Essay: “My innovative teaching experience. Origami for the little ones. application of methods and techniques of working with children, based on their individual characteristics

MADOU "Center Garden No. 4"

on the topic: "The role of theatrical activity in the development of preschoolers"

The relevance of work on this topic lies in the fact that in a preschool educational institution, theatrical activity is one of the most accessible types of art for children, it enables the child to satisfy his any desires and interests, get acquainted with the world around him in all its diversity, activate vocabulary and sound ... Theatrical activity is an inexhaustible source of the development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of the child. In theatrical activity, the child is liberated, conveys his creative ideas, receives satisfaction from the activity, which contributes to the disclosure of the child's personality, his individuality, and creative potential. The child has the opportunity to express his feelings, experiences, emotions, to resolve his internal conflicts.

Theatrical activity allows you to solve many problems of pedagogy and psychology associated with:

Art education and upbringing of children;

Formation of aesthetic taste;

Moral education;

Development of memory, imagination, initiative, speech;

Development of communication skills;

Creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension,

solving conflict situations through theatrical play.

Theatrical activity instills a steady interest in literature, theater, improves the skill of embodying certain experiences in the game, encourages the creation of new images, contributes to the development of communication skills

Ability to communicate with other people, to defend their point of view, based on the rules of verbal communication.

Theatricalization is used in the interests of the child's speech development. The emotional impact of works of theatrical art stimulates the assimilation of the language, arouses the desire to share impressions. Carrying such a positive impulse, theatrical activity should be widely used in work with children. However, the upbringing of children by means of the theater is slowly and not always successfully implemented in practice. The theater often turns into an optional, auxiliary event that can only entertain. The problem lies in the need to realize that such a type of children's activity as theatricalization creates the most favorable conditions for the harmonious development of the child. Taking an active part in holidays and theatrical performances associated with folk traditions, the child develops his artistic and creative inclinations, independence, amateur performance, returns children to the origins of national culture and natural knowledge of the spiritual life of the people.

The theater combines all types of art, which makes it possible to talk with children not only about its history, but also about painting, architecture, the history of costume and decorative and applied arts.

It is very important to interest parents in the prospects for the development of theatrical activities, to involve them in the life of the kindergarten, to make them allies in their work.

Conditions for the formation of the idea of ​​experience, conditions for the emergence, formation of experience.

The originality and novelty of the experience consists in the use of theatrical activities in the educational process of preschool educational institutions in non-traditional activities, and not only in the form of entertainment, holidays, dramatization games in the free activities of children. The use of theatrical activity as an educational tool expands the learning opportunities for children, allows you to keep the child's attention for a long time. Since an unconventional occupation is based on the principles:

Constant feedback,

Dialogueization of the educational process,

Development optimization (active stimulation)

Emotional uplift

Voluntary participation (freedom of choice),

Diving into the problem

Free space, harmonization of development.

By accumulating creative experience, children, with the support of adults, can become authors of research, creative, adventure, play, practice-oriented projects.

The topics of the projects can be very different, their main conditions are the interest of children, which provides motivation for successful learning. Pupils of our institution are very curious, strive to learn and research something new, unknown. To satisfy the interest of children, projects of various orientations are created, and to interest parents. The use of modern ones improves the quality of the educational process, makes teaching bright, memorable, interesting for children of any age, and forms an emotionally positive attitude.

The presence of a theoretical base of experience.

The theoretical basis of the experience is based on the publication of such authors as:
Antipina activities in kindergarten: games, exercises, scenarios.

Artemova games for preschoolers: book. For a kindergarten teacher.

Petrova games in kindergarten. Development of activities for all age groups c.

A child in the world of fairy tales: musical and theatrical performances, performances, games for children 4-7 years old

Churilova and the organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers and younger students

Folklore - music - theater: programs and class notes for teachers working with preschoolers.

Experience technology. The system of specific pedagogical actions, content, methods, methods of education and training.

The impact of theatrical activities on the development of the child is undeniable. This is one of the most effective methods of manifesting creativity, and the activity in which the principle of learning is most vividly applied: teaching by playing.
The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are enormous; its subject is not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. Participating in it, children get to know the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, music, and the questions skillfully posed by the teacher encourage them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the character's replicas, his own statements, the sound culture of speech is activated. The role played, especially the dialogue with another character, puts the little actor in front of the need to speak clearly and clearly. Captivated by the idea of ​​the production, the child learns a lot, learns how the skills gained in the game can be used in everyday life. Therefore, theatrical activity allows you to solve such pedagogical tasks as:

promote a more holistic perception and deep understanding of the studied material by preschoolers, increase cognitive motivation, involving them in active independent activity, form needs to search and identify their original findings;

a positive attitude towards the application and development of innovations aimed at broadening the horizons of preschoolers;

to give knowledge for the intellectual and spiritual and moral development of preschoolers, contributing to the successful development of erudition, fantasy in children, the ability to reason logically and draw conclusions;

to bring up elementary generally accepted norms with peers and adults through playful actions;

improve preschoolers' acquired playing skills and abilities for the development of play activity;

to promote the use in practice of modern requirements for the organization of games of preschoolers and to form in preschoolers a moral culture of world outlook

The optimal and effective means in theatrical activity is one of the main ones in the organization of a developing environment. In our kindergarten, conditions have been created for the development of theatrical activities: this is the creative design of the music hall, a computer with Internet access, a TV, a video library, an audio library, a music center, microphones; equipped with a "dressing room", where masks, wigs, costumes and attributes for performances, methodological support are kept. In the group, a theatrical corner was decorated, various types of theater were purchased and manufactured: tabletop, bi-ba-bo, finger, etc. The approach to raising children creates conditions in which the position of the child is naturally provided in the process of creative communication with an adult. A variety of games increase the emotional tone, relieve stress, and activate the attention of children. Theatrical activity is included in almost all types of directly organized activities, in independent activities, the activities of children and adults, in the script of the holidays.

The forms of organization of theatrical activities are:

1. Joint organized theatrical activities of adults and children.

2. Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical games in everyday life.

3. Mini-games, mini-scenes in the course of other direct educational activities.

4. Visiting theaters in preschool or outside kindergarten with parents.
Theatrical activities are optimally and effectively structured, including: watching puppet shows, talking about them, dramatization games, sketches, pantomimes, correctional games, exercises for the development of speech, games - transformations, finger game training. Effectively the use of theatrical holidays in the preschool educational institution, where each participant contributes his creativity, his work through the manufacture of simple decorations, carnival masks, toys, handicrafts, drawings.

The effectiveness of the experience.

The content of this system made it possible to develop in older preschool children such individual and personal qualities as tolerance and confidence, sympathy for others, the development of children's imagination, the ability to empathize with what is happening, the ability to manage their mood and regulate emotions. emancipation of the child, increasing his self-confidence, in his abilities.
After the work done, the children underwent significant changes in the state of speech capabilities and communicative functions. In parallel, the development of all mental processes took place: attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech.

Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of the emotionality of the child, the disclosure of his creative potential, acting, which is considered decisive for teaching children theatrical activities.

Taking an active part in holidays and theatrical performances associated with folk traditions, the child develops his artistic and creative inclinations, independence, amateur performance, returns children to the origins of national culture and natural knowledge of the spiritual life of the people.

The use of the above and methodological forms in practice made it possible to achieve the following results: according to the results of the diagnosis of artistic abilities on the basis of the partial program "Theater - Creativity - Children", edited by the author, there is a positive dynamics in the development of children.

