Eyebrow piercing scar. Long list of navel piercing problems. Piercing hole: getting rid of puncture marks

If your skin is damaged by a piercing, your cells begin to produce a substance known as collagen to close the wound. If you pull out the jewelry and allow the umbilical piercing to heal, the collagen will form a rough, dense, mossy lump that later turns into a scar. Scars often have different textures and differ in color from the surrounding healthy skin. Over the years, the scar more or less evens out in color and becomes several tones closer to the natural skin color.

Method 1.

If the piercing was done by a non-professional, the scar may appear more prominent and lighter. A normal piercing scar looks like small dots above the navel and on top of the inside - and only slightly differ in color from the general skin tone. Such minor scars can be made even less noticeable by applying vitamin E oil to them after you massage the scar a little.

You will need: Vitamin E oil (Vitamin E capsules are available at the pharmacy).

Removing the scar:

1. Without touching the faucet or sink, wash your hands thoroughly. Use disposable paper towels or handkerchiefs to dry to keep your hands clean.

2. Use your fingers to massage the scar tissue with moderate pressure for two minutes.

3. Gently squeeze the vitamin E capsule with one hand and squeeze one drop onto the finger of the other hand.

4. Massage the resulting oil into the scar near the navel.

5. Repeat the entire process three times a day.

Warnings and additions:
- Wash your hands as follows and sterilize the small bottle. Better yet, get a new sterile squeeze bottle from your pharmacy. Open a few vitamin E capsules and squeeze them into a bottle to make it easier for you to apply the oil to your body.
- Consult your doctor before applying a scar reduction product to your skin.

Method 2.

While it is not possible to completely remove a large scar, you can help it heal faster by taking special care of its area. Overall, it's not that hard.

You will need:
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
- 1 teaspoon of water;
- A small bowl;
- Tea spoon;
- Funnel;
- Small bottle with a cap;
- Lavender essence in the form of oil;

Cotton ball;
- Bandage - sticky or large enough to wrap around the waist and secure.

Nuance: use only natural lavender oil, other options may either be ineffective, or may even harm you. As a rule, the cost of such oils varies from 800-1500 rubles. Observe the dosage carefully so that unwanted such effects do not occur. Check if you are allergic to lavender oil before use.


1. Using a teaspoon, mix lemon juice with water in a small bowl or bowl. Using a funnel, pour the mixture into a small bottle and add two drops of lavender oil to the last. We put the cap on the bottle, screw it on, and shake it gently for about 20 seconds.

2. Wet a cotton ball of cotton in the final mixture based on lemon juice and wipe the skin on the belly in the navel area with it. Massage the solution into the skin using the thumb and forefinger - inside and outside the navel - for about two minutes.

3. Soak the pad in the adhesive bandage with three drops of lavender oil (or use half a new cotton ball) and place it on the scar near the navel (wrap / fasten the bandage).

4. Remove the adhesive disposable bandage (or cotton and regular bandage) after 12 hours and discard (or throw away the cotton and wash the bandage if necessary). Apply the lemon-based mixture again in the same way and massage into the skin before applying a new bandage soaked in lavender.

5. Repeat the entire procedure for at least one month to reduce the appearance of the navel piercing scar.

Yes, it is laborious, but, according to reviews, it is effective.


- Do not wet the bandage (or cotton wool under the bandage) with a mixture based on lemon juice - it can easily burn your skin and further worsen the condition of the scar;
- Store the lemon juice mixture in the refrigerator if you have anything left, and under no circumstances use the leftover mixture after two weeks of storage.

At a young age, you want to have time to try everything. Some experiments pass, like fashion trends, without a trace. But there are those that leave unpleasant memories. Will the hole grow after the piercing, and what can be done to ensure that the process goes quickly and without complications?

How to remove a piercing hole?

What affects the tightening speed?

