Compensation for kindergarten: how is it calculated and charged, and what determines its size? Compensation for kindergarten: application, documents. Parental fee compensation for kindergarten

The education and upbringing of children in kindergartens in Moscow is free for parents and financed from the budget. But for services for the care and supervision of a child, a separate fee is set, which falls on the shoulders of the parents.

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The procedure for establishing parental fees for kindergarten

The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which came into force on 01.09.2013, does not limit the educational institution when establishing the amount - the percentage of the annual content of the child in a preschool institution - that parents must pay. Previously, the upper limit was 20% of the cost per annum.

However, this innovation does not particularly apply to Moscow kindergartens. In accordance with the decision of the Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin, for Muscovites, the limitation of the size of the parental fee of 20% of the cost of child care in preschool institutions remains.

Important! In accordance with Art. 65 of the Law "On Education", parental fees are not charged for the supervision and care of disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children with tuberculosis intoxication studying in state and municipal preschool educational institutions.

Kindergarten Fee Procedure

The amount of fees charged to parents is set annually by the county departments of the Department of Education based on the calculations of each educational institution in the county. The District Board of Education issues an order to establish a parental fee at the institution for the entire school year, based on the actual amount of child care costs for the previous year.

Fee Calculation:

  • proceeds from the actual costs of childcare and care for the previous year;
  • agrees with the kindergarten administration body (council of teachers and parent committee);
  • approved by the district education department.

The size of the parental fee in kindergartens (as well as in preschool departments of schools) is set at the beginning of the year for the entire calendar year and cannot be changed. Thus, the fee for kindergarten, established in January 2014, does not change from September 1, 2014.

Participation of the administration of the preschool educational institution in the establishment of parental fees

Parents, represented by the governing council, together with the administration of the kindergarten, decide whether parents will financially participate in additional incentives for the teaching staff for the quality of childcare services.

By decision of the Governing Council of the preschool educational institution, certain categories of citizens may be given an additional benefit on the parental fee.

Parent fee refund

If the child missed days in kindergarten for a good reason, confirmed by the relevant document (for example, a certificate from the hospital), the parental fee for the days of non-attendance by the child may be returned. The return of the parental fee is made on the basis of an agreement between the preschool educational institution and the parent, and is carried out upon a written application of the parent who paid the fee for the maintenance of the child to his account.

Compensation for paying for a preschool educational institution (DOE)

Each parent who has paid a fee for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution has the right to apply for compensation of a part of the parental fee.

The procedure for paying compensation for part of the parental fee for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution was approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 27, 2010 No. 590-PP (as amended by Decree No. 634-PP - Decree No. 634-PP can be found in).

For parents paying for kindergarten, the capital's budget provides for compensation: for the first child - 20%, for the second - 50%, for the third and subsequent children - 70% of the amount paid.

When assigning compensation for part of the parental fee for the second and third child, children under the age of 18 years are taken into account in the family. The amount of compensation is calculated in proportion to the actual paid parental fee, determined taking into account benefits (if any).

To receive compensation, the parent who paid the kindergarten fee must apply in writing to the administration of “their” preschool educational institution and provide:

  1. Passport and its copy.
  2. Birth certificate of the child or children in the family, and copies of certificates.
  3. Account number with details.

The monthly fee for kindergarten is easy to determine. The main thing is the attention of parents and accountants. It is necessary to attend a preschool educational institution, most psychologists will say. It is here that the child undergoes primary socialization.

And everything seems to be fine (the working hours and location of the kindergarten suits you, the teacher is experienced, the food is good), but there is only one “disappointing factor”: not always clear payment receipts ... For example, the child was sick for three weeks, and the amount in the “payment” almost the same as for a whole month of visiting. Believe me, this is still not a reason for scandal and frustration. Let's figure it out together.

1. Learn how to correctly calculate the monthly fee.

Experienced will help accountant Svetlana Maslova:
- First you need to find out in the accounting department of the kindergarten the monthly fee and benefit provided for your family. Benefits depend on the composition of the family, financial situation and others. However, all payment information
must be spelled out in the contract, which you had to study when entering kindergarten.
After subtracting the discount from the fixed amount of payment for maintenance in the garden.

For example:

A month in Kindergarten X costs 1,500 rubles, and your allowance is 20 percent. We subtract 20 percent from 1,500 rubles and get 1,200 rubles - this is the amount that you pay on condition of a constant visit.

Then we look at the calendar for the number of working days in a particular month (excluding weekends and holidays) and divide by them the amount received, taking into account the benefits. If there were 21 working days in July, then the payment for one such day is 57.14 rubles. And then we simply multiply this figure by the number of days that you spent in the kindergarten. Here is the final result!

