Summer plans in the second junior group. Planning work with children of the second junior group for the summer health period

...planning (junior group) on the topic: Planning work on this topic " Summer".Preview: Planning work for a week on the topic “ Summer».

  • Calendar- thematic planning (Jr age) by summer List of thematic Summer red came(1 week) .Prospective plan work on the summer junior group promising plan work .
  • Calendar-thematic planning"Hello, summer»...
    Yulia Yagodinskaya Calendar-thematic planning"Hello, summer» ( the second junior Group). Calendar-thematic planning Defender of the Fatherland Day (senior group) PLAN EDUCATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL WORK FOR THE PERIOD from "20" ...

  • Calendar-thematic planning on this topic " Summer" with kids the younger Conversation " Summer red came"- to acquaint children with the characteristic features summer.Individual. Work with children to develop skills of independence.
  • Calendar-thematic planning on the summer junior Group
    Approximate content work with kids. Work with parents. Creation of a subject-spatial environment. -Hello summer red; -My favorite kindergarten. Form elementary ideas about summer(seasonal changes in nature, clothing ...
  • Calendar thematic planning in second the younger...
    View document content " Calendar thematic planning in second the younger group on the topic " Summer"". Approximate structure PLANNING EDUCATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL WORK... Group 2 junior№ 1. Topic “ SUMMER" Purpose...
  • Calendar- thematic planning (Jr age)...
    Month. Topic of the week. Calendar- thematic planning (Jr age) by summer List of thematic Summer red came(1 Week). Days of the week. 4. Monday "Friendship Day." Table 3 shows plan educational - educational work with kids.

  • came»Purpose: To expand knowledge about the seasons, basic signs summer Download Planning for every day on Vasilyeva theme " Summer» 2 junior group.Prospective plan work with parents in second the younger group Educational ...
  • educational plan work... With kids. Second the younger groups. On the summer Summer- amazing time! And every child is looking forward to when this wonderful time will come. "Class =" title "> Promising plan work on the summer junior Group
    Perspective plan educational - educational work... With kids. Second the younger groups. On the summer- health-improving period. Explanatory note. Summer- amazing time! And every child is looking forward to when this wonderful time will come.
  • A long-term plan for the summer in the 2nd junior group
    Objectives: - To protect the life and health of children.

    To comprehensively improve the physical functions of the body.

    Increase the performance of the child's body through various forms of hardening.

    Generate interest and need for exercise.

    Satisfy the natural need for movement, create conditions for the demonstration of motor skills of each child. - Support the initiative of children in improvisation.

    To intensify imagination, initiative, creativity.

    Develop the basics of theatrical culture, spiritually enrich children with positive emotions.

    To improve the performing skills of children in creating an artistic image, using play improvisations for this purpose.

    Develop communication skills in various communication situations: with peers, teachers, parents and other people. - To involve children in observing reality, to develop the ability to see the world through the eyes of a creator-artist.

    Provide freedom in reflecting - by artistic means available to the child - his vision of the world.

    Develop the ability to convey mood, state, attitude to the depicted, experiment with different types and methods of image.

    Create maximum freedom for the initiative and the necessary physical and psychological space.

    Satisfy children's curiosity, without suppressing interest in recognizing nature, form the ideas about it necessary for the versatile development of the child, instill the skills of activity and independent thinking.

    Develop communication skills with peers, adults and the environment with a focus on non-violent behavior.

    Provide ample opportunities for using all five senses: seeing, hearing, touching with your hands, tasting, feeling various elements of the world around you.

    Physical culture and recreation Playroom (theatrical) Visual Familiarization with the environment
    Thematic blocks:

    1 "The Adventures of Brook" "Visiting the Sun"
    2 "Wind, wind, breeze ..." "A bear in the forest ..."
    3 "Flower meadow" "My family" "Six-legged friends"
    4 "We lived with Babusi ..." "The Adventures of a Traffic Light" "If you want to be healthy"


    - Consider the herbaceous plants of the meadow, clarify the names, appearance features (bells, chamomile).
    - Consider the plants of the flower garden, clarify the color, shape of the leaves, remind about the rules of care.

    - Clarify knowledge about the dog and puppies, features of appearance, differences.
    - Observe the rainbow on a walk after the rain or in pictures, fix the name of the flowers.

    JULY - Plant flowers together with children in a flower bed. Show and tell how to properly care for them.
    - Consider the structure of chamomile. Show the children the structure of the roots of a flower, plant them together again in the ground and watch how it will grow further.
    - Learn to distinguish between some garden and wild flowers in shape, color, smell.
    - Expand your understanding of insects (flies, butterflies, ladybugs, ants, grasshoppers).
    - Watch the rain.

