But shpa while maintaining pregnancy. Dosage of No-Shpa during pregnancy. Common cases in which the drug "No-Shpa" is prescribed for pregnant women

Girls during gestation try to minimize medication. Therefore, the possible risk from admission is assessed in advance, the exact dose and efficacy for different conditions are found out. What will help to cope with "No-shpa" during pregnancy, and is the drug dangerous for the baby?

"No-shpa" is a frequently used drug for various types of pain (headache, toothache, colic), which is also actively used during pregnancy. It is useful to know the schemes and situations when the drug will really help.

Composition and principle of action

The active component of the drug is drotaverine. When taken internally, "No-shpa" reaches maximum concentrations in the bloodstream after about an hour. When administered intravenously, it has an effect within a few minutes. The drug is metabolized in the liver, excreted in the bile through the intestines and in the urine through the urinary system. The fact that No-shpa is concentrated in these places also determines its clinical use.

Drotaverine has an antispasmodic effect, acting on smooth muscle fibers. It "interferes" with the work of enzymes, preventing the onset of muscle contraction. Especially the effect of "No-shpa" is manifested on the following organs:

  • esophagus, stomach, intestines;
  • muscles of the uterus;
  • bladder, ureters;
  • vascular wall.

Indications for use

"No-shpa" for pregnant women is used to relieve the following conditions.

  • Biliary tract spasms... Most often, in the presence of chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, when stones are found in the biliary system, disruption of the sphincter of Oddi (responsible for the "passage" of bile into the intestines).
  • Pain in the stomach and intestines... Caused by spasms of dysfunction of the sphincters of the esophagus and stomach, with stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, with chronic gastritis, with colitis, increased gas production.
  • Renal colic. Most often these are lower back pain caused by spasms against the background of urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, with inflammation of the kidneys, as well as with cystitis, urethritis.
  • Headache . The drug reduces vasospasm and leads to a decrease in pressure.
  • Toothaches. May relieve pulpitis symptoms for a while.
  • Ear pains. With inflammation of the outer and middle ear, it is used in complex treatment with other drugs.
  • With a tone of the uterus... "No-shpa" during early pregnancy helps to reduce the symptoms of the threat of termination, can be used even against the background of smears or minor bleeding.

In addition, "No-shpa" during pregnancy is used in the late stages for pulling pains in the abdomen, which are regarded as harbingers of childbirth or the threat of premature birth. In the complex therapy of gestosis. It is actively used in childbirth to relieve pain, as well as to prevent discoordination of labor with spasmodic cervix.

Is No-shpa taken during pregnancy safe for the baby?

The doctors' comments prove the high efficiency and safety of the drug for the fetus and woman. However, given that any tests on pregnant and lactating women are prohibited, this opinion is confirmed only by observation of women who had to take the drug in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester.

The use of the drug should be approached reasonably, only according to indications and in permitted doses. It is believed that "No-shpa" is safer and more effective than a drug with a similar effect - "Papaverine".

Reception schemes

Depending on the clinical situation, various forms of application and dosage of the drug are possible. The schemes are shown in the table.

Table - Indications and prescribing schemes for the drug during gestation

The formWhen used more oftenScheme and dose options
Pills- In the 1st trimester to relieve pulling pains in the lower abdomen (by the end of the working day);
- in the 3rd trimester during training bouts;
- for pain associated with other organs
- 1-2 tablets (40 mg) 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days;
- a single dose of 1 tablet (40 mg) in the evening or for pain;
- "No-shpa forte" 1 tablet 80 mg up to 3 times a day
Intramuscular injections- With obvious symptoms of a threat of miscarriage;
- for the relief of acute attacks of pain, for example, renal
- 2 ml of a 2% solution 2-3 times a day;
- 4 ml of 2% solution 1-2 times a day
Intravenous administration- For pain relief during labor pains;
- for the treatment of the threat of premature birth in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
- in the complex therapy of gestosis with edema, high pressure;
- for relief of acute attacks of pain
- 4 ml of 2% solution diluted per 200 ml of 0.9% saline solution slowly drip;
- 4 ml of a 2% solution intravenously jet

"No-shpa" goes well with other anesthetic drugs, therefore, in case of severe pain syndromes, it is administered together with them. This way you can get more effective relief of seizures.

