Virtual love: self-deception or reality

How to behave when communicating on the Internet not to disappoint. What is the Internet? There are communities for every taste. Whatever you get involved in social networks, there will always be to discuss exciting issues with whom. And often a friendly conversation between a man and a woman develops into something more, and some specially looking for a partner through social networks.

How to behave when communicating on the Internet not to disappoint.

What is the Internet? There are communities for every taste. Whatever you get involved in social networks, there will always be to discuss exciting issues with whom. And often a friendly conversation between a man and a woman develops into something more, and some specially looking for a partner through social networks.

A man wants, but not on a date

Only the lazy did not write about the chairs, fusifying the expanses of the Internet in search of gullible girls, thirsty of love. But from such a trouble was not insured and real, and indeed common sense in relations with people - the thing is useful. Therefore, today we will talk about the subjects who are ready for a day to rewrite on the net, but from the meeting "live" we see under any pretexts.

Very often, such a man is quite sincere - honestly indicates his age, profession, possesses a photo, has no family and permanent relationship, even agrees to a date, but either not coming at all, or at the last moment cancels the meeting at the last moment. What is the reason for such indecision?

Lazy Superman

The fact is that in the virtual world a man is superman! He knows exactly all the rules of the game, confident in himself and is ready to "drag" with hours. At the same time, many sincerely believe their fantasies extended to the network are excited, the real buzz is immersed in a state of changed consciousness, and it is addictive, like a drug, he wants him again and again.

A man is relaxed and open in virtual communication also because it knows exactly - at any moment the relationship can be stopped without any consequences. But Real scares - it will have to work, strain, there may be all sorts of problems that do not erase by pressing the "Delete" key.

At the same time, many are confident that the woman "on the other side of the monitor" is experiencing similar emotions and, therefore, do not see the reasons for spoiling pleasure and to themselves. Therefore, before you insistently offer a date "live", think that it is more important for you in the current communication - beautiful words or identity of the interlocutor?

And also remember several rules:

1. If a man's day is "sticking out" on the Internet, when does it work? No, of course, there are professions that allow you to "hang" in the network, but it is better to get this information before the date of date in real life, otherwise there is a risk to plant yourself on the neck of Alfons.

2. A man who is clearly preferring a virtual relationship as real, most likely has psychological deviations. If you are not a psychologist who is preparing the dissertation on the topic of Internet addiction, why do you need other people's problems? Your life tasks are exactly the treatment of unfamiliar subjects.

3. If communication is becoming increasingly intimate, it makes sense to propose to meet before the interlocutor in the rustling of passions promises such what it is later scared. Phrases: "I prefer to communicate live," "I will be glad to meet a personal acquaintance. Friday evenings I usually have free "are quite neutral and allow you to translate a conversation into a more productive channel.

4. Try to limit the conversations about sex. Speak that you prefer to do with love, but to discuss, as it happens - except directly in the process, to immediately try.

5. If the meeting is transferred - you should not hold the hysteria. Remember that Wirth is not a relationship, therefore there is no point in finding out.

6. Do not be upset - if a man came out of the state of Euphoria and frightened to a preparing to bring reality to him, nothing can be done here. This is not your fault, and not even him, since he is on the Internet and in reality, these are two different people who are not responsible for each other.

7. Before the meeting, mark (both for ourselves) that Wirth and reality are different things. And from living relationships you expect real feelings, even without the execution of fantastic virtual promises.

It will be interesting for you:

And, most importantly, do not consider the upcoming date "The Last Chance". Tune in to the fact that if a virtual friend comes - well, it will not come - well, well, life continues and there is a lot of no less interesting events in it than communication on the network.published

What is the Internet? There are communities for every taste. Whatever you get involved in social networks, there will always be to discuss exciting issues with whom. And often a friendly conversation between a man and a woman develops into something more, and some specially looking for a partner through social networks.

A man wants, but not on a date

Only the lazy did not write about the chairs, fusifying the expanses of the Internet in search of gullible girls, thirsty of love. But from such a trouble was not insured and real, and indeed common sense in relations with people - the thing is useful. Therefore, today we will talk about the subjects who are ready for a day to rewrite on the net, but from the meeting "live" we see under any pretexts.

Very often, such a man is quite sincere - honestly indicates his age, profession, possesses a photo, has no family and permanent relationship, even agrees to a date, but either not coming at all, or at the last moment cancels the meeting at the last moment. What is the reason for such indecision?

