Congratulations on your wedding day 3 years postcards. Congratulations on your leather wedding. Video: leather wedding

Gift ideas and greetings for a leather wedding.

A leather wedding is a very small date. For three years, the spouses get to know each other better, but at the same time, clashes and quarrels are possible. In principle, in three years the grinding is completed, so the spouses know roughly what to expect from each other. Passion subsides, respect and care appears.

The three-year anniversary of the wedding is called leather. The name is due to the fact that this material perfectly takes shape, stretches in different directions and lends itself to processing. At the same time, leather is a very durable material that, with proper care, can serve for many years. That is why the skin was compared to three years of marriage.

If possible, gifts for spouses should be paired or for two, so that no one is offended. Therefore, the gift option depends on the family budget.

Gift options:

  • Leather armchair
  • Leather wallets
  • Covers for documents
  • Travel bag
  • Family photo album in leather sheath

A gift for a wife should be themed and unusual. Leather goods are not the cheapest, so it is better to consult with your soul mate about a possible present.

Gift options for the wife:

  • Leather bag
  • Leather gloves
  • Jacket
  • Cosmetic bag
  • Harness
  • New boots or shoes
  • Jewelry or leather jewelry

For many couples, after three years of living together, the relationship changes significantly. For some, this is the beginning of the end, but for others, the period of formation. After three years of living together, the spouses become closer and the relationship improves. Passions are no longer raging, communication is calmer and more balanced.

Presentation options:

  • Leather-trimmed cigarette case
  • Leather gloves
  • Mitts for riding a bike
  • Gym Gloves
  • Case for mobile phone

If your children celebrate their wedding anniversary, then you can present them with many interesting and unusual gifts. Usually, the third anniversary is celebrated with a close family circle, so gifts can be inexpensive.

Presentation options:

  • Leather ottoman in the hallway
  • Photobook with family photos in leather cover
  • A set of glasses in a box covered with leather
  • Glasses case

Of course, a three-year wedding anniversary is a small date. N, despite this, you must not forget to congratulate your friends and acquaintances. These can be SMS messages. You can call and congratulate the spouses in your own words. If you have a talent for poetry, write a quatrain.


Happy Leather Wedding! May every year
Marriage strengthens and brings happiness.
Children only grow healthy
Let the comfort be warm in the house.
Let your hearts burn with passion
There will be no end to wonderful feelings.
It's very wonderful to love!
We wish you a happy family!


Three is a lucky number. May it bring you goodness, affection, understanding and patience. Your family is still very young, so learn to forgive each other and make compromises. With a leather wedding you.

Dear spouses, even if you do not live so long, but you have already managed to get to know each other a little. We wish you a strong family, obedient children, delicious coffee in the ducks and tea in the evenings. After all, it is from the little things that the puzzle of happiness is formed. Know how to please each other with pleasant little things.

After three years of marriage, the wife is also good and attractive. In addition, over the years she lived together, she learned to cook, and acquired many good qualities. You should definitely congratulate your beloved with warm words.


My beloved wife. I am happy that we have been together for three years. I am very glad to meet the sunrises with you and enjoy life. I hope that we will delight each other for many years to come and live to old age together.

My darling! Even though we are still celebrating a rather modest date, this does not prevent me from expressing my delight. I am so glad that our union was formed three years ago. Now we are a strong and close-knit family. I am grateful to you for the warmth that you give me and our children. Happy Holidays.


Darling, I hasten to congratulate
We lived together for three years
Today is a leather wedding
So let's spend it in love.
My themed gift
Only our happiness will emphasize
And after the leather wedding,
Let's open next year.

Do not forget to please your beloved husband. For three years he became the closest and dearest man. You managed to make sure of each other's reliability.


Beloved husband. I am happy that we have been living together for three years. Let three years be not an anniversary, but no longer a chintz wedding. Our relationship has become stronger and more reliable. I am happy that I spent these years with you. I hope that we too will become support for each other for many years to come.

Dear! Today we have a small, but still a holiday. Today I want to spend time with you. Of course, not all days were happy, but we were able to overcome the setbacks. Let's appreciate and respect each other.


Thank you dear that you are
And the beautiful words for you are countless,
It's so good that fate brought us together
And our love is full of swan loyalty.
Happy wedding day, I want to congratulate you
Let's celebrate our 3 year anniversary
And so that the eternity of our happiness continues,
Pour champagne into a glass.

