What does femme fatale mean. Fatal woman - what does it mean

Sometimes (very rarely) it somehow becomes sad that the years go by, and because of you the war did not start, a couple of handsome men did not shoot themselves on a languid May morning, a young poetic talent did not dedicate poetry, and the collection of broken hearts has not been replenished suspiciously for a long time.

And history and cinema, as luck would have it, remind of Elena the Beautiful (changed a couple of husbands, became a pretext for war, in general, had fun on trifles), Carmen (destroyed Jose in love), Lou Salome (broke the hearts of the poet Rilke and the father of psychoanalysis Freud). What can we say about Nastasya Filippovna from the immortal creation of Dostoevsky. You can only exhale "Femme Fatale!".

A real femme fatale is an endangered species, if not extinct.

Black Mark

"Rock" and "fatum" ... These words with the innocent meaning of "fate" are associated in our minds exclusively with negativity. I don’t know about you, but the words “good rock” have not come across my eyes yet. Here are the extraordinary women, whom we call fatal, as if marked with a symbolic black mark, signaling danger. They went down in history not as poetesses, beauties, clever ones, but as la femme fatale, queens among women, famous for the love they felt for them.

True, it is worthless to deny them an outstanding mind and a kind of genius ... But about beauty ... A femme fatale is not a luxurious blonde with parameters of 90-60-90. Looking at the portraits of those very “fatal”, we are often surprised: “Is there anything special that men find in them?”. One thing can be said about the appearance of such women - they may be ugly, but they will always be noticeable and spectacular in any situation.

A femme fatale can be described something like this: well-groomed, cat-like plasticity, the voice is often low, richly intoned. Women of this type can be both impeccably beautiful and just pretty. Makeup can be both calm and defiant - it's a matter of taste of the lady herself. Her charm is fairly flavored with eccentric notes and will show up somewhere: in her hair, clothes, manners. The femme fatale is characterized by an addiction to unusual outfits, experiments on appearance and her own unique style. For her, there are no fashion trends, she creates fashion herself, never obeying it.

This woman usually makes an indelible impression - ice and fire converge here, sincerity and deceit, and passion and the ability to ruthlessly refuse. Men admire her, while other women hate her. Her attention is difficult to control and almost impossible to force anything. Such a proud nature can be born in poverty, but will go through life like a queen.

The main features of the portrait of a femme fatale:

  • self confidence
  • charisma
  • sharp mind
  • originality
  • thorough knowledge of male psychology
  • propensity to display
  • declarative disdain for men
  • sexuality
  • huge, often destructive energy.
  • high education
  • heightened sense of humor

She walks through life laughing

As for the train of broken hearts and broken lives, most often the femme fatale does not seek to collect men, she simply turns out to be the brightest and largest star in the sky, attracting everything that is smaller. This is not a courtesan and not a hunter for men, her favor is not for sale - the buyer is more likely to be fooled and used.

The femme fatale is not looking for male attention, acting according to the devilish covenant "they themselves will come and offer." And the thirst for possession causes, including its inaccessibility, multiplied by showiness.

Often, the one whom others call the femme fatale is a person who has suffered a lot and learned the wisdom of life from his bitter experience. There is no affectation or mannerisms in it, but with more than sincerity and sparkling, it is not without reason that such women are compared with fire.

A fatal woman is rarely happy, her very destructive nature rebels against calm happiness, the element of such a person is a stormy ocean and there is no place for fragile boats. The femme fatale is bored with ordinary men, she plays with them: “What will happen if so? And if so? Eh, it's the same thing. Boring!”. Therefore, if la femme fatale chooses someone, then this person is just as extraordinary. However, the process of disintegration of feelings in such people occurs quite quickly: yesterday you were loved, but today you are no longer needed. Therefore, over the years allotted to her, the femme fatale manages to live many lives and gain experience for ten.

For creative natures, she is an invaluable Muse and a source of inspiration seasoned with sweet poison. How many great poets and artists have fully revealed themselves next to such extraordinary women: Dali, Mayakovsky, Eluard...

It is impossible to be happy with a femme fatale, that's why she is fatal, but nearby, on the periphery of her storms, it is quite possible to enjoy and not lose yourself. And for her love, however, as for her love, you will have to pay dearly. Most often, the price tag indicates “best years”, “career”, “faith in people”, but sometimes the price rises to reason and life. “It is impossible with her and nothing without her,” is all about the femme fatale.

