The most dangerous toys for children. Dangerous toys. What kind of dolls and bears to watch out for

Not all toys from the shelves of even the most expensive stores are worth buying for your beloved baby, because some of them can harm the child's physical or mental health.

It's no secret that toys are a business, a way to make money. In pursuit of brightness and competitive price, the most important thing can suffer - quality. Despite the fact that all toys are tested, substandard and even harmful goods regularly get on sale. In addition, categories such as sports equipment, weapon simulators, jewelry, etc. according to the documentation do not belong to toys, which means they do not fall under any technical regulations.

1.Be sure to ask the seller for a certificate of quality for the toy you like. At any point of sale, at your request, you are required to provide these documents (shipping documents for the goods). Otherwise, you can file a complaint with RosPotrebNadzor.

Harmful substances that can, but SHOULD NOT exceed the permissible limits in toys:

Phenol- used to shape plastic or rubber - quickly absorbed through the skin, upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract; destructively affects the immune system, can lead to sleep disturbances, headaches, runny nose and more. It can cause allergic reactions, and a child with bronchial asthma can have the most dire consequences. Be careful. According to research data, about 40% of toys on the Russian market exceed the permissible levels of phenol content. When these toys are placed in water, the release of phenol increases tenfold.

Formaldehyde- a highly toxic gas used in the production of resins, plastics, paints, textiles and more; has a pungent odor, is highly soluble in water and alcohol - causes a strong toxic reaction, negatively affects the nervous system, genetic material, reproductive function; officially considered a carcinogen and can cause cancer.

Mercury- a poisonous substance that can cause a number of neurological disorders and other diseases, even from the smallest contact. Symptoms of poisoning appear only 2- after contact. Entering the body through the respiratory tract, mercury vapors form dangerous compounds, harm the kidneys, liver and intestines; depending on the degree of mercury vapor poisoning, there may be such consequences as a delay in motor or mental development. And this is far from the whole horrifying list.

Lead- negatively affects mental abilities - it is added to children's jewelry: rings, bracelets, chains, brooches, pendants, talismans, etc. to make them silvery. Such products are especially dangerous if a child takes them in the mouth or swallows them.

Read product labels and labels... Information about the country of origin and the company that released the goods must be indicated. If this information is not on the label and label, or on the product quality certificate, or if they refuse to show you the documentation under any pretext (the safe is broken; the director is away ...), it is better to leave without a purchase, since most likely these toys are hazardous to health.

2. For each toy, the age range must be indicated.: "From 3 years old" or "0+", etc.

3. Remember to smell the toy: if there is any unpleasant or foreign smell - refuse to purchase. If toys are sold without packaging (especially soft ones), most likely they are "ventilated" this way before being sold. The presence of packaging is extremely important! And at least some kind of guarantee ...

4. Do not buy a toy that is shedding, fluffy or peeling. The seller can say anything, but such a toy can harm a child: children taste everything and can choke. The ideal filler for soft toys is a synthetic winterizer. Foam rubber decomposes over time and releases harmful substances, especially when it comes into contact with baby saliva. Small silicone balls can soon begin to spill out through poor-quality seams, which means they can be eaten by your favorite toddler.

5. Polyvinyl chloride is a dangerous substance, especially - its presence in the product is indicated by a special designation (see on the right). This product is very pleasant to the touch and resembles human skin.

6. When choosing electric toys, remember - their power should not exceed 24 watts.

7. A toy for a kid should not consist of a large number of poorly fixed parts, should not have sharp edges. Before buying any toy, make sure that your little one will not get hurt by it while playing.

Conscientious manufacturers submit their products for examination, where they are checked not only by chemical composition, but also by a number of other indicators. For example, the weight of a rattle should not exceed 100 grams; each rattle is tested for strength: 5 times in a row it is thrown onto a special platform with a height of 850 mm. (if the rattle is easy to crack, the child can swallow the "noisy" filling), moreover, the rattle itself should not have any images or inscriptions (especially on the part that gets into the child's mouth).

