Scenario of the holiday for the day of cosmonautics “Mysterious world of stars and planets. Scenario of the holiday Cosmonautics Day "Travel to the planets of the solar system

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution
Child Development Center - kindergarten №94

Holiday script
"Travel around the planet Earth"
(dedicated to World Environment Day)
for pupils of the preparatory group of kindergarten

Vagina Tatiana Sergeevna
G. Tomsk

Purpose: to educate a respectful attitude towards nature.
Characters: - Ecologist (1st educator)
- Forest (music director)
- River (child)
- Scientist (junior educator)
- Mother - nature (2nd educator)
The song by E. Zaritskaya "The Earth is full of miracles" sounds. Children enter and sit on chairs in a semicircle.
The Ecologist enters:
- Hello, dear guys! Let's get acquainted! I am an ecologist and my science is ecology. Do you know what this science is? (children's answers). Right! Ecology is the science of environmental protection. I want to inform you that today is World Environment Day. I suggest you go on a journey across our planet. But first, we need to open the gates of our journey. Let's tell poems dedicated to our land, nature, and the path is free!
1 child: We are all children of the Earth,
We are all born here
We protect it, and we must protect it.
We are for clean forests - green
For transparent streams - cold.

2 child: Ecologist - friend, protector of life, -
Loving all of humanity,
Do not let your native Fatherland disappear,
We will listen to you.

Environmentalist: Good luck !!!
Children pass through the arch and sing a song to the words of M. Plyatskovsky "This is called nature." (Verse 1). They stop near the chairs.
Environmentalist: Look guys! Who meets us first? This is a forest !!!
Forest. Who's singing so loud here?
Ecologist: We are children from kindergarten, we travel around our planet. Please let us through!
Les: It won't happen! You just can't get through! First answer, do you know how to behave in the forest? What rules must be followed?
Approximate answers of children: - clean up the garbage after themselves;
- put out the fire;
- do not break branches of trees and bushes;
- do not destroy bird nests;
- do not pick up whole armfuls of flowers, etc.
They perform a dance to the song “Take care of the forest”.
Les: You guys are just great, please come in!
Children go in a circle and sing a song to the words of M. Plyatskovsky "This is called nature." (Verse 2).
Environmentalist: Guys, sit down on the beach. (chairs). We met the forest, who now meets us on the way?
Look, the river meets us. Hello, beautiful river!
Rechka: Hello, dear!
Environmentalist: Please let us swim across you! We need to continue our journey!
River: I just won't let you through. Let's take a little rest with you and play the game "Stream" (to the Russian folk song "Whether in the garden").
Children sit on high chairs.
Rechka: So we had some fun! Now answer: what needs to be done to keep our rivers and lakes clean?
Approximate answers of children: - do not litter reservoirs with garbage;
- after bathing, take all the remaining garbage with you;
- you cannot wash cars in the river;
- factories and factories must not discharge industrial waste into the river, etc.
Rechka: Very good, well done, guys! Bye!
Children go in a circle and sing a song to the words of M. Plyatskovsky "This is called nature." (Verse 3) With characteristic movements they swim across the river and sit on chairs.
Environmentalist: Who is that over there?
The Scientist enters with the Red Book in his hands.
Environmentalist: Hello! Who you are?
Scientist: I am a scientist, I study plants and animals of our planet. Did you know that some species of animals are on the verge of extinction?
Environmentalist: Of course! We know that these animals are listed in the Red Book. Our guys can even tell poems about such animals. Let's listen!
1 child: Through the snowdrifts of the Amur region,
Hastily counting steps
Stepping between high cedars,
The owner of the taiga walks importantly.
A paw with a spruce branch plays
Thunderstorm in the forest.
Shine with bright amber shine
Ussuri tiger eyes.
2 child: N. Rodivilina
Maybe someone will not believe:
These animals love the cold.
White coats are not taken off,
Sleep, eat, play in fur coats,
They even fish in fur coats.
Where have you seen this?
If you know, then answer:
This is a polar bear.
3 child: We were, of course, surprised
African gorilla.
Everything from heels to eyebrows
Gorillas are like humans.
Ecologist: We also know that some plant species are included in the Red Book and we can also read poems about this!
1 child: Red Book - Red!
This means that nature is in danger!
So many different birds and animals are protected by the Red Book,
And the carpet of plants is many-sided - all nature is diverse!
2 child: We know these plants,
We care and protect
From those dashing like this,
Bouquet gatherers.
To the Red Book they
They have been included for a long time.
We tear them not for fun,
We will take them to the pharmacy.
From the gifts of the forest kingdom
People make medicines.
Scientist: Guys, what a great job you are! Never forget to take care of plants and animals. See you!
Environmentalist: Let's move on, my friends!
Children go in a circle and sing a song to the words of M. Plyatskovsky "This is called nature" (verse 4).
During the song, Mother Nature enters.
Environmentalist: Guys, look! Yes, it was Mother Nature herself who came to visit us! Hello!
Mother Nature: Hello, my dear friends! You didn’t notice that during the whole trip I was with you. I know how many tests you have passed, how many questions you have answered! Now you know how important it is to preserve and protect our planet!
Well done boys! Let's sing a wonderful song by composer David Lvov-Kompaneets "Children of the whole earth are friends!"
Mother - nature: And as a reward for your efforts, I want to reward you with the medals "Young defenders of nature".
Environmentalist: Guys, let's say goodbye to Mother Nature! Bye!!!
It's time to go back to kindergarten! Did you enjoy our trip? Close your eyes, count from 5 and back and find yourself in our garden.
Here we are! Back to the group! Thank you all for your attention !!!

