How beautiful is the scarf around the neck. How to tie a scarf around your neck in different ways? A fun way to tie a scarf with tails up

How beautiful it is to tie a scarf around your neck - let's learn from French women. 15 stylish looks

Tying a scarf around your neck is a real art that every woman would like to master. Not everyone knows how to tie a scarf around your neck, but you can use it to transform your style, making it feminine or relaxed. To vary the looks, you can purchase several shawls of different sizes, colors, from different fabrics, then an amazing palette of styles will open in front of you, bringing you closer to an exquisite lady or a fashionable rebel who knows how to emphasize her individuality.

To decorate the neck, it is better to choose either a beautiful silk or chiffon medium-sized scarf about fifty by fifty centimeters, so that the tips do not go down much below the neckline. For the summer, lighter fabrics and frivolous colors are suitable; for autumn and winter, you can dwell on accessories of noble colors. Solid dark shawls with strict or subtle prints are perfect for the office. Plaid, floral pattern, ethnic prints - the choice of young girls for summer and everyday wear.

How to tie a scarf around your neck: French knot

For this style, both small and medium-sized scarves are suitable. Fold it diagonally, then twist it into a ribbon, hiding the corner. "Hug" the neck from the front, cross the scarf at the back, then pull the ends forward and tie into a knot at the side.

If the scarf is made of thick fabric, tie it more loosely, if it is thin, you can tie it more tightly. In the first case, such a scarf can be worn along with tight-fitting clothing for women with a thin graceful neck. A bright large scarf tied at the side in this way creates a subtle sound of the retro style of the fifties.

Low knot

For this method, you will need a large scarf about seventy to eighty centimeters on one side. Fold it diagonally, hiding the corner, make a narrow ribbon. Start behind the neck, cross, then release the ends again forward and tie a knot at chest level. The tips can go even lower.

This method of tying a scarf around the neck serves as an adornment for minimalistic outfits with a tightly closed neck. It is easy to wear it on a turtleneck or a strict jumper, and it is also easy for them to decorate a white shirt, transforming a laconic office style. If the dress code allows or you dress up for the exit, you can place a bead or pendant in the gap between the knot and the neck.

A triangle for all occasions

One of the simplest ways and one of the most popular among young people is a scarf in the shape of a triangle that covers the neckline. Take a scarf, fold it diagonally, wrap the ends around the neck, cross and let it out. If the scarf is small, you can tie a knot by hiding it under the triangle on the neck, if it is large, the ends can be pulled out, placing it on the chest. The second option is suitable for a more relaxed style.

You can wear such a scarf with almost anything. In summer, you can tie it over a T-shirt or T-shirt, choosing a lightweight fabric, combining with cropped jeans, Doc Martens boots, and cowboy-style ankle boots. A thick silk scarf and an accessory with the addition of wool are perfect to close the throat in the cold season in a jacket or coat with a V-neck. The restrained color of the scarf allows it to decorate an office business suit - it can be worn either on a shirt, or on a T-shirt or turtleneck.

Business style

This method serves to decorate strict sets, and the scarf can be very bright - this will not allow it to disturb the harmony of the laconic image of a real professional. Take a small silk scarf in a rich color (red, blue, green) and fold it into an even ribbon. Bring it behind the neck from the front, carefully cross it, trying not to crush it, release it forward, then gently fix it, but rather not tying it, but folding it. You should have a stylish, elegant tie that extends from the neck in a straight rectangle. Hide the ends under a shirt or jacket.

With ring or brooch

You can decorate your neck with a scarf using an additional accessory - rings or brooches, which not only fix the fabric in the right place, but also add flavor to the style.

Choose a medium-sized silk or wool shawl with a bold print. Fold it diagonally, place it on your shoulders in the traditional corner at the back, fold the ends on your chest. Secure the ends with a decorative pin or brooch in the middle. You can also take a ring and pass both ends through it, releasing the fabric in a bow.

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A scarf is an indispensable accessory in autumn and winter, as it protects from cold and wind, creates a feeling of comfort and coziness. But do not forget that this element of clothing can complement and decorate the image of a modern lady. We will share with you the secrets of how to tie a scarf around your neck beautifully, with what and how best to wear it.

