How to surprise the guy with a pleasant surprise. What to please your beloved man, boyfriend or friend: unusual surprises

Nowadays, there is a whole industry consultant, coaches and "doctors", saving our intimate life. Some ideas of old or boring, others, on the contrary, expand the imagination. Still, what methods will really refresh sexual relations?

In this article you will find a selection of the best tips, how to surprise your husband in bed.

Game with cards

Ideally, you should not have sex, without talking about it with a partner - lovely, passionately, frankly, fearlessly and often. Otherwise, how else do you know what is able to set your man in bed?

Couples do not discuss their sex needs, as they are afraid that they will not receive the desired. Meanwhile, agree that avoiding sex themes, you will definitely achieve anything. However, the conversation on this topic can be much more pleasant than you imagine - intriguing, playful and hot.

Plan the intimate evening in this way:

  1. Start a romantic evening with my husband an invitation to play the game;
  2. You can cook light dinner and beautifully serve it in the bedroom;
  3. A little good wine and fruits will help you both relax and tune in to the desired wave;
  4. Let each of you write on paper all your erotic fantasies on paper, without fearing to express the most bold desires and even generally accepted taboos;
  5. Read all the cards together with your husband, and divide them on three stacks:
    • you want to try it in life (for example, sex on the beach);
    • let it be better to remain a fantasy (threesome, sex with a prostitute, with a priest, with a teacher, etc.);
    • a fantasy in which one of you cannot participate (sex with opposite sex, celebrity, etc.).
  6. Destroy the cards with fantasies that exclude the participation of one of you, the remaining two leave. Let one of you choose a card at random, then do what it is written on it than it is.

If you choose a husband, agree that you choose next time. If you got a card with a fantasy that you don't want to embody in reality, make love to "as if you are doing this: Play a role-playing game with changing clothes or make each other in words.

Focus with Male Point G

None of the men are against getting more pleasure in " missionary pose" No matter how good it is sensitive inside you, prostate stimulation will make them even better. The male analogue of the point G can awaken to incredible sensations using the crotch massage between the rear pass and the scrotum. It is convenient to do the joint of the bent index finger. Just do not overdo it - the place is sensitive to pain!

"Playing balls"

Men's testicles are an analogy for women's ovaries: a mysterious place where a new life originates. But unlike the ovaries, they can be (and necessary!) Touch. The sensations that your man arise from this simple action are superior to all other erogenous zones on his body, except, of course, penis.

The scrotum with the testicles can be wrapped with palm, compress, rub and pull. Carefully and gently. And do not leave this affection for later - this is the best prelude to good sex, and if you still have not paid attention to this part of the body of your beloved - do it in the near future.

The smell and taste of passion

The aroma and taste can be a leading note of sexual excitement, especially if you manage to tie it with memory of beautiful sex.

Find out what your husband loves. Does he really like your permanent perfume? Maybe he prefers to come from you a more subtle fragrance? Silent oriental, with spices? Light vanilla, as if a teenage girl? Experiment and find out how his dream lover smells.

Start a romantic evening with bath taking. Add a little aromatic oil to water. Then go to the bedroom to my husband and ask him to evaluate the smell emanating from your body. Show where the fragrance is heard the most - on the neck, chest or near the belly. Your nude and seductive fragrance will make your business - the evening will end perfectly!

Play with your favorite lubricants. Their choice is calculated with tens, for example, with the smell and taste of chocolate, strawberries, vanilla. Even if you do not need lubrication, these tools can be added to both in bed, enhanced sensations through the aroma and taste.

Some men do not like strangers and tastes during sex. Perhaps your husband from those who believe that your body smells divinely and without flavors.

If this is your option, make a bold move. Find a secluded place in a public place or at a party where you came together. Tell him that you can not wait when you already find yourself at home, in the bedroom, because you think about it all the time.

Watch him in the eyes of a seductive glance, slide with your hand to my clothes and touch the lighter to the vagina. Bring the wet finger to his face and tell me "you see?" - He will go crazy from passion as soon as your sexy smell feel!

To a funny simple trick

No woman in the world needs a hint when it comes to the causative agent number 1 for men. Their "love eyes" became a parable in the towns, and you probably experienced mixed feelings for our partner when sitting with you in a restaurant, he turned into a spinning radar that reacts to passing by the beauties. Say, flaw? But you can use it in your favor.