Purpose: To form in preschoolers an idea of ​​space and its exploration by people.

Educational area: « Cognitive development ".

Integration of educational areas: " Physical development "," Social - communicative "," Speech development ".

Software content:

  • Clarify and systematize children's knowledge about the planets of the solar system, their location relative to the sun, stars and constellations, astronauts.
  • Develop communication skills, contribute to the emotional rapprochement of children.
  • To cultivate mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team.
  • Develop logical thinking, attention, memory, creativity, interest in space.
  • Strengthen the counting skills in reverse order within 10, navigate in a limited area; position objects and their images in the specified direction.

Preliminary work: Reading scientific and educational literature: "Why Much", "To Children About Space" T.A. Sharygina, Y. Gagarin "The Road to Space". Conversations on the theme "Earth is our common home", "Solar system", "About astronauts." Watching video about space. Memorizing poetry, riddles about space. Examination of illustrations of the Universe, a map of the starry sky. Role-playing game "Cosmonauts", board-print game "Space". Drawing, application, origami on the theme: "Flight to the moon" (collective work), "Fly a rocket to the stars", "Solar system", "Star fantasy".

Equipment: Solar System poster. Children's creativity, video - recording of the "Beauty of the Universe", costumes and attributes, a screen of the starry sky. Projector, space music.

Characters: Educators, children of the preparatory group, music director.

Activity progress

(The soundtrack of space music sounds in the hall).

Leading. A long time ago, some thinkers assumed that there was another world inhabited by people like us. They tried to climb up and find out the secret of the sky. And it happened. On an ordinary spring day, April 12, 1961, something happened that many generations of people dreamed of. A flight into space was carried out, cosmonaut number one. It was our Soviet test pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

(Display of a photograph of cosmonaut YA Gagarin.)

Leading. Guys, today we have an unusual meeting. We invite you to go with us on a journey, but not a simple one, but a cosmic one. Do you want to?

Space has always been interesting. Still would! There are so many secrets and mysteries. And space is also bright stars sparkling in the dark, comets with a burning tail and amazing planets.

Leading. And who flies into space? Who are astronauts? What should be an astronaut?

Children's answers.

Leading. Meet our space crew!

(To the music, the children enter the hall and line up to greet.)

Commander of the ship, cosmobiologist, cosmozoologist, flight engineer, researcher, translator, doctor, nutritionist, test.

(The astronauts recite poetry.)

Distant stars are burning in the sky.

They call the guys to visit.

Getting ready for the road is not long for us.

And now we are ready for flight.

The cosmos beckons and calls.

All of humanity is in flight.

Dream to fly into space

Both adults and children.

Let the dream come true

All over the vast world.

If we want to go to space,

So we will fly soon.

The friendliest will be ours,

Cheerful crew.

Command the announcer, "Attention is taking off!"

And our rocket will rush forward!

They will blink goodbye and melt into the distance

The golden lights of the beloved Earth.

An astronaut to become

There is a lot to learn.

Be agile and skillful.

Very clever, very brave.

Leading. I suggest you check your preparations for space travel. You are ready?

Children's answers.


Now we'll play

We will unravel all the secrets!

Let the questions not be logical

But quite cosmic.

The game « Chain of riddles "

To arm the eye

And be friends with the stars

See the milky way

We need a powerful …….


A telescope for hundreds of years

Study the life of the planets

He will tell us everything

Clever uncle ... ...


Astronomer - he is an astrologer

Knows everything

Only visible best of all

The sky is full ... ..

Until the moon can not a bird

Fly over and land on the moon

But he can do it

Make it fast ... ..

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover

In English "astronaut"

And in Russian …..


Astronaut sitting in a rocket

Cursing everything in the world

In orbit as luck would have it

There was …….

UFO flies to a neighbor

From the constellation Andromeda,

It howls like a wolf out of boredom

Evil Green …… ..


The humanoid is off course

Lost in three planets

If there is no star map,

Speed ​​won't help ... ...

Light flies the fastest

Kilometers does not count

The sun gives life to the planets

We are warm "tails" -….


The comet flew around

I looked at everything in the sky.

He sees the hole in space is black ... ..

There is darkness in black holes

Busy with something black.

I finished my flight there



The starship is a steel bird

He rushes faster than light.

Learns in practice

Stellar ……


And the galaxies are flying

In the loose as they want,

Very, hefty -

This whole universe.

Leading. Well done. I see that our team turned out to be friendly, now we can go. The rocket at the start.

To fly into space

We need to get into the rocket.

We climbed the steps

They held hands tightly.

Sit down carefully

So as not to hurt the devices.

(Children imitate movement.)

Leading. Has everyone taken their places?

Get ready to launch your rocket!

Children's answers. Yes, get ready!

Leading. Fasten your seat belts!

Children's answers. Yes, fasten your seat belts!

Leading. Start engines!

Children's answers. Yes, start the engines!

Leading... Include contacts!

Children's answers. Yes, enable contacts!

Leading. Let's start the countdown!

(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.)

Everything. Start! Hurray! Let's fly!

A recording of the space flight "Beauty of the Universe" appears on the screen.