The scarf was created before our era in ancient China, its main purpose at that time - protection from cold and wind. Over the course of several millennia, this accessory has been improved and today it is not only a “shelter” from bad weather, but also a fashionable addition to an outfit. Long, short, lush, thin, dense, colored and monochromatic - a wide range of accessories is revealed to women. Which one should you choose? It depends on the clothes on which the scarf will be worn and, in fact, the individual preferences of the woman.

Choosing a scarf is halfway through, it is important to tie it correctly and beautifully so that it matches the outfit and emphasizes its beauty. In some cases, this accessory can even replace jewelry, emphasize the femininity and grace of a lady.

There are many ways how you can simply tie a scarf, each woman will select options that suit her. Agree, the female image will become much more interesting and harmonious, and the lady will look elegant and fashionable, if supplemented with bright, stylish scarves.

Better ways

Let's take a look at the different ways to tie this gorgeous accessory so you can look stylish and tasteful every day.

If you have not yet mastered the technique of tying scarves, then it's time to start learning, you can easily knit your favorite scarf or.

Method number 1

Tying a scarf with this method will be very quick, in just a few minutes you will "revive" your usual image. So let's get started.

Method number 2

Among the many ways to tie a scarf, this one is the most original; the kind of knotted accessory will definitely attract the attention of others.

Method number 3

If you want to learn how to tie scarves beautifully, pay attention to the master class below. A couple of minutes of working with an accessory and you will look stunning.

Method number 4

Anyone can beautifully tie a scarf, you just have to try a little. Our photo instruction will demonstrate step by step how to do it for a beginner.

  1. Fold the scarf in half and, as in the previous methods, place it around the neck.
  2. Pass both ends through the loop.
  3. Pull back the eyelet to form a figure eight.
  4. Thread the ends into the loop that is formed. Such an elegant accessory can be worn over a jacket. The thinner the scarf, the prettier it will look.

Another option: twist the scarf into a flagellum, wrap it around the neck and tie the long end over the short one, as in the photo:

Create a fashionable look: a scarf with a coat, as well as other outerwear

Not everyone knows how to tie a scarf on a coat, and what material to choose an accessory from. We will share with you the secrets, women can look mysterious and attractive even in cold weather.

With a coat

If your outerwear is made of a solid material, then the scarf will become an elegant decoration of your attire, successfully emphasizing the beauty of the figure.

The easiest way to tie a scarf over a collarless coat is undeniably comfortable. But you can fix the accessory with your favorite brooch, one of the options is just to tie a stole beautifully.

For a coat with a collar, choose today's trendy snood, it can be knitted by yourself. Our photo selection will tell you how beautiful it is to tie a scarf on a coat.

If you do not know how to tie a scarf collar on a coat, then choose simple techniques - tunic, stole and hood. Having mastered them, you will look bright and fashionable.

These photos will tell you how to tie a scarf on a coat, choose several options for yourself, be new, original every day.

Remember: The denser the fabric of outerwear, the more voluminous the scarf should be.

With jacket

A scarf on a jacket can be tied in different ways (basic, snood, necklace, and also a twist), each of them is original. Any woman will be able to reveal her mood in this accessory. With chiffon scarves, you accentuate femininity.

With a sports jacket, you can wear stoles, snoods, as well as warm knitted scarves. They will perfectly complement sports attire, bring some novelty. An openwork accessory will make your look romantic.

If you are looking for a scarf for a hooded jacket, a collar or snood is best. How to tie a scarf like this? It's very simple, there are no particular difficulties in this. If desired, tie a warm accessory, exquisite patterns will make you stand out, emphasize your individual style.

With a fur coat

As for the color or print, it depends on your preferences, choose the color scheme that suits you best. But you should not be too zealous with an abundance of colors, the image may look too bright.

Let's tie a stole

Today, the stole is a fashionable thing that women use instead of their usual cardigan or even a coat.

Checkered stoles are very popular now, geometric patterns and floral prints are at the peak of popularity. Fashionable looks with such an accessory can be created in spring, summer or autumn.