Difficulties and problems in using this experience

The difficulties in applying this experience were as follows:

- planning and building a system of classes, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children;

- selection of equipment and materials;

- the use of methods and techniques for working with children, based on their individual characteristics;

- development of criteria for tracking the level of development of knowledge, skills and abilities of children.

I willingly share my work experience with colleagues at work, parents, speaking at workshops, methodological associations, pedagogical councils, parent meetings, consultations.

Natalia Lunina
Innovative pedagogical experience of the teacher's work "Gender education of preschoolers in a kindergarten"



Educator website:

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"Gender education of preschoolers in a kindergarten."

Justification of the relevance and prospects of the experience. Its value for improving the educational process.

The main goal of my pedagogical experience is to improve my professional level on the topic, systematize the work of a gender approach in raising children in preschool educational institutions. Working on a professional self-education program will help me:

Raising children taking into account their gender characteristics;

Formation of gender competence in parents;

Acquaintance of teachers with theoretical knowledge about the psychosocial differences between boys and girls, the peculiarities of their upbringing and training.

Relevance of the chosen topic:

The problem of gender education has begun to acquire relevance at the present time, and more and more teachers and psychologists began to think about the need for a differentiated approach and education of girls and boys, and starting from preschool age. The fact is that by the end of an early age, the child learns his gender, and by the age of seven he develops gender stability, that is, the realization that gender remains, regardless of the situation and the child's desires.

The urgency of this problem is determined by the fact that the modern child is experiencing a strong psychological stress. In connection with early socialization, a lot of hopes are pinned on him, since in all educational institutions each child undergoes standard testing without taking into account his psychophysiology. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the individual differences between boys and girls, taking into account their psychophysiology.

Until recently, preschool pedagogy did not share the concept of gender and sex-role education. In fact, there is a difference. On the basis of numerous studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that at present it is impossible to focus only on biological sex, and they introduced the term "gender", which denotes social sex, or gender as a product of culture.

In pedagogy, the term "gender" allows one to get rid of the characteristic biological aspect of understanding the word "sex". The modern situation requires a girl to display not only traditionally feminine qualities (gentleness, femininity, caring for others, but also determination, initiative, the ability to defend their interests and achieve results. Only masculine qualities cannot be brought up in boys, since reality will require tolerance from them, responsiveness, ability to help.

Conditions for the formation of the leading idea of ​​experience, conditions for the emergence, formation of experience that.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​the experience is to create conditions for gender education of preschool children.

The work on gender education of preschool children includes various types of educational and play activities, as well as regime moments.

However, in classes based on the direct teaching influence of an adult, in work, in everyday life, it is impossible to fulfill all the tasks of gender education; different games must play an important role. Guided play is a good complement to the generalized awareness class and helps to build awareness of the difference between boys and girls. This is their developmental role.

The novelty of my pedagogical idea lies in the fact that the formation of gender education should be carried out systematically and in stages.

The theoretical basis of experience that.

The historical and pedagogical aspect of the problem showed that gender education at the present stage is understood by scientists: as a pedagogical activity aimed at mastering by children a gender repertoire, gender behavior skills, a culture of gender relations, contributing to positive gender socialization; as part of social and moral education associated with a number of pedagogical and special medical problems; as the upbringing of a family man, where a special role is given to the love of the mother and father, which is a role model; how to master the role of husband and wife, father or mother in accordance with social moral and hygienic requirements; as one of the directions of patriotic education, contributing to the formation, development and manifestation of a sense of duty and responsibility in relation to parents. For centuries, the problem of gender education of children worried teachers and parents. An analysis of the studies of V.E. Kagan, S.V. Kovalev, and others showed that in every period of the history of the Russian people, the upbringing of boys and girls was marked by a variety of events in everyday and family life and was of a class character. Various social institutions were significant: family, environment, school, state, church. But from century to century passed the "eternal" truths of gender upbringing of children. This was carried out from infancy, orienting the child to the upcoming social role. In the modern world, science gives reason to assert that gender education of children is possible from an early age purposefully and systematically, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child and the environment. The problem of gender education was considered in the pedagogical, sociological, psychological and physiological directions. From a psychological - physiological position, in order to become a man, a person, one must be either a woman or a man. You can't be both at the same time. The more fundamentally and more diverse the dissimilarity of these principles is felt, the deeper their mutual interest, the more irresistible the need for each other. The pedagogical orientation is manifested in a comprehensive study of the content, conditions, forms, methods, means and results of gender education in different historical periods and at the present stage in preschool childhood. The pedagogical conditions of gender education were studied by L.A. Arutyunova, T.V. Arkhireeva, N.K. Ledovskikh, and others. The issues of separate and joint education of boys and girls worried N.E. V. Telnyuk et al. The theory and methodology of raising children in the process of sex-role socialization in a kindergarten was studied by M. A. Radzivilova. Problems of gender education are reflected in various types of activity: cognitive - speech (Voroshnina L. V, communicative (Abramenkova V. V, Repina T. A, visual (Kazakova R. G, play (Dobrovich A. B., Suslova E. K, labor (Ledovskikh NK). Sociologists believe that the family has a huge impact on the formation of gender stereotypes in the representation of preschool children (Zakharov A.I.). Mom is the main teacher in the family, the strength of family ties depends on her, the fate of her children. The highest virtues of a woman are patience, love, wisdom, which are a great deficit in a modern woman. It also comes from her that men have become passive in manifesting their functions of breadwinner, protector, owner and support of the family. the question of the role of the kindergarten and the family in solving the problems of upbringing boys and girls. ь in close cooperation between parents and teachers. Gender education for older children is a relatively new concept. The prerequisites for its appearance are the differentiation of the upbringing and education of children in accordance with their gender, as a differentiated approach to boys and girls in the conditions of their joint stay in a preschool educational institution. VV Abramenkova believes that the formation of socio - psychological sex occurs in the process of sexual differentiation and identification. Sexual differentiation is a combination of genetic, physiological and psychological characteristics, on the basis of which male and female sex are distinguished. This is the most important personality category that a child learns. Studying the essence of gender-role differentiation in the conditions of a peer group, V.V. Abramenkova points to the influence of traditional cultural stereotypes of male and female behavior on the gender development of preschool children and the formation of relationships between boys and girls. Gender identification correlates itself with representatives of a particular gender in the unity of behavior and self-consciousness of an individual who refers to himself as a particular gender.

The process of gender identification takes place under the influence of the mother and father through imitation of them. Scientists have come to the conclusion that at the age of three, children develop a gender identity, at the age of five to six years - the 14th system of gender identity. Until the age of five or six, it is easier to manage its formation in the course of gender education. With children of older preschool age, it is necessary to build work on gender education not at the household level, but on a more elevated value attitude towards women and men.

The requirements for women in modern society have changed. A girl should be characterized by manifestations of not only gentleness, caring attitude towards others, femininity, that is, traditionally feminine qualities, but also determination, initiative, the ability to defend their interests and achieve results. For boys, such qualities as patience, the ability to provide all possible help, responsiveness, and care also became very important. In ancient times, gender education of children was carried out easily and naturally: girls spent most of the time with their mother, and the father led the upbringing of boys from the age of three. Children saw their parents, communicated with them, and, as a result, they formed stereotypes of behavior characteristic of men and women in this family. If this is a boy, then he was the embodiment of endurance, will, strength. Research on pedagogy and the work of practitioners has shown that in early childhood, games were the basis for the all-round development of both girls and boys. Justice prevailed in games, everyone got what they deserved, boys and girls were equal. The children have developed the habit of playing and living according to the general laws of the collective, the accepted moral and ethical standards, the established procedures, which teaches them to live and coexist, taking into account their gender status. In modern research, various aspects of gender education are quite fully presented: the possibilities of individual means have been studied (play - L.V. Gradusova, E.A.Kudryavtseva, E.A.Konysheva; work - L.A. Arutyunova; works of fine art - T. V. Malov, forms of organization of children - N.K. Ledovskikh, etc.

