Slavic spells for good luck. Slavic conspiracies and spells. Conspiracies-amulets from the evil eye and damage

Ancient Slavic conspiracies, prayers and spells are a unique storehouse of wisdom that we inherited from our ancestors. Using such special spells, you can put yourself in reliable protection, increase your energy strength, and attract well-being and grace to your home.

Slavic plots of home protection

Since ancient times, a lot has come down to us that are able to help a modern person in various spheres of life. For example, a variety of prayers and conspiracies are popular, which can create strong protection around a person and his home.

As you know, quite often black magicians attack with the help of witchcraft and negative programs not the individual himself, but his house. Thus, although a person constantly removes himself all this negative, the program remains on the house until the victim cleans the house, otherwise he will not be able to get rid of the negative impact.

In order for no sorcerer to be able to impose damage or any other negative program on your home, use such an ancient Slavic rite.

You will need to take a white wax candle, beeswax, a piece of light-colored cloth, a metal mug, and a container of water. Candle and water must not be sanctified in the church. The candle is lit, after that it is necessary to say:

Veles, Father, teaching silver bowls in heaven. Open your gates for us, protect the owl's children. Rise up the dashing barriers, the earth is warm in cold, open the storehouse of the Veda. Praise you, prophetic God! We glorify you, heavenly! We praise you, as it is said! Be glorious forever! Glory!

The next step is to take the wax and place it in the prepared metal mug. Melt the product well and start slowly pouring it into a container of water. In this case, it is necessary to say the following words:

Goy! Glory, Veles! Protect our house from adversity, black eyes, words of the dashing. Goy! Glory, Veles! Goy! Ve! Glory!

The words are repeated until the mixture is completely solid. After that, you need to collect all the wax that was in the bowl, wrap it in a cloth and bury it in your yard. As long as the wax is on the territory of your site, no trouble will touch you.

Do you know that ? With the help of these ancient mysterious symbols, you can make special amulets, compose special formulas that help get rid of troubles, and success.

So, with the help of runes in ancient times, our ancestors could protect themselves from any negative. It was believed that such a talisman would protect both from black magic and from any other troubles. You will need to take a wax candle, a ritual knife, matches. In addition, you will need an item on which the rune will be directly depicted.

You can purchase a ready-made amulet, which will depict the Veles rune. But it's better if you do it yourself. If the symbol is applied to birch bark or paper, then this is done with a knife. If you have opted for a leather product, then after you apply the symbol, it will need to be burned out.

Next, light a few matches and let them burn out to the end. You will need the ash itself. He rubbed himself into the symbol. Take the future amulet in your left hand, and a candle in your right hand. Stand so that you are facing east.

Imagine that power, energy fills you and your future talisman, this power is able to protect you from any troubles associated with any area of ​​life. When you feel that you are already full of this creative energy, then say these words:

Here you and your rune
Here I am and my Runa.
Here is your strength and my strength.
Take the rune as a gift
Leave her strength as a gift.

After the text has been said 5 times, place the candle and the workpiece on the work surface. Leave the attributes until the candle burns out completely. When this happens, you can pick up the amulet and use it for its intended purpose.

It is advisable that the talisman is always directly with you. The effect of such a ritual lasts for 3 months. After this time, the ceremony will need to be repeated (it is possible with the same talisman).

Do you know what ceremonies are capable of in your home? In order for fortune to always smile and not leave him, you can use ancient Slavic spells.

To carry out such a ritual, it is necessary to prepare a glass of water, several small bags in which there will be juniper, yarrow, incense and 1 coin each. You need to take as many bags of herbs as there are rooms in your house. In addition, you will need a candle.

Take all the bags, fold them on the work surface, and then light the candle; sprinkle the bags with water, say these words:

Frankincense, so that there is harmony and peace. Juniper, so that there was luck, diseases were bypassed by the side, but adversity was not terrible. Yarrow, so that there is enough courage, mental strength, protection from evil witchcraft, but unclean forces. Coins, so that there was prosperity, but money flowed like a river.

These words are repeated exactly as many times as the bags you have prepared. Then place one bag in each room. Place the used candle in any room and let it burn out, then bury the remaining wax in the area. Pour the remaining water outside.

Be sure that as long as the spells are near your home, well-being will not leave you. However, this ritual must be repeated every year.

There are a wide variety of spells and prayers to attract cash flows. We are known to increase income. However, one of the most powerful rituals for increasing wealth is this.

You need to prepare seven green candles, a small container, small coins, any aromatic oil. But before taking on the ritual, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning. Everything old, decrepit that could attract negative energy should be thrown away. The house must be clean and ready to receive cash flows.

The ceremony is held on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday Saturday). Schedule the time so that no one can interfere. There should be no people or animals in the room during the ritual. After cleaning, be sure to take a shower or a bathroom, wash off all the energy that has been accumulated over time.

Wait until midnight, arrange all the candles in a circle, and rub a few drops of scented oil into each one. Light the candles. In the center, between them, place the pot. Now take all the coins you have cooked and say:

Veles, the Great God patron, I glorify you, for you are my support. Don't leave me, hear my plea. Protect from failure, put on good, fill my bins. As she said, so be it.

Now, dropping each coin into the pot, repeat these words. Wait until all the candles go out on their own, bury the remaining wax in your yard, and place the pot of coins in the corridor. Throw in any little thing when you get home.

Important: only those coins that did not take part in the ritual can be taken out of the pot. Therefore, somehow mark for yourself those that are forbidden to get. It is believed that such a ritual is really capable of attracting prosperity and well-being into a person's life.

If you need to recover from any disease, then you can resort to ancient Slavic prayers and conspiracies. Many effective rituals for treatment have come down to our time.

To carry out such a ritual, it will be necessary to prepare a container with clean spring water, which should be collected at dawn. Never take tap water. Place three wax candles around the container with water, and then read the following text over them exactly 5 times:

God Svarozhe, and you, Mother Lada, and you, Glorious Gods, help me! Place the Holy Alatyr on your head, on your chest and on your shoulders, so as not to harm the Sun, Water, Earth, Sword, doors, walls, tables and all Orthodox. God Svarozhe, help me, drive away all kinds of illness and an evil spirit!