Toys that do not distort reality will be useful for the child. If a kid has been playing with a purple canary and a green bear all his life, then for some reason after a while he suddenly must believe that canaries and bears do not come in such colors. Or another situation: toy monsters. For a kid up to 3 years old, and sometimes more - all toys are animated, alive. When you buy a toy monster for your child, you are giving him a “live” one. And even in the language of the subconscious, a grin, huge teeth and claws cannot be perceived as anything other than intimidation. Even if a child likes such a toy, it will not bring anything good for his psyche.

Psychologists and educators around the world advise you to choose toys in accordance with age needs (read more in our next article), give preference to toys made from natural or textured materials, use natural materials in games (leaves, tree bark, twigs, sand, etc.; all this, if desired, can be processed, including thermally), purchase more toys that allow the child to show imagination and come up with an action himself (and not just press a button), create.

Help your child come up with 10 stories and ways to use each toy, and after a while he will show you 20 more options. It will be much more useful.

And finally - 3 tips on how to make your toy safer.

1. Arriving home from the store, re-check if all parts are securely fastened.(it is better to glue, hem or twist before letting the baby play).

3. If the toy is made of plastic- wash it thoroughly with hot water and laundry soap or wipe it off with alcohol. If, after water-alcohol treatment, the toy has changed color or shape, throw it away without sparing money, the baby's health is more important.

The family often thinks about buying toys even before the baby is born. The issue of choosing safe toys has remained relevant for parents all over the world for several years now. That is why it is very important that every adult knows about everything that we are talking about now.

Pay attention to all the information attached to the product; buy toys from well-known, proven brands from major manufacturers. Do not settle for "unknown what" from "unknown who" from "unknown whose stall" ... Parental control over the safety and quality of toys is the last and most important barrier between the child and the outside world. The way the world meets the baby depends entirely on you.

The most useful and safest shopping for you. The happiest moments and games with your child!

Children are our everything. Our happiness, our health, our grief, our hopes ... Parents are ready for much, if only the child grows up healthy, smart, beautiful, kind, happy ... And would anyone deny their miracle in diapers in a new toy? Of course not! This is what manufacturers and sellers of toys of all purposes use, pursuing, in principle, the good goal of satisfying parental and childish needs, but are some of those for whom the production of toys is just a business so altruistic?

Toys accompany a child's life from an early age, starting with rattles and stroller hangers and playpens. Even having matured, many continue to take care and play with their favorite toys or find "adult" alternatives to them. This is a psychology that you can't just dismiss. Toys attract the attention of kids, develop vision, touch, hearing, color perception, contribute to the development of coordination of movements and much more. But are toys really safe for a child's health?

The question of the dangers of toys for the child's health often does not arise at all for parents. The child likes the toy - take it! What do you take? Think about buying this or that product, perhaps a cute-looking toy can harm your child.

Children get to know the world not only by hearing and sight, but also by taste and by tooth, biting and licking the instruments of knowledge of the world presented to them - toys. Therefore, first of all, it is worth learning about what materials the toy is made of. And what chemicals are contained in the material from which the toy is made. And much more that toy manufacturers are silent about.

What you need to know about the harmful side of toys?

The concentration of harmful substances in children's products of some manufacturers is several times higher than the permissible sanitary standards. For a long time already, the media have been talking about the dangers of children's products, in which harmful substances such as phenol, formaldehyde, mercury, lead, etc. are found in unacceptable quantities. Moreover, most of these toys are intended for small children, but even they do not have quality and safety certificates. do not bear the obligatory corresponding marking.

Harmful goods. Risk factors

The sanitary and hygienic laboratory studies of the chemical composition of toys carried out by Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation show that up to 15% of the samples do not meet the standards.

The practice of inspections shows that such toys do not meet the safety requirements for sanitary-chemical and toxicological indicators, at least. And it's not worth buying them, if only because of the lack of marking.

Parental control of the safety and quality of the purchased toy is the last barrier that separates the child's body from harmful substances that will inevitably enter the baby's stomach. But the state does not stand aside either, although its activity could be much higher, and preventive measures - tougher. Nevertheless, most of the toys on the market are tested, albeit voluntarily, by an honest manufacturer.

