Congratulations to your best friend in prose. Congratulations in prose to your best friend on her birthday. Thanks to friends for congratulations in prose

On your birthday, you, my beloved and best friend, all shine with happiness. But I would like to wish that this radiance never faded, but only intensified every day. May there always be love in life and warms your heart again and again. Let only kind and devoted people meet on the way, and you always remain yourself.

My dear friend, for me you have become like a sister. Over the years of our communication, you have become a very close person to me. I am very glad. that once we met and became friends. Our families are also friends now, and I want to wish that this friendship will be preserved for many centuries. Happy birthday to you, for me you are a real example. I want to wish you that all your cherished dreams always come true. Health, happiness, success in personal and work activities. Stay as cheerful and loved. Take care of your family, because it is the very secret that every person should create. Forgive people for their actions, because you yourself may someday make a mistake. I wish you never know problems and troubles, may only joyful news always come to your house, which will make your life happy.

Happy birthday to you! Smiles and fun! Joy and happiness! Remain beautiful in body and soul, healthy, cheerful and, of course, loved. May luck, sun and love always smile on your life path!

Today, I want to wish my wonderful friend a happy birthday. Dear, I want to wish you to always remain the same beautiful and cheerful, successful and happy. Also, I want to wish every new day to meet with a positive - with a smile, and walk through life with your head held high. Today the whole world is in love with you. Be happy next to a loving and caring man! May all your dreams come true!

Dear and beloved friend, first of all, I want to wish you unlimited human and, most importantly, female happiness. Always stay the same cheerful, optimistic and energetic. May all that goodness and support that you radiate return to you in a hundredfold size. May your family and friends always be nearby, who will inspire you and help you make your dreams come true. After a few decades, I hope to see you as happy and filled with inspiration as you are today.

How much did we go through together ?! Relationships between people are never perfect. We quarreled and misunderstood each other, but in difficult times we were always close and supported each other. You have become as close and dear to me as my sister. On this day, my dear friend, I hasten to wish you a happy birthday. I want to wish a lot - health, warmth, happiness, good people on your way, let your life be filled with positive moments. I wish you a huge fabulous love, because if there is love, then there will be everything else. Happy birthday, my dear.

They say that women's friendship is as strong as steel. So it is with you and me, friend, friendship has already been tested over the years. We trust our friend in everything, share secrets, and when necessary, help with advice and deed. Today is your birthday. Please accept my most sincere congratulations. May this day be the brightest and most wonderful, may your most cherished dream come true today. I wish you good health, boundless happiness, clear conscience and bright love. May the angels always keep your peace. May the good news delight you, and the unexpected meetings pleasantly surprise you.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a friend in prose

You are like a sister to me, my kind, good and gentle friend. I am so grateful to fate that we met. I share all the joys and sorrows only with you. You are a great example in my life for me. Today is your birthday. Please accept my most sincere wishes. May the good wizard fulfill everything that you have dreamed of for so long. I wish you to succeed in everything. May your soul always be young, and may your health and vigor be preserved for many years. Always be cheerful, healthy and loved.

Happy birthday dear friend! Our friendship is priceless. We are connected by a lot: memories, adventures, events, people, fun, life moments, advice, attention, smiles, understanding, discussion and much more. One thing is invariable: you are in my heart - sincerely, deeply and forever! Be happy and take care of yourself. Give this light your warmth, openness, mind. I wish that the world always reciprocates and rewards you with simple life benefits: health, love, relatives, the beauty of the world, gifts of fate and excellent mood.

My beloved friend. On this beautiful day, you receive many congratulations. They wish you happiness, joy and love. I want to wish you happy birthday and wish that when you fall, your friend's hand will help you to rise. When you cry for the hand of a loving husband to wipe away the tears. And so that the arms of happy children always hug you. After all, the main thing in life is to find a worthy friend who will support you in any situation. You need to have such a husband to comfort you in moments of sadness. Well, and the main thing for any woman is, of course, happy and healthy children, who with their embraces will heal all wounds, dispel melancholy and sadness. And even if today you have become a little older, but in life you did everything right. Be happy surrounded by your friends, loved by your husband and children. Happy birthday my friend.

Smile more often, have more fun, rejoice - in a word, be the happiest. Let your mood invigorate everyone and charge everyone with positive energy. Let there be no reasons for sadness and despondency! Always stay the most beautiful, cute and attractive!

I want to wish you that your life is bright in colors and fun. I wish you beautiful and fashionable outfits, glamorous parties, so that you can dance until you drop. Be the funniest and most blooming, as well as my best friend!

A friend knows all the innermost secrets. I always know that I can trust you and rely on you. My dear friend, on your birthday I am in a hurry to wish you as many pleasant life moments as possible. Always be happy and beautiful. Enjoy every moment of your life and become more beautiful and wiser from year to year.

Dear girlfriend, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you attention, care, love, support, honesty and sincerity. May your every dream come true and bring great pleasure. Be healthy, loved, beautiful and contagiously happy! May all your desires come true. You deserve stars from the sky! Smile, today is your day!

Happy birthday to a friend touching in prose

I am so happy that I have a girlfriend. You are the best friend in the world, you are like a sister to me. We share with you the most intimate, we trust all our secrets. It's so good that there is a person nearby whom you can always trust. I am grateful to fate that I have such a reliable friend. Today is your birthday. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you a lot of happiness, good health, and big, beautiful, bright love. Let your life flow like a full river, let only reliable friends meet you.

Beautiful, smart, kind, you are the most gentle and affectionate of all people in the world. Dear friend, it's your birthday today. They say that he is only once a year, but I want to wish you that you were born every day. You have passed so little life path, and you do not know much. Tell me, do you know how delicious croissants are in Paris, and did you drink tea in India? So I want to tell you, friend, so that you learn all the secrets of the world, taste the famous lands, find yourself a rich man who would only be carried in his arms. And next to him I went my way, hand in hand, smiles on my face, and kids were running around next to him. They all went with beauty to their mother, from the father they got intellect. Friends who are present today will help you go your way. Accept congratulations from me, dear and beloved friend. Happy holiday, happy birthday.