If your kids are celebrating their third wedding anniversary, prepare a surprise for them. You can read poems from postcards or compose several lines in prose. Ditties and songs are also relevant.


Children! Today you have a very small date, but in three years you have learned responsibility and patience. Now you can rightfully be called a family. We wish you more kids, bright emotions and love for each other.

Despite the fact that the date is small, we hasten to congratulate you on it. For three years, the relationship has strengthened, you have matured and wiser. The foundation of a strong and lasting relationship has already been built. We wish to build our fortress of love and mutual understanding, into which adversity and grief will not penetrate.


Today is your family's birthday,
3 year wedding anniversary,
Congratulations from your parents,
And invite guests to the table.
"Bitterly!" - we shout to you from the bottom of our hearts,
May cherished dreams come true
Family weather let it be sunny
Let all sorrows forget you forever.

If your friends are celebrating their third wedding anniversary, congratulate them on this date. Prepare poems, you can send SMS messages.

You have a leather wedding today.
It's been 3 years since you are husband and wife.
We wish you had a manor,
And there was a large 3-storey house in it.
To buy leather furniture for the house,
And there was a leather interior in the car,
So that you live in peace and harmony for a long time,
And so that the family hearth does not cool down!

Cake for 3 wedding years: ideas, photos

In general, the cake is baked as usual at the request of the spouses. It can be a dessert with fruit, chocolate or butter cream. But the design should be thematic. You can make a cake in the shape of a leather jacket or a biker. Below are some ideas for decorating a birthday cake.

VIDEO: Leather wedding

It is customary to call three years of married life a leather jubilee. The number three has a more solid foundation than previous dates. The 3-year age of the family symbolizes its flexibility, elasticity and strength of family ties.

3 years of married life has the name “leather wedding” for a reason, because leather is a durable, reliable, superelastic material, leather is able to warm in cold weather and protect from the wind.

We can safely say that 3 years for a young family is a reliable start to a long journey, because calico grief and paper passions are left behind. In three years, the spouses learned to understand each other's character, learned to be flexible and loyal to the habits and lack of the second half.

Another interpretation of the 3-year wedding anniversary is that the spouses have learned to feel each other with their own skin, they recognize each other by smell and touch.

The number three is the holy trinity, the child of God. The troika is endowed with optimism and inspiration, it is the third stage of marital relations that leads them to the highest pedestal, where husband and wife will learn the art of self-sacrifice and forgiveness in the name of love.

Three years later, after the wedding, the young spouses pass a kind of exam for the strength of the relationship, because it is very difficult to break the skin, it is always in fashion, it is beautiful and elegant, just like the heroes of the day.

What a wedding without gifts

Gifts are troublesome, but always pleasant. If you are going to buy a gift for a leather wedding, you need to use your imagination as much as possible. It is advisable to think in advance about a gift option that will please the heroes of the occasion.

A gift can be bought one for two, if we are talking about something monumental or presented to spouses as an individual gift. The modern industry provides a huge number of leather gift options that can and should be given for a 3 year wedding anniversary, called a leather wedding.

Marital gifts to each other for a leather anniversary

A wedding anniversary is a desirable date in married life, and therefore it is customary to celebrate it with pleasant and useful gifts. For a leather wedding, a husband and wife can give each other personal items. Those that relatives or friends cannot give.

So, here's what you can give spouses to each other:

  • Leather gloves. Even the second and third pair will certainly not be superfluous. Of course, for an anniversary gift, you need to choose gloves made of the best leather, intricate in design. They should evoke positive emotions with just one touch. When handing gloves, you can say the following:

“When I am not by your side, let them warm your hands, just as I would (did). After all, a part of my soul and the warmth of my heart are put into these gloves. When dressing them remember that my hand is always in your palm ”;

Leather wedding gifts from friends and relatives

It is customary for friends and relatives to give gifts to spouses that are devoid of personal attributes. Great gifts will be things or items of common use, as well as gifts of an individual nature. Consider a few of the most popular options that they can safely give for a 3 year wedding anniversary:

  • Travel suitcase made of genuine leather with a combination lock. Such a gift is appropriate for a family where they like to travel. When handing over such a gift, one can mention that it symbolizes the baggage of experience and knowledge and wish to increase the contents of the suitcase and keep it strictly locked;
  • Leather armchair. Such a gift, of course, is a good idea, but when choosing it, think about whether it will suit the owners in terms of interior design, whether it will become a black sheep. After all, such a gift always needs a couple.

