What are the reflexes in the newborn baby. Search reflex Kussmouul. Search reflex or reflex Kussmoule

The main reflexes of newborns include a sucking, protective, grabbing, search, stepper and installation. In addition, speaking about what reflexes should be in a newborn, reflex Escherich, Moro, Babinsky, Bower and Babkina are mentioned. There are newborns and other reflexes - about their classification and characteristic you can learn in this material.

A healthy duddy child is born with a certain set of congenital unconditional reflexes that provide its nutrition and contact with the outside world, as well as the basis for the development of more complex forms of activity of the nervous system.

Therefore, congenital reflexes of newborns are recommended to strengthen, stimulating the further development of the motor skills of the child, the activity of the nervous system, as well as its intellectual and emotional development.

Some unconditional newborn baby reflexes are not immediately after birth, but after a few weeks or months. Checks and evaluates physiological reflexes of newborns, a pediatrician, and on the basis of them there is an assessment of the development and activity of the child's nervous system as a whole.

What physiological reflexes have a newborn baby


When stroking the lips or around the mouth, the child begins to perform active sucking movements. This reflex of the newborn baby is manifested immediately after birth and exist until 2 months. Then it replaces the desire of a child to shove any items in the reach of reach.

This is one of the main reflexes of the newborn, it helps the kid to explore the surrounding space, soothes and contributes to the preparation of the articulation apparatus to speech. Helps to stimulate this chicken-dummy reflex.

There are many opponents of its use, and in each case the question is solved individually, but the positive side of its application is that when making sucking movements, the movable still bones of the skull are hesitating, and it prevents too fast ingrowth of the forefront, which may occur before Heat growth. In addition, the increased influx of blood to the head improves the power of the brain and accelerates the withdrawal of harmful substances.

Rota Reflex Escherich

With a slight pressure on the upper or lower lip, the child pulls the lips with a tube. This unconditional reflex of newborns exists throughout the first month of life.

Search reflex

When stroking the cheek of the child, he reflexively turns his head in the same direction, as if looking for a source of irritation. Reflex begins to manifest in 2 months and exists until 4 months. This reflex is useful additionally to train, as it prepares the child to turning from the back on the stomach.

Protective automatism

When laying on the belly, the kid reflexively turns his head aside, freeing his breath. This reflex of the newborn children of the first year of life is especially expressed in the first weeks of life and exists up to 2 months.

Reflex Moro.

It occurs when a fall sensation (lowering the head is relative to the body by more than 30 °), loud sounds, bright light. The child first breed hands and squeezes his fingers, and then drives them, as if hugging herself. Having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics of this newborn reflex, parents must remember that its manifestations should be avoided because it causes a sharp emission of adrenaline. The conditions for the manifestation of this reflex occur when bathing, dressing, gymnastics and other sharp manipulations with a baby tel. With the manifestation of this reflex, it is necessary to calm the baby, take it to the hands, change the pose, bringing it closer to the intrauterine. Reflex exists from birth to 4 months.

Grass Reflex

Speaking about what reflexes there is a newborn baby, be sure to mention. It lies in an involuntary grasp and retention of the subject embedded in the palm of the baby. Sometimes kids hold so hard that they can be lifted for the restrained object.

This innate reflex newborn baby has existed since the appearance of the light and up to 3 months. It is possible to train it by investing in the palm of the child any oblong item so that all the fingers squeeze it. If the kid hides a thumb into the cam, it needs to be removed and put it right. Then you can carefully sip for the item to develop the ability of the baby to hold the items.

Reflexes of newborns and infants of the first year of life

Reflex Babinsky

When conducting the child's foot on the outer edge in the direction of the heel to the V finger, the extension and fan-shaped breeding of the foot of the foot occur. This innate unconditional reflex of newborns is developing the leg muscles and contributes to the correct statement of the foot during walking.

Reflex Hand Reflection

When stroking the back side of the palm in the direction from the wrist to the fingers, the child squeezes the fingers. If a 4-5-month baby lying on the back, take the forearm and translate into a sedentary position, then in response, it drives his shoulders and bends his hands in the elbows, as if pulling up. The bending of the hands is so strong that the child can withstand their weight in such a position. The reflex can be trained, several times, a day, sipping him behind the handles and forcing it to pull it out. This reflex develops the muscles of the hands and contributes to more accurate reaching items.

Reflex Supports and Step

The child is brought to a vertical position and tilted the body forward, in response to it it straightens the legs and relies on them or even take a step forward. This reflex newborn in infants has existed from birth to 3 months. After 3 months, the child is already confident on the legs.

