Oily hair care. How to care for oily hair at home. Recipes. Drying and styling oily hair

The sebaceous glands are not located on the hair, but on the skin. She is fat, not hair. The fat quickly spreads over the curls, and it seems that the hairstyle was done quite recently, right after washing, and after a day the hair looks dull and sticky. To touch such curls, as well as to look at them, is rather unpleasant.

Good shampoo for oily hair

Although such curls are protected much better than dry ones from the negative effects of external factors, it is also necessary to make much more effort to maintain an attractive appearance. It is much easier to cure this type of curls than damaged and weakened ones. You just need to follow the rules and know how to care for oily hair.

Wash oily hair according to the rules

Daily washing is not the solution. According to trichologists, it is important to wash curls regularly, and not every day. It is necessary to use only specialized means. Too frequent washing leads to even greater activity of the glands, and hard water with aggressive components of shampoos destroys the protective water-fat film and the hair becomes greasy faster, and irritations appear on the skin.

The best solution is to wash your curls every three days. It is recommended to first find out the reason for the increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands. If it is caused by malfunctions in the endocrine system, then cosmetic preparations alone cannot be dispensed with, since the help of specialists will be required. Home care for oily hair consists of cleansing, moisturizing and additional nutrition as needed.

It is important to wash your hair correctly, twice. The shampoo is foamed by diluting with water. It is better to take the liquid a little cooler than warm. Hard moisture is softened or boiled. If it is impossible to rinse your hair in such water, then it should be applied at least during rinsing.

When rinsing, the water is acidified for dark curls with one large spoonful of ordinary vinegar per liter of liquid, and light ones - with a couple of tablespoons of chamomile color for half a liter of water with citric acid or lemon juice. To prevent the hair from getting greasy, cold water is used, which narrows the pores and prevents fat release, rinsing with mineral water with a pH below seven is permissible.

If the curls get greasy too quickly, you can only apply shampoo to the roots so that the ends are less and less likely to be injured. You should not rub the product into the skin, and it is necessary to wash it off not immediately after foaming, but after waiting five minutes. Frequent shampoo changes will become unnecessary stress. For confidence in the effectiveness of the product, it is wiser to purchase everything for the care in professional stores. If there is an opportunity to purchase a probe, it is better to use it.

What is the best shampoo for oily hair?

How to wash very oily hair? Transparent shampoos are most suitable for such hairs. A light shade is a sign of the absence of additional ingredients that increase the fat content, settling on the hair after washing.

Healing and professional shampoos against oily skin

Nettle extracts normalize skin balance and keep curls clean longer with Korres Nettle & Licorice Shampoo. Carita Crystal Jelly gently cleanses and soothes the skin. To add volume to curls, you can use L'Occitane Shampoo for Oily Curls. If your skin is oily and the curls are dry, Rene Furterer Oily Skin Shampoo is suitable. This is a good shampoo for oily hair, judging by the reviews, it gives the hair volume and lightness, effectively removing all impurities.

Shampoo change is advisable every couple of months so that there is no addiction. It is desirable that the herbal extracts contain horsetail, calamus, nettle or algae, as well as trace elements and vitamins. It is better to choose high-quality shampoos for everyday washing on a mild basis: preferably softer ones. It is advisable to use professional tools.

Natura Siberica is very effective. Natura Siberica does not contain any dyes, parabens or sulfates. The normal balance of the skin is regenerated much faster due to the use of arctic raspberry juice, and dwarf pine makes the curls voluminous and soft.

Desert Essence was created specifically for oily hair. It restores the balance of the skin thanks to its natural ingredients. Any burdock shampoo is suitable for oily hair. In the composition of such products, there are many bioactive substances that perfectly care for the skin and stimulate metabolic processes.

Wella and LifeTex “Balance Anti-Fat” regulator will also help to get rid of fat content. They don't dry your hair. What shampoo to wash oily hair? "Shauma seven herbs" is effective. In just a month of use, the skin becomes drier, and the head of hair acquires a healthy look. Thanks to calendula extract, clean line shampoos can also control fat content. The delicate aroma of herbs and only natural ingredients are the secret of the success of the line of products.

Tar shampoo will also help to get rid of fat. But the scent of tar can last up to a day. Much nicer than Sante with almonds. D-Panthenol will cleanse and nourish the skin. An effective shampoo for very oily hair - Green Mama Currant and Nettle. It will soothe irritated skin and reduce oil production over several uses. Good results are obtained by shampoo-lotion of the same manufacturer with rose hips and yarrow.