It must be admitted (I don’t even know if it’s sad or not, because it’s impossible not to admire such divas) that a real femme fatale is an endangered species, if not extinct.

Strong feelings are not in fashion now, and the two-dimensionality of the modern world, represented by a TV screen or a sheet of paper, will demand the same flat characters. So the image of the femme fatale has become associated with a sex symbol. A typical example of this kind of substitution is Madonna.

Today, you can find a femme fatale only on the outskirts of the consumer society: in Bohemia and various subcultures. Alas, these are divas of “local significance”, modern lifestyle and depreciation of individuality more often turn pretty girls into banal bitches than into mysterious and mysterious fatal women who have the talent to attract great natures.

Olesya Sosnitskaya

Legends are written about such women, poems and serenades are dedicated to them. Men admire them, women hate them and envy them fiercely. Both those and others call them fatal. Who are the femme fatales? Do they really exist or is it just a myth? Who among us has a chance to become fatal? A teacher with many years of practice, a master who owns many years of ancient energy techniques and knowledge, trained at the Unity University in India, Diana Shcherbanskaya, discusses this topic.

How to recognize her

The first and most important thing to say about the femme fatale: her appearance does not matter. She can be both a written beauty and have the most average data. Sometimes they say about such women that they are wonderfully good. Sometimes they hiss after her: "She has no skin, no faces - what did he find in her ?!" For example, the famous Lilya Brik for her contemporaries was by no means a beauty, but how many men went crazy over her! The femme fatale differs from all the others in that it always destroys the life of the man with whom it enters into any relationship - after it there remains a scorched earth on which nothing will grow for a long time.

Another distinguishing feature of a femme fatale is her own deep confidence: "I'm cool!", Which is transmitted on a subconscious level to the men around her. Where does she get her from?

Where Do Femme Fatales Come From?

A femme fatale always possesses super-energy - an unprecedented female power, which is transmitted to her by gender through the female line - from her mother, grandmother, and so on. An energetic mother almost always - with rare exceptions - has the same daughter. It is not for nothing that teachers and psychologists do not get tired of repeating to parents that a child must not only be loved, but also show him this love. If at least up to four years of age a child is adored in the family, a lot of energy is generated in him - the mother, with the help of her love, literally fills her daughter with it.

But in itself, she still does not mean anything and can remain in vain without the so-called "permission" that her dad gives the girl. Fatal women grow up only with fathers who from childhood literally go crazy for a child: "What a daughter we have - a goddess!" If dad does not see a beauty in his daughter, she, even with great female power, will never be able to use it to the fullest, and will never consider herself the best, exceptional, different from others. No, the femme fatale was brought up differently: the daughter asked, and dad gave, demanded, and he did, stamped his foot, and dad was touched and brought. And if he sometimes tried to resist, then the daughter threw a tantrum, and dad gave up and did everything that was required of him. On his side there was unconditional love, on hers - commodity-money relations: she used her father's adoration in order to get something. In the future, she will transfer the model of relations that the girl had with her father to all the men she meets on her life path.

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"You are my God!"

In every new man, the femme fatale is looking for her god. But not someone she could worship - what else, not a single man would wait for this from her! And the one who could fulfill all her desires, realize all her dreams. She captivates a man with her energy, beckons: "Do you see what I am? Come with me!" A man is a hunter, he considers it his duty to conquer this woman. And she, remembering that everything is for sale, says: "Do you want me to be yours? Put the Universe at my feet." She allows him to love her, and in return she gets everything she wants - this is exactly how she once behaved with her dad.

And every time after she won him and "squeezed out" everything that this man could give her, he becomes unnecessary - after all, he is no longer a god for her. This is how the femme fatale goes through life: from a simple clerk to the head of a department, then to a bank manager, then to the president of a corporation. Men sacrifice everything for her: family well-being, official position, money. Through each of them, she steps over and goes further, because her needs are growing, and someone is always needed who can satisfy them, and once again make her feel that she is a goddess. A man who at least once in his life met a fatal woman on his way will never forget her.

"The last candy in the box is mine!"

