Makeup for European eyes. Lower eyelid design. Features of Asian appearance

If by nature a girl has a beautiful oriental eye shape, then she definitely needs to learn how to do makeup for Asian eyes. How to make up narrowed eyes? What shadows should I use? What is the difference between everyday make-up and evening make-up, if the eyes are narrow? Many girls of oriental appearance ask such questions.

Features of the appearance of women in Asia

Any girl or woman is a unique creation of nature. Each appearance is individual and striking. A woman carries a variety of features in her appearance.

Asia has always attracted and interested not only with its antiquity, great life practice and wisdom. Asian women are also the subject of attention for their unique beauty with distinctive features. Swarthy skin color, prominent cheekbones, thick straight hair and, of course, a kind of eye shape - all this gives the appearance of an Asian woman flavor and originality.

The Asian type of appearance is exotic and unusual. The slanting eye shape is a unique feature unique to women in the region. Asian eyes should be viewed not as small and narrow, but as absorbing in their bottomlessness due to the dark color of the cornea.

Hanging eyelids over the eyes are a kind of zest in comparison with the European female type. Many Asian girls are convinced that this is a big flaw in their appearance. But this is an erroneous opinion, especially since the modern makeup technique makes great use of overhanging eyelids when making up.

To do this, you just need to know and be able to apply cosmetics using certain methods. Makeup performed in a stylish way will visually eliminate swelling of the eyelids, make the look open.

How to paint narrow eyes correctly

Make-up for an Asian type of face takes into account the peculiarities of the eye shape and requires a lot of attention and time to be devoted to its implementation. Make-up for narrow eyes is done in two ways:

  1. The natural shape of the eye remains unchanged.
  2. The upper eyelid is visually increased in height.

Often Asian girls, women want to enlarge the eye shape at the expense of the upper eyelid. For this, self-adhesive strips of paper or special glue are now commercially available. The strips are glued on, and the glue is applied with a narrow cosmetic spatula to the border between the edge of the eyelashes and the upper eyelid. The glue can be applied evenly or in such a way that the bead of glue expands at the outer or inner edge of the eyes. You can also visually enlarge the incision of the upper eyelid by drawing an imaginary fold on the upper eyelid.

The eyelashes on Asian eyes are inherently rather short, straight and sparse. To correct their direction, there are special tweezers - eyelash clips. With their help, the eyelashes become, as it were, curled upwards, they seem to be longer.

As you know, an Asian woman has mostly dark hair and brown eyes. For such eyes, you need to use shades of gray, green, cream, beige, pearl shades.

Both cold and warm tones will do. The main thing is that they are combined with each other. In no case should you apply red shadows - they create the impression of tear-stained and puffy eyes.

Makeup for narrow brown eyes for every day

Casual or daytime may not include shadows at all. Or you need to apply a foundation of light shadows over the entire surface of the eyelid. Then, bronze-colored shadows are applied to the moving part of the eyelid. To emphasize the expressiveness of the look, you can shade the outer corners of the eyes with shadows of dark shades.

Arrows for narrow eyes are drawn with a pencil along the lash line. At the outer side of the eye, the line can be extended, drawn upward. Shade the arrow a little, highlighting the outer corner of the eye. Draw the arrows on the lower eyelid with a thin brush with dark shadows.

Eyelashes can be curled with tweezers, then tinted with mascara. It is advisable to apply mascara 2 times in order to better fix the shape of the eyelashes.

Evening makeup for Asian eyes

It must have pearlescent shadows. They need to be applied to the inner corners of the eyes. This will make your eyes look straight and open. Shadows for evening makeup should have purple, smoky, dark brown, dark blue shades.

Arrows are drawn with a pencil or liquid eyeliner. The line of arrows goes along the border of the eyelash growth. The thin arrow needs to be gradually expanded slightly as it approaches the outer border of the eye. The eyeliner line lengthens slightly towards the temple.

The eyelashes are curled with tweezers, then painted with lengthening mascara. Now they look longer, thicker, fuller. It is advisable to paint over the eyelashes only on the upper eyelids, although the lower eyelashes are often painted with ink.

General makeup for narrow eyes of the Asian type

Perfection in the appearance of a girl is achieved not only by flawlessly made. An integral attribute of the beauty of an Asian girl is also cosmetic treatment of the skin of the face, eyebrows, cheekbones, lips. In short, well-groomed eyes perfectly complement general makeup, and vice versa: general facial makeup complements eye makeup.