When this is done, you need to drink part of the water, and wash your face with the other half. Such a ritual is performed every day. It is believed that within a few days the ailment will recede, and your health will improve.

Slavic magic is very powerful, and using it, you can achieve what you want. Do not neglect such strong conspiracies and use this knowledge wisely.

Slavic conspiracies are pronounced in a quiet whispering speech. One of the important conditions on which the effectiveness of the ritual depends was the condition of the reader's teeth. Only healthy people can recite ancient prayers. The optimal days for reading pagan incantations are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. To enhance the effect of the rite, it is useful to fast for several days, not drink alcohol or smoke before performing it.

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    Ancient power of ancestors

    During the appeal to their Gods, the ancestors had the opportunity to receive the necessary help from them. The use of sublime songs and hymns in everyday life was in itself a powerful talisman against ailments. The main condition for obtaining a positive result is the visualization of a vivid image, and not the mechanical pronunciation of words.

    The ancient power of the ancestors was in the life-giving word. The word can carry both destructive (abusive) and creative (life-giving) power. In the conspiracies of the ancient Slavs, special verbal formulas were used that possessed healing energy.

    From damage

    Slavic magic helps to get rid of damage and evil eye. Conspiracies and rituals from damage are recommended for use on the waning moon.

    Conspiracy from negativity

    This Slavic conspiracy is read at dawn, facing east:

    “A mermaid stepped along a narrow path, scratched a tender leg with a thistle. And from the wound poured not blood ore, but pure, like a tear, water. Yes, water flowed across the white light, and on the island of Buyan, a desert mound. The white stone Alatyr lies on that deserted mound, but no one will move or push it. Yes, water has flowed under the Alatyr River, and behind it is sickness and fever for eternity. From circle to circle. Tako wake up. "

    Turning to Mara to remove spoilage

    With this cleaning, damage and the evil eye are removed. The ceremony is associated with an appeal to the goddess Mara - the patroness of harvest, death, witchcraft. The ritual is performed as follows:

    1. 1. One wax candle is placed on the table in four corners.
    2. 2. Pour the contents of one bottle of wine of any kind into a crystal vase.
    3. 3. Put a kilogram of fresh meat on a plate - chicken or beef.
    4. 4. If cleaning is carried out on another person, his photograph is placed on the tablecloth or he himself sits down opposite.
    5. 5. Candles are lit, and then the person conducting the ritual addresses Mara in his own words with a request to remove the negative.
    6. 6. The words of the conspiracy are read several times (the amount depends on the severity of the damage).
    7. 7. Until the candles burn out to the end, you must not leave the room.
    8. 8. Then you need to open the window or open the window.

    Conspiracy text:

    “Mara Morevna, you are angry mother.

    I got up in the dark night,

    You are in control of everything.

    Measure each with earnest measure.

    Carry the ailments and dashing across the sea-ocean.

    Do not reject the family, do not leave the person. "

    Rite of passage on Koroshchunov night

    On Koroshchunov's night, from 21 to 22 December, Koschey (Chernobog, Dark Veles) "ends" the day. Our ancestors believed that at this time optimal conditions were created for the emergence of "Navi", dark creatures on the earth. On the surface of the earth there is everything that used to be hidden because of the fear of the sun. Traditionally, powerful rituals are held on Koroshchunov's night to cleanse the negativity.

    To perform the next ritual, a small fire is made and any unwashed item from their wardrobe is burned in it. At the same time, the words are pronounced:

    “With gloomy weariness, who now reigns supreme, I create my care, I help myself. Fire-fire, create ashes. In him there is all sorts of dashing and malice, destruction and weaving, grief and burden. Combine every ailment with me, others like my soul confuse and enslave my flesh. Irritation and quarrels, bad repetitions, anguish and anger, ulcers and malice, who let themselves in on, have polished me with a good portion, every kind of fall into the flames of a bridle. Henceforth, it was uttered, everything was dashingly taken off. Tako wake up. "

    In gratitude to the fire, fresh milk is brought, which is poured directly into the fire immediately after the completion of the conspiracy.

    From enemies

    The main condition for the effectiveness of protective conspiracies is the absence of evil intentions in the person who fulfills them. Even in relation to the ill-wisher, one should not experience aggression, negativity. Then the conspiracy will be effective.

    To mitigate anger

    This rite from enemies is associated with the goddess of love, beauty and harmony Lada. The sacrament will save ill-wishers from any harm and aggression. They take a photograph of a person or hold his image in their imagination. Light a wax yellow candle, turn to face east. It is preferable to perform the sacrament at sunrise. The phase of the moon is growing. The palms of the hands are neatly placed near the fire, as if trying to protect the candles from the wind. The photograph is placed in front of oneself or represents an image of a person. The words are spoken:

    “Lada, spiritual delight! Warm your love (name), melt his heart and make him kind. "

    Then they imagine how the warmth from the candles cleanses the heart of this person, neutralizes the negativity that fills it, instead filling it with compassion and light.

    To protect against the intrigues of enemies

    Take two wax candles - black and white, a piece of white cloth, a metal mug. They light a candle and say a prayer to Veles:

    “Father Veles, protect us, your children. Rise the dashing lonely barriers and palisades, warm the fertile land in cold, open the deep storehouse of the Veda. We glorify you, great and wonderful Veles. Exactly! ".

    Tilting the black candle, they collect the wax in a mug, saying: “Goy! Glory, Veles! Wash your son (daughter) with a clear tear and clean water (name), remove from him (her) dashing and sorrow, commotion and black, curses and curses. Goy! ".

    Then they wait until the mixture finally hardens. After that, part of the mixture must be melted in a mug over the fire of a white candle, saying the words: “Wake up glorious, Fire Svarozhich! Yes, burn the spell. Turn it to Nav. Exactly! ". The melted wax is gently poured into a plate at head level.

    The actions are repeated with the remains of the mixture two more times. The second time, the wax should be poured into a plate at chest level, the third - at the navel level. When it cools down, it is scraped off a plate, wrapped in a piece of cloth and buried in a deserted place.

    For love

    In conspiracies for love, they most often turn to the patroness of family happiness Lada. As an offering, Lada loves white flowers, fruits, sweets.