Contraindications and side effects

You should be careful when applying or refuse to use "No-shpy" in the following cases:

  • with individual sensitivity to the drug;
  • with serious diseases of the internal organs and heart;
  • with intolerance to galactose and lactose (forming substances);
  • when taking several drugs of the same type, for example, "Papaverine" and "No-shpy".

In order to avoid complications or adverse reactions, the drug should be taken strictly as directed by your doctor. Usually "No-shpa" is well tolerated, but the following undesirable consequences of taking are possible:

  • allergic reactions;
  • feeling of nausea, dizziness;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • a tendency to constipation with prolonged use.

"No-shpa" for pain during pregnancy has a significant effect and is the drug of choice in many clinical situations. It combines well with other agents, quickly has a therapeutic effect. Reviews of women prove that the drug is well tolerated and rare complications of admission.

Mom reviews

I drank no-shpa in the first and second pregnancies, everything is ok. The first daughter was born healthy, the second is on the way. I think if the doctor prescribes, then he knows better what should be taken. But from candles with papaverine, on the contrary, bleeding began: - ((I still don't know why this is.

Zalina, https: // deti. mail.ru/id1001004494/

My belly stretching is constant due to the fact that the small ones have to be lifted, but it is no longer easy ... the doctor prescribed 2 no-shpa tablets every day. In the last pregnancy, I also prescribed when my back was very painful, then I drank 3 tablets a day for 2 weeks + I began to walk more and the pain disappeared like a hand until the end of the term. You don't need to be afraid to drink ... she will only do better

Darinushka, http://forum.forumok.ru/lofiversion/index.php?t37667.html

At the 7th week of pregnancy, I was admitted to the hospital with a threat, I had hypertonicity, for 10 days I was given no-shpa injections 2 times a day, then for 4 days I drank no-shpa, 1 tab. 2 times a day (i.e. 2 tablets per day). When I was discharged, I asked whether it was necessary to continue drinking, the doctor told me that it was not necessary, only if the stomach was pulling strongly, that the noses relieve the tone, but you simply cannot drink. A girl (11 weeks old) was also lying with me, the doctor prescribed her from the LCD to drink no-shpu, like you do, 2 tables each. 3 times a day, that is, 6 tablets a day, a week later she started bleeding (apparently the uterus relaxed from such a dose and the blood just came out of it), so this girl got to the hospital, where I met her, with her and the baby, in the end, everything is ok, but the doctor at the hospital said that one should not just take medicine without indications.

El_Tango, https://forum.materinstvo.ru/lofiversion/index.php/t1086358.html


Often during pregnancy, a woman is worried about minor pains, abdominal cramps. It is then that experts prescribe the use of noshpa during pregnancy. Many have doubts whether it is possible to take such drugs? Do not worry, many women are prescribed noshpu, but this does not mean that it can be bought without a prescription from a doctor.

No effect
Noshpa preparation strictly according to the instructions
Disability during pregnancy head massage

The drug does not have a negative effect on the unborn child. It helps relieve muscle cramps, abdominal pain caused by physiological causes. But more often it is advised to have it in the first-aid kit and to use it even with mild pain in the lower abdomen, since the increased contraction of the muscles of the uterus can be one of the signs of an incipient miscarriage.

Noshpa affects smooth muscles and has a myotropic effect. The drug does not have a negative effect on the nervous system. Therefore, it is safe for a woman, an unborn child, it can be safely used during pregnancy. In comparison with its analogues, the drug wins in its effectiveness and duration of action. It is available in the form of ampoules, tablets, capsules.

Indications for use:

  • it is advisable to use the noshpu in order to correct spastic constipation, colitis;
  • the drug helps with pyelitis, tenesmus, proctitis;
  • doctors prescribe it for gastroduodenitis, ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

Doesn't affect the child

Noshpa has an excellent effect on the work of the heart of the unborn child and, if necessary, improves it. If you have doubts about contractions - whether they are false or not, it is enough to take two pills and you can understand whether it is worth going to the hospital or there is still time.

Noshpa injections in the early stages are used in medical institutions to provide urgent care to a pregnant woman in order to relieve uterine spasms, in other cases, capsules and tablets are prescribed.

