

Most types of bandages can be used both during and after pregnancy. In the first case, with the wide part in the back, in the second, in the front.

It is also better to put on such a bandage while lying down, in this case optimal support is achieved.

Postpartum bandages

Such bandages are not suitable for pregnant women. Wearing a postpartum brace is optional.

Doctors recommend using it after childbirth to quickly restore the tone of the abdominal muscles, and after caesarean section to fix the suture and support the abdominal wall. Postpartum braces also reduce stress on the spine by relieving back pain. Panty postpartum tightening bandages usually look like a wide band, the same width. It is an elasticated waistband. It tightens the stomach quite well, but, unfortunately, it can slide up during the wear process. Some of the postpartum bandages are high panties with fasteners on the sides or on both sides of the abdomen, often with a lower fastener, like a bodysuit, which allows them not to be removed if necessary (for example, to go to the toilet). Most often made of synthetic materials, but there are also cotton models.

There are reinforced versions of such bandages, they are characterized by a high dragging ability. They consist not only of tissue, but also of dense plates that squeeze the abdominal muscles. It is better to buy such bandages a month after childbirth, but not earlier, since they strongly tighten the internal organs, interfering with the discharge of postpartum discharge and uterine contraction.

Postoperative - special bandages for those who gave birth via cesarean. They resemble a very wide belt - from the waist to almost up to the pubis (20 - 30 cm wide), with a fastener along the entire height. This brace is softer than the usual postpartum brace and is specially designed to be worn after surgery. It fixes the postoperative suture and supports the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. It is recommended to wear it while lying down.

A postpartum bandage in the form of a skirt-belt or bandage pants with a tight insert on the abdomen (ending at the thighs lower than the usual bandage) can be used after surgery.

How to choose the right size of the bandage?

Some women find that the bandage is compressing the abdomen and harming the fetus. It is not true. It is absolutely safe for both mother and child, provided it is properly sized. If the bandage suits you, it does not put pressure anywhere, but, on the contrary, gives relief.

Usually, when prescribing a bandage, the doctor will help you choose the right size. If you choose the size yourself, contact a POS consultant for help. The bandage belt is selected as follows: you need to measure the circumference of the thighs under the belly with a measuring tape - this figure will be the size of the bandage.

So with a hip circumference of 85-95 cm, the size of the bandage will be 90 (or 1st), with a circumference of 95-105 cm, respectively 100 (or 2nd), more than 105-115 cm - 110 (or 3rd). Some manufacturers recommend choosing a bandage based on the circumference of both the hips and the waist. The number of sizes in the line can then reach 6. Sometimes, the size of the bandages-belts is indicated by Latin letters or the usual numbers of clothing sizes, in this case the size of the bandage corresponds to the size of the clothes before pregnancy: S (42-44), M (46-48), L (50-52), XL (52 -54), XXL (56 and higher). To find out the size of the bandage panties, add one more size to the "pre-pregnant" size of the underwear.

It is advisable to purchase a bandage where it is possible to try it on. It's best to try on several options and settle on the one that you feel most comfortable with.

Maternity bandages are sold in pharmacies and stores where maternity clothes are also sold.

How to put on and wear the bandage correctly? The procedure for putting on the bandage

The doctor should show how to put on the bandage correctly, since the illustrations on the packages are not always correct. Often the underwear is worn too high on the model (in this case, it can squeeze the fetus).

It is necessary to put on a bandage lying on your back, slightly lifting your hips - in this position, the fetus does not press on the anterior abdominal wall, because is located above. When a woman is standing, the uterus sinks under its own weight, and by fixing it in this position, we will only aggravate the problems that the bandage is designed to deal with. It is also more convenient to remove the bandage while lying down. It is quite difficult to comply with the rule "take off and put on while lying down" outside the house. In case you have nowhere to lie down, lean back, slightly lift your stomach with your hand and press it, then immediately fix this position with a bandage. It is better to wear the bandage over your underwear, it makes you feel more comfortable and prolongs the band's life.

A correctly worn band should not exert excessive pressure. The bandage belt should be worn obliquely: at the top of the lower back, the upper part of the buttocks, then go down under the belly, resting on the hips, and in front grab the pubic bone. If you put on the bandage correctly, then after a while you will simply stop noticing it, feeling it on yourself. The front flap of the bandage-belt is fastened when lying down. The tension of the bandage while standing is regulated by side valves. In the future, the side valves do not need to be unbuttoned or fastened daily, only as the abdomen grows, adjust the degree of bandage tension.