Reflex pushing foot

When touching the palm to the footsteps of a child lying on his back with a bent and pressed to the tummy's legs, he repels from the palm and straightens his legs, moving forward. The reflex trains the muscles of the legs, contributes to strengthening the rise skill, helps when accumulated in the gases intestine. It is important that the baby should be repelled by both legs at the same time and with the same force.

Soda "grasp" reflex

When pressed on the basis of the fingers of the feet of a child lying on the back, he reflectically bends his fingers. Reflex exists up to 9 months. Develops walking skills and can be strengthened, for which it is necessary to regularly press the baby at the bottom of the fingertips.

Reflex cross-flexion

When a finger touching the midst of the baby in the arch area, the other foot is first bends, and then straightens. Reflex exists from birth to 1.5 months and promotes the development of walking skill.

Reflex crawling Bower

In the position of the child lying on his stomach when pressing his palms on his feet, he makes trying to crawl. This reflex exists from the 1st to the 16th week of life and needs a mandatory training, as it is the basis for the development of crawling. Initially, the kids make it pretty reluctantly, grind, but then they get better.

Nothing should distract the baby from feeding. Already in the first days, he persistently reacts to the emotional state of the mother, and to the monthly age, it is usually refused to suck the chest if the mother is excited. The child during the food should feel that mom does not hurry anywhere and is not nervous.

What else applies to the main reflexes of newborn children (with video)

Babkin's Paldon Roton Reflex

When pressed with fingers, on the palm of the hands lying on the back of the child, he has a reflex revelation of the mouth, tonging the language, sometimes rolling the eyes and extension of the legs. Reflex exists from birth to 3 months. It is possible to develop it with the help of the well-known game of "forty-forty". This reflex lays the foundation for the further development of speech.

Reflex talent

If the baby lying on his back or side, apply bar movements in the lower back area on both sides of the spine, he bends his legs and pulls them up to the stomach. If the child lies on the stomach, then you need to annoy the pelvic area in the same way. It causes lifting hips and bending legs from the same side.

Installation automatism

Speaking about what reflexes there are newborns, you can not forget about the installation automatism. When turning the head simultaneously turns the body. Reflex exists from 1st to 4 months.

Chain installation reflex

When the head turns into the same side, the shoulder belt, the torso, and then the pelvic belt are consistently rotated. Reflex manifests itself in children over 5 months.

All listed reflexes are normal for kids of a certain age and in the last time fade.

Check out the video "Newborn reflexes", presented below:

Pathological reflexes of newborn children

Speaking about the main innate reflexes of newborns, it is impossible to forget that the kids may have pathological (incorrect) reflexes that are not provided for by the "Program" laid in them. As a rule, they occur not by chance, but due to any reasons. And their many. One example is the child's habit of sucking your finger.

It must be remembered that the child constantly does it not from harm. The reason for such behavior can be different.

If the baby begins to suck the finger at an early age, from the 1st to 3 months, then he can do it in the intervals between feeding, as if imitating them, or in case he has a tummy. The fact is that the baby sucked his finger, still being in the womb, and it became a habit for him. As a rule, with age, this habit passes. In general, the pathological reflex in newborn children can be any normal reflex, which continues more than the term established for him. In this case, you need to seek advice from the pediatrician.

How nevertheless is the period of newborn, what is its duration? It is substantiated that this segment lasts 28 days, at this time there is a primary adaptation of a child to the environment. The adaptation helps the reflexes of a newborn, this is the nature of the laid mechanisms that allow the baby to make their first (as long as unconscious) actions.

Types of reflexes - classification

2 types of reflexes are isolated - conditional and unconditional, in infancy they work only unconditional, laid from birth. Conditional later appear, based on experience.

In total, 15 unconditional reflexes of newborns are distinguished, each of them carries their destination. Some arise and immediately disappear, others fade slowly, and the third remains forever.

Several groups of basic reflexes of newborns are allocated:

  • Aimed at providing general livelihoods (breathing, swallowing, sucking, spinal motor automates).
  • Providing security for the children's body when exposed to external stimuli.
  • "Temporary", which work to maintain some kind of process. For example, there is a reflex respiratory delay, so that the child can move to the childbirth.

Table of basic reflexes of newborns by months

Oral reflexes

From the very first minutes of life, a small organism needs nutrition. Suck milk from the chest and swallowed the baby nobody teaches, everything is based on reflexive activity.

Reflex There are crumbs from birth. Thanks to him, the baby is able to grab the nipple of the chest or a pacifier lips and makes the rhythmic movements of sucking. Reflex is strong up to a year, the emergence of basic teeth, with which sucking is replaced by chewing.