Double effect shampoos

For oily hair, Clarifiant Shampoo is also effective. It normalizes lipid balance by cleansing the skin. Schwarzkopf Professional's Goldwell Skin Balancing Products and Cleansers with Keune and Dual Action Bath Shampoo will help restore hair structure.

A lot of means will help get rid of the unpleasant sensation of oily and after washing your hair, the main thing is to choose what corresponds to the type of hair and suits it. Be sure to use balms and conditioners to make the curls more manageable. But be sure to apply them without affecting the roots.

Shampoo of a single series with balsam works well. Examples are Klorane, Dercos, regulating shampoos with firming mild balms, and natural remedies from Siberica in the Volume and Balance range.

Dry shampoos

Dry shampoos will help to quickly eliminate grease without washing. They will help you quickly put yourself in order if there is no time to wash. A spray in the form of a powder is applied to the hair, distributing it evenly along the length. Particles of the product absorb excess fat, and the curls look less greasy.

But you should use such express products only when absolutely necessary, since it is impossible to replace full washing with dry shampoos. The funds are offered by Oriflame "Expert Balance", Syoss "Anti-Fat", Sephora "Dry Express Shampoo".

Cosmetics for moisturizing curls

After shampooing, moisturizing follows. It is necessary with excessive activity of the glands, as it helps to redirect their activity in the normal direction. Only the right product can cope with the problem of fat content. For this reason, pharmacy shampoos and professional series have gained the greatest popularity.

Professional series

Nouvelle products prevent greasy hair, perfectly cleaning curls. The general tonic also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Pharmacy series "Vichy" presents a development specifically for oily hair Vichy oil control. The product soothes irritations, restores lipid balance. You can use it only a couple of times a week, leaving it for two minutes to act.

If you have dandruff in addition to oily curls, EX Moltobene Healing Shampoo will help. It contains the most essential components: healing herbal extracts, sea salt, vitamins and silk proteins. Fat content is noticeably reduced after a week of using the natural product.

EX Moltobene Mask Shampoo regulates sebum production. Clay, citrus, rosemary and red juniper extracts help cleanse and nourish curls.

Products with hydrolipids and moisturizing natural ingredients will help to moisturize. Among them, KADUS Sebo Control shampoo, as well as professional products from L'Oreal, Revlon and Redken Oil Detox cleansing shampoo retain the leading positions.

Sulsen's paste will also help, but not everyone likes its specific aroma. The products of the Alerana line are not suitable for everyone, although they show very good results when they match the type of hair.

How to care for oily hair: extra care

Additional funds are applied as needed. But it is important to use such products on oily hair correctly. Massages, fluids, creams, serums and sprays are distributed over the fingers before applying to the hair. The care products are distributed not on wet ones, but on well-wrung out curls, but they cannot be applied either to the skin or to the roots.

The formulations to be washed off keep no more than the stipulated time, then thoroughly rinsing off. The length of the hair determines the amount of the product used, but the excess is unacceptable in any case. A pea is usually sufficient.

On colored or damaged curls, you can not use anti-grease shampoos: the skin is not able to accept such an abundance of nutrients. And before staining, it is not recommended to make cleansing masks, peels and apply creams.

You should not get carried away without measure in mousses, foams and sprays: they make curls heavier, absorbing all the dirt. But a high-quality lotion for regulating sebum secretion will not be superfluous in the care.

If there is no desire to get a "bonus" and brittleness in addition to the fat content, you should not use the hot mode when drying. The cold air function is most preferred for oily scalp care.

It is advisable to regularly trim the ends of long strands and treat them with special means. Better to choose indelible ones. It is better to refuse head massage, as well as from frequent brushing with brushes. It is advisable not to comb oily hair or do it as rarely as possible, using combs that are soft and sparsely toothed.

Additional care is not considered necessary, but it is often necessary for oily curls. Specialized creams, serums, balms and sprays contain many nutrients, acids and vitamins with sebum-regulating components. They reduce oil production and improve the appearance of curls. The hair becomes dull and remains attractive longer.

It is important to apply serum on curls in small doses twice a week. You do not need to wash off the funds. Naturica Regulating Serum, Biomed Naturica Mask for Oily Scalp works well. Masks are applied before washing. After the end of the holding time, they must be washed off with warm water. It is recommended to apply on curls twice or three times a week.

