Carrying out a wedding cake - we combine tradition with modern fashion. Sweet wedding symphony chord - wedding cake. Who cuts it? Who distributes? What to do with cake: sell or distribute

For the birthday of a man, everything that happens must be devoted only to him. Since men try to establish contact with many people in order to have any connections, then they are usually going to have a lot of acquaintances on their days. Naturally, each of them comes not with empty hands, but with some kind of gift (or). Some do not soar about this and buy the first thing that will come to them, without thinking, whether it is necessary for a man. The only person who is always responsible in choosing a gift is a woman. In the Role, the woman is either a mother, or the second half of the man.

Women are equipping the whole holiday and are responsible for dishes and comfort. And it is they choose a mandatory attribute of every day of birth - a cake. Be a man for 60 years, he will still be sincerely rejoice at this sweet miracle. All because he reminds about careless childhood when the main problem was, eat a coffee ice cream or white. To choose a cake to be approached with a special trepidation. It is very important to know that the man loves, and what is not. For example, many people suffer very much. Men prefer cakes with plenty of cream and oil.

As an additional congratulation for a gift cake fits perfectly. It is inexpensive, it is a gorgeous decoration for the table and everything will eat it. Even those who are on the diet, because this is a men's holiday, and he decides who is on a diet, and who is not. Such sweetness often overshadows the main gifts, so you should not forget about it.

We sincerely want to congratulate
Health, happiness to wish.
Success in life, in beginnings.
Good luck to you in any affairs.

After all, the birthday is a holiday,
And on this day any pamper
Gifts can receive
And three worships to guess.

So ask you at this meeting,
Place all the candles on the cake.
The desire is quietly guess
And the cake is most likely to cut.

I whispered to cooks,
What a cake is right!
So they baked-tried
For three nights they did not cope,
One hundred kilo went flour
Cream, berries, kuragi,
Delivered from supplies
Apples, pears and pineapples,
Money of fresh pot,
Sugar sand bag,
Hazelnut and chocolate
And everything that was necessary.
Worked out the chefs,
Birthday Hurray!

How much anniversaries of years, so much to give guests candies.
In vases, apples lie, the anniversaries of the young.
Petals flew the jubilee on whiskey!
Vodka in a glass puff, the anniversaries congratulations!
Twice twenty-five - guests are happy to wish,
We will be joyful and we will be "Hurray!" shout!
Make a cake as a symbol of perfection,
Hope, joy, bliss!
Cake with 50 candles.
Let not be cleaned by speeches, the wine flows the river,
Follow the candles rather, we are early on peace.

I invite everyone to the cake
And this cake mercy.
Copter coupling over them.
So that you ate, additives wanted.

Let the roads all be smooth
Let you happiness will create comfort
Let all days be yours - sweet
Take up our cake as a gift.
This cake is a magicade,
And desired, with all my heart, good
Gathered bouquet of scarlet roses
White from the Russian birches.
Invited swans to cake,
I stacked love passions.
Inside added sweet dome
And Sirenevo tart fog.
Loyalty to the hand was scattered in the circle
And love brushed separation,
And slept a little in cream
Meetings will be desirable to everyone.

Not empty I came,
Cake with you brought.
To be sweetering
Veleering she flowed!

Well, for dessert for treat
This cake is arranged.
He is made with love. He class.
And these are only cute for you.

Present a modern wedding without a cake is difficult. Big, multi-tiered, decorated with roses, flowers, edible and intolerable figures, ribbons, ordinary and printed on edible paper photos of newlyweds, it is often a real product of confectionery art and decoration of the wedding table. Therefore, it is not surprising that the leaders want to devote to him some words, pay attention to him, turn cut cake into the real ceremony.

In order for the lead to know what words to choose for a "sweet" block, you need to remember the story of the "Sweet Life Symbol", and what kind of he had in last centuries and what symbolized. The ancestor of the modern cake is bread. Bread at the wedding in all nations is a symbol of wealth, well-being, fertility. In some European countries until the XVII century, a cake at the wedding was more like a cupcake and taste, and a form. And on the traditional English wedding in the old days it was customary to serve for the bride and the bride, the whole mountain of small buns. They considered the greater the Mount of Bun, the more children will be in the family, and the more newlyweds will live. Kisses of the in love couple over these buns marked a sweet and sobed family life. And only during the reign of Charles II, thanks to the French boil, wedding buns with filling acquired the right shape of the pyramid. Buns were replaced by profiteroli and the famous Crokenbush cake appeared, which today can often be seen in English and French marriages.

Slavic peoples at weddings instead of buns and cupcakes served a loaf. They decorated with his viburnum, flowers, figures from the dough, in some areas they broke and distributed to guests, and somewhere managed to sell even crumbs for happiness. And only in the XIX century, in Russia at weddings began to decorate tables with multi-tiered cakes covered with icing. Then, like now, most often the icing on the cake was white. But in those distant times it was not at all because the cake is called "Nepusin" and should be like her outfit. Just then the glaze was made of sugar (dyes in the move were not yet) and the color of the glaze was obtained white or cream, but the association with an awning of the bride appeared much later. Time went, new traditions appeared and at some weddings in the twentieth century it became possible to try not only the bride cake, but also a fianc cake. In the US, such a cake is most often served to dinner on the eve of the marriage or on the second wedding day and this is a wonderful reason to "lose weight." Here you can beat the plots from the films ("Star Wars", "Hulk"), sports addiction of the groom or his hobby. Such a cake is excellent will be excellent in the guests and add a little humor to the atmosphere.

Nowadays, confectionery art stepped far ahead and not surprisingly that many newlyweds do not want to present a cake just like the next dish at the wedding table - cutting the wedding cake has long been a real theatrical action with their traditions and customs.

Who makes it and who cuts the cake?

Cake initially can stand in the hall and decorate a wedding celebration. It is best to stand on a separate table. Sometimes the cake is put on the table of newlyweds, this is not the best solution: a high multi-tiered cake closes with some of the guests of young people. In addition, inxicated with love for newlyweds, the guests, uttering congratulations, often stretching towards the young across the table with their arms, with the result that ties, beautiful jackets and elegant dresses are dirty in the cream and stop being beautiful and elegant. A separate table for cake is an excellent solution. But it should be stable and not stand on the road at the guests. Going to the dance floor or on the smoke, the "studdes" from frequent toasms, guests can not keep the balance and spoil the sweet "beauty".