    - Continue to observe the wind (how trees sway from the wind; flags and ribbons develop in hands; learn to distinguish a cold wind from a warm one).
    - Observation of traffic on the road at the gate of the kindergarten. Repetition of traffic rules.

    - To form the concept of generalizing words "vegetables", "fruits".
    - Continue learning to distinguish insects from other living things.

    Strengthen the ability to determine the state of the weather by the main features.
    - Show that summer rain can be different (thunderstorm, mushroom rain (warm), drizzling).

    Educational activities of children
    according to the results of observations on a walk

    Observation topic for a walk, goal. Acquaintance with the surrounding Artistic activities
    drawing modeling applique

    JUNE - Consider the plants of the flower garden, clarify the color, shape of the leaves, remind about the rules of care.
    - Expand understanding of changes in the world of plants in the summer.
    - To form the concept of the generalizing word "flowers".
    - To foster a sense of beauty and the need to care for nature. "Dandelion in the Grass"
    Learn to convey in the drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers. Practice the technique of drawing with paints. Develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination. "Flower"
    Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar flowers, applying the techniques learned earlier. Develop initiative, independence. "Beautiful flower"
    Learn to compose an image in parts. Foster the desire to make a beautiful thing for a gift. Develop aesthetic perception.
    - Continue to develop the ability to distinguish birds by their appearance (pigeons, crows, sparrows, starlings, ducks).
    -Repeat which birds are wild and which are domestic.
    -Tell and show what domestic and wild birds eat.
    - To form love and respect for birds. "We lived with a grandmother"
    Continue to learn to use the palm as a visual medium: paint it with paint and make an imprint (the thumb looks up, the rest to the side). Strengthen the ability to complement the image with details. "Duckling"
    Exercise in using the technique of pinching, pulling. Strengthen the ability to sculpt neatly. "Fence"
    Learn to enclose a large space ("lake" for ducks). Strengthen the ability to tell how they will build. Encourage the desire to design as intended.

    - Watch the rain.
    - Learn to establish the simplest connections: it is raining - there are puddles on the ground; determine dry or wet sand by color.
    - Continue to introduce you to the properties of water.
    - Learn to conduct elementary experiments with water.
    - Establish cause-and-effect relationships: the sun is shining, the snow is melting, streams are flowing.
    - To cultivate a respect for water. "My favorite rain"
    Exercise in finger drawing. Show reception of receiving points and short lines. Learn to draw rain from clouds. Educate neatness. "Bridge" Modeling a bridge of several "logs" of the same length and thickness (the excess is cut off with a stack). Improve straight and circular techniques. Creation of a composition from a stream and a bridge. "Bridge across the river" Learn to compose a composition of a certain content from several ready-made parts (river, bridge, boat). To consolidate the ability to smear parts of the image with glue, starting from the middle.
    - Continue to observe the wind (how trees sway from the wind; flags and ribbons develop in hands; learn to distinguish a cold wind from a warm one). - To expand knowledge about the seasons, the main signs of summer: the sun is shining brightly, it is hot outside, you can sunbathe; the days are long, it gets dark late.
    - To cultivate a love of nature. "Flags on a string"
    Continue to introduce the rectangular shape. Develop the ability to draw rectangular objects. Practice drawing with paints. "Sculpting by design"
    Strengthen the ability to transfer images of familiar objects in sculpting. Learn to independently determine what you want to blind. Bring it to the end. Learn to compose a composition of a certain content from ready-made figures. Learn to independently find a place for flags and balls. To consolidate the ability to smear parts of the image with glue, starting from the middle
    - To form an idea of ​​the family and their place in it.
    - Encourage to name family members, their occupation.
    - To foster a desire to take care of family and friends.
    - Conversation about the house in which the children live (stone wooden).
    -Children's story about their street and yard.
    -Fix the knowledge of their address in middle-aged children. "Photo frame"
    Practice printing with seals. To consolidate the ability to evenly apply prints to the entire surface of the object. Develop creative imagination. "Gift for brother (sister)"
    Continue to develop imagery, imagination, creativity. To consolidate the ability to use a variety of sculpting techniques when creating an image. "The house we live in"
    Learn to compose an image from several parts, observing a certain sequence, correctly position it on the sheet. Strengthen knowledge of figures (square, rectangle, triangle).
    - Observation of traffic on the road at the gate of the kindergarten. Repetition of traffic rules. - Consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights and their meaning.
    - To expand knowledge about the rules of conduct on the roadway and on the sidewalk.
    - Continue to develop the ability to observe traffic on the road. "Beautiful train" Continue to develop the ability to depict an object consisting of several parts of a rectangular and round shape. Develop imagination. "Airplane" Learn to sculpt an object consisting of two parts of the same shape (elongated pieces). To consolidate the ability to divide the lump by eye into two equal parts, roll out with longitudinal movements and flatten. "Traffic light" Consolidate knowledge about traffic lights and the purpose of their colors. To develop the ability to compose a composition of a certain content from ready-made figures. To consolidate techniques for working with glue.

