Dark spots on the face of causes and treatment. How to deal with hyperpigmentation on the face: drug, hardware and cosmetology treatment methods

The theme of this article: Pigment stains on the face, their causes and treatment. Often, finding any imperfections on your face, a woman begins to feverishly search for funds for their elimination. Creams and lotions are immediately bought, folk remedies are searched for another attack. It also happens if it appears on the skin.

But before you try to get rid of those who appeared on the face of stains with cosmetics, we recommend understanding the reasons for the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

These dark spots on our face are not always dependent on the state of the skin, the reasons often lie in the state of our body.

What makes pigmentation

So, most often all sorts of spots on the skin appears at the age of 35-40, but they may appear before, and later. We know that in the epidermis, surface layer of the skin, contains a pigment melanin, giving our skin to color. The stains are formed where this pigment accumulates, it is precisely in such local places that their spots and freckles appear.

In color, they can be from a light yellow shade to brown, can eventually disappear over time or pale. But sometimes the accumulations of melanin are formed in deeper layers of the skin, such stains have a dark brown color and a larger size, and can also form small elevations on the surface.

Types of pigment spots that highlight experts:

  • moles and birthmarks (congenital and acquired),
  • lentigo (appear in the elderly),
  • chloasma (appear during pregnancy and in the disease of the liver, ovarian, etc.),
  • freckles (reddish specks appealing in some people in spring).

What do pigment spots talk about our health?

The reasons for the production and concentration of the increased amount of coloring pigment in the skin set. Spots themselves are usually not scary, but they can become a signal about a possible health problem.
1. The first moles can even be in newborns - this indicates the genetic predisposition of the body.

2. We all know that ultraviolet may seriously damage the skin of the face if it is for a long time under the active Sun or often visiting the solarium. In the pursuit of a smooth chocolate burner, you can get the opposite effect: it can lie unevenly due to the clusters of melanin and harvest appearance. The face skin is particularly sensitive to the Sun in the spring time, then pronounced pigmentation may appear when the sun is too active, and the skin is pale and not protected.

3. Pigmentation may arise due to different types of injuries: burns, furuncoolose and skin rash or become the consequence of unsuccessful skin peeling. Here you can cope, applying local treatment, but there are more serious cases when it is necessary to treat the skin comprehensively.

4. Diseases of internal organs: liver and gallbladder, intestines and kidneys can lead to hyperpigmentation. If the intestine does not work well, red specks may appear on the skin. During problems with the liver and biliary tracts, brown spots appear. With kidney diseases - yellow and yellowish brown. All these symptoms will leave if establishing proper nutrition and treat the main disease. Cosmetic masks and lotions will help whiten the skin.

5. The defective nutrition and shortage of vitamins can also cause the skin pigmentation, especially if there is not enough vitamin C, copper and other trace elements. As soon as the deficit is fed, the stains will disappear.

6. Under the influence of stress, nerve overloads and in the presence of nervous disorders, metabolic processes in the body are violated, and this leads to disorders in the development of melanin and its distribution in the epidermis and dermis. Fighting with pigment stains should be started not from cosmetic procedures, but from the harmonization of its mental state.

7. Reception of antibiotics, especially large doses and for a long time, can affect the face in the form of dark spots. Here you need to consult with the attending physician.

8. Subcase cosmetics often causes allergies, rash and stains. Therefore, use proven and high-quality care products, always test it and immediately throw away if the creams are not suitable for you. Very frequent skin peelings can lead to this, as the skin is deprived of its protective layer and is actively exposed to external influences.

7. Spots (chloasmma) can be called hormonal changes and diseases, for example: menstruation, pregnancy, disorders of the functions of the thyroid gland and gynecological diseases. Chloasma have, as a rule, the incorrect shape of brown. Experts do not advise independently remove this cosmetic defect, first of all it is necessary to normalize the hormonal background itself and seek help from specialists.
During pregnancy, not to harm the fetus, it is impossible to use potent agents, especially containing mercury, salicylic acid, green soap, hydrochitone, retinol.

10. Age leads to the inevitable aging of the skin when the stains of varying degrees of intensity can perform on the face, neck and hands. Hormonal age restructuring of the body can cause an uneven distribution of melanin in the skin. It is aggravated by chronic diseases, which becomes more and more.

How to protect the skin from the appearance of pigmentation

Any problem is better to warn than in the consequence for a long time and hard to decide. There are several steps that will help prevent dark spots or at least make them less noticeable.

♦ The first thing that will help, this is full of its moisturizing, nutrition and protection. Healthy skin, not experiencing shortage in nutrients, will correctly produce a pigment melanin.
♦ Second, it is a full nutrition rich in vitamins. Especially important for the prevention of pigment spots vitamins C and PR (nicotinic acid). In the winter-spring period, turn on citrus, onions, currants, sweet peppers in the diet, and additionally take pharmaceutical vitamins by courses for 2 weeks 3-4 times a year.
♦ Third, these are proven. Cosmetologists approve of procedures such as washing with sour milk and lactic serum, rubbing the face with juice parsley, homemade whitening masks from various vegetables and fruits.
♦ Fourth, mandatory. Sunlight makes stains and freckles more dark, especially this is noticeable in the spring. Spots may appear after an abundant summer tan, even if you use protective milk. Everything is very individual, but if you observe such a skin reaction, it is better to abandon long stay in the sun, use a hat, dark glasses and sunbathe in the shaded place in the morning until 11.00 and in the evening after 16.00.