Asymmetrical options over the shoulder are suitable for women who like to experiment and stand out from the crowd. Even a classic dress with a stole will look bright and new.

Tying a stole can also be varied. In addition to classical techniques, the “under belt” method is used, it looks very harmonious on the dress.

Jeans and shorts are also paired with this trendy accessory. Checkered patterns, as well as ornaments organically fit into the image of a stylish lady. Plus, you don't have to be too sophisticated with how to tie it. It is enough to throw a stole over your shoulders, fix it with a brooch or a belt - the fashionable outfit is ready, you will definitely not freeze in it in the fall.

Take note that a fine fabric stole can serve as a vest or bolero, choose patterned or monochromatic accessories, they will successfully highlight the beauty of your outfit. Even a simple dress with an original bolero will look very beautiful.

The video below will help every lady learn how to tie a stole in various ways. Each of the techniques described is not at all difficult. As you can see, the same accessory can be used in different ways. Do not be afraid to experiment, turn fashion trends into reality. You can always look fashionable, bright and stylish.

10 most popular ways to tie a stole

  1. Fold the stole into a triangle and tie it around the neck.
  2. First, you need to fold the accessory in half and roll it up, now it can be placed around the neck.
  3. Do the same as in the second method, throw one end back.
  4. Tie the stole into a knot, fix it around the neck.
  5. Fold the stole diagonally over your shoulders.
  6. Fix the accessory thrown over your shoulders at the waist with a belt.
  7. Tie the ends of the stole into two knots and put it around your neck.
  8. Wrap the scarf folded in half around the neck, make a knot, straighten the folds.
  9. Do everything that is described in method 2, fold in half, throw over the shoulders, thread the ends into the loop.
  10. Tie the twisted stole around the neck, straighten the folds, thread each end into a loop and turn it inside out.
How beautiful and simple it is to tie a scarf with a stole from our selection with a photo. Discover elegance in simplicity, create your unrivaled look.

Video bonus: several original ways to tie a stole, scarf, scarf

Video tutorials will reveal the secrets of tying scarves, scarves, and stoles, watch and learn.

A modern woman cannot afford to stop following fashion trends. She is in an unbridled quest to create a sophisticated and stylish look in order to always look elegant. What could be better than a scarf around your neck? Just a shawl or scarf tied nicely. To do this, you need to know how to skillfully tie a scarf around your neck. Therefore, we decided to present several of the most fashionable options, emphasized by the necessary photos.

Before answering the question of how to tie a scarf around your neck beautifully, let's plunge into history. For the first time, the headscarf appeared on the neck of the King of France Louis XIV. This was his next whim. In the days of the nobility, such an attribute indicated that the owner belonged to the upper class. Surprisingly, only men wore it.

Soon, a scarf beautifully tied around the neck fell to the soul of French fashionistas so much that the ladies not only took away the male tradition, but also found many different ways of tying it. In a short time, all of Europe was "drowned in neckerchiefs."

We skillfully tie a scarf around the neck

They say that there are 333 ways to tie a scarf around your neck beautifully. We will not confirm or deny either. We decided to offer you the most sophisticated options that exist and answer the question of how to tie a scarf around a woman's neck or a scarf to make it beautiful.

This option will look great with any neckline. To obtain such a knot, you must do the following with a scarf.

  1. Take the scarf by its opposite corners and start folding on both sides at the same time, sequentially heading towards the center of the product, so as to get an even strip five centimeters wide. This step is called "folding the scarf along its axis."
  2. Now wrap it around your neck, crossing the ends first at the back, which will eventually need to be pulled forward.
  3. Make sure both ends are straight.
  4. Tie a single knot in the center of the structure.
  5. Then slide it to the side a little to give the figure a flirtatiousness and only now tie a second knot, but this time a double one. It remains only to gently straighten the ends.

We hope that the photo provided will help you quickly understand the tying technology. Otherwise, a video will always help out.

If you like this method, but want to wear a blouse with a collar, the knot should be exactly in the middle.