Several factors affect the rate of closure of the hole:

  • Duration of the procedure. If the process was carried out from several weeks to a year ago by the time the decision was made to get rid of the hole, the tightening will occur quickly. In the case when several years have passed since the puncture, the tightening will take longer.
  • Individual characteristics. Healing and regeneration is different for different people. In some, even large holes heal quickly and without scarring, while in others, a small one can leave a noticeable scar. Whether the hole will grow after the piercing procedure depends on the speed of the regeneration processes.
  • A place. The holes on the nose are tightened depending on the dislocation. If the septum or wings of the nose are punctured, the hole may disappear after a month. In the case where the hole has broken through the cartilage, the tightening can last up to two months. The navel tissues are tightened up to six months. Be sure to keep this in mind when planning your pregnancy. The same interval must be waited in order for the puncture site to overgrow on the eyebrow. Holes on the lips and tongue disappear in a month. An intimate piercing can take from 1 to 6 months.

In most cases, the problem is resolved on its own, it is enough to get rid of the barbell. If the process is sluggish, try to speed it up in several ways.

Piercing hole: getting rid of puncture marks

You can try to influence these places with the help of traditional medicine.

  • Rubbing sea buckthorn oil with a few drops of tea tree essential oil speeds up the metabolic processes in the skin.
  • Bodyagi masks are applied by lightly rubbing into the skin. The tool enhances blood circulation, activates components that help heal, resorb scars.

In the case when the old-fashioned methods have not been successful, consult a specialist. You may have to resort to laser resurfacing or surgery.

If you really want to remove a piercing hole, there is always a way to do it. But it is better to think carefully before performing this procedure.

Piercing is the piercing of various areas on the body and face to decorate with earrings. This type of body modification techniques is a small surgical intervention in which the integrity of the skin or cartilage tissue is violated. The procedure has contraindications, which are due to the peculiarities of wound healing and the risk of complications. Piercing scars are a common consequence of improper piercing, grooming, or violation of prohibitions.

A scar is a newly formed connective tissue that has appeared on the damaged skin and tissues lying at a greater depth. Dermatologists and beauticians often experience piercing scars.

The main signs of a scar:

  • Raises or sinks compared to other skin
  • has a geometric or linear shape;
  • does not contain sweat glands and hair;
  • smoothed epidermis pattern;
  • light or dark color.

There are several types of cicatricial neoplasms:

  • normotrophic;
  • keloid;
  • atrophic.

After injuries and punctures, a keloid scar appears on the skin of the body and face. It protrudes above the surface, hurts, itches and causes other unpleasant symptoms during growth.

What scars appear after different types of piercings:

  • Face. For decoration, through punctures are used in the cheek area with the installation of labrettes. After removal, a dimple-like trace remains. If the cheek does not overgrow properly, pus and a raised scar will appear. Microdermals are also used on the cheekbones, leaving white, barely noticeable stripes.
  • Lip. A lip piercing scar is inevitable, delicate skin grows slowly and rejection often occurs. Monroe, Madonna, Dahlia leave an imprint like a mole, and it is possible to disguise it with a fly tattoo. The rest of the options may be less noticeable if removed at the first sign of rejection.

  • Nose. In this area, scar tissue may look like a depression or a bulging ball with purulent contents inside.
  • Language. This amazing organ has a unique ability to quickly regenerate due to saliva. The puncture heals quickly and often without a trace.
  • Nipples. Nipple piercing in women can end in failure - clogging of the mammary glands. As a result of the proliferation of atrophied tissue, breastfeeding will be difficult or impossible.
  • Eyebrow. The most painful and dangerous area. There is a high risk of injury and bursting by entangled clothing or hair. The torn wound heals ugly and with visible raised edges.
  • Navel. Earring rejection often develops, and childbirth or pregnancy can leave an ugly keloid scar, which, with an increase in the abdomen, can rupture and go unaesthetic arrows in different directions.

How to remove a piercing scar

Today, several effective methods have been developed to remove various types of scars.