When bona fide toy manufacturers submit them for examination, experts test the submitted samples according to certain indicators, the list of which is very extensive.

So, for example, a rattle should not be heavier than 100 g. It should have a strong body so that it is difficult to break the toy, since there are small parts that make noise inside. It is clear that if the rattle breaks and crumbles, the child can swallow them, choke or get hurt. Therefore, rattles must be checked for strength, for which they are thrown onto a special platform from a height of 850 mm as much as 5 times in a row.

The materials from which the toy is made are necessarily examined. The purpose of the test- to detect toxic substances, if any: lead, arsenic, mercury, selenium, barium and very, very much more from the periodic table of chemical elements.

Experts also test the sound that the toy makes, as there are certain sound level standards that are strictly controlled during the certification process. The sound produced by the toy should not be too loud or annoying, as this could damage the child's hearing.

The size of small toys is checked on a special apparatus, which, by its design, imitates a child's throat. Small toys must be larger than the diameter of the reference cylinder. Not a hot test, but better than nothing.

Toys made of plastic must be checked for sharpness. For this purpose, a device is used, on which a film is fixed, replacing the delicate and vulnerable skin of the child. The test is simple: if a toy has left a mark on the film, damaging it, it means there are dangerous burrs. Therefore, such a toy should not be allowed for sale. In addition, the protective and decorative coating of the toy is tested for resistance to saliva and sweat.

In addition to those already listed, in Russia there are sanitary and hygienic norms by weight for children's toys. Their existence is justified by doctors by the fact that the child's bones are not yet strong and an overly heavy toy can injure the child's bone tissue.

Another test is carried out on the reliability of the information provided by the manufacturer about the age for which the toy is designed, because it is clear that toys "for growth" are not bought. A toy that is not age will not have a developmental effect and may injure a child.

Harmful goods. Risk factors
About 190,000 children are admitted to hospitals each year with toy injuries. 79% of accidents occurred with children under the age of 14.

But everything that was written above, you may not know, but you can still buy a safe toy. How, you may ask? To do this, you just need to be careful: the main indicator of the quality of a children's toy is the presence on the packaging of information in Russian, in addition to which a green dot can be depicted - evidence of the environmental safety of the materials used in the manufacture of the toy.

Harmful goods. Think about buying this or that product!
In developed countries, about 20 child deaths associated with toys are annually recorded, including more than 60% from suffocation, 25% from falls from moving toys, 10% from poisoning with toxic substances present in toys.

You were able to make sure that buying a safe toy for a child is quite simple, there would be a desire not to blindly indulge your parental instincts, to follow the wishes of a young creature, but to have time to turn on common sense in time. You will find all the necessary information on the packaging and label of the toy, but if it is not found there after a long search, then neither your son nor you need such a toy.

Toys surround the child literally from birth. Store shelves are full of bright packaging, and mothers and fathers (not to mention grandparents) sigh every time: “What is there! It is a pity that in our childhood there was not all this abundance. " The modern child has not only a lot of toys - there are a lot of them, and everything would be fine if not for one "but". Some toys, in fact, are not intended for children at all; on the contrary, they can become very dangerous for a child. Sometimes it is a question of quality, and sometimes it is the conscience of the manufacturer who designs the toy and assigns it certain age limits. Our list contains the 10 most dangerous toys for children.

List of dangerous toys for young children

  • 1. Toys with small parts

Small parts of constructors, loosely glued small elements of soft toys, fragile rattles with loose filler can be dangerous for a child. This also includes newfangled homemade toys for the development of fine motor skills, involving fingering buttons, beads, cereals. All of these objects can be swallowed by a child, and in the worst case, the child can shove them into the nose, ear canal, or even inhale.

  • 2. Magnetic constructors

The most striking example of such a constructor is the "Neokub", which consists of magnetic metal balls. Such a toy is dangerous not only for the smallest children who pull everything into their mouths. The fact is that the magnetic attraction between the elements of this construction set is so strong that sometimes even adults resort to the "help" of teeth to separate one ball from another. Swallowing several balls of such a designer is dangerous because they are attracted to each other inside the digestive tract, causing severe damage to internal organs, up to the formation of through holes. A child, not understanding the danger, may not even tell adults that he has swallowed several balls, so it is better not to let such a toy fall into his hands at all.