    AUGUST - Strengthen the ability to determine the state of the weather by the main signs.
    - To form an interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature: the sun, the moon, the stars.
    - Encourage to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of inanimate nature: the sun is in the sky - morning has come, in the sky a month and the stars - night has come. "Sunshine" To acquaint with the technique of printing with palms. Learn to quickly apply paint on the palm and make prints - rays of the sun. Develop color perception. "Snail" Learn to sculpt a snail by folding the column and pulling the head and horns. Continue learning to sculpt with your fingers. "Radiant Sun" Learn to compose an image from ready-made figures: one circle and several straight stripes. Develop creative imagination. Educate neatness.
    -Repeat which animals and birds are domestic and which are wild - Continue to acquaint with the characteristic features of the appearance, behavior, lifestyle of domestic animals and their cubs according to the description.
    - Strengthen the ability to recognize, name and distinguish features of the appearance and lifestyle of wild animals; call them cubs.
    - To cultivate a love for the animal world.
    Learn to draw animals using the poke method. Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush in different ways. Develop imagination. Chick"
    Learn to sculpt objects of a round and elongated shape, approaching a more accurate transfer of the characteristic features of an object. Improve straight and circular techniques. "House for the Bear"
    Develop constructive abilities, teach to correlate the size of the building with the size of the object. Consolidate knowledge of building details. Develop the planning function of speech.
    - Expand your understanding of insects (flies, butterflies, ladybugs, ants, grasshoppers). - Expand understanding of the diversity of insects.
    - Learn how to distinguish between a butterfly and a beetle. The butterfly has bright large wings, antennae, proboscis. Butterfly - crawls, flies. The beetle has hard wings, beetles crawl and fly, buzz.
    - To cultivate a love for insects. "Ladybugs" Exercise in the technique of drawing with fingers. To consolidate the ability to evenly apply points on the entire surface of an object, draw grass of various shades. "Ladybug" Consolidate the ability to convey a familiar image in modeling. Teach to use additional material "Funny caterpillar" in your work. Teach to compose an image from several parts of a round shape. Observe a certain sequence, correctly position the image on the sheet. To cultivate accuracy in work.
    - Expand your understanding of shrubs and trees (excursion outside the territory of the kindergarten).
    - Observing what is growing in the garden outside the territory of the kindergarten.
    - To form the concept of generalizing words "vegetables", "fruits". - To form the concept of generalizing words "vegetables", "fruits".
    - Consolidate knowledge about fruits and vegetables, about the place of their growth, about the methods of their preparation.
    - Learn to distinguish between vegetables and fruits in appearance and taste. "Berries and apples"
    Exercise in printing with seals. Learn to draw berries and apples scattered on a plate, using a contrast of size and color.
    Develop a sense of composition. "Berries for Mishutka"
    Strengthen the ability to sculpt round objects. Learn to convey the impression of the environment in modeling. Foster a positive attitude towards the results of their activities. "Fruit Basket"
    - freely position the image on paper;
    - to distinguish an object by the shape of the object.
    Reinforce the correct gluing techniques.

    Working with parents:

    for the best headdress.
    -Activate the involvement of parents in the interests and needs of the child.
    -Develop creative interaction between kindergarten and family.

    Consultation "Using natural factors to harden children in summer"
    Attracting the attention of parents to the active use of the summer period for hardening the child.

    "Games for fidgets"
    Enriching the pedagogical skills of parents in the upbringing of hyperactive children.
    "Child safety on city streets"
    Attracting the attention of parents to the issues of education of children's behavior on the street.

    "Etiquette for babies"
    -Attraction of parents' attention to issues of education of culture of behavior.
    -Implementation in kindergarten and at home uniform methods of education.

    "Organization of family walks"
    Enriching the pedagogical skills of parents with new forms and methods of organizing a walk with a child.

