Warming up with paraffin at home. Preparation for paraffin applications. Why do I need a paraffin warming procedure

Paraffin therapy is a medical and cosmetic procedure aimed at deep softening and nourishing of the skin. It is used mainly for the care of dry and chapped skin of the hands in the cold season. The advantage of the procedure is the simplicity and accessibility of the procedure, thanks to which everyone can master the rules of paraffin therapy.

Baths and applications with paraffin are indicated for the treatment of:

  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • Raynaud's disease.

The method is used to relieve symptoms in diseases of the bones and joints. The effectiveness of paraffin therapy in this case is due to the soft gradual heating of the tissues.

Paraffin melts at a temperature of about 520 C. Applying this substance to the body improves blood circulation in the affected area by irritating the upper layer of the skin. In diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis), the procedure helps to relieve pain and improve mobility. With neuralgia, gentle warming with paraffin relieves pain caused by nerve damage.

As prescribed by a dermatologist, the method can be used for psoriasis, to soften plaques on the skin. The possibility of paraffin treatment for eczema on the hands should also be consulted with a specialist.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins at the site of exposure;
  • the presence of a rash, deep wounds and ulcers on the skin.

In the absence of contraindications, the procedure can be carried out even for children over three years old, however, paraffin is not applied to clean skin, but to gauze or a bandage, in order to avoid burns.

The use of paraffin in cosmetology

The procedure is offered in almost every beauty salon. In cosmetology, paraffin therapy is used to eliminate problems associated with dryness and flaking of the skin.

The use of paraffin allows:

  • reduce traces of post-acne;
  • smooth mimic wrinkles;
  • brighten the skin and reduce age spots;
  • improve skin tone.

The substance has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body due to the greenhouse effect, which is created when molten paraffin is applied to the skin. Paraffin gradually increases the temperature of the skin at the site of application, as a result, the pores open. Since a layer of air remains between the epidermis and the wax-like mass, local sweating increases. With sweat, toxins are released, the skin is cleansed. At the same time, lymph flow improves, blood microcirculation is stimulated, that is, metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis are improved. The result of the procedure is smooth nourished and hydrated skin.

Paraffin treatment is carried out in courses. 5 procedures are enough to forget about peeling and cracks on the skin for a long time. You can apply a warm mass on any part of the body. Most often, paraffin is used as an emergency remedy for restoring dry skin on the hands, with cracks in the skin of the feet, and to soften especially dry areas of the body. Paraffin therapy for the face is an effective and safe way to reduce the severity of wrinkles, increase turgor and brighten the skin.

Paraffin therapy - how to do it?

For a home procedure, you must purchase a special cosmetic paraffin. This substance is presented in every pharmacy at an affordable cost, so there are no problems with the purchase. It is also necessary to prepare a convenient container in which paraffin will be melted, several towels, thick polyethylene gloves.

How to do paraffin therapy - it depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the mass will be applied. The general scheme is as follows: paraffin is melted in a water bath, at this time the skin cleansing procedure is carried out. Then liquid paraffin is applied to the epidermis with a brush or cosmetic spatula, and the skin is wrapped in a warm cloth. The duration of exposure is until the product has completely cooled down.

Paraffin can be melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven. It is very simple to determine the readiness of the mass - the paraffin must be liquid and homogeneous.

Since the product melts at a relatively low temperature, the likelihood of burns is minimized. However, before applying the liquid mass, you should check its temperature by dropping a little on the back of the hand.

Hand treatment

Paraffin therapy for hands is carried out on previously cleansed skin. Additionally, you should use a scrub to open the pores as much as possible. It is not necessary to use a purchased scrub, you can cook it yourself by mixing sugar or coffee grounds with any oil.

For one procedure, you will need about 3 kg of weight. Paraffin is melted in a water bath and poured into a convenient container made of ceramic or glass. Plastic and metal containers are not recommended. You can also heat the mass in the microwave. In this case, it is important to set the power of the device to a minimum, otherwise the paraffin will overheat and begin to evaporate.

After all the preparations, the hands are completely immersed in a container of melted paraffin for 3 seconds. Then they need to be pulled out, wait another 3 seconds, and again immerse in a viscous mass. Repeat the manipulation 3-4 times. After making sure that the skin of the hands is completely covered with the product, you should use plastic gloves. You can also use regular plastic bags. Hands in gloves should be additionally wrapped with a towel. Paraffin is removed together with gloves after it completely hardens.