The fatal woman is concentrated only on herself at any age. At the same time, she can have a large family - a husband, children, a bunch of other relatives - but all these "planets" should revolve around her, like around the Sun. “I taught my people,” such a woman proudly says, “that the last candy in the box is mine.” Not a child, not a husband, but hers. With age, when it becomes less interesting for men, children begin to worship the deity, and then grandchildren. A fatal woman is fatal because, like a spider, she can always find a victim. It is good that there are few such instances in the world.

Diana Shcherbanskaya

0 Sometimes reading classical literature and enjoying films about the good old days of tsarist Russia, we quite often come across expressions and phrases whose meaning is no longer clear to us. Therefore, the question immediately arises, where to find answers to your questions? You don't have to go far, just add our popular site site to your bookmarks so that you have all the transcripts in one place. Today we will talk about another obsolete figure of speech, this is Femme fatale which means you will learn a little below.
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So let's continue Fatal woman meaning? This term was borrowed from the French "Femme Fatale".

Femme fatale- this is a very beautiful and luxurious woman who bewitches a man with her charms. While playing with him, teasing, and eventually leaving, forcing him to commit suicide

Origin of expression Femme fatale should be attributed to the 1920s, when ladies of this type began to be found everywhere in films. One well-known French director of that time once remarked "A femme fatale is a girl in a beautiful black silk dress, under which a stone heart beats. She will easily destroy the fate of men who turn up."

In ordinary life, such ladies do not have such a strong impact as in those old French films. Why is the image of this type of woman so popular? Maybe her charisma, alluring body, then how she treats her boyfriend. Is this destructive trait her daily reality?

Is it a femme fatale?

Some psychologists believe that this type of woman contains some secret. She has a strong attraction and radiates light, which makes her extremely charming and alluring for any man. Most likely, the matter is not only in her delicate perfume, bright lipstick, open dress, but in her facial expressions, posture, speech, manners and gestures. Experienced men claim that it makes a woman fatal, her irrepressible fantasy, sparkling humor, unsurpassed external data. For a moment she is in the field of view of a man, and leaves him confused, and he is not even able to clearly explain to himself that this is happening to him at all.

Men who have met fatal women on their life path believe that their fatality is a real innate, and not an acquired character trait. There are many beautiful and desirable women, and only a few of them fit into this category of dangerous ladies. Some guys are sure that the fatal lady is the one who shows real miracles in bed, however, this is not entirely true, because this is just one of the signs of this fatal girl.

However, do not confuse the Femme Fatale with another frightening image, the name of which is the Vamp woman. Many people associate these two concepts, however, these are two completely different types. Unlike the hot and passionate Femme Fatale, the Vamp woman has a certain detachment, coldness, as if pretending to do a favor by talking to members of the opposite sex.

The origins of the image

Lovely ladies since prehistoric times began to understand the full strength and power of their charm. Initially, they used the mirror surface of the water to correct something in their appearance, and only after the invention of a real mirror, a new stage of biological change began.

It is clear that men have always known what women look like, but only the girls did not understand what the guys see in them, and why some of them like, while others do not. Many girls perfectly saw the appearance of their girlfriends, but the trouble was, they could not see themselves, which added to their lack of confidence in their abilities.

After the mirror became an inexpensive accessory, women got an additional opportunity to be convinced of their beauty, gaining more self-confidence. With the help of a mirror double, they practice facial expressions and gestures to attract guys. It is this terrible weapon that a real femme fatale has.

By reading this short article, you have learned what does femme fatale mean, and how it differs from

The most interesting object in a man's life is the femme fatale, whose importance in the fate of a guy is difficult to exaggerate. Relations with such a young lady will forever change him and make this life period unforgettable. However, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. Quite often, such relationships have an end point, the initiator of which is the girl.

What does femme fatale mean?

Men and women perceive the meaning of the phrase "femme fatale" differently. For women such is:

  1. Seducer of men's hearts. A girl who is able to arouse sexual attraction to herself and excite the minds of many representatives of the opposite sex;
  2. Or vice versa - a girl who is able to influence one single chosen one, but in such a way that he is ready to obey unquestioningly. At the same time, the rest of the men are not interested in her.

For men, such a woman appears:

  • First of all, mysterious. She beckons to herself with a constant desire to unravel her intentions, desires and the essence of further actions;
  • In addition, this woman often unconsciously causes fear in a man. He feels that she is able to take over his mind and take him to the extreme.