The fact that the bandage is "somehow not right" will be indicated by a feeling of discomfort. However, often during the first 2-3 days it is necessary to get used to new sensations, only after that the stay in the bandage will become more comfortable.

How to put on the bandage correctly is illustrated in the video:

When to remove and how long can you wear the bandage without interruption?

With all the advantages of a maternity bandage, you cannot stay in it for 24 hours. Every 3-4 hours you have to take a break for 40 minutes. The bandage must be removed when the expectant mother goes to bed at night, or rest while lying down during the day. If a bandage is prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons, then it is necessary to wear it until the very birth, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet. If you only use it to improve your overall well-being, then you don't need to wear it all the time.

To prepare the muscles of the uterus and abdomen for childbirth, wearing a prenatal and postnatal brace must be combined with special exercise. Whether or not to wear a bandage during fitness depends on the condition of the woman herself. If you are used to an active lifestyle, you have strong abdominal muscles and a healthy back, you may not need a bandage at all. For others, a bandage during training will allow you to feel more confident, eliminate possible consequences in the form of pain - since the muscles will actively work, without a bandage, back pain may appear.

Postpartum and post-cesarean bandage

After childbirth, it is necessary to restore both muscle tone and skin tone. Exercise is not possible for quite some time after childbirth, but this does not mean that the abdominal muscles do not need support. And again the bandage comes to the rescue. It will also help get rid of stretch marks, if any appeared during pregnancy.

However, it is imperative to consult your doctor regarding the use of a bandage after childbirth. It replaces the work of the abdominal muscles, and they come into shape more slowly. Postpartum bandage is contraindicated in case of slow contraction of the uterus, delayed postpartum discharge (lochia) in the uterine cavity, allergies, stomach and kidney diseases.

The postpartum band can be worn 7-10 days after delivery and used for at least 6 weeks (postpartum duration). Be sure to help your muscles contract with exercise. The size of the postpartum brace is usually the same size as the garment before pregnancy. If after pregnancy the weight has increased by more than 12 kilograms, then select the product 1-2 sizes larger.

When a woman carries a baby under her heart, her body experiences many changes. Sometimes they make it difficult to carry out daily activities and interfere with an active lifestyle. Often pregnant women encounter strong ones while walking. In such cases, doctors recommend the mandatory wearing of a support bandage. Such a belt can really lighten the load, but it is necessary to be able not only to correctly select it, but also to wear it correctly.

How to put on the bandage?

There is no need to think about purchasing a belt earlier than 19-22 weeks.

However, it is necessary not only to choose a suitable model for yourself, but also to figure out how to put it on correctly, so as not to harm your well-being and not turn the bandage into a useless thing. Thanks to a few simple tips, every woman will cope with this manipulation:

  • It is best to assume a recumbent position for maximum comfort. Thus, the bandage is easier to tighten.
  • Before putting on the belt, you need to relax and lie down for about twenty minutes. Perhaps the baby will move to the upper abdomen. Thanks to this, the load on the bladder will be much less, which will have a good effect on the well-being of the expectant mother.
  • In order for the band to perform its function, it must be applied in such a way that the pubic bone is captured. The main thing is that the pressure on the stomach is not too strong, but it should not sag either.
  • After the belt is securely fastened, it is recommended to lie down for ten minutes. During this time, the body will have time to get used to it - and the discomfort from wearing will significantly decrease.
  • It is very important to maintain cleanliness in order to ensure 100% hygiene.
  • If the operation brings severe discomfort for several days, then this should be alarming. It is possible that the belt is not worn correctly or does not fit for anatomical features. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

In addition to these tips, it is important to know what in no case should you do:

  • The bandage must be worn over your underwear. This will reduce discomfort and the belt will not slide down.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep in it. At rest, this device is absolutely not required. If this recommendation is neglected, then the blood vessels can become squeezed. This will definitely not benefit the unborn child.
  • If you put on the bandage while standing, then the load is not properly distributed. Instead of the desired relief, you may get back pain and strong pressure on the uterus.
  • It is undesirable to wear the belt throughout the day. Every two hours it is better to take it off for a while, so that the body can rest from the dense tissue.
  • It is up to her doctor to decide whether a pregnant woman needs a bandage or not.