The material for creating scarves that beautifully lie on a woman's neck is most often chintz, silk, cotton or wool. A variety of shapes, colors and patterns open up a truly limitless field for the embodiment of the brightest fantasies. Therefore, we present such tying methods that allow you to choose the most suitable product for both taste and mood.

This knot will be a bright pearl in a duet with a blouse with a collar and / or plunging neckline.

  1. Fold the product along its axis, grabbing its opposite ends and starting to fold one by one towards the center until a certain strip five centimeters wide is created.
  2. Now take the folded scarf by the opposite ends and place it around your neck so that one end is longer than the other.
  3. Cross both ends so that the long one is on top.
  4. Pull the long part into the loop between the scarf and the collar of the blouse, then pull it tight.
  5. Taking the product by the same end, pass it under the short part, pulling out the long one on the other side, stretching it horizontally to the knot.
  6. Now pull both ends back and tie a double knot.
  7. It remains to carefully align the knot in the middle so that it is directly under the chin.

So we learned how to beautifully tie a scarf around the neck in two ways. However, even a small scarf can be tied in the same way. There are other ways to tie these products.

To tie a certain product around your neck with this knot, you must take into account that it goes well with any neckline, but it does not look very nice if you tie it around your neck and wear a blouse with a high collar.

  1. Take a scarf or scarf by their opposite ends and start folding alternately on both sides, gradually moving towards the center. As a result, you will reach the center, having received a strip, five centimeters wide.
  2. Taking the product by the opposite ends, place it around the neck, making sure that one side is longer than the other.
  3. Now place the short section under the long one and loop it into the loop.
  4. Then, alternately, wrap each side around the entire product, moving from the center to the back of the head.
  5. Carefully correct the ugly protruding ends by laying them in a circle. This method is clearly shown in the photo.

Nowadays, the presence of such items on the neck looks very beautiful. Moreover, they are completely inexpensive.

These effective decorations will enrich any toilet and accentuate almost every style. The main thing is that there are a lot of them, not only in the wardrobe, but also on the neck, they changed quite often.

This knot will ennoble any neck, but the main thing is that it is combined with clothes. To do this, it must have a boat-shaped cutout. Otherwise, a collared blouse will do.

  1. Take a handkerchief or scarf by the opposite ends and start folding alternately on both sides, gradually moving towards the center. As a result, you will reach the center, having received a strip, five centimeters wide.
  2. Place the garment around your neck so that one end is longer than the other, and cross them. Then wrap the long side around the short one.
  3. Pass the long end over the short end.
  4. Pull the long end into the loop formed between the scarf and the collar.
  5. Holding the front of the knot with your finger, pull the long side through the loop.
  6. Finish the composition by pulling down the long end. Place the knot obtained in this way strictly in the center.

The attached photo will help to tie this knot. Nevertheless, the whole process can be viewed in more detail in the video. In any case, this knot will ennoble not only the neck, but also the entire selected ensemble.

Both a scarf and a scarf can be worn at any time of the year. The main thing is to know how to tie them correctly.

After all, they not only have to protect the neck in cold weather, but also look original on it. Today it is no longer enough to tie any of the proposed products around the neck. It is necessary to learn how to correctly place the required accents, fill your image with a new one, revive and transform completely, using meaning and a sense of tact.

To round off such a pleasant topic, we want to teach you how to tie a scarf or scarf with a cowboy knot correctly, which will look great with both a blouse with a deep cut and a jacket.

  1. Fold the scarf or scarf diagonally into a triangle.
  2. Lay it around the neck so that there is a wide knot in the front. Cross the two ends behind it.
  3. Make sure the hanging sides are equal.
  4. Taking them in hand, tie a double knot in front.
  5. Place the resulting knot in the middle, and tuck the corner of the scarf under the collar.

At any age, a woman should remain beautiful and stylish. To complement your look, add a zest to it and hide flaws on the neckline, you need to know a couple of ideas on how to tie a scarf around your neck beautifully.