Injections to relieve uterine spasm

More often, the remedy is prescribed before childbirth - this is done to prepare the birth canal. If the doctor, upon examination, sees that the cervix is ​​not quite ready for childbirth, a course of drugs is prescribed, which includes noshpa. Thanks to them, the cervix becomes softer and thus ready for labor.

Correct use of the drug

Oral use of the drug implies the use of no more than 120 - 240 milligrams per day. This dosage must be divided into several doses. The maximum allowable single dose is 80 milligrams of the substance, the daily dose is 240 mg.

Intramuscularly, the drug is administered from 40 to 240 mg per day, dividing into three applications. If necessary, enter 40-80 mg within a minute. Usually, you can take from 3 to 6 tablets per day - this happens if a woman is worried about the symptoms of uterine tone (pain, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen).

Do not drink more than one tablet of the drug at a time. Noshpu can be combined with other (homeopathic) medicines. However, during pregnancy, before taking the drug, a woman needs to consult a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Suppositories are inserted rectally, they are absorbed into the bloodstream after 10 to 15 minutes. But for pregnant women they are rarely prescribed - an inconvenient dosage form. Intramuscular injections begin to take effect in 20 minutes, intravenous in 5 minutes. No more than 6 ampoules per day. If abdominal pain persists after two days, you should consult a specialist.

Main risks and contraindications

Treatment with the drug is allowed in the absence of a severe form of heart disease, if there is renal or hepatic failure, the drug is contraindicated. And also before the appointment, the specialist determines the individual sensitivity to the composition of the drug, to sodium disulfide. This substance is part of the solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Correct use of the drug

It is forbidden to use the drug noshpa for women during pregnancy who have:

  • intolerance to galactose (transmitted by inheritance);
  • deficiency of lactose;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (this applies only to tablets).

The drug should be used with caution in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia of the type of hypotension. For those with low blood pressure, injections should be given while lying down.

If the process of absorption of glucose and galactose is impaired, experts prescribe the use of rectal suppositories or intravenous and intramuscular injections.

In case of an overdose, allergic reactions, a violation of the heart rhythm may occur, in rare cases, cardiac arrest is possible. If an overdose is detected, it is necessary to consult a specialist for constant monitoring.

Often I prescribe symptomatic treatment, induce vomiting and clear the stomach. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions on how to properly take the drug Noshpa during pregnancy.

Disease prevention without drugs

Taking the drug, no matter how safe it is, is always not advisable during pregnancy. Avoiding symptoms of the disorder is better than long-term and not always pleasant to treat them. Therefore, experts recommend following simple rules in order to avoid the occurrence of diseases that involve taking medications and hospitalization.

For patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, according to the type of hypotension, the doctor prescribes the norm

In order to prevent disorders, the specialist did not prescribe the intake of nopsha, there were no complications in the future, during pregnancy it is necessary:

  • follow a diet that can be selected together with a specialist: more vitamins, avoid overeating, starvation (raw fruits, berries, vegetables, fish, etc.), exclude the intake of harmful foods (fatty, sweet, fried, canned food, soda, etc.) );
  • with special recommendations, reduce physical activity, if necessary, observe bed rest;
  • you need to monitor the use of liquid in the required amount, often for a pregnant woman - this is at least 1.5 liters per knock, if she does not suffer from swelling or polyhydramnios;
  • avoid stress, overexertion, try to remain calm in any situation (herbal decoctions are suitable for calming), drinking noshpa is allowed along with valerian, they are often prescribed during pregnancy;
  • walks in the fresh air, in some cases gymnastics for pregnant women, rest more, sleep;
  • eliminate everything that can provoke uterine tension, loud, harsh sounds, strong emotional stress, it is advised to stop using computers, mobile phones, television and microwave ovens, the farther from radiation, the calmer for a woman;
  • do not use tight clothes, try to purchase comfortable, comfortable models made from natural fabrics.

The drug No-shpa is used to relieve painful syndrome. During pregnancy, pills are possible, but if necessary, it is better to reduce their use to a minimum. How exactly the drug acts on the body of the expectant mother, and according to what rules to take the pills: we will reveal the instructions for using No-shpa in the article.