Salon care at home

Cosmetic concerns offer peels and scalp treatments. The best ones are those applied before washing. These include Kadus Sebum Control Cream, deep cleansing peeling before Schwarzkopf Professional shampoo, toning the skin. After using these funds, be sure to wash the curls with a specialized shampoo.

A good solution is to use a product for sensitive skin. It is quite possible that this is the best homemade shampoo for oily hair. You can also use salon procedures. They are usually available in a single dosage: L'Oreal Professionnel's Soft Peel Cleansing Care, Revlon Professional's Peeling Clay to prevent dehydration, or Kerastase's Specifique Masquargil Clay Mask for freshness.


Cosmetic oils are also shown for oily curls. They must be used just before washing. Peach, grape seed, argan, almond, sesame oil, after rubbing into the skin, is left for a dozen minutes.

The products are perfectly washed out and help to reduce the production of fat. After use, the curls become shiny and smoother. You can add the product to the shampoo, after squeezing the latter into the palm of your hand and enriching it with a couple of drops of burdock oil, cedar, lemon, grapefruit, sage or cypress.

Popular care products

Balms, conditioners, masks are not applied to the skin with oily hair. The products should make the hair smooth and manageable. If the composition contains silicones, then the curls are threatened with a difficult-to-wash film, which aggravates the problem. When making assurances about the full compliance of the balm with the code, it is better to carefully read the composition so as not to harm yourself.

The Melvita conditioner with sage, rosemary, magnesium will help to facilitate styling. With L'Occitane Revitalizing Balm with Sweet Almonds and 5 Oils, oily hair is specially treated.

Keune Scalp Lotion Liposomes will give strength to curls and regulate oil production. After washing, the product is sprayed onto the skin, gently rubbing in and, without rinsing, begin styling. After a few applications, the curls will become less greasy.

Stimulating Serum Carita will cleanse the skin and enrich the cells with oxygen, and improve blood microcirculation. Apply the product before a professional shampoo.

Folk recipes

Rinses will help reduce oiliness and help the hair regain its beauty. For birch, a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped tree leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for a quarter of an hour, filtered and rinsed twice or three times a week for a month.

Rubbed after each wash, a decoction of oak bark from three tablespoons of its powder and a liter of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour and strained, can also be used as a rinse aid.

It is advisable to remember that it is not recommended for women to use male shampoos for oily hair. Do not forget that curls suffer from weather conditions. Therefore, it is mandatory to wear hats.

The fatness of the curls is a solvable problem. Too dry skin, according to trichologists, is a much more serious problem. With an integrated approach to the solution, you can make sure that everything can be fixed successfully and fairly quickly. And the curls will turn from the main problem into the main decoration.

Hello dear cosmetic brushes
I want to devote my next post, so to speak, to the "sore one". I am the owner of long (below the shoulder blades) and, at the moment, milled, but the most annoying thing is oily hair. Many people think that oily hair is a sentence for life: I literally washed my head, put it in bed, and the next day everything hangs like icicles and the feeling of a complete "garbage can" on my head. But I don't think so! Proper washing and caring for them will help you feel more confident. After all, oily hair is easier to treat than weakened, brittle or dry hair, the main thing is to know how to handle it! Today I will talk about their the rules of care for oily hair.
Who is interested - please, under the cut
So, why does the hair "turn oily"?
The reasons are different: due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, due to a genetic predisposition or some health problems, for example, disruption of the endocrine system.
In my case, genes are to blame for everything, so I cannot treat it “from the inside”. If the problem of oily hair started spontaneously, I advise you to consult a doctor, maybe not all is lost.
The biggest reason we want to get rid of oily hair is because it looks messy. One joy - this fat does not harm the hair in any way, and even helps it, protecting it from harmful environmental factors. However, this is not comforting, the appearance is very important for a modern girl, and therefore we rush to wash our hair right away. So, washing oily hair:
Opinions about washing oily hair differ - someone says that they need to be washed often, that is, every day, and someone is trying to retrain them by walking with dirty hair for a week. But, in my opinion, neither one nor the other is right.
Rule number 1:
My greasy hair regularly! This means that if you have too strong work of the sebaceous glands, then every day, but if there is an opportunity to wash less often - wash less often, but not less than once every three days! I wash every three days and feel quite comfortable, and my hair looks aesthetically pleasing.
Rule number 2:

choose shampoos only for oily hair, i.e. shampoos for other types of hair are not suitable for us, they can only aggravate the situation. It is desirable that the shampoos contain: for light hair - infusion of chamomile or calendula, and for dark hair - nettle, seaweed, horsetail, coltsfoot, etc. Also, do not forget about vitamins, proteins and microelements.
Rule number 3:

There are several techniques for washing your hair.
1. Apply to hair already foamed shampoo, slightly diluted with water. It is believed that this way the hair is less traumatized. I confess I have never tried this method. Maybe someone will try it, it will be interesting to read the opinion about this method.
I prefer the second way
2. Apply shampoo to the roots of the hair, rub it well and, as it were, scratch the scalp, do a small head massage. This allows you to rinse the scalp well from dirt and excess oil, as well as the blood circulates better, which contributes to the strengthening of hair follicles and hair growth. We wash off the shampoo only warm, not hot water.
Well, we washed our hair with shampoo, now

Rule number 4
: We use balms or conditioners, retreating 10 centimeters from the scalp. So the hair is not overloaded and can keep its clean look longer. I usually apply various repair balms, because the hair is dyed.

After all the procedures we have done, we wrap our hair in a towel and walk for 15 minutes so that excess moisture is absorbed into the towel.

So let's move on to the next phase, so to speak - drying and styling hair.

Rule number 5

if there is time and opportunity, dry your hair naturally! This will allow the hair to absorb the moisture it needs. Drying oily hair with a hairdryer, we only increase the production of sebum, which we absolutely do not need! But, if you still have to dry with a hairdryer, then turn on the "cold drying" mode thereby reducing the harmful effects and keep the hair dryer at least 15 cm away from the hair.

Rule number 6
Styling your hair trying to add volume at the roots... The hair is less in contact with the scalp and will be less greasy.

And of course,

Rule number 7:

do not forget to pamper your hair with different folk masks based on mint, lemon, egg or clay. Their composition can be adjusted depending on the condition of the hair and is suitable for everyone. I use a variety of white clay masks. Clay well reduces the production of sebum, one drawback - after such a mask, you need to rinse your hair very carefully, otherwise a white bloom from the clay will remain.

These are not tricky rules I use in my everyday life. Remember, oily hair is not a sentence.
Be beautiful and healthy.

Oily curls are perceived by some people as a sentence. Indeed, as soon as you wash your head, by the evening the hair is no longer voluminous and seems dirty. In winter, you don't want to take off your hat, because the strands stick together under it. Special care for oily hair will help to save your life from such inconveniences. The main thing is to set a goal.

Causes of increased fat content of strands

First of all, you need to pay attention to the scalp. A large amount of secretion is formed in the sebaceous glands. It spreads from the roots over the entire area of ​​the rods, on which a thin film is formed. It protects them from solar radiation, frost, dust.

The appearance of the hair becomes unkempt, you don't want to touch the strands.

If the curls become prone to oiliness over time, perhaps the reason lies in the disruption of the endocrine system. It is necessary to restore health, and not get carried away with cosmetics, which will only bring a temporary effect.

Other reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • digestive problems;
  • stress;
  • unbalanced diet.

If the hair quickly becomes oily, it is most likely a genetic predisposition. This problem will be solved only by proper care of the skin and curls. Often people with hair, which tends to quickly become covered with fat, solve it by washing it every day. However, it only partially helps.

Care for oily curls

Cosmetologists and hairdressers agree that it is easier to solve the issue of glossing strands than dry ones. Trichologists are engaged in the treatment of skin and hair. They are against frequent washing of the head. Instead, you need to use special tools.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Oily hair should not be washed with detergents for other types. This will only increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Hair care technique:

  • 1 hour before wet procedures, put on a shower cap, wrap it with a warm towel on top;
  • shampoo is poured into the hand, foamed and applied to the curls;
  • massage the roots well with fingertips;
  • the rods do not need to be washed, the shampoo that flows down them is enough for them;
  • then the foam is thoroughly washed off with running warm water;
  • rinse with boiled water or a specially prepared solution with vinegar.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenereologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

If the head is subjected to wet procedures with very hot water, the glands will secrete even more secretion. If necessary, you can rinse it twice. The first time the dirt will be removed from the skin, the second time the fat layer will be removed. When using conditioner, it is important to apply it only to the curls, without affecting the roots. Then the volume will last longer.

You need to take care of the fat mop regularly, but not every day. It is worth gradually getting away from this habit. First, make an interval of one day, then two.