Some leading in their scenario insert a beautiful takeaway of the cake to the music with special Bengal lights, candles and beautiful words. And they offer to make it witnesses, go with a cake along the hall, demonstrating it to all guests. But the witness after all, too, "man walking" and by the end of the evening (and the cake, as a rule, is already cut at the end of the wedding) may not be very "stable". And in general, it is not so easy to end the large cake weighing 5-6 kilograms and is still beautiful and confidently carry it, without spoiling and not dropping. Therefore, it is better to charge this responsible business to waiters. And, if you want to pay attention to the cake of all guests, let the waiters take out the cake or take it under beautiful music, fanfares, the battle of the drums, and you can say words at this time. Someone comes up with poems or looking for them on the Internet, and someone makes eyeliner in prose. But in any case, it is not worth to make a lining too long, go into history, talking about the symbolism of swans, red roses, horseshoes and other decorations made from a cream or mastic, for 20 minutes watching the guests (especially small) saliva flow from Contemplation of the main wedding sweetness. Couples Quarters or several lines are quite enough. The main thing is to convey to guests the idea that the cake symbolizes sweet life, well-being and wealth, and that newlyweds really want to always be just as good and sweet, like a groom with the bride on the wedding day.

"Dear newlyweds!

This cake is not just sweetness.
He made a confectioner for you,
Taking patience, generosity and joy,
He mixed with the mouth all at times.

Kindness he poured a little bit
Faith, humor and laughter put.
Hovering all the magic spoon,
He did not forget love.

Not disappeared in vain staples,
Here he is a sweet beautiful chord.
Everyone will help to fulfill the desire
This fabulous wedding cake. "

After that, the cake must be cut. Typically, it makes newlyweds. The loaf, which can be rightfully considered the ancestor of the modern cake, the newlyweds were broken before (in any case, it was in many villages in Russia) and treated them to their guests. But the cake will not work out, it needs to be cut. If the young are tired or simply want to do this, waiters are engaged in dividing the cake, and the bride and groom just cut off the first piece or several pieces. It all depends on how newlyweds will choose. Write - the upper tier will be removed for their loved ones and will cut the first slice for a sweet auction, and they will want to drive a big piece for their parents and will hand it with them with a bow. And sometimes the leading offering young to cut off two pieces: the bride is trying for the bride, but the bride for the groom. One piece for two symbolizes the unity, the fact that young people will now everything will be common. Charging the same newlyweds cut off two pieces, do not forget to comment: they say, from this day they must take care of each other and try to delight each other even in trifles, and therefore the pieces of cake for their halves should choose and cut the most beautiful.

If the newlyweds decide to deal with the division of the cake and do not want to charge this "sacredness" waiters (by the way, the waiters are not ready to help in cutting the cake, all the matter in the level of the institution), then they will still need assistants. Assigns to the role of witnesses assistants - they will cut the pieces of the cake and treat guests.

We give the cake for free

Very often, the sale of the cake is not welcome and neither auctions, no bridges from money, nor other cash "events" with newlyweds cake are not attracted, but also a simple distribution of pieces seems to be too banal. In this case, offer to guests to arrange a sweet lottery obligations. In turn, every guest's Witnesses are handed a ball, inside these balls there are a papers with wishes to newlyweds or with obligations: "I take my cake and I promise everyone here - to go every day floating floors, cook, nursing children, stroke pants to the groom, pay for a hairdresser's trousers for Brides, carry every year of young on the sea, make repairs in the apartment of the newlyweds and so on. " Moreover, you can first read the obligation, and then cut off a piece of cake. So, for the trip to the sea or the repairs of the newlyweds, you will certainly cut the pieces more.

Sometimes the leading decide to distribute the cake for victory in competitions. But such a procedure can delay, besides, the losers have a chance to stay without sweet. And if the cake receives not only the winners, but also the losers, then what is the meaning of contests then?

The first special piece of cake can be given a wedding weass. They may be the one who will be the first to reach the bride or the bride (or the Tamada, at the same time and advertising will succeed) or the one who will find a leaf attached under the chair with the words "I am lucky!".

Sweet auction or how to make money on the cake

Sale of a wedding cake with auction in many regions - this has long been ingrained tradition, and at some weddings they manage to sell all pieces of cake. Sell \u200b\u200ba cake with auction or not, the newlyweds themselves decide. Perhaps there is nothing terrible in to offer guests to buy the first piece, the biggest and beautiful, from the hands of the newlyweds, without imposing a particular finite amount and starting a bid from one penny. But the mandatory sale of the entire cake somehow suggests: and not too greedy newlyweds? But customers are different and sometimes no power fails to convince them to abandon the planned sale of the entire cake, with this situation at least try not to install rigid prices. Believe me - the auction at which serious amounts are immediately installed for each piece, it causes bewilderment. Let the initial price be up to the funny little, but further everything will depend on the desire and opportunities of the guests. And then come up with the names to each piece (let them differ from each other). For example: "A piece of luck", "a piece of rampant fun", a piece of "hello from stork", "unexpected money", "pleasant acquaintance", "Hurray, soon a wedding!" and so on. We all despite the age, continue to believe in miracles and we are looking for the most magical agent that will help solve us all the problems. And after words: "Slap a piece of cake" Hello from Aista ", if you want to in your house soon began to sound a baby laughter, buy this particular piece of cake," families, unsuccessfully working on the continuation of the kind, for sure they will be interested in this sweet "lot" . Well, a piece of "cheers, a wedding soon!" May cause the same excitement as a bouquet of the bride - the unmarried girl will surely want to acquire it. Present every piece so that you believe. Tell me that in order for the desire to be fulfilled and every cake acquitted its name, a biting piece need to be sure to think about your dream. You can come up with funny names: "There is no extraction from men", "Hero-lover", "Dachnitsa-lucky", "Mother of the Student", etc. It is best to come up with names, relying on the list of guests prepared by the newlyweds. There should be not only names and surnames, hobbies and achievements, but also the problems that someone is worried or which should be avoided when communicating with guests. And how to know, perhaps, pieces of cake will really help someone fulfill their most cherished desires. After all, the main thing is to believe, and miracles really sometimes happen.