Leading. 5 seconds - normal flight, 10 seconds - normal flight. The flight is in normal mode. Here we are in space. As you know, after going into space, weightlessness sets in.

With smooth movements, children depict weightlessness.

Leading. Guys, admire our planet through the window. What does it look like from space?

Display of the image of the Earth on the screen.

Children's answers.

The callsign is issued in the form of Morse code.

Leading. Guys, we have a message from the flight control center. Let's listen.

Leading. The closest planet to us is a satellite of our Earth.

Faithful companion, decoration of nights,

Additional lighting.

We, of course, must confess:

It would be boring for the Earth without the Moon.

There is the Moon in front. Someone is waving to us in the distance.

I propose to fly and consider everything for ourselves.

Leading. We are approaching the moon. Prepare for a lunar landing.

Children's answers. Have to get ready for the lunar landing!

Leading. There is no attraction on the moon. Include weights!

The astronauts leave the rocket, the Astrologer comes out to meet them.

Astrologer. Above the ground late at night

If you glance up at the sky

You will see, like bunches,

There are constellations hanging.

Good afternoon guys. We got into trouble. The space pirates shattered the constellations, and now all the stars scattered across the sky. Help me put them back into constellations.

The Astrologer shows an imitation of the night sky (a curtain made of dense black fabric, stretched over a screen, with traces on which the stars are attached).

The Astrologer invites children to attach stars to the appropriate places and guess the names of the constellation.

The game "Drawing from the Stars" is being held.

When the constellations are gathered, the Astrologer students recite poetry.

Stars, stars for a long time

Chained you forever

A man's greedy gaze.

Live in heaven for a long time

As in the night land of wonders,

Aquarius, Sagittarius and Swan,

Lion, Pegasus and Hercules.

As a token of gratitude, the Astrologer gives a dance of small stars and wishes a happy flight.

Dance "Little Stars".

Leading. Guys, take your seats in the rocket, we are going further. Look through the porthole at the starry sky. How beautiful it is! How many secrets and mysteries there are in it.

SOS signal.

Leading. Attention to all crew! Someone needs help.

I see an unidentified flying object.

A UFO appears.

Captain. What happened? What kind of help is needed?

Aliens. A pirate ship flew through the solar system at great speed and knocked the planets out of orbit. Help the planets return to their places. Otherwise we have lost our way and won't find our way home.

Leading... We will help you. I have a hint.

The host and crew build the solar system, and then attach the planets to the prepared orbit poster.

Leading. In order, all the planets will be called by any of us:

One is Mercury, Two is Venus, Three is Earth, Four is Mars,

Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, Seven - Uranus. Behind him is Neptune.

He is eighth in a row. And after him already, then, and the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

The host and the crew recite poems about the planets of the solar system.

This yellow star always keeps us warm.

It illuminates all planets, protects from other stars.

Tiny - the planet was warmed by the first sun,

And agile, a year on her eighty-eight days.


Only the Sun and Moon in the sky are brighter than she is.

And there is no hot planet in the solar system.

Miracles on the planet: oceans and seas,

Oxygen is in the atmosphere, people and animals breathe it.

Above the red planet, stones, fear and horror are circling.

There is no mountain anywhere in the world higher than on that planet.

A heavyweight giant throws lightning from the sky

He strips like a cat sorry for losing weight a little.

Lush gas giant, brother of Jupiter and dandy

He loves to have rings of ice and dust nearby.

He is already a century among the brothers - the Romans are Greek,

And through, the longing of space rushes, lying on its side.

On the blue planet, the wind is blowing very strong.

The year on it is very great - the winter lasts forty years.

It takes five hours for the light to reach that planet

And therefore it is not visible through telescopes.

Dance "Solar Carousel".

Leading. We helped you and collected all the planets in order. Now you will find your way home. Where is your home?

Aliens... Our home near the planet Jupiter is the satellite Europa.

Thank you Earthlings for your help, and it's time for us to fly, goodbye.

Leading. The flight program has been completed, we are asked to return to our homeland. The whole crew take their places, fasten their seat belts. It's time for us, they are waiting for us on Earth. We sat down comfortably, our rocket lands at the launch point. I hope our trip was interesting and exciting. Welcome to Earth!

We landed safely on our home planet.

Here we are at home again, did you like flying?

Children's answers.

The cosmonaut crew leaves the rocket and read poems about the house.

We flew far above even the clouds.

Clouds are higher into space, but at home it is better!

We strive for miracles

But there is nothing more wonderful

Than to fly and return

Under the roof of your house!

There is one planet - a garden

This space is cold.

Only here the forests make noise

Birds squealing migratory.

Only on her one bloom

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are just here

They look at the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other, similar!

Wonderful friends

Our home is the Earth,

There is no doubt about it -

This is the best planet.

Leading. You go to bed, and somewhere the hour of dawn comes.

Outside the window, winter, and somewhere hot, dry summer.

There are many people on earth, the world is great. Remember this.

Organization of joint educational activities with older preschool children

Subject"Journey to the Stars"
Age group: 6-7years
Visual equipment: presentation with the image of the solar system, starry sky, moon, rocket launch.
Multimedia: 1. Notebook 2. projector
Optional equipment: maps of the starry sky, constellations, planets, rocket diagram and its components, rebus.
Purpose: create conditions for the formation of interest in the history of astronautics.