All year round on sunny days should be protected by cosmetics with high degree uV-ray protection. On the labels of day creams and some tonal creams put the SPF icon and they write the number from 4 to 60. To find out how many minutes your skin is protected, multiply this figure by 15. If the duration of protection is small, apply the cream several times per day.

How to get rid of pigment spots effectively

As mentioned above: The main thing in the fight against pigmentation is to eliminate the causes of its occurrence. To do this, you may need to consult a doctor: a gynecologist, an endocrinologist or a gastroenterologist. If necessary, you need to undergo the treatment of the underlying disease, as a result, pigmentation will disappear or pale.

Naturally, a cosmetologist or dermatologist will help to cope with the problem of hyperpigmentation. In the arsenal of experts there are many salon procedures and funds that effectively whiten the face and remove stains. The selection of these procedures should be strictly individual and taking into account contraindications.

1. Most sought of different kinds: ultrasonic, laser, chemical, cryotherapy and phototherapy. They selectively affect the field of increased pigmentation, destroy and remove cells with a high melanin content.
♦ Chemical peeling is carried out through the effect of organic acids (fruit, glycolic) on the skin. As a result, the outer layer of the epidermis is shred, and the skin is updated with new cells without pronounced pigmentation.
♦ Ultrasound also helps in cleansing the epidermis, it is quite gentle and suits practical any skin type.

♦ The laser method is very effective, but it is traumatic and requires applying special means for regeneration. It is carried out mainly in winter when the exposure to the sun on the skin is minimal.
♦ When phototherapy, the hyperpigmentation zones affect high intensity light waves, as a result, the cells in pigment stains are destroyed and removed from the surface of the skin.

2. Various bleaching cosmetic, mercury, ascorbic acid, creams with licorice extracts, lactic acid, zinc oxide and other components are widely used. Not all these harmless creams, as they can cause the opposite effect and increase pigmentation. Some of them (for example, with retinol, mercury) are contraindicated in pregnancy and during breastfeeding, some should not be used in some chronic diseases.

Any whitening agent must be checked for an allergic reaction for 24 hours, to do this, apply cream to the inner elbow fold and leave for a day.

Experts recommend using fatty whitening ointments, as the toxic substances do not penetrate deeply into the skin. Applying a bleaching agent, during the first two weeks it is impossible to wash in order not to irritate the skin, use lotions or sour milk for cleansing. Using at home, bleaching cream with such active substances, like mercury or retinol, you risk damage to yourself, so you need to consult with a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The most secure for home care for pigmented cosmetics containing salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, perhydrol, milk and citric acid.

3. Folk recipes from pigment spots are also widespread. In many cases, when pigment stains are superficial and not related to serious health impairments, folk remedies, creams, masks and lotions prepared at home are helped. Most often used food and grass.

Wonderfully act on the skin kefir washings, rubbing in the darkened skin in the mornings and evenings of castor oil, lubrication of stains with lemon juice, "milk" dandelion. From herbs, vegetables and fruits you can prepare a variety of masks that will not only whiten the skin, but also feed it. This article provides

Pigmentation Masks

One of the most recognized and efficient masks from pigmentation is prepared from fresh cucumber. If you wish, you can add such ingredients such as parsley, lemon juice, etc. well in the mornings.

Cucumber - 1 piece

Rinse the cucumber well and soda on fine grater. Sleep squeeze juice and the resulting cleaner impose on the face and neck. Hold 30 minutes and just remove the remnants with a napkin.

This mask can be used to clarify the whole person or impose on pigmented areas. The mask is not recommended for very dry and sensitive skin, since the horseradish acts annoyingly and can lead to a skin burn.

Khrena - a small piece of fresh vegetable
Oxygen milk - ¼ cup
Oatmeal - 1 tablespoon

Fuck Clean the skin and finely soda. Oatmeal grind in a blender. Mix all the ingredients and let stand 2-3 minutes. The mixture is better not to apply immediately on the skin, but put it between two layers of gauze and hold on the face of 20 minutes. Wash clean water room temperature.

This mask based on onion juice is used only for skin in the field of pigment spots. For oily skin, the juice is better mixed with cutlery vinegar.

Onion - ½ fetus
Honey - ½ teaspoon

Sick the onion juice and mix it with honey in a 2: 1 proportion. You do not need a lot of mixtures. Lubricate the mixture of pigmented areas of the skin and leave for 20 minutes. With oily skin, mix onion juice with a cutlery vinegar in the proportion of 1: 1 and keep 15 minutes on a stain. Remove the masks with a wet cotton disk, and then blot with a dry napkin.

Many in the spring are bothering numerous freckles. Not everyone likes these spring specks. For their lightening there is a lot of recipes. Try to prepare a tool from parsley, honey and egg yolk. The skin will not only become lighter, but also will get a lot of useful substances for his health.

Parsley - 1 beam
Honey - 1 tablespoon
Egg - 1 piece

From fresh parses, prepare a decoction, for this pour the green ½ cup boiling water and let it be in a water bath of 25-30 minutes. Separate the yolk, stir it up and add a honey to it, then divert the mixture with a warm infusion of parsley. Apply a mixture on the skin for 20 minutes and then wash the dryer with warm water. After the mask, you can rinse the skin to the remaining podster. Apply the mask up to 3 times a week to get the clarifying effect.