With each piece of cake, you can give the buyer also a certificate confirming that the guest acquired the present treasure. Certificates may also testify to the rights that guests acquire together with the cake: the right to be an instructor for the education of kids, on the distribution of finance, according to erotic trainings and so on. So that the auction does not drag on indefinitely, set the rules at the auction. Put the gong and let the Third Hitch Punch shoots the lot from sale. The cake is derived to the guest, which during this time voiced the biggest price. If no one sentences sounded during the three blows, remove a piece of cake from sale and let the newlyweds hand it over (or for a kiss) to the guest to which he fits - they know their guests perfectly.

But the sale of all pieces of cake with titles is possible only at a small wedding. If 70-100-150 people are present on the banquet, this auction will delay until the morning. In addition, come up with the names for 150 pieces of the cake may not be under the power of even the most creative leading. Yes, and suddenly someone from the guests had already spent all the money and he just didn't want to buy a piece of cake, what should he stay without sweet treat? It is possible to solve this question. If for the newlyweds due to traditions (or greed), after all, it is fundamentally selling the entire cake, offer the following option. Tell all guests a story in which, by the way, there are echoes of customs of various regions of our country:

"The wedding is not a fair. But still it can be done for a very small amount of valuable acquisition. From a long time, people have noticed that if they are at the wedding for a piece of punitive or cake, they give the whole trifle that they have in pockets and wallets, they It is necessarily smiling luck. In addition, there is a legend: if you give young silver coins, they will surely invite you to your silver wedding, and if golden - you will be a welcome guest and on their golden wedding. Therefore, dear guests, change your minor money on Slices of cake, bringing good luck.

Give silver and zlatto
To live newlyweds richly.
Give money copper
And you yourself will not be poor.
And there is no little things,
Then throw money paper,
All desires will be important.

And you, newlyweds, take paper money, but put the trifle in the piggy bank. When the mood is not very good, take the piggy bank, make a trifle, remember your wedding and the mood will immediately improve. But whether to store the piggy bank to its golden wedding or not, decide for yourself. And let this ringing "sweet" trifle bring you the same good luck, which magic pieces of the cake will bring all guests. "

Witnesses, distributing the cake, collect money (who will give how much) and at the end all the trifles are poured into a pre-prepared piggy bank.

And you can also use a tray to collect money, but apron with pockets, dressed on witnesses. On the pockets of the inscription "on cosmetics", "on the snack", "on the outfits", "on the journey" ... Guests, not voicing the amount, put money in any pocket and get your cake. The task of the host with this sale of the cake is to warm up the interest of the guests, to boost them, proveing \u200b\u200bfirst that the most important cosmetics are, and after a few minutes saying that it is even more important in the husband that he will spend exclusively for gifts beloved.

The auction of the first piece can be made in several ways: classic (who will give more), the last bills (second option) and the auction with the surrender. With classic everything is clear. The auction of the last bills is also not very difficult. The tray put money for a certain nominal value, for example 100 rubles. The one whose hundred will be the last, takes a piece of cake, and all the money go to the bride and groom. It turns out that all guests just put their hundreds into the piggy bank of the newlyweds, and often not one hundred, and a few, and a special piece of cake gets only one, perhaps the sickness himself, grasing his money until the last minute. In the auction, the main thing is not to get confused. Begins the alert leading from their bills, for example from 1000 rubles. The next participant of the auction puts his money to the tray and takes the money already lying on it. I put 2000, I took 1000. And so until those who wish. You can set a step at auction - 1000 rubles, and you can leave it to choose from guests - let how much they want, so much they are put, be sure to overlap the amount of money already assembled.

Additionally, conducting trading, after each voiced amount to a piece of cake, except good luck, which it will definitely bring, you can add something else that it may interest guests, inciting the excitement and the desire to continue the auction. So you can add to the cake first kisses of newlyweds, then calendar with their photo, champagne with their signatures, invitation card to the sieve wedding.

If newlyweds are against the auction, exchange and "sweet" little things, but do not mind to collect some amount per cake, offer all guests to lay out for young track paper bills. After all, the thing is that young people really want to treat all the guests with a magic, fabulous cake, which stands on the cloud, but they will be able to go to him only on the magic rainbow - a bridge of multicolored money. The bridge may consist of several bands, be long or short. It does not matter what a nominal value will there be money, who, how much will it and whether to put the bills (someone can sit quietly at the table), the main thing is to raise the road faster. Of course, it's good if the table for the cake is decorated in the style of the cloud, but if there is no such possibility, nothing terrible. Tell me that the wider and more beautiful is the bridge, the minor will be a honeymoon with newlyweds, and wishing to participate in construction will be much more - everyone wish you young love and happiness. To make more convenient to build a bridge, you can put a long track from the fabric or linoleum on the floor: the center is white, and the sides are multicolored, like a rainbow. On the white strip guests and will post their money.

A good alternative to auction - sweet money tree. Sweet - because the money on it will "grow up" in exchange for a piece of cake. Again, the amount is not important, the main part. And who from guests will not be paper money, they can instead of "grass" pour a trifle around the tree. But you need to prepare in advance and strengthen the trunk of a tree (several branches interconnected by ribbon and painted white paint) in a beautiful flower pot. To the twigs should be attached to ordinary stationery clips, with the help of which on the tree and will hold money.

Another interesting exchange can be arranged instead of the traditional sale of the cake. We will have to print a comic dollars in advance with a portrait of each guest on one side and a white square on the other. Announce at the wedding that money reform is being held today and you are ready to exchange banknotes on the most favorable terms. All new money every guest can exchange to any real currency, the denomination does not matter. The funds assembled in this way go to the treasury of young, and the guests get a piece of cake in exchange for comic money. In white square, they will have to write a wish to newlyweds and then return them this comic dollar. If all dollars are flashing around the edge, young people will have a real checkbook, and thanks to the portraits it will immediately be clear who wrote.

And you can print portraits of newlyweds on plates (now enough firms that make photo printing on anything) and sell pieces of cake along with a plate. If you have the opportunity to quickly print photos right at the wedding, prepare one-time containers for packaging, put a piece of cake in them, and at the top of attach the overall wedding photo. For such a casket with a piece of sweet life, guests are ready to pay not greeding.