  1. introduce you to the space system;
  2. to acquaint with the history of the development of Russian cosmonautics;
  3. expand, clarify and activate the dictionary based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic "Space".
  1. develop attention, listening skills;
2. develop efficiency, imagination;


  1. fostering interest in the history of astronautics;
  2. fostering a respectful attitude towards the surrounding world;
  3. fostering the ability to work in a group, to establish partnerships in the process of joint activities.

Scenario of joint educational activities with children

Leading: Today I invite you on a space journey to the stars and planets. What kind of transportation do we need for this journey?
Let's solve the puzzle and find out the answer. Attachment 1
That's right, we choose a rocket! But in order to go on a rocket into space, you first need to build it. (The guys are assembling the rocket) Appendix 2
Leading: The rocket is ready! Attention countdown: Three! Two! One! Start!
As you know, the astronaut must be very attentive. Let's play a game of observation. Who will be the astronaut? Before you are several images, you need to remember them. Turn away. Now look carefully, what item did I remove? Appendix 3
Quiz "Space Kaleidoscope"(for each correct answer, the guys get a star and stick it on the rocket)

  1. What event happened on April 12, 1961? (a man flew into space)
  2. Which country sent the first astronaut into space? (Soviet Union)
  3. What is the profession of people who fly into space? (cosmonaut)
  4. What is the name of the place from where the rockets are launched into space? (cosmodrome)
  5. Who was the first astronaut? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)
  6. What is the name of the apparatus that is sent to study the moon? (lunar rover)
  7. Astronauts have to go out into open space. What is the name of the costume they wear? (spacesuit)
  8. Which country's astronauts were the first to visit the moon? (USA)

Look through the window, our rocket flies up to some cosmic body.
Guess the riddle:
I happen to be double
And sometimes round, like a bowl,
In heaven, my road
Not close to the ground. (moon) 1
Correctly we are approaching the moon.
Do you know that…
The moon is the closest cosmic body to us? Our planet-neighbors are a hundred times further away than she is. There is not a drop of water on the moon, but there are seas. From the ground, we see them as dark spots. They have names: Sea of ​​Islands, Sea of ​​Rains, Sea of ​​Waves. The mountains on the moon are real, up to nine kilometers high.
Most of the craters on the moon. These are such large, round depressions formed from falling meteorites.
Life on the moon is completely different than on earth. Apart from the fact that there is no life on the moon.
Suddenly you want to jump on the moon, then you will jump six times higher than on the ground and fall much slower. And all why? Because the force of gravity on earth is six times less than on earth.
Let's go for a walk on the moon.
Remember that on the moon you will only talk with radio transmitters. There are no sounds on the moon, even meteorites fall noisily there. This is due to the fact that there is no atmosphere on the moon.
A child comes out dressed in an alien costume.
Sleepwalkers walk back and forth
Sleepwalkers are walking - a sad people
But how can lunatics not be sad,
The sleepwalker is left to live in the desert.
They have no grass or flowers on the moon,
No fish, no insects, no birds ...
Well well!
Then why do I want to go to the moon? 2
- Hello, I am glad to welcome you to the moon! Who you are? What planet did you come from? (children's answers: we are people from planet earth)
- Do you know that the moon is a satellite of the earth ?! (children's answers)
- Help me arrange the planets in order as they are located around the sun. Appendix 4
Leading: Guys, look at what a beautiful view opens up to us from the moon. Let's capture a beautiful space landscape, draw the moon and stars. (the guys draw with pastel crayons on a Whatman paper tinted in the night sky) Well done!
The alien waves his hand and walks away.
- On a cloudless clear evening, the sky above our heads is strewn with many stars. They appear to be small sparkling dots because they are far from the ground. In fact, the stars are huge red-hot balls of gas. The hottest ones are blue. Our sun belongs to the less hot - yellow stars, but all the same it is impossible to fly up to it. I will tell you the legend of Icarus. The young man made wings to rise to the sun, but the wings were made of wax, they melted, the young man fell to the ground and shattered.
Some stars are reddish and relatively cold. The stars differ from each other in size: there are giant stars and dwarf stars. Each star has its own name: Sirius, Vega, Pole Star, etc. If you connect certain stars on the map of the starry sky, then you will see fabulous figures - constellations, each of which has its own name.
Let's work with a map of the starry sky (each child has a map). Appendix5 Find the North Star on the map. This map is visible in the northern hemisphere and is located exactly to the north. Navigators are guided by it.
Find the constellations Cygnus, Great Dog, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
And how did the bears end up in the sky? This is what the legend tells. The Big Dipper was not at all a she-bear before. An evil sorceress turned into a bear the beautiful Calisto, the daughter of the king of the ancient country of Arcadia. Unhappy Calisto was almost killed on a hunt by her own son Arkad, but Calisto's life was saved by the all-powerful wizard who guarded her. And to no longer expose Calisto to dangerous encounters with hunters, the wizard placed her in the sky. At the same time, Arcada sent him there in the form of a little bear: let mother and son become wonderful constellations that people will always admire.
Find the Milky Way on the map.
Show the children individual images of the constellations, ask them to find them on the map. Appendix6
An astrologer came to visit us (a child in a suit comes out)
  1. Little blue fur coat covered the whole world? (sky) 3
  2. The whole path is strewn with peas? (Milky Way) 4
  3. Is a red girl walking in the sky? (sun) 5
  4. A sister goes to visit her brother, but he is hiding from her? (sun and month) 6
  5. There is a piece of bread hanging over grandmother's hut. Dogs bark but can't get it? 7 (month)
  6. Did the bird wave its wing, cover the whole world with one feather? (night) 8
  7. Go, go, but you will not find the end? (globe) 9
  8. What can only be seen at night? (stars) 10
  9. The owner sleeps sheep on the pasture. The owner looks out - the sheep are not visible. The owner will hide - will the sheep appear? (sun and stars) 11
  10. A white cat climbs through the window? (light) 12
- Guys, I'm confused in the constellations, help me figure out whose constellations it is. Appendix7
The Astrologer says goodbye to the guys and leaves.
Leading: Meanwhile, our rocket descended smoothly. We felt a slight jolt - the landing was made. What did you learn from your trip into space? Whom did you meet on your way? (children's answers)
Until new space travel!