Up to 3 years, it remains weakly. The intensity of sucking signals about the degree of hunger of the baby, if the child is fed, then sucking becomes weaker, the food is expressed stronger to reception. The constant weakness of the sucking reflex is caused by many reasons, the establishment of which occurs with the help of the doctor.

Swallowing reflex Promotes swallowing the resulting food. It is due to the work of the oblong brain and remains for life.

Trump Reflex surrounding less than a long time - it disappears to the two or three months. Touching your finger or item to the lips of the baby causes the rooting into the tube resembling a small trunk.

Reflex Babkina., It is still referred to as palm-mouth. If there is a gently press on both palms, then the baby opens his mouth. For three months, the reaction fades, after disappears completely.

Search Reflex (Kussmouul) . An attempt to touch the cheek at the corner of the mouth (very easy) leads to the search for an irritant, that is, to search for food. After three months, the reflex passes, the baby determines the source of food visually. When checking it, it should not be touched directly to the lips of the crumbs, otherwise it turns out a trunk reflex.

Spinal automatons

Spinal reflexes Newborn characterize the baby's muscular apparatus and its condition.

Protective reflex It is found in the turning of the head when lays out the crumbs on the stomach. In this way, the child opens over air access to the airways. With damage to the central nervous system, this reflex is usually absent.

Grass (Monkey) Reflex - The ability to firmly grab and keep the adult fingers invested in the palm of the baby. Rimming by fingers is another similar Robinson reflex. Weakening occurs to four months.

- This is when when stroking the soles, the fingers are revealed by a fan-like method, and the feet bend from the back side.

Newborn Reflexes - Fitness Reflex (Babinsky)

This reflex is maintained up to two years, the symmetry of the reaction and energy is an indicator for evaluating the child.

Reflex Moro (embrace) - Reaction consisting of two phases, occurring in response to noise or knock.

Initially, the crumb's hands spreads in different directions and squeezes the fingers, the legs are straightened. Then the handles and legs are returned to its original position, reminding the arms. This reflex is observed up to five months. An incomplete reflex moro or its asymmetry is manifested with damage to the nervous system.

Reflex Kerniga It is observed when it is not possible to break the hip joint after bending. Upon reaching the fourth months, completely disappears.

Reflex automatic walking Checked with the support of the armpit and a small slope forward. The kid takes steps, not accompanying them with their hands. In the norm, the crumb should rely on the entire foot and walk without clinging.

If the legs are slightly crossed, it is considered acceptable in the first 1.5 months. The ability of self-walking is an already acquired skill, due to the complex work of the crust of large hemispheres, is developing by 1 year. If the "automatic gait" remains for a long time, then this may be a manifestation of the TSS defeat.

Reflex support Viden when the baby, holding, put on a solid surface. Initially, he repels the feet, then becomes plane, pressing the tiny soles tightly to the support. Throughout the entire one and a half months, reflexes support and walk are good severity.

Reflex crawl (Bauer) - It is called spontaneous crawl, it happens when the crumb is put on the stomach or back. The movements are enhanced if putting the palm to the soles of the child, the crumb can even move forward. Reflex arises for 3-4 days, and extinction on third fourth month. Anxious sign is considered to be a violation of symmetry or the preservation of crawling movements to six months.

Reflex Galanta Call the reacting of the spinal zone to the irritant from the outside. If you drive a finger on the back, then the child will bring the back and breaks his leg from the impact.

Rotonic reflexes (automates)

The reflexes data group is based on the redistribution of muscle tone as the child's motor development. While the crumb does not know how to keep the head, can not sit, walk and stand, his muscles should be adjusted. Subjectful and, subsequently, the middle brain is responsible for regulation.

Magnus-Klein Reflex (asymmetric tonic cervical) - the kid takes the "Pose of a Fencing" if its head turn on the side until the karapuz on the back. That is, the limbs where the face is drawn, they are inflicted, and the opposite are bent.