And together with the cake you can sell bonuses, then buying will be more tangible. For example, a piece of sale, to which in addition, there is a promise to feed the guest with a cup with a spoon, and it will have to make it newlyweds themselves. But bonuses can be more material: a bottle of champagne with a portrait of a young, money prize in a sealed envelope, comic prizes - for comic prizes a pod of red pepper, a mirror, wallet, a blade, and so on.

"You, dear, lucky!
Good luck will find you exactly.
Enjoy the cake just needed
How to get the treasure shovel.

And you bite your cake,
And your wallet will get.
And the WMG will enter the wealth of the house,
To remain forever in it.

Fast take your cake, friend,
And only bite you a piece,
The door will open in the world of passion,
Life will be bright, as if with pepper.

Faster take your cake,
You can be your proud.
Believe me, my friend, now continue
You will only go good. "

The values \u200b\u200bof bonuses can be written on cards attached to special spanks, which are stuck in pieces of cake. He paid, took his slicker, read the card, received a bonus. Then no one even thinks to treat the sale of the cake as to louse money. It will be an ordinary cheerful game.

Sometimes the presenters offer guests to wrap money in the napkin and only then put on the tray. It looks such a napkin bunch, perhaps not very attractive, but it gives the opportunity to participate in the purchase of a cake, having transferred even the minimum amount for him, so no one will be in an awkward position.

You can sell the first piece of cake for the smallest coin, which is found in the pockets of guests. If a coin of the same advantage is several people, the winner will be determined by the year of the coin chasing - who will have the oldest one, he won.

With the help of cakes, you can choose the chapter of the family. Whose piece will sell more expensive, a piece of groom or a piece of bride? In such auction, whole teams can be involved in the share, so the pieces should be cut off very large, so that there are enough participants.

And even sometimes from the leading you can hear that the sale of the cake is a vulgar custom, perhaps, should not be treated for this tradition so categorically. Because if you remember that the ancestor of the modern cake was a loaf and in some provinces of the Russian Empire in the villages it was customary not to distribute, but to sell pieces of punitive, "knocking out" from guests to breed the farm, it turns out that it's not such a vulgar "hue" It has this historical custom - to sell a cake. Of course, in cities, they are increasingly trying to imitate modern European wedding traditions, but they also do not forget their national traditions in villages and small towns. And at the expense of vulgarity, everything depends on the lead. In the power of the Tamada to turn the sale of a cake in a fun and interesting game, nothing in common with the impudent overgrowth.

Tamada may ask newlyweds to feed each other with a cake. Sometimes photographers or leaders are asking for youngs a little bit stain with each other with cream, and then they offer to lick this cream in a kiss. Such an action on an amateur - many do not see anything attractive or touching in it. Someone likes jokes when a person is "macked" face in cream, and for others such humor is not impaired and unacceptable. Also with a piece of cake for newlyweds. Pour - yes, lick cream from your beloved at all (even if it is very gentle) - no. The leading remains only to adjust the desires of customers and try to turn any action into a game, a beautiful tradition or show. After the newlyweds feed each other, it is worth saying that from now on the sweetest, honeymoon in the life of young people begins.

The Germans have such a tradition: the head of the house they choose when the cake is cut. The newlyweds are cut to the cake together, with one knife, showing that from now on all the problems they will decide together, together. So you need to see, whose hand will be top, not warning young in advance. And then voice the results.

Sometimes newlyweds want the cake to carry out some costume characters (disguised guests or invited animators). More often than others can be seen next to the crocodile cake Geno and Cheburashka, who came on the birthday of a young family, magic bees, angels, a bird of happiness. But there are other growth dolls. It all depends on costumes, and you can beat any hero. The characters are entrusted not only to accompany a cake in the hall, but also cut it into pieces, depart guests.

In recent years, another chip "Sweet" block appeared - a false cake. It is needed to "organize" emission of adrenaline among guests. Suddenly falling out of the hands of witnesses, friends, fabulous characters or the newlyweds themselves Cake is pretty thoroughly nursing nerves and makes the hearts of all those present in the hall begun. False cake can be made of foamflast and unwinded with real cream, and maybe all of them are real, just inexpensive and decorated with an independently symbolic figurine with alive colors. Following the damaged or fallen cake, of course, the next one. We need such a draw or this is an extra spending of money - to solve newlyweds. Not all leading are ready to offer young entertainment, considering the idea with a false cake completely alien to our traditions. Well, it was not accepted by our people throwing food to the floor, let it even be just a duv. Elder generation, grandparents, who knows the price of bread, such a draw will hardly be understood.

What can I surprise guests? What to cook for the holiday to remember for a long time? Such questions are tormented by every mistress that suits the celebration, whether it is a birthday or a different reason. It is not surprised by standard cakes, so we picked up 13 completely new ideas that will help make a variety to a party and make dessert unforgettable.

Parehomas for real Fastfud lovers. Replace the sweet something most satisfying or even turning the cake from the burgers to the main dish is an outstanding idea. Make sure that the guests will appreciate such a "dessert", and immediately accept the case!

The cake is easy to prepare: it is enough to make the workpiece, and then the problem remains the problem only. To do this, take toothpicks or any other thin rods on which burgers will be kept, combine them together and make a pyramid to their taste!

Another variation of such a cake is burgers created from sweet ingredients. Believe me, such a surprise your guests did not quite expect!

2. Fruit or vegetable cake

In contrast with the previous option, we propose to consider a peculiar cake from berries and fruits or vegetables. Making such a design, of course, is not easy, but the fact that it will strike guests is definitely. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always in demand, so you don't have to guess what to add or remove to please guests. In this case, you can add everything since the eggplants and ending with the fragrant strawberries!

3. Gingerbread house

The fairy tale about Genesel and Gretel will be embodied in reality, if you cook a girding house to the New Year's table. This delicacy is difficult to do, so it is not included in the list of the most popular, and therefore not only please the guests with an unusual taste, but will surprise. Soft dough will be dissolved in the mouth, and the appearance of the house will create a New Year's atmosphere, because it is on Christmas and New Year's Eve and New Year to serve a gingerbread meal to the table!

A more classic version is a cake from gingerbread. Adding such an ingredient will make a real taste "bomb" from the most ordinary dessert.