As with all face decorating techniques, the first step is to tidy up the skin. Her flaws are perfectly hidden by the foundation. He also plays a role in aligning the entire tone of the face. Because Asian skin is yellow, not all foundation shades will work. For example, makeup artists do not recommend using pink. Perfectly in harmony with the natural skin color will be tonal creams of golden, beige, caramel, yellow-brown shades.

An Asian girl should remember that the chosen foundation should not be darker than the natural complexion. If there are circles under the eyes, they can be covered with foundation a tone lighter tone for the face.

The eyebrows of Asian girls are naturally straight and beautiful. They can be supplemented with a slight correction with a pencil, and then gently blend with a brush. Eyebrows - should not be thick, at the base they should remain wider, and towards the end they should become thin as strings.

As you know, the face shape of Asian girls is round. The cheekbones are accentuated with shimmering blush. An important component of make-up, blush, helps to revitalize and refresh facial expressions. They are applied to the protruding part of the cheekbones from the bottom up. Closer to the temples, the color should be more intense. After applying the blush, you need to shade well. This technique allows you to visually make the face more oblong. For an Asian look, bronze, plum, peach blush colors are suitable.

As for the lips, for them Asian girls prefer lipstick of such bright colors as raspberry, scarlet, juicy red. It is a great addition to your eye makeup. You can use a matte lipstick, but a colorless gloss will do. Before applying lipstick, cover your lips with a light layer of foundation and draw a pencil around the contour. Asian sponges are characterized by a rather small size. In this regard, the lipstick should be applied stronger and brighter on the central part of the lips than on the edges.

Asian-looking girls always attract attention in the crowd because they look exotic enough. Especially in their appearance stand out almond-shaped eyes of brown color, which is considered mysterious and passionate. In order to emphasize the beauty of their eyes, girls resort to make-up tricks, which are significantly different from the European type of eye makeup.

Features of the

The main feature of Asian eyes is their elongated shape with a narrow slit. Also, a person of Asian appearance has a special structure of the movable eyelid, which almost completely hangs over the eye, which is expressed in the absence of a fold. The cilia also has its own peculiarities: the cilia of Asians are often short and straight.

Based on the aforementioned anthropometric characteristics, it becomes clear that girls with this shape of eyes need to correct their shape - visually "open" their eyes, and also need to work on its severity.

Girls rarely focus on their eyes in makeup, because they have very expressive lips: full and beautifully shaped. That is why Asians tend to emphasize their beauty, using soft lipsticks in daytime makeup.

Very often, oriental girls have outstanding cheekbones, which cannot be stressed enough. It is this feature of the structure that creates an additional emphasis on the face, which they also demonstrate with pleasure. However, a significant disadvantage is a yellowish skin tone, which also needs to be corrected and given a lighter, pinkish undertone.

Despite the specific features, girls manage to make perfect makeup that emphasizes their strengths and hides flaws. In particular, it is necessary to monitor the skin and at each makeup session it is necessary to bring it to perfect condition, otherwise it can significantly spoil the overall appearance. No matter how beautiful a girl's eyes are, you need, first of all, to be able to give a light and natural skin tone.

Only after that it is necessary to move on to eye makeup, aimed at increasing their volume and expanding the incision. Thanks to this, you can "open up" the look and make it more alluring and expressive.

However, when doing makeup, it is important to maintain a balance so as not to lose personality.

How to determine the shape?

Determining the shape of the eyes and their section is not very difficult, since most people are visually able to assess the size and shape of the eye.

However, if a number of difficulties arise with this, then you can turn to the following features, which are characteristic purely for the Asian form:

  • It is necessary to bring the mirror to your eyes as far as possible and go to the window, since natural light provides the best vision.
  • On a visual assessment, you should immediately look at the upper eyelid and note if there is a crease on it. If it is absent, this is the most important sign of the so-called Mongoloid eyes.
  • It is also important to analyze the position of the outer corners of the eye. Visualizing a straight horizontal line through the center of the eye socket will help with this. You need to see where the outer and inner corners are directed. This will determine whether the eyes are lowered or raised.
  • If it is impossible to see the white of the eyes under or above the iris, then this is a characteristic feature of the almond eyes.

What means to use?

The first step to a beautiful and harmonious make-up is the right choice of cosmetics. Most of them, in particular, decorative cosmetics, which include shadows, eyeliner, pencils, can be found in any specialty store.