In this mask, all ingredients have one or another whitening effect on the face. With caution, it needs to be used in sensitive and risen skin or apply point. In this case, the dosage should be reduced.

Egg - 1 piece
Lemon - ¼ fruit
Hydrogen peroxide - 3-4 drops

Separate protein from yolk and sweat well. Suggest fresh lemon juice. Protein and juice Mix and add a few drops of peroxide. On the skin this mixture is not more than 8-10 minutes. Then rinse with water and apply the nutrient cream.

After 50 on the skin, the age spots of light brown or brown begins to come. By themselves, they are most often not dangerous, but bring the aesthetic inconvenience to women. They are difficult to disguise with cosmetics, so you need to try to make them a little paler. For this, there are many brightening face masks, we offer one of them.

Horseradish - 1 teaspoon
Lemon juice - ½ teaspoon
Table vinegar - ½ teaspoon
Rosemary Oil - 3 drops

A small piece of shine. Suitoriate on a fine grater. Sick fresh lemon juice. Mix all ingredients and apply the resulting composition on dark stains with a cotton wand or cotton swab. It is necessary to do it 1-2 times a day so that the upper layer is exhausted, and brightened the spot. With sensitive skin, be careful. Use only table vinegar, with a low percentage of acetic acid, otherwise the skin burns.

Before independently removing the dark spots on your face, once again listen to the recommendations of the beautician in this video:

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Pigment stains are the darkened areas of the skin, which differ significantly from the color of the surrounding dermis. They are not dangerous, in some cases appear and pass on their own. But sometimes they indicate the diseases of the internal organs, so it is necessary to treat them extremely carefully.

Types of pigment spots and features of occurrence

The hue of the human skin depends on the level of melanin in the epidermis. Pigment stains are a consequence of melanin clusters in subcutaneous layers. Their color may be different, varies from light yellow to brown.

Cosmetologists allocate the following types of pigment stains:

  • freckles - accumulations of melanin in the outer layer of the epidermis;
  • moles - deposits of melanin in deep layers of the skin;
  • lentgie - benign spots that are characteristic of the elderly;
  • chloasm - hyperpigmentation on the face.

Freckles are characteristic of people with light skin. Most often they appear after a long stay in the sun. Moles We have from birth, they do not deliver any discomfort. The last two types are acquired pigmentation, which often covers the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and neck.

Reasons for pigmentation on the face in women may be different.

And since these body zones are always in sight, for many women, pigmentation is a real problem, because it looks not aesthetic and can be a symptom of the disease. To understand how to deal with pigmentation, it is worth dealing with the reasons why it appears on the face.

Dermatologists allocate a list of the main reasons for the appearance of pigmentation On the skin of the face and neck in women.


This factor ensures the transfer of pigmentation from parents to children. Stains can even appear in newborns. In this case, they are better not to delete, but wait for the child's growing.

Healthy pigmentation is hard to fight for this we will need cosmetic procedures. You can use laser grinding. With the help of a laser, the upper layers of the epidermis are heated, which contains a pigment.

Before dealing with the occurrence of stains and bleach the skin, it is necessary to accurately know the type of pigmentation, find out the reasons for the treatment of the skin of the face, especially the delicate skin of women, was the right, fast and efficient.

In fact, it is simply burned. As a result of exposure to skin, the skin darkens and the crust is formed. After 5 days everything comes to normal.

This procedure can be dangerous for tanned skin, for cancer patients or cardiovascular diseases, as well as for pregnant women. It is best to consult with an experienced cosmetologist before carrying out laser grinding.

Hormonal problems

Women are susceptible to hormonal changes in different periods of life: during puberty, during pregnancy, when climax. Even menstruation causes such a surge of hormones, which can lead to changes in skin cover.

The causes of pigmentation on the face in women include problems with thyroid gland. Typically, the stains are incorrect. Doctors are not recommended to treat them by people or cosmetic procedures.

In this case, it is better to eliminate the main disease, then the complexion will restore independently.

Gynecological diseases

The diseases of the small pelvis organs can cause hormonal violations in women, which provokes changes in skin cover. Not always because of this, spots appear, it can simply change the skin type.

If you have specks on your face, this is a reason to visit the gynecologist, check the hormones, pass tests and do ultrasound. In girls, even the first menstruation can provoke such a reaction. Mature women are usually associated with diseases.

To get rid of stains, you should find and eliminate the disease. Additionally, you can make masks with lemon juice, it clarifies the complexion. Cosmetic procedures will help you, such as chemical peeling. It will remove the top layer of the epidermis, as a result of the cells, the face will be updated and the face will shine in a new way.

Some girls apply creams with mercury. This aggressive substance is struggling with epidermis pimes. But they cannot be applied for a long time, since mercury affects all cells of the body. It is prohibited to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Diseases of digestive organs

The causes of pigmentation on the face in women often lie in the intestinal, stomach, liver or gallbladder. The appearance of the skin directly depends on the proper operation of the digestive tract. Therefore, diseases and ailments immediately reflected on the face.