You can get a special notebook to mark in it those days when the child was in the garden - it's easier to make calculations.

2. Consider the nuances of kindergarten everyday life.

If the baby is sick or visiting his grandmother, warn the teacher in advance that you will not come. Otherwise, they will have time to put you on food and this day will automatically turn on in the days of the visit, even in the absence of a child.
You should also remember that if you do not bring your child to the group and do not warn the teacher, then for three days you will be given pluses, that is, this time will be counted in the total time of visits per month. Payment for it is taken in full, but recalculated when providing a medical certificate.

3. Don't be afraid to ask.

Your calculations did not agree with the accountant's calculations? Feel free to go ahead and ask. Many mothers think: “More than 70 rubles? So what?! I'll pay." Not worth it. This is five whole yogurts, or two pears and a banana, or four small packages of juice, or a beautiful coloring book that your kid has been eyeing for a long time ... In general, be sure to go to the accounting department and say that you got a different amount. We are all people, everyone can make a mistake: either you miscalculated, or in kindergarten you didn’t see the number on the certificate ...

In principle, everything is easy and simple. A few 7th grade level math activities and you're in complete control. Do not forget that we have calculated only the fee for visiting the garden, excluding circles and additional classes. Although according to this algorithm, you can determine for yourself these amounts. Let everything be clear and understandable, because the child's stay in kindergarten should give peace of mind.

Recently, due to the economic crisis in our country, it is very difficult for many young parents to support a child, even if the baby goes to kindergarten and both parents work. Therefore, state assistance provided in the form of compensation for payment for a kindergarten is a good help for a young family, especially if the parents decide to have a second and subsequent child.

Refund for attending a preschool

The amount of the payment is set as a percentage of the monthly kindergarten fee. In addition, the amount of the payment depends on the number of children in the family:

  • for the first child attending a kindergarten, the amount of the payment is 20 percent, i.e. out of every 100 rubles spent on paying for a preschool educational institution, 20 rubles will be returned to you
  • for the second baby, the return will be 50 percent, that is, out of every 100 rubles, the state will return 50 rubles.
  • for the third child, a payment of 70% is due, out of every 100 rubles - 70 rubles are returned.
  • for subsequent children, the amount of compensation will be the same as for the third.

At first glance, it seems that it is not difficult to calculate the amount of the payout (just subtract 20%, 50% or 70%), however, as in any calculations and calculations, there are subtleties here. The calculation takes into account exactly as many days as the baby attended kindergarten. So, if for some reason the son or daughter was not in the kindergarten, then compensation for these days is not due. In order to find out the exact amount, you need to do the following:

  1. First, calculate how much one day of stay in kindergarten costs. To do this, you need to divide the amount that you pay for visiting the kindergarten every month by the number of working days in the current month. For example, the fee is 1000 rubles, and there were 20 working days in a month. We divide 1000 by 20 and get 50 rubles.
  2. Next, you need to multiply the resulting number by the number of days that the pupil visited the preschool educational institution. For example, the baby visited 15 days out of 20, therefore, 50 * 15 \u003d 750 rubles.
  3. And the last step is to divide the amount received by 100 and multiply by the percentage that is returned depending on the number of children, i.e. for the first child - 20, for the second - 50 and for the third and subsequent 70.

It should be borne in mind that even if the baby does not miss the kindergarten, the amount of the refund will be slightly different, because the number of working days each month is different (there are 20 in one month, and 23 in the other). It should also be borne in mind that only that part of the expenses that was spent on the maintenance of the child is returned. For all additional expenses, such as repairs, the purchase of new toys, etc., compensation is not charged.

The amount of tax on compensation

Now the situation has changed and the deduction of tax from the final amount of compensation has been canceled at the legislative level. Although this is a small, but still help from the state, at least some, but savings. Thus, a small amount is saved every month on the abolition of the tax on the return of money. For example, the amount of compensation amounted to 160 rubles, of which 13% was previously withdrawn in the form of tax, namely 20 rubles 80 kopecks (160 * 13/100 \u003d 20.8), after the withdrawal, the parents received an amount equal to 139 rubles. 20 kop. Now the young family will receive the full amount of compensation for the maintenance of the baby without any deductions.

Making an application for compensation

Submission of documents for compensation is the most important part, because even one incorrectly executed certificate can deprive the family of the provided benefits and everything will have to start all over again. To receive the return of money spent by the state, parents first of all need to collect a small package of documents, namely:

  • application for compensation for payment for kindergarten;
  • a certificate confirming the composition of the family;
  • documents that certify the identity of the parents;
  • a document confirming the birth of a child or children;
  • bank account number to which the money will be transferred;
  • a document that confirms that the baby is on the waiting list for a child care facility.