Instead of a classic chair, you can donate a leather computer chair.

Today every family has a computer and a good multifunctional armchair will be a useful gift for "leather" anniversaries.

Wish you comfort and relaxation during your stay in this chair, say that as long as the earth rotates, this chair will rotate, because its reliability has been tested by years of your friendship;

Leather wedding - original greetings

In addition to themed gifts for a 3 year wedding anniversary, original congratulations are needed. They can sound in poetic form or in prose.

In any case, congratulatory words should come from the very heart. Banal and worn out phrases for congratulatory speeches are not appropriate.

Try to be unique and creative, try to play the congratulatory speech with some kind of plot.

Here it is appropriate to use sparkling humor or borrow a congratulatory style from a wise parable. Such a congratulation will surely please and will be remembered for a long time by the heroes of the occasion, and this is the main goal of the congratulator. You can write a congratulation yourself, or you can use ready-made tips.

Congratulations to the wife from the husband and vice versa


Three years seems so long
When my destiny is dear
Merged with yours
My person is irreplaceable.

Hearts mental plexus,
Three-year family birth.
During this time, everything happened,
We had enough strength for everything.

The family did not break, it grew stronger.
Three years is just the beginning….
For the joy of the day, for the light of the fathers,
For our leather anniversary.

Thank you, my love.
I love you, my wife, I love you!

To husband

My betrothed you, my husband,
Beloved husband, reliable friend.
And in the whole world there are no relatives,
Today is a three-year anniversary.

In it is the joy of the day and the light of the sun,
To live with you for two hundred years
I wish you in love and fidelity
I congratulate us today.

Let our date be leather
She will be happy and rich.
And the scent of your delicate skin
In the whole world there is nothing more precious to me.

Congratulations from parents to children for 3 years from the date of the wedding of the young

Families today is your birthday,
Please accept our advice and congratulations.
The people have an ancient omen,
Kohl the couple lived three times in the summer,

Kohl survived chintz and paper,
Then they found reliability and courage.
In three years, the relationship is no more expensive,
They are like tough leather.

They have the flexibility and complaisance of the spouse.
What keeps you warm in cold weather and blizzards.
They have the strength of a husband - the skin cannot be torn!
And this is what we want to wish you,

For this three-year anniversary of yours,
Good days and gentle nights to you,
Live together, Children, prosper,
And create happiness year after year.

*** *** *** *** ***

Family-child, born only in marriage,
That it was sent by God and created by you.
For the first year, as chintz is not strong,
And in the second year like paper,

Sometimes it breaks and burns in marriage.
The family only gains its strength,
When the third year of life comes.
And it will become strong, like skin.

And it will help to survive all the difficulties.
Here is parental advice to YOU ​​from us,
Live, Children, together for a hundred years.
Hand in hand, eye to eye,
Keep love and raise children!

Cool congratulations from friends in verse for 3 years of family life

On your three year anniversary,
Congratulations from friends.
After all, a family is almost a child
Grows up from the diapers.

It has bitterness, then success,
In it, then cry, then ringing laughter.
Which of you tell me knows
What does each year mean?

The first year is the most difficult
You were careful with him.
Calico baby diaper,
Were not strong and thin.

The second year is burning and torn,
It will be called paper.
Thank God we survived
We lived to be three years old.

The leather is tough, though!
You, Friends, with a 3-year marriage!

Celebrating a skin wedding: traditions and signs

They celebrate 3 years of marriage, usually without any special frills. Only relatives and friends are invited to the celebration. It is perfectly appropriate to spend this day at home.

The young hostess demonstrates her culinary skills to the guests, and the husband shows how homely he is. It will be good if close friends prepare suitable thematic contests in advance. It is appropriate to put hearty, national dishes on the festive table:

  • jellied meat, aspic;
  • cutlets;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • chopped salads and herbs;
  • vegetable and meat cuts;
  • sandwiches with caviar;
  • fish dishes.

An excellent solution would be to spend this day in nature, if the weather conditions permit.

According to folklore, on the eve of a leather wedding it is required:

  • clean the house and get all leather things and objects in a conspicuous place;
  • throwing away everything unnecessary is a sign that there is no return to past difficulties and troubles in your family;
  • decorate your home with bright flowers and fragrant herbs.

At the very beginning of the holiday, the heroes of the occasion should feed each other with a red apple (red is a symbol of wealth and love) and tie leather cords on each other's wrists, embodying their current status.