Experience technology. The system of specific pedagogical actions, content, methods, methods of education and trained and I.

It seems that it is impossible to educate boys and girls in the same way, it is impossible to offer girls to be like boys, not to be inferior to them in anything, to compete with them. But differentiated parenting is not separate parenting. Only through close communication, children of different sexes can learn to respect each other's feelings and actions.

Many researchers believe that the focus of girls is on the person, his inner world. They are more attracted by external aesthetics than boys, they are worried about human experiences, they are characterized by a tendency to take care of the younger and the weak, take care of them, they are constant in their affections. Boys, on the other hand, are more interested in the world around them (computers, cars, sports, they often show a desire to take risks, to overcome dangers.

Based on the above, in my work on gender education, I use the following techniques:

1. "Look what I am!" Purpose: to teach to identify oneself with representatives of the same gender, to form an idea of ​​oneself as a unique, self-valuable, inimitable personality.

Didactic game "Dress up the doll".

Drawing "My portrait".

Working with the mirror "My emotions".

Guessing riddles about body parts.

2. Who's Who. Purpose: to develop the ability to correlate one's sex-role behavior with the behavior of others, to adequately assess the sex-role behavior of peers and one's own.

Staging of the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"

Reading "Two comrades were walking through the woods." L. Tolstoy with


Educator's story "Rules in our group"

3. "I am among others." Purpose: to develop ideas about other people on the basis of comparing oneself with them, highlighting similarities and differences. Cultivate friendships

An outdoor game "Catch in pairs".

Didactic game "Describe the one on the right."

Learning songs about friendship.

Watching the cartoon "Cheburashka"

Construction from building material "House

for friends"

4. “Me and my family.” Purpose: to create conditions for the implementation of knowledge about the standards of “male” and “female” behavior in play and real relationships with peers, to form ideas about the role and employment of men and women in the family.

Exhibition of family photographs.

Role-playing games "We are waiting for guests", "Hospital"

Drawing "My family"

Viewing cartoons "Sack of apples", "Three from Prostokvashino", "Cat's house"

5. "Who am I?" Purpose: to form ideas about "female" and "male" types of activities, external and internal aspects of masculinity and femininity.

Lotto "Professions"

Reading the story “How I was a mother” by J. Segel.

Didactic game "Women's and men's work"

Working with pictures "Behavior"

6. "What are the boys made of?" Purpose: to form an emotionally positive attitude towards fulfilling a future social role.

Reading the poem by E. Uspensky “If there was

girl. "

Conversation: “Dads are our Defenders”.

Application "Gift for Dad" for the Defender's Day


7. "The world of girls". Purpose: to foster a culture of communication with partners of the opposite sex, to continue to teach to be neat: to see and eliminate the imperfections of your appearance in your hair, clothes, etc.

Joint work with the distribution of responsibilities "We wash the doll's linen".

Application "Postcard for Mom".

Didactic game "Dress the doll at the theater, shop, disco."

Development of fine motor skills: "Making jewelry with our own hands"

I also mean work with parents, namely, I gave advice to parents on raising their sons: "The psychological development of boys", advice on raising a daughter: "How to raise a girl", I developed recommendations for didactic games on gender education, advice for parents: "Family is the main a factor in the formation of a child's gender identity ”, compiled a memo:“ Raising boys and girls in Russian traditions ”, held a conversation:“ To parents about raising girls and boys ”.

Performance analysis ti.

The proposed model for organizing work on the formation of the gender culture of preschoolers is effective and contributes to gender socialization of the personality of a preschooler, which is confirmed by the consistently positive dynamics of monitoring results.

2017-2018 Girls Boys

High level 71.4% 61%

Average level 25.4% 35%

Low level 3.2% 4%

Developed and implemented a model for the formation of gender culture in preschool children in a preschool institution;

A diagnostic package was selected and formed to identify the level of formation of gender culture and the development of gender representations of preschoolers;

Selected and developed methodological materials for working with children, teachers, parents;

Teachers are actively involved in innovative activities;

The gender competence of teachers has increased, which is manifested in the design of the educational process, that is, in the planning of specific events, various types of activities, taking into account a gender approach; distribution of responsibilities depending on the gender of the child;

Parents received additional knowledge about educational processes and were able to consciously apply a number of pedagogical methods;

Children show:

the skills of a benevolent relationship to each other; the ability to be neat: to see and eliminate the imperfections of your appearance in your hairstyle, clothes, etc.;

skills of helping each other in the game, joint activities; the ability to see and appreciate good deeds and positive character traits; the ability to understand and respect the opinions of partners of the opposite sex

Difficulties and problems in using this experience that.

In my teaching practice, I faced certain difficulties in gender education:

A lot of work and patience when using a differentiated and individual approach in working with children.

Improving and honing the techniques, forms and methods of pedagogical art.

This pedagogical experience can be useful for preschool educators, teachers of additional education, interested and attentive parents.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​the work being carried out is the formation of the principles of ecological culture through multicultural education, the development of cognitive activity, curiosity in children, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the formation of a conscious understanding of the relationship between the living and the inanimate in nature.



Own innovative teaching experience

« Multicultural education of preschoolers through familiarization

with the nature of the native land "

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small blade of love.
Take care of all the animals of nature.
Only kill the beasts within you.

E. Evtushenko

The relevance and perspective of the experience

The problem of multicultural education of preschoolers through familiarization

with the nature of the native land is one of the fundamental problems of the theory of education and is of paramount importance for educational work.

Preschool age is an intrinsically valuable stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature, the world around us. The kindergarten is the first link in the continuous environmental education system.

Teaching to feel the beauty of the native land, the beauty of the land, and to realize that every child is a responsible participant in the preservation of this beauty is one of the main tasks of teachers.

Therefore, it is extremely important to show the child environmental patterns using the examples of your region.

I believe that the topic of my innovative experience is very relevant today, since fFormation of a humane attitude towards nature is the main task of ecological education, which is realized through the development of compassion, empathy and empathy in children for all living beings on the planet. Man is a part of nature, but often it is he who has a detrimental effect on the world around him. The formation of an active position of the "protector and friend" of the natural world is the basis in the upbringing of the ecological culture of preschoolers.

Conceptuality (originality and novelty of experience)

Developing a child in an ethnocultural environment, attention is focused on familiarizing him with beauty and goodness, on the desire to see the uniqueness of his native culture, nature, on the desire to participate in their comparison and augmentation, on a sense of pride, respect and love for his small homeland.

The conceptuality of experience is determined by the following fundamental principles and techniques:

The principle of the regional component (study of the nature of the native land) which allows:

Use the information that children have in order for them to apply their knowledge in a variety of practical activities;

Solve the tasks of educating moral and patriotic feelings;

Create a conducive environment for self-expression.

The principle of scientific character and accessibility of concepts:

at each stage of working with children, the initial ideas deepen, are saturated with content, gradually turning into concepts that form elementary environmental knowledge.

So, I build my work based on the following pedagogical principles:

Educational nature of training;

Building material from simple to complex;


Variety of material;


Cooperative activity;


The presence of a theoretical base of experience

To provide a theoretical basis, I use the following programs, technologies and other sources for innovation:

1. Multicultural education of children of middle and senior preschool age. Edited by V.N. Vershinin - Ulyanovsk: UIPKPRO, 2004.