    "Traveling with a baby"
    Enriching the pedagogical knowledge of parents on how to make their vacation interesting and exciting.

    "I would like to become a swimmer ... Let them teach me"
    Enriching the pedagogical knowledge of parents on how to teach children not to be afraid of water.

    Parent photo exhibition
    "My baby from the cradle"
    -Activate the involvement of parents in the work of the kindergarten.
    -Development of positive relationships between parents and employees of the preschool educational institution.

    "Something about vitamins"
    Drawing parents' attention to questions about vitamins, about their correct use.

    "What is a healthy lifestyle"
    -Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
    - Attracting the attention of the family to the issues of improving the health of children at home.
    Wall newspaper
    "Strong kids"
    - Attracting parental interest in a healthy lifestyle.
    -Demonstration of the attention of the kindergarten staff to the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of children.

    Acquaintance with fiction

    Songs, nursery rhymes, chants:
    "Zarya - charger ..."
    "Chiki - chiki - chikalochki ..."
    "I'm going - I'm going to the woman, to the grandfather ..."
    "There are three chickens on the street ..."
    "Ship ..."
    "Oh, in a green forest ..."
    Fairy tales:
    "Visiting the Sun" (Slovak)
    "The brave man - the good fellow" (bulgarian)
    "Lazy Brucholina" (Italian)
    "Shepherd boy with a pipe"
    A. Pushkin "Our light, sun!"
    B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur"
    K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun"
    S. Mikhalkov "Song of Friends"
    K.Ushinsky "Wind and Sun"
    L. Petrushevskaya "Peter the Pig and the Machine"
    Ch.Yancharsky "In a toy store"

    Songs, nursery rhymes, chants:
    "The grass is the ant ..."
    "A squirrel is sitting on a cart ..."
    "Zainka, dance ..."
    "Kisonka - murysenka ..."
    "Ladybug …"
    "What a crash"
    Fairy tales:
    "A goby is a black barrel, a white hoof" (sample by M. Bulatova)
    "Two Greedy Bear Cubs" (Hungarian)
    "Cockerel and a bean grain" (sample by O. Kapitsa)
    "Cat, Rooster and Fox" (arr. Bogolyubskaya)
    K. Balmont "Komariki - Makariki"
    A.K. Tolstoy "My bells ..."
    V. Berestov "Hen with Chickens", "Goby"
    S.Marshak "Children in a cage"
    B. Zhitkov "How we went to the zoological garden"
    L.Muur "Little Raccoon and the One who sits in the pond"
    V.Suteev "Three kittens"

    Songs, nursery rhymes, chants:
    "Rain, rain, more ..."
    “Tili - bom! Tili - bom! "
    "Rainbow - arc ..."
    "Shadow, shadow, sweat ..."
    "Grandpa Hedgehog ..."
    Fairy tales:
    "Three brothers" (Khakass)
    Gingerbread House (German)
    "War of Mushrooms and Berries" (sample by V. Dahl)
    "Travkin's tail"
    S. Gorodetsky "Wind Lullaby", "Who's That?"
    A. Koltsov "The Winds Blow"
    A. Barto "Grimy Girl"
    I. Tokmakova "Where the fish sleeps"
    D. Mamin - Sibiryak "The Parable of Milk, Oatmeal Porridge and the gray cat Murka"
    S. Prokofiev "The Tale of an ill-bred mouse"

    My name is Anastasia Mikhailovna Kukleva. I work as a kindergarten teacher. "... Perhaps our work is not noticeable in appearance. But only one thing I know - the kids. Rush to our garden, hurry mom in the morning - let's hurry, mom, let's run! Probably - this is the answer - more valuable than ours labor on sve. Conscientiousness, punctuality, creativity, active life position. The main mission of the educator: A child comes into the world defenseless in front of society, he is subject to various influences from all sides. Only an adult can protect, teach to distinguish between good and evil. It is very important that a skilled gardener, a wise mentor, who realizes the importance of his assignment, would be next to the child. What grain he will plant in the child's soul, what he teaches, what he introduces, will influence the future of the child himself, his environment and society as a whole. That is why there should be a true educator next to the child, who will direct his inexhaustible energy in the necessary direction. In my opinion, this is the main mission of the educator.!"

    Books that have shaped my inner world

    I find it difficult to answer this question, any book I read, and even an article in a newspaper, affects the inner world of every person, causing certain feelings, emotions and experiences, forcing one to think, rethink certain events, views and values. I love poetry more than prose.