    To get rid of loneliness

    This rite is also associated with the goddess Lada. The preferred time is spring. Take three green apples. Silently at dawn they go out into the field. Standing facing the rising sun, stretch out their palms to it and pronounce a conspiracy:

    “Lada, you are the great Mother Goddess. I ask you, do not deny me, your daughter (name), in love and happiness to help. Mutual love will meet me, give me my beloved. May the family become strong, may the children be healthy. Accept my gifts. Goy! ".

    They put the apples on the ground and wait for a sign. If the cry of a bird is heard in the distance, a sharp gust of wind occurs, or something else happens - the matter will go for the future.

    Rite of passage from conflicts in the family

    The sacrament will benefit those couples who suffer from constant quarrels and conflicts. Held on the waxing moon, on Friday or Sunday.

    They take their photograph, carefully place three pink wax candles around it. The resulting triangle shape should point upward. The candles are lit starting from the topmost one. The words are pronounced three times:

    “Lada, Goddess, please me. Give me passionate and strong love. Who is next to me, may he always be in joy and great in love. Create a fret in my house, give understanding and peace. "

    Then they wait until the candles burn out. The cinders are carried to three pedestrian crossings - one cinder for each.

    To harmonize marital relations

    The sacrament is performed at dawn on Monday. Take two white wax candles. In the center of the dwelling, a plate of fresh fruit is placed on the table, as well as flowers (preferably lilies). On one candle they scratch out their name with a needle, on the second - a spouse. Candles are lit and taken in hand. To the left - your candle, to the right - your spouse. The words are spoken:

    “Goddess Lada-Ladushka! I bow to you, goy you. I invite you to our (names) house, come to us soon, consent and bring love. Rest in our dwelling, a strong foundation. Small children - health and intelligence, and for me (name) and my husband (name) - plenty of love, understanding, kindness, and a comfortable, joyful life. From now on until forever, wake up like that. "

    The candles are placed in the center of the table, tightly, next to each other. Fruit can be eaten in the evening when the whole family gathers. The remains of the candles are crumbled and placed in each corner of the dwelling. They can only be removed after two to three months.

    Cooling for girls

    This conspiracy is intended for women who want to rid themselves of love for a man, to cool their emotional ardor:

    “On the distant island of Buyan there is a high mountain, unapproachable. In the mountain there is a crevice, and in the crevice a silver tomb hangs on chains. In it lies the red Mara-maiden. Her soul does not grieve, does not lament, blood does not flare up through her veins. Like the girl-sister, Marena, the soul does not hurt, so I (name) would not be killed in one minute, not in one hour, I would not go into fierce melancholy and sorrow. The soul is serene and cold to male words, views and deeds. With the silver tomb of Marena the maiden, my words are closed, they are sealed with oak bolts, heavy coffin chains are entwined. Tako wake up. "

    Beauty conspiracies

    When conducting rituals for beauty and charm, they turn to the goddess Zhiva, who personifies birth, beauty, springtime.

    On the ring

    They take a ring or a ring, dip it into spring water and cast a spell on it:

    “I will become (name), I will bow to Zhiva. Wake up glorious and trislavna, goddess of Light and life! I will go to the lake and draw clean water. Let me put this ring in the water, and wash my white face. I will become fine fellows and peasants, old women and old men, widows and girls, more beautiful than the red sun and the clear month. May my beauty be with everyone, at every minute and hour. Glory to Zhiva! ".

    After that, they wash themselves with water and put on a ring. The adornment is worn without removing.

    On beautiful hair

    Take a bone or wooden comb. In the waxing moon phase, before midnight, they begin to comb their hair. At the same time, the words are pronounced:

    "Grow a braid, to the waist, do not fall out a hair."

    The words are repeated slowly and thoughtfully 12 times. Then they say: "As she said, so it was." The comb is placed in a secluded place until next time.

    Health conspiracies

    Slavic rituals for health are traditionally carried out with the help of water. It is believed that it helps cleanse the body and spirit from diseases, accumulated negativity.

    Healing water spell

    The following words are pronounced on the water from the stream:

    “Pain and ailment came from an empty box. Where she came from, she went there. I conjure a disease, I send back. For the villages and for the fields, for the blue rivers and for the seas, for the high formidable mountains, where conspiracies will not find you. Come again to the one who sent you, who did not know grief or grief. Stay with him forever and ever, but don't come back here. "

    They drink water in a third of a glass three times a day.

    Children's health stone ritual

    The mother of a sick child collects a bucket of water from the reservoir, pours it on the stones in such a way that this water is collected in a separate container. She is considered a saint. She is poured over babies, then changing into new clothes. The old one is left to lie near the stone. During this ritual, the action of which is aimed at the health of the child, a conspiracy is pronounced:

    “I (name) will rise to the clear Sun, blessing. I will go to the river blue, fast. There, on the river, on a high mountain, lies a white-combustible stone. The name of that stone is Alatyr. The cold water rolled off the body, and the Sun brought health and mercy. As the water has gone down, so shake off the ailments, fevers and fever. From a small calf, from a zealous heart. Tako wake up ”.

    Rites for money, for trade

    Special Slavic rituals help attract wealth and improve trade. Most of the rituals are associated with the god Veles, who is considered the patron saint of prosperity and wealth.

    Appeal to Veles

    A sacrament is held in the forest. The following items will be required:

    • mug or bowl;
    • flat stone;
    • mead;
    • stick (taken directly in the forest);
    • 11 coins (preferably copper).

    The ceremony is performed on the new moon in the afternoon or morning. An old deciduous tree is found in the forest and a stone is placed under it. Near it, you need to stick a stick, which will symbolize a staff.

    Mead is poured into a mug, saying the words: “God of Veles and his goodness. Let gold and silver come to me, in the name of Veles. " After that, they take the staff in their hand and turn to God, formulating their request in words. 11 coins are laid out on the surface of the stone, saying the words: "Yaki mushrooms are abundant and multiplied in the rain, so let the money in my bag do not become scarce and come."

    Broom for health and increased well-being

    A magical birch broom will preserve health and increase wealth. The energy of birch is strong from 6 to 9 in the morning, so you need to go to the birch grove at this time for a broom. They take with them three yellow coins, a new knife, fishing line, a red ribbon and a bottle of beer.