Paraffin for the face

A quick and effective method to restore youthfulness to the skin is paraffin therapy for the face. The melted product is applied to the skin along the massage lines with a large brush, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips. After the entire face is covered with a thick layer of mass, the skin is covered with gauze or a special non-woven mask. During the procedure, it is recommended to take a comfortable position (it is better to lie down), relax the muscles of the face, and do not strain them until the paraffin mask is removed.

Paraffin therapy for feet

The caring procedure for the skin of the feet is carried out in the same way as for the hands. Paraffin therapy for feet is recommended for dry and cracked skin, in the presence of dry calluses and corns. Feet are immersed several times in a container with warm paraffin, and then wrapped with polyethylene or cling film. It is recommended to use special thermal socks.

Carrying out a body treatment

The method is widely used to combat cellulite, as well as soften dry skin areas, such as elbows.

Paraffin helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

The melted mass is applied to the skin with a brush in 5-6 layers, then tightly fixed with cling film. The treated area must be additionally wrapped with a towel, thermal underwear or a woolen shawl.

If paraffin therapy is used for therapeutic purposes, the number of procedures increases to 20. Before starting treatment with paraffin, you should consult with your doctor.

What is included in the paraffin therapy kit?

In specialized stores you can buy a set for paraffin therapy. It includes a special heater with a container for melting paraffin, a spatula and a brush, a set of disposable socks, gloves and sheet masks.

Some kits include special sprays for cleaning the container and brushes after the procedure. The cost of the set depends on the number of items in its composition. Paraffin itself is purchased in pharmacies.

Paraffin for joints is included in the complex therapy of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is an effective method of treatment, paraffin therapy is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. But the use of only paraffin or wax as the only method of treatment will not bring a positive result, although it will weaken the manifestations of the disease.

Healing properties of wax and paraffin

Wax and paraffin have unique abilities. These substances are distinguished by high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity, which provides a long-term warming effect on the treated joint.

Wax for joints is valuable in that it retains heat at the site of application, while the moisture formed inside does not evaporate, but re-enters the epidermis, actively moisturizing and nourishing the surface layers of the skin.

Treatment of joints with paraffin at home provides the following effects:

  1. Warming up. Raises the local temperature by several degrees. Softens the upper layer of the epidermis, which contributes to the penetration of active substances deep into the skin.
  2. Expansion of pores and intercellular space, as a result of which excess moisture leaves, tissue swelling subsides.
  3. Removal of toxins and other harmful substances. This promotes skin rejuvenation.
  4. Activates blood circulation, improves metabolic processes. This results in an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Relieves pain, restores joint mobility, removes stiffness of movements.

How to do paraffin applications?

Treatment with wax or paraffin involves the use of a special, not a cosmetic product, without the addition of flavors and other components. Before the procedure, some preparation should be carried out, namely, melt the wax to the desired temperature - 55–60 ° C. This can be done in the following ways:

  1. On the steam bath. The method has many drawbacks, since it is quite difficult to set the correct temperature. In addition, it must be maintained at a certain level during the procedure.
  2. With the help of wax. In this case, paraffin or wax can be used. The raw material will melt itself to a predetermined temperature. For an unlimited time, the device will ensure that the desired parameters are maintained. The only inconvenience is that the voskoplav requires connection to electricity.

Paraffin treatment is carried out in different ways. It depends on the location of the affected joint. If it is necessary to treat the hands or feet, it is best to do paraffin baths. In the finished product, you need to lower the affected limb for a few seconds and remove it. A thin film forms on the skin and instantly hardens. Repeat the procedure several times until the paraffin layer reaches a thickness of 1 cm. Then the arm or leg must be insulated. The duration of treatment is 15–20 minutes. The therapeutic course consists of 10-30 sessions, depending on the degree of damage to the joint.

For the knee joint, it is best to make a paraffin or wax cake. To do this, the raw material should be brought to a temperature of 55–60 ° C and a flattened oval or circle should be made. Put on the knee and warm on top. The duration of the session is 15-20 minutes, the course usually consists of 10-15 procedures. You can do them daily or every other day, while you must follow the recommendations of a specialist.