  • 3. Kits for children's experiments (young chemist / physicist)

These kits are designed for simple chemical experiments with children over 10 years old in the presence of adults. Even if safety precautions are observed during the game, nothing of their reagents is drunk or spilled on themselves, such kits can be dangerous, because the child is dealing with acids, phosphates and other harmful substances, the vapors of which are very harmful to inhale. Lack of control on the part of adults can lead to disastrous consequences: burns, fire, etc.

  • 4. Substandard musical toys

In general, musical toys are useful for a child and must be in every home where there is a baby. However, such toys must be of high quality, especially with regard to sound quality. Many manufacturers sin by the fact that toys sound too loud, exceeding the established norm of 85 dB. Such a loud sound has a very bad effect on hearing function, and constant use can even lead to deafness. The sound should be pleasant not only in terms of volume, but also in quality: without noise, wheezing, with a normal tone. But even such a toy cannot be played for more than 1 hour a day: constant sound load harms not only the hearing, but also the nervous system, causing overwork.

  • 5. PVC and phosphorus toys

PVC is a very popular material in the children's industry. It's a cross between soft plastic and rubber. PVC toys are cheap, bright, very easy to care for, but very dangerous for the child. Mainly because of the phthalates that make PVC such a plastic material. These substances are highly carcinogenic.

Another type of toys containing harmful chemical compounds are phosphorus-coated toys. These include various luminous ceiling applications imitating the starry sky, luminous figures of various heroes. Quality toys of this kind contain safe reflectors, but if the toy is of poor quality, there is a high risk that it is covered with a toxic phosphorus compound.

  • 6. Soft toys (China)

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

By themselves, soft toys are not very environmentally friendly: the fibers of faux fur easily fall into the child's mouth, in addition, such toys are difficult to handle, so a lot of dust accumulates in their stuffing, and sometimes even dust mites start up. All of these can cause consequences ranging from irritation to allergies. Very often, soft toys are of very poor quality ( usually chinese). Such toys are sewn from toxic materials, painted with poisonous paints, and have poor fastening of parts (eyes, nose, jewelry). Toxic soft toys can cause a very severe allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock.

  • 7. Children's weapons, darts

The most popular "boyish" toys — pistols with bullets or discs, darts, bows and arrows, swords and sabers with sharp ends — can injure a child. Inadvertently, a child may shoot himself in the face, injuring his eyes or ears. Swinging a saber is also not difficult to injure yourself. The danger of these toys is growing every year, because their manufacturers are aiming at being realistic and increasing the power of children's weapons to the detriment of their safety.

  • 8. Propeller toys

Propeller toys ( helicopters, flying fairies, and other toys that need to be turned on and off, or radio-controlled toys) that spin quickly or can even fly around the room are designed for teenagers. A young child can easily get injured by substituting a finger where it is not necessary or, even more so, a face. Radio-controlled toys can be very scary for a child, because sometimes even adults cannot cope with control, and then a flying helicopter, for example, suddenly crashes anywhere or falls sharply.

  • 9. Rubber toys of poisonous colors (China)

Rubber toys remind many warmly of their own childhood, but they can also be dangerous for the child. In principle, rubber toys are not recommended for children under 3 years old, since the child can bite off and inhale or swallow a piece of rubber. For the rest, rubber toys must be of adequate quality. The main signs of a poor-quality toy are a strong chemical smell, paint remaining on the hands and an "acidic" color. These toys are very toxic, it is possible that they contain mercury, lead or arsenic in their composition. Substandard toys are usually Chinese.

  • 10. Toys and play accessories with a wire frame

These are substandard (Chinese) play tents, labyrinths and toy baskets. These toys have a rigid metal wire frame inside, usually made of durable material. However, some manufacturers do not care about the safety of toys, and make them from a material that literally creeps out from tension. The wire can easily break through such material and straighten with force, injuring the baby. When buying such a toy, you need to carefully study the material itself and the attachment points of the wire, but even if initially nothing foreshadowed marriage, it is better to inspect the toy for any damage each time before using it, make sure that there are no holes in the seams and do not protrude anywhere the ends of the wire.