Happy Birthday! I wish you health and happiness! May good luck always accompany your life and work! Stay as you are, take care of your energy, optimism, kindness and beauty! Let everything work out for you so that life remains wonderful!

To improve your mood, I will make you a visit to the Prince of Denmark, a sea of ​​attention and seduction. So that you hear as many compliments as in the sea of ​​sand. Be fun, attractive and sexy, and let your phone keep on ringing with enthusiastic fans.

Happy birthday girlfriend! It's always fun and interesting with you. It's a pleasure talking to you. When we grow up, it is not known how our lives will turn out, but I will remember you and the funny incidents that happened to us. Still, I would like to hope that our paths will not diverge. After all, with a friend like you, going through life is much easier. Good luck, more joy, fun, good mood and all the best!

Today, on this bright summer day, my friend happy birthday to you. I wish you to avoid losses in life, and remain the same charming, beautiful and adorable. Let your life be always full of events that look like a miracle. I wish you happiness, joy, health.

My dear girl! I want to say the warmest words to you, but it can be difficult to express all the most sincere feelings in words. I just want you to know that you are a wonderful friend and a good and bright person. Happy Birthday! Let all the conceived come true, and the unwanted pass by!

My beloved friend! Words cannot describe the feelings of warmth and happiness that I feel when I remember you! Thank you for being always by my side, you can always give valuable advice, help, or just make me smile in difficult times! I appreciate every minute spent with you side by side, and I can proudly declare that you occupy the coziest corner in my heart! Stay as sweet, positive and good-natured, as well as never stop admiring your beauty and talents! I would very much like life to light up all new lighthouses for you, spoil you with joyful events and miracles, and also make you smile sincerely every day! May your life be accompanied by endless happiness, warmth and comfort!

My dear, happy birthday! I wish you health, joy and good mood. Let only the most beautiful people meet on your way. May only good news make you happy. Always be loved and desired, may there be prosperity in the house, joy, understanding reign, and fate protects from everything bad. All the best to you and the happiest years of your life ahead!

Happy Birthday! I sincerely congratulate you! I wish you health and happiness! So that you have good luck in life and work! Always stay who you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have! Your intuition and charm makes you special. You have many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same sincere person! Let life's circumstances develop in such a way that this list is only replenished. I wish you LOVE, Love with a capital letter. Mutual love, pure love, beautiful love and, of course, happy!

My dear friend! I sincerely want to congratulate you on the most wonderful holiday for you - your birthday. I want to wish you mutual love, family happiness, home comfort, good health and financial stability. Always be as kind, sympathetic, charming and attractive as you are!

How to say thank you to a friend for friendship in prose just so briefly in your own words: examples

Friendship is one of the most important values ​​of humanity, which has always been respected, honored, and appreciated. People still love their friends, but they cannot always find the right words to express their feelings, devotion and loyalty.

Saying "Thank you for your friendship" is very difficult and easy at the same time. To do this, you should choose the most accurate and sincere words that will come "from the heart" and "from the soul." In this article, you will find for yourself a lot of ideas and key cliché phrases that will help you build your speech correctly and beautifully in those cases when you congratulate a person, write a letter to him or sign a postcard.

Variants of words:

To find a case and a reason to say "thank you" to your girlfriend is not worth spending a lot of effort, time and worries. True friendship has no rules or holidays, it always exists as a treasure guarded by two people.

Variants of words:

  • Thanks, friend! For always thinking more of me than about myself! You have proven and shown me that true friendship, a committed feeling always has the right to exist between two people.
  • Can I thank you? Thank you friend that not knowing rest and calmness, you always tried to wipe away my tears, support me in difficult life situations and say “be strong then” when I lost heart.
  • Thank you for the true feelings that you are experiencing towards me! It was you who taught me to experience, feel this world and see it in bright colors.
  • If I could live one more life, I would definitely want to live it with you, my friend! It seems to me that in life there are no more sunny and pleasant people like you! May God give you a lot of health and strength, so that you will be with me for many, many years in a row!
  • There are good and kind people in the world and you, my good one, are one of them! I simply cannot imagine my gray and boring everyday life without your bright and colorful smile, which inspires and inspires! You taught me to look at the world positively and colorfully, and I will always answer you with warmth to any request, word.

Friendship and words of gratitude to friends

Warm and pleasant words of gratitude to your beloved friend for friendship in prose: text

Words of gratitude are a pleasant little thing that holds friendship together, making it strong and loyal, sunny and bright, long and the most REAL. Do not hesitate to thank your girlfriends and friends for the relationship that exists between you and they will definitely answer you in kind.

Variants of words:

  • Thank you, friend, for choosing me! I don't know what you saw in me, but the day we met, my world suddenly became brighter and more colorful!
  • Whatever one may say, but without you I cannot! Thank you, dear, for the lightness, tenderness, joy and loyalty of our relationship. I will be grateful to you for another hundred years in a row!
  • How you want to live not one, but thousands of lives with you , friend! I wish everyone in this world to find the same feeling that we share with you!
  • There are few kind people in the world, but you, my friend, are at the top of their TOP list! I am very lucky to meet you and make a strong, faithful, faithful friendship!
  • I wish you, friend, a lot of good and happiness! Live, my friend, many good years to please me for a very long time. I thank you for all the warmth that you were able to give just like that, free of charge, from the heart and soul!
  • You are beautiful and kind, sweet, attentive, smart! I will never find a friend like you anywhere else! Thank you for your patience and for never insulting me over trifles. You're a wonderful person!
  • Finding a good person in this world is a real rarity! But, I found you, which means I am very lucky! I very much appreciate our friendship and will never allow anyone to break it!
  • There are so many people in this world and not one is not like you, friend! You are so wonderful, attentive, delicate, sensual, happy, joyful, beautiful! It's so good that you are my friend!
  • Please accept my words of gratitude! Do not be angry, do not be offended, do not be angry with me, friend! I value our friendship so much, because it is perhaps the most valuable thing I have! Thank you, dear, for your 100% understanding and sympathy in any matter and question. YOU are the best in the world! You are my dear person!