However, it is worth taking into account the fact that products should be selected only in accordance with the type of skin, which is still slightly different for Asians. Moreover, since the main purpose of makeup for oriental girls is correction, specialized products are often used, for example, artificial eyelashes or even special glue for lifting the upper eyelid!

Since such funds are quite difficult to find without prior ordering, we note the basic items that should be in a cosmetic bag:

  • A base under the eyeshadow that helps make-up last as long as possible without getting a messy or stale look.
  • An eyeliner should preferably be black and brown. By alternating between these shades and using them in different techniques, you can achieve amazing results.
  • Gel black eyeliner is needed in order to make rich, dramatic arrows, which will add an oriental flavor to the look due to the modern persistent and dense structure of the composition.
  • Several palettes of eyeshadow should also be included in the standard cosmetic set. The eyeshadow should ideally be of different shades, both warm and cold, in order to create an individual make-up for each look. Mandatory components of the palette are beige and brown, the so-called natural colors.
  • Not a single girl doing make-up can do without mascara, since it gives more dynamism to the look, adds volume to the eyelashes and makes the eyes wider.

How to do it?

Each of the girls, regardless of nationality, wants to be able to do perfect makeup. Creating a correct and beautiful make-up for Asian eyes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you follow the step-by-step instructions and try to follow the rules of application, you can easily create a beautiful make up in a short time using the most basic cosmetics.

After the tone has been created on the face, the skin has become smoother and more radiant, you can proceed directly to the eye makeup.

To do this, you need to apply a base under the eyeshadow on the eyelids. She will be able to create a special coating that will help prevent the shadows from rolling or losing their color. Often, the bases also carry caring functions, which will take care of the delicate skin of the eyelids and around the eyes.

Now you need to emphasize the shape of the eyebrows and, if necessary, correct it. To do this, you need to use a special lipstick or pencil. You can apply a small amount of highlighter under the curve to enhance the beauty of the shape.

The next steps vary depending on the type of makeup and the occasion for which it is being created. Shadows can be applied to create a light gait around the eyes and thus accentuate the color of the eyes. On top of them, many people prefer to draw arrows to make the look more expressive. You can draw arrows either with a pencil or with an eyeliner. The first option is soft enough, and the pencil arrow can be easily shaded, while the eyeliner creates clear graphic lines that will become the basis of the makeup.

In order to complete the look, you need to dye your eyelashes, but this must be done very carefully so as not to turn the hairs into "spider legs".

Unlike European women who are used to showing bright eye makeup, Asian girls prefer to focus the attention of others on natural, natural beauty.

However, there are eye makeup options that are suitable for absolutely all girls - this is the "amber" technique. It allows for a smooth transition from one color to another, from lighter to darker and more dramatic due to enhanced feathering. This application technique allows Europeans to add more mystery to their eyes, and Asians - to correct the shape of the eyes and give them visual depth.

In addition, due to such makeup, girls from Europe are trying to avoid the same type of make-up: Shifting the focus towards Asian makeup, they try to find a new way of expressing themselves and expressing their individuality.


Any makeup has many facets and is designed for a particular occasion, however, regardless of the chosen event, makeup should always look perfect and look harmonious. Recall that there are several types of makeup: everyday, evening, pop and national.

Daytime make-up is one of the simplest, it is designed to emphasize the natural beauty of a girl with a minimum amount of cosmetics.

On the upper eyelid, you need to apply light shades of shadows, which will visually enlarge the eyes - at least, it will create such a visual effect. From the side of the outer corner, you need to start toning the eyelid with dark shadows - dark brown, graphite, dark gray, but not black. It is necessary to walk along the eyelash growth line with a thin line of liquid eyeliner, while not drawing the line beyond the edges of the eyes.

To increase the volume of the eyes, you can apply a little highlighter under them with your fingertips to visually make them larger.

In a couple of layers, you need to apply mascara to the upper eyelashes. Sometimes this is done on the lower ones, but this is far from necessary in order not to create an overly bright image. When applying mascara, you must carefully comb your eyelashes so that they do not stick together and do not spoil the appearance.


Evening makeup differs from daytime only in shades and saturation of colors. The same method of applying cosmetics is used, however, a brighter palette is used in the evening make-up.

To add drama and showiness, use eyelashes that need to be fixed with special glue. There are different forms and types of artificial eyelashes, as well as their different volumes. It is not worth advising any specific one, since the choice depends entirely on the girl's desire, because any type of artificial eyelashes is suitable for Asian women.