Types and forms of scarves

Any accessory should match the style of your look. For example, you cannot put on a scarf with skulls on a classic office suit and also, in the boho style, a strict accessory with stripes will look inappropriate. To choose the right woman's scarf, you need to be guided by the following basics:

  1. If you wear an accessory as an addition to a strict dress code, then you need to use soft and calm shades. It can be gray, beige, blue, white, pink;
  2. For a bright, immediate image, you need to choose a similar scarf. For example, models with unusual prints are in fashion now. These are mustaches, eyes, animalistic patterns (images of plants, animals, birds);
  3. If the outfit is not official, but simply restrained, say, casual style, then you can wear a bright accessory that contrasts with the rest of the clothes. For example, a red scarf with roses is suitable for a denim jacket and a white T-shirt, and a colorful model for a simple casual dress.

Also we must not forget about the form this accessory. Now in online stores you can find any variations: square, triangular, rectangular and even irregular. Remember, they each have their own tying methods. The triangular one cannot be wrapped around the neck several times, but you can put it under a thin blouse, the square one is not used to create large and intricate knots, and the rectangular one can be quite voluminous and inappropriate in certain cases.

Shawl over clothes

Very often, the everyday look requires bright elements, they allow you to dilute even the most boring image. To do this, you can beautifully tie a scarf over a jacket or jacket. You can simply throw a colorful attribute over your shoulders and tie it with two knots in the front. Depending on the density of the accessory's fabric, this will not only make the look stylish, but also warm in cold weather.

The famous looks stylish italian knot... This method is spied on by men, with its help they tie small scarves, like, for example, George Clooney or Antonio Banderas. Fold the scarf in half, and again, until you have a strip. Wrap it around your neck, put one end under the other, as if forming a loop. Pass the ends through it and straighten them, they need to be tucked under the clothes, leaving only the wide part visible. This style was very popular in the 50s.

It looks like butterfly knot, but you need to use special scarves for it. It is necessary to put the accessory around the neck so that two ends protrude in front. They are twisted and tied together. After that, the resulting tourniquet is fixed with a finger and the scarf is twisted over it again.

You can also tie it nicely a scarf on a jacket covering the neck. To do this, fold the accessory along diagonal lines to form a triangle (if the model is square), or a strip (if rectangular). Then turn the accessory over and fold it again, but in half, and again in half. You need a strip to come out that can be wrapped around your neck like a necklace. The scarf must be twisted around the collar of the jacket, and the loose ends must be lightly tied on the side - for asymmetry. Release the ends from under the collar and straighten them.

Similarly, you can tie a scarf or shawl around the coat or neck with a bow... Only in this case, wrap the attribute around the collar once, and simply twist the loose ends into a bow. Then you get a more romantic look, suitable for a date or a walk. By the way, if you tie the bow several times, you get a rose knot.

Stylish looks beautiful under a coat or closed dress american or cowboy knot... This is a very simple way to cover your neck. You need to take a square scarf and fold it diagonally to make an isosceles triangle. We put the sharp end of the figure on the chest, and translate the ends behind the neck. If the length of the accessory allows, then you need to tie the scarf twice around the neck, if not, then only once. Use a simple crossover knot, then tuck the ends under a scarf or scarf. This is a great way to hide the neckline, if necessary, or to emphasize the sensuality of the image (when paired with a revealing dress).

You can tie under an open dress square knot scarf on the neck. This will cover the shoulders and accentuate the femininity. Note: This knot will require a long accessory that can cover the shoulders. Fold the square scarf in half, as in the previous version, but now the sharp end should be at the back. For the tie, uneven sizes will be used, one tip will be longer and the other shorter. At the short end, we start a long one and throw it over from above. A loop is formed into which you need to draw a long tip. In this case, the loop can be made in advance at the short end. A square knot should form. We tighten it and straighten it until a flat plane is obtained.

In the same way, you can throw on a warm woolen shawl. It will warm and give the image a drop of comfort, which is so lacking in winter and autumn.
Video: ideas on how to tie a scarf

Use of buttons, rings and buckles

Nowadays fashion dictates the use of many different accessories in the image. It can be rings, bracelets, chains. Scarves have not spared this trend either, and various additional elements are increasingly being attached to them. For example, you can tie a scarf around the neck with a ring as in the photo. To do this, you need to roll up the scarf to get a triangle and pass its ends through the ring. We recommend using the double fastening, like on bras, then you can adjust the height of the knot.