In contact with

No-shpa - composition, from which it helps

The preparation includes the following components:

  • drotaverine hydrochloride;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc;
  • corn starch;
  • povidone;
  • lactose.

The therapeutic effect of No-shpa is expressed as follows:

  • helps to eliminate pain syndrome in diseases of the digestive system;
  • eliminates spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs;
  • helps with chronic cholecystitis;
  • eliminates intestinal colic, regardless of the primary source of their manifestation;
  • relieves spasms of the vessels of the brain;
  • used for pyelitis, colitis and proctitis;
  • with urolithiasis of the kidneys;
  • relieves uterine spasms during the period of gestation;
  • softens muscle spasms after previous surgical interventions.

The tool is available in the form of orange tablets or capsules, and in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection.

Drug dosage, contraindications

If we are talking about the use of a vaccine for injections, then the daily dosage of the presented medicine should be 40-240 mg. It is necessary to enter the drug into the body three times a day, in equal portions.

If the patient has acute liver failure, then more than 80 mg of the substance cannot be taken. For pregnant women, this figure is 40 mg.

The use of the substance in the form of capsules and tablets is required according to the following algorithm:
  • adults drink 2-3 tablets three times a day;
  • patients from one to 6 years old are allowed 40-120 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day;
  • children from 6 years of age and older should be given from 80 to 200 mg, which is equal to 2-5 tablets, in 4 or 5 doses.

This instruction must be followed to avoid side effects. The substance is contraindicated for use only with glaucoma or the presence of hypersensitivity to the constituent components of No-shpy.

During the period of carrying a baby, a woman is not recommended to take medications. No-shpa is one of the exceptions. When using the drug during pregnancy, there was no negative effect on the fetus, therefore, it can be used during this period, the main thing is not to forget about the dosage - the consequences of exceeding which have not been canceled. The drug can always be kept on hand and taken as needed, but if possible, this need to be reduced to a minimum.

No-spa can also be used during childbirth, in this case it is used in the form of injections, no more than 40 mg of the active substance is used at a time.

Analogs of the drug for headache

In domestic pharmacies, customers have the opportunity to buy analogues of the drug No-shpa, which have the ability to effectively deal with headaches. The following products are available over the counter:

  1. Drotaverinum.
  2. Nosh bra.
  3. Dolche.
  4. But-h-sha.
  5. Nokhshaverin.
  6. Hydrochloride.

It is not uncommon for a doctor to advise you to take it, which is also acceptable during this period.

The price of No-shpa and its analogues in ampoules for injections is more than 400 rubles, tablets from 67 to 230 rubles.

Is it possible for expectant mothers to take Hexoral spray:.

Drotaverin and No-shpa - what is the difference

The difference between Drotaverin and No-shpa is minimal. Both of these drugs have the same pharmacological action. Only, in the first case, the cost of the drug is much cheaper, and it is impossible to counterfeit it. But-shpa is more expensive, the effect is not much better, but you can often buy a fake.

No-shpa during pregnancy - reviews

Expectant mothers often use No-shpa pills, doing it on the recommendation of doctors. Women leave their reviews on the practice of using this pharmaceutical product on the worldwide network, and they are of the following nature:

Angelina, 25 years old:

I was often tormented by abdominal pain when I was carrying the baby. I told the doctor about this, and he advised No-shpu. As soon as the pain began, I took a pill and after 10 minutes the discomfort was gone. She took the remedy often and gave birth to a completely healthy baby.

Valentina, 29 years old:

I was injected with No-shpa during childbirth. I would like to point out the fact that this remedy eased my pain a little. It was completely safe and effective, I am ready to recommend this method of pain relief to everyone.

Alina, 31 years old:

If I had a stomach ache during pregnancy, I took No-shpa pills. The pain disappeared in almost 10 minutes. The doctor said that this does not affect the development of the child, which made me very happy. I recommend the remedy to all my friends.