You should visit the gastroenterologist if your stomach hurts. He will conduct the necessary research and identifies diseases. Remember that some diseases may not manifest themselves, but to leak in a hidden form.

Additionally, you can use the creams from pigment stains. One of the most effective is Nannic Elure. This is a Belgian cream, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by dermatologists and cosmetologists.

The extensive component uses a hood of a wood mushroom. You need to apply it every day at night. The result will be noticeable in a month. There is such a means of 2500 rubles.

Skin diseases

Diseases and damage to the skin can lead to a change in their color.

Causes of Pigmentation:

  • acne, acne in women;
  • complications during cosmetic procedures on the face;
  • furuncula;
  • burns.

To get rid of stains, you can not apply local exposure. It is necessary to conduct comprehensive procedures that will cure the cause, then the spots will be independently.

For example, to cure acne, it is recommended to apply the dotted drugs "Differin" or "Klenzit".

Already after 1-2 months, the amount of acne decreases and the production of skin saline is normalized. After that, you can use pigmentation creams: Vichy Idealia Pro, Lakshma Maxxi or Isis Pharma.

All of them are sold in pharmacies, cost 1400-1800 rubles. The creams have a light texture, quickly absorbed. They normalize the number of melanin, and after a month, the stains are brightened.

Lack of vitamins

The female organism can respond to a lack of vitamins and in this way. Spots on the face in this case can be cured with juice. With their help you can make compresses. Bandage or gauze need to wet in the juice and impose on stains.

Hold a compress 10 minutes. Making this procedure is recommended twice a day for 14 days.

Juices Reasons for pigmentation on the face in women
GrapefruitLack of vitamins A, C, B2
LemonLack of vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9
RadishLack of vitamins A, with
CucumberLack of vitamins C, PP, in

Another way to use lemon juice is as follows: It is necessary to mix lemon juice with hydrogen peroxide in equal parts. Mix the bandage in the mixture and impose it to the affected area. Keep 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate the face with a moisturizing cream.

Even if you do not show concern openly, it can cause hormonal changes and skin disease.

Often spots on the face appear due to lack of vitamin C. To replenish it, you can carry out cosmetic procedures and use it inside. Drink fruit juices and eat products that contain this element.

If you notice these symptoms, consult a doctor for treatment. Additionally, use clarifying creams. Effective in this case will be an emulsion URIAGE. It exfoliates the upper layers of the dermis, reduces the size and intensity of pigment stains. It is necessary to apply it every day for a month. It is 1,800 rubles in the pharmacy.


Most often, pigmentation on the face becomes a consequence of the use of poor-quality cosmetics. With a frequency of decorative cosmetics and perfumery, spots, redness, allergies can appear.

Especially often, such a reaction is observed for the means, which includes essential oils. To allergic disappear, the main allergen should identify and stop using cosmetics.

Some drugs are also capable of causing such a reaction. It is best to stop their use and consult with a doctor who will appoint you a replacement medicine.

If you suffer from severe allergies, it is best not to use cosmetics and cosmetology procedures for skin lightening. They can only worsen the state. Just eliminate allergen, and spots will leave on your own.

Age-related changes

Elder Lentigo is age-related pigment stains that appear in the elderly, especially in women. The number of melanin is reduced by age, after 30 years it becomes especially noticeable.

With the onset of menopause it is complemented by hormonal changes, therefore, the complexion is also changing.

With age, the epidermis loses the ability to rapidly regenerate cells, water balance is broken. Because of this, the skin loses its former elasticity, elasticity, becomes dry, the pigmentation of individual sections of the skin appears.

Improve the situation will help cream, serum and masks with therapeutic properties due to the presence of vitamins, trace elements and other substances useful for skin.

Among the most popular medical creams of Belgian cream, Elur (Elure), American Cream Lakshma Maxi (Lakshma Maxxi), French grade cream (Uriage), as well as inexpensive face creams with a clarifying effect. Belarusian brands "Snow White" and Vitex are effective.

They can be bought in the departments of Belarusian cosmetics, which are in every city. Prices begin from 200 rubles.

To refresh and align it, you can use creams and homemade masks. It is best to do out 2 times a week before the disappearance of symptoms.

Masks recipes will be effective from age-related pigmentation:

  1. Mix lemon juice With starch to thick consistency. Enter the face for 15 minutes, wash the cool water.
  2. Stodit cucumber on the grater And mix it with oatmeal. Enter the skin for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. From the pulp of tomato, make mashed potatoes And mix it with flour. Apply on the face, wash in 15 minutes.

The cosmetics line includes a scrub, wash foam, daily and night cream. It is enough to choose one tool and use it every day.

Ultraviolet radiation

Melanin needs our body to protect against ultraviolet. Basically, it is distributed on all skin uniformly. But because of a long stay in the sun, small recipheses of the pigment may appear.

The most common type of pigmentation is freckles. They are harmless to humans, but some girls seek to get rid of them to improve the appearance.

To remove such stains, home masks will be suitable, which brighten the skin. For example, it is useful to apply sour cream or cream on the face to clarify it. Or make such a mask: grind the green parsley, mix it with honey and lemon juice. Enter on the face, wash in 15 minutes.

Useful advice! Remember that the sun not only causes pigmentation on the face in women. It is one of the causes of skin cancer. Particularly susceptible to him with light skin and with numerous moles.