Name How to stimulate Reaction to incentive Appearance (Age) Disappearance (age) Causes of deviations
Search Stroking cheek Rotate the head to the stimulus, opening of the mouth From birth 3-4 months (in a dream to 12 months) Lethargy, the oppression of the nervous system. Palsy.
Sucking Touching the lip or oral cavity Sucking movements From birth 4 month (in a dream to 7 months) Freshly reacts poorly. Prematurity, depression of the central nervous system - lack
Cervical tonic ("Fencerter") While the baby on the back, turn the head of the side Straightening hands and legs from the root head; On the opposite side, a hand and leg bent Birth - 2 months 4-6 months Inability to get out of this state or the preservation of 6 months - disruption of motor neurons
Prehensile Put your finger in the palm of the child Strong finger covers with both palms From birth 3-6 months Defeat CNS.
Reflex Hagania Support under mouse, a small tilt forward. Feet should touch the surface Simple steps, alternate movements From birth 2-4 months Lack: cerebral palsy, paralysis of the leg, the oppression of the child
Reflex Moro (Hugs) Sudden sound or cotton when the kid lies on his back Symmetrical opening of the arms and straightening of the legs, after a few seconds wrapped yourself with hands From birth Up to 4 months Paralysis or fracture of the clavicle lead to asymmetry, no or long action - brain structures disorder
Fallen reflex Pressing the fingers on the foot Symmetrical bending fingers From birth 4-8 months Cerebral cerebral
Reflex Babinsky Spend on the sole to the fingers from the heel Finger squeezing fan-shaped From birth About the year PRESS, TSNS defeat

Checking the severity of reflexes is carried out using a neuropathologist and pediatrician, they are able to determine how correctly the functions of the baby's nervous system are operating.

What affects the late emergence of newborns reflexes?

Causes are completely different, ranging from injuries during childbirth, ending with an individual reaction to medical preparations. The spinal or oral reflexes of the newborn are lowered in the event of prematurity or light asphyxia.

It is not always necessary to beat the alarm, if the sucking and search behavior is weakly pronounced, perhaps the baby is simply fed, then it does not show strong reflex activity. But before feeding, on the contrary, sucking and the search is enhanced.

If the reflexes of the newborn is not observed at all, then this is a reason for immediate qualified medical care. The most important livelihood functions may suffer if it does not improve the maintenance of baby's health on time. There may be several reasons: severe malformations of intrauterine development, strong asphyxia, injuries obtained during childbirth.

Of course, parents should have information about congenital reflexes, but only an experienced neonatologist or pediatrician will be able to professionally appreciate the health of the child. Deviations from the norm are significant and not very, with small violations, the doctor will prescribe treatment or special procedures. If deviations are strong, the doctor will help to deal with the reasons, and will be able to make emergency measures so that the baby does not threaten anything.

Any strange manifestation of the child's behavior requires increased attention, because its successful adaptation to the world depends on this. The newborn reflexes are the concern of nature itself that the baby can feel the most comfortable as possible.

Children are born with a set of unconditional reflexes that are their peculiar adaptations to life. The word "reflex" itself translated from the Latin language means "reflected", "turned back". In medicine, such a term designate the body's reactions caused by the central nervous system when irritating the receptors.

Reflexes of newborn children and their meaning

Surely since the school we remember the axiom that all reflexes are divided into conditional and unconditional. The first - acquired, formed in the process of life experience. Unconditional we all get inheritance. They manifest themselves as the body's reaction to the irritants of the external environment. Reflex reactions serve for the best, easier child adaptation to the circumstances that cannot be changed.

A newborn baby is born only with unconditional reactions. Conditional is generated over time, in the process of its further development.

Separate reflexes arise immediately after birth and remain for life with a person, without changing. This belongs to the swallowing, which is responsible for the automatism of swallowing. We, adults, do it automatically, without thinking as soon as the fiery food came into a throat. Also makes a newborn baby using maternal milk.

The corneal reflex causes blinking when the eye is touched against the cornea. It appears at birth and serves a person all his life.

Tender is something that is often checked by neuropathologists during inspections. From the impact of the hammer on the tendons, muscle contractions and twitching legs occur.

So, the reflexes of newborn babies are their first adaptations to life, the automatic abilities of the body, helping to live outside the marriage.

Congenital reflexes of newborns

Born boy or girl reminds helpless lumps. However, Nature took care that this lump was protected and adapted to life. The newborn has a large set of instincts that help him survive in a new environment.

Today there are more than 70 congenital reflexes that help the kids to grow. They are needed to adapt newborn kids to the air after the water, in which they were in the lap of the mother.

Foodie, or it is also called sucking- The first such congenital reflex. It manifests itself in the fact that the baby does not need to learn to suck her mother's chest. It comes out involuntarily, reflexively.

Protective- This is a blinking eyes characteristic of all people. Approximate reflex consists in motion through the eyes towards the light source. The child reacts to bright light, it can even shout. Also, the child reacts to strong noise.

Prehensile. He manifests itself in the fact that the child is enough for your finger, which you lean to the inside of his handle, palms. Already at an early age, children can be very tightly grabbed by the fingers of their parents and at the same time to keep in His. If you touch the sole of the baby, then your fingers quickly straightened, the feet turn inside.

