Status about the long-awaited son. Statuses about the son

The statuses about two sons - so much happiness bring to us by children - we are shining, become Bodray, and there is no more joy, believe me, than pride for your favorite sons!

My angel, sunshine, son. You are the most important for me on the entire planet. Know that you will forever be my baby, and that I love you, I'm most in the world!

Two good sons in me, two hopes, two living fire, the time beats the great track. I have two youths in stock, life burns in me is restless, I have two eternity - two sons !!

Two Sons, two hopes, two wings, plagin and sinful justification, two people, two of my eagle, two strings unanimous sound!

Good to have two sons, two of my hopes, two supports

I have two sons, two fire, happiness does not say words

Flows reliable in their veins blood -
After all, the nobility has not been sentenced,
Thank you, boys, for love,
What has become a worthy rear for me.

My children are my wings behind your back, my children are my stars over the ground. My children are my happiness forever, my children - both wealth, and year ... My children - the continuation of mine, my children are that God is given to me!

C Streets came two pieces of dirt: they say that they are my children: I will go without me - in voting it seems like.

They are the same, but their native mother never confuses!

Khrand, fate, our children !!! Yes, there will be even their road !!! And let the richness of the bowl of not a share, but here you give a lot of health !!!

What happiness do children bring to us ... We shine, become kindes! .. And there is no greater joy in the world, than pride for your favorite sons ...

Too fast years fly.
However, it is not so important.
My boys, sons,
With you, nothing is scary to me!

I often ask the question of what son I love more: senior or younger. But this is how to ask what foot I love more: left or right, less beloved, leg.

The best sons in the world - their own.

How well, when there are children at home! I went to - stumbled about the pan, fell, and here on happiness the pillow lies! In the bathroom - shoes, in the kitchen - soap, in the bedroom of gingerbread. And most importantly - everything is at hand!

Let happiness go to hand with you,
For sorrow there are no reasons
And the sky your life takes -
My boys ... Sons ... Men.

I won't be afraid of me - I already have children ...

Present happiness is when there is a big and little boy in your life ...

So much that could pass by !!!
But here it is happiness - two guys, two sons !!!

How cool to be a mom of two boys!
(And it's anything clear without words)

My boys, sons ...
I remember day yesterday.
You are big now, and I ...
No, not old - just older.

There is in the Word Happiness - the word "sons",
Gift over much that insanely sweet,
My boys are the joy of being,
And two wings me from destiny as a reward.

Husbands will not tell wives that they have in the soul! Never! So sons always keep their emotions inside. No matter how much the mother did not try to bring at least the slightest trifle, the feelings of the guys always remain over the seven inaccessible locks. To talk to talk to a variety of tricks. And the statuses about the Son with meaning is one of these new ways to make a native person to come out about the conversation. After our site, you can find statements for any reason. Good and pregnant quotation in honor of your favorite boy, which inspires other men to remember the parents All different, therefore, the approach to each should also be individual. One is always next to you, and the other believes that his parents about him at all forgot, place the beautiful status about the son, give him confidence in your love!

Short and with the meaning of the statuses about the Son

The statuses about the son with meaning will tell about your most reverent feelings for him. If you know that he will go to your social page, place a post about it, give him a reason to smile and be in a good mood throughout the day! Believe me, he will definitely appreciate this, because such an act, it will surely inspire him! Having installed an interesting statement on his page, you can probably touch the most soul locks. Do not doubt, he is waiting for your warm words. We have tried to collect all the best phrases and quotes in one place and distributed them into categories to make it easier for you to find phraseologism for your husband, moms and other people close to you. The abstract status about the Son with meaning is The best way to talk to him, even if not on a straight!

Come to us and reunite a scattered family using the easiest way on the planet, cool status!

The statuses about the son are beautiful - the son is a man who is impossible to obey never.

Happiness for Mom is a smile of a baby that he wore under his heart ... The first word and the first chamber when a son falls asleep on his hands. Happiness is not measured for years ... Happiness for a woman just be a mom!