2. Vinogradova NF Children, adults and the world around / Vinogradova NF - M.: Education, 1993. - 128 p.

3. Komarova I. A, Prokofieva OO Theoretical and methodological aspects of multicultural education of preschoolers. - Vector of Science TSU, 4. 2011. Sukhomlinsky V. A. Not only with the mind, but also with the heart. Collection of articles and excerpts from works. M.: Young Guard, 1986

4. Voronkevich OV Welcome to ecology! - SPb. : "Childhood Press"; 2002.

5. Vinogradova N.F., Kulikova T.A. Children, adults and the world around, M.: Education, 1993.

6. Streltsova O.B. Creation of an ecologically developing environment / Streltsova O.B. // Creativity in kindergarten - 2012 - № 2. - p.12-15

7. Ivanova, NN Project method in the process of environmental education of preschoolers / NN Ivanova // Social and personal development: successive ties in the work of educational institutions / ed. N.F.Gubanova, G.V. Ivanova. - Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute. - Kolomna: MGOSGI, 2012 .-- S. 97-100.

8. Ivanova, NN Project method in the process of environmental education of preschoolers / NN Ivanova // Social and personal development: successive ties in the work of educational institutions / ed. N.F.Gubanova, G.V. Ivanova. - Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute. - Kolomna: MGOSGI, 2012 .-- S. 97-100.

9. Ivanova, NN Experiential activity of older preschool children as a means of preparing for school // Continuity of preschool and primary education / ed. T. S. Komarova, A. V. Naybauer, O. A, Solomennikova. - M.: RITs MGGU im. M. A. Sholokhova, 2011 .-- p. 132-140

Leading pedagogical idea

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​the work being carried out is the formation of the principles of ecological culture through multicultural education,the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection,the formation of a conscious understanding of the relationship between living and nonliving in nature.

The implementation of this idea required the creation of a certain system of work:

Expansion and clarification, systematization of children's ideas about the flora and fauna of the nature of their native land;

The acquisition of knowledge by children about the relationship between nature and man, the formation of practical skills to resolve environmental problems;

Education of value orientations, motives, needs, habits of active environmental protection;

Development of interest in their native land, the formation of elementary ideas in children that we live in the Republic of Mordovia;

Clarification of children's knowledge about nature, rivers, lakes, plants, about the way of life of animals in our region;

Acquaintance with the map of Russia, Mordovia, Lyambirsky region;

Formation of an ecological culture among children and their parents, a desire to take part in environmental protection measures for the benefit of the native village of Lyambir;

Strengthening the skills to convey your attitude to nature in stories and productive activities;

The development in children of an emotional state, pride in their native places, the desire to decorate and protect their land, to be proud of its beauty. To make it clear to children that the uniqueness and beauty of the Republic of Mordovia depends on us, to consolidate the ability to behave correctly in nature;

Lead children to understand that human life on Earth is largely dependent on the environment.

Optimality and efficiency of funds

I consider the following activities carried out by me to be the optimal and effective means of work:

Conversations with children in joint activities, observation (trees, grass, animals);

Classes ("Plants of our land", "Animal world of our land", "Nature reserves of Mordovia", "There is no better native land", "I love you my native land" and others);

Reading fiction (T. Timokhina "How Winter Healed Styopka", A. Ezhov "My Motherland", G. Tukay "Tugan Tel", I. Surikov "This is my village", etc.);

Examination of albums, illustrations, photographs;

Didactic games and exercises;


I organize exhibitions of drawings and handicrafts of children of our group ("White Birch", "Primroses", "Merry Summer", "This is such an autumn", "Trees by the lake"). We send the most successful works to online contests.

I pay great attention to board and didactic games, since it is in the game that different sides of the child's personality appear and develop, many emotional and intellectual needs are satisfied, character is formed ("Collect the picture", "Seasons", "Settle in a house", "Whose tail ? "," When does this happen? ", Etc.).

I constantly learn and play folk games for a walk:(Mordovian games:"Into the Keys" - "Panjomnese", "Into the Chickens" - "Saraskese", "Circular" - "Kunsema Ball", "Paradise - Paradise"; Tatar folk games: " ", " ", " " and etc.).

Our group has its own corner of nature. Children take care of the plants with great pleasure: they loosen the soil, wipe the leaves, water the plants, remove dry leaves. We mark the weather with conventional signs. At the end of the month, we compare the state of the weather, count how many clear, cloudy, rainy and windy days were, and draw conclusions about the weather.

Thus, a corner of nature in a kindergarten is needed not only as a decoration for a kindergarten, but also a necessary component of the pedagogical process.

Together with parents we spend entertainment and leisure activities ("The Day of the Spring Equinox", "Traveling with Baba Yaga", the holiday "Russian Birch" and others).

Experience performance

Thus, it is clear that the ongoing work on the topic"Multicultural education of preschoolers through acquaintance with the nature of their native land" contributes to instilling love for their native land, the formation of elementary ideas about the nature of their native land. Children on an emotional level feel love and affection for their native land, for the village, home, kindergarten; feel positive emotions from communication with nature, treat it more carefully.

Parents are more interested in the activities of the kindergarten to educate their children to love the nature of their native land, take an active part in organizing excursions, preparing manuals, and engaging in pedagogical self-education.

L.A. said correctly. Vladimirsky: “What our land and native nature gives us - sunrises and sunsets, birds singing, the murmur of a brook, dewdrops on the grass, a gentle breeze in the July heat, frosty patterns on the windows in winter, gentle carved snowflakes, crawling caravans of cranes in the sky in the fall, white lilies in a river backwater, mushrooms, berries and fruits - all this is an invaluable property of our people, and we must not only love, appreciate, admire all this, but we must also understand that behind the daily bustle of the current difficult and not everyone's happy life is very important to protect and preserve all this "

Replication possibility

My work experience posted:

On the website of the preschool educational institution;

On the site of the municipal Lyambirsky district;

On a personal site in the NS portal. ru;

On the MAAM website. ru;

On the NUMI website. ru;

On the website "Pedagogical Newspaper".

The experience of my work on the multicultural education of preschoolers through acquaintance with the nature of my native land was presented at the meetings of the RMO Lyambirsky district, posted on the website of the preschool educational institution and other sites (, NUMI. Ru, on my personal site in the NS,made a presentation on this topic on International scientific and practical conference with elements of a scientific school for young scientists. NSon the multicultural education of older preschoolers, my articles have been published in the collection of the international scientific and practical conference"Actual problems of art education: traditions, prospects, searches"-article "Multicultural education as a means of forming tolerance in older preschool children"


Justification of the relevance and prospects of the experience.

Love for the Motherland begins with love for one's small Motherland - the place where a person was born. Therefore, it is of great importance to familiarize preschoolers with the historical, cultural, national, geographic, natural and ecological originality of their native region. Getting acquainted with the native land, its sights, the child learns to be aware of himself living in a certain period of time, in certain ethno-cultural conditions and at the same time to become familiar with the riches of national and world culture.

The introduction of a child to the life-giving source of history, traditions, customs of his people is an integral part of moral education,the first step in his assimilation of universal human moral values. The preservation and revival of cultural heritage begins with the study of the history of their region, education of a careful and respectful attitude towards it, starting from early childhood.

Acquaintance with the small homeland - Mordovia, the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples living on its territory, contributes to the development of the creative personality of the modern preschooler in the conditions of the multicultural space of Mordovia.