After washing, the strands should not be rubbed with a towel, it is enough to wrap the curls in it. If this condition is violated, they are injured. It will become even harder to look after them.

Styling oily hair

Most owners of oily hair complain about the lack of volume in their hairstyle, as its curls quickly become greasy. The following tips will help solve this condition in the hair:

  1. Drying - it is better for the curls to dry on their own. If necessary, you can use a hairdryer, but you should not blow on the roots. The fat that is located there, due to the high temperature, will quickly get on the curls.
  2. Combing - you should touch your hair with your hands as little as possible, comb them. This stimulates the production of fat.
  3. Styling - it is worth choosing products for styling with a minimum amount of oils, since it is they who make the curls oily.
  4. Perms - Curly hair prevents fat from spreading along its length.

These simple tips will help to increase the interval between shampoos.

Shampoos for oily curls

Shampoo companies are developing lines for oily strands. But not all of them give a good result, so you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the best funds.

NameDescriptionPrice per bottle (rubles)
Clear vita abe ultimate controlThe main direction is the fight against dandruff, but it also solves the problem of excessive secretion. The effect is noticeable after 3 weeks of regular use225
Batiste originalShampoo aerosol for dry use. Eliminates fat in a couple of minutes. You need to spray your head, wait, comb your curls. The effect will last for several hours. Then you need to wash everything off400
Black Currant & Nettle by Green MamaConsists of herbal ingredients, but contains sodium lauryl sulfate. There is no silicone, so the curls retain their splendor and volume190
7 Herbs by ShaumaCleans up fat. Thanks to the extracts of hops and chamomile included in its composition, the condition of the skin is improved.175
Kapous Professional TreatmentCreated on the basis of an orange with vitamin A, B. It perfectly rinses the curls350
LOreal Professionnel Pure ResourceA professional care product that acts on the roots of dry curls. Contains vitamin E720
"Regulatory" from Vichy DercosA pharmaceutical product that gives good results, but after a while. The main active ingredients are salicylic, thermal water810
"Regulatory" from "Clean Line"Contains many botanicals, helps with the problem of oily hair90
"Fat Control" by Clear Vita ABE MenThe shampoo contains many chemicals, thanks to which the curls are healed. It was created for men255
Nivea Men "Extreme Freshness"The base is composed of citrus juices. They are supplemented with menthol, castor oil, guarana. Effectively solves the problem of oily hair, dandruff160

Shampoos help to get rid of the problem at home only temporarily. Many of them dry out the scalp.

DIY natural shampoo substitutes

It is better that the remedy for oily hair is completely natural. Then the therapeutic effect will give a good result. There are many ways to cleanse without using a commercial product. Once upon a time people used them everywhere.

Homemade shampoos:

  1. On kefir - salt a fourth of a glass of low-fat kefir and mix with the yolk. Apply to strands moistened with water, massage for a few minutes.
  2. Rye - make a liquid gruel based on rye bread and boiling water. After 15 minutes, rub everything through a sieve. For 10 minutes, apply the composition to the curls moistened with water. Massage your skin. Rinse until all crumbs are removed.
  3. Mustard with clay- 2-3 tbsp. l. Dissolve mustard in two tablespoons of warm water. You should get a thick gruel, reminiscent of sour cream. Add blue clay to it. Apply to moist curls, leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water to avoid scalding.
  4. Chickpea - you need 4 tbsp. l. clay, 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour, the same amount of apple cider vinegar, a couple of drops of rosemary. Dilute all components with warm water. The mixture can be stored in a closed jar. It is applied to the curls for a few minutes.
  5. Pomegranate - add 3 tablespoons of pomegranate peels to 1 liter of water, boil, keep on the stove for 15 minutes. Use the decoction for two months (3-4 times a week). Then you can rinse your hair 1 time in 7 days.

Before using a folk remedy, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to any of the components.

See also: 5 tips on how to wash your hair less often (video)

Washing oily curls with baking soda

Baking soda has been used since ancient times to combat pollution. Due to its alkaline properties, it dissolves fat well and is non-toxic. It is recommended to add it to shampoo.

One tsp. soda is poured into a few tablespoons of water. The solution is mixed with 1 tsp. shampoo. The strands will creak, and the shine will delight the owner of oily skin.

A detergent industrial product can be dispensed with. They wash their hair with such a liquid, then rinse it with a mixture of apple cider vinegar (1 tsp) with water (1 liter). Curls will sparkle, comb well.