When a large joint (knee or elbow) is affected, it is most convenient to do paraffin wraps. Using a brush, spread melted wax or paraffin on the diseased joint in several layers so that the total thickness reaches 0.8–1.0 cm. Cover the product with plastic wrap and warm with a scarf.

The advantage of using thermal procedures with wax or paraffin is high safety and almost no side effects.

To enhance the therapeutic effect of the procedure, you can add a few drops of fir, ginger or rosemary oil to the composition. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which improves the patient's well-being.

Contraindications for use

It is necessary to use paraffin on the joints only on the recommendation of a specialist, because in case of an acute inflammatory process in the joint, it is forbidden to do them. For each patient, the duration of physiotherapy may vary.

There are certain restrictions on the treatment with beeswax and paraffin.

  1. Applications should not be done in the presence of microtrauma, damage and pustular skin diseases at the site of application, since the patient may feel worse.
  2. When using natural wax, you should make sure that there is no individual intolerance. After all, bee products can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. To prevent this complication, it is necessary to conduct a test on the inner surface of the elbow. In the absence of redness, itching and other signs of allergy, you can proceed with the manipulation.
  3. Warming procedures are contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins of the lower extremities, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, who have a tendency to bleed, blood clotting disorders, joint lesions of tuberculous etiology and neoplasms of various localization.

When prescribing several types of physiotherapy, it is necessary to take into account the principles of therapeutic effects; procedures cannot always be combined.

Paraffin applications are not recommended for use on the day when the patient goes to the pool or plans to take contrast baths. This significantly increases the load on the blood vessels, which threatens the development of serious complications.

Paraffin applications should be done only in consultation with a specialist. You can not self-medicate, even if, at first glance, it is completely harmless. Illiterate paraffin therapy can provoke the progression of the disease and worsen the patient's condition.

Paraffin treatment Paraffin treatment is quite a peculiar and unique method. After all, the fact is that paraffin has such properties as high heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Heated paraffin, when removed from fire or other source...

Paraffin treatmentThis is a rather unique and unique method. After all, the fact is that paraffin has such properties as high heat capacity and thermal conductivity.

Heated paraffin, when removed from a fire or other source of temperature, freezes almost instantly, forming a capsule, the surface of which is a cooled solid paraffin, and inside it is still hot and liquid. Thus, the outer hardened shell does not burn the body, and hot paraffin that has not frozen inside will evenly give off heat for a long time, providing warming up of the diseased organ or site of the disease.

When paraffin gets on the skin, it instantly heats it up by 2 degrees, which does not cause any discomfort. The body instinctively (the protective function of the body) produces sweat, which paraffin does not allow to evaporate and creates the effect of a mini-sauna. With sweat, all harmful substances that poison the body and toxins that have accumulated in the body are released.

As the paraffin cools, moisture is absorbed back, leaving toxins on the surface of the skin. Due to the fact that in their structure they are large and heavier than water, they fail to return to the body and thereby clog the pores.

Paraffin treatment has proven itself in such diseases as: dislocations, wounds, burns, arthritis, myositis, periostitis, trophic ulcers, fractures, diseases of internal organs, gastritis, sciatica, neuralgia, skin diseases and many others.

Paraffin treatment at home

The paraffin treatment procedure is quite a pleasant process. Plus, the treatment can be carried out at home. Sessions shortly before bedtime are especially good, since after the procedure you should remain at rest for at least another 30 minutes. The course of treatment itself should last from 12 to 20 procedures daily or every other day, depending on the area and degree of the disease, and the duration of each session - from half an hour to an hour.

Methods of warming up and treatment with paraffin

The most affordable and easy-to-use method is a paraffin application. We take a piece of paraffin and melt it in a water bath or in a microwave (you can just in a saucepan, but with such heating it starts to smoke and “shoot”). Already liquid paraffin is poured into a pre-prepared vessel with a flat bottom. You should wait a little for the mass to cool a little and a crust forms. Then they spread the cake, with paraffin still not hardened and hot inside, on the problem area, covering it with a warm blanket on top.

Paraffin treatment of the extremities is generally carried out according to the same principle. The only difference is that still liquid paraffin is poured into a pre-prepared form of thick oilcloth (but not cellophane, as it will melt), sewn to the shape of the part of the body that needs treatment. It may look like a mitten or a boot.