How to protect your child from danger

Although toys are intended for children, their parents buy, which means they are responsible for ensuring that the toy is safe for the child. A few simple rules will help adults surround your child with only safe toys.

  • Purchased toys must strictly correspond to the age of the child. Sometimes parents buy a toy, as it were, "for growth" so that the child begins to master new actions for himself in advance. In some cases, this can be very dangerous;
  • It is better to buy toys in specialized stores or departments, giving preference to toys from well-known manufacturers. Analogs of well-known toys can be significantly cheaper, but this always affects the quality;
  • Externally, the toy must meet the main safety requirements: calm colors, no pungent odor, strong fastening of all parts.

Not only is it important for parents to know about dangerous toys themselves, but also to tell other relatives about them who give their child toys. If it happened that one of the relatives or friends gave the child a toy, the safety of which is in question, it is better not to hesitate and put the toy away. After all, the safety of the child is much more important than possible misunderstandings between adults.

Not all toys that the modern market offers are equally useful for a toddler who learns the world. Moreover, many of them can be deadly.

The most dangerous toys for children

From the gorgeous variety of toys that we can observe when we go to the children's store, our eyes run wild. But unfortunately, the real danger can be hidden behind the beautiful packaging.

Magnetic constructors

Magnetic constructors that develop fine motor skills, memory, imagination, are of several types. But a special danger for the baby is presented by Neokub, which consists of a large number of small balls, and a constructor, which, in addition to balls, also contains thin sticks. Since the baby learns the world not only visually, but also tactilely, and also tries to taste everything, the risk of swallowing these parts increases, which, once in the organs of the digestive tract, begin to be attracted to each other, damaging the mucous membranes. Such processes are fraught with death.

Photo gallery: examples of magnetic constructors

This constructor is contraindicated in children under 10 years of age.
Some experts believe that the magnetic field has a negative effect on the child's body. The Mag Building constructor is one of the safest among all magnetic constructors. Magnetic construction kits containing small parts are dangerous for babies

My 3-year-old daughter is delighted with the Mag Building plastic magnetic construction kit. With their short-term use, I consider this kind of toys to be absolutely safe for children. In addition, they develop motor skills, thinking, creativity and creativity.

A beautiful flying pupa, if used carelessly, can cause head injuries, in particular, eyes. This is primarily due to the fact that the main active element of the toy is a spinning propeller - petals made of fairly dense plastic. The toy is powered by batteries. The total time that it can be in flight is 8 minutes. When, during the parry, the fairy lowers the height, it is enough to present your palm to it and the doll will rise up again. Therefore, while driving it, the child may stumble and fall.

Propeller toys are dangerous for young and old children.

NERF blasters

Recently, NERF blasters have become very popular. The manufacturer claims that this weapon is completely safe for children, since when used correctly, foam rubber bullets do not pose a threat. But the cartridge can get into the eye. As a result, there is soreness and redness in the area of ​​contact, as well as blurred vision. Moreover, the development of internal hemorrhage is possible. All of these injuries require long-term treatment.

Internal bleeding may develop if a blaster bullet hits the eye.

Hydrogel balls

The use of hydrogel balls (orbiz) for the development of fine motor skills of the baby can cause intestinal obstruction if they are accidentally swallowed. These balls, when exposed to moisture, tend to increase 80 times and reach the size of a golf ball. Interestingly, they cannot be detected in the stomach during an X-ray examination, which means that the likelihood of a correct diagnosis is reduced.

Hydrogel balls attract the baby with their bright color, so out of curiosity he can swallow them

When my baby was about two years old, I came up with an activity with hydrogel balls. To do this, I filled a bowl with water and poured in some balls. When they increased in size, I gave my daughter a teaspoon and asked her to transfer the balls from a full bowl to an empty one. Not less than an hour she was "sucked in" by this entertainment. But at this time I was constantly with her.