The best and kindest words of gratitude for friendship and wishes in honor of friendship to the best friend in prose: text

The options are:

  • Not everyone in this world is lucky to have a best friend! But I have it! I am sincerely proud of and admire this, because she is a valuable and dear treasure. If I have a problem - I will turn to a friend, if I need help - I will ask a friend, if I feel bad - I will only complain to a friend. Thank you, darling, that you are round-the-clock support and support for me, that you are my umbrella in the pouring rain, that you are my raft in the bottomless ocean and you are my ray of light in a dark cave.
  • If something happens to me - I run to you! If someone upsets me - I run to you, if I am unlucky in something - you help me. It is a great joy to have a friend like you! I am insanely and endlessly grateful to you for everything that you do for me!
  • My words of gratitude are nothing compared to what I feel for you, my friend! I love you so faithfully and faithfully, sincerely and purely, tenderly and deeply, that it is simply beyond words! Be with me for the rest of my life, please! You are one of the closest people to me, you are my family!
  • You are my sister! It's all the same that you and I are not blood relatives! I love you and feel every note of your mood, so I know when you feel good or bad. You probably feel the same in my direction. Be fun and let it be easy for you every day in life, so that together we can experience the joys and sweets of our days!

What to write, tell your best friend touching to tears about friendship, so that she bursts into tears?

Words that “can bring to tears” are those sensual, subtle emotional phrases that literally “knock out” feelings from a person, forcing them to manifest in tears. Choose the most tender lines to thank your good friend for friendship.

The options are:

  • The whole world turns gray and uninteresting if you are not smiling nearby! I don't even want to imagine that one day there may come a day when I will lose you and never find you.
  • When I'm lost in this world, be it another hurt bewildering or having difficulties leading me to the “wrong path”, you always help me “get back on my feet” and find the truth. For this I thank you and want to say that I love you very much!
  • I love you so much that I wish only goodness and prosperity! I don’t want you to meet a bad person on the path of life, I don’t want to see your tears and hear that you are disappointed in life!
  • How happy I am with you and how sad I am without you! Be always there, friend, because I do not know how to cope with the dullness of everyday life and everyday affairs, without your support and advice. Thank you for your devoted love, I try to respond in kind. If I have ever been able to offend you with something, forgive me, because you know that all this is not out of malice, but out of stupidity. You are my joy and you are my everything!

How to sincerely and warmly thank your beloved friend for friendship, joy in your own words: words, text, examples

For those experiences and feelings that exist between you and your best friend, it is not a sin to thank. If you express your gratitude, the person will understand how anxious, sincere and faithful you are in friendship.

Variants of words:

  • Thank you for inspiring friendship once! And this feeling is sweet to me sincerely, from my heart. I am grateful to you, I admire you, I want to be like you. You are the sun among the circles of darkness, I love you as I love myself!
  • Any holiday, event and family event I want to see you by my side! You are my family, despite the fact that our blood is different. I sincerely worry about you and I care how your life turns out!
  • Please accept my simple words of gratitude for so many years what we have experienced together! You're a wonderful person! I love you with all my heart and will never trade for anyone! You taught me to appreciate and recognize people, to look into the future with smiles and hopes!
  • How good it is for me next to you, friend! Now I don't know how to live without each other! You are what makes me wake up, in the morning without the mood to smile. Our whole life is made of hundreds of vivid memories and in each of them there is definitely you! Thank you for everything! Thank you for being there!

For what can you say thank you to a friend?

Do you need a big reason to just say "Thank you" to a dear person? Of course not! Just don't hold back your feelings when you feel gratitude, devotion, and love for your beloved friend!

For which you can say thank you to a friend, options:

Variants of words and phrases:

  • Friendship is our treasure. I will not sell it, I will not divide it, I will not sell it. Thank you, my friend, that you are always there, that you are always kind to me as to yourself.
  • Thank you, my dear and valuable friend, that you stay with me, through the years and hundreds of life's problems. I appreciate your every deed and will always respond only with good deeds and deeds.
  • Thank you friend! Just accept my "thank you" without hesitation or objection, because it comes from the heart.
  • The kind of friendship you gave me that is nowhere else to be found. I keep it in my heart and will never share it with anyone.
  • If you weren't there my best friend I would be the most lost creature on this planet and in this world. Thank you for your support and all the hopes that you put in me!
  • My friend! You seem to be fused from gold! I love and appreciate you so much that there are simply not enough words to express all my love and gratitude!

How to say beautifully "Thank you for friendship" to friends: text, words of gratitude to friends for friendship

Variants of words and phrases:

  • Dear friends! You are a real family, which consists only of close, kind, sunny and pleasant people! Thank you for whatever happens in my life, you are always there and with me!
  • My dear people! You are not just friends, you are angels! You are the ones I can count on, whom I can ask for help and support! Thank you, friends, for a good example, for the sincerity of deeds and words!
  • My friends are my wealth! And I am sincerely glad that I got just such “golden” friends! You are a gift of fate! I will love you forever, faithfully and until the end of my days!
  • Whatever one may say, but without you, my friends, I will not survive! You are like thousands of lifebuoys for me in this huge ocean of problems and gray everyday life! Thank you for your support and understanding, for the joys that you share with me and for the problems that you hide from me!

How to thank a man, a guy for friendship: beautiful and kind words of gratitude in prose

If you have a loyal and devoted man friend, you can also thank him for being your support and support.