Play in kindergarten is perhaps one of the most important means of education. After all, while playing, the child learns, which means he develops. The game is very in tune with the nature of the child. A child from birth to maturity pays great attention to play. A game for a child is not just an interesting pastime, but a way of modeling the external, adult world, a way of modeling his relationships, in the process of which the child develops a pattern of relationships with peers. Children are happy to come up with games themselves, with the help of which the most commonplace, everyday things are transferred to a special interesting world of adventures.

Children's didactic and outdoor games are the main means of versatile upbringing of a child, the game helps to educate the basic qualities of the personality as a whole.

At present, the task of preserving national traditions and the formation of a person's national self-awareness is urgent. The kindergarten, solving the problems of the versatile development of children by means of national culture, gives preference to folk games. Such games have incorporated the best national traditions. They clearly reflect the way of life of people, their work, way of life, national foundations. There is a lot of humor, jokes, and fervor in folk games, which makes them especially attractive to children. The accessibility and expressiveness of folk games activates the child's mental work, contributes to the expansion of ideas about the world around, the development of mental processes. It is difficult to find other material that is as close to children in spirit and at the same time contains enormous educational and educational opportunities, such as folk play; through play, it is easier for children to understand eternal moral values, play helps to convey high moral ideals to the little person.

Our children should know well not only the history of the Russian state, but also the traditions of national culture, be aware, understand and actively participate in the revival of the national culture. Play is an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education of children of all ages. The problem remains in introducing preschool children to the culture of the Mordovian people through folk games.

The novelty of the experience - is focused on the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, which came into force, which states that the teacher must ensure lively, interested communication of the child with adults and peers in various types of children's activities, and the leading place among which is given to the game. All his activities are based on play. Through all the diversity of national games, which contain tremendous opportunities for the upbringing and development of the individual, we will be able to familiarize children with the national spiritual heritage of our people. We will be able to build a methodology for introducing children to folk culture, based on folk experience. Select and analyze folklore material (folk games) and show the ways of its inclusion in the life of the kindergarten.

Educational tasks:

1) Foster respect for cultural heritage.

2) To cultivate respect for their small homeland.

3) To cultivate in children an interest not only inMordovian gamesbut also to the culture of its people in general.

4) Foster in the child a sense of pride and love for the place in which he was born and lives.

Educational tasks:

1) Introduce children to Mordovian games.

2) Expand children's ideas about Mordovian games.

3) To acquaint with the traditions of the Mordovian people associated with games.

4) Instill interest in Mordovian folk games;

5) Analyze the technology of using Mordovian games in working with preschoolers.

6) Reveal the degree of effectiveness of the Mordovian games and their influence on the assimilation of the national culture by children.

Developmental tasks:

1) Develop a cognitive interest in national games.

2) Develop attention, imagination, logical thinking, observation.

3) Development of children's motor activity, endurance, dexterity.

4) Develop the ability in children to act by the rules.

5) Create conditions for independent reflection of the acquired knowledge and skills by children.

Conditions for the formation of the leading idea of ​​experience.

1) increasing the professional competence of preschool teachers and parents on the problem of forming the ethnocultural competence of preschool children by means of folk culture;

2) development and practical implementation of a program for the ethnocultural education of preschool children by means of traditional folk culture;

3) the focus of the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution on the integrated knowledge of the elements of ethnoculture: folklore, folk philosophy, arts and crafts, traditions;

4) a step-by-step process of forming the ethnocultural competence of preschoolers by means of traditional folk culture;

5) creation of a developing subject-spatial environment in the process of independent creative activity of preschoolers, taking into account their interests and capabilities;

6) the use of active forms and methods of teaching (game, heuristic, dialogue-game, design, integrated methods, etc.).

Theoretical significanceis to identify areas of knowledge, the integration of which is purposeful and will contribute to ethnocultural education in preschool children.

Experience technology.

Also, in the process of work, we used the following methods and techniques.

Empirical methods:

Study of the literature on the research topic;

Pedagogical supervision;

Sociological methods-surveys, interviewing;



Projective techniques;

Study and generalization of experience.

Theoretical methods:

Thought procedures (analysis, synthesis, classification, abstraction, generalization, comparison, integration, systematization);

Forecasting, design, modeling;

Building a thought experiment.

When planning and organizing classes, it is important to observe the following conditions:

Be sure to take into account the content of the basic kindergarten program;

Correct definition of the main goal of the lesson;

Take into account the interests and needs of each child, arouse surprise and interest in the proposed material, treat all children with love and understanding.

It is necessary to maintain a positive - emotional style of relations between adults and children in the classroom, take into account the age, individual and psychological characteristics of children.

When working with children, the following teaching methods were used:

Study and analysis of literary sources on the research problem.

Supervising children during the game.

Conversation with children about Mordovia, native village.

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results obtained (diagnostics).

And in direct educational activities, methods such as: visual-effective, verbal-figurative, practical.

The visual-effective method is used during:

Show of fairy tales, presentations;

Examination of book illustrations, reproductions;

Conducting didactic, outdoor, musical and didactic games;


The verbal method seems to be the most effective in the process:

Reading and playing with literary works by the teacher;

Conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing the teacher's stories;

Answers to questions of a teacher, children;

Conducting a variety of games (sedentary, role-playing, didactic, dramatization games, games with musical accompaniment, etc.);

Guessing and guessing riddles;

Consideration of visual material;

Children's stories about their experiences.

The practical method is used when necessary:

Conducting didactic, active and sedentary games..

Performance analysis.

As indicators of positive results, we can consider the successful participation of children in future projects, at open events, competitive shows held at various levels, and their winning prizes in competitions. We consider an increase in the level of ethnic and artistic interests of children to be a particularly important indicator. Increased interest in information about folk culture in various sources. Steady interest in the study of folk culture. A situational interest in the study of traditional culture.

At the end of each stage of the project, parent meetings, festive gatherings, and questionnaires to assess the effectiveness of the project are held. The systematic nature of joint activities with parents and children, the products of joint activities of children and parents, the degree of parental interest in ongoing activities, the project, the positive dynamics of an increase in the total number of those involved in the project are assessed.

Difficulties and problems in using this experience.

The implementation of the pedagogical experience carries with it certain difficulties.

Insufficient knowledge of children and parents of national traditions, culture;

Insufficient reading of fairy tales, works of writers;

Inability to play national games and toys in families and kindergarten;

Difficulties of teachers in the development of educational programs, in the selection of visual aids, literary texts and materials on the content of ethnocultural education, as well as in the search for the most effective methods and forms of working with children;

Insufficient enrichment of the material, methodological support of the preschool educational institution.

  • to increase the professional competence of preschool teachers in the field of ethnocultural education of preschoolers;
  • build a preschool educational environment, taking into account regional characteristics;
  • implement in a complex way - the thematic principle of education with the help of the national calendar;
  • to develop a work program for the formation of ethnocultural competence in children;
  • interact with families and cultural centers.

Intuitive application.

GCD summary for familiarization with the outside world

in the middle group (educational area "Cognition")

GCD structure

Stages of GCD



Organizing time

Preparing for a group lesson.

2 minutes.

Main part:

1) Preparing children to learn new material.

2) Disclosure of the content of the material, the organization of active cognitive activity.

3) Physical minutes.

Introductory conversation.

Explanation of the new material. Reading a poem. Conversation.

The teacher's story about the Mordovian national costume

"Friendly fingers"

16 minutes

Final part

Lesson summary

2 minutes.


Consolidation of children's knowledge about their native land, culture, folk art.

Continue to acquaint children with the culture of their homeland.

Foster a patriotic feeling.