Forget about the extensive manicure, expensive accessories and new simulators in the fitness club - for this men pecks much less. Take this money and put in beautiful underwear. It may be lace to madness or stylish smooth. "Lingerie" is magical words, more than "Thank you" and "please."

You can exclaim: " I beg of you! It is cliche

And the truth, the cliché, the old number, the world famous fact - as you wish, but not without reason? Have you heard about the opinion that men are not biologically programmed to be with a single woman? All you can do to be the other in bed, do. If you want a monogamous husband. This is not what a woman want to hear, but it works if you want to surprise her husband in bed.

Smooth sexy black linen is a classic. Start with it.

Cheeky depilation

By the way, to somehow change, try an unexpected move. Make a surprise husband, completely removing your hair in an intimate place. It is better to make cream for depilation (no cuts and increasing hair).

Delightful smoothness will like you: many women admit that they feel just "walking sex" when they are depilation. Your view and your confidence will pleasantly surprise and give up your beloved man.

How to become goddess sex? Tips for inexperienced in sex girls.

How to deliver the unearthly pleasure of a man, a guy in bed, how to like, without having a lot of experience?

If the girl has a desire to deliver a man in bed with pleasure, it means that it has every chance of becoming a goddess of sex. Because any undertaking begins with the desire to implement it. And if such a desire arises from both partners, then mutual readiness to give more than to receive a pair to sexual harmony.

It must be said that the inexperience of the girl in sex is for a man its disadvantage. So, if a man is tempted enough and sex is a familiar thing for him, then a girl inexperienced in sex can become his student. He will teach it to all the azam of this art and the top of his unearthly pleasure will be a woman who can in sex all thanks to her teacher.

If you do not have experience, you want to give a pleasure to a man in bed, just follow your desires and desires of your man.

Forget about your complexes, relax and enjoy sex. Your man will surely feel that you are good with him and it will be the best reward for him.

Important! Do not forget about contraception and protection against possible infection by sexually transmitted infections. The easiest way to protect is a condom.

A completely different situation may occur if the guy and the girl are not prepared for sex. In this case, the young shelter's timidity and shysteriness of the girl can play a fateful role, and the couple will get mutual disappointment from sex.

How to behave in bed with a man, boyfriend, for the first time?

There is a specific program that will help and inexperienced girls show themselves from the best side.

Step first

Prelude to sex can take from 10 minutes to half an hour and includes kisses, hugs and affectionately. You can practice touching the fingers of the partner, the plexus of hands and legs, touch and tongue to its erogenous zones, touching his skin and other methods that deliver pleasure and help relax.

There are cases when a man and a woman are very excited and the preliminary affairs they do not need. In this case, everything happens like a sudden whirlwind, where clothes and the couple gets pleasure from rapid soy.

Step Two

Directly itself sexual act. If the woman is quite excited by prestitious caresses, then its vagina is moisturized with a lubricant, which helps to conduct sexual intercourse and without excessive irritation of the internal genitals. If the lubricant can not use oils intended for this purpose.

If you have sex with a man for the first time, behave like this sex for you and for this man is the first and last in life. Show all your fantasy and tenderness. If you postpone the demonstration of your talents for later, your man may simply not wait for it and go to a more interesting girl.

How to make a man to have sex with you? To achieve this goal, you can replace the posts during sex. The mistake is the opinion of the girls that the standard posture "Woman from below - a man from above" quite satisfies the requests of men. Such a monotony can disappoint a guy. And if the girl does not want to study all the positions of Kama Sutra, then you can use at least the most common postures.

  • Male from above - woman from below
  • Woman from above - a man from below
  • Woman relies on elbows and knees - man behind
  • Man and woman lie on bed sideways
  • Pose in the form of a valve or Pose 69
  • A man stands on his knees, and a woman lies on his back

And many other variations of these and other poses. It would be nice to show fantasy and come up with your options for sex. In this case, your man will be conquered by you, fascinated and no longer wants to look for another woman to meet his sexual queries.

Statenka Third

Laski, which couples practiced after sex, complete this process. You can find quite a lot of men who immediately after sex chump their girlfriend in the cheek, turn away to the wall and instantly fall asleep. Do not be offended by them for it. Just the physiology of men is arranged in such a way that after sex they need rest. And the physiology of women may require concluding caress and conversations.