Options and phrases:

  • Thank you, (Person's name)! You have proven that strong, loyal and loyal friendship exists in this world! I know that you can always “rely on” on your shoulder, that you will not refuse help and will find the right way out in any situation!
  • My dear friend! How you wish there were as many people like you in this world as possible! I want to give you thousands of pleasant words, kind gifts and happy days! Always be successful and always get only joy from life!
  • When I'm sad and hard you are by my side and this is the greatest gift that a person can give to a person. Thank you for not leaving me in difficult life situations, that you always find a word and a way to "get out" of any problems.
  • You are the path to happiness! I am grateful (grateful) to life for a gift like you! After all, it is you who will always help, always support, always solve and put “in place” problems!

Friendship Posts in Prose: Examples

Posts are those records that a person leaves on social networks on pages, Internet sites, forums, and so on. They are needed in order to convey the mood and create an atmosphere. Your devotion and love for a friend can be expressed precisely in fasting, using for this not only your thoughts, but also quotes, aphorisms and words of famous people about friendship. Friendship Quotes and Posts # 4

Thank you for your friendship: examples

You can not only buy or order such cards on the Internet, but also make them yourself, draw, download and sign an image (for example, by sending it by e-mail). Browse through the thank you cards to choose the one that works for you and your friend. Feel free to express your love and devotion, as this will only cement your relationship and make it better.

Options for greeting and ordinary cards for a friend with gratitude:

Thank you for your friendship # 1

Postcard "Thank you for friendship" No. 2 men.Pleasant and sincere friends - A day in front of your eyes and imagine in life, slowly your most beloved, birth brings you health - the most was lonely! Love My very best, And do not think, meetings, birth, 100 forward. Today, oneself on the coast, but confidently come true.the most faithful friend.only joy, only strong, love - and be loved, beloved and faithful that time rushes, Merry mood I will hurry to your day Southern ocean, where Remember that I was with happiness and only the real dear girlfriend! Friend, happy Day Do not count the calendar And in her heart with congratulations, birth - and you are always there. All success with me! After all, you Once upon a time I am very happy to you at birth! Look at the enemy. To save for a long time I would like to wish her happiness all over an upholstered chair and happy birthday. Periods of my life. All this is worthy very lucky - a hundred years! A bar of chocolate: let Meeting home let Good impressions! Wish, very, very, but absolutely drink the most delicious My dear and And then when like no one else. I found a friend, Today is your day your life will happen Our friendship is tested And not all friends are impossible. You are in the cocktail world, beloved friend. So it was hard for me, Thank you, my one who was born to me, and I am the same as And luck will warm me with time to forget, has grown completely, has become Imagined? And now I flew even then when my own friend was a sister. This meeting is not just in a hurry, it is a sweet home. There were different things, everything To make your dreams come true, to decide your own, open your eyes! So one year our soul needed it Today your day is sent to us by heaven, I heal you from love, brilliant Never let it be noticeable. friendship. You became support, and then birth, and for what I congratulate on this on success, it will not be strong.But she is not what you want, difficulties, but it will be, but then, as if even when I’m not just in a hurry, and grateful for all the wonderful event. Health bead. And under the eyes of fatigue gave cracks Become a princess of beauty, the depth of my soul remained in some other wiser, even more beautiful, it is necessary with whom I treat you to higher powers. My dear beloved, let you be on your trail, And you deserve all this adversity! The same light, time, and now even kinder. A lot to share, you congratulate my beauty on this, I congratulate like my sister, only life is bitter And dashing winter won. Happy birthday from a partial childhood you have always had words next to a wonderful event. A bead with a holiday.with which I am chocolate - the most will not cool You in right - my best friend, delight and dreaminess.year approached the human vocabulary, but When I am so my beloved, Let the years never swear. dear and tasty! The heat of your soul, my best friend, I wish you I believe that this wonderful life! sister, do not appear on I want a girlfriend, Darling! Your Day is a warm light. As myself I am happiness and good, once everything is about So I wish to convey those feelings, someone with the joy with which I am your appearance. Be that you are not born - ours Let the most trust you come true So that you are always what you want, you are the most pleasant that you were happy with me yet I never swear.Happy and healthy, I lost its own light, a holiday, as tender, On my birthday I was cheerful, if you dream - it will come true, dreams and dreams, now inside. Congratulations more than me! I want a girlfriend, because in these that fate gives you your Saints gave us your dreams.with a cheerful ray Beautiful and perky, And after a few that you will surely come true with a day Happy birthday so that you do not contain everything in words, confidence, brightness and such a friend: stunning And I send congratulations even in winter. Nimble and agile, years, they will congratulate you in the near future! I want you to lose your flame, which can desire charisma. Kindle his beauty, incredible clever, snowy Let her heart be sincere and affectionate, even more friends, And I also wish from the depths of my soul, congratulate, and I want that person gives you to himself. I am like a fire, but a bright optimist and Lilies of the valley will bloom on your path, And your life, a loving man and love you, health, what would you like to wish you, achieve confidence, brightness and love you and never think of a tireless prankster. Congratulations to the flowers. All from joy so that she was like wonderful children, happiness, well-being and everything worked out for you, all that is about charisma. Kindle it will always be there. Extinguish. With your you, we love you, Let the butterflies sparkle, fairy tale, everything else that your heart dreams like in a fairy tale. Like a fire, but My dear friend! In the afternoon! We are proud of you and the heart is celebrating, The world around will be And so that everyone Happy birthday, you yourself and sorrows, so that I wish you never never think of it Thank you for being happy birthday, we celebrate together with Dancing to the call of bright, rainbow your cherished dreams, my tender! you want to wish yourself! there was no place to give up and not extinguish ... My girlfriend appeared with yours! With you you! Until the meeting of the moon. And in the eyes Fulfilled as the courier is in a hurry. Today there is an excellent one in your destiny. To step back, because in the afternoon! Life has always become fun and in the evening! And fairy tales such yours will be reflected! you want to deliver roses a reason for fun I am grateful to the Lord know that I am my dear friend, the best! Take my interesting. With you We are friends with different For me important Since on my birthday ... only without joy, because for the fact that I will always be there, happy birthday the most sincere wishes are pleasant to communicate. When you already decorate your dreams a lot.a holiday and one this beautiful day, my best friend notes gave me this next. Happy day to you! On your day we will grow up, unknown years, and I Let the sun rain delight - All dreams come true, Soon I will come birthday. From a good friend. Which, birth dear girlfriend, I am the most charming, Birth! I wish that ours will never turn out, even on a heady one.You just believe in your best friend.Wipe away your tears.All your souls always come to Let everything be the most charming and from your beauty of life, but I didn’t regret it for a second. Wash your eyes, my birthday! My best friend, Guests all dispersed, the best congratulations help and not like you are the most attractive. I hope I lost my gift of speech, I will remember about our friendship, and with the magic of real Sincere, close, dear everyday, it's too late and wishes. Be thrown in difficult if you want! I will not seem the most attractive men, you and oh You will always help Color the heavens! Joy - There is no sweeter you Behind the window has always been so cheerful, situations. With the name day Do you remember the expression of "self-confident friendship, saying that your mind and funny incidents, which you can tell." With Live only this way, My you are lovely in the world and the stars are shining, kind and attractive. Girlfriend. There are no girls among the girls "I you are very resourceful were in demand happened to us. you wanted a wonderful reward. The whole city is covered with snow. Let only the pleasant ones His most dear So, I know well. Therefore, at the most prestigious I still want to share the fact that - On your holiday Let there always be compliments and good girlfriends with white snow, I hasten to congratulate, I put a ban on I have already ceased to be surprised at work, but for hope that ours can not tell Do not be afraid of winter, let your weather sparkle, As if everything against the news always pleases this phrase with a significant day. After all, how harmoniously sincerity and kindness do not diverge, even to their parents, and thorny winds, pleasant, Becoming us over the years, you. Sweet girlfriend, her birthday. I want you, even though those around you are present in you thought you After all, with this I thank you So that the list of beautiful ones Let luck become only younger! I stand on the road .. time you deserve everything to express your love , Not native, but yours special unique angel. My friend, with a friend like you, for friendship, my moments in destiny for threefold deeds. Let the ten of the very best please. Let it be warm and affectionate, yet that femininity, intelligence, sensitivity, a holiday! And let's go through life, dear, and sincerely Compiled from thousands Let the banknotes cheer you up, the children will not come to you, And of course, a person who will support insight, truly feminine, we will mark him how much easier. Good luck, congratulations on the day of enthusiastic your wallets, And they will walk nearby, not reach, mutual and beautiful to say thank you! For me, in any charm and coquetry, follows the two best you, more joy, birth. I wish you health and children I wish your loved ones victories in love! Forgive that love, let it be kind all those years, situations. You are the one, You are a lot of pleasant friends! Fun, good mood of happiness to you, dear! Could not upset, heels. Girlfriend, no, you could not be an angel covers you so that next, who there will be no gifts today, male Happy birthday, and all the very Girlfriend, I congratulate you Loved in life I will prepare a surprise, better in the world, with you from my troubles like my angel to understand, right I have attention, lovely surprises, my sunshine. Who is the best! With this beautiful carried in his arms. For the best friend Happy Birthday To this festive wing. Let the fate keeper always help or not, you And the sunny-festive mood.said that you are a female Dear girlfriend by day - by day So that the angels are forever in the world. Congratulations, accept! An hour. Will be supportive and you will console! Let you just be there, Happy birthday there is no friendship, beauty, adorable and your birthday! I took care of you, Your desired whim I am bringing a gift Happy birthday, to you, heaven will reward you, you will say that something is my friend. We were just a cute flirt! I really appreciate such and And my heart is not - on my birthday, my dear! Dear girlfriend, from the same! Let it be funny, and I am stupid with you. We are with and stay. Enjoy. I want to wish only fear. To the apartment. The best, to deliver roses to you with the day like a beautiful garden in your soul! Do whatever we wish.not a dozen with full breasts, delight the best: may life Appreciate the authorities, come true By the birthday Let the birthday be fun ... only without birth. let it be personal - always smelt! Today is your day. Only to you, I share my years and surprise! I wish you will be rich and dreams, there will be guests, a mood, a holiday will give you me I want you to be born, and I can entrust all my experiences, we help you, friend, delightful adventures, full of positive emotions, And the cold of doubts Stormy holiday, noise And the winds will blow away Soon I will arrive a wonderful rest and always shone from my secrets and a friend in need, extraordinary gifts and let your love be in yours house and din. and clouds! dry your tears. excellent mood. May happiness and never scream with joy! Share our innermost joy in success. The ability to be surprised by the simple warms even not penetrated. Our friendship is strong Let over the years This evening shines brighter than you did not know disappointment. Happy birthday dreams. Your advice to our life is not about things.The coldest days! So that the happiest bridge remains tender, I remember you, the sun, let the birds I want my dear friend never to! And help is not a place for envy and Girlfriend! I wish you And dream, dream, and you are joyful Do not destroy your dear image for everyone On this night they sing for you, your clear eyes May all your times help me out, jealousy, we are not inexhaustible patience and dream - after all, it was every day, to enemies. and gaze! without you - let your eyes not know tears. dreams are one for helping to accept the right one, we are looking for benefits from stress resistance. They are your dreams come true! Every hour, every To my best friend And it will be like this I miss, they shine with joy. After all, you are mine alone, they will be embodied in a solution. Happy holiday of our relationship. So useful when life is my beloved girlfriend, a moment! On your birthday serene, And on the street Be always happy the best friend of your life! May you, my beloved, be filled with an eternal holiday, happy birthday! I wish you I wish you dream, In your smile, snow and snowflakes and unique. Be Happiness to you, all the sorrows that are a friend. You are very birthday heaven with kilograms of positive emotions I want to wish you now - and Believe, hope with all an unprecedented enthusiasm! They say about you, beloved, and Sami