Hangeous. When you take the Child of the armpit and keep it vertically, it will raise one leg, then another. It will be a kind of walking. This reflex is usually observed in healthy children on the 4th day of life.

Reflex Moro.. It lies in stretching hands and legs with noisy sounds. The child disjects the back, throws the head, presses the handles to the chest. Over time, such a phenomenon disappears.

Unconditional reflexes of newborns

All the above responses of newborns are unconditional. Nature thus took care that our kids fir, they saw, defended themselves, moved, that is, used to the activity and loads that will experience in time, developing and adapting in the outside world. Unconditional reflexes are reactions without conditions, "ready." Healthy children are born with their full set. Some over time disappear, others (flashing, swallowing, for example) remain on the whole further life.

Physiological reflexes of newborns

At the birth of a child necessarily inspects a non-analystologist. He always checks it unconditional, that is, physiological reflex reactions. Golden mean from the point of view of neurology is the birth of a child with a complete set of physiological reflexes. Such a healthy child. And physiological reactions disappear by 3-4 months. The pathology is their absence and delay in their development.

So, we will list the main physiological reflexes:

  1. Search . It is manifested by lowering the lip and turning the head of the newborn in the direction of the adult (stimulus) in response to stroking in the mouth.
  2. Trump . If you tap on the upper lip of the baby, then it will have a reduction in the mimic muscles of the face. This is manifested by folding the lips of the child by a trunk.
  3. Reflex Babkina. also called palm-mouth. When applied to the palm of the child, he involuntarily opens her mouth. Such a response, as a rule, disappears up to 3 months.
  4. Reflex Robinzona . This is the same grabbing when the newborn, when she is grabbing, keeps the weight of your hanging body.
  5. Opportal . When the newborn put to the support, then it will break up his legs and the whole stop rests on the surface on which it is put. Until 2 months of age, such a reaction disappears.
  6. Stepshop . He also disappears to two months of the life of the baby, and it consists in moving with legs, if the child is kept in a vertical position.
  7. Reflex Bowera , or creeping. When putting on the sole of the feet of the child lying on the stomach, it begins to reflexively crawl. Disappears by 3-4 months.
  8. Protective it manifests itself from the child laid on the belly by turning the head and raise her attempts.
  9. Low grasp . It occurs when putting the legs of the newborn on the sole. At the same time, the flexion of the feet of the legs, which is reminded by hand. This reflex reaction disappears per year.
  10. "Duck" . It is manifested in the delay in the breath of the baby when the water is hitting it, the jet of air.

Atavistic reflexes of newborns

It should be known that not all reflex reactions of newborns have a large adaptive value. It is rather heredity received by a child from ancestors. Based on such responses, the body does not develop anything, and call such as atavistic reflexes.

Example - Robinsone reflex, or clinging. Touching the adult fingers to the palms of the child causes such a strong enough that the child can hang like a monkey.

Another atavistic reflex is a crushing. The moro reaction also owns this group. Not so long ago, a swimming reflex was found. If the newborn is lowered into the water, then it will flounder and stay on the water.

Most of the child's atavistic reflex reactions disappears in the first half of his life. For example, Robinson's reaction weakens by the fourth month of life. The crossed is lost in 3-4 months, long before self walking crumbs. Reflex crawl either does not serve as the basis for the formation of movement in space. Infant crawling begins with hands, and not from repulsion. Unconditional reflex reactions of our children do not ensure further formation of human forms of behavior. But the young animals they are the natural basis of the behavior of adult individuals.

Tonic cervical reflex

At the kid with a cerebral palsy when turning the head appears asymmetric tonic cervical reflex (ATHR). It is characterized by an increased tone of muscle extensors. That is, aside where the baby is directed, the handle will warm up. The second at this time will be bent in the elbow - and the child will take the position of the "fencer".

In healthy kids, the unreament manifestation of the ATHR can be revealed in 2-4 months. Then he quickly fades. But when PRPs, this reflex remains, and pathology is detected for several years. Such a pathological reaction does not allow the baby to develop as it is commonly considered. He cannot grab the rattle himself, explore it. The child orientation skill in space does not develop, because the baby's look does not focus. For the same reason, the child cannot coordinate movements, and this, in turn, prevents the development of many skills (written, visual). It's hard to draw a child and read, write and hold cutlery.

When the Toddler Athr is weak, then for its diagnosis, it is usually flexing-extension of the handles when turning the head. For this, the head of the child is held turned turned, and the hands alternately bend and extension. A positive reflex is spoken in cases when, when performing the above sample, the resistance of that hand is well felt, in the direction of which the child's face is turned. Another hand is difficult to be inflicted. This manifestation is called the symptom of the "peer knife".