A leg or arm, to protect against burns, is coated with a thin layer of paraffin, allowed to harden and lowered into a workpiece with a hot mass. The top of the pouch is tied up to prevent leakage of liquid. In order not to get damaged during smearing, the temperature of the paraffin should be within 50 degrees. As in the first variant, the compress is covered with a warm blanket or woolen product. Warming relieves inflammation and pain in the joints.

Paraffin is also used as face masks. The skin after the procedure is significantly tightened, the number of wrinkles decreases, swelling is removed, the double chin and skin flabbiness disappear.

It is worth considering that paraffin treatment - it is not a panacea for all diseases and, if used incorrectly, can even cause harm. There are a number of diseases for which heating should not be used. These include: high blood pressure (especially stage 2 or 3), diabetes mellitus, open and purulent wounds, eczema, increased hairline, tuberculosis, rosacea, varicose veins.

Be careful with any method of self-medication. In order not to harm your body, you should always consult a doctor first, who will give accurate recommendations exclusively for your case.

The use of paraffin at home is a very convenient and rational option for the treatment of joint diseases. After all, you don’t need to go to the clinic every day, waste time in queues, risk catching the flu or other respiratory infections. But, starting this treatment, the patient must have an accurate clinical diagnosis, specific recommendations of the treating doctor and a willingness to carefully follow them.

This is not a panacea, paraffin will have its positive effect only against the background of drugs, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, spa treatment. Starting this type of therapy at home, you need to be guided only by medical recommendations.

The remedy for diseases of the joints can be used in different ways. Apply:

  • baths;
  • wraps;
  • applications;
  • compresses.

Effective use in very young children with hip dysplasia and inflammatory changes in the joints at any age.

Paraffin properties

The positive impact of this treatment method is largely determined by the physical qualities of paraffin:

  • melting point - +52 ° C, therefore, when applied to the skin, burns are practically excluded;
  • high heat capacity;
  • low thermal conductivity (the substance accumulates and retains heat well, but slowly releases it).

Features of the mechanism of action:

  • softening of the upper layers of the skin;
  • opening of skin pores;
  • increased sweat secretion;
  • absorption of toxic substances released with sweat;
  • maintaining water balance (since the product concentrates toxins, but not water, skin moisture, its elasticity does not suffer).

An increase in skin temperature during paraffin applications helps to improve the blood supply to the affected areas, reduce inflammation, and enhance regeneration processes in the skin and articular structures.

When cooling, the substance decreases in volume and somewhat compresses the joint, helping to reduce the volume of edematous and inflamed tissues. This property is used not only for medicinal, but also for cosmetic purposes, for example, to tighten the skin of the face.

How to apply?

The course of paraffin therapy at home can be 30 procedures.

To carry out this method of treatment, you need to purchase paraffin in a pharmacy, where you can also buy special containers for its melting and use.

It is better to melt the product in a water bath. Then it must be cooled to a temperature not exceeding 55-60 ° C. You can use paraffin at home in the form of baths, compresses or applications, depending on the doctor's recommendations and the patient's condition.

Baths, applications

Effective use of funds with. Paraffin baths, applications are very easy to use. Melted paraffin is gently applied to the affected area. If the patient suffers from arthritis of the small joints of the arms or legs, place the hand or foot in the melted remedy for 7-10 minutes.

After removing the hardened paraffin layer from the surface of the skin, the feet or hands are dipped in decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs that the doctor will recommend. Sometimes it is allowed to use essential oils (thyme, wild rosemary, juniper, chamomile, calendula), which are added to herbal decoctions or rubbed into the skin of the affected area.

Arthritis responds well to treatment with paraffin packs. In this case, paraffin melted and cooled to a safe temperature is applied with a cotton swab or a flat brush to the skin in the area of ​​the diseased joint. This is done several times, since it is necessary to create a layer of a therapeutic substance about 1 cm thick. Then a plastic film is placed on the paraffin for the patient and the sore spot is wrapped with a woolen cloth. The duration of the procedure with good tolerance is about 1 hour.


Paraffin compresses in the treatment of arthritis are widely used due to their simplicity and effectiveness. The algorithm of the patient's actions:

  1. Melt the paraffin.
  2. Cool it down to 60°C.
  3. Apply with a cotton swab to the skin in the area.
  4. Take a cotton fabric and fold it so that 10 layers are formed.
  5. Moisten the resulting napkin in the product used.
  6. Wring out, using tight rubber gloves or wooden planks.
  7. Apply to the affected area.
  8. Lay plastic wrap and a woolen blanket on top.
  9. Control the time of the procedure (should not exceed 1 hour).