Thus, different representations of the fatal beauty eventually come down to a single essence:

  1. This girl is smart;
  2. Educated;
  3. Sexy;
  4. Beautiful;
  5. Knows how to subjugate men;
  6. Influences their decisions;
  7. Concentrates their attention only on themselves.

In this video, psychologist Victoria Kiseleva will tell you in more detail what character traits are inherent in these persons:

Signs of a fatal girl

The main signs of fatal, or translated from French, fatal ladies are:

  1. Independence. Such girls will never shift their problems onto the shoulders of a man. Moreover, they will not even show that they have such;
  2. Independence makes her a consumer in relationships. Each time she challenges the man, which he gladly accepts;
  3. Such young ladies always want something and are not ready to compromise;
  4. Mind is an indispensable component of such beauty. However, he is really real. She does not weave intrigues, does not deceive the victim. She is honest and noble;
  5. A rational view of the world allows you to avoid romantic fantasies and build relationships with the opposite sex like clockwork;
  6. These girls demonstrate self-confidence in every possible way;
  7. They rigidly defend their point of view;
  8. Capable of bold deeds;
  9. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance;
  10. Always demonstrates a stunning organic appearance;
  11. Often changes mood and behavior, depending on what she needs to achieve from her victim.

Thus, it is not so difficult to determine the fatal girl. If you met a strong-willed, principled beautiful girl who, at the same time, knows how to throw an ambiguous look in time or ask you for a favor to do something for her, most likely with further communication you will understand that it is she who deserves your attention.

How to become a femme fatale?

In order to qualify for this title, you must:

  • Take care of your appearance. We are not talking about one trip to the beautician. Beauty and grooming is a daily work, starting with washing and applying cream, ending with procedures for the skin of the body and heels;
  • Tidy up your figure and maintain it at the proper level. The fatal seductress must first of all be desirable;
  • Learn the basics of the right combination of clothes. It may not be very expensive, but it is chosen with such taste that the impression of the appearance remains and is remembered for a long time. In this case, all details are important, for example, a brooch, belt or other accessories;
  • Take up dancing. This will help your body to master the grace and plasticity;
  • Learn to be silent, but at the same time put special importance into the spoken phrases;
  • Study male psychology. If you do not have your own experience in this matter, you can read the relevant books;
  • Develop self-confidence;
  • Get a fatal look.

It is important to understand that from now on you should be like this always and everywhere. There can be no exceptions. But after following all the recommendations, you can only get a little closer to the image. Basic component of the fatal beauty is her inner energy which cannot be learned.

The difference between a fatal woman and a bitch

There are quite a few badass women. On the shelves of bookstores there are collections of recommendations on how to become a bitch, but this concept is a little narrower than the type of female we are studying.

The fact is that a bitch is a beautiful girl who knows how to dress and comb herself, has knowledge in male psychology, but the basis of her relationship with a man is a disrespectful attitude in the absence of emotional intimacy. Men, as a rule, quickly recognize falsehood and easily break off relations with such girls.

The situation with the femme fatale is much more complicated. She takes possession of the heart and thoughts without doing anything specifically for this. In addition, thanks to her honesty, she always remains emotionally close to the chosen one, while constantly pushing the boundaries of her own worldview. Such girls inspire men, energize them for actions.

Meeting such a girl and selfless love or affection can be really dangerous. Therefore, intuitively, guys are afraid of such relationships, but they always dream of them and look for the one among the girls that can win his heart.

Do men like femme fatales?

A truly fatal woman is not created for a family hearth. She is able to arouse an initial interest in a man, then firmly “hook him on the hook” in such a way that he will be ready to do anything for her.

For the sake of their muse and her favor, the chosen ones:

  • Destroy long-term families;
  • Spend the last money;
  • Do crazy things;
  • Lose friends;
  • And in the end, they end up alone.

Feeling such an outcome, the guys are afraid of meeting such a beauty. However, at the same time, the relationship with the fatal beauty is extremely interesting and emotional. Therefore, the choice of a man depends entirely on himself. For some, this will develop into painful love and the inability to give up such relationships, and for some it will become a vivid emotional romance that will not make him happy, but will bring a lot of vivid sensations.