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

With help reflexes of the newborn Doctors check how the central nervous system of the child works. This female will help to understand what the doctor does and that means something or another kid behavior, because the absence of reflexes can be a sign of some disease, as well as if the reflex does not fade away for too long.

Evaluation reflexes of the newborn Must be carried out in a warm, well-lit room, on a flat half-row surface. The kid should be in wakefulness, dry and full.

Temporary reflexes of the newborn


Reflex newbornwhich manifests itself in a child in response to any meaningful irritation of the oral cavity - if any item falls in the baby's mouth, including the nipple or nipple, the baby immediately proceeds to rhythmic sucking movements. This most important reflex is already present at the ended newborn and is usually preserved the entire first year of life.

Trump Reflex

Trump reflex newborns - This is the protrusion of the baby's lips in the form of a kind of "trunk" in response to a rapid ripple touch (light "tapping") to them with the fingers of an adult. Typically, the trunk reflex persists during the first 2-3 months of life, then fuses.

Search reflex

With careful, gentle stroke of the corner of the mouth of the kid, the child begins to lower the lower lip, reject the language towards the stimulus and actively "search" the mother's breast. Important moment: when checking this reflex should not touch the lips of the child (get a trunk reflex newborns). And also: irritation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe angle of the mouth really should be the easiest - if the kid trials discomfort, he will turn his head in the opposite direction. The reflex is usually preserved in the first 3-5 months of life, but sometimes may be present longer.

Ladon-rice reflex newborn

With moderate pressing on the palm of the baby with the pillows of fingers, the opening of the mouth of the child and the movement of his head forward is caused towards the verifier. Like search reflex newbornsThis, this is especially well expressed before feeding the child. Usually preserved until two months.

Weakening or assimmetry (on one side of the reflex is expressed more than on the other) of this reflex in newborns, as well as the preservation of it in children over 2-3 months of life, can talk about possible disorders from the nervous system - this means that the baby follows Be sure to show the children's neuropathologist.

Protective reflex newborn

Try to put the baby on the stomach - and he immediately "automatically" will turn head to the side. The biological meaning of this reflex is understandable and without any explanation - it allows the baby to breathe even in such an inconvenient position as a position of a prick. Reflex newbornsusually being present in the first hours of life.

Reflex crawl

Present in a child from the first day of life. If you lay out the baby on the stomach, touch it soles, the baby will try to push off the adult palms, as from the support. And move forward. Some newborn are striving to carry out climbing movements and without support is the so-called spontaneous reflex crawl. Normally, these movements may exist up to 4 months of life, after which they fade away.

Reflexes support and automatic walking

If you give the body of a newborn vertical position and ensure contacting the sole of its stop with a horizontal solid surface, then the kid will straighten the legs and will "stand" (with support, of course). Stored in children until the age of 8-12 months. If the "standing" in this way a newborn is somewhat tilted forward, shifting the center of gravity of the body, then the baby immediately begins to "stop" with legs - this is an automatic walking. With its implementation, many children cross legs - it should not be frightened: in the first 1.5 months of life it is normal.

Grass reflex newborns

The baby unconsciously compresses the fingers of the palms if something is invested in them. Sometimes such a seizure is so strong that the baby that grabbed the fingers of the adult is quite possible to lift into the air. Prehensile reflex newbornsit is considered natural up to 4 months of age - then he disappears, and it comes to change arbitrary, quite conscious capture of objects with hands.

Reflex Moro.

This reflex is newbornsmay be caused by the child of the first months of life in different ways: cotton palms on the surface on which a child has been produced simultaneously at a distance of 15 cm on the right and to the left of its head; a sudden passive extension of the legs of a false child; Rimming the lower half of his body for straightened legs. The reaction of the baby on these irritations proceeds into two phases: first the child sharply takes the handles to the sides, at the same time revealing the cams, then - as if it covers themselves.

Reflexes of the newborn, which appear and complicate with time

Shane straightening reaction It is a subsequent turn of the body to the side, where the head of the baby turned first. The functioning of this automatism helps the child learn from the motor skill, such an pleasing of the parents, - turn from the back on the side. At the age of 6-8 months, another - straightening torso reflex comes to replace this simple reflex. After turning the head toward the baby turns the shoulder belt, the torso, and then the pelvis. Such rotation of the body around the longitudinal axis is an absolute condition for mastering turns from the back on the stomach and from the abdomen on the back, the skills of self-sitting, the rise, etc. With each month, the reactions of the baby are more complicated by changing the complex arbitrary motor acts.