Consumers are satisfied with the use of the presented substance, because it practically has no side effects. The medication comes in several forms, but it is often counterfeited. You need to buy medicine in trusted pharmacies. If the drug is taken during pregnancy, then regarding the moment of the possibility of taking it regularly, you should consult with your doctor. If this medication is not available in the pharmacy, then there is an opportunity to purchase one of the analogues of the substance. It is worth taking the medicine 3-4 times a day, for adults and children their own dosage is determined. The pharmacological agent does not have the ability to induce addiction, it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

A little about No-Shpe in the video:

No-shpa is an effective antispasmodic that helps to get rid of different types of pain. With the help of the drug, you can forget about toothache, muscle, bone pain, and migraine. Quite often, No-shpu is prescribed for pregnant women. How safe is No-shpa for a pregnant woman? How should the drug be taken?

Indications of No-shpy for pregnant women

The drug is extremely necessary if a pregnant woman. In this situation, No-shpa will relieve muscle spasm and protect the woman from spontaneous miscarriage. The drug contains Drotaverin, a substance that has an antispasmodic effect. The substance has a positive effect on the smooth muscle structure of the body, helps relieve spasms:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract.
  • From the genitourinary system.
  • From the circulatory system.
  • From the biliary tract.

No-spa helps to expand blood vessels, thus increasing blood flow to various organs. During the day, the liver processes the drug and completely removes it from the body.

An antispasmodic is taken only after a doctor's prescription, it is he who selects the required dosage. No-shpa is extremely necessary with an increased tone of the uterus at an early stage of fetal development.

Attention! You must have No-shpa in your first aid kit. If you feel unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen, be sure to take the drug.

Uterine hypertonicity can cause nervous tension, constant fatigue, haste - all these factors lead to tension in the muscles of the uterus.

If you experience aching, pulling, constant pain with bleeding, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Most likely you have. In this case, it is necessary to take other medications in addition to No-shpy.

Most often, the antispasmodic is drunk in the first trimester, when the pregnant uterus is constantly in good shape and there is a threat of miscarriage. In addition to the fact that No-shpa reduces the uterine tone and dilates the blood vessels, it completely relaxes the cervix, can lead to its opening, therefore it is not recommended to take this antispasmodic at the end of pregnancy.

Application of No-shpa in the first trimester of pregnancy

At the beginning of a woman's gestation, due to hormonal changes, everything in the body completely changes, she becomes emotional. All this negatively affects the tone of the uterus. If you have slight discomfort in your lower abdomen, you don't need to worry.

Some gynecologists recommend that you always have No-shpa in your purse and drink it at the slightest painful sensations. It is better not to do this on your own, a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. Often doctors can prescribe No-shpa for no reason, in this way they are reinsured. You do not need to get carried away with the drug, otherwise it can lead to side effects. When the uterine tension increases, pain may appear, in this situation No-shpa is extremely necessary.

Dosage of No-shpa for a pregnant woman

The antispasmodic is available in capsules, tablets, and also in solution. The active ingredient is drotaverine hydrochloride. Consider also such auxiliary elements - lactose, corn starch, talc, povidone, magnesium sterate. If the pregnant woman does not tolerate at least one of the components, the drug will have to be abandoned.

Important! No-shpu must be taken in case of spasm of smooth muscle muscles, also to reduce the tone of the uterus and to weaken contractions.

In what dosage you need to take the drug, only the doctor decides. To reduce uterine hypertonicity at the beginning of pregnancy, you need to take one tablet three times a day. Intramuscularly, a pregnant woman can inject no more than 240 mg / day.

What is the purpose of using the drug before childbirth? To normalize the activity of the uterus, to prevent birth trauma and relieve pain. In elite European clinics, No-shpa during childbirth is an outdated and ineffective method. Often abroad, it is completely forbidden to take No-shpa for a pregnant woman.

How can No-shpa harm a pregnant woman?

No-shpa, despite its safety, is still a drug that has its own side effects and contraindications. The main component of No-shpy is, and it leads to a severe allergic reaction.

It is forbidden to take the drug to pregnant women who have problems with the liver, kidneys and heart. You can not use No-shpu pregnant with low pressure. It should also be borne in mind that an antispasmodic can aggravate toxicosis, often leading to weakness. After taking No-shpy, the pulse quickens.

Some obstetricians-gynecologists strictly forbid taking No-shpa during childbirth, otherwise severe bleeding may occur.

Often a pregnant woman worries: how can No-shpa harm the baby? After a series of studies, it was found that the drug does not affect the course of pregnancy. Although in many countries, for example, in Germany, the USA, England, it has been forbidden to use No-shpa for pregnant women for several years. Foreign gynecologists see the connection between the reception of No-shpa by a pregnant woman and the slowed-down speech of the baby.