4. Pyramid from Macaron

The French treats Macaron became extremely popular lately. And this is not surprising - gentle cookies based on almonds with a cream layer will have to taste even the most pressing gourmet. Such sweetness with the taste of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and currants are easy to cook at home, so replacing it the cake even for the most magnificent celebrations - quite relevant idea!

5. Cake from Kake Popov

This dessert is called a small chopstick cake due to the fact that he resembles the cake of standard pies and cakes with its composition and taste. But in the appearance of the treats and do not say that the dough is the same loose and messy. Keik-priests resemble chupa chups, representing small balls, decorated with icing, chocolate or even honey. From Kake-Popov, a charming composition in the form of a cake can be obtained, and due to the variety of tastes, none of the guests will remain without treat.

6. Cake from marmalade or jelly

Consideration for real sweet teeth. For a children's holiday, for example, it is very useful to a cake with a stratum of marmalade or melting in the mouth, decorated with marmalade teddy bear or worms. And the cake made of hard and gentle pasteles with the enclosures of fruit marmalade will not leave a single lover of sweets!

The easiest, but just as delicious option is a jelly cake. The dessert is not too dormitable, and the atmosphere of the holiday will add pictures in the form of flowers or inscriptions, made to order a confectioner or personally with a special confectionery syringe.

7. Marshlelow Cake

The stretching small marshophines became a real hit over the past few years. The cake of them, of course, will be an amateur, but this composition is a fade for the eyes of the hostess. Colored sweets will become a great dessert for a children's holiday, a wedding, or for the company of real sweet bowls, because the cake, composed solely from Marshlow, is very pronounced and will not have to taste.

8. Cake from M & M's and Kitkat

How to make a cake from two ingredients? Easy! If these two ingredients are already self-sufficient products. "Stuffing" for dessert will be Candy M & M's, and a kind of frame - Kitkat chocolate bars or any other chocolates. On the one hand, it is exactly the treat with which you do not need to bother and stand at the slab for a long time. On the other hand, sweets are used in the "cake" that everyone loves, and every guest will be able to take as much as he wants.

9. Cake from Candy Rafaello

This design can be a set of sweets both in the "naked" form and in a packaged form. Such a cake is suitable as a birthday gift or an unusual and causing a look of treats for guests. The undoubted plus cake from sealed candies - to make it can be easily and very quickly, only applying the smelting and feeling of taste. But also decorated with bare candy dessert will not leave a single guest indifferent.

Try to surprise your guests with a cold dessert! It can be a cake made as an assortment with several tastes of a seal, berry, fruit or even cheese ice cream with various additives.

The dessert will also be relevant in the form of a real cake, the layer and the top of which will be completely from ice cream. Unlike habitual treats, this is not so sweet and, moreover, reminds of childhood.

The composition of juicy donuts with vanilla, condensed milk, chocolate or strawberry stuffing will be an excellent replacement of the cake on the holiday. They are easy to prepare, and the variety of tastes will give the opportunity to choose for guests, which, for example, prefer the least sweet and neutral desserts.

Of course, in contrast to the above options, this is not so original, but when looking at it, any guest is charm. Gentle roses made from cream, coupled with air biscuit, create an atmosphere of tenderness on a bachelorette party, wedding or daughter's birthday. And the special ingredients will help make flowers not only from different shades, a and different taste.

Wedding celebration traditionally ends with the treats of all those present by the sweet wedding cake. The roots of this action take began in ancient Rome. During the wedding ceremony, the bridegroom was supposed to break the cake over the bride's head.

The tradition of the ancestors faith is due to the fact that friendly relations are bonding. At this time, it is displayed in the collapse of the bride and groom cake. After that, they treat guests. Often, comic sale of the cake at the wedding is performed, whose script can be viewed in this article.

The tradition of selling a wedding cake, which is cutting newlyweds, takes place in a fun shape through contests or exchange for money. There are several options with which this idea is implemented.

Guests mainly perceive this idea as an additional way to congratulate newlyweds and make a gift to them. This tradition is interpreted as a symbol of well-being, a happy family life has just created a new family. Imagine several deposits and sales of a wedding cake:

  • the first option is classic. In this case, the newlyweds themselves are engaged in sales. A tradition begins with a joint cutting of the cake and choosing the best first piece of themselves. Usually begin with top tier. The bride holds a knife, and the groom sticks the beloved by the hand. His hand easily falls over the hand of the bride. After the first piece, which traditionally remains among the young people, the following is praised with newlyweds and are offered for sale to guests, and the groom in the additive to the cake offers a glass of brandy;
  • the following variant of the process of treating guests with a wedding cake differs from the previous one just the fact that for each piece of newlyweds take not money, but original congratulations. And this is not necessarily verbal congratulations. Guests can give newlyweds dance, song or comic history. There are no special restrictions. The main thing is the fun and active participation of the guests;
  • the following option is carried out by leading or tamada. Often this event passes in the form of auction. All pieces of delicacy become lots. In turn, methods for conducting it are also diverse. Each professional has its secrets, methods and methods that are taken into account in writing the script.

Do not delay the tradition of selling the cake. It is enough to play a few pieces. Very rarely selling the entire cake.

Scenario in verse

It is interesting and fascinating the traditional sale of a wedding cake, if the script is written in verses. It usually happens in a certain order. Begin to cut the cake of newlyweds. This procedure can be accompanied in the following words:

What a wonderful cake for young:

To him bride put the hand,

And for the layer, Jam coped the groom,

Then baked and decorated -

for treating people of others.

The pledge of life is sweet cake is considered from us

We offer young people to cut it now.

So that they have a long-term life

Troubles, do not burn not to know.

Today they were "bitterly" all evening

And somehow life will be sweeten.

A piece of wedding cake

Young we will treat.

The fiance, the bride is gentle,

Life is beautiful and easy.

The second piece of cake is intended for parents.

How fast the time flew

And in the children's wedding we walk,

For sweet moments in life,

Young, parents cake treated.

After the attention is paid to the parents, the auction begins - the sale of the cake to guests.

In surprise, guests are expensive,

Today, our cake asks for a compliment.

All the pieces he will make thin

And the elderly will become young,

Who under the shaf, those make sober

And who is grumbled, he will become a bit kinder.

Lonely couple he will find

Bald mace will gain.

Ah, this miracle cake,

Learn all on a complete mouth.

But the first piece is for young,

For happiness and joy in their lives.