Preliminary work: Conversations on the topics: "Space", "Planets of the solar system", "The first cosmonaut". Manufacturing of the Rocket applique. Drawing space drawings.
Vocabulary: Cosmonautics Day, the vastness of the universe, satellite, Yuri Gagarin, Vostok rocket, space, solar storms, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Charon, atmosphere, asteroid, spacesuit, meteor shower ...
Characters: (adults)
Space tourist
Host: Hello dear children and guests! Who will guess what our holiday will be dedicated to? Maybe someone will tell you which holiday is celebrated on April 12? That's right, Cosmonautics Day. The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people for a long time.

1 child:
Conquer the vastness of the universe
Very much the man wanted.
And then into distant space
The first satellite flew.
And then ascended into space
And became famous forever
Following a satellite in a rocket
The very first person.
Everyone in the world is familiar with
A brave Russian guy.
He was the first to fly into space
His name is Gagarin!

2 child:
In a space rocket
Called "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

3 child:
There is no time to walk today
We are busy with others:
Paper rockets
We are working together.
We painted them brightly,
Let them fly now!
Into the brave astronauts
A kindergarten is playing.

Host: Previously, only highly trained and educated astronauts flew into space. And today, can you imagine guys, you can fly into space, like any citizen can go on a tourist trip. Let us, guys, go on this trip.
Raise your hands, how many of you want to go into space? Excellent!
But before we go into space, I'll check if you know what flies and what doesn't?
The game "Flies, does not fly"
If I say a word that flies, you raise your hands. What does not fly - you do not raise your hands. But be very careful, as I will confuse you.
- Is the plane flying? ... Flies.
- Does the table fly? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the pan fly? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the rocket fly? ... Flies.
- Does the frying pan fly? ... does not fly.
- Does the helicopter fly? ... Flies.
- Does the swallow fly? ... Flies.
- Does the fish fly? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the sparrow fly? ... Flies.
- Does the chicken fly? ... Doesn't fly.
Well done! But for the flight, what do we need? (children's answers) Of course you are right rocket!

Children sing a song
"Our starship"
First verse:
Here is our starship flying forward
Towards the stars.
Goodbye home! Let the comet wag its tail
We are through the deepest space
Let's fly further!
We, before it's too late
We want to find out everything!
Second verse:
Yes! We fly wherever we go
It's not easy to step!
We will open everything, we will demolish all the obstacles, and together
Third verse:
Everyone there is glad to see us! Cosmopot
Calls us to visit!
Thousands of planets tell us: "Hello! Stay"

4 child:
I want to be Gagarin
Vitalik said yesterday:
- I want to be Gagarin!
You call me Yura,
I'm going to fly into space.
Look, look:
Wait for growing up - there is no strength,
That's why out of the box
I made a rocket.
I will fly to the moon and stars
And I will fly to Mars ...
You call me Yura -
I want to be an astronaut!

Host: Attention, attention! We invite all girls and boys, as well as their parents to make a trip to outer space. Crew prepare for flight. Hands are our seat belts. Fast rockets await us for walking around the planets. On whatever we want, on this one we will fly! We have developed a space route (shows the children). Are the crews ready? Fasten seat belts. 3, 2, 1, start! Let's fly!
Space music playing, space slideshow
Above the Earth late at night,
Just reach out your hand
You will grab onto the stars:
They seem to be nearby.

Children perform "Dance of the Stars and the Month"
Host: Attention, we are approaching the planet Moon! The moon is a satellite of our planet, the only one, except for the Earth, where a person left his mark.

5 child:
By the moonlit sea
Special secret -
It doesn't look like the sea.
The waters in this sea
Not a single drop
And fish is not found either.
Into the waves of it
Impossible to dive
You can't dabble in it
You can't drown.
Swim in that sea
Convenient only for those
Who swim
Still can't do it at all!

6 child:
What kind of relative of the moon is there
Nephew or granddaughter
Flickering between the clouds?
- Yes, it's a satellite!
- Those times!
- He is a companion of each of us
And in general - the whole Earth.
The companion was created by hands,
And then on a rocket
Delivered to these.

Host: Guys, look who is meeting us?

A space tourist (alien) comes out to the music
Space tourist. Hello earthlings! I am a space tourist and I am glad to welcome you to the moon! I'm so bored because I'm all alone here, you will be friends with me! (children's answer). I'm so happy! On this planet you cannot do without "moonotopes". Let's trample the path of "Friendship" with our "moonotopes".
Host: The crew get ready for the Lunotopes relay.