Other studies show that with the help of No-shpa, you can normalize the work of the heart. If a pregnant woman is worried about tachycardia, after the introduction of the drug No-shpy intramuscularly, the woman becomes easier.

Studies have been carried out concerning No-shpa during pregnancy, and by Hungarian scientists. Women were observed in the second and third periods of pregnancy, no pathology was revealed in babies after taking an antispasmodic.

Thus, No-shpa is one of the safe analgesic antispasmodics, so it can be prescribed to pregnant women. The drug is especially necessary for hypertonicity of the uterus, other pains that can harm the baby. In any case, a pregnant woman cannot prescribe the drug to herself and should be extremely careful about taking it. Be sure to take into account individual intolerance and other contraindications in order to avoid serious consequences.

But shpa during pregnancy. Instructions for use

How justified use of no-shpa during pregnancy , in what cases this drug can be used during the period of bearing a child and whether it will be reflected on the development of the fetus in the womb the use of this medication?
No-shpa (or drug drotaverin) is an antispasmodic myotropic agent for dilating blood vessels, weakening the muscle tone of internal organs and reducing their activity.
The drug differs from similar others in that its
can be drunk by pregnant women ... The instruction attached to the drug contains information about in what situations it is indicated. but shpa during pregnancy and what dosage is harmless to the developing fetus (see below But shpa Instructions for use). Experts recommend taking it if any abdominal pain during pregnancy ... But taking the medication is allowed only as a last resort, and during pregnancy, if any problems arise, you should consult a doctor.

No-shpa saves us from headache and toothache , discomfort during critical days, various abdominal pains. Pregnant women have one more reason for taking the drug - increasing the tone of the uterus. A woman in a position should not ignore this serious problem. But if you just stabbed, or pulled at the moment of a sudden movement, you should not worry. Breathe in deeply, exhale and everything will be removed as if by hand. A short-term increase in tone can be triggered by stress, anxiety. Relaxation and a calm home environment help get rid of this pregnant woman without the use of but shpy.

There are several forms of release of the medication: capsules with a shell that dissolves in the intestine , pills and injections. The main active ingredient in no shpa in all cases is drotaverine hydrochloride, excipients are povidone, magnesium stearate, lactose, corn starch, talc.

When and in what doses to take No-shpa during pregnancy- the doctor decides. Painful sensations and muscle tension in the abdomen are direct indications for the use of pills. They affect only the body of the expectant mother and do not affect the condition of the child.

During pregnancy, you can drink No-shpa 2 tablets three times a day, injections are allowed. Instead of the drug or together with it, you can put rectal suppositories with papaverine (1 suppository each) up to 3 times a day. When a high-risk pregnancy is diagnosed, be sure to get an ultrasound scan if you haven't done it before.

The optimal dose of the drug for a pregnant woman - 6 tablets per day (2 with meals). But shpa during pregnancy is contraindicated in women with isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In such cases the doctor prescribes other medicines that are similar in effect.

Restrictions, side effects and contraindications are for all drugs, including No-shpa. Do not overuse pills, drink them only as directed by your doctor.

According to various studies, women who consumed no shpu during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters during pregnancy experienced a significant reduction in pain and muscle tone in the lower abdomen. The researchers concluded that the majority of pregnant women who used no shpu within a few days from the start of the course of therapy, improved their health, and also normalized the work of the cardiovascular system of the fetus. Nevertheless but shpa during pregnancy in most cases, it is indicated only in the case of severe and sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which cause constant discomfort to a woman. In any case, before using the drug no shpa, be sure to consult your doctor! Some researchers have found a relationship between delayed speech development in a child and the regular use of the drug no shpa by a woman during pregnancy. Below you will find complete instructions for using the no shpa.

You are familiar with the drug but shpa instructions for use which contains information about indications for use during pregnancy and contraindications during lactation. If you are suffering from pain in the lower abdomen, do not rush to self-medicate, as you can cause serious harm to the developing fetus. But during pregnancy, spa can be used only after consulting a doctor, who will prescribe the dosage and the period of therapy with the use of this drug.