Second piece - love sign

Not just you take him.

Who will pay more for him

He is backed away from love.

Third reward for happiness,

Let all the bad weather go

Any day will come

Quickly buy it.

And the fourth health will bring us

Who will take it, immediately understand everything.

No matter how hard force

We need a male force.

What about the female dream?

We need eternal abrasion!

Fifth piece redeem -

All dreams we embody.

Any task is solved,

If there is luck nearby.

Who will acquire a sixth piece

That is from all over it is lucky.

Seventh give us a student,

After all, the student has no money.

Mostly here you run

And get a piece.

And so that in love is always glowing,

We must have happiness with young wish.

The eighth piece almost the residue -

On big family wealth.

The more payment for it,

The greater will be the young salary.

Take a piece anymore

Young, preparing a deep bag for money.

Ninth slice for life sweet,

To get happiness to the shovel.

There is nothing worthwhile

But the benefits are huge from him.

For sweet days and sweet nights

So that sons and daughters were born.

Kids all wedding cakes waited

But until they gave them.

Rude error we correct

That you are cute not cheerful

And the noses hung their own.

For sweet life and family happiness,

So that the young things have gained bad weather

Let's make money without regret -

For a piece of 100 rubles.

In conclusion, the cake simply distribute. You can call for this using the next poem.

Friends! Relatives! Guests are expensive.

Ears wider, hands above,

Announcement who did not hear.

Come on and run-up

Cake on freebies take away.

We congratulate the young

To live together to the hair of gray.

Scenario in Prose

At this time, whatever wedding, lush and crowded or modest, only with loved ones - ends always treat with a wedding cake. It should be responsible to order the main delicacy for the celebration. It is taken into account the fact that it is served at the end of the event when guests are fed.

What should be the wedding cake:

  • contain little calories. In this case, it will be trying even those who strictly follows their figure;
  • do not contain allergenic substances, dyes, etc.;
  • it is considered a bad tone if the cake is decorated with artificial elements;
  • the cake shape is chosen by newlyweds, based on their own preferences.

Not all newlyweds adhere to the opinions that the wedding cake should be sold.

Whatever it was, but the first piece, cut off the bride and groom, always beats.

Let us provide several options for the auction of the first piece:

  • classic. For the first piece of cake, the price of money is exhibited and trading are declared. Give a cake to those who will pay more;
  • the following option is called the "last money" auction. Newlyweds pass with the first piece on the tray among guests. Those who wish are put on a tray of bills of one nominal. Who will put the last bill, and the delicacy will come!
  • Auction with refund. But in this case, the newlyweds or leads may be confused. Bargaining begins with its own bills. For example, 1000 rubles are put on the tray. The task of the next participant is to put a large amount on a tray, and take the previous money to pick up, as passing. The game continues to the last willing. The auction can be carried out by agreeing on the accomplished amount in advance.
  • During trading, in addition to the amount paid, guests voiced their wishes to newlyweds or other conditions that should be comic. Then the trading procedure will be fun and exciting. Also, the first piece, as followed, is assigned a certain significance - "For happiness", "for prosperity" and so on. To motivate guests, together with a piece, you can give another prize: certificate, calendars with photos of newlyweds, a bottle of champagne, on which the signatures of newlyweds. Such tricks can be thought of quite a lot;
  • thematic sale of the cake. This procedure is carried out in the case when young does not recognize the usual bargaining, but the desire to get a certain amount remains. Then you can come up with a breathtaking story. For example, a wedding cake is on a beautiful cloud. The bride and the bride really want to treat all the sweet works of art. But there is no possibility to get to the cloud. Although from each situation there is an output. In this case, the rainbow will help. As it is known to be multicolored. Build such a rainbow for young can be from color cash bills.

What sizes to build a rainbow is solved in each case individually, depending on the activity of guests and their capabilities.

In this video, you will be told how you can conduct auction for the sale of a wedding cake:

Do not require guests impossible. Otherwise, the cheerful game risks turning into an obsessive event, and guests will not have too good impressions.

The tradition, initiated in ancient times, gradually turns into a means of obtaining additional funds at the wedding. Is it necessary to do this? Maybe it's better to simply cut a solemnly wedding cake and sincerely treat your loved ones and guests?

The script is suitable for both male and female anniversary, the original idea with a symbolic "ignition" is taken as a basis in honor of the jubilee of various candles: "Friendship", "Love", "fatherhood", etc. And each invented its gaming, lyrical or entertainment point.

Holiday arranged by universal scenario anniversary "We light the candles for congratulatory speeches"it will definitely deliver the joy to the culprit or the culprit of the celebration, because he will all penetrate attention and a warm attitude towards them, and, for sure, will like all guests, because it will be soulful and cheerful. This is especially good for the holiday in a close company and it can be organized on its own.

For the organization of the holiday, it is necessary to stock poster with a drawn real-day cake with unemployed candles, paper or cardboard lights for candles, which can be easily attached to a poster, for example, using double-sided tape. You will also need a poster with a table for a drinking game, cards for, bagel on a ribbon and, of course, a good mood and desire to deliver joy to the birthday man. If desired. You can show fantasy and come up with a sign of a sign picture to each candle: "Domik", "Rainbow", "heart", and the like.(Thanks for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scenario of the East E.)

Congratulations on the anniversary from relatives and loved ones.

(output leading, instrumental lyrical music sounds quietly)

Lead: A person is a happy and rich creature, because on his life, he meets so much joyful, so many friends are able to decorate his life. And love? Beautiful and long-awaited feeling for every man and women! What is the love of maternal and parent. And what is important on a duty of life to meet like-minded people - friends, colleagues and just pleasant people who share our views on life with us. It is such people who surround you, dear (-and I) birthday boy (s)! All of them came to your holiday to share this joy!

First toast

It's time to proclaim our first toast,

The toast will be expected and, in general, even simple:

We wish the anniversaries (-sh)fun until the morning

And let's start, of course, we are friendly: "Hurray !!!"

(banquet pause)

At this point, the picture of the birthday cake with unemployed candles is made under applause.