To protect against photoregments and ultraviolet, use the Lierac Sunific Extreme cream.
It contains solar filters that protect the skin. Additional action of the cream - clarification of pigment spots. It is produced in France, costs 1500 rubles.


Mental diseases, nervous tension and stress can also become causes of pigmentation. In women, mental state and emotions are immediately displayed on the face. Even if you do not show concern openly, it can cause hormonal changes and skin disease.

In this case it is recommended to eliminate the cause of stress and normalize mental state. It is useful to drink soothing teas, surround yourself with pleasant things, to do what it brings pleasure. When there will be peace of mind, many diseases will be held by themselves.

To quickly get rid of pigment stains, you can apply Achromin cream. It is allowed to use even during pregnancy. It helps to get rid of hyperpigmentation, protects the skin from ultraviolet, gives a resistant effect. It costs from 120 rubles.


Skin tuberculosis is the lesion of the epidermis, which is caused by tuberculosis bacillos. Most often it develops in parallel with the tuberculosis of the internal organs and is distributed throughout the body with a flow of lymph or blood.

As a result of the lesion, red rashes appear, which lead to impaired pigmentation. In this case, cosmetics procedures will not help, it is necessary to treat the disease and deal with the causative agent.

Pigment stains are not dangerous, but they are an indicator of the malfunction in the body. To get rid of them, you need to understand the reason and eliminate it. Additionally, you can use homemade masks and cosmetic procedures for skin whitening.

How to get rid of pigment spots at home

The appearance of pigmentation on the skin can talk about age-related changes, about unnecessary and long-term exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays. This phenomenon is observed often during pregnancy, as well as a lack of vitamins and because of hormonal disorders.

But despite the causes of pigmentation (bright areas on the skin and dark sites), you can deal with it at home yourself. Of course, without excluding a visit to the doctor of the dermatologist.

Pigment stains can be treated in the following ways (under control and on the recommendation of the attending physician):

The above-described procedures are effective, but not cheap. The elimination of pigmentation, of course, is better to start with the search for the cause.

But to achieve results, albeit temporary, you can with the help of folk methods:

It is important to remember that getting rid of pigmentation at home will give the desired result with regular, rather than one-time application. After clarifying these reasons for the appearance of pigment stains, get rid of them becomes much easier for whatever body zones they are not: on the face, neck, zone decollet or hands.

Women prone to pigmentation in spring and summer should be taken prophylactic measures, such as the additional use of vitamin C, the diversity of the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as the use of cosmetics from natural components, which protects against sunlight.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Inna Raskin, Cosmetic consultant, talks about the causes of pigmentation:

What to do with pigment stains on the face in women:

The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are reverently relate to their appearance, so they are upset about even a small pimple, which is to talk about pigmentation.

No woman is insured against brown spots on the face, by no means additive and causing complexes. Most often, pigmentation is manifested in the ladies after 35 years.

Causes of Pigmentation on the face

Melanin, located in various layers of epidermis, begins to be produced more actively and accumulated on certain areas of the skin, forming pigmentation on them. There are a lot of reasons for the manifestation of turbulent "performance" a lot of natural pigment.

This is what is the causes of pigmentation on the face:

1. Inheritance factor. Remove spots can be removed only with laser grinding.

2. Hormonal failure in the body caused by menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth or disease of the thyroid gland. As long as the root cause is eliminated, trying to fight stains (chloasm) is useless. After stabilizing the hormonal background, pigment stains are brighten and pass by themselves.

3. injured skin. Pigmentation of this kind may arise after an unsuccessful cosmetic procedure (peeling), thermal or chemical burns. It can also be the consequences of a heavy form of acne or furunculese. Cosmetics in this case is not enough, comprehensive treatment should be carried out.

4. Burns derived from excessive stay on the sun or solarium. The most dangerous spring rays are most dangerous, since after winter the skin is in a state of partial depigmentation. As a rule, this kind of pigmentation passes after using homemade masks and special cosmetics.

5. Nervous disorders. Stresses, depression is often accompanied by a change in hormonal background and, as a result, the appearance of pigmentation.

6. Avitaminosis. After receiving the corresponding vitamins, the vitamin C and copper must be needed, the stains pass.

7. Medical preparations. Pigmentation may be the result of a long taking of certain drugs, most often these are contraceptive or hormonal agents. The appearance of stains must be informed by the attending physician, which will cancel the drug or replace on a similar one.

8. Allergies on low-quality or overdue cosmetics. Often pigmentation can cause chemical components contained in the composition of funds, essential oils, low-quality ingredients.

9. Incorrect leather care, for example, frequent peeling procedures provoke the appearance of small pigmentation - freckles.

10. Diseases of internal organs - kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, red stains mean the intestinal failures, brown signals about the diseases of the gallbladder or liver, yellow-brown talk about the problems with the kidneys. Proper diet and appropriate treatment are needed.

Well, of course, the cause of the pigmentation on the face or on the body can be the process of aging, accompanied by a hormonal perestroika in the body, fading the skin, as well as the exacerbation of chronic diseases, the number of which increases age.

Pigment stains are not harassable and do not deliver painful sensations, but they cannot arise with any of them. When they appear, they should consult a doctor and pass a comprehensive examination of the body, including consultations of the therapist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. This will help determine the causes of pigmentation on the face. Treatment is assigned after diagnosis.