Wedding makeup is significantly different from other types of make-up, because it must demonstrate all the tenderness, purity and natural beauty of the bride. That is why make-up artists use a very soft palette, giving up clean lines and rich colors. For brown eyes, cream shades, beige and coffee colors are perfect.

Light shades are applied to the inner corner of the eye and smoothly faded to the center, where a "medium" shade is applied in its saturation and depth, which will create a smooth transition from the inner part of the eyelid to the outer one. It is on the outer corner that a dark color is applied, which will add depth to the look.

Often, artificial eyelashes (not the most voluminous) are used for wedding makeup. They can be tinted with ink and curled with special tongs. This technique will curl the hairs, enlarge the eyelashes and visually open the eyes.

Smoky eyes

Smoky eyes, or "smoky" makeup, suits absolutely everyone, regardless of the shape and shape of the eyes. This make-up option is perfect for an evening out in a restaurant or a trip to a club, if it is made with deep saturated colors. At the same time, if you do this makeup in lighter shades, it is suitable for everyday wear. It is for this wide variety that many makeup artists love this type of makeup.

Asian makeup often attracts European-looking girls. Therefore, at present, many European girls are interested in the application of Asian-style cosmetics.

Asian eye makeup secrets

The beauty of oriental girls, which nature has endowed them with, is unique, but with the help of cosmetics, the female half of the East has learned to emphasize it, giving the image individuality and uniqueness. With the help of eye makeup, oriental girls manage to highlight their natural beauty, because their eyes are not necessarily narrow and small. Asian eyes can be large and deep.

The main feature of Asian eyes is drooping eyelids. This feature is not considered a negative feature. This is the highlight that distinguishes the eastern type of appearance from the western one. The important thing is that it is possible to recreate the image of an Asian girl with the help of cosmetics, but it is quite difficult to achieve this if you do not know some of the subtleties of makeup.

The peculiarity of high overhanging eyelids is explained by the fact that they contain a greater amount of fatty deposits. Therefore, first of all, unlike European and Arabian eye makeup, Asians begin to paint their eyes by trying to disguise fat deposits under the eyelids. Only after this does the main make-up begin.

Today, special adhesives are used in cosmetology, the use of which helps to fix and tighten the overhanging upper eyelid, as a result of which the eyes become wider, the look deeper and more attractive. However, such a procedure brings unpleasant sensations, and it is quite tedious to perform it. Some girls think about corrective eyelid surgery, but this is not an option, because the eyes can forever lose their oriental mystery and charm.

The question arises, why change the lovely features that nature itself has awarded. Indeed, in this case, drooping eyelids are a wonderful and piquant addition to makeup. If you design them well in the style of Asian makeup, no one can pass by without paying attention to such unique and luxurious eyes. To hide the effect of puffy eyes, visually enlarge their cut, and make the look unusually deep and at the same time light, you need to know just a few rules for applying Asian makeup.

Many European girls try to do Asian makeup, but before proceeding with the makeup, you should take into account the features of Asian facial features that are different from the European type:

  1. Yellowish tint of the skin. People of the European type have light skin.
  2. Pronounced cheekbones, in European women they stand out slightly less.
  3. The lip line is smooth, clearly defined.
  4. The upper eyelid hanging over the eyeball, which is impossible to see in any girl with pure features of the European type.
  5. All Asians have slanting eyes, but it is rarely found in European girls.

All these features must be taken into account if a decision is made to learn how to independently perform Asian makeup.

Changing your image

To look perfect every day, it is recommended to take care of your appearance, the beauty of your skin, and do the right makeup. Asians are girls gifted with special beauty, but still want to look unusual, so make-up techniques are used. Due to the fact that girls of Asian type have a peculiar cut of the eyes, they need to be painted using special techniques.

Asian makeup options:

  • maintaining the visual size of the eyes, while the upper eyelid is painted with light shadows, and a piercing and deep look is achieved by applying black shadows in the upper corner of the eye;
  • visual enlargement of the eyes is possible if you draw a small fold on the upper eyelid.

These make-up techniques will allow you to highlight the eyes and emphasize the look. Asians tend to boast dark hair combined with brown eye color. Therefore, there is a classic makeup scheme.