Leading: Dear friends, we all have to "light" candles for our congratulatory speeches on this wonderful cake and then he will "come to life" as a sign that our feast has become a real holiday. But we will not just be lit candles, each of them will be your gift Birthday (s) - gift of spiritual heat, hot heart and faithful friendship. And right now I will burn the first of the candles, let's call it "candle of heartiness." (The presenter attaches with a velcro or double-sided tape to one of the candles cut red lights, as if Ignoring it)It means that all those gathered today in this cozy Hall of sincere and from all our hearts wish a birthday boy (s) Good and happiness.

(banquet pause)

Leading:It's time for the second candle on our cake, it symbolizes the house in which our parents will always be important to us. What happiness, when our mom and dad can share joy with us, even when you yourself are not so few years old. However, only with age you begin to acutely to understand what it is when you have parents, live and healthy! So I'm on behalf of the birthday (s)please raise the glasses for NN and NN! Be healthy! Be always proud that you managed to raise such a wonderful son. (daughter)!

Toast for parents.

The melody of the song "Parental House" sounds, the presenter attaches "Spark" to the second candle.

The word parents of the jubilee (-h)

(small break)

Leading:Life is doubly becomes beautiful when it has a place of love when your beloved or beloved can go with you hand in hand. Then all your smiles become brighter, eyes burn warmth and the heart is ready to give their joy to the whole world! So now we celebrate the spouse (spouse) of our culprit (s) The celebrations with whom they did together a big way, but still they are interested in each other, their hearts are knocking in unison.

On the hand shines from the day of the wedding of the finish,

And in the chest does not go out the love light.

Let tenderness never be the end

And in unison is knocking on love hearts!

The leading "lights up" the third candle. The melody "These eyes opposite" sounds - the spouses are dancing a slow dance.

(dance break)

Leading:The time of the fourth candle came. It is called "Candle of Childhood and Fatherhood (Maternity)" This is important for our birthday. (s) the topic of congratulations, because he (she is) Great father (mother),with which it hurts, when it hurts his child and who has a soul from his little and big success and achievements. All this is perfectly known to the culprit. (s) Our celebration, so this candle should burn especially brightly.

Song freestyle song "Happy Birthday, Mom" \u200b\u200bfor the jubilee or Griboedov, Drigina "Anniversary" - for a man-birthman. The presenter attaches another "light"

Congratulations to children.

(banquet pause)

Leading:Call me your friend and I will tell you who you are - it is said fairly! We will give the floor to the friends of the Jubilee, so that they told about their friend or colleague, and we would pretend that he is outside the family circle. And the first NN will perform, who knows the birthday age from the two-year-old age.

Song sounds Pugacheva "One hundred friends"

(musical pause)

Comic coronation ceremony in anniversary.

Leading:Five candles are already burning - signs of sincere affection for the birthday girl (s) All who are present in this room. But let us add special reverence and respect for these candles, as if you were king (queen) Nice state by name NN. In this case, we would have to write about your ODU, but we are not minesters! We would follow in your honor sculpture, but we are not cerepes. In your honor, we could compose Cantatat, but God did not give us a talent. Therefore, we just give our love and warmth of our hearts. Today you are in fact the king (queen)! We wish you to keep all the qualities for which you are so expensive for us! And let your honor utter such a toast.

Today, here and in the present hour

I will bring the crown for you!

Let the king (queen)rules fairly

And our holiday will be beautiful -

Brilliant Royal Ball

Today I gathered all friends!

Under friendly ovations

Let's proceed to coronation!

Fanfare sounds - the crown is entered into the hall and the anniversarier is solemnly awarded (-sh) - the presenter attaches light to another candle.

Pouring game on the anniversary "Surprise Birthday"

Leading: Dear guests, our festive cake is increasingly blooming from excellent symbolic candles, but the picture will not be complete without burning candles of wealth. But that the keys to the treasures and surprises for the jubilee (-h)get, you will have to show miracles of intelligence - to decipher one word.

Suppose from compliments a head is spinning.

And the main treasures are good words,

But it does not hurt and slight entertainment:

Forward to unfortunate, to secrets, adventure!

(A large table with an encrypted word is put in the hall, for example, "surprise". Each letter is covered with a removable sign (as in the "field of miracles"). The presenter sets questions, the first answer letter and will be one of the letters "CIFRA". Preferably to let the letters Opened not in order).


An important part of any feast. By its presence or absence, the degree of preparedness of the hostess is determined. It happens that her name is hot, but sometimes it is quite possible to do and cold (The correct answer "snack" - the letter "s" opens.

It can start, but sometimes it is twisted, there are cases that they are called babies of male ("Roman" - the letter "R", the second in a row)

The most mild place in the whole house, which can serve as a punishment for those who shame, and pleasure for those who are older ("Bed" - "P")

There are a lot of countries in the world, but for some reason the whole year most of us dreams and seeks exactly where palm trees, hot sand, but in the air there are anticipation of love impressions! (The correct answer "South" - "Yu")

You can live without them, but with them more fun, and they are rhymes with the word "adventure" ("Entertainment" - "R", the first in the word "surprise")

Without this, you can also live, but it makes a person cleaner, better, helps him to rise above himself ("Art" - "and")

What a feeling makes a man here, he allows him to not forget, then around him the same people, like he, with the same fears, with the same love for loved ones, her jubilee with prosper ("Conscience" - "C")

Leading:Hooray, friends, you won and were able to open an encrypted word, which turned out to be quite a suitable case: surprise! Make a surprise!

Surprise will be a beautiful glass filled with champagne. It is allowed in a circle, and the presenter explains that every guest, holding a glass in his hand, should utter his wish. When champagne returned to the birthday girl (-et), the leading says that he has noticeably sick, it means that the culprit (s) of the celebration really gathered the invaluable treasure harvest - a lot of positive energy, the reserve of which is enough for the jubilee (-sh) for a long time.


Let the birthday girl drink champagne to come true all the wishes!

The presenter lights another candle.

The overall "rainbow wish" of the jubilee.

Leading:It is said that the rainbow brings good luck to birthdays, so I propose before you light a candle of good luck and success, arrange in honor of the birthday room (s)general Rainbow Congratulations.

(As the basis of this entertainment for the anniversary of a woman, you can take the crurch with the balls "There are 18 years old in life!" - Watch and from this"Proposals will be a lot!".

After "Rainbow Wish" - the host lights the following candle


Happy and lovers sow sings,

And, it seems, in their music lives.