Lazy Superman

The fact is that in the virtual world a man is superman! He knows exactly all the rules of the game, confident in himself and is ready to "drag" with hours. At the same time, many sincerely believe their fantasies extended to the network are excited, the real buzz is immersed in a state of changed consciousness, and it is addictive, like a drug, he wants him again and again. A man is relaxed and open in virtual communication also because it knows exactly - at any moment the relationship can be stopped without any consequences. But Real scares - it will have to work, strain, there may be all sorts of problems that do not erase by pressing the "Delete" key. At the same time, many are confident that the woman "on the other side of the monitor" is experiencing similar emotions and, therefore, do not see the reasons for spoiling pleasure and to themselves.

Therefore, before you insistently offer a date "live", think that it is more important for you in the current communication - beautiful words or identity of the interlocutor? And also remember several rules:

  1. If a man's day is "sticking out" on the Internet, when does he work? No, of course, there are professions that allow you to "hang" in the network, but it is better to get this information before the date of date in real life, otherwise there is a risk to plant yourself on the neck of Alfons.
  2. A man who is clearly preferring virtual relations with real, most likely has psychological deviations. If you are not a psychologist who is preparing the dissertation on the topic of Internet addiction, why do you need other people's problems? Your life tasks are exactly the treatment of unfamiliar subjects.
  3. If communication is becoming increasingly intimate, it makes sense to offer to meet before the interlocutor in the rustling of passion promises such what it is later scared. Phrases: "I prefer to communicate live," "I will be glad to meet a personal acquaintance. Friday evenings I usually have free "are quite neutral and allow you to translate a conversation into a more productive channel.
  4. Try to limit the talk about sex. Speak that you prefer to do with love, but to discuss, as it happens - except directly in the process, to immediately try.
  5. If the meeting is postponed - you should not arrange hysteria. Remember that Wirth is not a relationship, therefore there is no point in finding out.
  6. Do not be upset - if a man came out of the state of Euphoria and frightened to pretend to fall on him reality, nothing can be done here. This is not your fault, and not even him, since he is on the Internet and in reality, these are two different people who are not responsible for each other.
  7. Before the meeting, mark (and for ourselves including) that Wirth and reality are different things. And from living relationships you expect real feelings, even without the execution of fantastic virtual promises.

And, most importantly, do not consider the upcoming date "The Last Chance". Tune in to the fact that if a virtual friend comes - good, it will not come - well, well, life continues and there is a lot of no less interesting events in it than communication on the network

Dating via the Internet - one of the coming of our time. How to find a suitable man in the virtual space and recognize who he really is?

A psychologist, NLP master of the Armenid Medical Center in Odessa Eva Romanovna Morozov, shares their observations.

As practice shows, men who are constantly acquainted on the Internet can be divided into several categories according to their goals and motivates.

1. "Philosopher". These are men aged 30-35 years old, married, with, as a rule, one child. Their marriage was bored with his wife's relationship - in the range from the cool to stretched. But they do not intend to divorce - who because of the child, who for material or moral reasons. "Philosophers" are looking for an extension - a girl or a young woman to completely bother her head. "Philosophers" I still called them no wonder: as a rule, they are really smart enough, educated and interesting to attract a free young woman. Relations with them are a rattling mixture of romance, passions, complaints about life and to his wife, praise by the success of a child and teachings - because their life experience is richer in view of the greater the number of years for virtual girls. "Philosopher" will incorporate his virtual girlfriend to love relationships in reality, if he likes outwardly. Or will not, if it is not so attractive. Usually the "philosophers" of jealous and authoritarian, so that they have a lot of voltage to start mistress. Much more than for an adulter, a girlfriend on the Internet they need as a "gum for the soul". When it bumps, it will turn out and find a new one, with another taste. Therefore, when recognizing a "philosopher" I advise you to run away from it. Try not to "stick" emotionally into virtual relationships and not meet him. These people, being unhappy themselves, spread unhappy fluids around themselves on everyone around.

2. "Prince". This is a man of about the same age, but whether or childless, or, regardless of the presence of children, successfully launched his family. It happens that the "prince" appears on the network and becomes gradually it is regulars, still being married. Not wanting to solve family problems, he runs away from them into a beautiful virtual world. There no one "saws". There reigns the atmosphere of Masquerad, the change of persons, Lichin, "Nikov". It can prove all the world its exclusivity and remarks, since the need for recognition from him, and so very high now increases. The wife did not appreciate him, so beautiful - Well, he will receive admiration from dozens of other ladies. Since the dream of a prince lives in the subconscious of every woman who grew up on fairy tales, our hero will soon forget the "fan club" from which he chooses girls for meetings. It behaves, by the way, fabulously generously. And, in general, honest: He will never tell you that you have a single woman, and will try not to flirt in the chat at one hand in the presence of another. These stories tend to complete well: "Prince" finally chooses a girl from the Fan Club, and a personal life subsequently overshadows a virtual world for him. So the chance to become his princess is small, but there is if you are best. Or more. But, having gotting a "prince", you should carefully monitor your love wounds, obtained in difficult times of coexistence of two people, he did not run heal in the network - there will be a comforter, and the role has already been successfully worked out.