    My portfolio

    There are many different professions in the world,

    And each has its own charm.

    But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful,

    Than the one I work for!

    Purpose: Expansion of children's ideas about summer, about seasonal changes (seasonal changes in nature, at the kindergarten site, people's clothing). Formation of elementary ideas about garden and vegetable garden plants. Formation of research and cognitive interest in the course of experimenting with water and sand. Fostering a respect for nature, the ability to notice the beauty of summer nature.




    Theme: "Summer"

    Purpose: Expansion of children's ideas about summer, about seasonal changes (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing, at the kindergarten site). Formation of elementary ideas about garden and vegetable garden plants. Formation of research and cognitive interest in the course of experimenting with water and sand. Fostering a respect for nature, the ability to notice the beauty of summer nature.

    Final event:holiday "Hello Summer!".






    Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas




    Educational activities in times of security


    Physical education,



    artistic creation

    Morning exercises.

    Conversation "Hello summer!" Purpose: to develop dialogical speech.

    Viewing pictures with flowers.

    Didactic game"Describe a flower" with Maxim Gvozdev. Purpose: to develop the ability to use adjectives in speech.

    Situational conversation"Healthy foods".

    Purpose: consolidation of ideas about tasty and healthy food (about vegetables, fruits and dairy products).

    Reminder about being neat.

    Purpose: Formation of the habit to monitor your appearance.

    Work in corner of creativity:coloring books: "Flowers".

    Theatrical Corner (finger theater):"The wolf and the seven Young goats".



    KNOWLEDGE (REMP) "Count and Count within 5"Purpose: to develop combinatorial abilities, logical thinking. Ability to classify; the ability to determine the order of what follows what. (Volchkova V.N., p. 371)







    Observing the sky

    Purpose: to continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena;

    to teach to distinguish the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

    An outdoor game "Shaggy dog". Purpose: increase physical activity.

    Development of movements.

    Purpose: to exercise in jumps in place with turns to the right, left, around you.

    Situational conversation"How to get down the stairs correctly"

    Purpose: developing skills for safe behavior indoors.

    Theatrical Corner:

    Play corner: cars, building material.

    Work before bed



    Relaxation before bed:listening to a musical composition.







    Game situation"Collect the doll for a walk" Purpose: to fix the name of the clothes. Strengthen the ability to differentiate between men's and women's clothing.

    Didactic gamewith Kozlova U. "Name the objects in the picture."

    Labor assignment:invite N. Lazareva to collect the constructor into baskets.

    Situational conversation"We are friendly guys, we do not quarrel at all." Purpose: encouraging the desire of children to live in harmony, used toys, books together.

    Enrichment of the center of activitycups, molds, chopsticks.

    Work in the book corner (at the request of children).

    Turntable games.





    the culture

    Observing the weather.

    Selfactivities of children. Remind about friendly attitude to each other.

    N / a "The sun and the rain". Purpose: to exercise the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.






    Educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)





    Activities in

    regime moments


    Physical education,




    Morning exercises.

    Conversation about the meaning of colors, their benefits.

    Guessing riddlesabout flowers, insects. Purpose: to develop thinking.

    Didactic game"Far - close" with R. Markov Purpose: development of the ability to determine the location of objects in relation to oneself (far - close).

    Situational conversation"What you need to do to avoid getting sick." Purpose: formation of an idea of ​​the value of health, the desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Book corner: design of the exhibition on the theme "Summer" (photographs, reproductions, illustrations, books).

    Games with your favorite toy, dolls and role-playing attributes.

    Direct educational activity



    READING OF ARTISTIC LITERATURE “Poem by V.V. Mayakovsky What is good and what is bad? "Purpose: to acquaint with the poem of V.V. Mayakovsky; to form the ability to distinguish between good and bad deeds; to consolidate the ability to answer questions about the content of the text; develop the skills of good behavior.

    PHYSICAL EDUCATIONTasks: to consolidate the ability to walk and run in alternation; to form the ability to jump in length from a place; exercise in maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench. Part I. Alternating walking and running. Part II. General developmental exercises without objects. The main types of movements. 1. Walking on a gymnastic bench, hands on a belt. 2. Long jump from the spot. An outdoor game "Who will throw the bag next." Part III. Walking with a change of direction




    physical education,


    Watching the wind.

    Purpose: to form an idea that the wind is warm and gentle in spring.

    Outdoor play "Traps" Purpose: to exercise in a dodge run.