And so that we continue congratulations

We will arrange in honor (name) performance!

Let me continue our wonderful evening to all the game, since the main subject of the game will be music and love, then couples are invited to participate: five ladies and five cavaliers.

Game on the anniversary "Love Music"

Men and women will make two opposing teams. They will also have to choose two young people who will become "amours". On the neck of the Amurov put on five paper hearts on ribbons so that the hearts easily shot from the Amur.

Each team also gets a pair of paper wings on ribps. Wings should also be as made so that it is easy to remove and wear.

The task of players: Hooking a couple of wings on their sinful hands, each player depicts the flight of the bumbler in love. Flying to the finish, the participant removes the heart of Amur Heart, puts him on himself and flies back to the start. There, at the start, wings are changed at the next team member, and the same route is done. We defeat those who will quickly remove all the hearts from Amur. But this is just the first stage of the game "Slaves of Love".

Second Stage: Cutting hearts, each player turns it over and read the name, stacked on the heart. By the signal, each participant must find a couple of principle: a dehchochka is looking for a prince elves, Hans - Gretel, Masha - his bear, Tatiana - Onegin, Pugacheva - Galkina.

Third stage. As a result of the second round, we have formed a couple. Now they have a new task - the ladies give out three satin ribbons, which they tie themselves to one of the legs, imitating garters. The task of the cavaliers - on the signal of the lead tooth, remove all three garters. The most reasonable to fix three winners. They are awarded the orders of the "Scarlet Garter".

Leading: is known that this famous Order established the English king in honor of the ladies of his heart. Just once there was such a case with him: In the rustling of passion, the king threw his teeth to the garter of his chosen, and since then the most glorious Kingdom knights dreamed of this order! They did not know that in our circles they had such influential and flue competitors. But that is not all! I declare the fourth round! And only one couple will come out of it the winner. Thread will be the pairs that bet or confuse. Let's call this tour "Stunning Cocktail". Listen carefully: when I say "champagne" - the ladies hug a cavalier, saying "whiskey" - Cavalers take the ladies. I say "Wine" - the ladies kiss men in the cheek, "vodka" - kissing already holders of their ladies, but must be in the neck! As you understand, I will pronounce the names of drinks as quickly as possible so that our cocktail is well stunned.

If necessary, you can create a jury that will make sure that the execution is correct. So, only one man and one woman who is granted to light the "musical candle" in honor (name). Then include a wonderful waltz and under his sounds the winners are circling in dance.

(dance break)

Leading:Hurrah! It's time to light the following candle! What do you think she will symbolize themselves? Yes, yes, with her help we remember, perhaps the most golden time in the life of each of us - childhood. And it's time to play with the birthday name (- Tycho)!

Competition for the jubilee "on foot under the table"

The lead you will need two assistants who will keep the tape stretched among themselves. She depict the table. The presenter says that a year the table was our birthday (s) Above the head (The jubilee is quietly held under the high ribbon). But the host continues, this is that in three years he has already had to bend a little bit. So the game continues to any years, the main thing is that the ribbon is lowered and the birthday room will not be forced to creep on all fours.

Leading:Yes, of course, only coffee tables are so low. Let's reward the anniversary with applause and let's drink again for such low tables to have ever met in his life.

(Under the merry music "Candle of Childhood" is lit).


In childhood, the parent woman is surrounded by

It protects us from trouble, and we believe in fairy tales.

We believe that the world is full of magical beauty,

And that everyone must come true!

And no matter how many years old, the child always lives in us and we want to happen in the life of miracles, and in the world there was fairy tales, we never stop building plans and dream. To be lit on our cake candle "Dream Performance", I suggest with the culprit (-A) Celebrations to plunge into the atmosphere of the children's zador and fairy tales.

The fairy tale is an expression "festive cake."

("Festive cake" and other anniversary fairy tales can be viewed

After everyone came up, a toast for the fulfillment of dreams and the secret desires of the birthday girl (-tsy) and "litigation" of another candle on an improvised cake.

Cheerful kissing game for the jubilee.

Leading:And now I suggest returning to those times when the perpetrator (s)our celebration was about eighteen. What was it during the time? The time of the first love, walking under the moon and the time of kisses! Then ON. (she is) Could kiss how much time and in any conditions. To ignite the candle of youth - the anniversarier and his wife will have to go through a small test and show us that they did not lose their former dust and skill. And to emphasize the sweetness of their kisses will help us sweet bagels! (bring off a bagel, through which the silk tape is extended).

We are eighteen today

Need to kiss -

Fuck your girlfriend,

Do you like friend a friend.

Through a sweet ram

Kiss backup.

(Kiss through a bagel).

Time is nearing dinner,

To win the victory

You wonder your wife

Kiss times three

Through a bagel fragrant,

Appetizing and pleasant.

(Kiss through a bagel three times).

Look, in the yard sunset,

Like ripe grapes,

Breaks like in a fairy tale

Kisses asking for a bunch.

Only, Chur, not distracted -

Right in the dance kissing! (Kiss through the ram, not forgetting to dance).

Toast for love, music and "litigation" of a new candle.

Remove of the anniversary cake with candles.

In the hall P.the light rides, the leading lights all the candles already at the present cake, and guests are Bengal lights. At this point, they include the song entry "until the light is fading while the candle burns," and everyone is going around the jubilee (-sh).

Lead: Let me say a few words about fate! Today you are executed ___ years old who will say a lot this or not enough? A older person will say that this is the most gold and young time, a woman's man is afraid of this age. Because any age is only a moment. Yes No age at all! It is only important how you feel. This is well-being in a broad sense of the word. Of course go. They go back like candles. But after all, other candles are lit - new acquaintances occur, different events, children and grandchildren are born. They are our relatives and friends, illuminate life. And no storm will be able to pay off the candle "Love", a candle "Maternity / paternity", a candle "Childhood" and all the rest, which we lit with you today!

Does all candles go out in ___?
Did it lose heart in ___?
No, life and raging, and boils,
The heart is not sleeping big, not sleeping.
Your candle like a star Golden -
Shines and warms, does not cool down.
Your candle, as a heat source,
As a ray of light, gentle and light!

The birthday name is invited to make a desire and blew candles.

Song sounds "We wish you happiness to you" - Guests make a beautiful dance around the culprit (s) of the celebration.