Causes of pigmentation on the face and the choice of bleaching

After the necessary treatment, the stains will disappear or brighten, after which it will be not so difficult to get rid of them.

Cosmetic salons and centers of aesthetic medicine offer women modern methods of getting rid of pigmentation:

1. Chemical peeling. Eliminates many skin defects, including pigment stains. With the help of a weak solution of fruit, glycolic or other acid, a deep or superficial (depending on the degree of lesion) peeling, removing the top layer of the skin. The method is considered painless, but the skin after the procedure follows some time to protect from the Sun, otherwise pigmentation will appear again.

2. Lezar grinding. The principle of action is the same as during a chemical peeling. As a result of the impact of the laser on pigmented areas, the process of skin regeneration occurs, its tone increases, stains disappear.

3. Phototherapy. The laser device emits an intense pulse of light, aimed at clustering melanin cells in layers of the skin, thereby destroying them.

4. Mesotherapy. For the procedure, fillers are used, vitamin complexes or medicinal substances that are entered subcutaneously.

Whitening cosmetics are used to remove pigmented areas. It is necessary to use them very carefully to avoid the opposite effect: the stains can become more or they will darken and will differ dramatically from the natural color of the skin. Some of the means have contraindications, so before their use you need to consult with your doctor.

Most often used:

1. Achromine Max cream - removes stains and protects the skin from the effects of sunlight.

2. Retin-A cream - stabilizes the level of melanin in the skin.

3. A solution of VC-IP with vitamin C is struggling with hyperpigmentation of cell layers.

4. Belita Witex mask, based on white clay and acids. Not only eliminates pigmentation, but also moisturizes the skin.

5. Snow White cream Biocon based on white lily extract, licorice and lactic acid. Prevents the appearance of pigmentation, has a sunscreen.

The usual zinc ointment has an excellent bleaching effect. Its advantage is the absence of contraindications, since the paste you can use even pregnant women. Ointment must be applied 2-3 times a day until the fifteen is completely disappeared.

Before starting to use a means, it is necessary to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the composition and conduct a test for an allergic reaction.

Reasons for pigmentation on the face: folk remedies

People's medicine will help to cope with pigment stains. The masks that hold on the face of 20-30 minutes are helpful, after which they wash off:

1. Cucumber rubbed on a shallow grater. The resulting cleaner impose on the face. After 30 minutes, remove the napkin.

2. Fresh yeast (20 g) are mixed with lemon juice (floor tablespoon).

3. Potatoes are drunk in uniform. Cleanted, mix with yolk.

4. Lemon juice is mixed with protein. Add 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

No less effective washing with birch juice, rubbing the face with a lotion from parsley, infusion of elder, grapefruit juice or sour cabbage, decoction of melon and strawberry water.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as bleaching. This method is resorted if the stains are very dark. It is necessary to moisten a cotton disk in peroxide and attach to the affected area. Top to impose a polyethylene film and hold the compress for 15 minutes. After that, rinse the skin thoroughly with water. Compress is done within 10 days.

Prevention of pigment spots on the face

Any problem is easier to prevent, the subsequently to fight it. To avoid the appearance of brown spots, cosmetologists recommend using the following prevention measures:

1. Provide protection against ultraviolet with cosmetics containing as part of retinol, vitamin C, natural oils (jojoba, shi).

2. From time to time to carry out the exfoliation procedures of the top layer of the skin. There should be only an experienced cosmetologist.

3. With skin prone to pigmentation, do not use phototoxic means.

4. The skin should receive vitamins all year round. To do this, include more vegetables and fruits in the menu. In the spring, when the body is weakened by avitaminosis, vitamin C or nicotinic acid is necessary.

5. Feed right.

6. To make timely determining the causes of pigmentation on the face to consult with the doctor.

Watch your health and be beautiful!

Pigment stains Many people have discovered or seen them on the skin of other people. At first glance, the change in color on the skin seem harmless sign of a cosmetology defect. Dermatologists believe that stains need to be exposed, because some of them sign about disruption of metabolism and an early stage of the disease. In this article, we have a light on the question about the causes and treatment of pigment spots on the face, hands, legs and other parts of the body.

What is pigment spots

Normally, the upper human skin epithelium contains a certain amount of coloring substance - melanin. Under the action of ultraviolet irradiation, the amount of pigment in the epidermis of the skin increases. Sometimes, individual sections of the epidermis accumulate excess melanin without the impact of the ultraviolet of the sun. Such areas of the skin with visible morphological features are called pigment stains.

The region of melanomine (pigment spots) becomes more vulnerable to the formation of wrinkles, cells are characterized by a smaller content of water, all stain to the touch has a coarsame surface. It often causes the appearance of many spots on the skin, including all its layers: Little epidermis, cubic epithelium and dermis. The appearance of a large number of spots on a small area of \u200b\u200bleather sometimes provokes a violation of the hormone secretion of some endocrine glands.

If pigment stains were not masked under melanoma, i.e. , There were no reasons for appeals to the clinic on the appearance of a pigment stain. The danger of oncological education makes us apply for a person for advice to the doctor and recognizing the type of pigment impairment of the skin.

About the causes of the appearance of pigment spots on the face and body in an adult and a child will tell this video:

Their classification

The classification of pigment skin formations is based on morphological signs of stains: dimensions, painting, rearness of vessels under formation, etc.