The relay race "Lunotopes" is held, at this time a space tourist
steals the space route.

Host: Well then. It's time for us guys to fly on. And where is the flight map, our space route? (looking around, looking)
Space tourist. I have it. Only I won't give it to you ...
Leading. How can you not give it up? You don't want our guys to stay on the moon, do you?
Space tourist. I will go on a space journey alone, and you return to Earth, you still do not know anything about space.
Host: You're wrong. Our guys know a lot about space!
Space tourist. Then try to guess my riddles.
1. At night she shines for you,
Pale-faced ... (Moon).
2. Shines merrily in the window -
Well, of course, this is ... (Sun).
3. Sent on a flight
Not a glider, not an airplane.
To a distant planet
We are sending ... (rocket).
4. The rocket has a driver,
Weightlessness lover.
Astronaut in English,
And in Russian ... (cosmonaut)
5. A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land on the moon
But he can do it
Make it fast ... (rocket)

Space tourist. Well done with my task, I'll tell you where to fly next. (looks into the route). Mercury! Then, Venus!
Host: Do you know that Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun? Mercury always faces the Sun with only one side, it is a yellow planet covered with a layer of dust and long deep cracks.
Venus is the brightest star in the earth's sky after the Sun and the Moon. Venus is called the evening (and morning) star, it is visible only in the evening or in the morning, because it is closer to the Sun than the Earth.
Host: We received a space mission, we need to transport the inhabitants of one planet to another planet

The game "carry passengers" is being held
It is necessary to transport passengers to a distant planet with music. Passengers are transported in a hoop in pairs. The team that transported the passengers the fastest wins.
Space tourist. We did a good job, let's see where we go next. (looks into the route). Saturn!

Host: Attention, we are approaching the planet Saturn! Saturn is the most beautiful planet in the solar system. A ring revolves around it, consisting of billions of "stones" of various shapes and sizes
7 child:
Every planet has something different
What sets it apart the most.
You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
It is surrounded by a large ring.
It is not solid, from different stripes.
Here's how scientists solved the question:
Once upon a time the water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.

Chastooshkas performed by boys

You will now hear
Not comic at all
The guys and I will sing
Space ditties.

The very first astronaut
Became Gagarin Yura.
To become as strong
I need physical education.

All children know from childhood:
Yura is not an ordinary guy.
He said: "Let's go!"
He waved his hand.

Yesterday Tanka experienced
Zero gravity flight
When the boys pushed
Her from a hill into a snowdrift.

I equip a rocket
Going to the moon.
Maybe in a distant space
I will find new friends.
Space tourist. We need to hurry before the meteor shower starts ...
Presenter: Fasten your seat belts. 3, 2, 1, start! Let's fly!

Space music sounds. Slides change.
Host: Attention, we are approaching the planet Neptune! This planet is soft blue with white clouds. The strongest winds blow on Neptune.
Space tourist: You and I know that astronauts in space are in zero gravity, and we are now going to play the game "Zero gravity".

The game "Weightlessness" is being held
Endurance (balance) tests are carried out at this station. Children do the Swallow exercise. Whoever holds out in this position longer wins.

"I want to be an astronaut"
Dad is sitting at the table (the role is played by a boy). There is a second chair nearby.
MODERATOR: Every boy dreams, of course,
That someday he will fly into space.
And the boy Ilyusha was no exception,
I decided to be an astronaut how to grow up.

The boy Ilya comes out to the middle of the hall.

ILYA: The astronauts were lucky,
Fly into space every day
They count the stars, walk on the moon ...
As much as I want.
I want to become an astronaut,
So I grow up and fly into space!

MODERATOR: But first you need to find out
What you need to become an astronaut.

Ilya approaches dad.

ILYA: I'll ask my dad. Dad, tell me
What does it take to become an astronaut?

PAPA: The cosmonauts have their own special regime.
Charge every day and they go to bed on time.
It is very important for health
This is a special regime to observe.
Jogs, push-ups, squats,
Cold pouring water.
At least start with this.

ILYA: Well, that's a trifle.
I'm ready to do the exercises anyway.
And go to bed by the clock.
I can do all this myself.

PAPA: Well, sonny, since you're ready,
Let's get started today.

MODERATOR: All day he worked with dad,
And squatted and did push-ups,
I wiped myself with cold water,
And even lifted the barbell.
He jumped, ran and galloped.
And he was terribly tired by evening.

Dad and ILYA depict in a pantomime exercise, running, wiping with water, etc.
At the last words of the presenter, Ilya sits wearily on a chair.

PAPA: What are you, son, so gloomy?
Have you changed your mind about becoming an astronaut?

ILYA: Now I understand - this is not easy work
Space to fly.
I didn't change my mind to become an astronaut,
But I'm not ready yet
To such space loads.
Being an astronaut is not easy!
Of course, I will not be discouraged,
I will develop strength in myself,
Exercise in the morning
And go to bed on time.

MODERATOR: All the boys dream of space,
They read books about space.
The stars are studying in the sky,
They dream of becoming astronauts.

Leading. Fasten your seat belts. 3, 2, 1, start! Let's fly!

Host: Our journey continues.
Space tourist: Heading to the planet Mars!
Host: We are approaching, prepare to leave the spaceship.