How to properly apply Asian makeup

At the heart of all makeup, like that of European girls, is a correctly selected foundation. It is used for the same purposes as in all types of makeup, to mask possible imperfections in the skin of the face. These can be small inflammatory processes on the skin, age spots, circles under the eyes from fatigue and lack of sleep.

The main difference when choosing a foundation is the exclusion of pink tones from the assortment. To apply Asian makeup, you need to opt for golden, beige, and in some cases, cream shades of foundation.

When choosing a blush, you should exclude pink shades. As for the shadows, it all depends on the type of makeup: for everyday use, only light colors should be used, and for evening makeup, shades of brown are suitable, from beige to light brown. Shadows of golden and silver shades are quite appropriate in evening makeup.

Cold tones are generally not used by Asians. The fact is that blue, blue and purple eyeshadow colors are not suitable for dark hair and brown eyes, therefore they are not in demand when applying Asian makeup, while they are suitable for a European type of face.

The main and crucial moment when performing Asian makeup on a European face is the choice and correct application of eyeliner. Attention is focused on the eyes, they are the highlight of the whole image.

When applying eyeliner, you need to try to visually increase the length of the eyes as much as possible, as if to stretch them. In this case, you need to draw long arrows in the outer corner of the eye. This is achieved by lengthening the incision of the eyes. As for the inner corner, there is a more difficult task here. It is necessary to start drawing an arrow in the very corner of the eye, while above the lacrimal tubercle the strip should have the greatest thickness, and by the middle of the upper eyelid it should narrow and turn into a very thin strip. With the help of this technique, a visual masking of a wide cut in the eyes of European women is obtained.

It is advisable to take lengthening mascara, especially if the eyelashes are short. Although, in reality, Asian girls cannot boast of long eyelashes, so using all kinds of eyelash lengthening products is quite appropriate.

As for the lips, here you can use light lipstick tones and even pink. In evening makeup, red and scarlet lipstick is quite appropriate. The Asian type of makeup is just the case when you should not, while following the rules of makeup, focus on the lips or eyes. In Asian makeup, the eyes shine with depth, and the lips glow with bright colors.

So, it is not that difficult to do a spectacular makeup in an Asian style.

The main thing is to choose the right color scheme for cosmetics and follow the recommendations for making up.

In this case, you can be sure that the result will be mesmerizing. It is recommended that you experiment with your appearance and do an Asian make-up.

Many people envy the charm of oriental beauties, and their exotic appearance deserves a lot of compliments. But the make-up of Asian beauties has its own subtleties. These secrets are also suitable for ladies who are familiar with the problem of the impending century. How to make your gaze more open?

In this article, we'll show you how to make Asian eyes even more attractive.

Features of Asian eyes

A makeup artist should abandon the usual makeup techniques when working with a Korean or Japanese woman. On the Asian eye shape, European makeup will fall badly. It is necessary to take into account the shape and location of the eyelid.

The superciliary arch in Eastern women is not very pronounced, so the eyelid looks straight or, as it were, absent. At the same time, the structure of the face of modern Mulan implies prominent cheekbones, which makes the eyes deep-set.

They also differ markedly in shape:

  • round;
  • elongated and narrowed towards the outer corner;
  • hemisphere (the line of the lower eyelid is straight, the upper one is an arc).

The beauty secret of a geisha lies in the purity of her skin. Girls carefully choose not only care, but also decorative cosmetics. Only products formulated with natural ingredients can ensure a radiant and healthy skin. Mineral foundation for powder, blush or eyeshadow is easy to apply without clogging pores.

Asian makeup is fresh. It seems that the girl's face was not touched by the master's brush at all. Residents of the Celestial Empire rarely resort to creating a bright accent on their lips. A catchy accessory like scarlet lipstick is the exception rather than the rule.

Despite the special cut, smokey ice makeup of various shades is perfect for Asian eyes. A look with a mysterious drag gives the charisma of oriental seducers a truly fatal force. This has been proven by many Hollywood actresses - even in the photo, girls with an Asian appearance can convey their riddle.

Oriental divas Françoise Yip, Liu Yifei, Shu Qi, and Lucy Liu are striking examples of the fact that exotic beauty is capable of conquering the world film industry. European fashionistas also want to imitate them, this explains the relevance of the question of how to make Asian eyes with the help of makeup.

In addition, tips for creating an image for oriental beauties will suit other girls who have a similar facial structure.

Makeup lessons for Asian eyes

It does not matter whether you make the make yourself or turn to a specialist for help, try to preserve your natural uniqueness. Makeup for the Asian type of face differs in that it emphasizes all the zest, and does not try to Europeanize the appearance.