Protective reaction of hand - Various movements of the handles (stretching forward, breeding, etc.) in response to changing the position of the child's body in space.

Reflex Landau.

Give the child "Plot's position" - lift the baby in the air so that his face looks down, and he will immediately raise his head, and then straightened (or even embarrass), and also breaks his legs and hands.

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The first 28 days after birth, the child is adapting absolutely for him extraordinary conditions. To survive the baby, he has a certain set of reflexes, which gives him nature and evolution. Congenital reflexes of newborns are absolutely necessary, until he has no appropriate, acquired. Only due to automatians at the birth of a baby has a certain set of skills for further development and growth.

Conditional and unconditional reflexes

All the reflexes that he has at the moment is called unconditional, as they are initially laid. Over time, some of them disappear, and new ones come to their place. For each age, there are similar reflexes, which, provided that they are conserved and are considered to be pathological. Therefore, in the practice of a children's neurologist, checking the state of automatic karapuse reactions to a certain type of stimulus is diagnostically significant.

At older age, with certain experience, the baby is produced by its own reflexes, which specialists are called conditional. As they grow and ripening the nervous system and brain, they are becoming more and more, in addition, they are constantly complicated.

Among all the unconditional reflexes are allocated by neuropathologists 15, which relate to the most important. Some of them are needed in order to survive the transition from an intrauterine existence into an external environment. At the same time, they disappear from a person immediately after birth. Others are needed for the development of new skills, and are preserved throughout the remaining life. For example, normal life is provided by a swallowing reflex, a sucking, a set of spinal reflexes and respiratory reflex.

Protect the toddler's body from the effects of an aggressive external environment helps a certain set of reflexes. They save it when cold and heat, bright light, as well as other stimuli.

Among the vital conditional reflections, the response reaction can be noted, which works only during the passage of the baby on the generic paths of the mother. And immediately after childbirth disappears.

Types of reflexes and their classification

Consider in more detail what kind of reflexes of newborns are found classification and research methodology.


Oral reflexes after birth, the child is observed as follows:

  1. Sucking. Ability to take the mother breast or nipple on a bottle of nutrition from almost the birth with a nutritional bottle, and the ability to swallow milk is a manifestation of swallowing. They are both necessary to power the newborn. But the difference is that the first gradually passes, and the second remains during the remaining life.

Which age is the baby reflex? It must be said that its formation is still intrauterine, as it is necessary not only for the process of absorption of food, but also for mental calm. Therefore, when Karapuz is capricious, a nipple helps him, with her he feels more confident. This automatism is great in the first three years of life, and decreases to the four years, when a sucking reflex rushes. Its dissatisfaction can lead to impaired psyche and the development of neurosis and neurosis-like states in the child in the future.

When does the premature children appear sucking reflex? In these kids, he can manifest themselves late and be too weak, so they have to feed them with the help of a catheter or with a spoon. But worse, if it is absolutely absent. This indicates damage to the CNS.

  1. One of the varieties of oral reflexes is a trunk. In order to check its presence from the baby, it is just necessary to touch his lips slightly, and they are immediately pulled out in the form of a tube or a trunk. To two-three months, such a phenomenon must fully pass.
  1. Neuropathologists allocate a palm-roto-head reflex, which also has a second name - Babkin Reflex. He lies in the fact that if the baby pushing his fingers on both palms right away, then he opens her mouth and tilts the head. Reflex Babkina in newborns is considered normal in the case when it manifests itself from two to four months.
  1. Search reflex, or Kussmoule reflex, exists for the child to quickly find a source of food. He manifests itself when concerning the corner of the mouth at the kid, while his head turns into the same direction. Such a phenomenon remains until the end of 4 months, some this automatism disappears before. Then goure more mature to work than at birth, the visual analyzer, and the baby seeks food when he sees the mother's chest or nipple on the bottle.

Spinal reflexes

Muscle operating status provides a set of spinal reflexes. Among them, the top protective is considered the most important, which is determined already in the first clock of the baby's life, and manifests itself that if the baby put on the stomach, then his head immediately turns to the side. Sometimes he even tries to lift it. Such protection helps the child will not suffocate in the position lying on the stomach. After a month and a half after birth, this reflex is no longer noted.

Reflexes grabs

Not everyone knows what Reflex Robinson has newborns. But many know that if the fingers of the mother or other man kid can grab enough in such a way that it can be lifted. Such a manifestation of grabbing reflex largely severity can be observed up to four months. Then he weakens, and disappears at all.