Thus, one of the most dangerous types of the fair sex is precisely the femme fatale. The meaning of this term is difficult to describe in words, but it is very easy to feel if you are a man. Getting to know her will bring you many pleasant moments, but it is unlikely to make you happy.

Video: 7 most famous fatal women in the world

In this video, historian Anatoly Sholokhov will talk about the seven most famous representatives of the weaker sex, worthy of being called fatal:

She enters the hall, and men's faces, like sunflowers to the sun, involuntarily turn in her direction, their eyes follow her relentlessly. Dazzling beauty? No, if you look closely, you can't tell. Not bad, of course, but, in fact, nothing special. In appearance. But in the rest - in the manner of dressing, moving, smiling, talking and even being silent, tilting your head slightly and squinting your eyes like that - something really special is felt in all this. Subtlely attractive, bewitching, mysterious. Blok's Stranger: "And her elastic silks breathe with ancient beliefs"...

There are no silks at all, but the feeling is the same. This is akin to hypnosis, visual hallucination. And sometimes auditory. Even if she does not say anything and, after politely listening to compliments, silently leaves the room, an echo will sound in it. Probably, the helpless hiss of envious women will also arise, but no one will hear it in the rustle of enthusiastic whispers of admirers.

What is her secret? Sexual attraction? Undoubtedly. But is this woman's cocktail dress more revealing than the setting requires? No way! Frank sexuality is appropriate in a cabaret and a strip club, in a show program, on the podium ... But here it is completely different. Here is the magic of personality, femininity itself, the female soul. And this sexual magnet affects men much more strongly than the entire sex industry in the world.

It is not the body that attracts - or rather, not only and not so much the body as the personality. The secret of the fatal woman is in the magnetism of her nature. Therefore, it is more correct to speak not about its “fatal” features (sometimes circumstances become fatal, although it would be better not to bring it to this, and a reasonable woman will try to prevent any fatal scenarios), but about magnetism. And this is not just a natural charm, which is inherent in many and also, of course, very attractive. Charm is not necessarily colored by sensuality, eroticism. And we are talking about sexual magnetism, about female magic. Blok's Stranger is extremely erotic. Symbolists, as you know, considered the world soul to be female and saw the secret of being in the riddle of eternal femininity. The reflection of this mystical eroticism gives special expressiveness and depth to female beauty.

One of the obligatory features of a magnetic personality is mystery, understatement. Proximity to this insoluble mystery of being, the mystery of eternal femininity, sometimes acts fatally, especially on young, fragile souls. What follies are committed in the name of fatal love! The symbolist poets who established the women's cult devoutly worshiped it and consciously stirred up passions, which usually did not lead to good. But the magnetic personality itself must be aware of its strength and adapt its power to the specifics of the "consumer" - otherwise the outcome may be the same as with an electric shock.

Hypnotic session

Portraits of women who went down in history under the sign of rock often cause bewilderment among contemporaries: their features are far from perfect, and many are more likely to be called ugly than beauties. Lilya Brik, who easily squeezed the giant Mayakovsky in her small fist, was short, stocky and bow-legged. The only decoration of her puffy face were her eyes - unusually lively and expressive. The confidence of a real Woman emanating from her, knowing her true price, not indicated by external labels, turned men into obedient slaves, happy with their slavery. Her inner freedom, not knowing the shackles of conventions and stereotypes, gave Lily freedom from the complexes that any other young lady with such a discreet appearance would inevitably acquire. Unlike the "gray mice", who, out of fear of once again drawing attention to their flaws, try to merge with the interior, Lilya dressed provocatively - for example, she was the first in Moscow to wear trousers. However, her whole life was no less extravagant than the manner of dressing.

The art of seduction

The canons of beauty change from era to era. In addition, as we could already see, it is not at all conformity to a certain "standard" that is the magnet that attracts men. From this we can draw an encouraging conclusion: even if not every woman can be considered a beauty, but each - regardless of her external data - can be seductive. It’s just that for some it turns out by itself (out of such rare specimens, endowed with an intuitive understanding of the secrets of attractiveness, outstanding, famous seductresses are obtained). Others have to master this art, step by step bringing it to perfection. And here, as in any craft, success depends on your abilities, multiplied by diligence.