    First you need to walk a little between the trees, calm your thoughts and feelings. You can greet Leshy and ask him for assistance in choosing a tree. This is done in their own words or with the help of a conspiracy:

    “Hello, Leshy, master of the forest! Let me walk around your possessions, and find a slender tree, a birch, for a broom. For the prosperity and health of my honest family. Help me in this matter. Exactly! ".

    If the birch catches your eye or another sign appears, then they bow to it. In the event that the aura of the tree is felt as cool or prickly, you should look for another birch. If the aura is warm, the forest dweller will give a lot of energy through its branches.

    Beer is poured around the trunk of the selected tree and pronounced:

    “Birch is a slender sister! Give me twigs for health and prosperity. And in return, accept this beer as a gift. Exactly! ".

    If there are no fallen branches near the tree, they are cut off with a knife. The branches are tied with a fishing line or cord, and then with a red ribbon. Then they thank the tree again, bowing three times and leaving coins under its crown. The words are spoken: “Paid! For the branches that carry health and strength, paid! Exactly! ".

    They return home in silence. Having returned, they sweep from the threshold to the center each of the rooms in the room. When sweeping, it is necessary to visualize how health and wealth are being swept into the house. At the same time, the words are pronounced:

    “I sweep, sweep the force into the house. I sweep, sweep my health into the house. I sweep, sweep the wealth into the house ”. After that, a broom is placed in the eastern corner of the living room or in the room where the whole family most often gathers, saying: “Exactly! ".

    Conspiracy pot

    A ceremony is performed on the growing moon. Take 8 green candles, a small pot, a sheet of foil or green colored paper, essential oil (preferably patchouli or orange), a few yellow coins.

    Before performing the ceremony, they carefully clean the house, wash themselves, put on their best clothes. The sacrament is performed alone. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. 1. The pot is wrapped in foil or paper and placed on the table.
    2. 2. On each of the candles drop a drop of essential oil, rubbing it in clockwise movements.
    3. 3. Candles are placed around the pot and lit.
    4. 4. They take coins one at a time, make wishes for each of them, trying to visualize in detail its fulfillment.
    5. 5. Presenting the emotions that will accompany its execution, utter the words of the conspiracy (see below).
    6. 6. Then you need to wait until the candles burn out to the end.
    7. 7. Coins are put in a pot and placed near the entrance to the dwelling. It serves as a talisman to attract wealth.

    Conspiracy text:

    “Veles, God the Protector, the guardian of the human race! We glorify you, dear, our cover and defense. Do not leave us, your children, without a gaze, but protect us and our flocks from the pestilence and the wind. And so fill our storehouses and barns with good. From circle to circle. Tako wake up! ".

    Rite of passage to increase the flow of buyers, protection from competitors

    Held in the forest. They find a small stump, symbolically circle it around it (you can just use a stick). An offering (food, alcoholic beverages) is assigned to him. Then they turn to Veles:

    "Father Veles, help your son (daughter)."

    After that, in their own words, they ask Veles for help in protecting against the intrigues of competitors, attracting income to the company, and concluding a certain deal. If God listens to the request, after pronouncing the words, there will be a feeling of confidence and inner warmth, or a sign - the creak of a tree, the cry of a bird. After the completion of the ceremony, one should thank the Ancestor.

    For fighters

    The next Slavic conspiracy is used to protect a soldier, a fighter. Read by a relative or close person of a warrior:

    “I will tie (name), five knots for every enemy and warrior. You, knots, block all the paths of the adversaries. Yes, the archers do not beat me, but the bullets do not reach me, and no military weapon can beat me. In my ears, the strength is hefty, terrible and snake. It was taken from a multi-headed serpent, from an okiyana sea, from Buyan island. The snake of that was beaten by the distant heroes under the distant Murom oaks. The grumpy stepmother sewed up snake heads in my knapsack. I speak to the warrior (name), stepping on the battle and the militia, by my strong conspiracy. Let him conquer everyone, and return home alive, well and unharmed. Wake up like that, from circle to circle. "

    In the old days, on a small piece of paper or parchment, they wrote the phrase “Don't touch! ". The note was placed in cloth and sewn into the collar of the garment worn until the end of the battle.

    Good luck conspiracy

    They dress in clean clothes and put a jug of spring water in front of them. The words are read on it:

    “Sister voditsa! Give me joy to drink. May it be warm in cold weather, and nourishing in hunger. Let it not be dashing and fierce, but okay and smoothly. From circle to circle. "

    After that, they wash their face with water and immediately go to bed, without saying another word. From the next day, luck and luck will accompany everything.

    Good weather conspiracy

    The following plot for the weather was successfully used by the ancestors. It involves an appeal to Stribog, the patron saint of the wind. Going out to the reservoir, they say the following words:

    "Glory to you, Father Strict, gray hair! You rule with violent winds, you get along with storms. You are in every corner of the world, you know a lot, but you rule the weather. Your grandchildren are clouds and clouds, they do everything that you command them. but us from the cold winds. Protect us from the hot, hungry winds. Turn your gaze on us, Stryi, on your daughters and sons. Glory to you, Stribozhe! Let your hand help us. So wake up. Glory! "

    As a token of gratitude to Stribog, bread crumb is lowered into the water.

    If any of the Slavic conspiracies is read by another person, he must be thanked. FROMlavan witchcraft does not provide for payment in money. As a payment, you can thank the person who performed the ritual with food, clothing, and a useful thing.

Conspiracies and charms are ancient spells. It is necessary to use conspiracies in compliance with certain conditions, they are given below:

All conspiracies are read in a whisper or silently to oneself - so that no one knows about it, does not know. The conspirator must certainly have intact teeth, otherwise the power of the conspiracy is lost. You cannot throw out more than one word from the conspiracy, and you also cannot add words according to your own prescription. The person who utters conspiracies should be a non-drinker, a non-smoker, with a strong will. Use the conspiracy only for its intended purpose, otherwise the conspirator loses its power. You can’t take money from someone you’re talking to, much less sell conspiracies. Positive conspiracies are read on easy days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday), negative ones are read on black days (Monday, Friday). Treatment accessories: oven clay, coal, salt, grain, etc. And the most important rule: a word has power only because it contains a thought. The conspiracy depends on the ability to make this thought alive.