There are a number of universal tips for a well-groomed face:

  • You should always start with the design of the eyebrow line. It is necessary to approach thinning especially carefully, since often the hair is dark in color and on light skin, individual hairs will be very conspicuous.

  • It is not worth creating an unnatural bend, it is better to keep the natural shape, it is most often straight or directed upward to the temple.
  • White pencil and mascara with lengthening effect will help to "open" your eyes. Along the edge of the lower eyelid, draw a confident outline of white, the closer to the lash line, the better. The mascara should be applied twice to give your lashes beautiful volume.

An important point in how to paint Asian eyes is the purpose of applying the make-up. If this is an everyday walk with the dog or going to the cinema with girlfriends, then you can get by with a minimal set of cosmetics. However, the daily makeup for Asian eyes also has its own subtleties.

The main secret of both the everyday look and the ceremonial one is to balance the corners of the eyes. To make the inner edge look less massive compared to the narrowed outer edge, apply white or light gray pearlescent shadows on it. The lighter the texture, the more unobtrusive the efforts of the makeup artist look. For these purposes, shimmery mono eyeshadow from Dream Minerals is suitable, in the color palette of which there are both warm and cold swatches.

When applying cosmetics, in particular when working with a dark eyeliner, you should be careful - the lines should be flawlessly even. You can learn how to do daytime makeup for Asian eyes with overhanging eyelids step by step if you look at photo examples.

  • First you need to decide on the color scheme. To enter the city, ladies choose fairly restrained colors. The following shades are suitable for light skin: peach, golden, greenish, turquoise and lavender.

  • Another important rule of daily makeup is the application of shadows to the entire movable eyelid up to the growth of the eyebrows. The colors of such a base should be barely distinguishable - instead of shadows, you can use a veil, it will not roll down in the crease and will matte the eyelid well.

  • Makeup for the Asian type of appearance is particularly harmonious. To balance prominent cheekbones, you can apply the same shade to your cheeks and eyelids.

When applying products that have a structure, shading is of particular importance, the smoother you create the transitions, the softer and more accurate the image will turn out. How to paint Asian eyes correctly if you want to visually correct their shape?

  • The size of the eyelid will help to increase the clear drawing of the eyebrows, if the natural shade is light, then it is better to choose a pencil or eyebrow powder a tone darker. Accentuate their outline with concealer.

  • Apply light shadows to the entire movable eyelid, and highlight the orbital fold with a darker shade. This will help create a depth effect.
  • Apply velvety dark shadows to the outer edge of the eye, this technique will create a real fox look.
  • Line up your lashes with mascara.

For a date or a party, follow the same rules so as not to distort the proportions of the face, but the pressure of the brush can be increased, then the colors will be more intense.

Going out: evening makeup for the Asian type of eyes

If for everyday visage the presence of a tonal base is not necessary, since daylight hides imperfections, then in the light of safites or the neon flicker of clubs, the secret becomes apparent. Therefore, evening makeup for narrow eyes involves the application of a matting foundation. Better to choose sandy, golden or peach shades.

Deep dark colors are suitable for a festive make-up:

  • plum;
  • coal black;
  • grey;
  • blue.

If you want to create a rich and effective make-up, then the smokey ice technique would be an excellent solution. The main nuance of this eye makeup for Asian women is highlighting the center with contrasting shadows, which can be seen in the photo.

  • First of all, we apply the main color to the entire eyelid, shade well.
  • Next comes the turn of the first of the dark shades - the intermediate one. We paint it over the base, without going into the inner corner.
  • Draw the orbital fold with a dark pencil. Shade the resulting arched line with a soft brush.
  • Next, we bring the lower eyelid. Better to use a beveled brush and soft eyeliner. The line must be drawn from the center of the eye to the outer edge. Then soften the outline a little with a soft brush.
  • Apply white shadow under the very eyebrow. To add a bold accent, blend the golden or silver pigment in the center of the eyelid in a circular motion to create a more rounded and voluminous eye shape.

Special Occasion: Bridal Asian Eyes Makeup With Photo

On this holiday, every girl wants to look special. This event happens once in a lifetime, so for such an occasion you can try techniques that you do not use in everyday life.

In wedding photos, eyelash extensions on Asian eyes look just magical. The look becomes open and clear. Also, to give a shimmer on the cheekbone of the girl, they plant a small strass.