Enter the teacher dressed as a Martian.
Host: Who are you?
The Martian: I am an inhabitant of the planet Mars! Who are you?
Children: Earthlings! We flew from planet Earth, we want to get in touch with you.
The Martian: Guys! My planet Mars appears red in the night sky, because it is covered with red sand, and there is so much sand that all rivers have dried up from it.
Martian: And there is a lot of space debris on my planet. Please help me collect this trash.
Host: Guys, can we help the “Martian”?

Scattered on the floor are cardboard figures, crumpled pieces of paper, and small toys. On command to the music, children collect "space debris" in baskets. The one who collects the most wins.

8 child:
Oh Mars, once abandoned
Alien people!
Forgotten, red, spongy,
Rusty dust!

Space tourist. I really liked your planet, but it's time for us to leave. (looks at the map) let's go to the planet Jupiter!
Martian. Goodbye friends! Have a good trip!
Host: Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, it weighs twice as much as all other planets combined. Jupiter does not have a solid surface on which a spacecraft could land. On Jupiter, thunderstorms often rage with numerous lightning. Therefore, we immediately go to the planet Uranus! Heading for Uranus!
Leading. Fasten your seat belts. 3, 2, 1, start! Let's fly!

Space music (SPACE) sounds. Slides change.
Host: Uranus is a blue planet, the third largest after Jupiter and Saturn. Uranus is very far from the Sun, so it is very cold on it.
Host: Astronauts need precise control over the spacecraft so as not to collide with foreign wandering objects: meteorites, satellites, and other planets. Now we will test dexterity.

The game "astronauts"
Participants are divided into pairs. Pins are placed in a straight line on the floor. The task of each pair, sitting on gymnastic sticks, is to drive between the pins and not knock down a single one. The winner is the one who completes the task quickly and without errors.

Host: The next planet Pluto on the course and flying by we will look at it and learn a little about it. Pluto is the planet farthest from the Sun. Pluto is the last discovered planet, it is 5 times smaller than Earth. It is farthest from the Sun. It is very cold on it.
Host: We are returning to our planet Earth.
SPACE TOURIST I haven’t been on Earth yet! And I want to go there, maybe I'll stay there.

9 child:
There is one garden planet
This space is cold.
Only here the forests make noise
Clinging birds of passage,
Only on her one bloom
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are just here
They look at the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other, similar!

Host: Attention, we are approaching the planet Earth! Well, here we are at home! Prepare to land. We landed, unfasten the seat belts, we get out of the missiles.

Host: Let's remember our trip and once again name the planets we visited.
Demonstrate a slide.
10 child:
solar system
First meets solar storms
Elusive, little Mercury.
The second, behind him, flies Venus
With a heavy, dense atmosphere.
And the third, the carousel is spinning,
Our earthly cradle.
Fourth - Mars, the planet is rusty,
Red - orange most.
And then they rush, like a swarm of bees,
Asteroids in their orbit.
Fifth - Jupiter, very big
It is clearly visible in the starry sky.
Sixth - Saturn, in chic rings,
Charming girl, under the rays of the sun.
Seventh - Uranus, lay down like a lazy person,
After all, his long way is difficult.
Eighth - Neptune, the fourth gas giant
In a beautiful blue shirt dandy.
Pluto, Charon, ninths in the system,
In the darkness while away the time

Host: So our space journey is over, I hope you liked it and you will be happy to explore outer space in the future, or maybe one of you will become an astronaut. This is where our holiday ends.
Thank you all for your attention!

To acquaint children with the day of cosmonautics. Teach you to express your thoughts. To impart skills of kindness, a sense of love for people, and respect for elders.

Poster "Journey to uncharted planets", stars for the competition, stars for gifts, the image of the heroes of the planet, a fairy chest.

1. Introductory conversation.
2. Travel to uncharted planets
a) Unknown planet;
b) Planet "Alphacentaurus";
c) Planet "Star";
d) Planet "Moon";
e) Planet "Fabulous";
f) Planet "Earth".
3. Outcome.


1. Introductory conversation.

Hello dear guys! Who will guess what our holiday will be dedicated to? Maybe someone will tell you which holiday is celebrated on April 12? (Children's answer: Cosmonautics Day)
That's right, Cosmonautics Day.
The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people for a long time. But it became closer and more accessible only with the penetration of man into outer space.
In 1961, the heroic cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first to fly into space. People have long dreamed of mastering outer space. They thought for a long time about building a spaceship to fly above the stars. People dreamed of knowing the sky, and not just setting altitude records. You needed eyes that could see through thousands of kilometers, you needed ears that could hear in the Universe, you needed hands that could control a point - a ship lost in the infinity of world space.
The eyes were created by "locators".
Ears are "radio constructors".
Hands are “automation specialists”.

New thousands of inventive minds and new hundreds of thousands of skillful, talented hands joined the common work ... And so they created spaceships and flew into Space. But before the famous cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew (showing a picture of Yuri Gagarin) on November 3, 1957, a living heart beat in the lifeless, cold, always black space of space. In the sealed cabin of the satellite, the dog Laika lived, breathed, and flew over the world.
Other dogs followed Laika. Can any of you know these two famous dogs? Following Laika, the children were followed by Belka and Strelka (showing a photo of Belka and Strelka). Guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits also flew - all of them honestly served a great dream. Years will pass, a grandiose all-human museum of the conquest of space will be created, and in one of the halls of this museum a monument to the four-legged friends of the astronauts, selfless and devoted, will be erected.
Imagine, guys, not only men, but also women can fly into space. And the first woman cosmonaut is Valentina Tereshkova.
Since then, many cosmonauts from different countries have traveled to space. Not only the cosmonauts of our country, but also the Americans, Japanese, Chinese, French. Previously, only highly trained and educated astronauts flew into space. And today, imagine guys, you can fly into space, like any citizen can go on a tourist trip, having paid a sufficient amount of money for the flight.