Paraffin "boots"

Arthritis of the ankle joint responds well to treatment with the use of paraffin "boots". Paraffin heated to 50-60 ° C is poured into a specially sewn boot made of rubberized dense fabric, which is then put on the sore leg. Prior to this, the foot is smeared with melted, but not too hot paraffin. From above, the "boot" is tied with a woolen cloth. This procedure is good for severe pain syndrome.

Paraffin treatment for hip dysplasia

The procedure is indicated for fractures of the femur, femoral neck. It is well tolerated by patients and has a positive effect on bone regeneration processes.

The hip joint is characterized by incomplete formation of its structural components.

It is more often a congenital pathology, but sometimes it develops after injuries or against the background of inflammatory processes. If left untreated, the patient's motor activity is impaired due to pain and gradually increasing limitation of movement in the hip joints. Paraffin will help relieve pain, relax the thigh muscles, and facilitate movement in the affected area.

It is recommended to melt and mix paraffin and ozocerite in a ratio of 1:2, then pour the resulting mixture into a container lined with a rubberized cloth. Ozokerite-paraffin mixture should cool down to therapeutic temperature. When the thermometer fixes 60 ° C, you can carefully remove the mixture from the mold and apply it to the diseased area, fixing it on top with plastic wrap and a woolen blanket. The procedure should be carried out only after consulting a doctor and taking into account the patient's condition. In any case, the duration of the session should not exceed 50-60 minutes.


Despite the ease of use and safety, the method of treatment has a number of contraindications. You can not apply this tool in the presence of a number of pathological conditions:

  • cracks, sores, or sores in the skin;
  • arrhythmia, high blood pressure;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy.

Paraffin therapy is a safe and effective procedure for joint diseases. It helps to relieve inflammation, reduce pain and swelling. But you can start a course of treatment only after consulting a doctor. Properly carried out treatment will help with hip dysplasia, relieve pain in arthritis of various localizations. The main thing that determines the success of treatment is timely access to a specialist and the implementation of all his recommendations.

Paraffin is prescribed to children quite often.

Paraffin treatment

Paraffin is a waxy substance that can retain heat for a long time.. Heated paraffin for children is superimposed on the desired area of ​​​​the skin and remains on it for a certain time. There is a rather long and deep thermal effect on the skin, muscles and internal organs adjacent to the paraffin application site. As a result, capillaries and small blood vessels expand in the heated area, muscles relax (both skeletal muscles and smooth muscles of internal organs), metabolism. Warming up with paraffin helps to relax tense muscles, relieve pain, and promotes faster resolution of inflammation foci.

Paraffin treatment is a variant of heat treatment or thermotherapy, one of the oldest methods officially used in medicine today, including in children from the first months of life.

In addition to paraffin, ozokerite is used for heat treatment.(mountain wax), it is more plastic than paraffin, therefore it is more convenient to use. In addition, ozokerite contains useful minerals and biologically active substances, which, penetrating through the skin, enhance the relaxing effect of the warming procedure.

For heating, paraffin or ozocerite can be used separately or a mixture of them. The mixture is possible in any proportion, but the most popular ratio of paraffin and ozocerite is 1:1.

Indications for the use of paraffin (ozokerite) are as follows

1. Inflammatory processes during the resolution period (without suppuration).

2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory.

3. Injuries and diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

4. Consequences of injuries (sprains, bruises).

6. Spastic muscle contractures.

In children under one year old, paraffin is most often used as a thermal relaxing procedure for spastic muscle paresis. In this case, paraffin is applied to the affected area.

In children older than 1 year, it is most often used for coughing (tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia) in the stage of resolution of the disease - then the places for applying paraffin are the same as, for biliary dyskinesia, paraffin is applied to the right hypochondrium, for diseases of the bladder on the lower abdomen, for the treatment of bruises and sprains from the 4th day after the injury - in this case, paraffin is applied to the area of ​​injury.