Freckles are the least large formations. These formations may appear both in adults and in childhood. The name of this type of pigment stain justifies itself: Melanoses appear in spring time due to a longer stay in the sun than in winter.

The appearance of freckles should be considered a protective reaction of the body to excess the rays of ultraviolet. Most of all susceptible to the appearance of freckles People with light skin color. The most frequent places of the appearance of freckles are places with unacted clothing (face, hands).

There are two varieties of freckles: appearing as a result of a long tan and congenital type.

  • The first variety is distinguished by much larger sizes, more saturated dark color, ribbon edges and asymmetry.
  • A distinctive feature of simple freckles is a brighter shape and small size.


The second kind of pigment stains - Nevi, famous for the everyday name of the moles or birthplace spots. Forms, localization and size of moles are not subject to regularities. The color varies from red to brown and black.

Moles first do not protrude above the surface of the non-pigmented area, subsequently represent a convex surface that remains constant in size and painting to the end of the patient's life. Danger represent those moles that experience the power of friction from clothes or other skin sections: the surface of the back in women, skin folds in the axillary depressions, inguinal folds, etc.

Over time, the moles under the influence of physical impacts and ultraviolet irradiation can be reborn into malignant fabric. In this case, the melanosis turns into melanoma, the treatment of which is not always crowned with success. For this reason, all moles on the body must be subject to dynamic visual observation. The growth of education, color change, concern point to possible rebirth, so immediately must be subjected to a diagnostic survey. In some case, the complete independent disappearance of the mole was found.


They call such stains that do not have bulges, but the skin is attracted with a clear contour. The color of the spots is more often brown in different shades: light, temperate brown, dark. The chloasmas are prone to appearance on the skin of the face, hips and abdomen. The difference between the chloasmisses from other species consists in their mass character in a certain focus.

Often these stains accompany women to pregnancy or inflammatory processes in the small pelvis organs. A person of any gender can detect them in abuse of contraceptive means, solarium or sunshine. In the absence of these reasons, chloasma are one of the suspicions of serious hepatic pathology (, hepatitis, etc.).

Rare varieties of chloas are:

  • dyschromiawhen a strip of individual specks passes along the face along the cheek or forehead;
  • bronze with a specific tint found from representatives of the Mongoloid race with a certain violation of the combination of melanin, caratinoids, etc.;
  • chloasm circular Muscle Mouth. The specks in the absence of treatment are expanding the hearth to nasolabial folds.


If the specks have a small size on the skin surface of the face and the light brown color, its owner has a juvenile or elderly age, more rarely their appearance is associated with excess sunlight. Such stains in medicine and cosmetology is customary to call Lentigo.

  • Youth lentigo occur in a different size, sometimes their diameter reaches 1.5 cm. It can appear both single and massively. In the form of Lentigo is also diverse: from round to star. The fight against this type of specks is inappropriate, because they disappear independently over time and the threat to health does not represent. Their appearance is in no way due to the saturation of the sun's rays.
  • Olders Lento appear not only on the face, but also in their hands. They are distinguished by a darker color than youalthy. Communication with oncological diseases and ultraviolet of the Sun in senile lentigo.
  • Solar Lentgie also does not carry any danger in herself, they are prone to the appearance of any age in people with prolonged exposure to the Ultraviolet of the Sun or in the solarium. Localization of Sunny Lentigo is more diverse than youthful or senile stains: face, hands, legs, belly, chest, etc.

About the treatment of pigment spots will tell you this video:


It is customary to call stains deprived of pigmentation. More often they are located in the neck and limbs area, but should not be excluded in any place of the body from the appearance of vitiligo. The causes of their development are the most diverse of all species of spots:

  • metabolic and hormonal disorders,
  • mental and physical injuries,
  • predisposition by inheritance
  • immune system malfunctions
  • helix
  • deviations in the work of internal organs or their innervation.

Melanin in vitiligo cells decreases gradually, the stains first have a dairy-pink color, after which it is finally whites. Further development goes towards the consolidation of the lesion focus. Excess such spots with excess solar irradiation are not recommended due to the tendency of melanomine to rebirth in melanoma.

Detection of symptom

Usually, every person looking into the mirror detects pigment stains on their own. The exception is spots located on the back, buttocks and other places inaccessible for daily inspection. In such cases, lonely people should inspect themselves in the mirror monthly from all sides.

For accommodation with other people, the body needs an examination of another person with the same periodicity.

Possible diseases and pathology

Perhaps a pigment spot that is disturbed by the patient is a harmless education in response to age or long stay under sunshine. Many cases of stains are associated with pathological processes in the body. To determine the typology of the pigmented focus and the degree of danger can a dermatologist. Consultations of the oncologist, therapist, gynecologist (for women), infectiousness, immunologist are not excluded.

In the list of diseases causing a change in skin pigmentation, are:

  • hepatic pathology,
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus and ovaries,
  • oncological diseases,
  • infectious processes
  • dermatological deviations.

Independent attempts to determine the type of pigment spots can delay earlier detection of serious pathologies.

And now let's find out how to quickly get rid of pigment spots on your face, hands and body at home and traditional ways.