The baseful reflex of the Babinsky is that when the child stroke the edge of the soles, then his fingers are revealed by the type of Veter, and the heel is bent off the back side. This reflex is noted for quite a long time, and even a two-year-old child can be observed.

In response to the question of the Reflex Moro, what it is, it is necessary to say that he is named so named by the German pediatrician who first described it, noting certain reactions at the time of processing newborns at the obstetrician immediately after birth.

Reflex Moro in infants is usually called in several ways:

  • the legs of the kid, which lies on the back sharply break, or lift together with the bottom of the body;
  • clapped with two hands on both sides on the surface, located approximately 20 centimeters from the head of the baby;
  • take a child in your arms and sharply lower his centimeters by 30, and then return to the former height;
  • just make cotton in your hands directly next to the child.

It must be said that manifests itself in two stages. On the first, the child spreads the handles to the sides, squeezing the fingers on them, and the legs simultaneously straightens. In the second phase, returns to its original position, while the kid sometimes even hugs himself with his hands. Reflex Moro in newborns is a phenomenon that is characteristic of children up to 5 months of age.

Reflex Kerniga lies in the fact that the baby in response to an attempt to connect the legs in the hip and knee joint after their flexion, exhibits strong resistance. Normally, it is easy to do it easily. Reflex Kerniga is noted up to 4 months.

It is interesting to show the reflex in crumbs, which is called automatic gait. He manifests itself if the kid raise and tilt ahead a little. This automatism is known to many, and wears another name - a stepping reflex in a newborn.

The support reflex lies in the fact that the child can attack tightly stops when it is neatly put on a flat surface. But at first he bends his legs in his knees.

The Bauer reflex normally manifests itself on 3-4 days from the birth of a child, and manifests itself that the baby begins to try to crawl if putting it on the stomach and push the palms on the soles. Such automatism disappears after three to four months.

There is also a Galant Reflex, which is that the child's ridge reacts to irritants from the outside. If you have a baby along the spinal column, it will benting the back, and the leg from the irritant will bend.

If the baby's head turn to the side, then you can see how my hand and leg rectifted on the same side. Such a reaction is called Mangus-Klein reflex and it is saved to two months.

Lack of or reducing reflexes

Checking the presence and force of the manifestation of unconditional toddler reflexes in response to a variety of stimuli, sometimes it can reveal their absence or a decrease in the automatic reaction that should be observed at this age. The reason for this may be traumatic damage in the process of childbirth or various diseases. Sometimes such action is provided by some accepted medicines.

Some weakening of reflex activity is observed in children who were not donated, or born with asphycia. We will understand more about the reasons for such a deviation:

  1. Weakening reactions that are aimed at absorbing food, sometimes explained very simply - the baby is not hungry.
  1. Especially dangerous are situations when reflexes are not observed completely. Their complete absence is considered to be a reason for the immediate premises of the child in the resuscitation department, while only highly qualified specialists should be engaged.
  1. The causes of the absolute lack of normal reactions may be malformations of development, traumatic damage occurring in childbirth, as well as pronounced ischemia immediately after birth due to the cordial fetal cord in the mother's womb.

However, parents should not be desirable, even if the reflexes are not defined at first. It should be understood that the reserve forces of the baby's body are large enough, and with a timely adopted measures there is a high probability that its condition is normalized and, and he will grow a healthy person.

What else to pay attention to?

It is necessary to check the child from the neurologist for the timely appearance and extinction of reflexes. These indicators are very important because they determine the degree of development and violation of the CNS of the baby. A young mother should also treat her child with attention to his child, and check:

  • symmetry of manifestation of automatic reactions;
  • weakening or oppressing them;
  • unusual gain in the form of nervous or muscle excitability.

Some reflexes should be used for daily exercises with the baby. It is best for this automatic walking, reflex supports, and grabbing reflex. Their use in the daily complex will allow the child to make already meaningful actions in the future.

Formation of new reflexes

Conditional reflexes begin to form at the end of the first month of life. The child starts working the motor analyzer and the vestibular apparatus. But such reactions are still quite weak, and can easily be understood. This suggests that the cortical structures of a small person are still immature, and the excitement in them significantly dominates braking.

In the second month of life, auditory, tactile and visual acquired automates appear. And the main types of conditional braking can be defined by the fifth or sixth month. An important condition for the timely generation of conditionally reflex activity of the brain is the active participation of adults in the process of their formation by learning and games.

By the end of 12 months, the second signal system and the combination of its operations occurs from the first. At the same time, the first system allows analyzing and controlling the reaction to various incoming irritants. Such a system is available in animals. The second signal system is formed only in a person when the association of pronounced or written words with objects or actions occurs.