The acid can be replaced with lemon juice. It is needed to soften hard water. If you do not use it, the hair will be difficult to comb, get confused.

You should not get carried away with this method, since it dries the skin very much. This can lead to flaking, dandruff.

Recipes for folk masks, infusions:

  1. Grind two yolks with two tablespoons of honey. Rub the mixture into the skin and leave overnight. Top with a bag and a towel, and in the morning rinse with shampoo.
  2. Mix the yolk from the egg with alcohol and water (1 tsp each). Wash off after 10 minutes.
  3. Field horsetail, peppermint, oak bark (2 tablespoons each) pour 1 liter. boiling water for 40 minutes, drain. Apply to strands and after 3 minutes. rinse with balm.

To enhance the effect of the mask, it is advisable to use it warm.

Taking vitamin and mineral complexes

Complete hair care includes not only the choice of an effective shampoo, but also the intake of vitamins. Vitamin B2 helps to eliminate root oiliness. In the pharmacy, it is found under the name riboflavin. There is a lot of it in meat, bread, dairy products.

Vitamin B6, which is called pyridoxine, also improves the condition of the skin on the head. It is present in eggs, fish, potatoes, cabbage.

These drugs can be used individually, both internally and externally. For example, you can drip B2 into shampoo and wash your curls with it for two weeks.

There are many that strengthen the curls, nourish them. Most often, they are designed to combat early loss of rods, but they also help with excess fat, making the strands normal.

List of popular complexes:

  • "Revalid".
  • "Perfectil".
  • "Inneov Hair Density".
  • Nutrikap.
  • "Merz Beauty".
  • "Fitoval".
  • Selenzin.

Taking vitamins without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences. Sometimes it is enough to establish a balanced diet and the body will receive nutrients from normal food.

The sebaceous glands are located at the roots in the upper layer of the epidermis, as a result of which, when they work faster, the hair quickly becomes oily. When subcutaneous fat is produced in moderation, it performs important protective functions: it prevents hair breakage and splitting, protects it from dandruff, and gives the hair a beautiful look. When fat is produced in large quantities, hair becomes a nightmare for all modern women.

External causes of oily hair

  • daily use of a hair dryer, straightening iron, curling iron and other thermal devices;
  • frequent and prolonged hair brushing procedure with a massage brush;
  • incorrectly selected hair care products, their incorrect use;
  • long-term wear of synthetic hats;
  • frequent washing of the head with hot water;
  • environmental impact;
  • unbalanced diet.

Internal causes of oily hair

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • increased testosterone;
  • genetics;
  • congenital infectious diseases;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • puberty;
  • constant stress, prolonged depression;
  • chronic diseases of the nervous system;
  • taking contraceptives, hormones, steroids.

Basic rules for oily hair care

  1. If possible, completely abandon the use of a hair dryer, curling iron, hot curlers and curling irons. Otherwise, limit yourself to cold temperatures.
  2. Buy a range of hair care products that include lemon. When using lotions and conditioners, apply them all along the hair, avoiding the roots.
  3. Do not abuse baths, saunas, hot baths. Wear a silicone cap in the pool, always rinse your hair after contact with chlorinated water.
  4. Thermal protection products will help to normalize the level of fluid in the hair structure and reduce the work of the sebaceous glands. These include spray, varnish, foam, mousse, gel, wax, serum.
  5. If you dye your hair, do the procedure no more than once a month. In this case, you need to choose a shampoo and conditioner marked "for colored oily hair."
  6. Wash your hair with warm water, the maximum temperature of which does not exceed 28 degrees. The procedure should always be carried out in the morning, because a lot of subcutaneous fat (sebum) is produced at night. It is advisable to wash your hair no more than three times a week.
  7. If you like curly curls, we recommend getting a perm. It keeps the subcutaneous fat in the root zone, thereby keeping the hair well-groomed and clean for longer.
  8. Change your bedding often, especially your pillowcase. At night, the sebaceous glands work at an accelerated rate, as a result of which the fat is absorbed into the tissue.
  9. Avoid spicy, salty and fatty foods. Switch to proper nutrition, it contains a maximum of useful vitamins and minerals. Eat less baked goods and sweets. Remember, carbonated drinks, unnatural juices, fruit drinks and too sweet compotes are your main enemies. Squat more on green herbal tea and still mineral water.
  10. Choose products only for oily hair, as they reduce oil production.
  11. In summer, use appropriate UV protection products of the highest level, and cover your hair with a hat. In winter, wear a hat that doesn't fit snugly around your head.
  12. Do not use sharp-toothed massage brushes to brush your hair. Refuse iron hairpins, tight elastic bands and too-drawn hairstyles (ponytail, tight braid, etc.). Try to wear loose hair or braid it loosely.