    Labor activity:

    collection of broken branches on the site. Objectives: to educate hard work, the desire to help adults.

    Movement development:exercise Rud E. and Denisov T. in throwing and catching the ball to each other.

    Situational conversation"Why you can't break bushes and trees." Purpose: to educate a respectful attitude towards nature.

    Remote material:scapulae, scoops, turntables.

    Sports Equipment: balls.

    Work before bed




    Formation of cultural and hygienic skills:teach yourself to take off your clothes and carefully hang them on a chair.

    Reading rhyme about washing.




    communes and catsia,


    Articulatory gymnastics.

    Labor assignments:washing pallets. Purpose:involve children in caring for indoor plants, develop appropriate work skills. Learn to act carefully, consistently.

    Didactic game"What's growing in the garden?" Purpose: to exercise in the correct use of nouns.

    Board games:put together from parts, lotto.

    Games in building corner: we will build furniture for the doll (materials at the choice of children).

    Theatrical Corner:theater on sticks.





    the culture

    Observation for changes in inanimate nature: the sun, clouds.

    Outdoor play "Traps" Purpose: to develop mobility, dexterity.

    Games with by external material:balls, cars.






    Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)





    Activities in

    regime moments







    Morning exercises.

    The educator's storyabout forest, meadow and garden flowers, insects, viewing pictures.

    Didactic game"What's growing in the garden?"

    Purpose: to form the ability to recognize garden plants.

    Conversation "What is good, what is bad." Purpose: to educate the ability to communicate correctly with each other. Do good deeds.

    Work in the book corner (books, illustrations about summer).

    Play corner: Lego construction set, wooden construction set.

    Direct educational activity





    ARTISTIC (DRAWING)Purpose: to form the ability to draw vivid expressive images of insects. Evoke an emotional response to beautiful natural sites. Improve the technique of painting with paints. Develop a sense of form, color and composition. (Volchkova V.N.)

    PHYSICAL EDUCATION (STREET)Tasks: to consolidate the ability to line up in a column one at a time, walk in pairs, run scattered. Exercise forward jumping, throwing and catching the ball after hitting the ground. Part I. Formation in a column one at a time, walking in pairs, running in random directions. Part II. The main types of movements. 1. Throwing and catching the ball after hitting the ground. 2. Jumping forward. Part III. Running at a mincing pace.







    Observation of nature.

    Purpose: when getting acquainted with trees, to learn to gradually memorize them, to find distinctive features, to name individual parts.

    Outdoor play "Don't get caught." Objectives: to exercise in running in different directions; develop slow and fast running, orientation in space.

    Labor activity:

    removal of damaged and dry branches from the site (Kondratyev E., Gvozdev M.) Purpose: to foster love, a caring attitude to nature.

    Conversation "Protect the environment".

    Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about living and inanimate nature, about the rules of behavior.

    Remote material:shovels, molds for sand, scoops, machines.

    Sports material: balls, skittles.

    Work before bed




    Fostering a culture of behavior:listen to the instructions of adults.

    Reading books at the request of children.





    physical education,


    Articulatory gymnastics.

    Travel game"On a visit to summer" Purpose: to consolidate the signs of early spring.

    Storytelling with the help of the "Turnip" fairy tale puppet theater. Purpose: to achieve storytelling by children.

    Sensing game " Stringing Beads on a String, with Stephenishen Emilia. Goal: the development of fine motor skills.

    Situational conversation about respect for books and toys.

    Theatrical Corner: table theater "Wild Animals".

    Pulling angle: skirts, scarves, beads.

    Sports section: balls.




    physical education

    Observation: "Brighter, sun, shine" Purpose: to continue to acquaint with natural phenomena (the sun).

    Outdoor play "Run to what I will name" Purpose: to recall the names of objects, to be able to listen to an adult.






    Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)





    Activities in

    regime moments


    Physical education,





    artistic creation,


    Morning exercises.

    Conversation game "Who cares about us?" (remember the professions of people who work in kindergarten).

    Reading poems "Do not bother me to work", V. Stepanov "Cat - a needleman".

    Didactic game "Pets". Purpose: to continue to form dialogical speech, the ability to enter into a conversation. Use nouns for animals.

    Conversation " Vitamins are essential for health. " Purpose: formation of ideas about healthy food (about vegetables and fruits).

    Games in touch corner: lacing, mosaic.

    Work in the corner of creativity: boards, plasticine, pencils, albums.