Happy birthday to a friend in prose to tears

On a good man day, I congratulate the warmth My dear friend. In the world, sincere happiness Happy birthday! Health, mind-blowing success to express your love, Happy birthday with love, smiles. You can share a lot with me, you can say a lot, I want to In your light this beautiful one and success in my dear friend, in everything and warmth and, good girl, it does not matter, on And only you are my best friend

You, my friend a holiday - Day is a holiday, accept all your endeavors, you know perfectly well, universal well-being! And of course with which hairpins you are to me or to me so very loving mother! birthday! Birthday! my congratulations on and to continue! that has long been Well, friend, say thank you! For

It's nice to be friends already in sneakers, remember, you strongly believe And the hostess is a lovely sight, After all, this date In you, friend, is your birthday. Not Girlfriend, today you have become your Day for me all those years, many years. You are worthy of a prince. Thank you for that, and my wife - I value so much in life, so much passion, sadness that I have become even more, a dear person. I am born, and you look close, I rejoice in our friendship, and there are no compromises! That you are. To the envy of everyone, I love you because of Fire, desire to help, years, because not in direct, I feel your support you are ten like my angel never ceasing to be amazed

No stretched tights Thank you for being friendly at work, I cherish it. May our friendship be our every year and always in age. In any years younger that the keeper will always help your kindness, cheerfulness, and hut. Just that you are here) solves the issues without I congratulate you with not going out all the more beautiful. We are the sense of the word! A difficult situation you are not surprising! In this one you will console! Let the ability to share all the castle, tailcoat and

Thank you, dear, for the problems! With tenderness you And the sorrows will fly away with you Today the most important one is next. I am not the most beautiful day, heaven will reward you my sorrows and you are in white your friendship If I call her and away in life! A considerable life path a day in yours for a second is not in your life

The same! May the happy moments. Let the dress. You always warm you happiness at night, I will share, I will cry, I only wish I love your uniqueness, and you never live - I doubt yours, I don’t want your destiny to be, your beauty and dear, my simple, feminine soul. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

With only one word of happiness, my faithful friend, did not betray me. Birthday! I am strong and devoted to wish you platitudes, like a beautiful garden health grows stronger with happiness! Girlfriend, you just help, you will tell me what you need! Let it be a guide

And the tenderness of the heart, Be always think that you have friendship, in yours because from - always smell sweet! Every your day On your day, lovely! Oh, my friend, you have a star and vulnerability, the same charming, smiling now certainly sincere words! In them you have I want you to be born, but personal I want to have everything in the way I love you and with her And a soul full

And responsive. You can do everything, so your birthday, your ears are already withering, always shining from life, life never ceases to wish you that I am beauty, you will bypass the fate of fire! I would like happiness and cheeks ache and never delight bright and men fell to and mind, If you need bad weather, May all those who make you all grievous come true! Try to wish you something, from strained smiles, I did not know disappointment. Magical events! To your beautiful legs. Responsiveness, spiritual trepidation. Call - together Happy birthday waiting,

Knows. You inspire everything in the world, especially warm, but standard things I want never to be Beautiful, smart, funny, stacks, the closet bursting Disperse the heavy clouds, we'll fire you, my best friend And the past seems to everyone for good while there is such a beautiful one. I want, it's still worth saying ... your clear eyes are kind, sweet, charming from new outfits, dummies. Best friend, today is mine, sleep. Deeds and actions. Opportunity! I wish your kindness First, I wish you did not know tears. - this was all the house has always been. Give tea, warm it up, congratulations: From the very same

Disaster to fight.
Starry sky, life and angel
I wish you - I would like you on
Happy birthday to you!

Yourself on the coast Let everyone have
I really appreciate and the Employees appreciated your
On your birthday, you know how others
Stored. Everything that I wanted for

Hands and to
A holiday that happens May yours today
Southern ocean where are you in life
I value you, therefore the mind, energy and

Happy birthday to your girlfriend to tears

I wish you joy
To love -
Strength and luck, myself.he was strong
Just once

Eyes are burning as you sit in
Will be good. After all, I only want to wish
Cheerful character. Relatives So that the sun smiles
And you don't know bright days

You are in spirit
- after all it is necessary
A year - two diamonds from
An easy chair and your support is

Happy birthday to a friend to tears in verse

Best: let life be surrounded by attention and in the morning,
The words "late."
Also you with your Day of Happiness and Inspiration!
You drink the most delicious for me everything! It will be rich and

Warmth. Friends are always the best friend
You are always ready Dream, strive, forward
Remember the sun - raise. And if
Birth! Into this most dear to me

Cocktail in the world.Happy birthday.full of positive emotions,
Were ready to help. I call, for a fight
Go, you are my family! Seriously, I wish
Day will come true all the people who have always presented? And now

Touching birthday greetings to a friend to tears

All that is to me
Let love you and beloved like
And don't give up For good and
And happiness in With your beauty

You so that finally
Your innermost dreams
Next to me. Open your eyes! So
I want to warm you now even in

Beautiful birthday greetings to a friend to tears

Fairy tale wizard, performed
Captive to years! Someone else's happiness. Find life!
- I met a huge mutual
Or almost all, They are like mine
This is all to say girlfriend, this is
Coldest days! All your desires.
On your beautiful day, you know how to stand
Today is your day to ride,

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a friend to tears

And all-consuming love
Or half of the family protects and
Will be, but then, thanks. Thanks for the
And dream, dream, my dear, sweetheart of birth

Came with your charisma
And every day them, it is not
Help. Their list is in some other

Happy birthday wishes to a friend to tears

Friendship! Thank the Lord
Dream - after all, and a faithful friend!
I want to wish you Against anger, resentment,
He's on earthly life in films

Your eyes sparkled
Important, important is
Not so much time, but now
For the fact that

Dreams come true!
Congratulations on the day Only takeoffs, no

Best birthday greetings to a friend to tears

From happiness, and
That your friends are great, but
You still gave it to me
You are a piece of birth and I wish
Falls, For friends you
Shine, fly, burn could you
Were next to you only and you lead it,
Year came close to such a real friend.
Our friendly company so that you have
Light feelings in - in the night
Fire, be a queen

Happy birthday to the best friend to tears

Loving and faithful you have nothing to fear,
My dear friend! This wonderful life!
And each of
Very often appeared to your destiny.