How to do well, nice man, guy, husband in bed with hands?

The touch of female hands to the genital organs is always nice to men, but women mistakenly believe that such a touch should be extremely gentle and barely tangible for men. Tender should be the touch to the head of the penis, and the squeezing of the genitory barrel is strong enough. You can ask the man himself to tell you what kind of squeezing to him is most nice.

How to do well, nice man, guy, husband in bed language?

Oral sex is pleasant to almost all men, and some of them appreciate it more than standard sex. To make a good man in bed with the language, it is enough to remember several simple techniques of blowjob. They include:

  • Licking and gentle bumping
  • Vibration tongue tongue and suction

Alternate these techniques to create a cascade of sensual pleasures. To touch the tongue to be more delicate and sliding use oils intended for oral sex.

How to surprise your favorite guy, a man, a husband in bed, to drive crazy, make it nice, seduce, conquer, becknowledged: tips, secrets

To surprise and conquer a man in bed of insufficiently beautiful underwear, candles and champagne. For such trifles, men if they pay attention, then only minimally. Your man will be pleasantly surprised by you only if you as a workhorse will provide him with a full range of sexual services: oral sex, a variety of poses, moans and sighs. And if after sex you felt that you had a hard work, it means that your man got the most pleasure that he dreamed of. Of course, sex should be not only work, but also to enjoy the woman itself. And here it is important to find a golden middle, where both a man and a woman will be able to get mutual pleasure from sex.

If after sex your man is happy - it means you have worked well

What men, guys like it, what they want from a woman, girls in bed Most: Male desires

During sex and men and women go to the world of their own sensations and experiences. They begin to think the categories "nice", "good", "very nice." Most men want to delay the peak of the most pleasant sensations for them. Men want a woman to read their thoughts and embodied desire to reality. If you do not know how to read the thoughts of your man, ask him that he wants to get from you. Such an option deprives sex unpredictability, but it helps to understand the desires of men.

How to drag a man, a guy in bed, how to hint a man to bed, raise, excite it?

If you like a man, then drag him into bed will not be much difficult. Usually, the dialogue on the topic of bed is carried out between a man and a woman without words, with the help of only views and gestures. If you are not interested in a man, words and hints will not help you to start and excite it.

How to become interesting for a man?

Men in nature hunters and they are interested in hunting, for little achievable prey. So a woman preparing a view of an impregnable cliff may be more interesting for him than a woman who is clearly hinting for sex.

What can and need to do and say a man in bed, and what can not be: how to be at the height?

Most men prefer not to speak during sex. Talks distract and knock them off the rhythm. Exception from the rule can be ahi and oh under rhythm.

Being at the height during sex means feeling your man, guess his desires and embody His fantasy into reality.

What are men silent in bed, what do you pay attention to?

Men are silent about what they do not like during sex. So they may not like the fact that the male member enters the vagina of a woman too freely and does not find enough tight squeezing with muscles. If the muscles of the vagina women stretched out after childbirth or they are weak for physiological reasons, a man can not only not enjoy sex, but also not to reach orgasm.

How to pump up the muscles of the vagina?

To pump up these muscles is simple enough and for this you need to perform a simple gymnastics, which can be occupied in any free and even non-free time. The essence of this gymnastics consists in the tension of the muscles, which are located in the lower unit of the bladder and intestines. To perform gymnastics, you need to strain these muscles as you strain them when you need to empty the bladder or intestines, but there is no such possibility. It is necessary to strain them within 10 - 15 minutes every day. A noticeable result will come in about a month of such classes. The more and more often you will be engaged in such a gymnastics, the more pumped up your muscles will be.

What a man like in bed: reviews

In responds about sex, men write, about what they do not like:

  • Monotony pos
  • Critical comments on sexual talents
  • Chatting of women during sex

And also they write what they like:

  • Woman capable of being bright, diverse and temperamental
  • Compliments and praise sexual achievements
  • Sweet Stones, which indicate that a woman sex is very pleasant

Video: How to make a man nicely tongue?

You are not the first month, or even a year, together, and in the relationship there is not enough former spark? The habits of the second half have been studied thoroughly, mutual understanding has reached its vertex, but at the same time boredom appeared from somewhere? Perhaps it's time to think about a variety? How long have you been thinking about how to surprise your favorite guy?