Master class on how to tie a scarf with a button

To decorate the neckline area beautifully, to emphasize the graceful lines of the neck, elegantly wrapping around it - all this is at the mercy of the popular accessory. Which one? It's about scarves. The variety of textures and colors allows you to choose an accessory for almost any look.

Various techniques for tying a scarf will help to make an attractive piece of clothing an interesting and original addition.

How beautiful to tie a scarf around your neck - square knot

Form a strip about 5 cm wide from a stole. To do this, wrap 2 opposite ends inward. Place the resulting strip on the neck so that its ends are asymmetrical. Next, tie a single knot, placing the long end of the scarf over the short one. Bring the long end over the short and pass through the resulting loop. Straighten the knot, and gently turn the remaining loose ends back and tie up there.

Laconic braiding works best with medium hair length. A classic shirt that opens up the neckline with 2 top buttons is the perfect complement to a scarf.

How beautiful to tie a scarf around your neck - flower knot

Fold the striped scarf. Throw it around your neck and intertwine the loose ends, forming a sufficiently tight bundle. Lay it in a spiral, "snail". Then thread the ponytails through the spiral and either hide or form "leaves" of the resulting flower. The ends of the scarf can be intertwined along the entire length, or you can leave loose tails, beautifully straightening them in the conclusion.

This technique will give an interesting addition to a romantic look. To bring it to life, you can use both completely "weightless" (gas) shawls, and materials of denser textures.

How beautiful to tie a scarf around your neck - knot-tourniquet

Roll the stole so that you get a 5 cm strip. Place it around the neck, leaving free ends of different lengths. Form a single knot by placing the short end on top. Flick the right tail to the right side with the snake, and the left tail to the left. Thus, you smoothly braid the base clamp. After finishing weaving, carefully hide the ends.

Weaving technique will give a universal blank for any open cut. The exception is the high collar.

How beautiful to tie a scarf around your neck - cowboy knot

Direct the opposite ends of the scarf towards each other (diagonally). Place the resulting triangle on your chest, and cross the tails and align the back. They must be the same length. Bring the loose ends forward and tie with a double knot.

The cowboy knot is a welcome guest for all deep cleavages.

How beautiful to tie a scarf around your neck - accordion

There are several variations of this node. Here is some of them.

  • Fold the scarf with an accordion along one of its sides. Place the folds around your neck and tie a tight knot. Spread the loose ends.
  • Fold the stole in such a way as to give it the shape of a ribbon. Fold it in half and weave the ends tightly. Thus, you get a cord-bundle, which has a loop on one side (at the bend). Place the cord around the neck - on one side there is a loop (A), on the other - intertwined loose tails (B). Take end B, form a small kink and send it to loop (A). Spread the remaining ends nicely.
  • Fold a scarf that is not too wide in half, forming a scarf of medium width. Tie a not too tight knot at one end of it. Fold the other end with an accordion along the entire "free" length. Send the resulting folds to a free knot and straighten the composition.

It is easy to tie a relaxed accordion, and the effect of its soft folds is simply amazing.

How beautiful to tie a scarf around your neck - French knot

Fold the opposite ends of the scarf diagonally, forming a tape about 5 cm wide.Place the strip with the ends of equal length back, and then wrap them around the neck and bring them forward. Tie a single knot and slide it slightly to one side.

This technique is ideal for small to medium sized shawls. Depending on the density of the material, the knot can be looser or, on the contrary, rather tight. The weave works well with a neckline of almost any depth.

How beautiful to tie a scarf around your neck - a whim knot

Fold the stole, forming a not too wide ribbon out of it. Place the strip loosely around your neck, and send the ends back. You should have a soft arc in front of you. Cross the ponytails from behind and point them forward. Flip the arc so that an eight forms. Direct the ends into the resulting loop. One is from above, the second is from below.

A knot designed in this way will soften a strict golf course or complement a deep neckline.