How to remove piercing scars:

  • Surgical excision. The operation is carried out six months later and only when urgently needed, when it is difficult to open the mouth due to scars on the lips, the impossibility of normal breathing.
  • Injection contour plastic. Performed by a beautician to mask small marks. Repeat procedures in 1.5-2 years.
  • Fractional impact. The laser can even out the skin, make it look beautiful, thicken it and remove excess tissue.
  • ... The Erbium laser evaporates liquid from the skin and makes the scar smooth and invisible.

Review of effective ointments

In the treatment of scars, all methods are good, to supplement cosmetic procedures or use gels, ointments and creams aimed at smoothing the skin, the production of elastin, collagen as an independent method of treatment.

The best drugs:

  • Kelofibraz. Prevents blood clots, improves microcirculation and saturates with moisture, which helps to cope with the problem faster.
  • Dermatics. Improves the appearance of the defect and heals it from the inside with silicone.
  • Fermenkol. Contains collagenase. Breaks down excess collagen and smoothes the surface.
  • Kelo cat. The gel softens the atrophied area due to the silicone content. Effective for all types of scars.
  • ... It is used for various deformation of the skin. The main component is onion extract, allantoin and heparin, which provide a therapeutic effect.
  • Imoferase. It has an effect on the structure of the scar, moisturizes, relieves inflammation and restores essential functions. It is indicated for the treatment of scars after tattoos and piercings of the navel and nose.

Puncture and Healing Rules to Avoid Scars

There are a number of steps you can take to avoid unpleasant consequences and scarring. Experts recommend the following:

  • Monitor sterility. A reusable instrument, jewelry are disinfected in an autoclave, the needle and catheter are in a disposable sterile package.
  • Apply anti-scar ointments to the healing process.
  • Take vitamins to strengthen the immune system.
  • Carefully look after and monitor the reaction to the earring.

In the photo and in real life, a scar after a piercing on the nose or other part of the face, the body often does not look aesthetically pleasing. The owners of defects try to disguise them or completely get rid of them. But even after a course of expensive procedures, a trace may remain. Pay attention to punctures and try to avoid complications.

Photo: Gennadiy Kravchenko / Rusmediabank.ru

Tattooing is a spicy way to attract male attention, which is used by many women. Alas, what decorates the body at the age of 20 does not always look as great at the age of 40. The tattoo does not fit into the image of a business woman, and sometimes even undermines it. Tongue or navel piercings excite young guys and can easily alienate a mature man. Fortunately, cosmetic advances allow you to get rid of permanent patterns and punctures on your body.

The most painful and oldest way to remove is surgery... By the way, it is also the most traumatic: after the operation, there will be scars in the place of the previous drawing that no laser can hide. Under general anesthesia, the surgeon cuts off the piece of skin on which you once wanted to capture your favorite picture. Healing takes at least a month - you will have to lubricate the cut site with an antiseptic and apply a bandage from an elastic bandage every day.

An ugly scar may remain after cryosurgery... Using tweezers and a cotton pad, the dermatologist covers the entire tattoo with a liquid nitrogen solution. The resulting thermal burn is crusty. It will disappear in about 2-3 weeks.

The most bloodless way of converting an image is camouflage... The skin area is numbed with lidocaine and treated with a flesh-colored dye needle. The dye can cause severe allergies, so a qualified cosmetologist will definitely make a test before the procedure. Feelings, of course, are not the most pleasant, but beauty requires sacrifice. A significant disadvantage of camouflage is a small processing area (the tattoo should occupy an area of ​​no more than 5 * 5 cm). After completing the procedure, be prepared to leave the contours of the tattoo intact. Not happy about the prospect of walking with a whitening image on your shoulder or hip for several months? Use sunscreen on the beach.

Camouflage can also be called the application of a new pattern to an old tattoo. You will like this idea if you, in principle, do not mind drawing on the skin, but want to hide a provocative inscription like the name of an ex-boyfriend. At your request, the tattoo artist will hide the memories of a stormy youth with a floral ornament or ethnic pattern.