Ideas for holidays and everyday life

If our goal is surprising - you need to do something unusual. But a surprise should definitely be enjoyable, we want to give your favorite person extremely positive emotions? Imagine that you choose a gift for your man. Remember all his interests and hobbies. Invent how to surprise your beloved guy, it is not necessary, based on your own desires. If you want a chocolate cake and a picnic in a romantic place, and your second half loves cars and football, perhaps, instead of sweets, he should give a ticket to the match for the favorite team? If you live together, it is enough to break the usual routine of the day. Slightly more manifestations of care and tenderness than usually, for sure, you will delight even the most brutal man. You can try to prepare something unusual or non-standard to issue the most ordinary dishes. If you regularly cook at home, why not order food from the restaurant and do not pay more time to your favorite instead of standing at the stove? If you meet with a fairly romantic guy, dinner can be supplemented with candles and light music. Another interesting idea is to arrange a restaurant at home, make a menu with prices in kisses and play the waitress.

How to surprise a guy on a date?

If your relationships are just beginning, it's time to be different and conquered the location of a closed subject. The easiest way to make an unforgettable row in a cafe or cinema is to change the most. He used to see you in ordinary jeans or business suit? Choose a playful dress in the flower and shoes on the heel, do not forget about the festive hairstyle and makeup. If you, on the contrary, a sample of femininity, offer to go to a sports bar, sit down, respectively and hit it with your interest in broadcasting games. Another versatile way, how to surprise your favorite guy on a date out of home - to organize this meeting myself. A trip to an unusual place, a start-up meeting on the roof, a visit to a unique exhibition or closed film - everything depends on the interests of your chosen one. Do not be afraid to experiment - if your favorite is a dozen, you can arrange a jump with a parachute as a surprise or go swimming in the diving center. The ideas of an infinite set - today the options for extreme entertainment can be found in any major city.

How to surprise the guy with words and actions?

Do not forget that the purpose of the surprise is to make a nicely beloved. It is possible that your man secretly dreams just to chat with friends and drink beer. So to arrange him the real boyfriend, prepared delicious snacks and calling him the closest comrades, is also a good way to add something unusual and interesting on weekdays. Another interesting idea, how to surprise your beloved guy, is to live a day by his plan. From the morning, declare the coming day by the time of His reign and offer to draw up a day of classes. It is possible that on this day the fulfillment of his desires you will learn him completely with a new one who is unknown to you earlier. Positive emotions and vivid impressions for both sides are attached.

Hello, dear girls! What is the main reason for the disaster in relationships? That's right - gray weekdays, ordinary life and boredom. Therefore, today I want to talk to you about how to surprise your beloved man without reason. How to choose a gift, make a surprise who will definitely like it and what is the secret of a successful gift. Pay attention to each other, take care of each other's needs - this is what will help you to preserve the thrill and tenderness in relations for many years.

All attention to it

When a girl wants to make a pleasant for his man, then most often she admits one terrible mistake - she makes a surprise that would please herself, and not a man. That is why it is so important to understand that your husband really wants.

One of my client arranged her boyfriend a whole day of massages, spa procedures, a bath / sauna. Yes, undoubtedly, the surprise is very pleasant. For her itself. As it turned out, her young man tolerate cannot suffer such procedures and with great pleasure would stay at home, tasty dinner and looked.

Therefore, before arranging something magical for your man, make sure that this is true will bring him pleasure and joy, and not the opposite. Think carefully under what conditions your partner will feel comfortable, which will definitely bring him pleasure and what he will be delighted.

How to find out? Very simple. To make a casual conversation with him about his desires, which he has long been dreaming, but still it does not work. Tell me about some kind of idea and carefully follow his reaction. Maybe even makes sense to ask his friend or brother of the Council.

Do not dwell on your dreams and fantasies. Remember that they can be completely different with your partner. You dream of a romantic dinner on the roof, and he wants to go to a bath with beer and fish.

Another option, how to find out what he dreams about is to listen carefully. He recently said that he was tired of the city fuss and would like to go beyond the city? Excellent. Use it to make it nice. Or he was mentioned that in your city there will soon be a concert of his favorite group.