The trick of oriental brides is that they make the most simple, nude visage to emphasize the porcelain skin.

Natural shades of pink, peach, golden, pearl are ideal, which will revive the natural beauty.

You can add a bright accent to the lips. It is better to choose matte textures, they are more durable. The bride can, without fear of spoiling, drink drinks and taste dishes. In the tone of lipstick, you can pick up a bouquet or a wreath on your head, which will give even greater harmony to the whole image.

Despite the fact that most girls prefer natural makeup on this holiday, bright accents such as arrows on Asian eyes are also welcome. The black glossy line will accentuate the fox look.

  • It is better to choose a liquid eyeliner with a soft brush, so the outline will be smoother. The line should be drawn in an arc from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one.
  • Lead the arrow as close to the growth of the eyelashes as possible, do not make it ascending, slightly thicken at the center.

In order for the make-up to remain intact at all stages of the celebration, it is necessary to fix it with a special matting spray or a light mineral veil.

Taking over the secrets of the craft: how to do Asian makeup for European eyes

Girls from all over the world read Memoirs of a Geisha and wanted to have the same gift of charm. The fashion for oriental femininity has not passed, and women from Europe are still wondering how to make an Asian cut of the eyes.

Here are some secrets:

  • You can slightly change the structure of the face with the help of contouring. Make the same sensual cheekbones as Japanese and Chinese women.
  • If you are good at liquid eyeliner, then you can specifically make a narrowed tail between the arrows of the upper and lower eyelids. Do not draw lines from the inner edge, start from the middle of the eye.

To better master these and other techniques for giving oriental magic charm, watch the video on how to do makeup for Asian eyes without eyelids.

Asian girls can be proud of their expressive facial features. Almond-shaped eyes, clean skin of a warm shade, neat lips - all this is worth emphasizing with the help of cosmetics. Asian makeup done right can literally work wonders.
So, for Asian makeup you will need:

  • tonal basis;
  • eyeliner or eyeliner;
  • ink;
  • shadows;
  • base under the shade;
  • eyelash curler;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • lipstick and lip pencil;
  • powder.

Before proceeding with the "cosmetic repair", we evaluate the initial data. Primary color tones define the skin tone. In Asian women, it is usually the color of brown sugar or warm almonds. The right choice for Asian makeup would be a yellowish foundation. Many girls with this type of face prefer a pinkish tone, believing that it will soften and even out their natural color - this is a misconception. The pink tone will turn the face orange or whiten, and in both cases it looks unnatural.
Often the problem with this type of face is an earthy tint - it can be softened by correcting powder by applying it to the protruding parts. Better to use sunscreen and creams containing SPF - Asian women may have dark spots on their skin from the sun.
It is permissible for the eyes to choose bright, deep colors that will reveal and make the look more expressive. Dark circles under the eyes are quite common on this type of face: they will be hidden by a peach shade corrector or a yellowish concealer.
When using Asian makeup, you should avoid cold tones, as well as tones that are paler than the natural skin color. Be sure to use a base under the eyeshadow, as the eyeshadow and eyeliner can leak due to the peculiar structure of the eyelids in Asian women.

Daytime Asian makeup for a casual look

There is no need to paint brightly in the morning. But it is worth correcting the shortcomings, and emphasizing the advantages.
The first step in Asian daytime makeup is to cleanse your face. You can use your usual means. Next, the skin is wiped with a tonic, day cream and a base of the selected color are applied. With the help of a corrector or concealer, we “hide” circles under the eyes, spots, imperfections on the skin.
Moving on to the eyes. Shadows for narrow, slightly slanted eyes are chosen in light shades. Beige, cream, sand, green, pale pink colors are perfect. Apply the base, then - directly with your fingers - the shadow, blending towards the edge.
Next is the eyeliner. It is applied in a thin layer, as close to the lash line as possible.

In Asian makeup, the eyeliner is displayed beyond the edge of the eye with a thin arrow.

The eyelashes should be curled up. As a rule, Asian girls are not distinguished by thick eyelashes, but this can be corrected with lengthening mascara applied in two layers.
Now the eyebrows. Keep them neat so that extra hairs don't stick out anywhere. For Asian makeup, accentuate them with brown pencil or eyeshadow of the same color.
On the lips - lipstick in a matte natural tone.
Cover your face with powder and your Asian makeup is ready. It is permissible to do it for work, business meetings, walks - it is universal.