Then the couple must smash all the utensils unfit for further use to smithereens. During the feast, folk songs are sung, comic and funny stories are told, and games are played.

And a few more gift ideas for a leather wedding are in the next video.

Leather wedding- this is the three-year anniversary of the wedding. Leather is much tougher and softer than paper. This symbolizes the fact that the marriage has become much stronger, and the spouses have learned to adapt to each other, take into account the interests of the partner, and put family well-being in the first place. On the anniversary of a leather wedding, it is customary to give gifts made of genuine leather - handbags, purses, wallets. Or you can go to a shopping center together, choose leather boots for your wife, and shoes for your husband, for example.

The Fresh-Cards catalog contains beautiful greeting cards for 3 years of wedding and life together, funny pictures from a three-year marriage anniversary, pleasant and warm photo congratulations with touching words in prose and poetry from friends, relatives and parents. For spouses, 3 years together is an important, significant event in their family life, when family life has not yet absorbed the love romance of a relationship. They will be very pleased to know that their friends and relatives remember this day.

Three years together is a long time,
Intoxicates a three-year-old wine,
We already knew each other well,
Already two hearts are beating as one.

And there are so many happy years ahead,
May joy fill every day
After all, your anniversary, leather wedding -
Family life is only the third step.

We wish you a happy journey
In love, in the harmony of the step, go through everything,
To the delight of all heirs to raise,
To cherish each other more gold.

Happy anniversary of your third
Congratulations to you guys.
I wish you to live happily
Bright, fun, rich.

May the beautiful union grow stronger
Let the feeling warm the hearts
May they always burn with passion
The tenderness of a big eye.

I wish you understanding
And great patience
Let them fill life
Only bright moments.

Congratulations, my dears, on your wedding anniversary! Your young family has been successfully existing for 3 years, and today you are celebrating a leather wedding! So I would like to wish you that your friendly family was strong, reliable and enduring! I wish you good health, mutual love, tenderness, kindness and prosperity. Be happy, healthy and loved.

For three years you have been together - and a wedding made of leather,
And there is no longer a person dearer,
Than a husband for her and a wife for him,
Though sometimes it was not easy at all!

We tried to live peacefully, endured each other,
Although a cold blizzard often burst,
I covered your hearts with snow and ice,
But everything passed, spring came!

We wish you sun and a clear sky,
Prosperity and money, and butter, and bread,
Love without flaws - beautiful and eternal,
And happiness and joy to you endless!

Your family turned three years old.
With a leather wedding you!
Allow me from a pure heart
Congratulate you on this now!

You have been a family for three years
We wish you to live long in love.
Let your family hearth not cool down,
And happiness and love will overwhelm for the first time!

Your union is strong like skin,
Keep the bonds warm for a long time.
We wish you a lot of kids,
May the road not part you.

Happiness, joy and laughter to you,
In all matters, great success!
Live only under a lucky star
Love dearly before the wedding gold!

You've been together for three years
You are good for three years
Let it be two hundred years old
Become a family again!

To a leather wedding
Brought to gold
And joy reigned in the family
Peace, luck and peace!

I hasten to congratulate you on a leather wedding
And leave a lot of wishes:
So that you don't have to wear leatherette,
And only in the skin to flaunt all his life.
May there be abundance in your life
And in a relationship there is harmony and order,
Full cup, health, success,
Cheerful and joyful laughter for children.
So that the grandchildren could then in a crowd
Congratulate you golden on your wedding.

Three years of happiness, tenderness, comfort,
After all, love has united you forever!
I wish that every minute
In your family, harmony reigned!

May there be so much ahead of you
Happy days and bright, long years!
I wish that a joint road
The sunlight has always shone for you!

How do you feel about the skin?
Positively? I, too!
After all, you have a date today -
It's been three years since you've been married.

A leather wedding is called
May your marriage not end
And to the very gray hair
Fortunately, there will be a hundred reasons!

For three years together
You are a wonderful family
Peace, joy and happiness
I wish you a glorious day.

May love help you
Go ahead for a dream
Let on the roads of life
You are always, always lucky.

It is customary to celebrate a leather wedding after three years of marriage. This wedding anniversary is called so because the spouses should by this time feel each other well, figuratively speaking, with their skin itself.