Slime (slime) is a jelly-like toy that consists of guar gum, borax, dyes and often flavorings. The first two components, at moderate doses, are not able to harm the baby, while dyes and flavors can cause allergic reactions, often the amount of these chemical compounds in the toy is significantly exceeded. If the composition of the slime is unknown, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Therefore, if someone accidentally swallowed lizun, it is necessary to induce vomiting (if several minutes have passed after swallowing), if 0.5 - 1 hour has passed, then you need to take enterosorbents (polysorb, activated carbon) in age dosages and call an ambulance. The child must be under the supervision of a doctor - for at least a day.

Maria Fedorovna, practicing doctor

The young chemist's kit is designed for carrying out the simplest chemical experiments at home under the strict supervision of adults. During the experiments, children deal with various kinds of chemicals, the vapors of which can adversely affect a growing organism. Moreover, in case of non-observance of safety measures, other disastrous consequences are possible: chemical and thermal burns.

Test kits contain a sufficient amount of acids and other chemicals that are strictly forbidden to be used by children without adult supervision.

PVC toys

PVC toys are not recommended for use by children under 3 years of age. This is primarily due to the fact that they are quite toxic, as they contain chlorine, refined petroleum products, including phthalates, which make the toy so elastic and soft. In addition, the baby can bite off a piece of such a bright toy and swallow it.

PVC toys contain cheap toxic chemicals

Phosphoric toys

Phosphoric toys and decorative items have gained wide popularity. But not everyone thinks about the fact that phosphoric paint contains poisonous compounds that have a detrimental effect on the baby. It is necessary to buy glowing toys in which a luminescent coating or safety reflectors are used only from trusted manufacturers.

Cheap phosphorus spray negatively affects the health of the child

Inflatable rings for children

Inflatable rings, which are allowed almost from the first days after birth, greatly simplify the bathing of the baby, since the load on the mother's spine is reduced. But it is a stupid delusion that in such a circle the baby is completely safe. Recently, cases have become more frequent when the baby slips out of the circle and goes to the bottom, or turns over in it and turns out to be submerged in the water. And another risk is dislocation of the cervical vertebrae due to chaotic movements of the head. Budget versions of these circles can be made from low-quality materials that release toxic substances.

While the baby is swimming in a circle, the mother should not lose her vigilance.

Throwing darts with metal or plastic tips if safety precautions are not followed can turn from a simple game into a tragedy and cause loss of sight.

If safety precautions are not followed, playing darts may result in loss of sight

Video: what toys to avoid

When choosing toys, it is necessary to "chase" not a novelty and beautiful packaging, but quality and safety.

Our expert is a researcher, leading expert of the laboratory of complex problems of hygienic assessment and examination of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "National Medical Research Center of Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Nadezhina.

Material interest

A wooden horse, a teddy bear, a rubber duck - all these fun, dear to the heart, remained in the distant Soviet past. Indeed, today, in 80% of cases, products for children are made from polymers.

In order to achieve the necessary indicators of plasticity, resistance to temperatures, light, mechanical damage, manufacturers introduce special chemicals into the composition of polymers - plasticizers, stabilizers. And if at the same time poor raw materials are used or the technological process is disrupted, then the plastic is obtained of poor quality. And it would be okay if the toys made from it were simply fragile, but they can release dangerous chemicals (formaldehyde, styrene, phenol, phthalates) that can negatively affect the growth and development of the child. The more complex the composition of the polymers, the more potentially harmful a toy made from it, because toxic compounds can interact with each other, increasing the negative effect on the body.

And although the maximum permissible concentrations (MPCs) of harmful substances are strictly regulated, and their small levels are considered harmless, this, alas, is not always the case. After all, it is not only the concentration of any harmful substances that is important, but also the constancy of their impact. If the baby wholeheartedly fell in love with the toy, with it he eats, and sleeps, and bathes, and licks from morning to night, then the quality of this thing should be given special attention. After all, long-term accumulation of harmful chemicals in the child's body over time can lead to impaired immunity, allergies, diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and other organs.