Saying: "Go" - high, higher (head, mountain); "Thief" - to penetrate (gate). Literally penetrate into the higher (head, worlds). With the help of conspiracies, slander, sentences, there is an impact on other people or on the world around them - in order to achieve a certain state or, on the contrary, to get rid of it.
A conspiracy is what follows a dialect. After all, the dialect is accompanied by Thought-images, and certain Actions, directed towards a single Purpose. A hex is something that is superimposed on a dialect (used both in science and with any objects - water, amulets, etc.).

In Russia earlier, different actions were clearly distinguished: to speak, to say,
to say, recti, bait are not the same thing. In dialect, for example, in contrast to speech and prayer, rhythm is important. After all, it is with the help of it that penetration occurs (the gate opens). Conspiracies are also subdivided into whispering (words are pronounced quietly) and incantation (words cry out), and the choice of method depends on the task at hand.

Based on all of the above, we can say that one reading of the conspiracy, without
using the rest of the elements (rhythm, penetration, action, mental images and
etc.) for practical purposes is not enough. But even a simple rhythmic talk can
promote the acquisition of harmony and harmony by practitioners.

The conspiracy is healthy:
On the sea on Okiyan, on Buyan island
There is a white-combustible stone Alatyr.
Near that stone of Alatyr
There is an old man, a father to three sons.
How the old mater pulls out his damask knife,
He cuts and cuts them all ailments and diseases,
All the aches and dryness of the grandson of Dazhdbozh [name],
Places them under the white-combustible stone Alatyr,
Locks with three golden keys
Throwing those keys into the blue sea of ​​Okiyan.
Who will eat the white-flammable stone of Alatyr,
That will prevail over my words!
My words are full-slurred, like Okiyan-sea.
My words are strong and firm, like the Alatyr-stone! Goy!

Velesov conspiracy-charm:
Tie up, Velese,
To the sorcerer and the witch,
To the witch and the witch,
Black and blue
To the ghoul and the ghoul
On the grandson of Dazhdbozh [name]
Think of no evil!
From the red maiden
From the black widow.
From fair-haired and black-haired,
From red and oblique,
From the one-eyed and the odd-eyed
And from all the undead! Goy!

Mother Earth Cheese!
I am born of you, I am made of you in body,
You carry me
You feed me
You will not take me at death.
Mother Earth Cheese!
Protect me, Your child,
Guide the path of Lada!
May my deeds be done - for the glory of You!
I bow down to You on earth! Goi-Ma!
(bow to the ground)

In the Name of Svarog, Perun and Veles!
The blood of the ancestors is pure
Heavenly Power!
Protect, save
Dazhdbozh's grandson [name]
From every eye, from a bad hour,
From the feminine, from the masculine,
From the child, from the other,
From joyful, from hateful,
From the colloquial, from the negotiation!
May it be so! Goy!

You, Chur Heavenly,
You, Chur Earthly,
You, Chur Vodyanoy!
Forgive and rule me
What is wrong!
(bow to the ground)
You, the sun is red,
You, a clear month,
You frequent stars
Forgive and rule me
What is wrong!
(bow to the ground)
You, Native Gods,
You, the ancestors of the saints,
You, Mother Earth,
Forgive and rule me
What is wrong!
(bow to the ground)

Spirits-divii, spirits-navii,
By the Word of the Prophetic One we conjure!
You fly, pack,
Colo salty head!
Pure spirits of the earth!
Pure water spirits!
Pure spirits of fire!
Pure air perfume!
Get ready for a spot on red,
Guard us, help us!
And inshih, dissolute spirits, go away -
Where the sun does not shine
Where Mother Earth does not give birth,
Where the glories of the Gods are not sung,
Where there are no right words!
Come out of our stake,
Like a waste!
Let it be according to this word! Goy!

In the name of Svarog the Father, the Heavenly Blacksmith,
In the name of Dazhdbog, the Trislight Sun,
In the name of Perun the Thunderer!
You, Svarog, harrow the Truth from Krivda,
You, Dazhdbog, harrow day from night,
You, Perun, harrow Yav from Navi!
By the power of the Heavenly Fire,
By the power of Fire between Heaven and Earth,
By the power of the Earthly Fire, I conjure!
May the dark spell burn
Let the puny words burn out,
Let the droughts of Navia burn out-
In Black Pekelniy Fire!
The sky is the key, the Earth is the lock!
May it be as it is said! Goy!

Slavic sleeping plots

1. "God, Svarozhe, bless on a dark night."

2. “Bless, Svarozhe, every hole, crack, all doors and pipes and underground holes. Goy. "

3. “I go to bed, put the forest from earth to heaven. On windows, on doors, on vents, on pipes. Goy. "

4. “There is a rage in the sky, a rage on the hem, an angry rage, I go to bed with rage. Strong amulet, save my age, from winds, from whirlwinds, from vain deaths. Goy. "

5. “I go to sleep on God's mountains, Svarog himself is in my heads, Lada-Mati is in my feet. The grandfathers above their heads talk to me. Perun dawns, drives away enemies. Go, enemies, from the windows, from the doors, from my bed. Goy. "

6. “Ancestors in the windows, chura in the corners. Holy dew on the roof. The circle of my house is iron. The fire is hot from earth to heaven. In every corner there is a schuru, in the very doorway Svarog sits. On the roof itself, a fire is burning, an iron tyn stands. No one can reach my house. Goy! (3 times)"

7. “Holy amulet, preserve my age, preserve my heart, my body, my blood. The demons of the forest go away, I have Svarog help, Veles's key. I'll lie down, lock myself, I'm not afraid of anyone. Quiet walls, quiet corners. The corners are asleep and I (name) went to bed. Goy. "

8. “Around our courtyard, there is a stone mountain, an iron tyn, and a copper gate. From the east to the west it is locked by Svarog. Goy! (3 times) "Or:" Around our yard, there is a stone mountain, from the east to the west Veles is sealed. Goy! "

9. "Bless, Svarozhe, the door and collar for God's holy night."

10. "Bless, Svarozhe, for God's holy night all sorts of things, window windows, brevet holes, slits, a door, a collar."