All documents must be copied and sent along with their originals to the head of the preschool educational institution. Parents need to ensure that the date of receipt of documents is recorded in a special journal, which is in every preschool institution.

The payment is transferred monthly, but parents need to take into account the fact that the money for the current month will be credited to the account only in the next. For example, you will receive a payment for November in December, and for December - in January.

Compensation for missing a child in kindergarten

With an increase in the birth rate, the queue at the preschool educational institution does not become smaller. Therefore, such a situation, when the date of the desired enrollment in kindergarten came up, but the places were not given, is a very common occurrence. Mom has to sit up on maternity leave or give the baby to a private kindergarten. Both options cause significant damage to the family budget, especially if the couple decided to have a second child.

Few people know that if the state has not provided a place in a preschool educational institution, compensation is due in some regions. The amount of the payment, as well as its very existence, are not established at the legislative level and depend only on the decision of the regional authorities. If a similar payment is accepted in your subject, you will have to prepare the following documents.

At present, numerous parents of Moscow children are in an alarming panic, because everyone has already heard about the next price increase for preschool institutions. And, of course, everyone is worried about the most important question: how much does a kindergarten located in Moscow cost now?

The rise in price is really expected and, maybe, not even one. It should be noted that at the beginning of last year, payment for kindergarten in Moscow and other regions of Russia was already raised. Since that moment, it has been difficult for many parents to pay for the child, and if the family has not one minor member, but two or even three, then this becomes an insoluble problem at all.

In addition, not every state kindergarten in Moscow can provide large families with discounts, so payment has to be made in full for each child. In this regard, there is a desire to know exactly: how much does the institution cost now, and what nuances should be taken into account here?

Free preschools - myth or reality

According to officials, pre-school education for children in Moscow and throughout Russia was, is and will be completely free. After all, the state budget allocates money for education, of course, this moment does not apply to private children's institutions, but only to state kindergartens. So what do parents pay money for then, and the amounts, on top of everything else, are constantly increasing, and no one knows how much a visit costs exactly.

In preschool institutions with children, special preparatory classes are held that will help with admission to the first grade. It is worth noting that these classes are completely free, but parents have to pay for other services. The list includes the following items:

  • children's nutrition;
  • proper supervision both indoors and outdoors;
  • provision of daytime rest.

The above services must be paid in a timely manner, such a decision is provided for in the legislation of the country. Payment for services must come from the parents of the children, and from the category that does not have any special benefits for care.

Funds received from parents go to the budget of the children's institution, money is used at the discretion of the institution's management in Moscow, for example, you can allocate a certain amount and reward a distinguished teacher.

What is the reason for the increase in the cost of child care

In order to fully answer the question “How much does a preschool kindergarten cost in the capital?”, you need to understand the reasons for the increase in fees. There are several of them:

  • rise in price of food;
  • the need to pay additional services to the staff of child care facilities.

The second reason for the rise in price has already been sorted out. The first one needs some clarification. Any kindergarten in Moscow, however, as in another region of Russia, is obliged to fully feed the child throughout the day. Only fresh, high-quality products are used for cooking. The daily diet should include fruits, vegetables, foods rich in minerals and vitamins. Such a diet today requires a lot of money, as there has been a rather sharp rise in food prices. The daily menu of children should include the following products:

  1. Whole milk or its derivatives.
  2. Lean meats.
  3. Different types of cereals.
  4. Juice, compote, fruit.

Twice a week instead of a meat dish for children, fish and curd dishes are prepared. It is difficult to refute the obvious fact - such a diet requires a lot of money, which is constantly lacking in the budget of preschool institutions. It was the rise in the price of products that contributed to the increase in payment for preschool kindergartens.

Which kindergarten to choose for a child - private or public

Many parents, after they found out how much a kindergarten costs, began to think about transferring their child to a private boarding school. Of course, everyone has the right to choose exactly the children's institution in Moscow that is most suitable for the child and his parents. But do not be naive to think that the payment for a private institution will not increase, because in such an institution you also need to fully eat. In addition, private institutions provide for a cost an order of magnitude higher than public ones, since the services of each teacher must be paid higher. Often, the list of services includes those that are paid separately.

Approximate amount to pay for kindergarten in 2019

The legislative bodies had to make a decision - to give the full right to preschool institutions and the governing council to decide how much money is needed to keep the child in the garden and provide him with full care. Given this figure, the cost of staying in a children's institution can increase, but not more than twenty percent.

After approximate calculations, it turned out that the payment for kindergarten varies from 1300 to 1500 rubles per month. If the payment is left at the current level, the teachers of children's institutions simply will not be able to raise wages, which are already extremely low.

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