Methods to combat such a sign

If the dermatologist considered the body stain safe, but the appearance of the patient, medical and cosmetology clinics offers the following services to remove pigment spots:

  • peeling, which is based on the timely elimination of the upper pigment layer using cosmetic agents, by chemical action of abrasives;
  • cryotherapy - The process of impact on the mole or other pigment stain with the action of low temperatures. The procedure is not carried out for mass removal of pigment spots, since it leaves after itself a scar tissue;
  • the use of bleaching creams From pigment spots - the most painless procedure that has a drawback: small efficiency. The layer of cream only masks a pigmented stain, but it is not possible to eliminate it. The nature of the cream is temporary;
  • sunscale and whitening serum;
  • laser removal, has a drawback - high cost;
  • dermabrasion, the principle of action is going to peeling, but is carried out by special brushes. Such a remedy for pigment spots received good reviews.

On how to remove pigment spots at home, tells this video:

Pigmentation on the face often appears in the unexpected and the most inopportune moment. Together with it usually comes the irrepressible desire to get rid of annoying spots that interfere with living. Where does Pigmentation on the face come from? Causes can be different. We list the most common of them.

Causes of the appearance of pigmentation on the face

Vitamin deficiency. Vitamins take part in the formation of melanin - pigment, which paints our hair, eyes and skin.

  1. Birth. Pigmentation on the face after delivery is frequent phenomenon. It becomes violation of the usual balance of hormones in the body.
  2. Ultra-violet rays. Pigment spots often appear after a hike in a solarium or on the beach.
  3. Acne. When the acne goes, dark or red pigment spots can remain in their place.
  4. Age for more than 45 years. Spots that appear with age are very difficult to display.
  5. Cosmetics. Some components of ointments and creams can provoke appearance on the face of allergic spots.
  6. Internal illnesses. Domestic organs are often reflected on the face. Often the "culprits" the appearance of pigment stains becomes the liver and kidneys.
  7. Genetic predisposition. Congenital pigment stains can only be surgical treatment.

Pigmentation on face

Freckles. Usually have yellow. The sun's rays make freckles with darker and noticeable. With age, their number is usually reduced. To protect yourself from the emergence of new freckles, you need to use sunscreen.

Chloasm. These pigment spots may occur during pregnancy and gradually disappear after delivery. The reason for their appearance can be a violation of the liver function and some gynecological diseases.

Birthmark. Moles have all people. On the face they appear much more often than elsewhere. The birthmark stain is a small benign tumor. If desired, it can be removed by a laser or cold.

Lentigo. These brown spots on the skin are formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Most often, they appear in the elderly people.

Vitiligo . These are white spots that appear due to violation of the formation of melanin - the pigment of the skin. The tendency to the appearance of vitiligo is inherited.

Pigmentation treatment on face

Pigmentation on the face is not dangerous to health, but it creates a cosmetic defect with which it is difficult to reconcile. Fortunately, in our time there are quite good funds from pigmentation on the face.

1. Whitening agents
Hydrogen peroxide. Be careful with this substance. In order not to damage the skin, apply peroxide only to areas with an overpressure of pigment.
Zinc ointment. It not only whiten the skin, but also smoothes wrinkles. The ointment with zinc will help to get rid of acne and red inflammatory spots faster.
Cream with mercury. Not bad cream from pigmentation on the face, but it is not recommended to use for a long time. Some people have an annoying skin even at first applies.

2. Cosmetic procedures
. In order not to harm your skin, it is better not to conduct this procedure yourself. Contact your literate beautician for help, which does not know how to remove pigmentation on the face. For chemical peeling, a combination of acids are used that block the formation of the skin pigment.
. To remove pigment spots, you will have to go through two or three sessions of laser peeling. This method will help you remove only superficial stains. Deep pigmentation is not treated with this method.
Phototherapy. Pigment spots are displayed using infrared rays. They destroy cells with a high content of melanin, leaving intact healthy fabrics.

3. Cosmetics.
Retin-a. Cream that reduces the content of melanin in the skin. It is applied once a day and wash away in six hours. The course of treatment is about one month.
Achromine Makh. Removes pigment stains and protects the skin from the effects of ultraviolet rays. Cream should be applied on the face twice a day. The first results can be observed in two or three weeks.
VC-IP. The tool is an oil solution of vitamin C, which quickly absorbs into the skin and prevents the formation of the skin pigment.

If you have pigmentation on my face, treatment should be started immediately. Do not pull, because the stains will become more, they will penetrate into the skin deeper, and therefore the process of their elimination can become long and difficult.

And what will say on this occasion of traditional medicine? Treat pigmentation on the face of folk remedies. Some plants contain substances that prevent the formation of skin pigment. They can prepare lotions or masks. Here are some good recipes.

Lotion from parsley. One tablespoon of parsley pour the glass of vodka. Put in the cold place. After a week, straighten the lotion and lubricate them with the skin twice a day.
Mask from lemon and honey. Mix one lemon juice with one tablespoon of honey. Apply on the face daily, minutes for 20-30.
Decoration from dandelion. Two tablespoons of dandelion flowers pour 300 milliliters water. Boil 15 minutes on slow fire. Strap and lubricate the skin 2-3 times a day.

There are pigment spots, remove which is impossible. There are pigmentation, to cure that can only be surgically. But in most cases you can get rid of them on your own, at home. If you show perseverance and patience, you will succeed.