Who needs to wear a bandage?

When it comes to the appointment of a special support belt, then you should familiarize yourself with the reasons why you need to wear it:

  • With significant spinal problems.
  • When a girl is carrying twins, it is often impossible to do without a bandage.
  • Stretch marks are a big problem for women. This device significantly reduces the risk of their occurrence.
  • When the expectant mother leads an active lifestyle or continues to attend work in a position.
  • With insufficient physical fitness (weakness of the abdominal muscles).

Which bandage to choose, and how are they different?

Fortunately, manufacturers have made sure that women can choose the belt that suits them. But each type, in addition to advantages, has disadvantages, which you must be aware of. The most common on sale:

  • Universal bandages. They are designed to be worn both during pregnancy and the postpartum period. This makes it possible to significantly save money. This type is distinguished by its considerable width and elasticity, which helps to fix the position of the child well. The secure velcro fasteners are made in such a way that the belt does not unfasten during movement.
  • Panties. Such a bandage is very easy to wear and put on. It holds well enough and does not cause discomfort. A huge disadvantage will be the need for frequent washing. Also, it is impossible to remove it in time while outside the house.
  • Belt. Differs in small size and high strength. This look supports the lower abdomen without compressing the blood vessels. It is practically invisible under the clothes, moreover, there is always the opportunity to loosen the belt when necessary.

In conclusion, it is important to say that the sock of the bandage should not cause pain and significant discomfort. The expectant mother should trust her feelings, which will allow her not to harm the fetus and her own health. A correctly selected and worn belt will help you to easily spend time outdoors and do household chores.

Types of bandages for pregnant women. Instructions for wearing a bandage.

For women who are pregnant with their first child, the question often arises: why, when, and most importantly, how to wear a belt for pregnant women? We will answer all these questions in our article.

What does a maternity bandage look like?

The classic maternity bandage is a special belt with an extension on the back and a narrower part that is worn under the belly. Also known are types such as panty and corset.

The main purpose of this device is to help a woman endure the gestation period more easily. The bandage supports the abdomen, contributes to the correct distribution of the load, protects against stretch marks, relieves pain from the lower back and spine, and also helps the child to some extent.

IMPORTANT: There is a device for the postpartum period, designed to stimulate the early return of the previous figure.

What is a maternity bandage for?

The bandage greatly facilitates the course of pregnancy. Check out the main positive aspects of using this device:

  • The bandage prevents the skin from stretching, losing its elasticity and the appearance of ugly red stripes, which soon turn white and remain on the skin forever. Stretch marks can be removed only in the beauty parlor, and this requires financial costs. All other ways to overcome them are reduced only to lightening and slight smoothing of the stripes. Therefore, if you want to look good after childbirth, be sure to consult with your doctor about wearing a bandage.
  • The bandage reduces the pressure of the fetus on the pelvic organs and the spine, as a result of which you will not be bothered by pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, back
  • The likelihood of miscarriage is significantly reduced
  • The bandage helps to cope with pain in the legs, swelling of the lower extremities and their fatigue. Wearing a bandage is especially important for women who spend several hours on their feet in a row
  • The belt regulates the course of pregnancy and bearing the fetus. Its use is a must if you are expecting twins.
  • It is no secret that the cephalic presentation - a posture in which the baby is placed head down before childbirth - is optimal for an easy and successful delivery. With breech presentation, a cesarean section is prescribed, this position of the child is fraught with complications. The bandage regulates the correct position of the fetus in the womb, so experts recommend wearing it to all pregnant women, without exception.
  • In untrained women, the abdominal muscles are often out of tone. Relaxation of the abdominal muscles is also observed with repeated pregnancies. In this case, wearing a bandage is mandatory, it perfectly supports the abdomen when the body's own resources cannot cope with it.
  • By about 38 weeks of gestation, the fetus begins to sink, preparing to be born. Together with it, the belly also falls. Ptosis can occur earlier, which is not the norm, and to prevent this, wear a bandage
  • The bandage is indicated for varicose veins, for osteochondrosis

IMPORTANT: Some doctors oppose wearing a bandage. If you do not have any of the following indications for its use, it is better to refrain from using it.