Trichologists say that it is harmful to wash oily hair every day, since the sebum level is replenished in the upper layer of the epidermis within 3 days. If you wash your hair every day, sebum will not actually have time to accumulate in such a short time, as a result of which the subcutaneous glands will work at an accelerated pace. To keep your hair safe, follow a few simple guidelines.

Wean your hair from everyday washing. To begin with, make an interval between procedures 6-8 hours, then 8-10, 12, 14 and so on, until you reach an interval of 3 days. If you can't afford this "luxury" due to important meetings, use cornstarch and hair talc. They will absorb excess oil, due to which the hair will look more well-groomed. You can also use dry shampoos of the professional series, the above-described components are already included in their composition. Wear headbands, wide headbands, nice hats or scarves.

Apply shampoo correctly. First, squeeze some of the product into the palm of your hand and rub them together until a thick foam forms. Moisten hair with plenty of warm water, then lather the root zone and massage it for 1 minute. Then you need to rinse off the shampoo and repeat the manipulations, but now distribute the product along the entire length of the hair, not forgetting about the roots. Rinse again and repeat the steps 1 more time. The first wash with shampoo washes away dirt and dust, the second removes the applied cosmetics (foam, mousse, varnish, etc.), the third cleans the hair from subcutaneous fat.

After using the shampoo, a balm is applied. It is strongly not recommended to cover the roots with it, since the main properties of the conditioner are to smooth hair scales and give shine. The balm has a dense and oily consistency, it clogs the pores, which causes the glands to produce more oil. Apply the composition along the entire length, departing from the root zone by 2-3 cm.

Wash your hair only with warm or cool water. Hot is strictly prohibited. It dries the hair, irritates the scalp and accelerates the secretion of fat. Cold and warm, on the other hand, moisturize the hair, eliminate the statistical effect and add shine.

  1. If you haven't stopped blow-drying your hair, use a diffuser more often. In such a nozzle, air is distributed to the sides, so the roots do not come under the influence of temperature.
  2. In order to straighten your hair with an iron, you do not need to grab them at the roots. Sebum has a dense and viscous consistency, under the action of two heated plates, it melts, and then you distribute it with your own hands along the entire length of the hair.
  3. Rub your hair less during the day, especially in the root zone. Comb the strands from the ends to the roots, squeezing them in the middle with your hands and gradually working upward. If you are still tempted to comb your hair, wash your hands well. For intermediate brushing, use a wooden or plastic comb with wide and wide teeth. Give up iron combs, such a tool is a thing of the past.
  4. Choose mousses, foams, serums and sprays for styling. They do not contain oils, so they do not weigh down the hair, but, on the contrary, give it volume and lift the curls at the roots. Be wary of styling products that are designed to add shine to hair, they are not suitable for oily hair.
  5. If you decide to do a perm, choose the latest gentle techniques. They are designed for shorter wear, but you won't ruin your hair.

In the fight against excess fat secretions, crushed sea salt will help you. Take 150 gr. and place it on a cotton handkerchief or gauze, tie a knot. Massage your scalp for about a quarter of an hour, paying special attention to the areas behind the ears, parting and hairline at the forehead.

Aromatic combing
This procedure is only suitable for girls who wash their hair daily. Carrying out simple manipulations, you slow down the work of the sebaceous glands, as you saturate the skin with essential oils. Take sandalwood ether, rosemary ether and grapefruit ether in equal proportions. Apply the composition to a flat, wide comb and begin to slowly comb the hair, moving from the back of the head, gradually moving to the sides and forehead. Perform the procedure for 15 minutes. The frequency of application is 2 times a month.

Fir infusion

Brew 65 gr. fir needles in 700 ml. boiling water, leave the composition for 3 hours. After the time has elapsed, add the cucumber chopped in a blender and 100 ml. ethyl alcohol, strain the infusion and rub well into the scalp. Leave it on for 10 minutes. The recommended course duration is 20 procedures with a frequency of 1 time in 5 days. If the result is insufficient, add 5 more sessions.