The family for this wedding anniversary has already become stronger, but is still subject to changes, the relationship is still not well-established and flexible, like skin. Leather is a much stronger material than paper and chintz, isn't it? So your family relationships are becoming stronger, stronger and stronger. You become more flexible - you do not react so sharply to each other's desires, you respect the choice of your beloved or loved one. And this is great!

The leather can be dyed in any color. Also, the color of family relationships depends on how you paint them yourself. Also in life - if your relationship is painted only in bright and pleasant colors, then you will live a happy family life, and in order for it to last as long as possible, do not forget to "polish" your feelings to shine!

Leather wedding traditions

Before the wedding anniversary, it is better to pay off all debts, throw away all the broken dishes and just ask each other for forgiveness for everything that the husband and wife could offend each other over the past year.

According to tradition, a married couple should put on leather clothes on this day. The wife can wear a leather skirt or trousers, and the husband can wear a vest. Leather accessories are also suitable: bags, bracelets, wallets, etc.

According to custom, on the day of a leather wedding, a loaf of rye bread was always placed on the table, from which the spouses had to break off a small piece and eat it in full view of everyone present.

The enormous importance of rye bread as the main, the main element of the rite is found not only among Christians, but also among many peoples of the North, Argentina and the peoples of Central and Southeastern Europe. The very first treat at the celebration of a leather wedding is "bread soup", which is prepared quite simply: rye bread is crumbled into a meat broth. This soup symbolized, according to ancient beliefs, the close connection of spouses with friends and relatives.

Instead of "bread soup" on this wedding anniversary, a married couple can eat a red apple or any other red fruit in the presence of guests and all relatives.

Congratulations on your leather wedding

On this anniversary, guests congratulate the couple, wish her happiness, health and success. How to please a married couple for a leather wedding - with poetry or prose - it's up to you.

Boots creak, straps,
Leather jackets shine
And you spent three years
Three months have passed as if.

The skin is gorgeous as an outfit,
And everyone is happy to give you
Who is the belt, who is the gloves,
Take it without looking back!

Than the skin, brothers, is good
The fact that it does not spoil
Does not tear, does not rub off,
It shimmers in the rays!

You strengthened your union
And now there is no stronger bond
And we want to wish you:
May your marriage be golden!

We are for a leather wedding
We'll bake Karavaev.
Whatever happens in life -
We don't care about all this.

We will be a happy family
We will grow stronger every hour.
Who will covet for happiness -
He will slip past us.

Let's be healthy and rich
And now, and for many years.
If the clan is strong in spirit,
Then he has no misfortunes.

Joy, laughter; descendants, ancestors -
We will gather you all together.
Whatever happens in life -
We don't care about all this.

Leather wedding is not in vain
Such is considered, called.
After all, you lived beautifully for three years,
Not afraid of frost, snow, sun.

We congratulate you on your anniversary,
And with the third anniversary of your bright wedding.
You have become one in everything,
Surrounding each other with understanding.

Joy to you, light and good luck,
Long years to the union of your destinies.
Leather wedding means
That love will always be between you.

Until recently, after all, I was a bride,
Today you are a beloved wife
And every day in love is like a lovely gift
It illuminates you with joy in full.

Let love only fill your house
Peace, tranquility, comfort reign in him.
Congratulations on your leather wedding,
So that in a year I will drop by again.

Three years ago we shouted "Bitter" for you.
Three years have already come, like three days.
We are now celebrating a leather wedding.
And on this I congratulate you, friends!
Love each other, you live together -
As Leopold the cat once said.
Trust, happiness - this is so necessary!
I raise this glass for you.

Three years together - an anniversary!
Call your friends as soon as possible:
It's a sin not to note this matter,
Well, it's more fun with friends.
They did everything they wanted,
Is the skin thin anymore?
If something has failed,
There is a friendly hand -
And we will support and give you a hint,
Let's just celebrate a little.
Congratulations to you,
Drinking together for you
Today "Bitter!" -
Our entire vocabulary.

Your family is already three years old,
That wedding is called leather,
Keep love, it's important
And let the comfort be at home
Let your children grow up
And only joy is given to you,
Be happier than everyone in the world
A hundred times wiser.
Let them give you trinkets:
Leather things, wallets,
And I would like to congratulate better -
Poems, quite foldable!

Three years ... a lot or a little?
And you've been together for a thousand days.
And this wedding is called leather.
Or a three year anniversary.

Let joy fill the soul.
And let a hundred years pass
How do you complement each other,
We have achieved peak heights.