At night, my mother beyond the crib and whispering her tinsel quinch: "You just don't pain, my bunny is sweet, I ask you, you just don't get pain," when the disease approaches the child, the maternal soul rises. And mom does not fall asleep to the cheek until the morning, clinging the baby's palm.

You sleep, my little friend, innocently heart angel. To the bed quietly approach, and the kiss in a brush ...

My precious son ... my native blood,
Huge pride overflow
So limitless to the son of Mine Love,
I can't imagine my life without any life ...

I once said my son - I want to be ... like a bird you have ... Wooot such wings ... I began to fly on my shoulder, felt the power ... "And where would I fly?" I asked him ... Son replied -Ydu ... Moms do not fly !!! Moms are always wings ... Babies close ...

How good when there is a son! He is the best of men!
My sun is a golden ray, smile, that is always with me!
There are more beautiful in the world of happiness! My soul is bright light!
How good when there is a son! He is the most important of men!

Kiss gently soft handmade,
Touching your lips to the rose barely,
Heart freezes from love for a son,
For me, there is no better creature in the world!

There is a miracle in the apartment ,; there is no love of his loved ones in the world. Like lakes saucer-eyes, a little gnome from a fairy tale

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, he gives her son ...

The best man in the world got me! He calls me "Mom"!

Only when you approach the bed, where you sleep your little baby, you understand truly what happiness

Pelainka, cereal is inevitable; And others do not avoid trouble. But the main thing is that the believer tenderness that the baby gave you. You will bring any testing, now you can not go to you, above the titles of all - the title is only one, one indispensable title is a mother! You will now be no boredom now, now the sadness will come to zero - when the baby stretches to you and says: "Mommy! I love you so much!"

In the life of every woman, happiness comes sooner or later ... Recognize it is very easy: he has the most delicious cheeks, the most tender smile, and the most sincere eyes!

I am standing at the bed of the Son,
He fell asleep, but I won't sleep.
Grew by my little man,
I came to pray for him.

Do you know what the children smell? Almond milk, dew at dawn ... with hands in caramel, milk chocolate. Chamomiles in the garden. Fragrant grapes ... breathing the smell of childhood, the only one in the world, can I say for sure that the children smell like happiness !!!

You are my son - my happiness, we will beat all the bad weather ... I will sleep yours - to guard and protect you ... For a long time I waited for you ... You are now my whole life ... How I love you !!!

I have angel, and his name is a son! And the son has security, and the name is the guard - Mom!

How good when there is a son! He is the best of men! My sun is a golden ray, smile, that is always with me! There are more beautiful in the world of happiness! My soul is bright light! How good when there is a son! He is the most important of men

In my life there is a single man who can not tolerate when I stand at the slab or my dishes. He takes my hand and leads to dance. This man is my little son.

Son stronger hugging,
And smell feeling him
I walked God that lively ...
No need nothing more ...

I'm talking to a man
Good, beautiful,
Affectionate son!
Proud and bold
Very worker!
Loving, Mista
Son of the present!

No in the light of greater happiness,
How to hear the first cry of the Son,
And look at him, admiring
Understanding: "He is the most beautiful!"

We love you without any reason
For the fact that you are grandson,
For the fact that you are a son,
For the fact that the kid
For growing
For the fact that the dad and mom looks like.
And this love is until the end of your days
It will remain a mystery of your body.

I love you to tremors,
I love you before trepidation,
My baby, my good,
My writing, my note

Hug a son
Firmly and warm
While smelling cheek
Childhood and good.

Given to me a great role
Be a mom of a wonderful son ...
I am very proud of you
My little man!

On the crib, he lies, the legs breaks, quietly the spike spit, the eyes opens. More life I love this boy! My good, my native little son!

I really believe and hope that an hour when the term comes
I will say an adult man: "I am so proud of you, son!"

Makushenka on the son of a son ... That's the most sweet in this life ... You don't need to kiss ... And the sweets do not need ... and it doesn't matter how much the son of years ... still sweet kissing ...

There is one angel on Earth, which in his little hand holds, at least two hearts, makes you smile and does not allow to miss - this is a mummy and dad joy. Little gangster, a small general, sweet son.

My son is my wings behind your back! My son is my stars above the ground! My son is my happiness forever! My son - you are my air and water!