What are the options

So, you learned that he would like to spend the evening in a relaxed home setting. Or he told about his long-standing dream to jump with a parachute. Or you learned from his friend that they recently discussed Karting and the eyes of your man caught fire from one idea. Let's look at several options for how you can please your beloved.

Holiday evening. You decided to spend time at home, to arrange a quiet and calm evening. Prepare his favorite dish for dinner, or find a new interesting recipe. What does he like? Maybe your man goes crazy from burgers? Cook his home burger, buy a delicious expensive beer and arrange the evening of his favorite films with Deky Chang, for example.

In addition, try not to swear on it, do not scandal, do not impose your usual claims. Be pretty, tender and kind. Since you decided to please him today, so do everything at the maximum.

If this day is a day off, then in the morning bring him breakfast in bed, take the bathroom together or go to the shower. And in the evening, arm a relaxing massage. And if on this day he wants to play his beloved prefix, let it be. After all, this is his evening rest.

Extreme surprise

Does your beloved have long since dreamed of going on karting or does he like the paraglider? Great idea. It will especially be cool if your man has a sedentary lifestyle, work in the office and you do not pay much attention to sports.

Remember that the strong emotions and sensations experienced together will warm you with cold evenings for a long time. Be sure to make a video and many photos so that the memories are not only in your memory, but also in the photos.

Sex is not a lot. The more you will surprise your beloved in bed, the longer your relationship will retain spark. But do not forget that a man does not always want and ready for love joy, this is an old stereotype.

Agree, after a hard day at work or a long business trip, it is more likely to want to lie down with you in an embrace, watch a movie or read.

If you decide to please your loved one, then you use your entire fantasy. You can arrange a romantic dinner with candlelight, erotic massage and on the plan. Or it can be a new sexy game, with suit and script. Or maybe you just decided to go to the late session in the cinema and the moment of passion happened in Parkovka. Give the will to your imagination and do nothing.

If you want to prepare, to study the intimate side of the relationship, I recommend contacting trading and video courses Alex Mayawhich is an international expert in this area.

Joint hobby

If your man loves to cook, then you can go to the master class together. And as a result, this from a conventional surprise can grow into your common favorite activity. Or he draws, plays a guitar. Any his favorite occupation you can present under a new sauce.

Pleasant little thing. Do not forget that you can make a gift with your own hands. Tie warm woolen socks, scarf, hat or sweater. Such gifts have always been considered and rightly is still considered the most spiritual. What can better warm in a cold winter evening? Of course, a sweater, knitted by the hands of a caring girl.

What else can be attributed to such gifts? Pen with personal engraving. Keychain for the car. Case for the phone with the inscription. You can make engraving anywhere: watches, cufflinks, your wedding rings and so on. Such gifts will remind you even.

Evening friends. Is your favorite sick for a football club and loves to watch all matches? Arrange real men's gatherings with beer, shrimps, chips and other male snacks. Or book a table for them in the sports bar.

Do not limit it in time. Do not call every five minutes. Let him calmly spend this evening. Even if they want to continue after football, rectify to this calmly and with understanding. You are satisfied with a surprise for him, it's not worth spoiling it.

Sherlock Holmes

If your friend is an amateur to guess riddles, it is interesting for logical puzzles, then you can arrange a real quest. It all depends on the time you have, from the place where you will hold a quest, and from the scale of your event.

If this is a simple surprise at home, then you can write a few notes with prompts, hide them all over the house and prepare the final surprise that will be obtained at the end of the quest.

If you can arrange a larger quest, then definitely hide tips in those places that have great importance for your man. For example, you know that in childhood he loved to walk with dad into the zoo. One of the prompts should certainly be there.

Humorous Show

Why are we fooling over first of April? Arrange your beloved real day of humor. In the morning, wake up his stupid alarm clock, prepare for breakfast something funny and stupid when it goes washing the devices of the soap bubbles.

Moreover, you can give him a summons with a completely serious view, and the path she looks like a real. Only calling to the army in it will be an invitation to the cinema, bowling, restaurant. And at the end of the day you can dress up in a ridiculous costume (with erotic subtext) and arrange a mini-performance mini-performance man, which it should be understood.

Dear ladies, remember that you are arranging a man, and not yourself. Make the focus on his desire. Do not wait for something in response. If you just want to please your boyfriend, then you have enough of his smiles and words of gratitude. If you do a surprise initially with the goal to get something in return, then this is a losing strategy.