Indications for the use of a belt for pregnant women:

  • bearing twins
  • low location of the fetus in the womb, as a result of which the stomach also sinks
  • pinching of a nerve in the lumbar region, which provokes neurological pain
  • operations in the abdominal area, which were carried out no later than 1.5 years ago
  • a scar on the uterus that appears after gynecological surgery, including a cesarean section preceding the current pregnancy
  • underdeveloped cervix
  • chance of miscarriage
  • intolerable pain in the legs, lower back, back, spine

IMPORTANT: Before deciding whether to wear or not wear a belt, consult your gynecologist. Based on the data of all your examinations, he is the only one who will be able to recommend a device.

How to choose a maternity bandage according to the size?

There is a table of sizes of bandages, which you can be guided by when choosing. But the only way to find the right size belt is to try it on.

You can buy a belt at a pharmacy or special stores for expectant mothers. Experts advise choosing a device in a pharmacy located at the maternity hospital, or in the departments for pregnant women. Consultants work here to help determine both the type and material of the device, and its size.

Feel free to try on different belts. After all, the wrong size of the bandage can affect the health of the child. The fabric should not press on the stomach, but only gently envelop and support it. In the case of a tight bandage, you risk causing serious harm to the developing baby.

Maternity bandage size, table

In the tables below, you can find out the size of the belt that is right for you, in terms of height and weight or hip circumference. Additionally, information on the size of the postpartum bandages is provided.

How to choose the right maternity bandage?

IMPORTANT: In order to choose the right bandage, you need to decide on the type - panties, corset, belt or combined, as well as the size.

It is also important to choose the material from which the belt is made. Cheap models, which women often stop at so as not to overpay, are made of synthetic fabrics that do not allow the skin to breathe. This is extremely harmful for both the expectant mother herself and the baby. Choose a belt made from natural materials only.

As for the model itself, it is best to try on each one and choose the one in which you are most comfortable. The belt should not put pressure on either the stomach or any other area. If you experience the slightest discomfort, immediately discard this option.

Types of bandages for pregnant women

Bandages are divided into prenatal, postnatal, and universal - those that are great for both periods.

There is also a division of bandages by model.

Belt It is an elastic fabric band that expands at the back and tapers under the belly. The belts have different fastening options. They are worn exclusively on underwear for hygiene purposes.

Panties made in the form of ordinary panties, only in the front they have a special insert that supports the stomach. There are certain inconveniences in using this type of device. Since the bandage pants are worn without underwear, they have to be washed every day, so it is advisable to purchase several of these models at once. If a woman has a frequent urge to urinate, it becomes difficult to wear such a bandage, as it has to be constantly removed.

Suitable for both the stage of pregnancy and the postpartum period. It is made of rubberized fabric; ordinary Velcro is used as fasteners. Such a belt is put on with a narrow part forward during pregnancy and with a wide part on the stomach after childbirth.

Corset can still be found on sale, but this is an outdated model, which today is recognized by gynecologists as ineffective. Doctors do not recommend purchasing this option

When to start wearing a maternity brace?

You should think about using a belt even when the belly is just beginning to appear. Usually this is the 4th month of gestation, which equals 20-24 weeks of obstetric pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Often the bandage is shown at an earlier or later stage. Discuss your individual situation with your gynecologist.

How to wear a maternity bandage? Video

Each maternity device comes with instructions for dressing and wearing the model. Please read it carefully. You can try putting on the belt in the store when choosing it. Qualified consultants will help you here.

Your doctor can also explain all the subtleties of wearing a bandage, do not hesitate to ask him questions. And remember: the health of your child depends on the correct wearing of the belt.

Video: How to put on a maternity bandage correctly

How long should you wear a maternity bandage?

The bandage cannot be worn all day long; it must be taken off. This is due to the fact that the adaptation, while supporting the abdomen, to one degree or another still limits the child's ability to move in the womb. To prevent the baby from feeling constrained, every 2-3 hours the bandage must be removed for at least 30 minutes.

Belts are not recommended in the third trimester. If by this time the child has not taken the desired position with his head down, then the belt will greatly interfere with him to do this. But if the baby is already in cephalic presentation, then the bandage will only fix this position and will not allow the child to roll over incorrectly.

In the very last stages of gestation, the bandage is contraindicated. This is due to the lowering of the abdomen on the eve of childbirth, which the belt will prevent.

Video: Choosing the right bandage for pregnant women, childbirth. Tips, tricks, reviews