  • Expand children's ideas about their native land, culture, folk art.
  • To acquaint children with the Mordovian national costume.
  • To instill in a child a sense of pride, respect for national traditions.

Types of children's activities:playful, communicative, productive, reading.

Material and equipment:Educator in national costume, doll in national costume, audio recording of Mordovian folk music.

GCD move

Shumbratado, Shabbat! (Shumbratado!)

Guys, tell me, in what language did we greet you? (Mordovian)

Right! Today I want to talk with you about our small homeland, about the land in which we were born. For this I invite you to go on a journey.

(the teacher and children go to the mini-museum of the MDOU)

Tell me, what is the name of the republic in which we live? (Mordovia)

Who can tell the name of the capital of Mordovia? (Saransk)

Look - this is the flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Moldova. What colors does the flag of Mordovia consist of? (white, red, blue)

White color means wisdom, innocence of the world; dark red reflects the long traditions of the Mordovians; the dark blue color symbolizes the fertile land filled with moisture.

Child: You are my Motherland, our land of Mordovia!

In life, support, love and destiny.

Moksha and Erzya, Russian brothers ...

We are your children, we praise you!

The nature of Mordovia is quite diverse. There are forests and meadows, rivers and lakes, lowlands and hills.(slide 1 ). All seasons in Mordovia are unlike each other. Warm spring is replaced by hot summer. Rainy autumn gives way to frosty winter.

The climate of Mordovia allows the cultivation of wheat and rye for baking bread, barley for brewing beer, hemp for weaving ropes. The weather here is favorable for horticulture and animal husbandry (slide 2).

Let's go back in time and enter the village house. In a residential hut, in the corner near the door, there was a stove. There was a ward under the ceiling - shelves on which people slept. Next to the stove there was a chest for dishes, a stove hung on the wall - a wicker basket for storing spoons (slide 3).

In the old days, on long winter evenings, the Mordovians arranged gatherings at which women and girls spun, accompanying the work with songs, the guys played various musical instruments (slide 4).

Embroidery was not only obligatory, but also a favorite pastime of Mordovian girls (slide 4). The palette of Mordovian embroidery includes mainly four colors: black with a blue tint and dark red - as the main tones, yellow and green - for coloring the pattern. In an effort not to repeat themselves, the Mordovians constantly improved their skills. They drew ideas from the surrounding nature. And the names of Mordovian ornaments are as follows - "snake head", "chicken feet", "goat hooves", "wings", "fir branches", "sun knots", "stars"(examining patterns).

A women's shirt was worn with a belt or a special complex loincloth, which is called pulai in Mordovian(dressing girls in a Mordovian costume).

For Erzya women, high headdresses on a solid base with a long canvas blade descending to the back were typical. Mokshan women wore two-horned hats or turban-like headbands (slide 5). On holidays, Mordovians wore leather boots, bast bast shoes served as everyday shoes.

- Guys, did you like the Mordovian national costume? Now let's remember what the Mordovian national clothes are called and pronounce them.

Shirt ─ Panar.

Apron ─ Ikelga boy.

Loincloth ─ Pulai.

Chest decoration ─ Sulgamo.

Hat-wreath ─ Kid-horse.

And now we will have a little rest with you.

"Friendly fingers"

Te surnes - avine

Those surnes - to aunt

Te surnes - babinet

Those surnes - grandfather

Te surnes - mon

What great fellows, they did everything right! Well rested, now it's time to get to work. You have strips of paper and a rosette on your tables. Look again at the flag of the Republic of Mordovia, how to arrange the colors correctly. Get to work.

(During work, I help children with advice (individually, in a quiet voice, without distracting other children)

I remind you that you need to use glue carefully, spread it on the entire surface, remove excess glue with a napkin.

Guys, your work is ready, let's arrange an exhibition, evaluate the work. What is the tidiest job?

D: Answers

What work did you like the most?

D: Answers

Guys, what new did you learn in class?

D: Answers

What did we talk about today?

D: Answers.

Remember what else we did?

Q: You are great, you have learned a lot. What flags you got!

Lesson summary.

Q: The most beautiful thing in the world is Motherland. Each person has his own little corner - a city, village, street, house where he was born. This is his little homeland, and our common, great homeland consists of many such small native corners. The homeland begins on the threshold of the home. She is huge and beautiful. And everyone has one, like a mother.

You are my Motherland, our land, Mordovia!
In life, support, love and destiny.
Moksha and Erzya, Russian brothers ...
We, your children, praise you!
Be glorious, our land, with bread and song.
With the spirit of freedom and peaceful labor!
You are our pride, you are our faith.
You are our holy, parental home.
Friendship of peoples dignifies you.
The generosity of the soul and the warmth of mothers.
The spirit of Siyazhar has nourished since ancient times
By the wisdom of your sons' fathers.
Family flags soar in the blue sky,
In the hour of trials and joy, the hour.
We and Russia are inseparable -
Time has tested us for strength!

Our lesson has come to an end. Let's say goodbye to our guests in Mordovian. Vastomazonok ...

Innovative teaching experience

teacher MBDOU "Bulgakov kindergarten" Teremok "Kochkurovsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia

Yurkina Natalia Alexandrovna

on this topic: "The development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age"

The relevance and promise of experience

Parents and teachers are always concerned with the question of how to ensure the full development of a child in preschool age. The development of fine motor skills in children is quite acute.

At a younger preschool age, the development of fine motor skills is one of the main directions of upbringing and education of a preschooler. Possession of pedagogical knowledge and methods helps me to build work on the development of fine motor skills on the basis of productive activities, didactic games and finger games.

The relevance of work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children is due to the age, psychological and physiological characteristics of children: in preschool age, the structures and functions of the child's brain develop intensively, which expands his capabilities in cognizing the world around him. A comprehensive idea of ​​the surrounding objective world in a person cannot develop without tactile-motor perception, since it is the basis of sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile-motor perception that the first impressions of the shape, size of objects, and their location in space are formed. To teach a baby to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulatory apparatus, but also to develop fine motor skills of his hands.

Conditions for the formation of experience

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school, and it is in this area that preschoolers experience serious difficulties. Therefore, work on the development of fine motor skills should be started long before entering school, namely from a very early age. Hence, the problem arises - what conditions need to be created for the effective development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age.

Purpose of the work: the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age.

To achieve these goals, I have identified a number of tasks:

  1. To improve the subject-developmental environment of the group for the development of fine motor skills.
  2. Study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem.
  3. Train fine motor skills.
  4. Promote the development of creativity.
  5. Develop memory, mental activity, speech.
  6. Stimulate visual and auditory perception.
  7. Creation of a card index of didactic and finger games for children of the younger group.
  8. To develop the program of the "Origami for the smallest" circle.

I believe that solving problems for the development of fine motor skills of a child will be facilitated by:

  1. Development of a system for work on productive activities: traditional and non-traditional drawing, work with paper (origami), work with plasticine (plasticineography).
  2. In the work on the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age, all types of educational and play activities are included in the regime moments: morning exercises, independent activity, classes, a walk, productive activity.

The development of fine motor skills should not be carried out periodically, but systematically.

In our group, the following conditions have been created for this:

  1. A variety of informative material for children's activities has been selected.
  2. A subject-developing environment has been created.
  3. Cards for didactic games and finger games have been developed.
  4. There is a circle "Origami for the smallest"
  5. Various types of productive activities are used.

Practical skills gained in the course of performing tasks on the development of fine motor skills of hands, carried out in the educational process, will allow children to feel their success.