    Direct educational activity





    KNOWLEDGE (FORMATION OF THE WHOLE PICTURE OF THE WORLD) "Six-legged kids"Purpose: to form the ability to establish the differences between a butterfly and a beetle; to consolidate the ability to answer the teacher's questions; develop an interest in insects. (Complex lessons, p. 241)

    PHYSICAL EDUCATIONTasks: to consolidate the ability to walk and run in alternation; continue to form the ability to jump in length from a place; exercise in maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench. Part I. Alternating walking and running. Part II. General developmental exercises without objects. The main types of movements. 1. Walking on a gymnastic bench, hands on a belt. 2. Long jump from the spot. An outdoor game "Who will throw the bag next." Part III. Walking with a change of direction.


    Communication, labor,




    Observation at work as a janitor. Purpose: to continue to observe the janitor's work. To teach to respect the work of adults.

    Labor activity.Collective work on cleaning the territory. Purpose: to teach to work together.

    N / a "Catch the ball". Purpose: to exercise in running on a signal.

    Movement development:exercise Goryachiy Nikita and Poptsova Nadia in jumping on two legs in place.

    Situational conversationabout the rules of behavior on the street. Form elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad.

    Remote material:shovels, attributes for games, molds, cars.

    Sports Equipment: balls.

    Work before bed



    Game situation "Lulling the doll".Purpose: to form elementary skills of composing a melody according to the sample at.

    Form cultural and hygienic skills:teach yourself to take off your clothes and carefully hang them on a chair.






    Walking along the wellness paths.

    Role-playing game"Shop": plot "Department of toys". Target: with to contribute to the expansion of the range of role-playing actions in a familiar game, to enrich ideas about the ways of role-playing behavior.

    Didactic game“Visiting Masha. What dishes will we drink tea from ”with K. Alexandrova.

    Purpose: to form the ability to group tea ware and dining room.

    Education of cultural and hygienic skills:to form the ability to take soap from a soap dish, to lather hands until foam forms.

    Games in doll corner(dolls, toy dishes).

    Sports section: skittles, balls.

    Working with stencils incorner of creativity.





    the culture

    Observations e beyond the evening twilight. Purpose: to form children's ideas about this time of day - evening.

    N / a "At the Bear in the Forest". Purpose: to exercise in running without bumping into each other.

    Games with external material.






    Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

    Educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)





    Activities in

    regime moments


    Physical education,






    Morning exercises.

    Conversation about the signs of the coming summer. Consideration plot pictures "summer".

    Reading e poems about the summer.

    Didactic game“What we see” with Myasnikova Yulia. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the objects that surround us, their purpose (table, chairs, dishes)

    Situational conversation"Long live fragrant soap!" Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to gently wash hands and face, use soap.

    Labor assignments:help in table setting. Purpose: to encourage children to help adults set the table for breakfast, to act carefully.

    Sensor corner:lacing, buttons, mosaic.

    Independent activities of children incorner of creativity.

    Direct educational activity

    ARTS (DESIGN) "Transport on our street"Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to distinguish the shape of objects; to develop actions for analyzing the image of an object - a house consisting of two parts (square, triangle) and a train with completed and unfinished cars, mastering actions to complete the unfinished image of cars.

    MUSIC - according to the plan of the music director.







    Birch observation.

    Objectives: to expand children's understanding of trees; foster a desire to protect and preserve nature.

    Outdoor play "At the Bear in the Forest." Purpose: to exercise in a dodge run.

    Labor activity:

    collective work on cleaning the territory.

    Purpose: to consolidate the ability to focus on certain objects.

    R. Markova exercise

    Bouncing on two legs.

    Didactic game"Assignment" with Kozlova Ustinya. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to understand the meaning of the words "up", "down".

    Formation of cultural and hygienic

    skills: to educateKosareva D. and Pikulina M. use a handkerchief.

    Remote material:paddles, cars,


    Sports Equipment: skittles, balls.

    Work before bed



    Hearing music from children's animated series.

    Education of cultural and hygienic skills:do not crush bread, chew food with a closed mouth.








    Walking on ribbed paths.

    Mystery evening "Guess the riddles." Purpose: to develop thinking, ingenuity.

    Observation at work as a teacherin a corner of nature: plant feeding. Recall parts of plants (root, stem, leaf).

    Train Karnoukhova E. in orientation on a sheet of paper.

    Didactic game

    Lotto "Multi-colored toys" from Stukonog V. Purpose: to select groups of objects of the same size, to combine them in a series.

    Situational conversation"Polite words." Purpose: teaching children to be polite (say hello, say goodbye, thank for help).