Son is the most native man for the mother, the closest person for the Father. Son is a support, pride, the biggest love. The son is the embodiment of the hoping unstable in her youth, this is a continuation of the kind, it is a small sprout in an infinite future.

You can talk about my son a lot, to think for a long time, it does not leave your parents anxiety about him all my life. Any number of words will not be enough to describe the feelings to the son.

The poetic lines about the son also written many. But every mother and every father would be happy to hear poems about the Son, telling exactly about their child. The sublime feelings should be described in a special form, which poems are.

There are many cases when the presentation of the poetic work as a gift for the son will be the most appropriate:

  • birthday or anniversary;
  • marriage day;
  • birth of grandson or granddaughter;
  • graduation;
  • obtaining a diploma;
  • successfully weathered exams;
  • getting a driver's license.

This list can be continued, because each joyful event will be decorated with good poems. And if the poem exists in a single copy and is intended only for one person, it becomes valuable doubly.

However, it is worth saying that the bad poems about the son are worse than ill-faced words in prose. If you write poems about the most necessary and loved one, then you need to do it qualitatively. Even the verses of love men and women can be poor-quality or bad. A poem about your child should be touching, written from the soul, beautiful, memorable.

How to make poems for a son are truly good if there are no versets of renovation, and the need to express your feelings? Outputs are two - find ready-made lines, fully expressing what parents feel, or order writing such an essay to this professional.

Where to find a professional to execute the task of writing poems? The answer is simple - there are many of them enough on the Internet. Various sites offer a service - an essay of poems to holidays, to certain dates, for a particular person. It should be given descriptions of the nature of your son, his advantages and hobbies, say, what feelings need to be expressed in verses for a son.

Son for his parents is the best, most beautiful, smartest and capable. These feelings combine all moms and dads. But each person has its own personality, which is important to express in verses addressed to him. Sometimes the work written to order is very successful. The author can accurately guess the mood and feeling of the customer. But for this you need to have talent and extensive experience.

It will be very disappointing if a good desire is spoiled by inept execution. Even if the poems are written to order, they can be talented or mediocre. The choice of the most worthy performer of his idea is the most difficult task. Certifying her will help reviews of people who have already done a similar order for poems. Literacy and quality of finished essays can be determined by examples of work and even on the design of the Internet page. But only a few authors know how to invest in the written lines of the soul particle. To do this, you have to be a real poet and have a talent.

Write poems about the Son independently or make an order - ultimately no matter. Poems are only the expression of feelings experienced. The better they will be expressed, the more positive emotions will receive a donator, son and all others.

Poems for the Son is an original and memorable gift. It may be just a sign of attention, because it is always nice to speak your favorite kind words. Any decor is a solemn or homemade, will be decorated with reading beautiful poems. Merry or solemn, kind or humorous, solemn or touching, poems are appropriate on any holiday.

In this article, you will find relevant, smart, original statuses about the son for contact, Facebook, classmates.

Too obedient sons never reach much.

In the family of programmers born a child weighing two megabytes five hundred kilobyte ...

Here it is, happiness - came up, slipped, got out and now sleep!

Father and sovie feelings are different: the father nourishes the love of his son, and the son eats love for his father's memory.

Children flowers of life! My flower has been supported again!

His smile is more expensive than everyone in the world!

If your son loves to draw on the walls, ask him from where the paint. Perhaps this is ketchup, and if the drawing is brown? - It's scary.

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, he gives her son ...

First, the father is in everything for his son, then the son is everywhere for his father.

Gold is not what shines, but what runs around the house, does not eat porridge and breed a mess!

When I have a son, there will be someone better than me.

Every day, looking at the Son, please: God forbid a man!

Husband is responsible for his wife, and for the mother - son.

The only man for whom I die will be my son!

My son appeared on the world! New life began! While my heart will fight! Oh, anyone who throws, hold on ...

Sons understand fathers when they become grandparents.

It is not evidence that we knew the rich sons who are trembling the wise father.

Who regrets his rogues, he hates his son; And who loves, he punishes him since childhood. King Solomon

To the question "What is love?" My son replied: - Love is Mom.