Theoretical basis of experience

Fine motor skills is one of the aspects of the motor sphere, which is directly related to the mastery of objective actions, the development of productive activities, writing, and speech of a child (M.M. Koltsova, N.N. Novikova, N.A. Bernstein, V.N.Bekhterev , M. V. Antropova, N. A. Rokotova, E. K. Berezhnaya). The formation of motor functions, including fine movements of the hands, occurs in the process of the child's interaction with the objective world around him. When we perform precise actions, the wrists, making the necessary movements in different planes, adjust the position of our hands. It is difficult for a small child to twist and rotate the wrist, so he replaces these movements with movements of the entire arm from the shoulder. In order for small movements to be more accurate and economical, so that they do not require excessive expenditure of energy from the child, he needs to gradually master the different movements of the wrist.

Researches of scientists of the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (MM Koltsova, EN Isenina, LV Antakov-Fomin) confirmed the connection between intellectual development and motor skills. We can once again be convinced of the uniqueness and wisdom of the experience of our ancestors. Long before the discovery by scientists of the relationship between hand and speech, they invented and passed on from one generation to another folk nursery rhymes: "Okay-okay", "Magpie-white-sided", "Boy-finger" and others. Systematic exercises for training finger movements, according to M. .M. Ring, are a "powerful tool" for increasing the performance of the brain.

All scientists who have studied the psyche of children also note the great stimulating effect of hand functions on the development of the brain.

Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, and coherent speech.

The function of the human hand is unique and versatile. Sukhomlinsky wrote in his memoirs that “the mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child is. It is the hands that teach the child accuracy, accuracy, clarity of thinking. Hand movements excite the brain, forcing it to develop. "

According to M.M. Koltsova, the level of speech development is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers: if the development of finger movements corresponds to the child's age, then his speech development will be within the normal range; if the development of finger movements lags behind, the development of speech is also delayed. MM. Koltsova notes that there is every reason to consider the hand as a "speech organ" - the same as the articulatory apparatus. From this point of view, the motor projection area of ​​the hand can be considered another speech area of ​​the brain.

According to the observations of researchers, the development of a child's verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient subtlety. The development of digital motor skills, as it were, prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech.

You need to start work on the development of fine motor skills from a very early age. Already an infant can be massaged fingers (finger gymnastics), thereby affecting the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At an early and junior preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises, accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of basic self-service skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying laces, etc.

Fine motor skills of the hands are developed:

Various finger games, where it is necessary to perform certain movements in a certain sequence;

Games with small objects that are inconvenient to handle (only under the supervision of adults);

Games where you need to take or pull something out, squeeze - unclench, pour - pour,

Sand therapy (a sand painting created by a child is a creative product);

Pour in - pour out, push through holes, etc .;

Drawing with a pencil (felt-tip pen, brush, etc.);

Fastening and unfastening zippers, buttons, dressing and undressing;

Execution of applications;

Making origami;

Modeling from plasticine and salt dough;


Exercise also develops fine motor skills of the hands. This is a variety of hanging and climbing (on a sports complex, on a ladder, etc.). Such exercises strengthen the palms and fingers of the baby, develop muscles. A toddler who is allowed to climb and hang is better at learning exercises aimed directly at fine motor skills.

Experience technology

I use a variety of methods to solve problems for the development of fine motor skills.

Verbal method.

The teacher's verbal appeals to children - explanations when looking at visual objects, stories about them, questions and other forms of speech serve to develop the understanding of an adult's speech. Since at the stage of the formation of speech development it is difficult to simultaneously perceive the display of objects, actions with them and speech information, the explanation should be extremely brief: every extra word distracts the baby from visual perception.

Visual and effective teaching method.

Children get acquainted with the objects around them by means of visual and sensory accumulation of experience: they look, pick up, feel, one way or another act with them. Given this age-related feature, I try to make extensive use of visualization techniques: I show an object, give it the opportunity to touch it, examine it.

A practical method.

In order for knowledge to be mastered, it is necessary to apply them in practice. After a general demonstration and explanation, I propose to carry out, under direct supervision, a fragment of productive activity separately for each child, providing differentiated assistance as needed, giving single instructions.

Game method.

Play methods and techniques occupy a large place in the teaching of young children. These include didactic games that raise their interest in the content of learning, provide a connection between cognitive activity and play, which is characteristic of kids.

I started my work on the development of fine motor skills with children of younger preschool age. . To improve manual skill in the younger group, I use: pyramids, « lacing games » , a very important part of the work is finger games ("House", "Hide and Seek", "Bunnies", "Kitten", "Hello, finger", "We are sailing on a boat", etc.), finger theater.

Developed a long-term plan of the Origami for the smallest circle. Children are attracted by the opportunity to make paper crafts that can be used in games, dramatizations - this is origami. These activities can awaken children's imagination, memory, spatial thinking, the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. Origami is very diverse and goes from simple to complex. The following works were performed with children: "Bus", "Fungus", "Leaves". "Apple", "Hedgehog". Do not list all the advantages of origami in child development. The availability of paper as a material, the simplicity of its processing, attract children. They master various techniques and methods of handling paper, such as folding, multiple folding, notching, gluing. Origami develops in children the ability to work with their hands under the control of consciousness, they improve the fine motor skills of the hands, precise movements of the fingers, and the development of the eye is taking place.

She began her work on the development of fine motor skills of hands with the use of productive activities. Engaging in these activities contributes to the development of perception, a sense of color.

One of the ways to improve finger motor skills is drawing.

In the process of drawing, children learn to reason, draw conclusions. Their vocabulary is being enriched.

I use traditional and non-traditional painting in my work. Non-traditional techniques help children develop: fine motor skills and tactile perception; spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception; attention and perseverance; visual skills and abilities; observation and aesthetic responsiveness.

Children love to draw with their fingers and palms. In this way, we painted on a wide variety of topics: "Caterpillar", "Who ran along the path", "Rowan branch", "Butterfly", "Flower for daddy", etc.

Classes with the use of plasticine are interesting and effective - plasticineography. Plasticine art is good because it is available to small children, allows you to quickly achieve the desired result and brings novelty to the activities of children, makes it more fun and interesting. Multiple repetitions of homogeneous movements contributed to the development and assimilation of different movements, which in turn developed coordination of movements of both hands and fine motor skills.

In my work, I practice didactic games for the development of fine motor skills. I have developed a card index of didactic games.

1. Games with clothespins: "Magic clothespins", "Fruit tails", "Thorny hedgehog".

  1. Games with counting sticks: "Put the sun out of sticks", "Collect sticks".
  2. Winding games: "Playful kitten", "Colorful ribbons".
  3. Games with waste material: "Surprise", "Collect the beads."
  4. Games with natural material: "Guess what's in the bag", "Bumps on a plate".

Performance analysis

Different types of productive activities that I use in my work, with their purposeful use, contributed to the development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements, thought processes and mastering the skills of educational activity.

When generalizing the work experience, an attempt was made to find possible ways of developing and improving the coordination of movements of both hands, visual - motor coordination and the development of fine motor skills in the process of productive activities and didactic games.

The analysis of the work carried out showed that systematic and systematic work on this problem, as well as the use of game techniques, effectively helps to develop fine motor skills and have a beneficial effect on the development of coherent speech and leads them to successful mastering of writing. The presented system of work is aimed not only at mastering the writing skill, but also at the formation of educational activities in the future. Based on the use of games, tasks, exercises, younger preschoolers develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination, expand their vocabulary, and acquire learning skills.