A modern method of tattoo removal without scars and pain - laser correction... To completely get rid of the pattern, at least 5-6 sessions are required. The laser beam vaporizes color pigments and damaged epidermis, leaving pink skin on the tattoo site. Depending on the level of the cabin, one beam or a whole beam can be used at the same time. The green laser eliminates yellow, green and blue dyes. Purple - red, orange and black. The break between corrections usually takes 2 to 4 weeks. During the recovery period, antibiotics are indicated for the prevention of suppuration and eczema. Usually, a dermatologist advises additional therapy in the form of peeling with fruit acids and an anti-scar ointment.

Opportunity removing the hole from the piercing depends entirely on how professionally the puncture was performed and whether you looked after it correctly. At least six months should pass between release from the ring and treatment. During this period, try to encourage the hole to grow back on its own. Lubricate the piercing area with Contractubex twice a day and wipe with salicylic acid lotion. To accelerate the reparative processes in the epidermis, intensively massage the skin with a mixture of sea salt and thick sour cream three times a week. Good results are obtained with an oil extract of vitamin E. The only condition is that hands must be thoroughly washed with soap before massage manipulations. Remember how you washed your earring while swimming? Care for an open puncture in the same way.

Has the puncture been overgrown within six months? Then it makes sense to turn to traditional medicine. An expensive option - Plastic surgery... Most often, young mothers who wore a ring in the navel resort to it. While carrying a baby, the skin on the abdomen is stretched, and a large scar appears at the site of a small puncture, surrounded by a "mesh" of stretch marks.

The first stage of splicing - microdermabrasion... It stimulates the production of collagen, which is necessary for the natural repair of punctures. A couple of days after the laser resurfacing, the surgeon will sew the hole. In its place, only a micro-seam will remain, and even that will dissolve after a while.

The most problematic places for piercing are, eyebrow, tongue. Before deciding on an extravagant experiment with your own appearance, think about whether you will cause laughter from those around you in five years.

Unique molecule

The composition includes an active enzyme - stabilized hyaluronidase.

Ease of use

It is quickly absorbed, does not leave marks on clothes, does not require preliminary preparation of the skin before application.


It does not have a skin irritant effect. The cream has passed strict dermatological control.

Causes of piercing scars

During the piercing, the skin and cartilage tissues are disturbed - wounds appear that do not heal immediately, scars and scars are formed. This sometimes comes from improper puncture, poor disinfection, or improper wound care.

If you do not pay attention to scars and scars, they can remain for a long time and cause great inconvenience.

Places of piercing scars

Scars and scars appear at puncture sites. Most often, piercings are done on the lips, nose, tongue, nipples, eyebrows, navel. The tongue heals the fastest - due to saliva, tissue regenerates quickly. Anyone who decides to have a piercing should be ready for scars from eyebrow and lip piercings. They are inevitable due to the delicate skin on the face and are quite dangerous due to the consequences. Wounds heal long and badly. The most dangerous area for scarring is the nipples. In women, the mammary glands may become clogged.

Methods for caring for scars and post-piercing scars

In order to prevent the appearance of scars, you need to monitor sterility during piercing. The specialist must sterilize reusable instruments, and remove disposable instruments from the sterile packaging with you.

After the procedure, it is worth strengthening the body with vitamins and carefully taking care of the wounds. Imoferase® cream, which acts on the structure of the scar, is suitable for skin care after complete healing of the wound.

Mechanism of action of Imoferase® cream

The main active ingredient of the cream, the enzyme hyaluronidase, acts on the connective tissue in the rumen. In the area of ​​the scar, blood circulation is restored, tissue nutrition is improved. The movement of fluid in the interstitial space improves. As a result, inflammation decreases and tissues soften and become elastic.

The results of the action of Imoferase® cream

After applying the cream, the scar softens and becomes elastic; local tissue edema decreases. The height of the scar and the scar is halved. Due to a decrease in the amount of melanin (a pigment that gives a yellowish or brown color to the skin) in the connective tissues, the intensity of the color of the scar and scar decreases.

Method of application of Imoferase® cream

The cream should be applied to the scar or scar in the morning and evening for 4-8 weeks. The cream is easily absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. Does not irritate the skin, there are no parabens and fragrances in the composition.