3. "Dwarf". These "guys" are carried out on the network the lion's share of time solely for communication. Often they have a very good language, figurative thinking, a subtle sense of humor. In addition, they are amazing in correspondence and unsurpassed masters of virtual novels. And how they play on the nerves! Some resentment, personal requests, jealousy - all binds emotionally, forcing a virtual girlfriend to worry about his feelings. Finding into the sweet trap of emotional dependence, very similar to love, the girl risks his mental balance. Because two things later find out: first, in real life he has a girl. Favorite, and. Then why did he play these games with love? And for the sake of self-affirmation. Here is such a compote. Secondly, it turns out that with our wonderful interlocutor is not all right. Either he suffers to obesity, or the face is covered with eels, or its growth barely reaches one and a half meters. And if it is externally attractive, then things are not much better - it means that he has serious psychological problems. Combines all of these "handsome" what they are complex about something in their appearance or life. Some girl loved him, no matter what. And he protects her, because it is not sure that she loves the other. At the same time, it is completely unable to communicate with girls in places suitable for dating. He is afraid of condemnation, rejection. And in the virtual world, he achieves two goals - love in love for the sake of lifting self-esteem, and at the same time revenge all women who refuse to love in real life. In fact, the novel ends most often one of two options. Or "Dwarf", making sure that the Internet friend is tied to him and in love, he informs her that their relationship means nothing, because he has a loved one, and then enjoys the effect of the infancing wound. Either, which is much less likely, he still decides to take advantage of attachment to him and transfer the relationship to the world real. And there you already behave like an ordinary man who has a wife and mistress. But in this "dwarfs" suffered a defeat: a virtual girlfriend, coming to the first date, sees, with which mandes they talked all this time, and instantly hesitated from his love. "Dwarf" returns to the offshore network and further behaves according to the first scenario of the end of the novel. Total: Do not believe in the insane love for you, who never seen you. With caution, feel about those who have never seen you.

4. "Sysadmin". "Sisadminov" combines the overall feature: they spend a lot of time at work, sitting behind a computer connected to the network. They get acquainted not from harm - they just need to take time. And among them come across very sociable people who work half of the day, half sleep. The only thing that overshadows the bright image of the sociable "sysadmin" with the best intentions, this is his wife. Civil or legal, no matter. Just "sysadmin" most often married. And also not from harm, but for practical reasons - it is simply not able to cook the dumplings and wash the shirt after changing at work. "Sisadmins", as a rule, is unpretentious creatures, so that feeding and household services from the wife or girlfriend are able to hold them in a marriage state. "Sysadmin" lazy. If you mark in mistress, you should take a course on proof of your uniqueness. Methodically and purposefully convincing the "sysadmina" in the fact that you are perfection itself and just a holiday compared to the one that sinks socks. You pay doubts about his domesticated soul and, most likely, will achieve intimate proximity to him. In his free work and wife, the time, which, I dare to assure you, very little. If you are going to become a wife of "sysadmina", the role will have to choose something completely different - you will need to come to his work, bring it hot lunches, take care of his comfort. It will be worthwhile to reduce the "sysadmina" to his home and show what the order and comfort reigns there.

5. "Martov Cat." Probably, this is the most pleasant category of men seeking dating: "Martov Cat" is honest in his intentions. He for all means a woman needs, and he is looking for her everywhere, where it happens. Agree to a meeting with the "Martov Cat" in the event that your interests in general terms coincide, the information obtained about him is suitable for you, and the time spent on the meeting will not be sorry for you. By the way, if you were not impressed by communication on ICQ: a man did not tell you anything particularly interesting, did not make you a conversation about high or wrote with mistakes, it's not a reason to give up a meeting. Sometimes people do not own written speech and fast print skills sufficiently to write beautifully. But they speak willingly and listen carefully. Although sometimes it's the opposite. Photos should not be trusted: as practice shows, the photo never creates a faithful impression of the appearance of a virtual acquaintance. However, it is advisable to still get a photo before your dating, to be sure that you will not fall into fainting from the appearance of your Uchager. The greatest chances of finding a loved one are among the "cats". He needs a woman, you - a man. And if with such a coincidence of intentions you like each other and offer, then the advice of you and love.