11. "Holy Veles, put my sleep on a feather on God's holy night"

Since time immemorial, the Slavs have used conspiracies and rituals, some of which we will never reproduce. But, old Slavic conspiracies are known, which were passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. They are strong, effective and are in harmony with the forces of nature, because it was from there that our ancestors drew their energy. Enchant love, attract wealth, bring a liar to clean water, find the lost - all this, and much more, if you use the magic of the ancient Slavs correctly.

Such magic was practiced by the Magi, who devoted themselves to working with the forces of nature, interacting with spirits. Strong conspiracies from time immemorial need to be pronounced wisely - they have tremendous power that you can curb. Use the magical experience of your ancestors and the truth will be revealed to you.

Sources of power of ancient Slavic magicians

History is often silent about the fact that the Slavs possessed powerful magic. There were no magicians or sorcerers, but there were powerful wise men - predictors of the future. They knew how to deal with the forces of nature, prayed to their own gods, made bloody sacrifices. Their magic was based on secret rituals. The Magi lived separately from human settlements so that the worldly vanity did not interfere with them. Where the sorcerer drew strength:

  • The energy of the Sun is the most powerful of all natural ones. Prayers were raised to the sun, sacrifices were made. When the sky was clear, the heavenly body was clearly visible - the Magi received directly energy that could be used.
  • Thunder and lightning are a natural phenomenon that carries a formidable destructive force. Only an old, experienced sorcerer knew how to curb such a borax.
  • Land. This is the beginning and end of everything. They walked barefoot in order to constantly feel their kinship with the Mother of all that exists. All sincere prayers to the earth will be heard.
  • Winds. Today we often use wind energy, but the modern world has become more complicated - there are less and less open spaces, which means that the wind is squeezed in the grip of the city, buildings, structures. In the days of the ancient Slavs, the winds walked the earth without barriers, this energy could deliver spells anywhere in an instant.
  • Water. Its soft power is able to heal diseases, carry messages, carry away unhappy love, wash away curses, evil eyes, damage.

The Magi kept their rituals in the strictest confidence, so that with one eye to see the rituals, a person could pay with his life.

Who can repeat these rituals

Preserved records of rituals, manuscripts telling about the secrets of ancient magicians. There are few of them, they are kept in the strictest confidence even now. Some details, texts, words of power have leaked into the modern world and have become available on the Internet.

The keepers of ancient secrets warn that it is impossible to use the most ancient Slavic conspiracies unprepared, it is dangerous. In order to prepare, you must:

  • Firm faith in the forces to which you cry.
  • Unshakable will. White forces are sure to test you - there can be hard, realistic dreams.
  • You need to know all the texts by heart. Reading from a piece of paper during the ceremony is not allowed.
  • Offer prayers to the forces of nature.
  • Meditate often. When your mind is at rest, you can discover hidden powers within yourself.
  • Awaken the visualization - this is very important.
  • Perform the rites exactly as written, without deviations. If you need an oak leaf to carry it out, you must use it. Replacing a magic item can be fraught with unpredictable consequences.

If you follow all these rules, be ready to unleash powerful forces in yourself.

Ancient Slavic conspiracy for love

The Slavs revered love and offered prayers to her. In their pagan pantheon there was the goddess Lada, personifying beauty, love, family hearth. She was the best assistant in love affairs. She could return a loved one, bring a good husband to a girl, give passion, strengthen feelings. It was to Lada that young girls who dreamed of speaking love turned to.

A very strong conspiracy, which can even be considered a love spell, is done in the summer. You will need:

  • A bouquet of cornflowers.
  • Three leaves of oak.
  • White candle.

If there is a man whom you want to fall in love with, tie, bewitch with love - collect a bouquet of cornflowers in the field, bring it home. You will need to boil water, brew three oak leaves in it, but first they are spoken about. Text:

“On the eastern side there is the Okiyan-sea, on that Okiyan-sea there is an oak deck, and on that oak deck, Fear-Rakh sits. I will submit to that Fear - Rahu and pray. Create for me Fear-Rach seventy-seven winds, seventy-seven whirlwinds, midday wind, midnight wind, dry wind, which dried forests, crumbled dark forests, green herbs, fast rivers, and so the child of God would dry up, crash about me (the name is spoken) ... Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! "

You will get water, which you need to wash without wiping, and what is left is to pour it out under a tree on the street. Goddess Lada will literally tag you for the man she needs. He will not be able to pass by, he will not take his eyes off.

An old Russian conspiracy to find the missing thing

If something is missing or lost in the house - the thing needs to be called. She will answer the right call.

  • Go out in a windy field.
  • Read to the wind in a loud voice:

“The lost thing, come back to me, come off the floor, come to me. If someone took it, then lost it a hundred times. If I lost, I called the thing back. At home, all the bins and barns are full, that which belongs to me can not leave me. Amen".

  • You need to leave without turning around.

The thing will soon be found in the place where you least expect to see it. Perhaps your Brownie tried here, another echo of the beliefs of the Slavs. He guards the house, protects peace and comfort in it, but sometimes he loves to play with you.

Better to appease him - put a gingerbread on the floor at night. The brownie can play very evil jokes with you, remember this, do not disturb your home comfort. Anything negative that happens in the house can make the Brownie very angry.

Conspiracy to return stolen goods, death of a thief

If the thing was stolen, you will need another ancient Slavic conspiracy, which is read at midnight on a red candle. Light it up, hold it at arm's length. Read aloud three times:

“The red candle burns, like my pain boils, like my bitter grief, like irrepressible sorrow. It burns and jars, smokes and torments, the one who stole the thing will return it, otherwise he will regret it. He will not sleep at night anymore, he will not live and know the world. My thing will return to me, to its owner. Amen".

If you really want not only to return the stolen goods, but also to punish the thief, it is worth reading during a thunderstorm. As soon as lightning flashes, say loudly:

“Let the one who took (name of the object) from me lost a hundred times more. There will be no thief of rest and peace until my thing returns to me. The thief will be a beggar, he will be hungry. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This is a very powerful spell that invokes Justice. The punishment will come to the thief in the form of financial losses. Be careful, the thief will be severely punished.