Paraffin for children (ozocerite) is not used

  1. if there is a rash or damage on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin where it is supposed to be applied.
  2. in the acute period, in the first 3 days from the onset of the disease or after injury, if there is suppuration
  3. with violations of thermal sensitivity of the skin

Paraffin (ozokerite) in children is used in the form of applications or in the form of paraffin boots (mittens). If the child is being treated in a hospital or in a sanatorium, paraffin heating is carried out in a physiotherapy room. If the child is being treated on an outpatient basis, it is preferable to carry out the procedure at home, because. after it, it is recommended to warmly dress (wrap) the heated area and go outside after warming up is not desirable.

How to prepare paraffin for children at home

Because the procedure for warming up with paraffin is very simple, there are no difficulties for parents.

Paraffin and ozokerite are sold in pharmacies, paraffin looks like melted and frozen white candles, ozokerite has a dark brown, almost black color. Cosmetic paraffin is not convenient to use for applications, because. it contains petroleum jelly and other components due to which it becomes less plastic.

Paraffin (ozokerite) or a mixture of paraffin and ozokerite in a ratio of 1:1 is melted in a water bath. A little water is poured into a larger pot and put on fire, the paraffin (ozocerite) is immersed in another pan (smaller), and then the pan with paraffin is placed in the first pan, so that the bottom of the first and second pots do not touch each other. To do this, you can put a cloth or plank on the bottom of a large saucepan.

A small pot with paraffin must be closed with a lid. When the water in a large saucepan boils, the paraffin (ozocerite) in a small one will begin to melt. It is necessary that all the paraffin is melted to a liquid state. It is recommended to stir it periodically with a wooden stick and, at the same time, check whether it has melted or not.

When all the paraffin has melted, you need to take a baking sheet, put cellophane or oilcloth on it, and then pour melted paraffin (ozocerite) onto the cellophane. A layer 1-1.5 cm thick is required. You need to wait for the paraffin (ozokerite) to harden, but remain warm, and then separate the paraffin (ozokerite) from the oilcloth, cut off a piece of the desired size with a knife, check the temperature on yourself (paraffin should be warm, but not burning and not cause discomfort to the child ) and apply paraffin (ozokerite) to the desired area of ​​the body. From above, the paraffin is covered with cellophane or oilcloth, the size of which is 1.5 - 2 cm larger than the size of the paraffin cake; on top of the cellophane, the child is covered with a blanket or a warm diaper.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the number of procedures is 5-20, it can be done daily or every other day, it is recommended to do this before going to bed in order to wrap the child up after the procedure and put him to bed. After the procedure, paraffin (ozocerite) can be folded into a bag, and then reused.

paraffin boots

More often, paraffin bootsthis is the first medical procedure associated with the use of paraffin assigned to the child.

  • Usually they are prescribed by neurologists to children from the first months of life with an increased tone of the muscles of the feet and legs.
  • In older children, this procedure can be used for a runny nose, instead of mustard socks or hot foot baths.
  • On one leg, a paraffin boot can be prescribed after injuries to the foot or ankle joint.

For boots, paraffin is prepared in the same way as described above. You will need two identical pieces of paraffin (ozocerite), such as to wrap the child's legs from fingertips to knees. Paraffin cakes are superimposed on the back surface of the lower leg starting from the popliteal fossa, and then the ends of the cake are bent onto the front surface of the lower leg and foot, the leg is completely wrapped in paraffin, it turns out like a boot. On top of the paraffin, the leg is wrapped in cellophane or oilcloth. Over the cellophane it is convenient to wear elastic socks larger than the child's size (mother's or father's), they reach the child up to the knee and even higher and hold the paraffin well, an elastic mesh bandage can be used to fix the paraffin. Then the legs can be wrapped in a diaper or put on top of another woolen father's or mother's socks.

On the video you can see how to prepare paraffin and ozokerite for boots at home

For a child in the video, you can take larger pieces of paraffin to more fully cover the front surface of the lower leg and foot to the toes. In the video, paraffin boots are poorly fixed on the legs, a more reliable fixation is needed with an elastic mesh bandage and socks. You can simply carefully wrap (bandage) each leg in a cloth. But the process of preparing paraffin at home is shown very clearly.

A similar procedure - paraffin mittens - the child's hands are wrapped in paraffin from fingertips to the elbow.

Children usually calmly tolerate the procedure of warming up with paraffin. Paraffin does not cause any discomfort to children.