2. Travel to unknown planets.

Let us and you guys go on this trip. Raise your hands, how many of you want to go into space? (Everyone raises their hands) Great!

A) Unknown planet.
Guys, let's fly with you in the Spaceship. How does an astronaut fly? (F-f-f-f). Let's fly, let's fly!
Have arrived! Muffled all their motors!
Here we are with you on the first planet. On this planet, before us, no one has ever been. Not a single time, the foot of a person has not stepped. Let's come up with a name for it. (Children come up with a name for the planet). The Martians live here. But you have to learn to talk to the Martians. They do not understand either Russian or English. But since we flew to visit them, then we should learn to greet them.
I will ask 5 people to come to me. (They go out to the middle of the hall). Guys, you should say hello to each other with gestures, but these gestures should not be repeated. And so it began! (Children greet each other with gestures). Well done! Fly to the next planet? (Children agree.)

B) The planet "Alphacentaurus".
This is the planet, guys, Alphacentaurus. Whom do we see? Look guys, we are met by an alien, his name is Vertunchik.

Vertunchik: I am very glad that you have arrived. Do you like to guess riddles? (Yes). Then listen.
1.Wonder - bird, scarlet tail,
Flew into a flock of stars.

2. I will grumble, I will grumble,
I'll fly to heaven.

3 there are no clouds on the horizon
But an umbrella opened in the sky,
In a few minutes
Got down …

4 grandmother over the hut
Hanging sky edge
Dogs bark, they can't get it

5 blue fur coat
Covered the whole world

6 on clear nights
Mom is walking with her daughters
She does not tell her daughters:
- Go to bed late!
Because the mother is the moon
And daughters ...

Vertunchik: Well done! Guessed everything - all my riddles!

C) Planet "Star".
Let's fly! (F-f-f-f). Let's fly, let's fly! Have arrived.
This planet is Zvezdalia, folks. There are a lot of stars on this planet and stars on this planet are falling. (From the hands of the leader of the holiday, multi-colored stars made of paper fall).

The game "Who will collect the stars faster"
I need 5 people. (5 people come out). You see how many stars. Let's collect gifts. I count to 5, and you collect these stars (stars are scattered on the floor). So, are you ready? Let's start! 1-2-3-4-5. Stop! We count how many stars you have collected. (The leader approaches each child and counts the collected stars for each). I award the winner (the one with the most stars) with an honorary star. (A big red star is given, drawn on paper). And who lost, do not be discouraged, because you are left with the stars that you collected. (Children sit down in their places).

D) Planet "Moon".
Let's fly! (F-f-f-f). Let's fly, let's fly! Have arrived.
This time, guys, we got to the moon. The moon, guys, is a satellite of the earth. (Display of an atlas depicting the moon). Since we flew to the moon, then we are all Lunatics.

Relay "Balloon"
12 people are selected from the hall. Each team has 6 people who will form columns. A balloon is given to the top two players of each team. Players from both teams raise their hands up. At the command of the leader, the participants in the game pass the balloon back to the column by hand. The winner is the team that will complete the given task faster. An honorary star is awarded to the winners.

E) Planet "Fabulous"
Let's fly! (F-f-f-f). Let's fly, let's fly! Have arrived.
Here we are with you on the planet "Fabulous". (A fabulous chest is brought into the hall). Look, guys, what a chest! Let's open and see what this fabulous chest is. (Open the chest)
The game.
"Guess which fairy tale this is from."
An item is taken from the fairy chest that was used in any of the fairy tales
1. What is this fruit in my hands? (Apple) And in which fairy tale does the apple occur? ("Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs")
2. And now what do I have in my hands? (Flower) In which fairy tale does the flower occur? ("The Scarlet Flower")
3. Guess what it is? (Nutshell) In which fairy tale does it occur? ("Thumbelina")
4. What is this? (Egg) In which fairy tale was it used? ("Chicken - Ryaba")
5. What do I have in my hands now? (Goroshina) In what fairy tale is she found? ("Princess on the Pea")
6. What are these shoes in my hands? (This is a boot) In what fairy tale does he occur? ("Puss in Boots")

E) Planet Earth.
Let's fly! (F-f-f-f). Let's fly, let's fly! Have arrived.
So we got to the last planet with you. Planet Earth. Many different people, animals, birds, insects live here.
Now let's play one game with you.

The game "Flies"

If I say a word that flies, you raise your hands. What does not fly - you do not raise your hands. But be very careful, as I will confuse you.
- Is the plane flying? ... Flies.
- Does the table fly? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the goat fly? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the eagle fly? ... Flies.
- The machine gun is flying? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the helicopter fly? ... Flies.
- Does the swallow fly? ... Flies.
- Does the hippo fly? ... Doesn't fly.
- Does the sparrow fly? ... Flies.
- Does the chicken fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Well done! You know what flies and what doesn't.

3. Outcome
So our journey to uncharted planets has ended. And again we found ourselves in our hall.