In peacetime, the sons are buried by fathers, and in war fathers - sons. Herodotus

My great happiness is my little son!

The fact that they forget sons are trying to remember grandchildren. Eilis Rossi.

The best and most beloved man is a son.

A good son can bring to parents only one grief: Mount because he is sick. Confucius.

An ideal man can only give birth to the most.

In the upbringing of children, the main thing is that they do not notice.

Life makes sense only when you live for someone besides yourself.

Previously, what will you start to raise your children, check your own behavior. A. S. Makarenko

The only man able to successfully command a woman is a son! Fazil Iskander

For a woman, it is more expensive than all men - the son-born

All the gravation and flour of childbirth go to the side as soon as you see this little creation and realize that it is your child.

Boys - a serious test for human patience, but dealing in girls, God sees, incomparably painful. Louise May Olkott.

The embodiment of the greed: this is when we are with my son after washing Delim - where whose socks are ...

How to educate children, everyone knows, with the exception of those who have them.

In the meantime, the baby is a little baby, I enjoy every minute the most important miracle on the planet. Happiness in life is our children ...

Children need no teaching, but examples.

The welfare of the entire people depends on the proper education of children.

Be both a man and a baby in order to teach a child.

Children need no teaching, but examples. Joseph Juber.

I allow myself to be myself only before one man's son.

Worth a miracle on the apartment. There is no love of his favorite in the world. Like a saucer-eye lakes, a small gnome from a fairy tale.

For the upbringing of young minds it is useful for useful.

Happiness has chubby brushes, big eyes and small spout.

Good upbringing is just those who do not need upbringing.

I have angel, and his name is a son! And the son has security, and the name is the guard - Mom!

If the upbringing of boys requires more effort - make more effort. Margaret MID.

You live in every beat of my heart.

Raising children - it is not to give them to get used ahead of time.

So, son, chamber, still a chamber. Well done! Masha, carrying the chamber soon - the Son from Graduation Returned! 🙂

In the name of the Father, and Son, and Good Education. Belt.

The best man in the world got me! He calls me "Mom"!

If your son stands the mountain for his wife - be proud, you raised a real man. And what did you grow up your son - your old age will show.

Ring a child is how to give birth to your own heart and wear it in your arms and in thoughts all my life.

Do not interfere in your husband's business with my wife, do not interfere in the Father's affairs with her son.

SMS came from the Son: "Moms I have 19 lessons today, I will be in the morning." "Well the Son, only the covers for tutorials put on."

If the son develops his father, his father moves the old son's pants. Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Uncomfortable - when the Son on the neighbor is similar!

All a person envies, besides his son and his student. Wise men Talmuda

Nothing can be better than keeping a piece of yourself in your hands ...

Your son lives his life. It's time to love your own.

Parents presented a son for the birthday of the son: "Droin free!"

The worst thing that can happen to a little man is to be the son of the Great Father. Austin O'Malli

The most expensive bracelet is a rubber band, on which the weight, growth and time of the appearance of your baby is written!

It is not surprising that the son of the way, because his father was distinguished by great wisdom. Abulkasim Firdusi.

Son on the joy of all born - immediately the house was transformed!

Father loves his son, and her son loves her son. Wise men Talmuda

Quietly spitting up, hugging my mother, so he is lying on, my piece of paradise!

Many sons would send in the footsteps of fathers if they were not afraid that they were caught by this activity.

You are surname - and I have a son!

My son is a white light of the light!

My son grows, the most gentle chicks!

When the parents are smart and virtuously modest, then fragon and sons. Sebastian Brand.

Lessons learned! I'm hoarbled, son ogloh ...

So much that could pass by. But here it is happiness - to be a mummy of the Son!

I gave my son my life, and he - her meaning.

I could betray my king, but not my son.

I am not a model appearance at all, but I will not bathe over it. My son told me with the tenderness that Mamuly his beauty!

The touching statuses about the son, beautiful short from mom with meaning, about the son and daughter, about the birth of the son, about her husband and son, about two sons, about the birthday of the son, about the army, an adult and a small son.