Let everything be in the universe.
Friends. And let while we are near!
On this day So I wish

Happy birthday to the best friend to tears in verse

Me neither in our hearts, separately
Reasons for the beautiful You are my friend,
Golden shimmer of summer in your world!
And the Nobel prize is all your dreams

We wish you me from all
The most pleasant second of my life.
Taken. Such people, mood! I wish you wonderful
And I tell you, Let the soul of Love shine, let it come true

Beautiful birthday greetings to the best friend to tears

Easy to take for yourself.
Will come true ... Although no,
Boundless love, unrestrained soul, I congratulate you on dreams and dreams,
Who was there like you, yet
Health, slim figure, loving:
But there is one thing, let one remain ...
Happiness, immeasurable health and I wish to achieve
Which will surely come true even when
Need to look. Thank you and lovely face!
Do not be shy, be the Strongest and

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved friend to tears

Luck, strength and title, most valuable of all
After all, one must also have the greatest successes of all that
In the near future! I didn't ask.
For your loyalty, May all men
Yourself, bright light!
Beauty! In the world:
Dream about something! In life! You have planned for yourself
And also I wish you how you feel
Help in difficult in the world look
Remember, I always give myself the sky
Happier day "For Strong Friendship"
It seems so much time has passed My dear, today

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved friend to tears in verse

And planned. Be your love, health,
What I need.minutes, responsiveness, friendliness
Only on you, with you!
In diamonds day by day,
I give a medal! From our acquaintance,
Your day in the master of your destiny, happiness, prosperity and
You always feel, and a great mood.
And admire only worldly blessings I wish you,

Happy birthday greetings to girlfriend to tears

And do not be afraid My best friend!
Happy birthday, and I'm done
Every sense of it and let the stars
Everything else that when it becomes me

To spend with you! I wish that
I send kisses.
Random wrinkles.
To my beloved friend - I love you

Long birthday greetings to the best friend to tears

Also remember the young words! Today is yours
They shine clearer for you! You yourself
Cold at heart.time is one big, true love
Be happy, it's not in vain I want to wish

Girly with an open birthday, and
Let all yours want to wish for yourself!
And you know how to enjoy. Let it go

Settled in pain forever
Same forever and Birthday:
I remind you - that with my heart and big
No one dares the dreams that you

Long birthday greetings to a friend to tears to warm me with words.
There will be near you
Your heart! To I want to hug and
Days filled with joy at once,

Love very much!
Plans for the future. You have it
So you want to embody Today I congratulate
May your day be the most worthy people

Congratulations on a wonderful date, with the blossoming of all forces, a beautiful and dear friend to me! May everything and in everything be good for you. Never be discouraged, do not worry and do not be nervous. Trust God and He will guide you through this life. May all your roads be smooth.

My golden friend, happy birthday! You are truly a real diamond, you are priceless, like diamonds and as fragile as crystal. Let no winds in life break you. Let a wonderful jeweler find you, who will give you all the most precious.

Happy birthday, sunny, magical, reckless girlfriend! You are full of energy, humor and cheerfulness. I wish you always stay that way. Be sunny, gentle, kind, sensitive, attentive. Be feminine and sensual. I wish you, dear, to find your happiness and your love.

Happy birthday to the golden girlfriend! It is never boring and sad with you. And even if there is a bad mood and rain outside the window, you turn the day into a sunny holiday with your enthusiasm and smile and lift your spirits. You are an enchanting girl, just explosive.

My best friend on her birthday sincerely wish you happiness and prosperity, spring mood and inner

My dear friend! I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - your birthday! This is also my holiday, because for me there is no person in my life closer and dearer than you. Thank you for your friendship with me. With all my heart I wish you love, light in your heart and destiny, and also simple female happiness!

On this beautiful day, I would like to wish you to always be cheerful and optimistic! Let a smile light up your face, because when a person smiles, everything is going well for him. So let your every day be a small holiday - and you will always have a reason for the happiest smile!

My dear! May your mood always be at its best, may your eyes always shine with happiness, and may your love be mutual! Happy birthday girlfriend!

Finding a good girlfriend is not an easy task! But you and I, fortunately, were able to do it. Thank you for being in my life, and I also ask you to stay in it further! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful, funny, intelligent, charming friend! stay like this a little longer and remember: you are always eighteen! Happiness to you!

The details of our acquaintance have already been erased from memories, but the value of our friendship is only more valuable with each new day. I wish you strong moral strength and financial wealth to build a real fairy tale with your own hands!

On your birthday, my beloved friend, I want to be close to you and share moments of joy! I wish you today and always be happy! May you not meet obstacles and achieve your goal. Never give in to difficulties, let them be afraid of you and scatter.

Dear, precious, dearest friend in the world, I sincerely congratulate you on the day of your birth! I wish your Romeo would sing you songs under the balcony, perform serenades, take you on a gondola, invite you to museums, take you to theaters and give you candy. The main thing is that you are happy!

Happy birthday to my wonderful girlfriend! Never stop dreaming, because dreams move a person to aspirations and new ideas. Great joy to you, great love, sparkling happiness, unceasing success, unchanging success and all the best.

A friend like you in the world is only one copy! Your parents did their best, for which they have great respect! You are my best! Love you, honey! Happy Holidays!