Lemon infusion
Cut 1 lemon into thin slices, add 40 ml to it. vinegar and steam in 600 ml. boiling water. Wait at least 3 hours, rub the broth into the scalp and distribute it evenly through the hair. Apply the product once every 10 days.

Birch shampoo
Pour in 50 ml. birch sap, 50 gr. sage and 120 gr. oak bark 700 ml. hot water, wait 1 hour. Strain through a colander or cheesecloth, add 100 ml. vodka / cognac and 3 egg yolks, beat with a mixer. Shampoo your hair several times, remove with cool water. The frequency of use varies from 1 to 2 times a week.

Tired of dealing with oily hair? Wean them off daily washing, do not use products that contain oils, with the exception of scented comb. When using a straightening iron, do not treat the root area; try to blow-dry your hair only in a cold setting. Eat less spicy, salty and fatty foods, drink about 3 liters of liquid per day.

Video: how to get rid of oily hair

Oily hair care

Of course, it is not the hair that can be “oily”, but only the scalp. It's all about the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, usually the owners of "oily" hair also tend to oily or combination skin of the face. And the main thing in this case is the correct care and the correct choice of funds.

Wash your hair as often as necessary. If necessary - every day. Frequent washing can make your hair "greasy" only if you choose the wrong care products (that is, not suitable for your hair type) or overload them with styling.

Choose products marked “for oily hair”. Shampoos with a neutral or slightly acidic pH (from 5.5 to 7-8) are more suitable for you, they do not irritate the scalp and, accordingly, do not increase the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Pay attention to the composition! Oily hair care products contain tonic and sebum-regulating components (extracts of nettle, horsetail, burdock, brewer's yeast, essential oils, B vitamins, salicylic acid, etc.), as well as ingredients that absorb sebum (for example, kaolin, rice starch etc.).

It is desirable that the shampoo be marked “for frequent (daily) use”. The formula of such products is based on mild surfactants (surface-active detergents), for example, from the amino acids of coconut oil. Such detergents do not irritate the scalp and do not violate its protective hydro-lipid barrier, therefore, even with frequent use, they do not aggravate the problem of oily hair.

Oily hair care

Shampoo for oily hair "Balance", Logona with lemon balm extract. Shampoo for oily hair White Clay and Jasmine, Le Petit Marseillais with kaolin. Mask for colored hair Biolage Color Care Therapie Color Bloom Mask, Matrix free of silicones and parabens. Deep cleansing shampoo Purifying Shampoo, Londa Professional with tea extract.

Step away from the roots when applying conditioner, balm or hair mask a centimeter and a half - hair will look "fresh" longer.

For "oily" thin hair that quickly loses volume, products without silicones are well suited. Excessive silicones can weigh down the hair. In addition, silicone residues on the scalp can stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

If the hair is oily at the roots and dry or damaged at the ends, it is better to use a special balancing shampoo, which, on the one hand, reduces the work of the sebaceous glands and does not overload the hair with nutrients, and on the other hand, restores the damaged structure (many professional brands have similar products ). Apply all intensive care products closer to the ends, avoiding the root portion.

Use a deep cleansing shampoo once a week hair and scalp or a special peeling (mild scrub), for example based on fruit acids: these products also reduce the oily hair. In addition, with oily skin, the process of renewal of epidermal cells is slowed down, and its dead scales, without having time to peel off, clog the sebaceous glands, forcing them to work even more actively. Breaking this vicious circle requires systematic exfoliation.

For oily seborrhea (dandruff), alternate your regular shampoo with medicated, which contains antibacterial and antimicrobial components (zinc or sulfur compounds, tea tree essential oil, etc.).

Oily hair care

Dry shampoo for oily hair, Syoss. Shampoo for oily hair, Melvita with extracts of nettle, burdock, maidenhair, watercress and essential oils. A gentle strengthening hair balm "Delicate minerals" Dercos, Vichy free of silicones and parabens. Sea scrub for scalp and hair Nature "s Rescue Refining Sea Polish, Redken.

Rinse your hair after washing cool or even cold water. You can add a little lemon juice or fruit vinegar to it to add shine to your hair and slightly reduce its grease.

It is good to use dry shampoo as an express remedy for refreshing your hair. for hair: spray it on your hair, leave it on for a couple of minutes, then “massage” the hair with a towel and comb.

Remember that brushing your hair too often and the hot air of a hairdryer will increase sebum production. Also, the sebaceous glands work more actively when we are stressed and eat a lot of spicy or fatty foods.