Very convenient way - make magic envelopes. In these envelopes you and your favorite will be covered with papers on which all your desires, dreams, gifts that you would like to get and so on will be written.

What is the most unusual surprise did you get from a man? And what did you arrange? How often do you please each other?

Be careful to your second half and then you will definitely get it the best surprise.
All the best!

In order for the relationship to bring only joy and a huge number of new emotions, it is sometimes necessary to surprise each other, opening new facets of your personality. If you are looking for a way to surprise your favorite guy, this article is definitely for you.

Than you can surprise a guy

In order to understand what can make an indelible impression on your young man, you need to know it well and attach a little imagination. Pretty versatile and good options can be:

Unusual and tasty dish

One of the most faithful ways to the surprise of a man, as well as to the heart, lies through the stomach. Prepare some new dish for you. It is not necessary to make it too exotic (for example, combine fruits and fish) Because most men are conservative in food. It simply should be a beautiful and tasty dish, for example, chicken wings in breading from crackers or apple pie.

Divide its weaknesses

If your young man loves to play computer games or see ice hockey, then you will definitely surprise it if you give a disk with a new shooter or look at the national team match with him.

Make friends with his mom

Every man wants the two most important women in his life to be friends with each other. Therefore, if you live together, offer him to be invited to dinner his mother. It will not only be pleasantly surprising him, but also help you make contact with your future mother-in-law.

How to surprise a guy kiss

One of the most disarming techniques in the female seduction arsenal is a kiss. Kisses are different, and among them there are those that will help you surprise your young man, regardless of how long you meet.

Kiss in the neck.

One of the most pleasant and gentle kisses, which will definitely surprise your guy if you do it unexpectedly. Hug a guy from behind and gently kiss the neck. It is very simple and insanely nice.

Unexpected kiss

Guys love initiative emanating from girls. Kiss your young man at the moment when he does not wait for it. At the same time, you need to choose the right moment so as not to knock him down from some important thought when he is busy. After a kiss, look into his eyes and tell me something gentle.

Kiss "tasteful"

Buy lipstick with cherry or strawberry taste and offer your young man to taste your lips when meeting. At first he will be surprised by why you asked him about it, and then the very taste of your lips.

How to surprise a guy for a birthday

The most effective way to surprise the guy on his birthday is to give him an unusual gift. Depending on what kind of gifts your young man loves, you can present him:

Romantic gift

If your boyfriend is an amateur of romantic evenings, then you can cook dinner and cover the table in your room furnished with aromatic candles and ballrooms frightened. Sing him his favorite song, make a massage or prepare a bath, organize dinner on the roof. Any detail added personally by you in these gifts will make them unique.

Extreme gift

For an amateur of acute sensations, you can organize a parachute jump or a balloon flying. Play against him in paintball or drive on the maps. The initiative in extreme fun is what can surprise almost any guy.

Gift with your own hands

Tie for him a scarf, make your joint album, shed a mug or make a beautiful postcard with the most unusual recognition in love. To do this, you will need a little time, forces, desire and a lot of love.

How and what to surprise a guy in bed

New emotions in intimate life are usually very bright and able to maintain a passion in relationships, so let's consider techniques that can be surprised by a guy in sex.

New erotic lingerie

Go to the underwear store and buy beautiful, sexy and bold underwear. Spectacular additions will be stockings in a mesh or garter. By a variety of thus your sex life, you will not only be surprised by a young man, but also make your love even stronger.


Despite the fact that this type of bed entertainment is popular in various shows and films and may seem beaten, in real life, it almost always works reliability. Meet your young man from work in a secretary costume or waitress, enter the role and play it until you dwell with him in the bedroom deep at night.


Definitely, this is the most effective way to surprise your young man in the intentim plan. Turn on erotic music, dancing slowly and sexy. Removing each of the details of the clothes, bring your young man to the extreme degree of excitement.

Initiative in sex

As a rule, in bed, a man is the initiator, and when the dominant role goes to a woman, it will definitely be a pleasant surprise for him. Inconsider sex first, tend it, be a dictating partner, and your efforts will not pass unnoticed.

So we reviewed several ways of how you can surprise your boyfriend. If any of the above methods have already tried or you are not suitable, you will find other options.