To improve the work on this problem, I have outlined the following prospects:

Continue work on the development of fine motor skills in the middle group;

Continue to introduce children to various techniques of productive activity;

Replenish the piggy bank of finger games;

Replenish the card index of didactic games;

Keep track of new developments, manuals, literature in the development of fine motor skills in children;

Interact with your family.

The complexity of the experience

In my teaching practice, I faced certain difficulties:

  1. A lot of work and patience when using a differentiated and individual approach in working with children.
  2. Improvement and honing, and individual selection of techniques, forms and methods of pedagogical art.

Targeting experience

This innovative pedagogical experience "The development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age" can be used by educators of other kindergartens and parents.

After working on this topic, I realized that the problems of the development of fine motor skills cannot be solved without unity with the family, next year I decided to pay special attention to working with parents. I plan to prepare practical material for parents - finger games, physical education, riddles, poetry. Conduct individual conversations with parents, consultations on the development of fine motor skills. Also hold parental meetings to familiarize themselves with various techniques, where parents themselves try to draw with their fingers, palms, cotton swabs.

Annex 1

Circle for children of the younger preschool group

Origami for the little ones

The mysterious world of paper transformation.
All sorcerers, wizards, magicians are here.
They create fairy tales with their own hands.
And that wonderful world is called ORIGAMI.

Origami is a traditional technique of folding paper figures, popular in Japan, and nowadays is of great interest to teachers and parents. This is due to the unique possibilities of the influence of origami on the development of children. Folding the figures has a beneficial effect on the development of movements of the fingers and hands, attention, memory, logical thinking, and creativity. Origami classes contribute to the education of perseverance, accuracy, independence, purposefulness.

Target: Introduce children to origami techniques.

Tasks: - to acquaint children with geometric concepts and basic forms of origami;

Teach children various paper handling techniques.

The program is based on the methodological manual for educators "Origami for the smallest" Sokolova S.V.

Circle schedule once a week

Children are 2-4 years old.

Implementation period 1 year



1. "Bus"

2. "Fungus"

3. "Tent"

4. "Apple"

1. "Leaves"

2. "Leaf fall"

3. "House"

1. "Checkbox"

2. "Candy"

3. "Herringbone"

4. "Christmas tree toy"

1. "Snowflake"

2. "Fish"

1. "Umbrella"

2. "Handkerchief"

3. "Mouse"

4. "Postcard for dad"

1. "Postcard to mom"

2. "Chanterelle"

3. "Kitten"

4. "Dog"

1. "Flower"

2. "Pear"

3. "Tree with leaves"

4. "Little bird"

1. "Ship"

2. "Butterfly"

Appendix 2

Finger games

  1. "House"

This is a house. (Place both palms together.)

This is the roof. (Put your palms together and interlace your fingers.)

And the pipe is even higher. (Lift all fingers up without disengaging them.)

  1. "Hide and seek"

Fingers are played at hide and seek,
Open up, (Raise your palm and spread all your fingers.)

Are closing. (Put your fingers together and make a fist.)

  1. "Bunnies"

Place all fingers of one hand on the table.

Bunnies went out on the meadow,
We stood in a small circle.
One bunny, two bunnies, three bunnies,
Four hares, five ... (Count the bunnies.)

We will knock with our paws. (Tap all your fingers on the table together or out of sync.)

Knocked, knocked
And tired.
We sat down to rest. (Bend your fingers into a fist.)

  1. "Hello, finger"

Alternately touch your index, middle, ring and pinky fingers to your thumb.

Hello dear finger
So we met with you.

  1. "Kitty"

Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.

You, kitten, are not food!
You'd better look for mom.

  1. "Squirrel"

Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb. Do the exercise with your right hand first and then with your left.

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
She sells nuts
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-headed bear,
Zainke mustachioed.

  1. "Funny fingers"

Make a fist with your fingers. Unbend them one by one, starting with a large one. Then rotate the brush left and right 5 times.

Thumb - danced
Index - jumped,
Middle finger - squatted,
Nameless - everything was spinning
And the little finger was having fun.

  1. "Fan"

Keep your palms in front of you, fingers pressed ("fan closed"). Spread wide, and then press your fingers together ("open and close the fan"). Wave your brushes towards yourself and away from you ("fanning yourself") 6-8 times.

  1. "Finger-boy"

Finger-boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I ate songs with this brother.

  1. "We are sailing on a boat"

Who is sailing there in the boat, Press their palms to each other

Who is singing a song there? slightly opening them and taking

I'm sailing on a boat thumbs to the sides.

I sing a song to the bell.

  1. "Gifts for hedgehogs"

Here is a hedgehog curled up into a ball, Children join palms, intertwining fingers

Showed a prickly side. The position of the hands is the same, but the children straighten their fingers.

Appendix 3

Didactic games in the younger group

  1. "Magic clothespins"

Children take objects: a cloud, the sun, a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, etc. and are matched to clothespins by color.

  1. "Guess what's in the bag"

Put seeds or fruits of trees in an opaque bag. Having previously discussed and shown these seeds and fruit to the children. Children should feel by touch what kind of seed or fruit.

  1. "Seven-flower flower"

On the children's table there is a flower with petals, on each petal there is a task: a petal with a zipper, a button, buttons, Velcro, laces, hooks, children must unfasten and fasten everything on their own.

  1. Self-massage with a hex pencil

I swing, I swing,

I will not drop the pencil (the child rolls the pencil on the weight between his palms)

Right palm, (rolls a pencil on the weight, right palm on top),

Left palm,

I skate dexterously and skillfully! (rolls a pencil in the air, left palm on top)

  1. "Playful kitten"

The teacher tells the child that the kitten loves to play with a ball of thread and unwound the grandmother's ball. He offers to help grandmother - wind a thick thread on a spool. To complicate the task later, offer to wind the thread in a ball.

  1. Self-massage with large curlers

The locomotive hummed

And I drove the trailers:


I will rock you far "

Children roll curlers between their palms back and forth, holding their hands in front of them.

  1. "Collect the beads"

Invite the children to make beads for mom from plastic (wooden) beads or from small tubes made from felt-tip pens, stringing them on colored laces. To complicate the task, to maintain interest in the game, children should be offered various color schemes for beads.

It develops the baby's hand well by stringing buttons, beads, pasta, dryers, etc. on a fishing line or thread. Start with objects with a wider hole - this way it will be easier for the baby to master this task at first.

  1. "Make a lump"

Give the child a piece of paper. His task: to crumple the sheet so that a dense lump is obtained.

  1. "Collect the sticks"

Spread counting sticks in front of the child. The kid must collect them all one by one back into the box.

  1. "Walk the path"

Draw on the sheet in an easy path. Ask the kid to circle it with a finger, a colored pencil.

  1. "Surprise"

Wrap the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. Ask your child to unfold all the wrappers and fold them neatly.

  1. "Treat"

Invite your child to mold treats for toys (drying, bagels, gingerbread cookies, cookies, sweets) from plasticine and decorate them with cereals, beads, etc. Cut out plates from thick cardboard and ask your child to beautifully lay out the prepared treats on them.

  1. "Cones"

Invite your child to roll pine, spruce, and cedar cones between their palms. First have him roll one bump, then two, three, and so on.

  1. "Circle an Object"

You can circle everything that comes to hand: the bottom of the glass, an inverted saucer, your own palm, a spoon, etc.

  1. "Magic Pattern"

Poke holes in thick cardboard with an awl or nail - they should be in a certain order and represent a geometric figure, drawing or pattern. Let your baby embroider a pattern with bright thread on his own.

  1. "Put the sun out of the sticks"

Children depict the sun with a circle and sticks.

  1. "Multi-colored ribbons"

Wind the ribbons onto spools.

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