    Play corner: cars, dolls, dishes and clothes for dolls.

    Creativity corner: pencils, templates, plasticine, modeling boards.

    Sports section: skittles, balls.






    Consideration cars passing on the road. Purpose: to expand knowledge about transport.

    N / a “Hit the target. Purpose: to exercise in throwing at the target, to develop dexterity.

    Independent activity Location on.

    In the summer, skills and abilities are consolidated, the knowledge gained by children during the school year is enriched. In addition to didactic games, the summer plan for the 2nd junior group includes various hardening procedures, the teacher pays great attention to the organization of children's physical activity, the development of communication skills with peers and adults.

    The summer plan for the 2nd junior group contains a list of activities in 5 educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standard: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development and physical development. The plan for the summer spelled out the final activities and work with parents in accordance with the theme of the week.

    Complex thematic planning involves the work of a teacher in accordance with a topic. We propose topics for the weeks, based on the approximate general education program "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraxes.

    Plan structure

    In June, in the 2nd junior group, the following weeks are expected: during which the knowledge of children about the world around them is clarified, the abilities for visual activity and creative games develop.

    In July, the teacher pays attention to the formation of the foundations of safety and plans weeks:,. Such planning allows you to form the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, in nature, on the street, to form the ability to understand the simplest relationships in nature.

    Planning for August involves weeks like,. As a result, the teacher creates conditions for strengthening health, developing motor abilities and qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, flexibility), as well as the formation of theatrical and creative abilities in children.

    The calendar plan based on complex-thematic planning of work in the summer with children of the 2nd junior group is published on the website in the section.

    Check out a fragment of the comprehensive thematic plan

    Educational areas
    Topic of the weekSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
    June, 1 week
    - Celebrating "Children's Day". Purpose: to introduce to the festive culture.
    - Game-dramatization "Mishka-guesser". Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize the distinctive features of each other.
    - Exercise "Guests have come to us." Purpose: to acquaint children with the ways of expressing the greeting “hello, good afternoon, come in, I missed you so much, I was bored without you, etc.”.
    - Conversation "What happens in summer." Purpose: to acquaint children with summer.
    - Cognitive research activity "What objects can float." Purpose: to continue acquaintance with some of the properties of objects.
    - Educational game "What is cold". Purpose: to develop thinking, attention and imagination.
    - Articulatory gymnastics "Pendulum". Purpose: to acquaint with the technique of performing the exercise.
    - Reading S. Marshak "Rainbow-arc". Purpose: to learn a passage of a poem.
    - Reading by L. Tolstoy "The bird made a nest ...". Purpose: to expand understanding of the behavior of birds.
    - Breathing exercises "Sounds of the forest". Purpose: to form the habit of breathing correctly.
    - Application "In the meadow". Purpose: exercise in neat gluing.
    - Introduction for viewing the paintings of Volkov E.E. "Summer landscape with a girl." Purpose: to tell children about what they depict in landscapes.
    - Exercise "In the Sun". Purpose: to acquaint children with relaxation techniques, develop imagination.
    - Fizminutka "Summer rain". Purpose: to form the ability to coordinate speech and movement.
    - P. and. "Hang a wreath". Purpose: to continue to teach to lead a round dance.
    - Physiotka for the eyes "Sun and Clouds". Purpose: to strengthen the eye muscles.
    Working with Parents: Designing the Children's Rights Booklet
    Final event: joint celebration of the "Children's Day"
    June, 2 weeks
    - Etude "Say hello to the cheeks". Purpose: to create a positive attitude in children.
    - Situational conversations about the treatment of animals.
    - Games with the layout "Grandmother's Compound". Purpose: to promote the development of creative directorial games.
    - Observing the rabbit (any pet). Purpose: to enrich children's knowledge about animals.
    - Educational game "Color the cat" (noisy images). Purpose: to develop visual perception.
    - Reading V. Stoyanov "Cat". Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe habits of a cat.
    - Reading nursery rhymes "Like our cat", "Grouse chicken", etc. Purpose: remember familiar songs and nursery rhymes.
    - Reading K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family." Purpose: to characterize the heroes.
    - Worksheets "Help the dog get to the bone." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to draw straight lines without lifting the pencil.
    - Constructive and model activity "Pen for animals". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to build a long fence, beat buildings.
    - Application from napkins "Chicken". Purpose: to develop motor skills and eyes.
    - Exercise "Crested Hen". Purpose: to form the ability to move in accordance with the text.
    - Physical minutes "Calf" A. Vvedensky. Purpose: to introduce the game.