Slavic ritual of exorcism

In the old days, it was believed that the disease that settled in the body was the leprosy of demons. They are able to steal health, penetrate the body, spread disease. The weaker the spirit, the easier it is for demons to take possession of the body, to destroy it from the inside.

Here the pagan god Semargl-Svarozhich could have protected. He occupies one of the most honorable places in the Pantheon - the Lord of Fire, bringing fertility, protection, expelling the dark forces. It is he who is called to heal diseases, burn them out.

  • Take the red candle.
  • Light up and say prayers:

“Semargl-Svarozhich! Ognebozhich is great! Slept a pain-ailment, cleanse the womb, in the child of people (name ..), in every creature, in the old and young, You are God's Delight! Purifying with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, so that the ailment perishes. We glorify you, we call upon you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Tako byst, tako, wake up tako! "

Pass the candle over the patient's body, the path of the candle light will drive away all negative, illuminate the path for healing energy.

  • On the candle you will need to carve the name of the patient with a knife.
  • Cast spells while continuing to move the candle over the patient:

“I will become blessed, I will go to the blue sea, on the blue sea the white-combustible stone Alatyr, on the stone Alatyr the Goddess Jiva sits, holding a white swan in white hands, plucking the white wing of the swan. As the white wing bounced off, bounce back, jump back, recoil from (the name is spoken) birthmarks, fever and fever - Wheezing, Lomey, Decrepit, Drowsy, Wind, Trouble, Chilly, Shaking, Fire, Dumb, Yellowing Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a violent little head with clear eyes, with black eyebrows, with a white calf, with a zealous heart. From the wind came - go to the wind, came from the water - go to the water, came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century ”.

Ancient ritual of changing fate

Strong rituals that can radically change fate can be dangerous to pronounce. You never know exactly how spells will turn out. Such a ceremony was performed by an experienced sorcerer who knows how to predict fate, look beyond what is permitted. It is impossible to tell about how to see the future - this knowledge remained secret.

If life torments with its blows, everything falls out of hand, relationships, career collapses, illnesses do not give rest - demons and evil spirits have firmly seized a person. This gloomy evil deity Chernobog - Navy marked his soul, which means that after death the soul will be obliged to serve him. To change this fate - prayers will no longer help. The ritual is performed at night, for this you will need the help of a second magician. Need to:

  • Collect the earth next to the sufferer's house in a black bag.
  • Take the earth from the house of the lucky man, put it in a white bag.
  • Pay a beggar three coins before the ritual.
  • Light 10 wax candles.
  • Let the one, whose fate will be changed, kneel, and the wise men (magicians) should stand on either side of him.
  • Put the candles in a circle, light them.

The words of the spell are read to the ground from a black bag:

“To free a soul, one must kill the past. All adversity is behind, another life is ahead. The gloomy ruler Chernobog didn’t save this soul, he won’t get it, he won’t take it, he won’t take it into the dark world. We conjure and call, burn us with light-fire. "

You cannot go outside the circle, now the passage is open for both light energy and dark. There is a struggle for the soul. The Magi clearly felt whether they could win, take away the soul of the sufferer and return him the possibility of a quiet life.

  • Take the land from the yard of the lucky man's house, read above it:

“Veles is the patron god! Svargi yard guard! And we glorify you all dear, for you are our spade and support. And do not leave us without a scrutiny, and protect our fat flocks from the pestilence, and fill our granaries with good, so that we will be in one with you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Tako byst, tako, wake up tako! "

  • After that, the ceremony is completed. It will be possible to leave the circle of candles only when they burn out completely.
  • The earth from the red bag should be poured out at the door of the sufferer.

Fate will change, but only the sorcerer could predict what it will be.

Required tools and materials for performing rituals

In order for these strong ancient conspiracies to help, it is necessary to respect the pagan gods of the ancient Slavs. They patronize this magic through the forces of nature, the energies of the elements. Know the Pantheon, offer them prayers in a respectful manner.

  • Perun is a thunderer, the main deity. They ask him for strength and patronage not only in magical matters.
  • Stibog is the lord of the winds. He could send winds or he could calm them down.
  • Semargl is the messenger of fate, the patron saint of fortune-tellers.
  • Lada is the goddess of love, the patroness of women.

Stibog Idols of Slavic Gods Genus Idols of Slavic Gods

It is necessary to use only natural materials - wood, wax, grass, homespun cloth for making ritual garments. Frequent attributes of conspiracies and rituals remain:

  • Knives;
  • Flowers;
  • River (living) water;
  • Leaves of oak, ash, birch;
  • Land;
  • Silver.

Everything that carries a charge of nature does not contain artificial impurities - plastics, metal alloys, synthetics, will serve as an excellent conductor of energy. If you want to develop exactly the ancient Slavic magic tradition, to practice it, then you will have to get these materials, make, purchase from the masters. This pure white magic is more widespread than you think, even today, ancient Slavic magic has many ardent followers.

Many modern people know that in ancient times people were closely associated with nature. They used the energy that was endowed with those or other objects to invoke wealth, prosperity, love, and heal from ailments. Some ancient conspiracies of the Slavs are very strong and were even capable of drastically changing the fate. Most of these spells have not survived to our times, having sunk into oblivion. However, a lot has come down to us from our ancestors. Hereditary sorcerers still keep ancient Slavic secrets, passing them on from generation to generation in order to help ordinary people get rid of everyday problems. And today we will open the veil of the past and describe some of the rituals that our ancestors used to protect their homes, achieve success, and heal from diseases.

In the magical world of conspiracies, prayers and spells of the ancient Slavs were considered the most powerful. The complexity of the ceremonies greatly surpasses the practice of other peoples, and therefore they are very effective.

The fact that the most powerful rituals are the conspiracies of the ancient Slavs can be seen firsthand. History knows many cases when magical energy, summoned for a specific purpose, helped people. However, in general, only scraps of eyewitness accounts have come down to us. They testified that the study of magic and spells lasted more than twenty years. But very few managed to get real strength.

The secret possessed by the Slavs who knew the power of nature was inherited. It consisted in the fact that during the practice it was necessary to achieve harmony with nature. Ancient Slavic spells and conspiracies are based on chants, the rhythm of which must coincide with the vibrations of earthly energy. Having cognized the unity of prayer and nature, you can get a powerful spell.