Themselves experts

Conscientious manufacturers give their products to special laboratories where they conduct sanitary-chemical and toxic-hygienic studies. Toys are not only tested for the presence of harmful substances: lead, arsenic, mercury, but also tested for strength and safety. For example, rattles are repeatedly thrown from a height of 85 cm. Plastic toys are tested for sharp edges, saliva and sweat resistance. But this is unlikely to be done by all manufacturers. How can you be sure of the safety of their products?

Does the toy smell good like vanilla or caramel? Manufacturers often mask poor-quality polymer chemistry with other odors.

Sniff... An intense odor indicates poor quality plastic. By the way, this is not about a bad smell. Often, on the contrary, a plastic toy exudes aromas that are attractive to a child's nose: vanilla, caramel. This is how unscrupulous manufacturers mask the “chemical” spirit of low-quality polymer.

Expert opinion

Pediatrician Oleg Konstantinov:

- If, after playing, the child has a headache or allergic reactions (cough, tears from the eyes, skin rashes), sleep disturbances, upset stools, vomiting, shortness of breath or a strong heartbeat, you may suspect poisoning with toxins (for example, phenol or formaldehyde) ... By the way, when a toy gets into the water, the release of these substances can increase several times, so do not use suspicious toys in the bath.

After buying plastic or wooden toys, be sure to wash with soap (or treat with alcohol), and soft ones - wash with baby powder and dry.

Feel... The seams of plush animals must be strong. Eyes, noses are sewn so that the baby cannot tear them off. And the padding must not contain sharp objects. If pellets are used as packing, they must be packed in an additional bag.

Scratch with your fingernail and lick... Surface coloring is allowed in toys, but not in rattles. But both those and others should not have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. The paint did not peel off, the tongue did not stain, they did not feel any foreign taste - well, that's good.

Inspect... No chipping or glue drips is a plus. The case is solid, there are no sharp edges or corners - great. Now make sure that the fasteners do not protrude from the surface of the toy, and foldable toys have a stopper to prevent spontaneous folding. It's like that? Excellent!

Throwing and flying toys should have soft tips or blunt ends, and inflatable toys should have strong welds. In an electric toy, the voltage should not exceed 24 V.

Listen... When buying a talking or musical toy, evaluate the volume of its sound. It's not just that the baby can get scared. A child's small ear canal will increase noise differently than an adult's ear. So, children's automatic machines and pistols that make too loud sounds are extremely dangerous.

Read the... Read the information on the labels carefully. The toy must contain: its name, country of origin and its address, trademark, age of the child, the main material from which the toy is made (unfortunately, the manufacturer is not obliged to indicate the full composition), methods of caring for the product, date of manufacture, period services and storage conditions. The presence on the toy of the PCT (Russian standard) or EAC mark (confirming compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of toys") should reassure you.

Observe age restrictions... Don't buy toys to grow. For example, fashionable flying games (helicopters, drones) are only suitable for schoolchildren. It is difficult to manage them, and preschool children can be injured. In toys for children under 3 years old, the use of natural fur, leather, glass, porcelain, pile rubber, cardboard, paper and small parts is unacceptable.

Buy in specialized stores... As a rule, they monitor the availability of documents confirming the quality of toys.

Expert opinion

Pediatric surgeon Ivan Osipov:

- Recently, children are often injured by magnetic constructors. If you swallow just one magnet, there will be no big trouble - it will come out naturally. But if there were several such parts, they will be attracted to each other and can break through the intestines. If the contents of the organ enter the abdominal cavity, there is a threat of deadly peritonitis. Toys powered by flat batteries are no less scary. When swallowed, the "pills" stick to the esophageal mucosa and release harmful substances for a long time. This is fraught with the development of an ulcer and even the death of the child.

However, it is not the toys themselves that are dangerous, but non-observance of safety precautions when playing with them. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions and do not let kids play games that are not intended for them by age. And always be there. Many games are designed to be played with only under adult supervision. After all, even inflating balloons can end tragically if this thing accidentally falls into the larynx. Any small details (for example, parts of toys from a surprise egg) can also block the baby's airways, so even these seemingly innocent fun can be potentially life-threatening.