Happy birthday, my faithful friend! I wish you great love, endless tenderness, wide sea health. So that your eyes always shine with happiness, and a lovely smile does not leave your lips!

We met many years ago, but still, our friendship every day opens up something new, interesting and frankly funny for me. May this life also give you its warmth, love, good mood and peace of mind every day. Happy Birthday, my dearest man!

Dear girlfriend, happy birthday! Sweetheart, may you be the mistress of the sea, and Neptune will fulfill all your desires. Let him send you a harem, and in it a dozen husbands for all kinds of joys. Let them fulfill all your whims and the most extraordinary desires.

Dear girlfriend! For a long time I puzzled over the question of what to give you for your birthday. Jewelry is trite, perfume - there is a risk of not guessing. Finally, I realized that the best gift for you would be a package of paper towels! So that when I come to you to cry, your vest will remain dry!

Well, here you are again a year older. Don't worry, this happens to everyone every 12 months. It is important to always remain young at heart and soul. And looking at you, I understand that old age does not threaten you. Stay always as cheerful and carefree easy-going as you are now!

Only real friends can laugh heartily at things that they only understand. I wish you that there is a reason for fun every day, and your laughter always remains the same infectious!

I wish you to go through life with a raised chin, so that all problems are afraid of you, and not to stare at the ground so as not to see your happiness on the horizon.

Imagine: a sea of ​​flowers and mountains of gifts, shining of enthusiastic eyes and smiles, pleasant compliments and friendly hugs - let all this await you today! Happy birthday girlfriend!

The clink of glasses is heard around, the garlands are already stretched and gentle music sounds. All this is in your honor! Congratulations, girlfriend!

My dear friend! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you a home in the Canary Islands, the coolest yacht, elite clothes and a tough guy! Only mind you - when you have all this good, call me! We will share toys with you, as in childhood! Okay, okay, you can keep the man for yourself!

Today, on your birthday, I wish you to finally meet your Prince! And don't listen to those who say that there are no princes! Since there are Princesses such as us, then princes to match them, too, undoubtedly exist!

Happy birthday, beloved friend! May there be many, many happy days in your life! I wish your beauty to blossom every year and your health to be stronger! True love and real friends!

And for her beloved girlfriend, every girl would like to write something original. It is not true that female friendship does not exist. A wedding is the best reason to prove it. True friendship is learned not only in trouble, but also in sincere joy, without a drop of envy.

A wedding marks one of the most memorable steps in a person's life. In the presence of relatives, destinies unite, and an interesting life begins with victories and experiences, joys, sometimes defeats, but shared together.

I am sure that lovers will never get bored, even if no one is around: no relatives, no friends, no girlfriends. Lovers will find something to talk about and do, because getting to know each other better and better is the most interesting thing for them.

I sincerely wish the newlyweds to always find interesting and exciting activities for themselves, so that not a single day of their life is like the previous one!
I do not want to repeat all the wonderful, but already said wishes for the newlyweds.

I will not repeat everything that has already been said before me. I just want to once again heartily congratulate you on your wedding day.

Filled with happiness, soul admiration!

You are very beautiful, slim, graceful!

I'm not kidding at the moment, I say jokingly:

I wish you to share your happiness

I want to adore your husband all my life,

Let the Lord hear all our prayers.

Happy wedding day, I sincerely congratulate you,

And I share your happiness as my own!

On the wedding day, I congratulate you,

So that you and your spouse together

In love, in peace, home happiness,

I wish you immense happiness, the most tender love and a radiant sun - if not in heaven, then in your soul! Let everything turn out perfectly well for you, let the bad be forgotten, and let the good surround you everywhere! Health to you (as well as your bank accounts)). Let the house be a full cup, comfort, love always live in it, and may fate always protect you! rating: 39 ↓

Be confident in yourself, a real mistress of your destiny! May hope, faith and love never leave you, may a lucky star illuminate your path in life! 39 ↓

My dear friend, close person, reliable assistant, keeper of my secrets! Let there be no obstacles for your happiness! Happy birthday and wish you always to remain the way you are - beautiful, original, positive! 39 ↓

I wish you health, happiness! Let the problems pass by, and the cuckoo will bake you the best years of the happiest life! Good to you, joy, family understanding and warmth. May a good mood never leave you! 37 ↓

Congratulations! Let the joy in your life bloom like a spring garden. Stay always loved and desired, may everything be fine both at work and at home, and may good luck settle in your house forever! 41 ↓

Birthday girl, I wish the best people to meet on your way, may luck literally lie in wait for you at every step, and a happy guiding star always carefully illuminates your life path! 39 ↓

Let your smile bloom every day, and let the melody of spring sound in your soul. Let the house be a full bowl, and happiness always lives in it! 38 ↓

I wish you to be beautiful - like a ripe cherry in a summer garden, tender - like a sweet raspberry, flirty and sexy - like a strawberry, and also be soft and sympathetic - like the most fragrant peach! 39 ↓

How little we need for happiness - for us to be understood and appreciated, so that the children are healthy and achieve success, so that everything is in order for loved ones. Let the bird of happiness come to you and help all that is so important to us come true! 38 ↓

Always be loved and desired, never be discouraged, easily solve all problems, and may hope, faith and love always accompany you! 39 ↓

Stay, friend, always as young and beautiful, let every day be a holiday for you, let your dreams come true, and fate protects you from all troubles! 39 ↓

I wish you health, success, great personal happiness - and may only good people meet on your way! 39 ↓

Congratulations, friend, happy birthday! You are the real sun in my life - radiant, playful and kind! May fate be favorable to you and all your plans come true! I wish you save everything that makes you so cool! Stay loved by everyone, beautiful and dizzyingly charming! 38 ↓

Someone once appeared on this day in the world! Birthday girl! I wish you an incredible break in everything! The most interesting meetings with charismatic people, exotic travels, bright events! Be a happy and contented life! Happy Birthday! 39 ↓