Below we present simple but equally effective Slavic magical texts. They can be mastered even by a beginner without special training. The main thing is to try to hum the words. At the same time, try to stretch the vowels and change the tone of the voice.

How to carry out the rituals?

Conspiracies, prayers and spells used by the Slavs provided for some rules. Firstly, during the ceremony, the sage's mind must be clean. It is impossible that contact with nature occurs under the influence of alcoholic beverages, drugs, tobacco. Secondly, a great concentration of forces will be required. To do this, three days before the ceremony, one should fast. At the same time, it is recommended to read daily prayers. They help to achieve peace and concentration.

In addition, when carrying out the ceremony, it is necessary to think only about the good. It is worth noting that all the conspiracies of the ancient Slavs were directed only for the good. Accordingly, when you read a conspiracy or prayers against enemies (ill-wishers), be guided by the goal of protecting your loved ones. You should not think about hatred and get angry during the ceremony.

One more point - ancient Slavic spells can lose their power. As a rule, this can happen if magic texts and conspiracies are used incorrectly. This mainly concerns the commercial component. After all, prayers should help free of charge. If you try to make money in this way, it may be fraught with the loss of the magic powers of the sorcerer.

Correctly applying the conspiracies of our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, you can not be afraid for the consequences. Light magic will not harm a person and will not affect his family. We offer you some of the most popular and very powerful Slavic prayers. They will help ward off adversity, preserve the family, health, take away the ill-wisher, etc.

Rite of love

Many people decide to attract love into their lives after experiencing the bitter experience of relationships. This conspiracy of the ancient Slavs helps in such situations. The ritual described below will help you soon find your betrothed.

For the conspiracy to be effective, you should get up early in the morning and go out into the field. Find a young birch tree and hug her. Looking at the dawn, you need to chant the words:

“Oh, beautiful birch tree! Help me, help me. Send me happiness and love. As birds build nests in pairs, so I want to live with my darling! "

The text of the prayer should be said 7 times in a row. Then you must definitely thank the tree. After this ceremony, you can return home. You will not have to wait long for the effect. After a few months, you can meet your betrothed.

Rite of passage to attract a loved one

This conspiracy is considered to be very powerful. You can resort to it if there is a person whose gaze you want to turn on yourself. To attract a man, to make him fall in love with you, you need to collect in the summer:

  • a bouquet of cornflowers;
  • 3 oak leaves.

Having brought everything home, the oak leaves should first be spoken. For this ritual, you will need a church candle. Having ignited it, the words of the prayer should be read over the leaves:

“On the east side there is the Sea-Ocean. In it lies an oak deck, and on it sits Fear-Rah. I will obey him, pray, ask for help. Create for me seventy-seven winds, whirlwinds, so that they crush forests, and dry grasses and rivers. So the slave (name and surname of the beloved) crashed over me. It will be so, so it will be! ".

After reading the words of the conspiracy, you should brew oak leaves in a little water. When the broth cools down, wash with it. You should not wipe yourself off after the ritual, and pour out the remaining water. It is advisable to pour the charmed broth under a young tree.

Conspiracy for well-being

As can be seen from books and ancient legends, the Slavs have always had good harvests. And if the earth has disfigured, then the rest will be enough. This conspiracy helped the ancestors achieve prosperity.

The ceremony was performed over a freshly plowed bed. A handful of grain was placed in the furrow. He was poured with beer while uttering magic words at the same time. Faced to the east side, they said:

“Mother Damp Earth, take away all evil spirits from a love spell. Take away every reptile from an evil deed! ".

Having faced the west, they pronounced a conspiracy:

"Mother Damp Earth, absorb all evil spirits and bad power into a seething abyss, into a boiling resin!"

Facing north:

"Mother Damp Earth, pacify the midnight winds, curb the frosts and blizzards!"

After each call, it was worth pouring beer into a freshly plowed furrow. The ceremony ended with the fact that the witch covered the furrow with grain with earth. At the same time, a handful of earth was put in a bag and kept in the house as a talisman.

Rite of passage to protect the house

Among the Slavs, the guardian of the house was considered the main task. Therefore, conspiracies, prayers and spells that originated in ancient times were dedicated to protecting their home. The magical texts were sent to the Domovoi, since it was believed that he was the reliable defender of the house.

To carry out such a ritual, you need to wait for the evening. When it gets dark, you should repeat the words of the prayer three times:

“Good Grandpa Brownie! Watch the house and don't sleep! Keep everything in it and go on watch! So that evil people and thieves avoid the house! "

For the conspiracy to work, you need to appease the Brownie Grandfather. Prepare some kind of treat for him and after reading the conspiracies, leave the treat on the closet.

Rite of passage before childbirth

The birth of a baby, both now and earlier, was considered a miracle of nature. Among the Slavs, this process was even considered magical. And so they read special prayers before giving birth. Such conspiracies helped to successfully complete childbirth, so that a healthy and strong baby was born.

The following words should be pronounced over the woman in labor:

“Mother in labor! Hear our prayer service! Accept our bloodless gifts! Grant a healthy child to a woman in labor (name of a woman in labor), so that our ancestral line will never be interrupted! We sing Your name and Your glory, we invite you to the mansion! We will be so from circle to circle, now and forever! ".

This prayer of our ancient ancestors, the Slavs, should be repeated three times. Such a ceremony promises to give birth to a strong and healthy child for a woman.

Rite of passage for happiness

As previously mentioned, Slavic conspiracies are very strong. They help in a variety of situations:

  • cope with everyday and everyday problems;
  • improve health;
  • discourage the enemy and much more.

But there are rituals that can attract happiness and ward off trouble. If you are haunted by a black streak, try to use strong magical conspiracies of the old Slavs. One of them looks like this.

You should wake up early at dawn. Turning to the rising sun, you need to say the words:

“Oh you, Mother Purest, Mother Lada! Don't leave us! Send your grace to us, do not leave us without happiness and love! We honor and glorify you, while Yarilo shines for us! It will be so, it will be! "

As it may seem, Slavic spells and conspiracies are quite simple. However, in order to achieve the desired result, great concentration is required to conduct the rituals. If you decide to resort to the magical powers and knowledge of the ancient Slavs, try to correctly follow all the recommendations.