Martha Lviv

Man and virtual world

Most of the representatives of the strong gender when answering the question: "Why a man's virtual flirt?" They answer that they lack real communication. Most of these men would never have agreed to anything that does not adequate sex in real life, taking for a proper virtual novel. By the way, such a flirting can safely start both idle and a married man. This, first of all, is due to the fact that such a form of flirting men do not consider treason, because you can simply turn on the computer and to immerse yourself in the virtual world, forgetting all the adversities and troubles. But despite such statements of men, psychologists are very concerned about this circumstance. According to them, the virtual flirting can absolutely replace strong sex representatives not only live communication, but also the joy of caring love. So, according to statistics, which was carried out in the countries of Western Europe, it turned out a curious pattern that 26% of men in the age category under 30 years are preferred instead of a real flirt and communication with a girl (including sexual contact), virtual communication with flirting elements And even virtual sex. And the situation that pretended in the United States looks more deployed: according to the data, all the same statistics, 65% of men prefer cyberflirt instead of the present.

What gives men a virtual flirt?

Most often, men expect a virtual flirting will bring them just new, funny sensations and impressions. Many men such flirt are beneficial to the fact that he, in essence, do not oblige anything and certainly does not require compulsory continuation and development of relations. A man saves himself from the ordinary and boredom, trying herself in the new amplua of the "seducer from the monitor screen".

By the way, according to all the same psychologists, the virtual flirt is a flirt with himself. A man, not knowing "in Real" his partner, invests its fantasies and expectations that, in his opinion, should be endowed with a real woman. By the way, it is such an image that a woman does not reach in real life, hence the conclusion that representatives of strong sex always idealize their virtual "seduction object". Such a flirting man, as a rule, is trying to tighten as long as possible, manifesting himself in all its glory and the image of a real seducer. A man always takes off the interlocutor "by interests", the right age, appearance, etc. With such a lady, he proves himself that it can achieve a goal and even if his plan suffers Fiasco, a man still does not stop there, for he wants to prove himself that any girl can be interested. Here you have another conclusion - interest and curiosity.

And the last, a man is much easier to communicate with a woman who he does not know "in Real", he can not only flirt with such a woman, but also to discuss pileous themes and even share problems. It's hard to tell a man about what I am tormented by something, looking into the familiar woman, but communication via the Internet is quite another. So sometimes the usual flirting can be the founder that a man wants to arrange a woman to him to just pour her soul. But we still do not advise you to continue such a novel.

Dating via the Internet - one of the coming of our time. How to find a suitable man in the virtual space and recognize who he really is?

As practice shows, men who are constantly acquainted on the Internet can be divided into several categories according to their goals and motivates.

1. "Philosopher"

These are men aged 30-35 years old, married, with, as a rule, one child. Their marriage was bored with his wife's relationship - in the range from the cool to stretched. But they do not intend to divorce - who because of the child, who for material or moral reasons. "Philosophers" are looking for an extension - a girl or a young woman to completely bother her head. "Filosophers", I still called them no wonder: as a rule, they are really smart enough, educated and interesting to attract a free young woman. Relations with them are a rattling mixture of romance, passions, complaints about life and to his wife, praise by the success of a child and teachings - because their life experience is richer in view of the greater the number of years for virtual girls. "Philosopher" will decline its virtual girlfriend to love relationships in reality, if she likes outwardly. Or will not, if it is not so attractive. Usually the "philosophers" of jealous and authoritarian, so that they have a lot of voltage to start mistress. Much more than for an adulter, a girlfriend on the Internet they need as "chewing soul". When it bumps, it will turn out and find a new one, with another taste. Therefore, when recognizing the "philosopher" I advise you to run away from it. Try not to "stick" emotionally into virtual relationships and not meet him. These people, being unhappy themselves, spread unhappy fluids around themselves on everyone around.

2. "Prince"

This is a man of about the same age, but whether or childless, or, regardless of the presence of children, successfully launched his family. It happens that the "Prince" appears on the network and becomes gradually it is regulars, still married. Not wanting to solve family problems, he runs away from them into a beautiful virtual world. Nobody "saws it" there. There reigns the atmosphere of Masquerad, the change of persons, Lichin, Nikov. It can prove all the world its exclusivity and remarks, since the need for recognition from him, and so very high now increases. The wife did not appreciate him, so beautiful - Well, he will receive admiration from dozens of other ladies. Since the dream of a prince lives in the subconscious of every woman who grew up on fairy tales, our hero will soon forget the "fan club", from which he chooses girls for meetings. It behaves, by the way, fabulously generously. And, in general, honest: He will never tell you that you have a single woman, and will try not to flirt in the chat at one hand in the presence of another. These stories, as a rule, end well: "Prince" finally choose a girl from the "fan club", and personal life subsequently overshadows the virtual world for him. So the chance to become his princess is small, but there is if you are best. Or more. But, having gotting a "prince", you should carefully monitor your love wounds, obtained in the difficult business of the coexistence of two people, he did not run heal in the network - there will be a comforter, and the role has already successfully worked out.