To begin with, it would be nice to understand: what, in fact, is it - sex appeal? It has nothing to do with the banal desire to "look good." Hours spent at the beautician's and in the fitness club, shopping in the boutiques of the most fashionable firms - all this, of course, can delight friends or annoy envious women. But it is unlikely to help cause the desired reaction in men. It is much more important for them to feel that a woman really harbors true passion, that she "loves love", that she likes men! (Well, embittered-aggressive ladies who claim that "all men are theirs ..." cannot be sexy - after all, sending men literally, at the same time sending them a sexual appeal!) The main skill of a woman who wants not only to impress, but to cause to life, the main instinct should be the ability to non-verbally convey to a man his positive impulse directed at him.

A certain part of the brain is responsible for our sexuality (based on this, it would be fair to consider the brain as the most erogenous zone). It controls our facial expressions and gestures, sends those non-verbal signals that we give to the interlocutor - in particular, those very micro-signals that are difficult to notice at first glance, but which have the greatest impact on a man and which he perceives in the first place. It is they who in the first minutes of acquaintance are perceived first of all, according to them the location and sexuality of the counterpart is evaluated. And this despite the fact that from the outside, the behavior of a man and a woman can look impeccable, worthy of true ladies and gentlemen from high society.

Psychologists say that during the first communication, only 7 percent of the information is verbally transmitted. The rest comes from sensations derived from subtle movements and the exchange of unclassifiable fluids.

The translation of your fluids will be successful if you use "codings" that are understandable to a man - body language, a woman's scent, "light breathing" (see Bunin).

A beautiful woman is admired, a sexy woman is a desire. Of course, we are not talking about a literal readiness to immediately answer it (seductiveness is not at all a synonym for accessibility). Rather, it is about gambling with the ball, picked up by a partner who willingly makes a return pass. This game excites the blood and helps both to be in good shape: the man is encouraged by the “call” sent specifically to him, the woman is encouraged by an immediate response confirming the effectiveness of her charms. And the more they endow each other with these same magical vibes, the more they themselves gain. An excellent dope to maintain sex appeal - and this is primarily your internal state, and not the combination of an expressive bust, a bold neckline and bright lipstick.

However, absolutely neglecting the external component of sex appeal is just as short-sighted as not recognizing the primacy of its internal component. Here it is important to find that golden mean, which is equidistant from coldness and vulgarity. As Stendhal put it, a real woman should be a lady in the living room and a courtesan in bed. Therefore, while you are, figuratively speaking, "in the living room", you should not dress and act like a courtesan. Clothing, gait, voice timbre, facial expressions, gestures, your chosen perfume scent, emphasizing the graceful curve of your leg with a heel - all this will help enhance your attractiveness. And - importantly - tune in to the right wave. To radiate sexuality, it is enough for a Woman to know that today she has specially put on stockings with an elegant lace garter, and not to demonstrate them. If in the morning, getting ready for the service, you prefer expensive silk underwear to "comfortable knitwear", your gait will probably change a little: lightness will increase so much that you can guess your readiness to ignore the law of gravity in it. Perhaps, of course, such an attitude will not have the most positive effect on your willingness to focus solely on work. But your boss will hardly be angry if you answer his remark in a slightly muffled voice, in which new, special modulations will be perceptible ... By the way, it would be nice for women who are improving in the art of seduction to “put their voices on”, taking a few lessons from stage teacher. It has been noticed that a high, excessively sonorous voice and hasty, "jumping" speech often irritate the opposite sex. Whereas lowering the timbre (sometimes even a slight hoarseness) and measured speech with expressive pauses have an exciting effect on men.

Sexual interest that has arisen is an ephemeral and fleeting thing. The expression of disposition towards a man, goodwill and trust will help to consolidate the effect. After all, according to psychologists, modern representatives of the stronger sex are very unsure of themselves, and therefore the slightest manifestation of aggression or even slight neglect can make them instantly retreat (the fear of being rejected, getting a blow to pride turns out to be stronger than the basic instinct). Encourage him by sending some easily decipherable signs indicating your desire to continue the game. To help beginners, here is an excerpt from Alan Pease's Body Language, which describes "gestures and signals used by women to lure men":

Growing and nurturing your own sexuality, you not only take care of giving pleasure to the opposite sex - you first of all learn to be emotionally liberated, to be free in the manifestation of your feelings. Free enough to accept without offense the formula derived by Nietzsche: "The happiness of a man - I want. The happiness of a woman - he wants."