3. »Dwarf"

These "guys" are carried out on the network the lion's share is solely for communication. Often they have a very good language, figurative thinking, a subtle sense of humor. In addition, they are amazing in correspondence and unsurpassed masters of virtual novels. And how they play on the nerves! Some resentment, personal requests, jealousy - all binds emotionally, forcing a virtual girlfriend to worry about his feelings. Finding into the sweet trap of emotional dependence, very similar to love, the girl risks his mental balance. Because two things later find out: first, in real life he has a girl. Favorite, and. Then why did he play these games with love? And for the sake of self-affirmation. Here is such a compote. Secondly, it turns out that with our wonderful interlocutor is not all right. Either he suffers to obesity, or the face is covered with eels, or its growth barely reaches one and a half meters. And if it is externally attractive, then things are not much better - it means that he has serious psychological problems. Combines all of these "beauties" what they are complex about something in their appearance or life. Some girl loved him, no matter what. And he protects her, because it is not sure that she loves the other. At the same time, it is completely unable to communicate with girls in places suitable for dating. He is afraid of condemnation, rejection. And in the virtual world, he achieves two goals - love in love for the sake of lifting self-esteem, and at the same time revenge all women who refuse to love in real life. In fact, the novel ends most often one of two options. Either "Dwarf", making sure that the online girlfriend is tied to him and in love, he informs her that their relationship means nothing, because he has a loved one, and then enjoys the effect of the infused wound. Either, which is much less likely, he still decides to take advantage of attachment to him and transfer the relationship to the world real. And there you already behave like an ordinary man who has a wife and mistress. But in this "Dwarfs" defeat: a virtual girlfriend, coming to the first date, sees, with which mandes they talked all this time, and instantly heal from his love. "Dwarf" returns to the network offended and further behaves according to the first scenario of the end of the novel. Total: Do not believe in the insane love for you, who never seen you. With caution, feel about those who have never seen you.

4. "Sysadmin"

"Sisadminov" combines a common feature: they spend a lot of time at work, sitting behind a computer connected to the network. They get acquainted not from harm - they just need to take time. And among them come across very sociable people who work half of the day, half sleep. The only thing that overshadows the bright image of the sociable "sysadmin" with the best intentions, this is his wife. Civil or legal, no matter. Just "sysadmin" is most often married. And also not from harm, but for practical reasons - it is simply not able to cook the dumplings and wash the shirt after changing at work. "Sisadmins", as a rule, are unpretentious creatures, so that feeding and household services from his wife or girlfriend are able to keep them in a marriage state. "Sysadmin" lazy. If you mark in mistress, you should take a course on proof of your uniqueness. Methodically and purposefully convincing the "sysadmina" in the fact that you are perfection and just a holiday compared to the one that socks him. You pay doubts about his domesticated soul and, most likely, will achieve intimate proximity to him. In his free work and wife, the time, which, I dare to assure you, very little. If you are going to become a wife of "sysadmina", the role will have to choose quite another - you will need to come to work, bring it hot lunches, take care of his comfort. It will be worthwhile to drive a "sysadmin" to his home and show what the order and comfort reigns there.

Probably, this is the most pleasant category of men seeking dating: "Martov Cat" is honest in his intentions. He for all means a woman needs, and he is looking for her everywhere, where it happens. Agree to a meeting with the "March cat" stands if your interests in general terms coincide, the information obtained about him is suitable for you, and the time spent on the meeting will not be sorry for you. By the way, if you were not impressed by communication on ICQ: a man did not tell you anything particularly interesting, did not make you a conversation about high or wrote with mistakes, it's not a reason to give up a meeting. Sometimes people do not own written speech and fast print skills sufficiently to write beautifully. But they speak willingly and listen carefully. Although sometimes it's the opposite. Photos should not be trusted: as practice shows, the photo never creates a faithful impression of the appearance of a virtual acquaintance. However, it is advisable to still get a photo before your dating, to be sure that you will not fall into fainting from the appearance of your Uchager. The greatest chances of finding a loved one are among the "cats". He needs a woman, you - a man. And if with such a coincidence of intentions you like each other and offer, then the advice of you and love.

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